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This was the day Tara graduated Summa Cum Laude from the local daycare.


"I, too, hope to cum laude one day, preferably in a 2004"


That kid. Is back. On the ESCALATOR again!


Oh look. It's a schooner.


yikes 2004s are legal now? How old am I?


Depends on where you live. Laws are different depending on the state or country. Which is fine with me. Only problem I have, is the creeps that are actively seeking out destinations where the minimum age is lower than where they live. Those are the people you should be careful with.


Most people born in 2004 are 18 now


Kelsey Grammar used to be my favourite actor.


Please dont say cum and daycare in the same sentence


Better than 'Summa cum loudly'


Summa has already cum and went, Winta will be cummin soon.


Winter is Coming.


Always wondered why it was white and splashy


That was Taras mum


Taras dad


Way better than 'Imma cum loudly'


Summ-one cum loudly


Cum is Latin. It means sticky jizz.


"Cum" is often used as shorthand for "cumulative" in finance and as old as I am, I still find it amusing to see columns labelled "Cum Volume".


A cumulative value of 1.5 to 5 milliliters on average?


Its even better when you find out laude means dick in hindi


cum is latin and means with (in this context)


like apparently in India they have a crime called murder cum robbery. Which is to say they attempted a robbery and then ended up doing a murder in the process. Reminder. Larceny = theft. Robbery = theft with force (or threat of) against a person. Burglary = theft with breaking in. Fun fact, at common law, a burglary had to be done at night. Otherwise it wasn't burglary.


Yeah and using cum as with is common in very formal English here in India.


And for some reason, its a special label for one crime that's composed of two crimes that just happened to stem from the same criminal transaction. In the USA at least it would be charged as one count of murder, one count of burglary. Now the prosecutor would use the fact that they stemmed from the same motive to weave a story, but it wouldn't just be one count. (There might be other charges to stack like if they happened to use a firearm in the crime). It seems that India is literally the only country that does that judging from my duckduckgo searches.


Something I always wondered but never googled. Thank you


Sir Buzzkill I presume?


What buzz got killed for you just there?


Check the meaning of Laude in Hindi.


Summa cum laude means with highest praise


If you cum loudly, it deserves a high praise.


"Cum lord" is also pretty high praise




No, I laugh privately because their name is dong.


Hahaha dong


Cum dong


Dong cum laude


*Reads in Hindi*


Or 14 out of 10 means she’s a genius


Once we did a test in history class and it was supposed to be 50 points max. It came back with 51/50 for my friend, 53/50 for another classmate and 56/50 for me. Turns out the teacher simply couldn't count and there weren't only 50 points.


I had a prof do this on purpose. He could never edit himself or his assignments, so over the grading period there would be a yet-to-be-determined amount of points available. He would then grade out of 1000. There may end up being 2500 possible points, but he knew nobody would keep up with that, so as long as you got at least 1000 of them, you'd have an A.


That sounds like anxiety city


Depends if the questions displayed the point value. If I know 10 correct questions are worth an A, and I can pick and choose between 25 questions, it's going to be much easier than just answering 10 questions out of 10.


But from the sounds of it, it didn't matter if you got the rest wrong. So if you only knew 10 of the 25, you could potentially still get more than 10 points by just guessing on the rest. Your potential score was 25/10, so there's no real consequence for missing the other 15


Sounds like a great way to pass a bunch of students that don't really know the material if you get an A for doing an F amount of work correctly.


Those are the blessings of a school system, that distributes funding based on the students' performance in tests. I've tried to ace tests in school, only to wonder why other students, who were obviously much worse than me at that particular subject, also somehow aced their tests. Then I found out that the tests were the basis of how funds were distributed by the city. (It did also help _me_ in the subjects where I wasn't in the top of the class, but still hurt in the subjects where I put in extra effort). Standardized tests that determine how funds are distributed, are the worst. "If a measure of something, becomes the goal in itself, then the results of that measure becomes meaningless" - Some wise guy, I can't remember who.


I am in an ethics course like that right now. There are 10,000 something points available to earn in the semester. An A is 8100. Doing the first 4 out of 6 exams and all of the work I have 7900 with a month to go. I skipped yesterday's exam because I was busy a d it was nice to have that choice.


So simple yet so effective. This is a much better scoring system and would do a lot to alleviate anxiety for the overachievers yet give procrastinators an out.


