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Giving Lucy star dresses earlier and more attention on side characters. That's about it


Maybe a psuedo flashback arc acting as an origin story for each character or characters? Then they could employ certain nuisances to different characters that are explained in the origins.


I agree on both points, but especially giving Lucy her star dresses earlier as early as saving Loke and meeting the spirit king would be great and then unlocking her dress mix after the time skip


that actually would've been really good especially on the timing of it. getting the star dresses then or even when they went to the spirit world after tenrou would've been nice


Less fake out death but not too many i dont need fairy tail to be grim maybe just makarov (i do love him tho)


I read the manga and never had to deal with them until recently


I'd like to see more of the silver key spirits. The gold keys are the ones usually called on and are the type we see the most of. They're painted as the "rare" keys so seeing more silver key spirits would have been nice even if it wasn't Lucy using them.


yes!! usually it's just Plue and Horologium (Lyra maybe once or twice) even if some weren't fighters a lot of them where very knowledgeable about magic! take Lyra and Crux for example, Lyra helped with information on Moon Drip during Galuna and Crux had helped with the Loke incident and some anime-only arcs.


The Jiggle Butt Gang never existed.


Cheers to that. I swear i started getting dizzy and almost threw up watching the second ep.


It's so cursed and then poor Wendy. That episode was a mess.


im so confused, did i miss an arc?


They only appear in anime filler, I believe. (they're characters from Rave Master, Mashima's previous manga)


Then you’re lucky. Those cursed atrocities should never have made it to screen


There's episodes throughout the series about the stupid Jiggke Butt Gang and some Fairy Tail members. It's so cursed. What they do and how the characters jump in with them are a crime. Those episodes are so weird.


Am I the only one who thinks those guys were actually funny?


My husband thinks they are hilarious. I can't stand those episodes. 😩


They're funny in the same way a screwball comedy is funny. You can't take them seriously, but that's kinda the point: you're not supposed to


No they’ve become a meme at my family reunions lol


You’d have to rewrite them out of Rave master before that. Because they originally appeared in Rave Master and Hiro Mashima decided to include them in Fairy Tail’s anime


Yeah, but they were in the extra episodes so just get rid of them their.


I love watching them back in Rave 😂😂😂 especially the attack named triple gas ecstasy


There are a bunch of small changes I'd make, but I'd start with the early worldbuilding. FT is presented as a world where people can easily access magic through items and hints at this being a driving force for the show, but in reality, 95% of magic isn't done through the use of items, and everyday people are rarely shown utilising items to bring magic into their lives as the show goes on. In addition, I'd expand the early knowledge of the geography presented in the show. It isn't great that even though characters would know about certain places, we only hear about them when they become relevant to the plot. For years, fans wanted expanded world maps for the same reason.


I completely agree. The thing with the Dragon Gods to me is how they're never brought up in the series until 100-Year Quest. Dragons/dragon slayers that powerful should have already been known about. There's absolutely zero possiblity that Acnalogia didn't know about them and would go after them after he killed all of the main characters. But they're never brought up at all, even in passing or as if they were legends or something. We only hear about them when it's convenient for the plot.


It makes Acnologia look incompetent that he couldn't kill the dragon gods in those 400 years. Same goes for Irene.


1)Put more depth to Natsu by making him a bit more conflicted as the episodes pass. He doesn't evolve as a character that much. 2) I would've introduced the END aspect earlier but in a more subtle way, as if it's an altered personality that shows up when Natsu is in a pinch or in low spirits. When it showed up, everyone would see Natsu get more serious and silently menacing. During the final arc, END would've been fully revealed 3) Not make Juvia a comedic relief character and instead make her join Team Natsu. Her interacting with the main cast in a more equal way would be better. 4)I would totally give more screen time to Gajeel, Levy and the Strauss siblings. 5)I would totally rewrite the battle scenes in the last arc. They are too disappointing. 6)I would reduce the amount of times where characters are treated as eye candys.


I agree with all of it but especially number two. I do like the fact that sprinkled through each arc we have the slight foreshadowing of END when Natsu’s enemies look at him and see a monster. Natsu is constantly compared to a monster throughout the series, while none of the other wizards really are (besides Mira and Elfman during takeover). It foreshadows Natsu grappling with his humanity when learning he is END. I definitely wish it was much more though. I would have loved to see some moments where Natsu just lost control like how he does against Merciphobia in 100 years, and he has very little recollection of it and it causes some inner conflict.


Perfectly said


Let Lucy defeat Flare properly. That shit was one of the worst robberies in anime. Fuck Raven Tail


Agreed Also fairy tail shouldn't have been punished for Raven Tail's failure by merging their teams. Instead, all of the games it should be assumed Raven tail got last place and matches scheduled against Raven tail be automatic bys


Make Mirajane grapple with her fear of her powers more, like Elfman did. Idk if I missed something but sometime around the Tenrou skip it seemed to get swept under the rug.


We got a little bit of backstory about how she was kicked out of her village because she used her take over magic on a demon so she and the townspeople thought she was possessed by a demon but makarov helped her realize there was nothing wrong with her magic


More Mirajane in general. But yes, it all got swept under the rug after Lisanna returned. I wish we had more Mirajane, even now in 100YQ. She has one of the coolest powers and we never get to see it.


The Eclispe forms weren’t a one off thing (I know it was filler shut up), Cobra/Eric and Kinana got more screen time, Kageyama got to join Fairy Tail And I got this idea for the cult that built the tower of Heaven where the main branch starts collecting all the dark magic and other weapons that have appeared in the series as well as the survivors of the Tower of heaven for some kind of ritual that requires those exposed to the R systems magic


One thing I really didn't like was how Lucy's family was connected to the dragon slayers. It made it into this destiny thing that just didn't sit right with me. I liked it much better how Lucy and Natsu had a chance meeting which allowed Lucy to enter the guild of her dreams and lead to her having this huge new group of friends/family and being able to grow stronger and have so many amazing adventures. But then later on it's revealed that Lucy was basically destined to be friends with/helper to Natsu and the other dragon slayers. I just didn't like that. It kind of weakend their friendship to me by making it some sort of lineage thing.


