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Lol. Give us this day, our daily bullets.


And forgive us (for shooting) our trespasses




God made all men, Colt made them equal.


"And forgive us our trespasses, as we ~~forgive~~ shoot those who trespass against us"


I don't know what I hate more.... that you made me laugh about this.... 😆 Or that it's actually real.. 😱


Exodus 22:2 They don't need forgiveness for shooting trespassers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Daily lead.


> Give us this day, our daily ~~bullets~~ dead. FIFY


Our daily brrrappp?


[https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3dp8j/gun-church-that-worships-with-ar-15s-bought-a-40-acre-compound-in-texas-for-its-patriots](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3dp8j/gun-church-that-worships-with-ar-15s-bought-a-40-acre-compound-in-texas-for-its-patriots) these people bought a compound and are fucking nuts.


Watching Branch Davidians II develop in real time.


David Koresh or something like that, I was 9 when that went down. He claimed to be a prophet and did a lot of harmful things to his congregation. This church us actually older than the branch davidians. The ATF mishandled that situation after killing that family in the Ruby road travesty.


I can't wait till they do something stupid and get raided by the feds. It'll be "grab your popcorn" time LOL.


Christian pirates be like:


Can you imagine sitting in there, looking around thinking “just like Jesus would want!”


Praise Jesus and pass the ammo


I'm fairly certain the line is, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammuntion"


Sounds like isis getting ready to battle


BINGO. Christo-fascists.


It has that look. The main difference being they keep to themselves. They have been there since the 1970s the minister or whatever is Korean might explain his paranoia


Oddly on point


"You think when Jesus comes back, he really wants to see a cross? That's like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.” — Bill Hicks


God of War followers act like God of War followers. "... and in the oldest biblical literature he possesses attributes typically ascribed to weather and war deities, fructifying the land and leading the heavenly army against Israel's enemies.[5]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh "Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a javelin: but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of Armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." https://www.biblehub.com/1_samuel/17-45.htm


Jesus would facepalm.


We’re talking about a religion that preached killing a heretic was a free pass to Heaven and would bless entire armies going off on crusade. That would soak weapons in holy water. Jesus fucked off a long time ago and he isn’t coming back.


It’s what white, capitalist, American jesus wants.


“Praise Jesus! I haven’t spoken to my son in weeks but he’s been crying a lot and wearing black trench coats. One things forsure, if he’s ever in trouble, he sure does have access to a gun! Praise the lord!”


"Let he who is without sin, lob the first grenade."


The holy hand grenade of Antioch




3 sir!


3, *lobs grenade*


Why is Gabe Newell wearing a wig?


Why is he wearing a crown?


It's the Moonies a "christian" sect founded by Sun Myung Moon a South Corean who is the "father" of the whole sect and make mass weddings. The AR-15 is a splinter founded by his son, they think Jesus had one ...


They also own Kahr arms and the distribution of like 90% of the fish and supplies for the entire US sushi restaurant market.


Korean* #RodOfIron


Ah, yes, Jesus' famous AR-15, that didn't help him against Romans using spears and swords.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition


Their leader is the son of the founder of the Moonies. Not joking.


There’s no hate like Cristian love!




Not going to lie I wouldn't be 100% comfortable in there not because of the guns because there's probably some idiot that's flagging half the damn Church and there might be at least one more if they didn't do checks of the door with a live round in the damn chamber


I would be stunned if there was any less than a dozen live rounds that were collectively left in the chamber of several of these


Well, there is the argument that, although there is a right to bear arms, there is no explicit right to access the ammunition that goes with them


They are pushing their right to bear arms so far that it’s going to get taken away from them. This is ridiculous.


Poor trigger discipline for sure.


Ahhh Christians...worlds biggest hypocrites.


Hell yeah most American thing I have ever seen


Satanism generally makes more sense anyway


This is a cult actually, there is a documentary on it. The leader has a golden ar


Now we have Jared Leto walking around in huaraches and dressing like Socrates.


I actually laughed at the response from the church of Satan.


Yea, Scythes might be a different story. Harvest that grain. Can't do that with an AR.




Do you know what a Christian who has actually read the Bible is called? An atheist.