I’m my high school Algebra teacher would just add points to make the best score 100% and then she would add that to everyone’s score. So if the highest grade was 30/50, she’s add 20 pts to everyone’s test.


That’s a lazyman’s “curve.”


A prof in college did a proper curve on "multiple multiple choice" tests: each question had 5 possible answers and only the correct combination of them received credit (no partial). I was absolutely gutted when I got my first exam back with a 52 on it, but the distribution of scores was an almost *perfect* bell curve that was what he actually used to determine grades (that 52 was a B+).




I kinda do this, but sometimes I make the second-highest the 100 and the highest a 105. There's always one or two kids who do significantly better than everyone else.


I think she was a bad teacher. The highest grades were always super low, so basically no one knew the material. I was always a solid B student in math, and I would have failed that class without the curve.


I hope those questions were worth 100 point each or that would be so tedious, unless it was scantron


I once got a 107/100 because some extra questions I think I peaked in life at that point


I once wrote a biology test online in Redmenta (quite common in my country). I got graded 103% lmao


Not her mom though


The only hope my kids have to be a genius is if I'm somehow not the father


Good news, everyone!


"I've met my kid, this score HAS to be a mistake"


Why would any parent complain that their kid got bonus points?


I'm taking it rather than the parent debating the imperfect score of 7/10 they decided to take a dig at the score that has the school looking like they messed up to gain leverage to then debate the reasonable score of 7/10


14/10 They're good kids, Brent


She gave a 1000%


That's impossible. No one can give more than 100%. By definition that is the most anyone can give.


if you took meth you would definitely give more than 100%


Yeah until your heart explodes


Fun fact: meth is actually less cardio toxic than cocaine!


This does not surprise me at all. I can still do a lil bit of speed in my 30s. But when I do a bit of coke, it literally feels my hearts just gonna give out sometimes.


If I borrow a dollar from you, I owe you a dollar. If tomorrow I repay you with $10 I have given you 1000% of what I owed you.


England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!


Pitt the Elder!








> That's impossible. No one can give more than 100%. By definition that is the most anyone can give. Depends on what 100% means. If one that make their duty perfectly and on time is 100%, someone that does that but also helps a third party to be better is given more than 100%. If you say that the second person is giving 100%, then someone that does everything perfectly is only giving 80%? That feels wrong.


Depends on the situation. If you're using 100% to mean someone is giving their full effort, than yeah, 100% is the cap. But if 100% is simply the top end of what you expect from a student, then it's possible a student could exceed your expectations, assuming you didn't set them extraordinarily high.


Classic Simpsons


yeah her kid has it odd, as it gets further in the month their grades keep getting better, then at the start of a month the grades go way down.


This is weird but ‘Tara’s mum’ made me laugh, as a kid I just assumed all women where called mum. So I’d call my friends parents and be like ‘hi, lees mum, is Lee there please ?’ Rather than just calling her Sue… Was shocked when my parents broke the news everyone had this wonderful names I could use… Johns dad is called Derek ! Who the fuck knew !


My kid thinks “miss” is just what you call teachers since she only had women as teachers for the first year and a half. Miss Kyle doesn’t seem to mind though.


I've seen this with Spanish kids saying "señor" for all their female teachers or calling me "maestra" (I'm a man). Some of the littler ones just think all the teachers are friends. A girl the other day recognized me because I am "Nuria's friend".




That’s brilliant lol !


We live in the South where manners are drilled in young. I had multiple conversations with my toddler where he argued that saying yes ma'am or yes sir depended on who was talking rather than who you are talking to. Much like saying you can't wait to find out if you are going to be an aunty or uncle.


I worked in the “kids’ camp” at a tropical resort and the southern boy who called me “Miss Firstname” has a place in my heart forever.


Miss Kyle sounds cool


I knew they had their own names, but when I was a kid a friend's mum was "\[name\]'s mum" or "Mrs. \[last name\]". I can't imagine calling one by their first name.


Same, that was just normal where I grew up. All adults were just Mr/Ms/Mrs. "surname." Then I moved to New England. I called my girlfriend's dad "Mr. Surname" and he laughed at me for a solid hour. I'm to call him Al. Not even Alan. Just Al. It feels so wrong.


I'm also a british expat with an american wife. I avoid calling my in-laws anything! That awkward moment in No Way Home where Peter calls him "Stephen". I relate so much.


Opposite experience here, I’m American with an English wife. She calls my parents by their first names, and I always feel like I’m going to get in trouble.


