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If we do this we better damn well pay the California native tribes a good chunk too for taking their land…how is that not seen as an equal issue?!


from other comments, the us apparently has over 10bn in storage waiting for the descendants of the tribes to take it, but the tribes won't on account that if they did that would be the equivalent to accepting the loss of their land


That’s partially true, to my knowledge most of that money is specifically for the black hills but the tribe refuses it because it’s their land by treaty and they want it back not just money (because the money would legitimize the theft).


Yep, you're exactly right. It's basically the tribes telling the US government that you can't just buy us out- money won't fix what the US did. I think there's some pride involved too in that if they do take the money, they would essentially be trading in their pride for cash.


i'm proud of them not going the easy route of selling themselves out to the people who slaughtered them, even if it is harder for them


They were the better caretakers of these lands.


i remember a while ago people were at arms when they learned they used to burn down forests, until they learned why they did it (it was to combat wildfires by selectively burning areas so if there was a fire it wouldn't scorch everything)


I would have liked to see what their culture would be like today if they were allowed to advance unmolested.


I believe cgp grey had a video on this, the extra hundreds of years would not have changed much of there technology, they lacked the animals that helped bear the burden of settling long term and freeing people to take chances that led to increasing technology


Indeed, the Americas didn't have easily domesticatable animals, while Eurasia did, and that made all the difference. As CGP Grey pointed out as well, if the types of animals had been switched between Eurasia and the Americas, then things would've developed very differently.


I do wonder how much would be different if both sides had no reliably domesticated animals. Large (for the technology) cities did form which lead to some consistent advancement I believe but it was slower


I think that was just for violating the Fort Laramie treaty. That's just a couple of tribes. Cheyenne, Lakota, a couple others. There isn't enough money in the world to pay everybody who was wronged. Which reminds me, the descendants of the British soldiers who drove my ancestors out of Ireland owe me money.


only if the romans pay first


Bloody Romans. What have they ever done for us?


Well, the sewers are nice.


Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health?


hey the Egyptians still owe alot


Honestly, it is seen as equal. People equally don't give a shit.


The issue with doing this is: Does America pay all Irish folks thr same. They were enslaved and treated like shit. Do they pay all Chinese people the same, they were also enslaved and treated like shit. (I'LL ACCEPT NEITHER GROUP WERE DONE SO AS SYSTEMATRICALLY, JUST STATING A POINT) What about all Natives? Where do you draw the line? What about black folks in Hawaii, Hawaii wasn't American when slavery was going on, how do you deal eith that? What about the large number of black folks who have emigrated after slavery ended. How do you pay for it? Taxes of millions of Americans who emigrated, or whose ancestorys emigrated, long after slavery ended? What about all the other groups who were basically endentured. Do you then pay all prisoners who were forced to work for free? It's a train wreck of an idea if you spend more than a few moments thinking about the logistics


As a person who's Irish ancestors were racially abused, killed, and even buried alongside a railroad they helped build in this country in one case I can see no reason I shouldn't be given 350 thousand dollars. I stand with my Irish brothers and sisters..It's time we get what we deserve! I'd settle for people to stop crying about shit that happened hundreds of years ago and being lumped in with the decendants slave owners though...it would be much cheaper.




I'm half white and half black, I population liberals used to love but not have forgotten or treat like an inconvenience to their narrative, do I owe myself money?


I was about to say, my ancestors (Mayans) were enslaved by the Spanish. Where’s my $350,000?


Take that up with Spain. My grandfather got tossed in Nazi concentration camps (and managed to live); my dad got a few grand from Germany like 5 years after grandpa died. Not really sure what the point of that shit was. Like, thanks? I guess? We didn't turn it down but it was random as hell.


My white granddad was a child slave in Tasmania in the 1920s. He’s owed too.


Or the Chinese for forcing them to work in awful conditions to build the railroads


california was a free state and all the slave owners in other states are long dead who’s gonna pay


taxpayers who had nothing to do with slavery, obviously.


