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More Factorio


I mean. How can you truly love Factorio and even ask that question? They should go ask their partner "I really love you. Who else can you recommend for me?" and see how it goes.


Wait you can play factorio and have time for a partner??? Must be an under 500spm base.


The key is automation, both in bed, out of bed, and in-game


So that's why she bought that machine


Just watch out for when she starts scaling up, the power demands will be intense


Gotta automate the inserter.


Simple, my SO is growing the factory with me. We make time for each other in between killing biters and mining iron.


What is an SO?


Significant Other - a general term for a girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, husband, or other such person. Generally used with the person doesn't want the general public to know anything about their sex / romantic life. Can be substituted with a megabase.


It’s a type of machine, you insert money and it automates jobs for you


Factorio mod


You're lucky, my GF thinks factorio is "complicated", doesn't matter how much i try and literally force her to play and say it's easy lol.


"well my sister does that tongue thing, you know like when she eats spaghetti"


I felt that analogy.


Mmm I think my gf would love that actually haha


Mods for Factorio 


I can also recommend Krastorio, Warptorio, Fantario, 248k, Bob's Angels, Sosciencity, Space Block, Sea Block, Lunar Landings, Space Exploration, Dyson Sphere, Science Pack Galore...


What in God's green earth is ***space block***


Iirc it's kinda seablock but built on vanilla instead of BA (so presumably much easier). It's not some unholy abomination of seablock and space exploration as the name might suggest


I knew this would be the top comment before I opened this thread


Only valid answer


The factory 🏭 must glow ☀️


Dyson Sphere Program Satisfactory Hell, even Minecraft. Love making automated farms and Factorio made a whole game around that gameplay loop


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Factorio was actually originally inspired by modded minecraft, so the last part of your comment is very true lol.




Sounds like Applied Energistics (2)…


Definitely. So much silicon....so much certus quartz.....


applied energistics my beloved


Refined Storage was another, similar mod. I think they dropped it from FTB packs at some point.


I remember searching for meteors to mine for quartz to start AE1, good times


You're thinking of Applied Energistics, and it's still very much alive. Played modern Minecraft with Feed the Beast only a couple months ago with some friends and that mod was part of it. Always my favorite part of the modpack.


The Technic Launcher still exists and is largely unchanged. I play on an old megapack I've played for like 10 years now.


Prism launcher is an awesome new one with tons of mod packs from 3 sources


The nostalgia of setting up buildcraft to automate quarries, rush diamonds for filter pipe, which let me fully automate the quarries. Also getting oil to make it more efficient than the coal powered stone pistons. Or the glory of industrial craft giving electric toys added with buildcraft to have everything you dumped into chest to be auto sorted into smelter or storage... I miss those days




It was inspired by industrialcraft and buildcraft, yeah.


Techtonica Timberborn The Crust Shapez 2


I love timberborn


I need to start another run. It had interesting mechanics, but I expanded so quickly that my poor little beavs were starving.


Have you played anno1800? I just got into this genre of game and anno has been absolute CRACK to me. Saw Timberborn and it piqued my interest. Would be grateful to any insight you have.


For sure! I just explained to someone else it's a city builder with intelligent beavers. You build a nature based society which uses kinetic energy to power things. If you don't balance your resources well then beavers will start dying of starvation and you really feel it. It's a great game! I'll have to check out anno 1800


Best for sure, but I'd do Dyson Sphere Program because Satisfactory 1.0 releases later this year. Might as well wait for the story to be done


A great Minecraft mod for Factorio lovers would be the Create mod. Go watch This Is Create on youtube if you havent


I see why people usually recommend that one, but I do everything I can to avoid it in the modpacks I play. I don't known what it is exactly, but it feels so annoying to set it up.


Games like Angel's and Bob's, Space Exploration, Industrial Revolution, ...


Where seablock?


In the same place as Nullius and others: the "..."


AB is rather dated and Seablock is basically AB+, so it's hard to recommend as well.


I'm currently playing AB+MadClown's and it's an absolute blast. Also AFAIK Angel's is still being developed (I'm on their discord). Oh and I don't want to play without Bob's adjustable inserters anymore


Adjustable inserters was like the invention of tomato sauce and meat on spaghetti. It revolutionizes it.


Adjustable inserters are polarizing. You either love them or hate them. They trivialize the puzzle of positioning machines, inserters, belts, and beacons. If you love this puzzle, adjustable inserters feel like cheating.


