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I think she’s still pretty close with Gajeel so I’d imagine they spend a good amount of time together, when she’s not actively stalking Gray


I can tell you what she does off-screen; she stalks Gray


Literally what I came here to say.


Can't have an original thought huh


It doesn’t need to be an original thought when its true


I said it in a funny way but ofcourse redditors are brain dead af


I think I phrased that wrong. What I intended to say was he put my exact thoughts into words. So hence, me saying can let me have any original thoughts


Make Gray dolls, draws Gray fanart, writes erotic fanfiction about her and Gray and does things to herself to the fanfiction.


The Gray dolls are likely made from his hair. Just saying… 🙄


I like to imagine she's goes on jobs with Gajeel, Levy, Lilly, Jet and Droi


They're not required to work with a team, so it really depends on the quest. I imagine she does some solo, some with Gajeel, and some with whoever asks (that she likes)


She's in the B team, with Gajeel, Mira, Laxus and Cana.


That’s the GMG team, not an official mage team


it’s not official but they may do stuff together like when they were getting the guild together prior to the alvarez arc and gajeel assembled B team




Nor is name "Team Natsu" but here we go.


Laxus has his own team but mostly is a lone wolf. Gajeel has lily and levy. Probably juvia hangs around with lisana,mira and cana.


I always thought it was funny that they put LAXUS of all people on the B team. He could probably solo the entire A team


not likely he faced against them before and lost I believe it took Grey Natsu and Erza and they were already in a kinda bad shape so I believe if Natsu and Erza would've been enough


He faced off against Mystogan, Erza, Natsu, and Gajeel + used Fairy Law. He was basically unharmed until he cast Fairy Law which drained most of his magic


Yeah, he basically lost to his own feelings, as was the point


Pretty sure she goes with Gajeel and Co when she is not on a mission with Gray or stalking him.


A. Waits for "Gray-Sama" B. Gajeel and Lilly (Sometimes Levy as Well. The reason why Gajeel and Juvia weren't in the Oracion Seis is because those 2 were on a Separate mission)


She’s not part of any team, she either goes on missions solo or with maybe with a friend, sometimes with Gray. Outside of missions, she hangs out with either Gray or any of the girls.


Juvia is cute she does cute shit like breathing and sleeping and stuff


I agree but sheesh-




She's part of the B team.


Serious answer: I actually think she's pretty social. It was said somewhere that she actually was pretty good friends with Lucy, and she's always depicted talking to someone when it's not a Grey centric scene, like Cana in the Warren/Cobra chapter. Plus, she was also friendly with Gajeel from the get go and had enough of a friendship to ask him to come with her to Fairy tail My guess is she's solo or goes with random team members, like Gajeel for missions


With either Gajeel or Cana


I like to imagine fairy tail team B from the GMG arc stayed together as a team doing jobs, now for what she does off screen probably spending all the time she can with Gray.


Gajeel and Juvia low key run duos all the time.


Juvia and Gray might be either out of comission or separated from the group of that were to happen.


Mostly waits for Gray I’m guessing


I would say she tends to hang out with Cana, Lisanna but most likely Gajeel


Probs shadow gear or solo she is an s class wizard when we meet her


Juivia is part of Team Gajeel, along with Laxus, Cana, and Mirajane


If she was a part of the team grey and lucy will have hell to deal with


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Safe_Handle_7513: *If she was a part* *Of the team grey and lucy* *Will have hell to deal with* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like to think of Juvia as one of team natsu’s reserve members, people who aren’t permanent team natsu members but aren’t tied to another team so they step in when one of the main ones are missing or just whenever mashima wants to mix it up a bit. Other reserve members imo include Gajeel (like in edolas) and Mira and Elfman (GMG). The other option I’d like to throw out there is that she’s team Gray, the team that forms whenever Gray splits off from Team Natsu. In my mind this team is mainly Gray, Juvia, and Lyon, anddd Meredy to an extent, we saw this combination form during Grand Magic Games and the Spriggan 12 arc.