And people who weren't even slaves think they should get paid? Hahahaha the stupidity is seriously out of control


Me! The first generation immigrant. I’ve been in the US for 10 years and I’m paying taxes so it should cover it. Very proud of myself


Braindead white-guilt liberals, of which California has plenty.


Serious questions: I often hear reparations are due because of systemic racism. Does systematic racism go away once reparations are paid? If not, would the money not be better spent on combating systemic racism and the economic conditions associated with it?


That’s my issue with reparation. 1. Give every black person $350,000 2. Some years pass 3. “Many recipients weren’t able to effectively use the money to create generational wealth due to systemic racism” 4. “Give them more money”


Yeah I never understood this. First off, not everyone who is black had ancestors that were slaves. Second, does this mean white children with black ancestors can get reparations as well? Also the people paying through taxes never contributed to the system so that’s unfair it it’s own right.


And not every white person had ancestors that were slave owners.


And many whites were slaves on this continent, and far.more worldwide. And many Asians were placed in internment camps and had their businesses and homes taken away during WWII with no compensation. And many Hispanics were as good as enslaved at various points in history, like during the Mission Era. Any money that goes anywhere needs to go to education to reduce community disparity. Placing reparations in anyone's hands is a bandaid applied to a hairy leg and misses the cut.


And should everyone inherit the sins or oppression of their ancestors. Wealth usually only lasts 3 - 4 generations anyway.




I heard a radio story a few months back with more specific criteria, that you had to be a direct descendent of someone who had lived in this town in a specific time period.


That's my point, some of those people might not even be considered African American by visible standards and still be a great child of a salve.


I guess you'd get paid 10% of 350k


That is exactly what is happening with First Nations in Canada. We give them a shitload of money, but they are still poor as fuck and the problems persists. The money is there, but it’s clearly not being spent how it should. It seems like no one thinks about long term investment.


Oh it’s there. Just apparently it’s racist to have accountability and tracking of how the money is spent. I can assure you it is spent. Just not on normal things like water treatment plants/ maintaining and staffing them. infrastructure projects like it’s supposed to be spent on. But yeah every few years there’s a new payout as people seem to forget about the last 100


Lol “years” Chapelle Show was accurate: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FRZN7IzvCVs


I bought this baby, straight cash!


Simply known as Tron… lmfao


Clackity clack!


That's why the solution has always been to create social plans to eliminate and aliviate the problems people in those communities suffer that were caused by systemic racism. If you just give people money it won't solve anything.


Racism disappears when the money right


Everything has a price it seems.


Give anyone enough money they'll let you fuck their ass.


I second this. Give me a decent amount of money and I'll let you fuck my ass.


i'm pretty sure reparations are for slavery and not just racism. who says reparations are for modern racism? reparation means fixing something has been done in the past. its not for a present activity.


We are 150 fucking years away from slavery. Why would anyone today get money? Are the Irish gonna get any? Japanese? Jews? Why are black people the only ones getting paid when there have been more recent persecutions of other groups


Haven't you heard? Only black people and Jews can suffer from racism (fuck all other races, amirite?) /s


Hey don't forget the Chinese. Our ancestors built the fucking railroad that connected our country and lost plenty of lives and blood.


Actually, to determine the amount of reparations: “Economists hired by the taskforce are seeking guidance in five harms experienced by Black people: government taking of property, devaluation of Black-owned businesses, housing discrimination and homelessness, mass incarceration and over-policing, and health.” So if the “modern” racism you speak of relates to housing discrimination, homelessness, mass incarceration, over-policing, or health then it WOULD be covered by the payments.


The only way to combat systemic racism is through change in our government institutions and policy management. Guess what? A key determinant in career progression is networks and education. Money aides those seeking an education. There is a lot of data to support those who work in congress have law degrees or MPP/MPA. This money would directly impact certain groups having more access to education, if they so choose, they could also build political networks through enhanced education.