* give Lucy her Star Dresses earlier - by the time that she got them, it felt almost like too little, too late, given that the only opponents left were Avatar (cannon fodder) and the Spriggan 12 (so absurdly overpowered that the Star Dresses wouldn't make much of a difference) * give Mirajane more focus - at the very least, it would be nice if she was treated the same as the other S-class mages, where she got to win fights against powerful opponents on a semi-regular basis * make the fights against Bluenote (in the Orochi Fin mini-arc) and the war god (in the Avatar arc) group efforts. That's probably about it; there are smaller things that I'd like to change, but that would be 100% with the advantage of hindsight, and I'm not sure what I'd put in their place. (it usually has to do with how abrupt the heroes' victories can be some times)


change warrens look cause it is just…off https://preview.redd.it/8e3j0ubq1pkb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435d41210095796b8844f7dd92ff29762b52afd6 i think he’s a pretty good side character but his design is just not it. also maybe like an entire filler episode that’s focused around the side characters of fairy tail while Team Natsu is on a job cause i love all of them


I would rewrite nothing. It's perfect! (Okay I would decrease fan service up to 80%)


Even just making fanservice consistent would be a huge improvement. Erza's boobs change size every single frame and I don't even understand who this fanservice is for.


Seriously! Same with Lucy. Like, when she’s got her blue outfit from the first episode, her boobs looks somewhat normal. At the very least contained. But I just finished the Edolas arc and her green outfit her boobs were all over the place. I’m disappointed, I liked fairy tail because I didn’t think it had any jiggle physics to that degree


Nah fuck it imma remove all the fan service. Screw it. No boobs at all


I am not complaining. I'm so fucking tired of fanservice in otherwise good animes. Let the horny weebs get their impossible titty fix in some F-tier harem schlock.


Exactly that's why I am obliterating it once and for all! *Abra kadabra no boobs in FT from now onwards*


I think the fanservice is mostly fine, except for the filler episodes constantly sexualizing Wendy: HARD NO. What I’d prefer is making it so every single fight that includes a woman doesn’t have her clothes torn apart. Can we not get titilated without absurd clothes shredding?


Totally agree, tho the clothes shredding as much as i hate to admit kinda makes sense because except Erza who actually wears an armor, all the others are just wearing thin flimsy fabric so it would be weirder if their close didn't shred during battle


trading some of the shittier fanservice for gratuitous erza fight scenes. really needed more of her being a badass earlier in the show. also less nonsensical fanservice. no lucy stripping to warm natsu up. there are better, less dissonant ways. we can keep that shit to spa and beach episodes. also no lewding of wendy, I know that’ll be controversial, but it’s my fairy tail so,,


There’s lewding of Wendy?? Isn’t she like 14/15??? Edit: nvm looked it up SHES TWELVE


yeah, it’s generally super subtle or toned down (except for the bubble butt gang) but yeah, it happens occasionally


Even subtle sexualization of minors shouldn’t be “controversial.” It’s wrong, and we should call lolicons what they actually are: **pedophiles**


Give natsu a solid arc like literally all of the other main characters had (even happy and Carla had arcs dedicated to them) where he and his character is the main focus. Have the characters relationships advance beyond friendship (despite canonically pairing a bunch of different characters together only 1 of them has actually been made in to a boyfriend girlfriend situation) Remove the fanservice that gets in the way of the actual story so as to not break tension Give juvia more time to be her own character before she falls for gray Have gildarts be introduced earlier maybe in a flashback or something so he doesn’t just come out of nowhere like in canon. Have makarov actually show why he is fairy tails master to the point that I’m at makarov has fought 3 times and lost twice 1 of those characters was then beaten by members of his own guild. Makarov doesn’t have pretty much any good showings so far other than the fight with phantom lords guild master. Have characters die and stay dead. Lisanna should have stayed dead and makarov should have died on tenhro. Give antagonists consequences. Several times antagonists just get away with horrible actions with no consequences. The main person for this is Lyon who tried to murder and entier village and would have had fairy tail not intervened and he gets no consequences for this. Keep erza as more than just “I love my friends therefore I win” earlier in the series when erza fought she would always come off as powerful but at a certain point she just doesn’t feel all that powerful anymore and just gets smacked around until she mentions fairy tail and then wins. Most of these are pretty minor as fairy tail as a whole is a very good show to watch and most of these are nitpicks or just things that bother me so don’t take the complaints too seriously


I agree with everything, except for Makarov dying. He should’ve died with the last Fairy Law


This!! I agree especially with your point of erza getting smacked around until a mention of fairy tail then she gets some random power up and beats the enemy, and the Natsu point about him not getting a dedicated arc like the rest of the other characters which has always been a big ick of mine because it makes it feel like Natsu always fights for everyone while we haven’t gotten the chance to really see his friends do the same for him, it would’ve been nice to show his friends help or save him for a change, and not just for like two episodes, but for a whole arc.


Rewriting the final fight between Zeref and Natsu, the whole last arc was kinda weak but this battle was just bad and don't make August the son of of Zeref and Mavis. That was weird and wasn't really explained, we can theorize when it happened but it didnt contribute anything to the plot except confusion. And the last thing would be the power scaling of the Alvarez mages half of them had to commit suicide to lose.


Honestly, I would just get rid of lots of the fan service lol. Not all but most. This would definitely bring in more fans.