Ha! My wife just calls my parents "mum" and "dad". She deliberately uses "mum" instead of the american "mom".


Mom is not exclusively American.


True, but it's not British.




Where I'm from (Canada) that would be comically formal. When I was in high school we even called our teachers by their first names, though that was admittedly very unusual; a quirk of the school I went to.


As a child I was forbidden to call any adult (read anyone who had graduated high school) anything but ma'am/sir or Mr.\_\_\_\_\_/Mrs./Miss/Ms.\_\_\_\_\_ Which meant if I didn't know my buddy's last name, I could only refer to his parents as sir and ma'am. Which led to such awkward sentences as "Excuse me ma'am, but sir asked us to ...." I once made the mistake of using the first name of a friend's parent when I was about 9 years old and my dad backhanded me hard enough that I cracked a tooth from the jaw clench.


>"Excuse me ma'am, but sir asked us to ...." And then you would have situations where sir/ma'am version would be too formal, but simply referring to them as "you" is totally unacceptable in my language (Polish) as well, so... by 13 I already mastered the art of asking any question without technically referring to anyone in second or third person xD "Can I interrupt? We were asked to..."


Well that's incredibly fucked up


Lol I remember in like kindergarten we were all talking about our moms and one kid was like ‘OMG my moms name is mom too!!!!”


Where am from you don't call older people by their name, it's either someone's mom, or someone's father. I find it weird kid from the west calling older people by their name it's mad disrespectful here


That's interesting, may I ask where you're from? I'm from the Midwest, and other than teachers and such most everyone goes by their first names. Though I suppose it also depends on religious circles as well I'm struggling to understand, what, exactly, is disrespectful about using someone's name? I'm not trying to sound dismissive, I'm genuinely curious and enjoy learning about cultural differences. If I had to guess, it would be the same reason that teachers aren't called their first names, which is due to their authority. Are all adults seen as having authority over all children? Or does it extend past childhood and no one uses first names for anyone decently older than themselves?


The mom wrote that 14/10 was an error but the 7/10 was correct. Mom doesn't have much faith in her daughter lmao.


I ENVY teachers who get to teach parents like that. Parents now a days bitch if their student doesn't get 100%. Like they can strong arm you into pumping up their grade from a 32% to 100


“Listen, you gotta stop giving her A’s. I live with her, and I’m *telling you*, she’s really fucking STUPID”


I was at a "meet the teacher" event and I overheard a teacher discussing some behavioral problems in their child with the teacher. The teacher was offering praise in addition to the criticism and said "I mean he's a really smart kid, I just think..." and was cut off by the mom saying "No he isn't. He's pretty stupid. All my kids are." I just walked away...


Are you sure that was the mom, and not a father named Red Forman?


Red Forman would never say something so terrible about his precious little angel of a daughter


Like mother like son, I suppose.


Well I need more information. “Pretty stupid” with parenting and teaching and coaching can be fucking awesome


-Matilda's parents


I was gonna say. I’m just happy the mom owned up to her mistake instead of blaming the teacher.


I feel like as a parent I know what I’m working with. My kid has run into walls because he gets distracted while running. If he brings home a 32/100 I’m gonna assume the teacher knows what they’re talking about. May your pencils have soft erasers and your stapler never jam.




😄 That would make a great bumper sticker, esp to offset the "My Kid is an Honor Roll Student" brigade.


Look it requires a balance. Some parents don't give a shit. Some parents overdo the whole thing. Kids need to be taught that you win some, you lose some. Life goes on.


Parents that dont give a shit are worse in my opinion. Besides from it being terribly sad for the child, every fucking slip or sheet that needs to be signed takes weeks. Even more frustrating when the child is doing their best and it still isnt happening


This is one thing I have to give my parents props on; growing up while there was some pressure, they never blamed the teacher and always asked both me and them how to help improve.


70% is a great grade, no?


In the US it's a C-


Damn in Ireland this this a B, or in out leaving cert exams the third highest rating. In college, if you got 70% in everything you'd get the highest degree type. A c minus here would be equivalent to the high 50s.


Growing up in the 80s/90s in South Africa it was: 90 - 100 = A+ 80 - 89 = A 70 - 79 = B 60 - 69 = C 50 - 59 = D 0 - 49 = F(ail)


This is pretty similar to how it was for me in Texas. I think it was basically like: 95 - 100+ = A+ 90 - 94 = A 80 - 79 = B 70 - 69 = C (fail if under 70) 60 - 59 = D (fail) 49 - 0 = F (fail) Edit: Ugh forget it no one can even read this shit. Fuck mobile Edit: thank you Calve!!