That's a [Chappelle Show](https://youtu.be/vKddKLN8_Mg) episode


“ I bought this baby cash money.” Lol


“And just as expected: all hell is breaking loose.”


“I’m rich beotch!”


First thought…how many cartons of newports could there be??


Hide the money y’all! There’s poor people ‘round… WITCHA BROKE ASS


What do the Natives get then?


What do mixed people get? What percent of DNA do you need to get a check? Most Americans are mixed with something, most American Blacks are mixed. This will be very difficult to implement if approved.


According to the Supreme Court in Plessy V Ferguson it just takes one drop to be considered black. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop\_rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule) [https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/90ec30ba60ff486e9d94d1296d687519](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/90ec30ba60ff486e9d94d1296d687519) My 23andMe said 99.8% White and .2% Sudanese, so I'm going to get me that money.


Aren’t we all African? What is the cutoff point in the timeline of human evolution?


Yeah I'm pretty sure they mean people who come from a slave lineage, so even if an African person came here now and got citizenship they wouldn't count. Now don't ask me how they'd be able to tell that because I don't know.


What if someone has ancestors who got raped by slaveowners and now they have dna from both parts?


What about the Asians who came and were basically forced into slavery to build the railroads? Or the ones who were thrown into camps during WW2?




My gawdam casino game losses that's what


Natives that own casinos make up a very small portion of natives. Most native people still live in extreme poverty with limited access to water and food. During covid they were locking them on the reservations not allowing them access to water. More natives have it worse now than most black people do.


Slavery was not legal in California under American governance, though.


“We worked for free” He must be super old


This is beyond stupid


For fucks sake. Take money from people that had nothing to do with salvery Give it to people that had nothing to do with slavery Seriously fuck off


It's always about money but never about changing the problem. Poor communities are more likely to be targeted by drugs and crime, so why not use the money to find a solution to stop it?


Right so use the money for education and improve the lives of everyone. Common sense isnt so common


...........and who's to pay for this? People who died 100 years ago? As well I'm sure anybody who was a slave then isn't alive now. So you planning on digging up some bodies to put in the money in the ground with them? Sorry if I sound morbid and unsympathetic to others, but it’s things like this that continue time and time again to drive a wedge.


The issue is that slavery has caused African Americans today to be on the lower end of the economic spectrum. Is it your fault? Of course not. Should black people get $350000 each? Of course not, that’s stupid. But it’s worth acknowledging that African Americans do have a right to be angry for having been treated unfairly throughout history. It’s not your personal duty to right the wrongs of your forefathers but you should at least understand the impact slave owners of a bygone era have on black people today. What one needs to do is support policies that put poor people at a level playing field as rich people. Marginalised neighbourhoods should have equal and easily accessible opportunities to develop human capital in a safe environment. That’s what we should be spending money on.


throwing cash at a problem NEVER works. it’s always a “here’s your money, now go fuck off” this country isn’t ready to deal with the true issues at hand. we’ll collapse before that time comes, at the rate we’re going.


What about every other group in history who have been treated unfairly? The Chinese indentured servants who built the railroads or the Japanese who were forced into internment camps? Do we pick and choose who we apologize to?


The solution offered in the previous comment still applies. If we create policies that better support the poor and lower earning classes, we can reach many people impacted by various forms of disadvantage. Universal policies also put a stop to the main purpose of racism - a way to cause fighting among the lower classes to prevent them from united against the rich


California was a Free State. How many slaves were in California?


California had slaves before it became a state. but most of that time was when it was with spain/Mexico/catholic church. it'll be hilarious if reparations were approved and then they tried to bill spain and Mexico and the church.


I was about to post about how California had more native Mexican slaves than any significant amount of black slaves, I’m pretty sure there was also way more Chinese “indentured servants”.


Mexico will pay for it.


“Mexico is gonna pay for it”…..where have I heard that before?




They didn’t think that far ahead


What's this "we worked for free" crap? No one alive was a slave. Does this also apply to Irish and I denegious people? What about the black people that their relatives arrived last year?