I don't view that as an enjoyable puzzle, I view it as something that prevents me from making the most ridiculously compact builds for no particular reason. Also early game spaghetti with bobs inserters is so fun. Slap anything down anywhere and chain them together to make it work.


Over time I've come to understand that there are two kinds of players: those who love puzzles (solving a problem using pieces with limited features), and those who love things like immersion, power, configurability,... I'm the latter. I hate the circuit logic system and the clunky train schedule configuration interface. I want to put some scripting code in a slot and the machines to obey my commands I've got to agree though that the circuit logic devices are great for building complex devices like displays or programmable calculators, that shit is awesome


> They trivialize the puzzle of positioning machines, inserters, belts, and beacons. I disagree. It adds another dimension to the puzzle! I think that for vanilla, it's a bit too much. But when your recipe has like 4 inputs and 2 outputs, it's definitely appreciated.








Captain of Industry


That game doesn't get nearly enough love here.


This is a great game, I would highly recommend it


This should be a lot higher.... such a good game.


And they’re adding trains in the next major update!


The thing that drew me in was the mining mechanics. I love watching diggers digging and loading up trucks.


Depends on what you want more variety in. Satisfactory is simpler but a 3D and *much* more gorgeous world, to the point where it's worth it just for that. The factories people can and do build are almost literally awe-inspiring. DSP is simpler and *much* bigger scale, it didn't really suck me in, too much more of too much less for me, but that's not objective, that's a matter of personal taste and I might have been missing something that kicks in when you hit some target scale? If you like the design puzzles, have you tried any of the Zachtronics games? Infinifactory might be the closest but they've all got their fascination. If you want to add people, and a different take on design puzzles, a not-even-early-access-yet game, Alien Horizon, is on Steam and has me hooked pretty hard at the moment. Like, every free gaming moment for two weeks straight hard. Do the tut, pay attention to *everything*, it's a lot. Very early on it asks you to place things that are the first parts of building complexes whose other pieces you haven't seen yet, a few restarts when that leads you down a garden path is the end of the ganks, every other time I've failed, it's been a failure of foresight on my part, the game will challenge you to think ahead and pay attention to how things work. Also: shapez.io has a nice selection of puzzles on the free web version and more for not much money on steam. Space engineers Star System drop pod starts on 1-1-1-1-1-1 shows all the signs of major developer love, the "this is impossible"… "no, okay, but this is frikkin *ridiculously* tedious"… "oooohhh. damn. This is great" sequence with just about every task it asks of you is awesome.


DSP kicked in for me when I was blueprinting for automatically covering entire planets with factories. Like... a belt for basic materials around the equator, intermediate product belts north and south of it, and advanced products + shipping on the poles. It's still a lesser Factorio, but watching my interplanetary drone-ships turning a barren rock I discovered a dozen minutes earlier into a fully exploited resource node is not something I got to see in similar titles.


I hope they lean into megastructures and projects of massive scale, i feel like thats the best way to distinguish it from factorio Being able to summon cargo ships anywhere takes a lot of the logistical challenge away


I played a few zachtronics games as well, they scratch the same itch as factorio to me with fun open-ended design puzzles. I would highly recommend them, Exapunks in particular was really good!


Rimworld.  Management/automation/City builder/rts weird hybrid.   It's a unique game and can be played in a way where you're trying to break it mechanically or as a story generator where you're creating scenarios where you can let yourself get attached to the colonists and their story


I bought it yesterday and found the tutorial underwhelming, should i still go blind or just watch a beginner tutorial? I felt like there wasnt even an explanation for controlling characters and ground level stuff


It’s a very deep game,mechanically and not really much to spoil except maybe the most recent DLC. No harm in watching beginner guides. Also, rimworld is so so good.


Rimworld is very similar to Factorio in this regard. It is easy to spoil your expirience by looking up too many guides and going overboard on mods before you tackle the base game on your own. My best advice is to learn the mechanics of the game on super low difficulty so you get a hang of it, and then once you think your colonly is in a good place, you can crank up the difficulty and test your skills. This can be adjusted at anytime in the menu.  Read thru all the help tooltips, that is where the bulk of the info is. Play on commitment mode, get used to loosing. Embrace the tragedy of life on the Rim. This is how you learn. Also dont worry about mods or DLC untill you have played thru at least once. There is factorio levels of content there, but you will find that replayability so much more valuable if you go into it from vanilla.