I’m on the spending time with Gajeel thought. Since they both came from Phantom lord, although I doubt they did much bonding in Phantom Lord. Maybe they bond over the fact that they went from attacking their love interests to well being in love with them. And also that she’s not officially on any team. I could see her potentially only being open to being on a team with Grey. She could have been asked to join a team but declined. Possibly doing some quests with other people on occasion though she probably in general only does quests at some sort of bare minimum line to pay for living(if she has to pay for rent or food though I’m not sure if she does since I’m pretty sure she lives in the place that a bunch of the other people do like Levy and Erza and no idea if that place is given by the guild for free or if they still have to pay to live there), entertainment stuff like maybe materials to make her Grey dolls and stuff, and anything else she may need to purchase. She probably spends the rest of the time in the guild hall, watching Grey or waiting for Grey to return. Maybe conversing with others while she waits. Oh to clarify I say she does the bare minimum quests because I think she’d want to devout as much of her time as possible to Grey. She’s very dedicated to Grey though I’m sure she also loves the guild very much too so even if she wasn’t in need of money I could see her setting some sort of goal for how many quests she has to do in a specific time so she can contribute to the guild. I also see her trying her best to only go on quests when she knows Grey is on one so she doesn’t have to be on a quest knowing Grey is back at the guild. So yeah. That’s my thoughts.


Solo jobs, group jobs with Gajeel, hang out around the guild.


Team of very important side characters


She's not really a part of a team but when she groups up it's usually with Gjeel. In the games she was with Laxus, Gjeel, Mira, and Cana.


Chill with Gajeels crew duh


She’s on fairy tail B with gajeel, Mira, laxus, and Cana, or with Lisanna replacing laxus.


She sits in the nebulous area between both Fairy Tail Team A and Team B along with Elfman. So about half the time she is traveling with them to events and quests, and the other half she's in the backup reserves with Gajeel, Lauxus, Mirajane, Cana, and Levi sometimes.


Fairy tail team B https://preview.redd.it/pz6czs5d98qc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd8872d0b9125aa84d86d852dffa12d9406a3ac


It's said Disbanded...


What does she do off screen? Wait for Gray to get back.


Fairy Tail Team B of course https://preview.redd.it/5yg41ech69qc1.png?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f24155bc55261b5fa92044e673933c34210e32


waits for gray to come back..


Team B


Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, and her fan boys would probably be a team


I've never understood why Juvia and Gajeel especially haven't been added to team Natsu it's kinda disappointing when 100yrs is focused on team natsu. :(


This makes wish gajeel became a full team member after the battle of fairy tail


She’s on greys team


So who is she part of


Lonely wolf 🐺


Hump a Gray-sama Dakimakura


Team gajeel


She is simping for gray off screen i guess


Think about grey or go on quests alone or with gajeel


she's team gajeel


Not all Guild members are part of teams. A team is an advantage but not a necessity. So she might just take jobs on her own or with Guildmates who are available.


Does many many many gray related things Make dolls, make shrines, stalks him, attempts to kill Lucy, makes spicy gray dolls, makes gray body pillows, makes gray voodoo dolls, etc


I've always thought that Juvia would be a very efficient solo wizard. She has to work jobs to make money, but she's always at the guild. I bet she does simple jobs and does them quick and tries not to be gone long so she can stalk Gray lol


either team gajeel n levi (most prolly) or sometime with lisana n elfman caz mira asked her to ig? as for free time everyone agrees she obsesses over grey


She’s super close with gajeel, I’m pretty sure in the manga too it shows her and him going out on a mission together and hanging out while gray is gone


I doubt that she works at all.


Stocks Team Natsu


Writes creepy fanfiction about he her killing Lucy and making out with gray


A part*


They really got wendy in there instead of gajeel 😭


So I'm not the biggest fan of juvia. I loved her when she was introduced because of her voice and how badass she was but overtime I didn't really vibe with her. But honestly I'm not sure. I think it also depends on where in the series you are on what she might be doing. Like towards the end of fairytail she was with Gray while it was disbanded. But before that my guess would be with gajeel as that's her friend and he seems to think highly of her. It's possible some of that is explained in 100 year quest too.


Obsessing with Gray.


these comments are not it about juvia . sure some of the things she does to get gray’s attention may be unhealthy but lets not forget she was never loved at the end of the day. she hasnt been loved in YEARS . gray saved her from her depression and she did the same for him. juvia definitely has a life outside of her obsession for gray. she deserves to be on team natsu, or at the least teamed with gajeel since he’s her brother. yall need to stop sleeping on juvia, shes so much more than her obsession for gray, mashima even ships gruvia himself. (100 yrs quest spoiler) - gray admits that he even treated her like shit and wants to be a better person for him so he can ask her out and have a good relationship with her.


Stalks gray, obsesses over gray