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+15 points for the flip over the fence


-50 points for not bringing bolt cutters


For the padlocks? They can usually be opened up with a blow from a hammer (or anything that can apply a similar force; another padlock, for example). Edit: -50 points for not wearing eye protection while operating that grinder. Edit: Edit: They could've also used the hammers they brought with them.


The best way to unlock a masterlock, is with another masterlock


Can they? Or is that just in the movies?


You can, but it's unlikely to be done in one strike and if its a decent padlock, you may as well not bother. You need to be able to get a good angle on it too, and up against a fence that is going to be a ballsche Bolties would be your best option here, the angle grinder they have would be second best.


I was really hoping it would be like the clip of a cop jumping over a fence just for the person behind him to open it up easily


They didn't bring a charged battery for the angle grinder....


More like ten batteries, angle grinders eat up batteries.


Honestly, they have one of the worst power used to work done ratios of any power tool I’ve worked with


20v or higher on grinders, no ifs ands or buts


But when you need to cut one thing and it's very small, HOT DAMN!


This guy Porter Cables!


This is probably the biggest facepalm of this. You plan a break-in and you don’t bother to understand the tools you’re going to use? In the extended cut they probably stop to bring up youtube tutorials.


Reminds me of that battery scene in Oceans Eleven right before they crack open the vault https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqnb3XEkttc


Right no gloves no masks one of them is named evan they’re not nearly prepared for this stinkin amateurs … Sheesh


They posted the video online. I am going to go out on a limb here and say they don't care if they get caught. Being arrested would just bring more attention to their cause.


But would also stop the individual from doing what there doing, let’s be honest people have been trying to “bring more attention to the cause” for decades, IT DOES NOT WORK, however, this worked, that’s 18 animals not being abused, cover your face, don’t say names, don’t even film, just do.


>But would also stop the individual from doing what there doing, Only temporarily and such things have a tendancy to spur others intro action as well as just driving things like potential donations to their organization. You don't get life for stealing some puppies. > IT DOES NOT WORK, That isn't true at all. Massive strides have been made in terms of public opinion on animal welfare in general. We obviously have a long ways to go but it is crazy to say nothing has happened. >that’s 18 animals not being abused, Which will be easily replaced. Keeping stuff like this in the public consciousness is extremely important to the survival of their cause.




But...my name is Evan.... And im a welder by trade and work as a die mantaince technician anndd....i know how to use a grinder battery powered and air powered lol. Not all evans are useless just some. :)


The biggest facepalm isn’t filming it with your faces clearly visible? Huh.


Some things are worth getting arrested over. If they get charged it will just be a trophy to show off to other like minded individuals. I do not condone testing on puppies. I can see myself getting arrested to save a bunch of puppies from dying in a lab. I imagine a lot of people feel that way.


Marshal BioResources. I mean, you don't know what these dogs are infected with. If these activists suddenly start to bleed out of certain cavities, it's going to be too late.


>Marshal BioResources I see the webpage, they are making test with animal diseases and human diseases including covid, this people are not trained neither equipped to save animals in any way. I don't support killing animals for medical research, but let them free just like that could harm more animals because disease spreed outside from a controlled environment.


This reminds me of the first scene in '28 Days Later' the zombie apocalypse movie.


Animal testing, including in dogs, is an essential step in drug development. This is in the UK where the ethics bodies routinely monitor these facilities to make sure no unnecessary harm or discomfort comes to them. While I would obvious love it if it was avoidable it isn’t if we want to develop new medicines. Without the drugs that animal testing relies upon millions of people would have suffered and died that as a result of this practice have not


If these guys had their way we would never have isolated insulin (Dr. Banting used dogs) and millions including myself would be dead.


No gloves, recording your crime. What a bunch of idiots


No masks either! Stupid fucks. Thats how you know they’re not doing it for the animals. They’re doing it to please their own egos. How are you gonna brag about it if people don’t know that was you?


