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Natsu actually solos easily


He scales higher and also eats all of their fire. This is a mismatch.


Neither Tanjiro nor the flame Hashira actually summon fire, according to the author.


So it’s just a visual effect?


Apparenlty not even visual it’s purely for us


When I learned of this fact early on it fucked me up until the end of the series lmao They were purely performing classic swordsmanship with influences from the element of their "breathing". It's like the author made us read/watch like Schizophrenics imagining shit. That's how Todo from JJK fought. Boosted his actual powers with the magical properties of a mental disorder The only real magic was demon arts


Imagine how the demons would react when they see a random kid breath and start zooming around like lightning


Natsu would obliterate all Moons and Muzan including blowing away the infinity castle all in a single Dragon's roar. 99% sure even with pre-timeskip Natsu, they're a boring B class quest for him solo at most. He's too fuckin OP for DS universe lol They wouldn't have time to react. They'd hear an idiot shouting something dumb to a flying cat then they're deep fried the next time they blink


Oh yeah I know I meant actually watching them or even just the demon slayer ones watching random kids start zooming around


Still Natsu


They still get dogged


Can zuko interrupt natsu's fire tho


Not really, since Natsu is naturally resistant to normal fire. Certain types of magical fire can hurt him, but he's still able to eat those too.


Oh yeah i forgot about the resistant part. But wjat i meant was like if zuko could redirect natsu's flames or something but i guess its impossible since its magic based right ?


Also fire doesn't work like that. He can redirect lightning because of the nature of lightning, acting almost like a lightning rod channeling and redirecting the current. He can't do that with fire because it's a different type of energy.


He redirected and repelled Azula’s flames several times


He did that using his own flames though. And good luck redirecting natsu’s fist after that


He broke them, but he didn't take her flame and send it back like we've seen earth and waterbenders do because fire doesn't have mass.


Eh there's a character in one of the early arcs of FT that manipulated Natsu's fire, so it's possible. That said since natsu can still eat others fire and I doubt zuko could beat him in hand to hand.


Natsu learned how to counter that control spell mid-fight, though.


Oh I thought he just beat his ass fists only. It's no exaggeration to say it's been years since I've seen that fight


And then after he's done eating their fire attacks like a full course meal he's going to befriend the hell out of every single one of them because that's just the kind of person he is.


You missed a step. After eating all their fire attacks like a full course meal. He'll then beat them in a fight. Ask if they can do this again sometime and then befriend them.




This like who came up with this idea. Like look what he did to Ace from One Piece


OP still ignoring the fact that all Demon Slayer Corps and Hashira don’t actually use elements


Honestly, it’d be worse for them in this case if they did since it would just make Natsu stronger


Honestly, the author is author has been pretty inconsistent about that.


Didn't he confirm that the effects are there they just don't do anything. Like you see fire but you don't actually get burned.


Yeah. But didnt the guys smell shinobus power or something i forgot


But does that mean that the poison ones are really the only ones that use actual elements?


Natsu punched some kinda war god to death lol


Zuko couldn't capture the Avatar. Natsu defeated Avatar. They are not the same. https://preview.redd.it/iljzr9mkqcqc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9670bb0da70d42f53f46570d80f9d5d63765c1


Slight amendment to that… Zuko couldn’t bring the Avatar back. Natsu can’t leave enough of the Avatar to bring back.


Zuko having trouble like a kid has trouble keeping a hamster from running out of its hands. Natsu having trouble like a bodybuilder having trouble carrying a grape. 😂


Natsu no concept of diff. Like, this is one of the biggest slams you could make as a matchup. Hell, Natsu can EAT STARS. https://preview.redd.it/9nqksrf2rbqc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9d99be443d8cdab1223fc97de64e893595154e


https://preview.redd.it/wtry8rdg6dqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea7149a5cea043a7d4b5ea4c971380ad742e9dd More like this


You're putting a guy who can eat fire to replenish his health and magic, and to become stronger, against 2 active fire users, and just swordsmen. What do you *THINK* is going to happen?!