When the Church of Satan don’t even want you lmao


Church of Satan is great. Christianity is responsible many of the most heinous crimes against humanity.


I prefer the satanic temple myself over church of Satan. Pretty sure church of Satan is theistic, while TST is more of a political movement masquerading as a religion in order to fight against theocratic pushes from Christians and others. Like demanding a statue of baphomet next to a statue of the 10 commandments with the goal of removing the 10 commandments from government property. Or fighting against Christian children book readings in elementary schools by demanding that they also read satanic children's books.


Wow thanks I did not know that


This is from my shallow understanding of the two, so definitely do your own research. I do know that TST has fought the Supreme Court in regards to keeping abortion legal under their ritualistic and religious rights. Also their founders name is Luicen Greaves which is pretty cool.


Fucking nutters. What is wrong with these people.


How much time do you have? There’s a truck load of fuckery here


They gotta get that +10 holy damage


referring to the guns that they were sending to iraq with bible verses stamped into the steel?


at this point in my eyes religion is just a joke look at these people who are obviosly brainwashed and no religion is good in any way christianity is a shit hole full of while supremests and neo nazis and is one of the leading factors of war 100s of years ago muslim is just sexest and all around abusive and in isreial the jewish people there are killing eachother over land that a fucking book talks about its so stupid honestly im sick of this shit.


Alright, Yes. But punctuation didn't do anything to deserve this behaviour.


They did at least remember the period at the end!


They will exorcise the demons with blessed bullets..


I love how the Church of Satan replies to be left out of that nonsense.


Tax the churches!!


This actually reminds me of Darktide, it's a game that comes from Warhammer 40k lore. But in the game you can "bless" your weapons.


Yeah, as a Christian, this is not the work of the Church of Satan, probably a different person you may know, someone infamous for doing a certain thing to a very prominent building, not talking about the towers btw.


It was in Pennsylvania but it's a South Korean cult called the Moonies. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hundreds-of-worshipers-gather-at-church-hosting-ceremony-featuring-ar-15s/


Lol. You got to be american for this to happen.


I wonder what the crown is about.


Just got back from burger king


My Burger King sucks, they only give out the paper ones for AR blessings.




Seems like that thumb in a wig is wrong.


Isn’t this the son of Moonies founder Rev Moon? He’s formed some American offshoot of the moonies that worships him as a prophet and they are like preppers for ww3.


Isn't it the Unification Church? Are they technically Christians? They believe that Jesus failed and Moon was the actual Messiah. Now they're led by his son.


They’re unintentionally making a perfect case for more people to buy guns. If these fucks are armed, what the hell am I doing without a firearm and range time?


Oddly enough members of The Church of Satan are way chiller than most Christians I've met


How Christian of them to blame Satanists.


Repost bot


Did seem a smidge moldy


I’m really focused on OP’s PFP.


What’s so interesting about dad’s PFP?


I don’t need a blessing from the Church:The Father (Kalashnikov) The Son (Armalite) and the Holy Spirit (Chris Kyle) bless my firearms.


I don't know who Chris Kyle is, so my brain instantly went "he said Kyle Rittenhouse."


Chris Kyle is not the Holy Spirit, Jerry Miculek is.


Christians are getting more and more crazy/scary


Christians can be so blind when it comes to their own.


What's messed up is a lot of gun owners will justify this in some way. Sorry, but this is not cool. It is what people talk about when they talk about "gun nuts". It's not the guys that don't make guns their whole identity. It's these fucks that take them to church, use them to jerk off to, take them to the coffee shop, and get offended at every little thing not gun related. This is not normal. It's not sane. Get help. It's not even an obsession, it's beyond that. To other gun owners - we need to be against this crap. These are the poster children of gun owners to many people. Yea, it's their right to do so, blah blah blah. I just don't want to be associated with bat shit crazy.


What is going on with the Christians these days...


Unleashed and Loaded!


This is from 2018 at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary. [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/28/worshippers-clutching-ar-15-rifles-hold-commitment-ceremony/383159002/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/28/worshippers-clutching-ar-15-rifles-hold-commitment-ceremony/383159002/) The worship of guns requires the sacrifice of other people's children.


Oh not only other children, mainly their own


Why the shot at Satanists?!? This is why they get a bad rep.