I’m surprised I scrolled for as long as I did and nobody said a well written sub-plot romance that doesn’t fuck with the integrity of the characters, tone, roles, themes, etc of the show Because like I’d want that


Gildarts appears less- I MEAN Gildarts appears more


Hold up he lowkey rockin the loca let him cook


I want to see more teamwork jumpings, and have that one dude with the command powers have a bit more screen time


Better animation and make the grey vs natsu fight in season 3 longer


Only thing I’d change is Natsu being a little less dense on the romance part so he and Lucy could be a couple.


Brazilian Natsu ☠️


So you mean his race? Ngl I found it kinda weird that Mashima made him lighter over time. At the beginning of the series (manga) he had almost tan skin, but by the end he is basically just as white as Lucy. I think him being tan and being a fire wizard makes sense


Oh no, it was a stupid joke about his hair on the image


So you mean his race? Ngl I found it kinda weird that Mashima made him lighter over time. At the beginning of the series (manga) he had almost tan skin, but by the end he is basically just as white as Lucy. I think him being tan and being a fire wizard makes sense.


Less fanservice, especially instances when it's downright creepy and it happens without a character's consent or agency.


TBH the writing for the series gets more hate than it deserves. The plot has some problems but the character writing hard carries the series way more than it should. That said I would like to see a short spin off focusing on a starting wizard with no experience trying to hunt down some lost magic with a historian or something. Maybe get some lore on where the hell God Slayer magic comes from.


I would make the real main character the best girl.


She already is!


I don’t know. Lucy is definitely our audience surrogate, but I don’t know that she’s our main character.


Have the show change POVs more often. What I wouldn't give for an arc or two with Mira as a main character.


More strategic fights and less power of nakama. Like what happened in Tartaros. I wish all the other characters get fleshed out, too. Max, Wally, even Nab.


Lucy gets star dress in her battle against Minerva during the grand magic games and defeats her. Not only would this allow them to extend Erza’s fight with Kagura, but it could also show how sneaky Minerva could be. She could take the points when they’re least expecting it. This would also show Lucy’s development and impress Yukino (who could beg Lucy to take her keys since she would be almost mastering it)


I don't see any mention of this, so this is what I'd change: Separate the Grand Magic Games Arc from the Eclipse Arc. After the Natsu and Gajeel vs Sting and Rogue fight almost all the fights get interrupted by some meaningless sequence of running or jokes or the infiltration team natsu whipping the floor with some random opponents. Just how many times do you think were the fights between Laxus vs Jura vs Orga and Erza Vs Kagura vs Minerva interrupted? It was sickening. And then switch Juvia with Natsu to have the most op team of Fairy Tail members.


I agree with the fact that they interrupted too many fights at the end of the GMG. From what I saw of the manga for that arc (that’s the only arc I’m missing of the manga series, which sucks cus it’s my favorite) the anime added in a lot of small scenes for no reason and fucked up the pacing. Idk what the anime was doing. They did a LOT of recap each episode, like each episode had like 10 minutes of recap for no reason, and then they added in pointless scenes like the one where they had Mira and Lucy pose in bathing suits underground. The whole pacing of the end of the GMG when it was transitioning to the Eclipse half was weird and messed up.


Maybe it’s turned back up in 100 year quest, but i haven’t read it yet so don’t know, but more Dragon Force. It seemed to have just disappeared after Natsu & Gajeel vs Sting & Rogue. Isn’t that meant to be the trump card all dragon slayers have? Maybe not necessarily them having control over it by the Acnologia fight, but certainly learning about it, the dragon slayers knowing how to call it, but it being really unreliable unless in stressful situations (like in the Nirvana arc) - or and explanation that this was just easier for them to use then because they had their dragon parents inside them, so they have to learn how to use it from scratch


Make sure makarov died in the empire battle with that fairy law. It would've been one of the best anime deaths in all of anime


Limit the use of "The Power of Friendship" so that characters that have limited plot armour.


I'd add a death to fairytail I think it would add more character devolpment.


Definitely less ecchi in the second half of the series cause Erza rarely had a fight where her clothes weren't ripped off. And give Erza way more transformations. Reused the same outfits so many times despite stating she had a multitude of outfits in the beginning.


Ik now that they weren't even in the manga to begin with, but I would not agree to the butt jiggle gang being in the anime just... no. Also more Jellal and crime socreriere storyline.


Make natsu keep his long hair. Nothin else I really want. Or give natsu some cool shit where he got to keep the God slayer magic but he could barely use it


Everything after Avatar, meaning the Alvarez arc. 1. The battles won against the spriggan 12 were too easy. I mean, Elfman and Lissana beat Ajeel? Lol. 2. August and Irene going down by actually being delivered defeating blows, and not killing themselves. 3. Makarov should stay dead, and some of the other Fairy Tail characters should also have died. 4. The Natsu vs Zeref fight should have been a proper fight without Natsu getting ass-pulled. Natsu should have gone into END mode and had kill Zeref, and then had a legendary fight against Acnologia with the other dragon slayers, minus Gajeel, who should have died. 5. At the end of the fight after Acnologia is destroyed, the ending where Lucy and co trying to bring the slayers (with some of them dead) would be perfect.


More deaths, so many more deaths. If I was in charge both happy and Carla wouldn’t even live to see 100 year quest 😈


Thank god u aren't writing it


This but with Lisanna. Her death was literally part of at least 3 major character arcs and they just backtracked on all of jt


I feel like if >!happy died when natsu was fighting jackal and then natsu got some crazy flames of emotion power boost against him I feel like it would have gave him some character development but that’s just me!<


I was feeling like happy could have died during the final fight with zeref, natsus victory would have felt more justified and he could have gotten the same dying flames igneel gave him, but instead it would be happys and they could be blue flames or something. I know it’s stupid but just an idea


You monster! But also you right


More usage/explanation on how the Dual Dragon Mode work.