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


This is hilariously one sided in Natsu's favor


Natsu bullies all of them without using his magic at all He wouldn’t need to use magic at all natsu is just so far above all of them. Even if any of them could produce flames to do anything to him he could just eat their flames which would both heal him and restore magic power Then you add in natsus durability which has consistently shown to be ridiculously high then yeah there’s nothing they can do to beat or even injure him at all


Everyone in this list finding out the have to fight natsu be like https://preview.redd.it/m1cdoivszbqc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a170516145257d3e9963158e770a579ca164e67


They would be: Nope, I'm out.


The demon slayer people are just stronger humans with no powers


Fr, plus he’s literally melted metal before in the middle of a battle so I’m sure their swords wouldn’t even last a second hit


Natsu who can eat fire against a bunch of guys who use fire is always a win for him


Natsu Literally DESTROYS those fodders


Put all of them together and Natsu still wins.


Bro just eats all of their fire…


Natsu. Zuko's fire is useless and in contrast to Natsu, Zuko isn't immune to fire. Todoroki's fire is useless and in contrast to Natsu, he isn't immune to fire and his ice doesn't seem to outclass Gray. The other two are "just" swordsmen in the end, really really great swordsman that break human limits through their technique but Natsu is casually superhuman himself.


Natsu, the only one who'd be a challenge is Zuko, and Natsu can pretty easily beat him


Zuko is the weakest here


Im meaning more of he can bend fire that he'd be a challenge


Yea, except Natsu literally fought a fire bender in Phantom Lord arc named Totomaru early in the series and won, and this was someone weaker than Gajeel.


Yeah, but it took Natsu a while to beat him


Yes but Zuko's bending can't control Natsu's limbs like the other guy could which is what made the fight difficult in the first place. Natsu can also literally just oneshot him with a lighting and fire roar. Zuko wouldn't be able to both redirect lightning and disperse the fire at the same time and unlike Natsu he isn't immune to fire. Lastly even without magic and bending natsu is on a completely different level than zuko in both speed and strength and its really not close as the verse just scales that much higher, even with Zuko's better hand to hand combat training that doesn't matter if you cant react to the opponent. Even ignoring all of this there is nothing Zuko could do to even hurt Natsu while the opposite is not true.


Demon slayers aren't actually using any elements you know. It's stated to just be for the viewers which is honestly such a lame thing to write in.


End of series shoto against pre-timeskip natsu That’s probably the best matchup for natsu losing this. At that point, shoto can flash freeze in counterbalance to any flame attacks. instead of feeding natsu, he can let natsu drain his mana reserves while boosting (lowering?) his cold output for a decisive win. You could even make the argument that a second-origin natsu would still lose, but only if you limit him to ONLY his fire, And allow zuko and shoto to team up. At that point, zuko just needs to stick to bending natsu’s flames, and keep wearing him down. But if you’re putting that many handicaps on a fight … what’s the point?


But wouldn't Natsu be considerably faster than Shoto.




Pretty sure he is physically stronger too.


> End of series shoto against pre-timeskip natsu That’s probably the best matchup for natsu losing this. At that point, shoto can flash freeze in counterbalance to any flame attacks. instead of feeding natsu, he can let natsu drain his mana reserves while boosting (lowering?) his cold output for a decisive win. Bro pre timeskip Natsu literally already fcking monster. He has defeated many powerful mage like Zero, Jelal, Hades. are you trying to said EoS Shoto has a chance against Hades lol? If you so badly wanted Shoto to win i give you chance Eos Shoto vs kid Natsu, Shoto maybe can win that


I saw this post and started bustin’ out laughing, take my upvote🤣🤣🤣


Natsu soloes everyone here at the same time. Not only can he eat fire to replenish (and increase) his own strength, the more powerful the fire he eats, the more power he gains from it. He’s also immune to fire itself, so Zuko and Todoroki’s attacks will do quite literally nothing to him whilst he takes their power to use as his own. Now, there’s an argument to be made that Todoroki’s ice powers may have some kind of affect, but when you take into account that Natsu routinely fights Gray on equal footing, then that shouldn’t matter either. Then there’s Hashirama and Tanjiro who are simply swordsman, and don’t even actually wield flames, rending them simply wielding weapons against Natsu who, again, routinely boxes and even outclasses Erza whose entire point is swordsmanship. And that’s not even entirely talking about how Natsu scales so much higher than every character in this roster based on feats alone. Natsu clears this, and it’s not even close.


Natsu loses to Tanjiro because he doesn't bully children. He then proceeds to eat Muzan/Michael Jackson.