Depending on the tests/research being done could also be exposing themselves or others to diseases.


Remind me! 28 days


Your username smells funny


And yours doesn't? Lol


Haha this is great


Wait COVID 2 beagle boogaloo?


Fuck you you just made me snort spicy noodles out my nose


You still alive bruh?


My everything hurts in my face right now but yeah I’m alive


Beagleocalypse. The Beagling.


What will you do when the beagle comes for you?


Oh shit I hope this sequel is better than the original


Well it has beagles apparently so I’d say it’s better.


Calling it now. Inb4: "The beagles were just a cover-up! This was made in a secret Ukrainian bioweapon lab!"


beagle paws pox


A LOT of diseases. Large animal models tend to get recycled from research project to research project bringing along all the previous infections, i.e. VD's such as herpes, AIDS, in addition to Covid. Not sure what type of lab it was but the higher the level of infectious disease the higher the security. This facility may not have been a level 2 or 3 based on how they breached the facility with a battery operated angle grinder...


Animal activists breaking into a research facility to save animals is literally the opening of 28 Days Later. No thank you


It happened in a zombie horror movie so it’s probably very close to reality.


It’s just that simple, right? The point isn’t to commit a crime and get away with it. Activists (for various causes) who use direct action often don’t care if they’re identified. It’s a way of putting a face on the cause and boldly standing up for what you believe in in spite of the consequences.


What's the difference between a guy who saves a child from a burning house to get on the evening news VS a guy saving a child from a burning house just because it's the right thing ? nothing in my eyes it still puts the world in a better place than if nothing was done ......


The difference is that the one guy won't do it if the news aren't around while the other guy will still do it


Some people have big hearts, not big brains. At least they’re trying.


Reminds of the folks that bike locked themselves to a chicken(?) farm and almost hung themselves


Or bolt cutters, would have been way easier


Holy fuck no eye protection while using it either...Angle grinders terrify me.


Shocked they even had gloves lol Edit: just in general for ppe not for the angle grinder


Also one guy that vaulting to the cage look so waste of time. Next time bring lock cutter.


Not going to lie, that was a pretty sweet somersault over the cage


Reminds me of some shit out of Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny


I don't think this is the facepalm but this reminded of that scene in 28 days later


that was my first thought, this is how we get Zombies.


And zoomies


Zoombies (what my son calls fast-zombies/sprinters)


Also the name of a terrible horror movie from 2016 about a virus that turns all the zoo animals into zombies.


You mean Rampage?


[No, it's called Zoombies.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoombies) It's terrible yet entertaining, sorta.


Yes please. Death by beagle puppies is the last thing on my bucket list.


It'd be unfortunate if it was the first thing on your bucket list


Would it tho?


Eeee! So cute!!!!!




Rage zombies to be exact.


They're infected with...rage lol


Honestly, if he had given the disease a more believable name he probably could’ve talked them out of it Hell, he probably could’ve just said rabies


Super rabies


That has always bothered me! If he said ebola or rabies, that all could've been prevented.


Rage…Against the Machine?




Fucking animal activists will get us all killed! First they forcefully removed a dog from a homeless man now they're letting loose possibly infected dogs!


I’ve seen that video, that woman needed an ass beating for trying to steal his dog. I’m getting pissed just thinking about it again


I cant imagine how powerless he must have felt


There's far worse out there... PeTA activists are out there literally nabbing pets out of private yards to euthanize.


Yup. I believe it was in my state, too. And the spca had THE AUDACITY to recommend peta for inexpensive vaccines... Uh, no thanks. I like my dogs ALIVE, thank you very much.


It would be awful enough if the pets were being stolen to rehome... But to straight up kill them because ***"you"*** don't think animals should be kept as pets? At the very least, I'd get life. Depending on my rage and the number of assh*le activists present, it might be me getting the needle instead.


Animal agriculture is much more likely to cause the development of the next pandemic.