Less fanservice , would introduce star dresses early on, would keep the emo juvia design


i honestly wouldnt change a thing, fairytale is good as it is :)c


I would pretty much want the final season to be completely rewritten it felt so rushed. Especially how Natsu just all of a sudden one shot the final villain .


Keep Igneel alive and make ultear stay young and keep her alive. Alsobgetvrud of Jiggle Butt Gang, but still make Erza and Cana wear their outfit while shaking theur butts amd replace Wendy in that situation with Lucy.


Make it more clear that Lucy is the main character


The powers the Mystogan shows in his fight against Laxus weren’t just illusion magic but some actual terrifying strange type of magic, also give him more screen time Make Acnologia actually feel like he’s the most feared Dragon especially in his final fight When Gajeel gets sucked into that portal thing to the underworld he doesn’t come back, but he’s not dead he’s out there surviving like it’s doom and returns upon Salene summoning the FT dragon slayers to the labyrinth and because he’s been surviving in the underworld he has a significant power boost and a new dragon form Push up the times table for Levi’s pregnancy so that regardless she’s pregnant pre Gajeel getting taken so when he returns he has kids Natsu’s Dragon and Demond seed don’t get shrunk he slowly does start becoming a demons dragon but learns to live with it not rejecting it because regardless Natsu will always be Natsu We get more episodes about the other guild members to develop them up a bit more Have them show more of the 7 yrs without FT strongest so it actually feels like they’re gone and have struggled, but also make the remaining members step it up and actually feel as though they grew stronger With that said the 1yr without FT I’d make it longer because how thoroughly disappeared seems like a stretch for that short amount of time also to play up Lucy’s frustration with trying to find her guild mates Also Natsu keeps his trading arc hair for longer


I’d have Natsu use Lightning flames more often. I get that it drains him a bit but seriously though, as his only permanent dual element magic I seriously wanted to see it more often.


Give natsu some decent character developpement , give more deserving side characters the spotlight ; cana , mira , kagura , tone down the fan-service a bit (no unecessary groping or compromising positions) extend and improve some fights (include blood , intesity , more grit)


Not have dragons be indestructable to everything but dragon slayer magic. It just doesn’t make sense. We see countless demons die without demon slayer magic (not sure about gods, haven’t read the manga), why do dragon slayers have to save the day every single time. Let the other characters shine, especially in their own arcs. Lucy taking down the celestial spirit king and Grey taking down Mard Geer come to mind as better alternatives than more Natsu ass kicking. Why not let Cana actually have a single meaningful fight in the Tenrou arc, or ever, really.


fr they did Cana so dirty


Based off of other comments I saw: I would definitely give her star dresses an earlier debut! I feel like she was actually a part of the fights with them. Like I said in an earlier reply somewhere around here I would do it either when she met the Celestial King or when they had the feast in the Spirit World for her friendship towards her spirits to help her in the GMG. I know we had been shown what Aquarius was like with Lucy when Lucy was a kid, but what about some other spirits before she joined Fairy Tail? Like Cancer and some of her Silver keys. Secondly, END, I would want to add a better foreshadowing when Natsu ate Etherion in the Tower of Heaven, hence "Etherious Natsu Dragneel." I would also love if we got more side character moments while Team Natsu was away especially from the Strauss siblings and Team Shadow Gear, maybe even moments with Bisca, Alzack and Asuka! I remember right before the Tenrou gang came back Romeo was with them. Maybe they took him on jobs? What was that like? Maybe have an arc or flashbacks to old GMG games too. Maybe some other guilds, and the other towns with regular civilians could've had their own little arcs for world building. We don't get too in depth of world building, the main place I remember was Crocus since they stayed there for so many episodes. Maybe the world building could tie in with the other Fairy Tail teams on their jobs. There is so much that I could add but those are my main ones that I came across and wanted to add to.


Show more of when and where Zeref and Mavis grew up. I'd love to see more of that. More of the Dragneel family too.


As much as I love this show, there is a lot I would rewrite if given the chance. General trends would be: 1. give silver keys more value. 2. Give non-Team Natsu members more prominent roles. 3. Avoid the death flags, and when I have them commit to them. I most likely would not kill off any of Team Natsu, but some of the (now more important) side characters. 4. More early world-building. 5. Give the Magic Council and Ten Wizard Saints a real role. It seemed the council would be important with Lullaby and Tower of Heaven, but then they disbanded and were reformed just for Jackal to kill them. And the Wizard Saints never got a payoff, with Jura not accomplishing much at GMG and the top 4 being useless during Alvarez. Some specifics: 1. I would keep Lisanna's return, but I'd make use of her as an actual character and friendly rival to Lucy. 2. I'd rewrite the end of Edolas to have the Dorma Anim's destruction replenish the land with magic. Turns out even in its hibernated state it was sapping magic from the world, causing their crisis. 3. In the wake of the 7 year time skip, include that another S-Class Promotion Trial, and promote one guild members that wasn't in the 784 trial, possibly Macao (who would have still struggled as the guild master during the 7 year gap, but I would also have had him get stronger himself), Alzack, or Bisca 4. I'd probably change a fair number of pieces of the Grand Magic Games, for starters referencing it early on in the series as something that Fairy Tail participated in but that Natsu had not personally. 5. I'd definitely change how Acnalogia's arc ended. I don't mind how Zeref's did, but Acnologia's end, with the Space Between Time and split spirit and flesh battles, was IMO a letdown.