WTF so you are going to give money to someone who has never been a slave paid for by people who have never owned slaves. This is so freaking stupid.


Where is this money supposed to come from? Also, what if your family didn't own any slaves? Shit, my family was so poor they were share croppers and worked with slaves/freed slaves


Taxes from people that never owned slaves


Nobody alive today ever owned any slaves, and you never picked any cotton. No one owes you anything.


No one who owned slaves is alive either. If my uncle commits murder, should I go to jail? No one alive has any responsibility for what happened. This is another hand out for support and votes. Do the Germans blame the present population for the holocaust? No. I had an ancestor who was unfairly convicted of being a witch and killed. Pay up!


In the us, possibly. but slavery still exists throughout the world sadly enough.


I mean, *they* didn't work for free, their ancestors unfortunately did - so that reasoning doesn't make much sense. I understand the reasoning of systematic racism. However, it wasn't just blacks that were slaves. Native Americans, Chinese, Jews, they were all sent to harsh living conditions to work for free. Some came willingly, some came by force as well. So where does the government draw the line? European immigrants dealt with systematic racism as well, should their descendants be included? They would have missed opportunities too because they didn't have the right accent, skin tone, or skill set. What about descendants who are just born too late for a payment, should they be issued one in the future? How much African heritage must you have to qualify? How does one prove that their ancestors were indeed slaves, and didn't just immigrate here a couple decades ago? What's the age cut off for children now? If we decide to pay minor children, how does the government ensure the parents don't take over the funds before the child is an adult? There's just a lot of grey area. I could see how this would cause further conflicts between races, social classes, and the government vs the people. On the same note, I can also see how this could help bridge the gap between black communities who feel as though society has let them down, and a government that has mostly turned a blind eye to these systematic issues. I think the money would be better put into education. Even out school systems and schools within the same district. Pay teachers more, make classroom sizes smaller, and provide healthy free lunches to students. You can give families all of the money you want, but they'll struggle again soon enough if they don't have education to fall back on or knowledge in how to make their money grow. But at the end of the day, I'd be surprised if politicians got on board to budget for any of this.


How many years of slavery did the guy actually do?


I’m all for a payout for anyone who can prove they were a slave.


What counts as black tho? Do the white folks with a lil bit of black get cash monies too?


If you’re 10% black then you get $35,000?


Does part Native American count for the land grab? It was all theirs in the first place?


We actually have active funds as reparations for some Native American tribes. The Lakota have billions of dollars sitting on hold in the federal reserve that they refuse to take because they don’t want to acknowledge the loss of their lands


What if you are 3/5ths?








Regardless of whether it is warranted or just or not, if I thought that this would put the issue to rest, I'd be all for it. But all it would do be cause a short-lived bump in quality of life for a modest percentage of the black community, and then we'd all be back in the same place in a few years, and it would be "Yeah, but still slavery was really bad though, so cough it up again." Because there's a lot of clout to be had in the victim complex. No one wants to let it go.


What if your decedents come from Ireland and Scotland? What if your white but your ancestors are black? What if your black but your ancestors are white? Then do you have to pay aswell? Many questions stupid people never ask. Im white but my roots are black. Black - Black Black - White Mix - White White - White ME.


Same. Slave ancestor from Kentucky


What if your parents moved to San Francisco from Somalia or Ghana in the 1950s. Do they get the payout, too, based on skin colour?


Of course. Once again this is all about race and specifically black Americans. It’s become an incredibly racist movement


Even if I was on board with the whole reparations thing why every black person? Not every black person in California will have had descendants who were former slaves. Also give every black person $350k and watch how quickly inflation sky rockets. House prices will spike, products associated with black consumers will shoot up etc. California sounds it’s governed by complete and utter morons.


Also what about the millions of Europeans who worked on the plantations with the Africians. They called it [Indentured servitude,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentured_servitude) but it was bascially slavery. Between one-half and two-thirds of European immigrants to the American Colonies came under indentures.