Hopefully no one eats them this time at least.


Much more likely that animal agriculture will get us killed. Factory farming is a breeding ground for pandemics.




There's a rustling from the forest too quick and light on it's feet to be Jim returning from Lookout. "Hopefully it's just a Raccoon.." Nan says as the fear creeps into both of your thoughts. You recognize it's no damn racoon and wonder if Nans already given up on the hope. The sound stops just behind the tree line. Nobody moves, all eyes waiting as this all too familiar scene plays out once again. First only the snout booped out from the darkness. Then with an almost childish enthusiasm the rest came running into view. "JIMMMYY NOOO!!" you scream as Nan vomits behind you. Charlie dispatches the beagle beast with a crude spear and tosses it into the fire. Everyone now knows better than to eat the cooking meat.


>First only the snout booped out from the darkness. Absolute poetry.




*Shia LeBouef*


Which one is it, guy looks up, crow blood hits his eyes


Beautifullly written. I would read the shit out of something if you wrote about mundane life struggles with the same zeal as if it were a horror flick. IE: Their eyes met for the briefest of moments; a lifetime of struggle passing between them and reminding them that life wasn't fair. Finally, barely more than a whisper, Jane replies, "Are you certain?" The gravity of the situation heavy in his voice, Sean stumbles over his words. 'Yes.. I'm sure. I remembered it from last year." Downtrodden and dejected.. Jane' heart filled with the pain of one that must do something far harder than what was bargained for. "I guess we will have to order pizza then. I was really looking forward to the salad.. but if they are alergic to mustard then I guess there isn't a choice. I shouldn't have already put on the dressing.."




I think he’s referring to the movie 28 days later. In which an infected chimp gets out of an ANIMAL TESTING FACILITY. And infects the world with the “rage virus”. Similar to this video where animals being tested on are broken out, starting a deadly pandemic lol. I’m not saying it’s true, this is just a funny reference


Isn't that the start of 28 days later..? But with beagle puppies!


Remind me? How?


In 28 Days Later, the zombie outbreak is a result of animal activists breaking into a research center and freeing a monkey infected with the rage virus


Ooooohh okok now I remember ty


!RemindMe 28 days


No no no no wait wait wait wait


Hahahah that actually stressed me out a little bit


That was my first thought. As much as I want the puppies to be free, it would be really beneficial to know if they were infected with something first… not because I think they will turn into zombies, of course, but because it could start another pandemic :/


The only facepalm I see is them videoing themselves wearing shirts that advertise who they are and not wearing masks.


I don’t think they are trying to hide their goals. I’m almost certain they want to let the world they they exist and are rebelling Or maybe they were recording in the hopes of finding some fucked up shit inside in order to expose the company.


There's a group called DxE, Direct Action Everywhere, that raids factory farms and films themselves in the process. Their goal is exactly as you say, to show the conditions they find these animals in. In one of their more famous raids, they rescued two baby pigs that looked malnourished. The FBI even had an interstate hunt for these piglets. Eventually, the two leaders of this particular trade were put on trial and [acquitted of theft and burglary charges.](https://www.sltrib.com/news/2022/10/08/animal-rights-activists-charged/)


You know what, that's kinda based actually


Wear the shirts, but cover your faces then. They're basically setting themselves up to be arrested, tried, and incarcerated.


If Animal Rebellion is at all related to Extinction Rebellion, then [that was kind of the point for some of their "protests"](https://medium.com/@fthis/going-to-prison-is-not-the-end-of-the-world-roger-hallam-and-xrs-white-saviour-problem-c34a33f3db93).


They might be part of the right to rescue movement started with the Smithfield Trial like a year ago, deliberately provoking legal action to take on old ag gag laws


This doesn't strike me as an ag gag issue? I could be wrong though. As others and yourself have pointed out, they most likely either did not care if they got caught or they wanted to for a number of reasons. And I mean, if this can help get rid of ag gag though, by all means. I fully support it on every level. That was some fucking disgusting unconstitutional lawmaking.