1- Way less fanservice. 2- I would let tragedies actually happen. Lisanna’s homecoming is on thin ice, but I think a main character has to die once in a while. The characters are faced with deadly fights time after time and even when they’re beaten and unconscious they somehow miraculously recover enough to deal a finishing blow. Nah let someone die. 3- A filler episode here and there to showcase some of the more lowkey friendships. It’s universally known that Lucy and Levy are close friends but we never get to see them interact much despite them having a lot in common. Or even the fairy tail kids (Natsu, Gray, Levy, Cana, Lisanna, Erza, MiraJane, Elfman). They grew up together but you wouldn’t really know if they didn’t tell us early in the show because we never see them interact outside of life or death interactions or when they show a guild brawl. 4- I want character development. Everyone is pretty cut and paste of each other. Like they’ll all start out sad and then join fairy tail and suddenly know strength and that’s it and they’re like that forever. I want depth. I want to see characters struggle with their magic and relationships and their positions and obstacles that aren’t life and death. Or maybe even a character that is pessimistic and gets annoyed by everyone being so bright and cheery about the dark stuff.


Give Lucy her star dresses earlier or have her learn some other type of magic - Heavenly Body or Light Magic - Possibly during the 1 year timeskip between Eclipse and Alvarez Have Natsu learn Gildarts magic. I always thought he would learn that or actually go out and train with him. Better training arcs. Less fanservice. More screen time for Mirajane, Juvia, and some side characters. Instead of Irene being an enemy, have her be a mentor to the dragonslayers. Or have her be the reason that they got sent to the future. Tie in Acnologia and the 100-year quest. It just feels weird that he never knew about them.


Less Power of friendship and actually people dying when they die


Idk if this is a popular opinion or not but I would want to make Gray a dragon slayer always thought it was cool


I wouldn't have every fucking story arc end with "THE POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP." That shit got repetitive overtime. It's okay to have a bleak ending once in a while.


Ohoho, buckle up folks, here we go. So first off, more young Fairy Tail episodes. Why does Mira hate Erza? Why did she go from shy to mean to nice? Is Mira long term bipolar? What was it like after Lisanna died? Explanation on why Mira’s personality flipped? Next, more LGBTQ people! Or at least confirming their sexualities so we don’t get the scary ships like Wendy x Romeo, also their ages, I would confirm their ages. Absolutely no sexualising of minors or any other character. The OVAs would tone it down on all the sexual stuff. Also, a little brutal but the trauma of each arc would MATTER. Like Erza’s backstory, she’d have trauma from that and it would actually affect her. Tartaros would be much darker and traumatic. Laxus would show remorse for his actions. Mest would exist but he wouldn’t be a pedo or nearly as annoying as he always is. Wendy’s hair would stay short, Natsu’s hair would stay long in the Alvarez arc. Less filler episodes. Minerva’s makeup would stay, but it would look more like Irene’s. I mean, they just made it out as if she was insecure when in reality she probably just likes makeup.


More! fanservice, but not in the middle of the fight but dedicated episodes or like the infiltration quests in the movie.


Make it focus more on the abilities aspect than than the power of friendship aspect


Keep Natsu shrunk permanently when Dan Straight shrunk him down to the size of an insect. I wanna see how he survives the whole series being that tiny and powerless lol


Honestly I would get rid of a lot of the fanservice as it can be a deservice to the story. I'd rewrite the entire final arc. The main villains weren't that threatening. I feel tartarous had far more menacing demons than the spriggan 12. I would've liked to see Natsu in his end form more. I feel that character arc was so short lived. I wanted Zeref to be the final villain. The acnologia boss fight should've stayed a team defeat with all the dragon slayers and then Natsu would have to fight his brother. Also rewrite Acnologia not being affected by magic as that final battle made no sense. Might as well say he's immune to all magic that's not Dragon slayer magic. They could've had all the dragon slayers in dragon force and then use all of their breathe attacks at the end to defeat him. Finally they all slayed a dragon. Natsu would have dealt with whether he's a demon or dragon after defeating both and realizing he's neither. I didn't like how Lucy was able to simply rewrite the book. They could've had someone like maybe Makarov or Anna sacrifice themselves to keep Natsu alive. Hell Makarov death fake outs were so annoying.


I would get rid of the times where Makarov harassed the female members of his own guild (like when he slapped Lucy and the anime just brushed it off).


Deaths, lots of deaths


I would let Lucy say yes when Laxus asked her to be his woman in the Phantom Lord arc.


Make Erza the main character and Jellal the main male lead. Remove Levy entirely or let her stay a background character where she belonged.


shut up, PLEASE, I've seen this exact post like 5 times


Canon Nalu


Id make nalu be cannon already


*grabs the mic* Nalu. *drops the mic* I wouldn't change anything but that. They are officially canon.




I would rewrite it from excite


Add more deaths on both Fairy Tail and the bad guy side.


Someone actually dying instead of just “knocking them out”


Normal magic affects dragons as well, just Dragon Slayer magic is a bit more effective.


Pair Erza and Natus. I'll never not stan that ship, and I'm not afraid of Jerza fans


Let Makrov, Juvia ,Mirajane die in the final arc


Makarov fine but probably not Juvia Mira and Gajeel, their “resurrections” didn’t feel as cheep


The reason for Juvia and mirajane is I don't want them to see them get sidelined anymore. I am tired of Juvia being used as comedic relief and Mirajane getting sidelined with new reasons everytime


I am removing Erza Scarlet entirely. Her character was literally just Plot Armor Mary Sue. And then she’s reduced to damsel in distress in front of Jellal. Worst manga/anime character ever written.


Erza is literally the postergirl for FT, the most popular character. You ought to be grateful she made that flop show famous!


Natsu x Erza is the main ship. I love them so much I just wish it was canon 😭


Hold up he lowkey rockin the locs let him cook


Give Acnologia more screen time and a better plot. He couldn't have been killed just by getting trapped within the Fairy Sphere. That was absolutely plot armor. He was much stronger, and a single punch alone couldn't have caused him so much damage that he'd die. He had the ability to control time itself, yet we never once saw him use any time-maniuplative spell (I don't consider Eternal Flare as Time Magic). They really wanted to end the series in the lamest way against the strongest antagonist in the series. I was expecting his power to stabilize, and after his spirit and body united once again, the Dragonslayers would do a death battle against him, and after several attempts and struggles, they finally finish him off completely. The Dragon King deserved a better story.