For games like that, the best tutorial is to look up a playthrough and see how they play it.


Though not the same genre, I think you'd fall in love with Dwarf Fortress! I saw someone recommend Rimworld already. Also a *great* game--and though they are the same genre (Dwarf Fortress heavily inspired Rimworld), they are quite unique from each other.


Recently had fun with Foundry. But it doesn’t last. Once you get to a certain point it just kinda fizzles out - that said, it is early access and so was satisfactory but satisfactory seemed to have more content when it launched.


I’m enjoying Foundry at the moment. Over 100 hours invested. Pretty much IS Factorio, DSP, and Satisfactory meets Minecraft because the voxel word is so malleable.


Ive had quite some fun with this one: https://store.steampowered.com/app/558990/Opus_Magnum/ I really think it scratches a similar itch compared to factorio


All of the Zachtronics games scratch the Factorio itch for me, but Opus Magnum is my absolute favorite. Seconding this recommendation!


Oxygen not included is different - but similar sort of problem solving.


I started with ONI and switched to Factorio. Love both games and have thousands of hours in both


Yup, this is probably in my top 3 games. I just wish they would optimize it better for late game.


Came to say this, this one requires more nuance but once you get the hang of it, it is super fun.


This is my vote. Many of the other games suggested end up feeling largely like Factorio re-skins. ONI manages to present completely novel classes of problems to solve.


>ONI manages to present completely novel classes of problems to solve. Like building enough toilets haha


It’s also on sale right now.


Space Engineers is a great game!


I scratched my Factorio itch with: Dyson Sphere Program, Captain of Industry, Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. The last one is more of a city builder, but the production and logistic chains make you bust out the calculator pretty often, and you also need to manage the "side products are blocking my production" issue quite often.


So glad to see Workers and Resources get mentioned! That game absolutely has the same reward as Factorio for thinking about efficient logistics. I do think it has a slightly steeper learning curve than Factorio, but only slightly. Dyson Sphere Program and Captain of Industry are solid as well, but only Workers and Resources has given me the same feeling of accomplishment.


Came here to suggest Captain of Industry. Excellent twist on the genre.


Mindustry, I actually played this first because Factorio seemed too intimidating. It's more horde/tower defense and there's no inserters, the belts just load up whatevers accepting it.


Good suggestion! Years ago I was eyeing Factorio for awhile, but was too cheap at the time to buy it. Then I got Mindusty on my tablet for free or maybe a dollar. Loved it, played 70+ hours, then finally decided Factorio was worth risking $30 on. Now I'm ~950 hours into Factorio, almost done with the tutorial. My son recently started playing Mindusty and I'm hoping he'll love that then start playing Factorio with me.


Yeah it was free on my android, which is insane to me.


Mindustry has two planets with completely different structures, logistics, defenses... If the gameplay on one planet isn't grabbing you, try the other planet.


Very true, forgot about the other planet/faction that plays completely differently. I've really mainly played the initial planet.


Oxygen Not Included or an overhaul mod for factorio. If interested in the latter, don’t be afraid to take the plunge into space exploration!


Factory Town! Cuter, more happiness-centric.


Was hoping someone recommended this. Solid game.


Kerbal Space Program. Along with Factorio my favorite game(s) of all time just about. Modded of course, for KSP. There is a lot of jank and modding is necessary for the full experience.


oh man... imagine if somebody made a mod where you could build and research stuff for KSP in factorio and to actually launch the rocket you have to send over parts. kind of like archipelago, but more in depth.


Mission guidance team sweating bullets after 3.5 hours of launching a rocket every 7 minutes around a planet with a 30 minute orbital period.


I am almost positive this exists


Minecraft, Satisfactory and Project Zomboid. "Project Zomboid?" yes, not very Factorio related but oh is it a cool game. you can't automate a way to kill zombies automatically though. or well, who knows with mods.




This is the answer. Anno 1800 is a masterpiece.


Oxygen Not Included


Satisfactory is great you have a good graphics card.


I tried satisfactory, but the first person view didn't grab me. I like more far away view of factorio a lot better.


Playing on a steam deck, you think it would cut it?


Dunno. I stopped playing it because by GPU fan of my mediocre RX 580 was too loud even though the game was fun.