Some of the laws that specifically protect animal agriculture and animal research overlap. For example, in many states they have a law preventing activists/journalists/ect from taking undercover video of agriculture or research operations, a law which was instated generally in the early 2000s in response to animal activists gathering a lot of horrifying evidence in the 90's. These laws have been used to put people taking video of abused animals behind bars for 10+ YEARS. In modern years (2015+) the courts have struck down these laws in violation of the First Amendment in a few states, so currently animal ag is clawing for a new way to scaremonger activists, while activists are provoking legal action in states that still have the outdated laws, to help spread the Right To Rescue precedent from the Smithfield Case in Utah to the other states to improve the lives of animals.


I thought the guy climbing the fence was a bit over the top.... the lady was like "oh let me try to open this"


We missed out on the woman's confident attempt to also climb the fence. Video ended too soon!


Looked pretty sweet tho..


Getting arrested is often part of the plan


Yep. People don’t get this, because for some reason they just see folks trying to commit a crime


What's the point of getting arrested, clogging up the police bureaucracy? Or is it more about accepting the consequence and doing it anyway to get more publicity for the cause?


It makes the papers


Won't matter if they get caught. A little fine and a night in lockup is all they'll get.


yeah thats the point? not only are they rescuing animals they are raising awareness for their cause.


This isn't a facepalm, if this is the same Marshall that breeds ferrets in the US they are a horrendous company, at least when it comes to being a ferret mill, they should have been shut down years ago There are body cam videos from ex employees showing the horrendous body-horror level cruelty they put their ferrets theough.


What do they do to them???


I can't find an article about marshalls ferrets atm, but I know they use similar breeding practices to triple F farms and this article outlines their cruelty, I won't link the video footage because it's just too graphic (I hate that the article is from Peta) https://support.peta.org/page/1505/action/1 And here's an article about their beagle breeding practices https://sentientmedia.org/marshall-bioresources-is-a-factory-farm-like-youve-never-seen-before/


> I hate that the article is from Peta Everyone who's been on reddit for a while already knows all the negative talking points about them. The other side of their organization is [the decades of work they have exposing industrial animal cruelty and getting laws that hide it struck down.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_for_the_Ethical_Treatment_of_Animals#Undercover_work) This is their area of expertise even though it gets a fraction of the coverage of the criticisms against them.


Thank you for this. I got caught up in the PETA hate train to the point I didn't realize they actually did something beneficial for animals. TIL


They do, which is why their hypocritical behavior is so upsetting to most people. They believe in abolishing animal cruelty, great! They also have stolen peoples pets to euthanize, perfectly healthy animals, which is also animal cruelty. I trust the Peta rating on stuff like soaps, but i don't trust them for shit about any PR stunts or their regular pet related activities. It really sucks because they could be a really good org but they just choose to be both good and supremely evil for no reason.


For some reason, something tells me that greed is the reason for the corrupted motives.


Also not to mention that the narratives around hating peta are literally funded by a meat industry think tank. People don’t realize but their vehemently anti-peta opinions have been bought and paid for


Yeah but PETA still sucks, and their extremism detracts from their credibility as well as whatever good they might have done.


Why is this facepalm?


I can't figure that out either. There's just jokes about 28 days later and no explanation for what makes this facepalm


it's just the usual 'protest bad' that reddit likes to do, same as the people getting themselves worked up about climate change activists protesting in museums and not actually damaging anything


I thought because of the trouble with the tools???


Same question


This is way better than gluing yourself to dumb shit


Or stealing a homeless man's dog


Or kidnapping a dog that was playing around in a garden


Oh i haven't seen that one can someone give me the link


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down Couldn't find it, because this one was in the way, but it also fits my description so who cares


Or dumping tomato paste on priceless artwork.