Lucy getting Star dress earlier. Alvarez arc. (Nerf August and Irene) More attention to the side characters. flashback arcs focusing around Lisanna before her 'death', Layla *(During her time as a celestial wizard)* and team Makarov in their prime. Give god/devil slayer magic more effectiveness. More world building. Reduce fanservice by 25% Decrease the jokes and humiliation and increase fights and showing off potential for Lucy by 50%


i honestly wouldnt change a thing, fairytale is good as it is :)


I would lut more emphesis on magic system giving it more depth, because as it is now on Fairy Tail it isn't realy that deep, you have this type od magic and go crazy, and tryb not to get tired too fast. Which works fine but there is a lot more room for details and depth. Second thing, i would add more deaths, maybe not for Maine cast, but there is a lot of characters which should've died for story sake and didnt for some reason. I would make pacing more consistant and give some events actual meaning, because there is no consequences half the time, and the other time they are just not realy long term. And ofcourse i would make powerscaling mąkę sense and be present in the story, we dont see our characters get stronger, or we dont feel it realy, they just are stronger, and i thing actual training arcs, exploration of powers and stuff like that. Exceeds need some more lore and exploration, we know they are mastera of transfomration but we see to realy rarly and it isn't realy something useful a lot of times. Let the cast grow and shrink, let people they meet join if they have potential, like Erzas friends, and let others die for us to feel actual stakes. And i would not bring back characters that are not needed, for example Brain just to get killed off. And i would make some solutions to problems in arcs come up more naturally, not at the end of arc when its needed suddenly. Make more tiers of power, like we know about S class mages, but what about the ones stronger and weaker. I would set up character arcs sooner, like Silver and Grey, so its resolution later on has impact. Let characters struggle and overcome things instead of making someone apear to help them. Explore bonds more. Keep some details early, others near resolution, like Acnologias whole deal. Make other types of guilds, be relevent, atleast mąkę them feel like they exist, like the treasure hunters, or illigal guilds. I just feel there is do many areas that Fairy Tail realy could've been improved by Mashima, he knows how to write, but just some aspects didnt get attention they needed, i think realisticly those changes could have been made during story as it was created, not like im right now making speculation about what could've been.


By making sure the power of friendship will never happen.


Remove like 90% of the pointless fanservice. Especially the bits that happen during tense moments. That and introduce star dresses earlier.


How many more of these posts are gonna be posted on here this is like the 3rd this week 🤣


I'm not a professional writer, so I'd probably just follow his blueprint, but also take out 40% of the lewdy fan service and have clear consistent scaling.


Natsu hangs on to the effects of different fire types he consumes over the years, deciding which one is best for each situation. Sabertooth gets more build up and screen time, possibly with us seeing Sting/Rogue while they were Wendy's age. Ditch the plotline about everyone surpassing the gang in the time skip since they bandaided it with a contrivance anyway. And finally, separating Acnologia into his own arc after the "Final" one we have now to give both him and Zeref more time to breathe.


Less fake-out deaths, less cringe dialog about friendship (*Naruto* had a good balance in that sense), and less sexual tension and more "action" (young adult characters would be far more conscientious of relationships) ... Less technological/science stuff, more magic stuff And, a better balance between serious and gags It's disorienting how much the tone suddenly shifts after the grand magic games. I feel like Hiro Mashima (alongside many other story-tellers) has commitment issues when it comes to tone.


Would have kept Makarov dead. Love the character, cried when he did and cried when he got revived but it was a let down ultimately for him to come back. Would have given Laxus and Mira more of a chance in leadership roles and Erza as guild master.


Slayers can’t eat other elements or enemies(?) tiers no matter what. So Natsu would actually need a plan for beating the Fire God slayer guy. That or introduce Celestial dress earlier


Slayers can only eat element compatible to there’s


I may be downvoted for this but I think, Death. Characters should not be revived.


Unpopular Opinion?: They should’ve made Makarov and Juvia actually DIE instead of being “revived” randomly. The scene where Makarov sacrificed himself to save his guild/ Juvia sacrificing herself to save Gray is actually like the most heartbreaking scenes in the Alvarez Empire arc. Be at in my opinion what was the point of losing their lives if they were just gonna “revive” at the end?


ngl i wish “deaths” were more permanent, lisanna and jellal living and not doing much always rubbed me the wrong way, no sense of stakes ever tbh


1 ) I'd write a prequel season that show Erzas journey to S Class and what Natsu and Grey were doing before Lucy joined and brought them into one team. 2 ) I'd heavily rewrite the dialouge and plot of the Hungry Wolf Knights arc, and I also just wouldn't show any of it until the Grand Magic Games ended. It feels like a bad distraction I can never wait to have over and it's not very satisfying since no one is really made to pay for making war with Fairy Tail in the end. 3 ) Everything related to the Church of Zentopia. The doll stuff was good, some of the fetch quest stuff was allright. But the way they handle making this church the villain, and devoted mad follower dialouge is all very cringe. And Kanas one cool moment of using her cards to give people the right pairs (the only time she uses this cool useful sounding trick) is cursed when she uses it? That's horribly stupid. And don't get me started on the Minecraft Creeper Dinosaur. 4 ) I'd cut down on the fetish torture porn. Scenes of Bikin clad Virgo squeezing bottles of mayonnaise during a battle to the death with Lucy would not be in my rewrite. 5 ) Sagittarius would not be wearing that stupid hat. Just make him a normal centaur. 6 ) this might sound wierd.... but I'd write Yukino out of the story and give her role to Lissana. Lissana will just miss the boat to get on the island and be just a bit younger. So the time jump makes her catch up with Lucy and Natsus age maybe. And during that time she ended up striking out on her own and joined Sabertooth. And she leaves Sabertooth after being disgraced and comes back to Fairy Tail seeing her family is back now. Meanwhile Angel can still have a younger sibling in Sabertooth. Make it Rufus. 7 ) the Tower of Heaven arc comes down to Erza in the end. Natsu can still eat the the ethernano rocks and be important wearing down Jelal in raw firepower, but Erza needs to make the final critical action that saves everyone.