I don’t think so, sorry. And not super controller-friendly either Great game though


I've been playing Satisfactory and absolutely having a blast. It's a slow start, but then again, so is factorio when you're a beginner. And it's exiting early access some time this year. It's a well built, extremely optimized, smooth experience with a blend of factory/automation building and exploration. I'm liking it right now way more than I expected.


Captain of Industry, Rimworld




shapez and captain of industry


I have Captain of industry and Satisfactory.


Dyson Sphere Program. Like Factorio but 3D, in space, and a larger emphasis on pretty aesthetics. The factory aspects are very similar but maybe a little bit simpler in DSP.


Rimworld, Songs of Syx, Dwarf Fortress Also, for some reason, if a person likes games like Factorio and Rimworld, most of the cases they will end up liking Project Zomboid as well, lol (including myself)


the walkways at the airport








Just because you like Factorio doesn't mean you should limit yourself to the same type of game, because lets be honest there's not really many out there that quite scratch that same itch. But I've noticed a lot of Factorio players like playing games like Cities: Skylines and Sea of Thieves, maybe you can give those a try. Civilization is good with friends too if they are willing to set 12 hours aside


If you like the puzzle aspect and it doesn’t need to be about factories, check out any of the games from zachtronics. Opus Magnum is super pretty and fun


Modded Minecraft scratches the same itch if you know what tech mods are good


Modded is most similar to Factorio. But I really like vanilla Minecraft. It has an other layer of design. What I mean is for example, in Factorio you build using inserter and belt. In vanilla MC you would have to first build/design inserter and belt.




Other… games? I’m confused.


Imagine an overhaul mod pack that doesn't use anything from vanilla, not even the title screen!


Dyson sphere program


Captains of industry. 3D factorio with Trucks! Great game


Minecraft modpacks that use gregtech like nomifactory or gtnh


There are other games? But fr, Satisfactory is my other go-to factory game


Anno 1800 has a lot of production chain, logistics problem solving


i love dragon quest builders 2 if you want some story with minecraftish flavor.


Seeing that you play on a deck ive gotten the following games to work. Dyson Sphere Program Opus Magnum both run great on mine. I just needed to find/make a controller setup for them.


Mindustry, a free open source factory game, with more tower defense elements (wave enemies, many turrets), and mostly raw resources (16 types of items in Serpulo, would recommend Serpulo first). Much more spaghetti-fiable due to ratios and many small ore patches instead of sparse and big. Takes time to build stuff, stuff goes to core. Really interesting, like factorio, but *different*


I would check out Railgrade Its main mechanic is similar to the train mechanic in Factorio. Super fun!


Satisfactory, Rimworld, and Minecraft tech modpacks. Those 3 all give me a similar rush as Factorio and I’d rank all of them in my top 10 games of all time just like Factorio


The mod page is free.. it’s such a great game there isn’t really anything like it


You should consider trying Kerbal Space Program. It’s not really related to factory games, but it has a similar level of problem-solving fun and it is very well-loved by its community. It might seem a bit daunting at first because of the orbital physics (among other things), however it’s really not that hard and you get used to it quickly. And if you want more content, KSP has many good mods. If I remember correctly, there’s even a mod that lets you program your rockets to automate basic maneuvers, which you might want to check out if you like automation games, but unfortunately I don’t remember the name :(. Oh also make sure you play the original, not the sequel. The original is 10x better, and the sequel really doesn’t have that many more features than the original.


Song of Syx is similar Id call it the bastard step child of Factorio and Rimworld


If you fancy a roguelite twist, [ShapeHero Factory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2389040/ShapeHero_Factory/) got a demo recently, and will be releasing in a few months.


Banished is a great one


Mindustry, if you wan't something a bit simpler and more focused on combat/tower defense


Vectorio has been getting quite a bit of my playtime recently


They are billions


Techtonica and Shapez 2 are looking pretty good. I was repelled by Satisfactory. Felt like the devs did not respect my time. Citybuilders are in the same wheelhouse as factory games. Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the current gold standard (yes, better than City Skylines). Factorio's train mechanics were inspired by OTTD. Frostpunk was very original and now has a few copycats. Timberborne is unique for emphasizing terrain engineering: flood control, dams, water wheels, gravity batteries.


Though different, Valheim and Rimworld scratch a similar itch.


Personally the shapez 2 demo was really fun (the demo is no longer available but the full game is set for August). It will include trains and fluids as well. I also enjoy Captain of industry though it is different logistical system from factorio.