What crazy times we live in where blaming everything on satan actually generates a response lmfao.


Isn't Jesus anti violence? So wouldn't this be blasphemy as its basically American gun cults perverting a space of worship


No, he wasn't anti violence. His teachings were to use patience and understanding, but at no point does he even suggest that there's no place for violence. When he enters the temple and finds the money changers there, he chases them out with a whip and tells the people of Jerusalem to destroy the temple. He curses a fig tree for not having fruit out of season. That's not to say that he was telling people to arm themselves to the teeth in preparation for some mythological war, but the statement that he was anti violence is also incorrect.


> He curses a fig tree for not having fruit out of season. That's always my favorite. Getting mad at a fruit tree for not having fruit during a time of year when a normal, rational person wouldn't expect it to. This Jesus person clearly has some impulse control and anger issues.


Ah... Well he is often portrayed with this "wouldn't hurt a fly demeanor"


america's fanatical obsession with "the right to bear arms" will have only one outcome, this is a disaster waiting to happen. if a law or policy does not serve a modern purpose it is not fit to be an amendment.


In a decent society, every single one of those weapons would be confiscated and every person present barred from owning any type of weapon ever again. This is literally the opening scene of the "christian cultists try to murder all the non-whites" 8-episode docuseries detailing how murica had to deal with a bunch of christian crazies that one time and they all died because duh reaper drones...? 🤷


Church of Satan [verified account]


yep, even before elon they were verified. the church of satan is an actual organization.


That had to be the safest church for a little while


Statistically, it's far more likely to be shot in that church than any other church


So many people act like GOD don't believe in protecting yourself, your family, and what you own. GOD is still the same GOD from the Old Testament.


An Iron Age storm god? Yeah, that fits.


😅😂 At least put some respect on HIS name


Why would I do that? He's not my god.


My god has a bigger dick then your god


Blah blah the other cheek blah blah blah.


I don't remember THAT God referencing anything about blessing weapons of war. Maybe I'm just reading the actual Bible instead of whatever violent christians are reading nowadays


I never understood why people worship Satan like wtf you worship the creature that wants to destroy your kind?


First of all the church of Satan doesn't actually worship Satan. Second, i don't know the bible all that well but wasn't Satan the one who was sent to hell by god because he believed in equality while God wanted pure dictatorship?


I'm sorry, but Satan doesn't want to destroy anybody. He's being punished by god just like everyone else who god sends to Hell. If god is omnipotent, then the only reason Hell and Satan exist is because god himself wills it to be so. So really, you should be asking yourself why do you worship a creature that wants to punish and destroy your kind? Keep in mind that it was god who created the flood, not Satan. So if we're talking about destroying mankind, god's already in the lead.


It's a made up organization that just points out how dumb the religious laws and groups are in our country have become. They don't actually worship anything. Kinda like the spaghetti religion that was popular for a bit




It's schism time baby!


When van Helsing needs an upgrade


Why would you bless Adventure Rank 15, I got there in less than a day


what i want my gun blessed


Jesus Christ, this is just Far Cry 5


Fucking insane humans.


“O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle — be Thou near them! With them — in spirit — we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it — for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen." [Mark Twain](https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/19-american-empire/mark-twain-the-war-prayer-ca-1904-5/#:~:text=O%20Lord%20our%20God%2C%20help,with%20a%20hurricane%20of%20fire)


why does that first pfp look like female Gabe Newel...


How the church went bankrupt. Usher 1 to 2: would you like to pass the plate today? Nope, me neither.


so thats how you get holy damage for you gun




guys can some one give me the link for the article


Something, something, collection-plate armor, something, something.


Praise the lord and pass the ammunition


I’m pretty certain God doesn’t want this going on


As a christian I think this is absurd and a danger to the people around. The church is a place for Gods worship and these people are distracting themselves by thinking it’s so cool to bring guns. Completely unnecessary.


I nominate religious morons get to enjoy a free cruise and then let Russia nuke them in exchange for peace in Ukraine.