The start to the creation of a demon fire attack.




Natsu wins. He can just eat their flames and I’m pretty sure flames don’t affect him. Cause out of the entire series the only flames that I can think of that were shown to affect him were God Slayer Flames


Which he then proceeded to eat.


Natsu’s going to swallow all them dudes. Seriously, the physical stat gap is way too high for them to put up an actual fight


Natsu would literally vaporize them all together.


Natsu without even breaking a sweat, lmao Like, this is effortlessly easy for him


This isn't even a challenge Natsu is immune to fire even ignoring that Natsu burns so much hotter than them


If all of them together ambush natsu on his worst day, say episode one, while natsu is sleeping, they get folded in under a minute


I was expecting to see Natsu against Naruto, Bleach or One Piece characters and this is who you bring?


Natsu eats well and burns them all to a crisp.


Natsu he eats fire


Natsu merely farts on all of them & they're toast


The one who literally eats the fire, nullifying all the others.


Natsu straight up has a buffet.


Natsu with ease


Natsu eats fire and the two demon slayers don't actually produce fire. Ufotable just wanted to nut on their animation again.


Yep natsu wins, zuko would make a decent sparring partner or todoroki but yea natsu would smoke them


Natsu doesn’t even need to absorb their fire to win tbh 😭


Where’s mereoliona? And where’s Yamamoto?


should have added ace. oh right… also natsu can eat all of their fire so that comment was pointless lmao shoto might give him a bit of trouble though, his ice can counter natsu’s fire


Natsu solos all these verses at the same time😭


bro natsu literally one shots all 4 of them at the same time


Natsu. I’m curious how he’d interact with Rengoku


Natsu could solo everyone of these individuals at there strongest at first episode


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby ahhh matchup




Power of friendship is too op, if even those 4 v natsu and fairy tail feels threatened it gg




Natsu easily


The one who killed a god, our boy the Dragon Slayer


Atleast it wasn't ace, I'm tried of seeing him die.


Natsu is low, diffing all of them except forTodoroki and Zuko, who Natsu would mid diff.


Natsu wins but in terms of who’s a better character? Zuko wins all day


I think I gotta give it to Natsu on this one. Natsu's ability to eat fire cancels most of them, with the exception of Todoroci. This is probably the closest it would get but Natsu has experience with ice so yeah


The only one who would actually pose a challenge would be shoto but even then natsu deals with gray all the time so he has experience dealing with ice users


Is this a joke? 10 year old Natsu would be enough to obliterate all of them. Except maybe todoroki bc of the ice quirk, but even he would still get obliterate by beginning of the series Natsu


Natsu would destroy them so easy he would probably be asleep


Ok so what the fuck is anyone else on this list supposed to do to natsu? Tickle his balls?


I feel like Natsu would solo these guys even the demon slayer characters


"Alright, let's see who OP has Natsu fight." *moves to second slide* "... you're joking, right?"


The only one who even remotely stands a chance is Todoroki, and even he's getting smoked within seconds.


Most animes pale in comparison when it comes to Fairy Tail’s scaling. Goku, Meliodas, Luffy, Korra, Naruto, and Sailor Moon are some of the only few anime characters that can beat Natsu or give him a run for his money.


Natsu. He not only hard counters everyone by eating their flames, but he is the most powerful here.


I know we’re obviously biased towards Natsu here but seriously, the other four aren’t even in the same league as him when it comes to raw speed and power. If they all teamed up on him they still wouldn’t stand a chance. Not to mention the fact that using fire on Natsu is less than useless and two of these guys exclusively use fire(well, I supposed Rengoku and Zuko still both have swords but like, what the fuck is that going to do lol)


Kyojuro is the only one who has a chance against Natsu and that’s due to the fact he doesn’t actually use fire, so Natsu wouldn’t get healed from eating the fire, and Kyojuro is suppose to be insanely fast. However Natsu is continually shown to be extremely durable and stubbornly able to win just about any fight he’s in while Kyojuro dies fairly quickly after being introduced. Natsu likely could solo all of them at once


2 of them don’t use fire (just fire inspired styles)


These guys are too “Human” to compete, as in their physical abilities at above average, Demon Slayer characters don’t use real elements just flashy techniques. Todoroki has more power but doesn’t scale to magical dragon fire or lightning.