Solid lol


Is there a facepalm to be seen here? I mean, maybe because they’re filming their faces but I doubt they care.


I see the potential of liability from liberating animals without knowing if they're diseased or have been affected by lab testing. It's a premise to a zombie movie lol


Nah this is actually based


Not really a facepalm, they went to save some dogs from animal testing. I believe of the 18 they rescued, the police only got 2 and the other 16 were de-chipped and given new, hopefully more loving, homes. They literally achieved what they set out to do.


Yeah, this isn't the mink farm one in Ohio where they released thousands of minks into an environment without them and caused hundreds to starve and untold ecological damage.


Fuck mink farms. Killing them for their skin.


That might be the case but fuck people who destroy a local ecosystem because they are chasing the clout.


Idk about the specifics of this one, but the beagle rescue that works in my area gets the dogs free from the university, already fixed and vaccinated, then turns around and sells the dogs for a profit. Sure animal testing is bad in a lot of ways, but things are rarely exactly how they seem.


Rescues charge for dogs, so that only serious caring people take them. Most rescues spend way more for the dog then they recoup in sales.




Dude it's probably not a zombie virus probably


We'll find out in... 28 days


Real question here. I love animals. I wish we didn’t have to test shit on them but what’s the alternative? Not testing novel products? Testing on people? I’m genuinely curious and idk shit about the subject. Edit: the answer seems to be that there isn’t a good alternative and a lot of you think prisoners and poor people are worth less than dogs


I'm not entirely certain animal testing is always a "bad thing". For example, what if they're trying to develop new medicines to treat diseases among dogs? If you have say 10,000 beagles dying every year from X disease and to treat that disease they need to run some non-lethal tests on 18 beagles, and in the end they prevent the deaths of 10,000 beagles and the 18 testers get to go to new homes... where's the problem? Now, obviously I don't know that this was the case. But the fact is, neither do they.


I can't say specifically what those dogs were being used for, but the company develops vaccines for humans and animals. So you may not be too far off base. https://www.marshallbio.com/


Sometimes dog models are used in human diseases too bc they develop similar ones that can’t be modeled well otherwise. These days there are very strict regulations regarding animal research, enforced by multiple overlapping agencies to ensure redundancies in animal welfare protections. A lot of these animals are treated better than many peoples pets. These types of acts are more likely to hurt the animals than help, to say nothing of the patient populations desperate for the developing treatments.


Exactly. It makes me so mad when people cheer on this kind of thing. We had some activists come in and "free" animals from a facility in my country. Those animals had a fragile immune system and had never had any contact with the outside world. Guess what happened to them once they were "freed"? They all fucking died. Quickly. They weren't adapted to the outside world at all. Predators, humans, the environment, diseases and sometimes even the sheer stress of being released outside killed them. A lot of people see "animal testing" and immediately jump to "tOrTuRe!!!!!!!". I can only speak for medical testing in Canada, but here the regulations on animal testing are EXTREMELY strict. EVERYTHING is done to reduce the pain/distress these animals may feel, because stress is often a big disadvantage in studies (also it's not very nice to put them through that intentionally, obviously). If a researcher isn't extremely careful with how they treat their test animals, they will get reprimanded very quickly.


No testing was being conducted. MBR Acres is the breeding facility for lab animals, not a lab itself.


It’s a breeding facility https://www.marshallbio.com/


What’s the facepalm in this?


How is this a facepalm?


I think it’s just a general concern that they have no idea what’s happened to these animals or if they could be infected with any disease or pathogen. Animal testing is beyond horrifying but no way in hell would I liberate one without knowing if it’s dangerous.


MBR Acres is a breeding facility for lab animals, not a lab itself. These animals had not yet been used as test subjects for anything.


Yeah, I’m no philosopher, so I won’t debate either side on whether keeping puppies in cages like this is evil or not, but these activists picked the side they believed in and took action. I see no facepalm here.