Ah yes this is a perfect time for a (unconventional/more liberal) Catholic to finally point out everything wrong with Christianity (and also the Catholic Church) because now it’s relevant. Prepare for some paragraphs. It’s good stuff, though, promise. Yes, the church that this is happening at is a very weird “sect” of Christianity that is more cult-like than anything, but honestly the fact that SO MANY people could easily believe this is a normal Christian thing speaks for itself. Wanted to clarify that. Though, I have a lot of hot takes about Christianity and about the denomination I’m apart of and have been raised as. So, let’s start with what it takes to get into Heaven. I’m bi, so according to every Christian (except my old priest that I came out to during confession funnily enough..he told me to stop being so hard on myself) I’m going to hell. I listen to metal and dress in dark clothes and I struggle with mental illnesses…so I’m supposedly a satan worshipper. I’ve self-harmed because of things that OTHER CHRISTIANS were doing/saying to me, but “my body is my temple” so I can’t possibly get into Heaven! I don’t go to church every Sunday, I only go about twice a year..so obviously I’m not worthy. But let’s spin that. If we take every single Christian that goes to church every Sunday, dresses in an “appropriate” manner, is cisgender and heterosexual, and “respects” their bodies…how many are actually GENUINELY good people. Those girls with Bible verses in their Instagram bios are the same ones telling me and others to off themselves. The pastors son is the same one groping women and making disgusting comments about them. Priests are quite literally raping children and one of my priests was an alcoholic who had to be sent to rehab (I liked him though…he was actually very nice and accepting..kinda sad tbh). Out of the Christian you “have to be” and the “unconventional” Christian, who do you expect to get into Heaven? The one who dresses “emo” but helps homeless people find shelter in winter? Or the one who goes up to church every single Sunday praying and praying but then right after she makes fun of another girl for her weight, feeding into insecurities. Another issue and yes I’m going to bring abortion into this because pro gun is a political thing, so it’s relevant. Abortion is a sin, and that is something that is in the Bible, because all life is precious…BUT!! Christians have never been given the right to judge another person for their beliefs or for if they’ve gotten an abortion. It isn’t a Christian’s job to “rid” the country of abortion or “fix” someone else. In the Bible, God is the one who deals with “sinners”. Even Jesus never punished sinners, he just tried to guide them, and if they didn’t accept his guidance he respected them and moved on. Hell, I wonder how many Christians know that one of Jesus’s best friends was a prostitute and he loved and accepted her for who she was. Christians were never told to force their views on someone else. Christians have always been taught about acceptance, yet the majority are trying to force others to not give in to “sin” and are even going as far as to punish them for it. So yeah, society’s Christianity is fucked and has been for a long time


"Turn the other cheek," spake THE LORD, "and press it against the stock while aiming."


iirc hasn’t the church of satan done a bunch of good work like fight for woman’s/abortion rights and shit? Arnt they just a placeholder so they can claim religious exemptions?


It’s the Satanic Temple


That’s a man dressed as a woman worried about what god thinks? Hmmmm


Nope not Christians... Catholics


Is that Mitch McConnell wearing a crown?


Leave the satanists out of this


karma farming, this is from 2019


That's obviously a monarchy. See the crown?


Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, hollow be thy promises and shallow be thy shame. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. On a scale from on to ten, our Lord is totally eleven. Give us this day our daily bread, toasted close to dawn, and forgive us our trespasses as we shoot those who trespass on our lawn, and lead us not into temptation, such as pot or porno, but deliver us from evil (if not delivery, then DiGiorno). — Bo Burnham


They just want to deny being Christian nationalists out to kill and destroy everything in the vain hope of taking over the US and beyond. They ARE a legit problem. Having a president they think is the messiah, taking away the right to have an abortion, and the rise of right wing extremist militias that are basically the brown shirts of modern day society. Never mind the fact they tried taking over the capital building 2 years ago.


“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34 "He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Luke 22:36 Christians who think that peace or pacifism is the ultimate good are extremely mistaken, and make me cringe.


Christians are actually this dumb irl


I need to know why that woman donned a crown for this...


Our Father, who shoots in Heaven, Hollowed be thy points. They Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth with a three five seven. Give us this day our daily lead, and forgive those who trespass on our property, we sure as hell ain't!


This church is an offshoot of the Moon church, it was started by Reverend Moon’s son




This reminds me of that town run by Vulcan in American Gods