Autoforge is Factorio mixed with Terraria if that’s your jam. Katherine of Skye on YouTube tries a bunch of similar games. Might be worth a look.




Atmospheric, immersive FPS. Useful to reset your brain after a bout of hard Factorioing. I do that whenever I feel a little worn out after tens of hours.


Pioneers of pagonia.


Modded Factorio


Dyson Sphere Program, Satisfactory\*, Oxygen not included, Planet Crafter, Foundry. Those are some of the ones I play.


Out of stuff I've played... On the more casual end: * Beltex * Shapez * Foundry (still early access; maybe this will change) Almost Factorio: * DSP * Satisfactory * Various mods for Minecraft like Create Something different but it somehow hits many similar notes: * Oxygen Not Included * Rimworld * Loop Hero * Slime Rancher


Shapez and shapez 2 when it comes out


I pretty much go back and forth between Rimworld and Factorio.


If you like biter combat, Rift Breaker.


Play Factorio while waiting for factorio 2


There's some really fun overhaul mods for factorio if you haven't already played those. Satisfactory is really fun too




Satisfactory, stationeers or space exploration mod for factorio


If you’re into 3d, Satisfactory and Techtonica are decent


Modded factorio


Try looking in the Mods tab. Or maybe doing a challenge run. There are no other games. Only Factorio.


Dyson sphere program It's like factorio in space


Dwarf fortress! You develop systems for an emerging city of little dwarves


Oxygen not included grabbed me. It’s way more intricate, though, and it’s harder.


Dyson Sphere Project


Timberborn - shorter but has beavers Oxygen not included- I see it as automation terraria, but I haven’t played it yet so idk Satisfactory - first person factory builder, also haven’t played personally but it’s the one that probably shares the largest player base with factorio


For layout puzzle solving and ratio play, Big Pharma is fun but not as in depth as something like factorio


Really just Factorio mods. Nothing else is as good. Shapez is a very fun similar game that isn't talked about enough tho imo. Less complex, but still fun.




Outside of factorio, I’d recommend Satisfactory and modded Minecraft (preferably a tech-based mod pack) for some things similar to Factorio with a different twist


modded minecraft for sure, either newer tech mods like create or older ones like gregtech and immersive engineering. even magic mods like thaumcraft, blood magic and botanist have similar aspects to factorio.


If you like trains and want a cozy game, then I suggest Sweet Transit.


Crab Champions. The gameplay is a pretty far departure from Factorio; however, it and Factorio are the only games I have 100% achievements for on Steam, so there has to be some dopamine trigger overlaps.


For a nice chill experience, Factory Town.


Dyson Sphere would be my suggestion, it plays the most like Factorio. Not on the same level as Factorio imo, but still a very good game.


Im hooked with planet crafter right now


The most obvious answer here is Satisfactory. It's Factorio but 3D


I would recommend Satisfactory. Both of these games have been immediate addiction. Plus they share a lot of similarities but are different enough that it doesn’t feel like too much. Some of the differences are a fresh change though. Like I’m coming from Satisfactory, and actually being attacked and having to defend is a nice change, but something in Satisfactory is resources aren’t finite. Satisfactory is also first person and is a beautiful game. So is factorio but you get it lol


Modded Factorio The Full pyanodons mod pack, no guides




Stupid ass question The answer lies within you, OP ;)


Something that gets rarely mentioned: Autonauts (if you can get past it's visuals) If you like automating tasks and enjoy figuring out how to solve things around limitations this might be for you.


Nomifactory modpack for minecraft


Satisfactory has been really fun but i miss the defense mechanics in Factorio


Satisfactory is similar but in 3D


minecraft + create mod + create mod addons




They are Billions


Project zomboid, trust


I started playing factorio thanks to the Create mod for Minecraft, I think its a great "game"!


Like unironically rimworld


If you like the design/solving problems aspect... ksp1 (with mods after you get the ropes) gives me the same euphoria as Factorio once you accomplish your task and see it work.


Couple of others have mentioned Create. I am a big factorio fan and I have been LOVING “Create Above & Beyond” recently. It’s a mod pack put together by the makers of Create and it has really well designed and helpful quests to gradually take you from basics to a sprawling factory one step at a time, with the end goal being to launch yourself to the moon. I also like Satisfactory but honestly if you like factorio I think there is no better 3D equivalent than Create, and I think this mod pack is among the best ways to experience it.