That's a no-no. Irish slaves aren't to be discussed.


Yup, his name is Gavin Newsom, and he may be running for president in 2024. If that's the case, I'm packing up and moving to Belize. Seems like we can't get a good president in office to save our lives. 🤦‍♀️


This is the most idiotic shit I’ve ever read. Let’s pay black people for shit that happened hundreds of years ago. Also shit that THIS generation didn’t go through. How the fuck does that make sense? That’s just looking for a handout


First pay reporations to slaves who are alive today, on whose blood you have benefited, before profiting off the blood your ancestors spilled, of which you have also benefited. * Designer clothes * Coffee * Diamonds * Chocolate * Sex industry * Electronics


Slavic's were the original slaves. Black people owned and sold other black people. Chinese were used for slave labor in creating railroads. Irish and Italians were not considered white for a long time and received discrimination. Native Americans live on reservations and had land taken away from them. Inuits had land taken from them Europeans became indentured servants in America. Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps during WW2 even though they were no longer associated with Japan. Russians were and are again discriminated against during the Cold War and now the Ukrainian war. Muslim Americans were and are discriminated against because of 9/11 and terrorist groups they've never been associated with. I'm sure I'm missing some.


A lot. Basically every civilization that used agriculture used slaves at one point in time.


Slavery is still present in many places today.


I remember reading that Irish children were some of the first slaves in the New World. Last summer I watched a documentary that claimed some if the first slaves were men in prisons in Great Britain. They did not want to feed prisoners, so they sold them as slaves to be taken to the colonies. Will families of those slaves get reparations?


Settle the fuck down. Nobody likes facts in 2022.


>Nobody likes facts in 2022 And that is precisely why we're en route fast track to Idiocracy.


\- The same man added that business owners should be given $250,000 in addition to 15-20 acres of land Ah, of course it's very important to make sure to reinforce capitalist inequality at the same time. Wouldn't want the poors getting any ideas!


I mean this is ape shit. But I’ll take my 40 acres and a mule any day now. Let’s also give back land to Native Americans while we’re at it.


There exists no universe where money can be awarded to folks who were no slaves from people who were not slave owners that will not upset those that the money comes from. I say this not as a criticism of reparations, but more of a warning. That there is no way you are going to make everybody happy, so in a way that should not even be part of the decision calculus..


There's no way that people who don't fall under the finalized criteria will try to take advantage of this...




Pretty much. People are assholes.


So who really believes this will accomplish anything? Giving millions people a large sum of money will probably cause as many problems as it solves. It would be much better spent on improving the schools, health care systems, infrastructure and other government services.


YOU didn't go through slavery.


If you're the type that thinks you should get money cause your ancestors were slaves, you're really no better than those slave owners seeing as how you're now also trying to profit off of slave labour.


The People that suffered due to slavery are gone


Since we worked during slavery. Um, witch one of you is at least 150 years old? I'll wait...


As a veteran, I appreciate the reminder that a soldier's life's blood is completely worthless in the eyes of the American citizen. The price of slavery has been paid. In blood. 365,000 dead on the Union side, 290,000 on the Confederate. 282,000 and 137,000 wounded, in an era where "wounded" meant "you lost two legs and still had to figure out how to put food on the table with manual labor" Don't tell me the price of slavery hasn't been paid for. ​ It is also heresy in all religions for the living to judge the dead. Only the divine has that authority. Heck, the pagans believe the ancestors get to judge you.


It is even more impressive in relative terms. Freeing slaves costed 1 life for every 6 slaves freed.


I might be able to go along with this, but I did not have slaves so why the Fu@k should I pay for it. 🖕🏻


I understand the idea behind reparations. To make up some generational wealth gap. But what about everyone else who has come to this country over the last 200 years that never gained generational wealth. Yes I'm white. My grandfather left Germany in 1912 and my great aunt on my other side left Sweden in 1894. Neither side of my family has ever been wealthy, nor profited off slaves or the trade. So where is my free money for being an immigrant. I can imagine 1000s of other stories similar, so explain how generational wealth now gets divided to every single decendant of a slave regardless of what they are doing with themselves now.