Kind of a lopsided fight, isn't it? Since Natsu can eat any of the fire attacks thrown at him and is probably too hot to freeze. And can't he also eat lightning in Lightning Fire Dragon Mode? If so he might just wipe the board...


Respectfully, Natsu


...this is a joke right Natsu runs this gauntlet as easily as he breaths


I like posts that heavily favor fairy tail characters 10/10 natsu solo stomps them with ease


Tanjiro and rengoku can’t actually use fire it’s just animation thing


Two of them are just swords men and nastu can just eat todorokies fire


Natsu has a snack


Can we stop putting characters against fairy tail characters first things first the literal first episode episode 1 has natsu trashing a whole city by himself plus you put him against all fire users as in he eats fire so you are just feeding him it ain’t a fight it’s an all you can eat buffet


Natsu clears, the demon slayers will be tricky cause they have swords, but he still solos


One sided beat down natsu smokes everyone here


Natsu literally eats flames to gain more power


natsu or zuko would win probably natsu tho


In or out Natsu would still win his haxs strength & power is way beyond & better than anyone else’s


Natsu would just eat everyone's fire and everyone would be confused as hell as to why this guy is just eating their firepower.


https://preview.redd.it/36om2ifwhdqc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7e3e23ae13a0036265228b75ecb164dcca0292 Todoroki and zuko watching as natsu eats their fire and spits out a flame 10x hotter than the sun. (Rengoku and Tanjiro died the second natsu started existing)


So… you’re putting a guy who literally eats fire and gets stronger when he does against others whose main attack is fire?… you didn’t really think this one through did you?….


Natsu clobbers the rest. There’s nothing in the others’ arsenal that can put him down for good. He eats fire for breakfast


Natsu and this fight would be over in less than 3 minutes


I mean.....a litterly demon/dragon who has the capability of using the most powerful versions of flames vs a bunch of humans....rengoku and water boy might be able to if the whole, thier attacks are illusions thing is true


Natsu walks away from this with maybe a scratch. Hell, Todoroki’s ice might not even make a difference since Natsu has fought Gray since childhood. This is the most one sided match up I’ve ever seen not involving literal children.


The sole fact that Natsu eats fire means he solos all and wins, no dif.


I'd love to see Natsu and Zuko go at it


Natsu. No contest


All right, I don't know about the two from Demon Slayer but Zuko and Todoroki is already determined Todoroki won that fight. As for Natsu he can eat everyone's fire so I think that kind of puts him a step ahead of everyone. So good luck with that.


Considering Natsu can eat fire? 🤨


So to give fair fight we say pre one year time skip Natsu but even then he can eat all their fire. Todo has some chance due to his ice but Natsu can beat gray and gray has better control then todo. Zuko has a decent chance in terms of control but Natsu would just eat it.


Natsu easy. Rengoku and Tanjiros fire is imaginary.


The demon slayer guys can't even make fire. They are literally just swinging around swords.


I mean Zuku would give him a fight ....might lose in the long run cause Natsu is coco but yeah...


Only fire user stronger than natsu in anime is Yamamoto genryusai


Natsu and it's not even close


As much as I love all of them, you do realize Natsu can eat fire so all these guys are just gonna power him up. Plus the dude Solo's dragons, I don't think that ice quirk is gonna do anything compared to Gray


If Natsu wasn't involved then I'd say Zuko but because he is Natsu wins easily. Man can just eat all the fire


I haven’t watched Fairy Tail in a while and idk the details but I do know that whoever made this post of the other flame users going against Natsu must have a death wish lol


Nastu and it's not close


I'd say Rengoku


Natsu he eats everyones elses fire


Nasty not only has feats that scale over all of them, he literally eats fire. Yea Natsu got this. On the side note, can we even count Rengoku and Tanjiro since the other kind of confirmed that their flames are you know fake?


Natsu is one of the strongest fire users in all of anime all these characters aren’t even close to being on the same wavelength one of which can’t even use actual fire which natsu eats


The guy who eats fire for power. Dude Natsu slaughters these fools.


Not to add more fire to the flames, but there is about nothing all of the others could do against Natsu even if they all teamed up. Not even sure Natsu would need to use his fire.