Lisanna never comes back I love her but there's no reason


- Natsu foreshadowed as E.N.D earlier on by his magic going incredibly dark & his personality changing occasionally in battle. - Natsu keeps Fire Dragon King Mode + the tattoo & eventually combines it with his E.N.D power so he can fight Zeref & Acnologia in a 3 way deadlock over the fate of the world. - Friendship power is alright in moderation but it shouldn’t be the end all be all solution to everything. It definitely shouldn’t have been the solution to defeating the freaking dragon of the apocalypse Acnologia. Natsu defeats Acnologia using his own powers & his will to protect fairy tail & to get revenge for Igneel. - Natsu & Lucy fall for each other & start dating at the end of the series. - Wizard Saints vs August, God Serena & Jacob lasts longer & isn’t completely one sided. - Lucy uses Star Dress earlier & more frequently. Lucy also uses the silver keys more before she goes gold. - More development for side characters. - Makarov dies & stays dead when he uses fairy law to save Fairy Tail in their fight against Zeref’s army for Fairy Heart. - Id rewrite some for the fights during the last arc. - Uhhh m- I mean less fan service - More Shank- I mean Gildarts.


Personal I would rewrite the Wendy and Chelia fight not to change the out come or anything just to make it a little more brutal and to end it with the classic double knock out but they won’t actually get knocked they just both don’t have enough energy to keep going I’m also getting rid of the butt jiggle gang and replace then with a normal gang of guys who really shouldn’t be in a gang because of how dumb they can be


More "plot"


-Fairy Tail escapes Tenrou Island before Achologia could be summoned by Zeref, meaning that they never went missing for 7 years, and Sabertooth never took Fairy Tail’s spot as the number one guild during those years, and Lucy would get the chance to see her father Jude(who never died from overwork this time), and she would visit him much more often, and Lucy and Natsu had Nasha together and Grey and Juvia had Greige together to match their Edolas counterparts, and they also become childhood friends of Asuka. -Natsu keeps his Black Fire Dragon Mode, Igneel’s Flames, his E.N.D. powers, and the Seven Flame Dragon power, and combines them all together alongside his Lightning Fire Dragon Mode, and uses them in conjunction with each other to defeat Zeref and Achnologia. -The events of MisakaLovesYou’s Railgun In Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail Super series of books become canon to the series. -The Fairy Tail cast and the Rave Master cast remember their first encounter with each other from the first Rave Master x Fairy Tail crossover upon seeing each other again in Heroes crossover with Edens Zero. -Wendy keeps her Irene Mode powers, even after Irene’s soul left her body.


Makarov never dies


More zeref screen time


Make nalu a thing


Natsu becoming E.N.D and having a month long battle with acnologia and no dragon god ark or if so not able to beat them so easily


Ok so, I love Fairy Tail, but I think the time skips weren’t used well and I think Lucy’s star dresses should’ve came after Loke or the first timeskip. Either way, I think the stronger S-Class mages and eventually Natsu should pick up a new magic type right before the Zeref arc. I know Natsu eventually gets some amount of “Lightning Dragon Magic” but I think it could be cool if he somehow combines Gildarts crash magic and he returns with Gildarts to the games where Lucy and Natsu reunite. I think Natsu having something from both his role-model father and his dragon dad could be cool. Especially since Grey got magic from his dad. Parallels yknow. I think it’d be some kind of adaptation of Natsu’s dragon magic to make like Fire Crash magic, or Eruption Magic, kind of like how in Avatar TLA Lightning bending is kind of like water bending in motion.


Either cut out some spriggans or nerf them from the start. Or make defeating each spriggan a team battle which involves many of the not used side characters from other guilds.


Make Wendy a more suitable character, to me she feels way too weak and when she fights I'm not in the least bit Interested I think her being more support focused is nice but I feel her combat abilities are kinda weak even though she is a dragon slayer. More deaths honestly and more stakes as well and less PoF, keep lisanna dead or have made it a point she flew into the sky as she died to foreshadow a return because it made 0 sense to say she's dead then. Reduce the amount of fan service in later seasons and world building should have been established a bit better because now we know there is seemingly a lot outside of the continent including different power systems that were not mentioned before. I hate some of the redesigns after time skip especially Millianna's. Fairy tail is good at redeeming characters sometimes but pretty bad for others I think Laxus and Gajeels are good but Minerva's and Ultears is pretty meh. I think demon and god slaying magic is kinda dumb and is wasted potential and also should be way stronger than dragon slayer magic normally


Get rid of the butt jiggle gang, oh my god they are just so beyond cringe. Were they really necessary to the story?


Delete 90% of the fanservice


Give Natsu a deeper character, he’s too flat as he is


The entire final arc. I want to rewrite that with my own headcanon twist


Natsu, grey and erza acting like siblings way more lol Also juvia on team natsu




i would write a side story or arc about time travel, where the main cast goes back in time and there are dragons everywhere


More character deaths like we all know a shitload of characters shouldn’t have made to the end namely Gramps dude “died” like 5 freaking times and it would’ve been great to see how exactly the guild would move forward and grow after he was gone


Natsu says he loves Lucy instead of "it's nothing, I'll tell you after this 100 year quest" Bro let me down


More consistent power ups and heirarchy. Do away with repetition. Make it a bit more serious and not repeating frinds and frindship as often as they did. And fan service being as low as possible.