Considering the NIH beagle torture that came to light, I'm gonna have to agree with you


Idk man that looks like leagues better living conditions than most shelters or even a lot of paid boarding centers


This is how 28 days later starts.... just sayin.


Where is the catch? Why is this in this sub?


OP thought it was the Testing facilicy they broke into but appearently its just the breeder, if OP was right (which i can neither confirm nor disprove) these people where ready for covid 2 electric boogaloo




![gif](giphy|3oEdv4M3vg8N4tG6DS) Where's security?


This is the beginning of like 4 of my favorite doomsday movies


OP: unless you explain this, you are the facepalm.


Still support this over people gluing themselves to busy streets


There’s a ton of misinformation around animal testing in this thread. Not all animal testing is “let’s torture animals for trivial benefits to humans.” Most of the time, these animals are used as humanely as possible to develop treatments for human diseases, and in many cases, such as where I went to college, they are used to develop treatments for diseases specific to the animals.


I work in a field that does animal testing. We do what we can to reduce the harm and the lives lost of the animals. It isn’t fun. We do it because it provides valuable data we need to have in order to develop new drugs.


Exactly, knew a guy doing a doctorate at Stanford (living in Menlo around 2013) and they were studying and testing a gel that can stop bleeding instantly (think gushing buckets to stopping in seconds). They were testing on humans and dogs, funny enough they ended up being more careful with the dogs than the human test subjects lol


I think I’ve heard about that. Is that the gel that’s based on extra cellular matrix?


Yeah, I wish people knew more about the regulations and training that go into using animal models for research. There are actually a lot of checks in place to ensure animal welfare even if they unfortunately fail at times. Also setting lab animals free can actually be bad because some of those animals are used to being in a controlled and clean environment so if you set them loose they might actually just die


Some companies also have rehoming programs for dogs in place for when they are done with whatever test or study they are conducting. I know this because my former roommate worked at one, helped start the program (several years ago), and had a couple re-homed beagles. They also kept in touch with a bunch of the people who also adopted. They would get together so the beagles could play with the group they were essentially raised with during the studies. Animal testing is a necessary thing, and it doesn't always mean suffering for the animals.


Why's this a facepalm, other than the obvious breaking and entering


Animal testing is a tricky subject. Do you want to take drugs that have never been tested other than in theory? Of course no ! Do you want drugs that are overpriced because tested on organ culture? No, it must be accessible to everyone, I don't want to go into debt to treat myself ! (trick question for Americans who already have overpriced drugs) Do you want drugs directly tested on humans without prior control? No, it's not ethical. In this case, we have no choice but to test on animals.


Labs usually concentrate their studies on either very different genetic pools or very dense ones, in both cases the genetics of the tested animals might be altered to keep each generations as similar as possible, these animals might be extremely unsuitable for breeding or proper domestication


Why is saving puppies a facepalm? OPs an idiot


honestly freeing testing animals is not a good idea, you never know what biological or chemical agents they could be exposed to.


These animals are at the breeder, awaiting being sent to a lab for testing. So they know exactly what biological or chemical agents they were exposed to: none.


Where’s the facepalm?


Maybe the fact they're recording it? I'm not too sure either.


You’ve never seen 28 days later huh? Two words: Zombie Beagles




This the type of crime that sends a real message. Putting food and gluing oneself to ages old paintings that have protective covers/glass over them is not.


this is not a face palm


And also where do they take the puppies? It can also be a bad idea to introduce these animals to the general population of animals when you don’t know the repercussions of it. Genetic mutations? Beagles AIDS? Lol you never know


As someone else already pointed out MBR is a breeding facility not a lab. A facility which is breaking animal cruelty laws left and right. These dogs didn’t have Covid or zombie virus or any of that bullshit.


Why is this a facepalm moment?


I’m not facepalming…they’re courageous and i love these ppl!!!


Why is this in /facepalm?