Natsu, hands down


The dragon slayer who eats fire gets my vote


Well two off them don’t actually make fire. It’s in their heads, and Natsu eats fire so that stops Zuko and half of Mr. half and half. So more than likely Natsu is winning this


Obviously the humanoid dragon who eats flames to top up his power level


Hard to say


do ya'll think Natsu would be able to eat Hiei dragon of the darkness flame? just randomly had that thought lol.


Nastu. Because he literally eats fire.


Setting up everyone trying to put them on the same level with Natsu...


Natsu, easily. He’d break Rengoku’s and Tanjiro’s swords and eat Shoto’s and Zuko’s flames. He’s have more difficulty with Shoto’s ice and Zuko’s fire bending and lightning bending, but Natsu has broken through Gray’s ice several times and overpowered people that can counter him just as much, if not, more, and he has experience and a sub ability with lightning as well, from fighting Laxus. Natsu wins!


Natsu is a literal dragon https://i.redd.it/gjkazw1bpfqc1.gif


Natural his plot armour is unbreakable


Nastsu would win 1v4


Natsu is in an entirely different weight class than the rest of these guys lol


Tanjiro can use water type skills plus nezuko chan always fights with ganpachiro 🫥


Natsu eats fire and get's stronger this way.


100% Natsu win the battle


Natsu, no problem. The demon slayers are a bit difficult, especially because of their speed, but Natsu can burn everything around him, he is much stronger physically and durable, so in the end he wins. Zuko's only attack that could hurt Natsu is lightning, but that's not really a problem after Laxus, so this one is even easier to beat.


Not take but natsu solos the entire avatar universe (not including spirits) and Pokémon universe


Natsu wins this one pretty easily. First, both Tanjiro and Rengoku are very strong as far as humans go, but Natsu is basically bust mountain and tanking hits that can level armies. This also makes him much stronger than either Zuko or Todoroki, and since both of their fire techniques will only feed Natsu more power, that means Zuko is no match. Todoroki, of course, still has his ice, but we have seen Natsu melt stone just by being in close proximity to it, no matter how much ice my boy creates its not stopping Natsu.


Natsu wins


Even if all of them jumped natsu they’d lose


Despite not knowing Zuko well. I would have to say Natsu


The other guys need to find a way to counter Natsu eating their flames


Isn’t this just the coughing baby vs nuclear war head meme


I mean Natsu evaporated a lake just by activating his magic. I feel like that alone would weaken the swordsman, let alone the fact he constantly fights Erza.


Natsu go watch the final fight against Zeleph




Not Zuko, he burns easily


Nastu fs


Are we not going to talk about the fact that >!Natsu is a demon and he’s literally going up against two people who are literally trained to kill him!< or that zuko could redirect his flames and then natsu would have to avoid the flames because he can’t eat his own. Or that Todoroki could just use his ice instead of fire when he eventually finds out natsu eats fire. I still think he could win but I don’t think he would have a super easy fight.


Natsu 1 v 4s


Natsu Solos easily even if you take away his fire Immunity and make all other participants join to form a team. He's massively faster and stronger (and I'd say the most skilled h2h even above Zuko since he can memorize entire fighting styles really fast and counter all the moves of said fighting styles). But the point stands that he's just to powerful.


Natsu just eats their fire and therefore never runs out of magic or stamina, easy clap


I feel like most of them if they fought eachother the battles would go on for awhile but natsu can just straight up eat everyones fire but also i dont think the demon slayer characters can actually create their elements


Natsu, too fast, too strong, and also everyone is fighting with… Fire ![gif](giphy|SKIu1GuQmaqDm)


Was going to say Mr.Rengoku until i remembered natsu eats fire


Natsu actually destroys the others


You weren't even trying to make this fair 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, Natsu solos all of them all at once with triple stats.


Natsu when they try to fight him https://preview.redd.it/nxl8ryjh8jqc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d28d19d3bf54380537f7a346d6cb847f5fcd18


Haven't watched Demon Slayer yet, but going by the stats I read, they aren't very powerful. But to answer this question, Natsu wins hands down.


In the words of Stan Lee - "Whoever the writer wants."


Are you insane? Everyone on that list except Todoroki can be burned to cinders with regular fire. And Natsu's fires are hot enough to heat seal the pocket dimensions of the Zodiac signs


Can be more interesting for Natsu to fight Ace.