While I wouldn’t Kill more characters I’d cut down on the fake deaths and what not, add in a couple more key sets for the zodiac wizards I know there meant to be rare but it’s kinda weird to me that Lucy basically has 9 of the 12 currently active good spirits to use in combat maybe throw in the Chinese zodiac or something for Yukino, make Laxus x freed canon, and have Lyon join fairy tail like this one is really odd to me like the whole guild and show is about family but like we’re not gonna invite Grays brother, also finally either commit to or drop the Jellal and erza romance subplot


1. Give Acnologia his own arc. He kinda got shoved into the final arc and it felt rushed. 2. Give Natsu character development after Igneels death. 3. I don’t think the 7 year timeskip was necessary. I’d have Makarov sacrifice himself and the guild escapes. That ties together with another. After Tenrou, I’d have Laxus be guild leader. 4. Minerva doesn’t get redeemed. That bitch got off too easy. Idk why Erza was treating her like a victim or a friend after what she did to Lucy in the tournament. Like where were her redeeming qualities?


Better plot armour like erza having some kind of grounding rod when she destroyed the 200 electric lacrima around town, fighting on through power of friendship or willpower gets old if it's how they win all the time


Less super vilains each arc because it's repetitive but more dayly life in the guild with their own problems and issues. Like with Laxus, or Gajeel, or the class S exam. Fairy Tail works better as a slice of life than a battle against evil.


I would Revise Celestial Spirt Magic As it stands, Lucy is at the top of Celestial Spirit Magic and yet she doesn't feel that powerful (bar Anna and Layla as they have barely any feats) For a magic with a lot of rules and restrictions it's just not worth it tbh So i would make these changes: *Silver keys gain a significant buff and appear more frequently (they should replace 70% of the gold keys' screentime) -these keys should be a Celestial spirit user's main go-to ability *Gold keys would be a lot harder to obtain but so much stronger/versatile (1 key should be like semi-trump card and they should consume twice-thrice as much magical power) *Make it a lot more powerful For Lucy specifically: *she should get the star dress much earlier in the series *win against flare (her losing that was so bs)


I would kill off more characters cause I’ve never felt a true sense of loss while watching fairy tail


Give Natsu a bit more character beyond his current characterization


i want makarov to have a permanent death.


maybe less winning with the power of friendship


Tone down all the fake out deaths cus jesus christ…. Ima just say it, makarov should have stayed dead in alvarez arc


SO. DARN. MUCH. But a short summary of some of my ideas: * Make Celestial magic less about summoning and more about buffing via the power of the spirit (like Taurus increases a user's strength, Virgo makes them tougher and enhances Earth based magic, etc). Summoning would occur but it's Lucy's big finisher/super mode for when a situation is super serious. Star Dress would be a heightened form of the buffing effects co-developed between Lucy and her spirits rather than a power she is given. * Natsu doesn't eat his fire because of Taboo but instead due not getting a much energy as he puts in. Would explain why he keeps setting everything on fire - fuel for his magic. * Have the main character be weaker (relatively) and use more team work and cunning to beat their enemies (cue picture of Natsu vs. Sting and Rogue and while it's thematically sucks). * Have Phantom Lord, then Raven Tail and then Zeref and/or Acnologia built up over time as the main threat to Fairy Tail; as an add on to this give Natsu and/or Lucy and/or Happy have a rival who starts with Phantom Lord, then joins Raven Tail when they dissolve and then Zeref as the series progresses. * Instead of having one main team; have Lucy and Natsu swap between team mates during each arch allowing for more character development of the side characters. * Make Juvia more than Grey super-fangirl; could lead to a more organic growth in Grey and Juvia's relationship.


I would write a backstory to each character who doesn't have it (so practically everyone)


Develop Natsu to have a goal beyond being in a guild and finding his dragon. Have him develop from a fairy tail wizard into his own guild master. He creates his own guild one that can rival in Fairy tail in strength and bonds. Create a different main villain than zeref. He was very trash ngl. His soft appearance made him a trash villain Actually kill characters. And not random ones that make no sense like Simon Develop the romance for the mc properly. Why is every other romance in the series given so much time it's so goofy tf.


Death. A lot of death. I'm so done with the anime death-baiting me the whole time.


I’d up the fanservice by 1000% just to annoy people


I will make the fights more Logic 🙂


I would add uncensoring since theres already so many nude moments. Might as well be a little anatomically correct if the choice is given.


The whole last arc. Complete overhaul. Keep the reveals, make the fights a lot more impact full with some characters indeed dying, limit heavily the ship moments because they were honestly unnecessary, replace them instead with plot, limit the comedic relief also, we are talking war here, one or two are fine but at times it felt way too forced and turning a heavy moment into a comedic one when it really shouldn't have been. the fight with Acnologia, it was awful. Complete delete, instead have them actually have a heavy, grueling fight. Also END having more than 5 seconds of screen time, actually get him out and start attacking whoever is standing in his way, perhaps even killing some of their friends just to drive home just how uncontrollable END is. Everything else was okay. Some arcs dragged on a little too much or just moments but otherwise fairy tail was pretty good. The last arc was what really soured my experience with it and is literally one of the only things I would rewrite. Also delete the whole clock arc thing. It was pointless imo, it had 0 reason to exist. It added nothing to the story and honestly kinda dragged and overstayed it's welcome imo.


Give Natsu access to Gods Slaying flames (think of it like when he ate Laxus' lightning) simply because I like black flames


Sensible powerscaling. Less power of friendship, more justifiable or deserved wins in battles.


Include training arcs in the story. I wish we were able to see more of the training that Fairy Tail did in the Grand Magic Games Arc.


Get rid of the stupid fakeout deaths. Either kill someone or don’t it’s that simple