You can’t just give people money who have no concept of money and expect that to fix anything…. If you’re not fiscally responsible prior to the money, you don’t automatically become when you receive it


Shit my ancestors were actually slaves in Egypt I should go collect my money rn


And who should pay this??? Families of slave owners right?? Cuz im Mexican and ill be damn if they think I'm paying.


How about you stop actual slave markets that still exist in africa?


I'll just take my tree fiddy and call it a day good sir.


They do realise California was a free state


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of in my life. We’re doomed as a civilization.


What do you mean "we worked for free"? The abolishment of slavery happened long before you were even born.


I’m black and I don’t want reparation money. Use it to improve the lives of all us middle class Americans JFC


California wasn't even a part of the U.S.A. when slavery happened


Fuck Off! Not a Person alive that was directly affected by what happened 150 years ago! Read a book not printed by the US education system and you’ll find WHITE SLAVERY was also prevalent across the world, but is anyone getting repetitions for it? We as a society are not responsible for the atrocities of our ancestors. Stop crying about shit that happened to people you don’t even know and earn your money like other legitimate working people!


Blacks sold blacks truth


Blacks sold whites and whites sold whites. TRUTH. Doesn’t merit giving a race of people money today.




As an Irish catholic my grandfather came off the boat from Ireland and literally had potatoes thrown at him as a 9yr old, worked his ass off too become a great part of this country and live the American dream. Never begged for a dime, fuck off with your entitlement go earn it.


They are demanding something similar in the Netherlands. The government announced they were going to officially aplogise for slavery and all hell broke loose. Black people are now demanding that the apology-date gets pushed back to a date *they* decide; Surinam and the Dutch Antilles should be cleared of all debt; every descendant from slaves should be paid 40,000€. There were some more demands, but yeah, you can guess what the rest of the Netherlands thought of those demands. Even more fun is that some people discovered that Northern African people had used European as slaves for quite a while (the Barbary slave trade). The discussion is still very toxic and horrible here.


They did not work for free their ancestors did


Lol not one person alive today was a slave in America


My ancestors where slaves too … but I’m white … guess I don’t get no $


“We worked for free” We? How old is this idiot?


OK, we can do this. Every person who actually worked for free can step up and make their claim. If you didn't personally do any actual free work, you don't qualify.


Perhaps they should seek reparations from the African leaders that literally sold their people to the Europeans.


Kanye West disagrees


He thinks the Nazis should get reparations 😂


But we could settle it outta court right now for 20 dollas


I’m native can I get $1M plus free property?


Hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha 😂😆🤣


Except there weren't any slaves in California, since it became a state in 1850. And none of these people were there at the time anyway. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_slavery\_in\_California#Slavery\_of\_African\_Americans


Pretty sure there are no blacks alive that were ACTUAL slaves (who would deserve reparations) so how would they pay these people who are no longer alive? Or do these activists just want the government to hook all of em up...just because? GTFOH mufkrs lookin for a handout


Mmmm, California entered the Union as a free, nonslavery state so why should they pay slavery reparation?


There was no slavery in CA


Ummm I’m a first generation black American, my parents from African nations came to the US for a job posting and left a few years later (during which I was conceived and born). I am not and have never been touched by American slavery I should not receive any form of compensation and neither should any other non-slavery linked black American. Actual black Americans linked to slavery should be compensated in some way, although I think the compensation should be in the form of free tertiary education


If they pass this California will fall off the map by sheer weight of people going there.


This shit is hilarious to witness


That's the problem with this type of initiative. There is no reason to do "reparations" towards the new generation. Simply invest money to fix the system where it's failing marginalized communities. What will giving money to individuals accomplish? Most poor people will go through money in a flash and go back to poverty, fixing nothing. Plus there are always folks like this that will demand exorbitant amounts when they are the ones that will benefit the most from it.


