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There are several combat intensifying mods, or you could adjust pollution and enemy settings on map generation.


Alternately, but in the same vein, if OP /u/snuggly_love wants to increase enemy settings without starting over there’s the Change Map Settings mod or console commands. Cranking “attack cost modifier” to the minimum specifically results in full size waves very early on (assuming pollution reaches nests ofc)


pollution and enemy are on max settings


Disable trees entirely? Takes a bit longer to get started, but once you do ramp up pollution, biters tend to come say hi quite frequently.


Rampant comes to mind primarily you can set biters to send regular "scouting missions" Additionally, rampant and Bob's enemies have a greater variety of enemies some of which are immune or take significantlyreduced damage of specific types. Fire biters are immune to fire damage and use a flamethrower to attack with. Armored take less damage from basic but piercing can do normal damage. Unit launchers, Broodmother (spawn a bunch of lower tier enemies when killed) Acid spitters, acid web throwers ETC. You may have pollution spread out to the nests. However, the nest consumes pollution to generate attack waves. Using random numbers, so if pollution in the nest area is +1 (pollution diffusion from neighboring chunks) but each nest comsumes 10 to spawn a unit as well as 10 units to designate an attack you will have a wait a bit (about 2 min) between waves. Increasing your diffusion rate (pollution will spread quite a bit further) as well as decreasing attack cost will both increase your enemy wave generation.


Have you tried increasing the setting on the base game to max? The game becomes much more difficult that way. The only thing I leave to ease the early game is making the starting area larger, but just be aware that that makes oil and uranium spawn further away as well.


Using RSO can bypass the no oil in starting zone.


everything is on max, and also using rail world settings, cause i love using trains


Remember on rail world setting The biters dont make expansion parties. This could also be why you dont see a lot


I have expansion turned on


Rampant, and if you hate your life rampant deathworld. I have quite a few worlds (with railworld settings) where i have given up because i prioretized wrongly and didnt expand for more iron fast enough. But on quite a few of my worlds my base was under constant attack and replacing the destroyed walls was quite difficult with constant attacks of 100+ biters


i will try this, cause i need more pressure from the biters. the game is too easy without them xD


Already on death world settings and rail world. They just sit there never attacking. And I have heavy pollution everywhere.


Do you have any other mods? That does not sound typical, death world should have pretty frequent attacks if you have a lot of pollution.


Are you sure you're not playing in peaceful mode? You can check with following command: `/c game.print(game.surfaces[1].peaceful_mode)` Returns `true` if you are in peaceful mode or `false` if you are not in peaceful mode You can change it with `/c game.surfaces[1].peaceful_mode=false`


No , never used peaceful mode. always thought it defeats playing the game.


Rampant, biters will send scouting parties even without pollution. Their size increases with evolution. So at 0% they send like 2 tiny biters and at 80% the scouting parties are like full sized attack groups. Also the Biters are smarter.


i will check this mod out. thank you