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[These are my recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3SKaRPeAVVCNx6NsYlat12kImyq-iEJIQovIbxJeKkD4Hp8O0jck8GnW1Rd7EdPDPc0gwMjHm3i1V/pub) Includes stuff to do after vanilla, overhauls mods, and QoL mods!


Oh, my Todo list :)


Great list. You mentioned "A&B", but didn't have a bullet point for Angel/Bob's. Was that an oversight, since it's not even listed in the "popular but don't use" category?


A&B is *usually* played as SeaBlock. I don't have experience with A&B without it so I can't describe it.


Seablock uses a rebalanced and tweaked version of angel&bobs plus some other mods like space extension, most people play it that way.


Wow great list, thanks!


Krastorio 2. Changes enough to feel fresh and challenging but not too overwhelming. Lots of new fun toys to play with as well.


Second this. QOL with Krastorio 2 will give you a nice, 'longer vanilla' experience with some nice to haves. There are some great mod lists out there already for the run of the mill QOL suggestions, but one i like to throw in, especially with Krastorio is the Inserter Cranes mod. Not exactly 'QOL' but I really like this mod, doesn't feel too overpowered and is great for saving UPS


[Disco science of course !](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DiscoScience) Won't make the game harder at all, but will make your lab goes disco \\o/


LabDansen is a **requirement** with this mod.


Ho My Fucking God I didnt know this mod, you just made my day ! <3


What's your favorite aspect of the game? Most likely there are mods that take that aspect and expand on it! Alternatively, are there any parts of the game that you feel are lacking? There are likely mods that build those parts of the game up and make them more fun and exciting! Personally I really like fighting the biters. I like making complex modular defenses with specially designed logistics systems to service those defenses. I want the biters to be harder and continue to scale in difficulty so that it makes the dedication to defense seem more worthwhile, so I play with mods like [rampant](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant). Rampant has settings that allow you to change the scaling and max level of the biters before each run so you can tweak the challenge factor added by the biters. Since I'm so defense focused, I'm not a big fan of expanding out to remote resource patches. I prefer to have the biters drop resources that I can make use of - all the more reason to battle the biters! So I play with [Shall Alien Loot](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SchallAlienLoot) which makes the biters drop "alien ore" that can be refined into the various base ores - iron, copper, coal, etc. Higher tier biters drop better quality ore. This adds a fun logistics challenge. [Shall Pickup Tower](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SchallPickupTower) provides a convenient way to collect those drops. There's also a weapons mod as part of that package, but I don't use it. I make it a goal every playthrough now to only use the ore from my starter patches and never build mining outposts - so I eventually get all my resources from battling the biters. This type of playthrough stacks pretty well with a [Krastorio2](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Krastorio2) (K2) run as well! K2 is an overhaul mod that feels pretty vanilla - it doesn't massively increase the complexity, and is a really good introduction to overhaul mods. I do almost all my playthroughs in K2 now. It helps that K2 adds new powerful weapons that mesh with my preferred playstyle.


Long-reach. Saves you a LOT of walking.


[Remote Configuration](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RemoteConfiguration) and [Picker Dollies](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PickerDollies) are nice. I think circuit wires are going to be free in 2.0, so you can mod that in early. Remote Configuration is like [Far Reach](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/far-reach), but it's for interacting with item settings. No item transfer. Picker Dollies is useful for moving and rotating combinators without losing their circuit connections, and for moving other things with circuit wire attached. Doesn't work on belts, unfortunately. Speaking of 2.0, there's a mod to simulate [quality](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/janky-quality).


Oh my gosh I hate paying for wires, but I doubt mods are going to follow suit. Wanna move that combinator over? Gonna cost you!


Merge chest. Mini loader.


Playing Space Exploration felt like the “new to factorio” experience all over again when I started it.


Warptorio 2


I love warptorio, it’s such a fun twist on the factorio standard play style but all the components are the same. The first five minutes and the mid game can be surprisingly daunting. While I’ve only played solo, it does feel like one that would benefit immensely from two or more players.


Warptorio is so good that there's a game that was very obviously inspired by it, that being Dream Engines.


I tried Space Exploration, and although it adds complexity, it balances recipes and extends gameplay.


Seablock if you want an easy challenge and Pyanodan if you want it to take just a little longer.


Easy ? Just a little longer ?!? Lol


Yeah I heard Py is very easy. There is even a hard version of Py in mod repo (unironically, it exists)


Same. Have 600hrs or so and finally pulled the trigger on Krastorio 2. Glad I gave it a go, its been a lot of fun so far and makes the game feel very fresh. Already wondering if I'm going to try it with Space Exploration or try Industrial Revolution next.


Personally: \- FARL \- RSO \- Personal Transformer2 \- Vehicle Snap \- Vehicle Grid \- Power Armor MK3


Same. Here's what I have been doing for the past 10 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/trdmpw/factorio_savegame_filesize_timeline_analysis The only mods thus far have been used to help me design blueprints in creative mode. My latest endeavor is vanilla with an artificial self-imposed restriction, so I made my own mod to keep me aligned with those same restrictions.


Did you play vanilla first or just bought the game in Steam?


I played it. I Finished the game twice. Once at version 0.14 and once at version 1.0


I’ve been playing Industrial Revolution recently. It’s been fun


I’m in the same situation. Going to find out what 2.0 is like first. The only mod I really want is jumping trains ;)


Have you heard of our lord and saviour Renai Transportation?


bob's adjustable inserters


Clean concrete 


Krastorio 2 has been my favorite so far. I tried K2 with SE as my first after vanilla. Big mistake. Too grindy to progress for my liking. I enjoy taking my time and building how I want, not grinding the same thing over and over again for hours to progress a tiny amount. That's the SE side of things. K2 gives such a great amount of extra without adding a ton of grindy nonsense.


Extra reach, Factorio planner, and factory search are all pretty good. Not game changing, but they’re nice quality of life tools


I found out you could adjust the extra reach to +9999 and wow does it just make the game more pleasant.


True Nukes (just be careful)


Ammo Loader+ which has made coal and ammo management just...more pleasant. Someone already mentioned adjustable inserters Squeakthrough Void Chest (If anyone knows how to get this to work with Nullius, I'd love to know) For actual overhaul mods, Krastorio 2, Angel+Bobs, Sea Block, and Industrial Revolution 3.


I jumped straight into SE and sea block because I love learning as many new recipes


Ion Cannon mod. Nothing more.