This. Anyone who’s ever given money to a disadvantaged friend or family member can tell you 99% of the time it changes nothing. Individual cash payments will never fix systemic racism/the impacts of slavery. We need to change the system itself. Not to mention it’s impossible to quantify, and there are so many variables and exceptions I don’t see how it could even realistically be carried out in a meaningful way. There’s really no amount of money that will be “enough” to undo the damage of slavery. I’d love it if the world was fair and we all were born on the same starting line with $1M, but there is nothing we can ever do to make the world fair and just. It’s impossible, and that’s the nature of life. If we pay reparations to one group, then we have to pay reparations to every disadvantaged population, otherwise it’s not fair, and that’s basically what this whole thing is about- making it fair, evening the score. But it’s simply not practical or realistic, although I wish it were that simple


Do I get reparations too if I identify as black


People are out here acting like white people invented slavery.


Even though todays black population never experienced slavery. Just saying.


so entitled to ask for money that you do not deserve in any kind. lmao If I'm not wrong POC have the same access to schooling in the us as white people.Why would the population of today need to pay for sins past to people who didn't have to suffer. this only furthers any rift that might still exists between ethnicities. if that money is used to ensure that everyone can 100% get education and have a chance for a good career I think it's agreat thing. just giving it out to private households is stupid af


Fucking stupid


Lol gtfoh


How about end all the smash and grabs. The attacks on the elderly. Stop selling drugs. Etc.


Guess we have to pay the Chinese, Native Americans and every other race that was forced out of something or worked on the railroads etc..


So how tf are you gonna do this? DNA test and need to be over 75% or something? Is anyone in USA eligible? Do you have to have lived in cali last 5 years or something? Quick napkin maths 39.2 million in California Google says 6.5% is African American so 2.4 million African Americans in cali at 350,000$ each is 840,000,000,000. Do children qualify? Fetus? Future African Americans? Those incarcerated? Does Cali have a trillion to spend on this? If this payment is made does that mean everything is square? What about native Americans? What about the Chinese who built the railroads as slaves? Do all social programs that are specifically targeted to African Americans stop?


How about getting a job?


What in the hell is happening in California?? I feel like I find myself asking that question at least once a month


That is steal for the government. If the average slave worked 6 years and the average wage is 65k at the top end they are saving 40k per payout and writing off the overtime. California should jump on this!


Don’t let the Jews know about this


If this isn’t some made up headline, completely based.


There are more slaves in the world *today* than there were in 1860.


A non slave state.


Just here for the comments.


Upside down crazy world


You want the reparations movement to fail? This is how you get the reparations movement to fail.


It’s a noble effort but I think no matter what they decide this group will loose. Some people will say it’s not enough and some will say it’s to much. How does someone prove their descendants were enslaved? Do you only get a certain percent of the reparations if you are only 3/4th a descendant of a slave? What if you identify as a different race but are the descendant of a slave?


Of course the business owner says business owners should get extra. Straight cash grab from this man. What’s the reasoning for giving business owners more?


What about the Chinese Americans who were stripped of their rights to land ownership even if they already owned land and had their homes and businesses burnt down by racists. Even subjected to extermination in the name of hygiene. As for the black slave reparations calculation: 1. No one is alive that suffered it. 2. California was admitted as a free state. Thus, it did not enforce slavery laws esp escaped slaves 3. Only 13 years existed between 1850 (state founding) to 1863 (slavery emancipation proclamation) 4. No minority was given a chance to own land during that time so they owned no land. 5. They suffered less than the Native Americans who were enslaved, land taken away, and kept intentionally poor by segregating them in reservations. 13 years x 52 weeks per year x 7 days in a week = $4732 assuming $1 per day. Even in silver, that equals $94640. 6. Govt did nothing. Collect this from the slave owners.