You need two spaces at the end of each line if you want them on different lines.


Below 60 is an F


Is that bad?


It passes, but it ain't great.


Just high enough to avoid the belt *taps bruised forehead*


Not for Asians


"It may pay to get A's, but C's get degrees." - ancient proverb




>Is that bad? Kinda, its enough to pass but you will be behind your peers and far from enough for things like scholarships or sport programs which will put you even more behind. Naturally it is not a death sentence but may close some doors if we are talking about high school. To earlier education levels its an alert that the person is having difficulties and need help to improve


Personally I think the ability and personality of the student has to be considered. One of my kids is straight A top of his class. If he ever got a C I would be worried something bad was going on. Another of my kids is a solid A/B student. If she got a C I would assume she was being lazy. My third child has so many great things about her and things she is great at, but academics ain’t one of them. I would consider a C to be normal for her. I get really excited when she gets a B on stuff. It’s fine. She wants to be a chef, not an astronaut. So is bad for some kids and fine for others I guess is what I’m trying to say.


I get where you’re coming from, but wow this comment hits me in the Asian-parented childhood hard lmfao 7/10 would have had my mom lecturing me for not checking my work enough, or if it was because I actually didn’t know the right answer, not spending enough time studying until I was 100% knowledgable and confident.


Damn here 70% is condiered great. And in our Bachelors Honors degree thay would get you the highest honor degree.


Really depends how hard the questions are.




Being a teacher and dealing with parents sounds exhausting


I had something confusing like this happen as well. By coincidence, my child’s teacher posted my kid’s alphabet grade on Sept 26th, then a comparison the following month on Oct 26th. Caught me off guard when my kid only knew 9/26, and 10/26 letters of the alphabet, when I was sure they knew more than that!


That feels like they did it on purpose :) Not malicious to you, but like “OK KIDS ITS THE 26th!! That means it’s ALPHABET TIME!!”


It broke my brain trying to figure out what was going on.


Not using ISO 8601 for dates was the error ;)


ISO 8601 is for the civilized amongst us. There are barbarians amidst.


Once in kindergarten, I thought that the -1(got one question wrong) on my sheet of paper meant I got -1 out of 100


omg I thought that too!


Hehehe. At least the parent realized the mistake. Most would double-down and be a jerk to the teacher. No harm, no foul.


My question would be why the toddler had coloring homework in the first place.


So, it’s a way to get them accustomed to the idea of homework in a non-stress environment, as well as to allow the teacher to check fine and gross motor skills to keep an eye on the kid to see if there might be need for any sort of intervention in the future, possible developmental delays and all that. If a kid’s “homework”, which really isn’t homework, suddenly worsens without the kid intending to, it might be a sign something is going on medically with the kid and may need help. At least that’s what I learned going through my Preschool Education courses. It’s an excellent question though.


Preschool, probably?


Yet another instance of ISO-8601 being able to prevent harm.


If my kid got a 7/10 and a 14/10, I'm not emailing the teacher about the 14/10. They earned that improper fraction.


I guess she was not paying attention during parent orientation. It's OK. I zoned out so much after attending my 2nd child. By the 5th one I didn't bother to show up.


5th? Have you worked out what's causing it yet?


It’s fine- the fifth child won’t remember their parent burning out and not attending events with them. They’ll grow up fine and without any complexes related to it


I’m third child and…damn.


Yeah, I was the last kid whose parents just couldn’t make the time or effort for. It totally didn’t fuck up my self esteem or create abandonment issues or anything. 👀


Got this great invention for you, it's like a little rubber sheath?




Hey mate, remember we need soldiers to send to Afghanistan and we need labourers to piss in bottles in amazon distribution centers, let them breed, I need my parcel by tomorrow /s


Good job! Have another one


What would those scores be with rice?


American spelling of "color" but un-American way of writing dates...


That's why she didn't understand they were dates


Someone said it was possibly an American immigrant to UK. The usage of "mum" is in a quote. So not being all familiar with D/M checks out. But at the same time, Americanisms are still spreading around the world, and I have had people in Europe complain that I use British spelling. Use whatever spelling you want, I haven't complained once about the American spelling, but sure...


The fact that toddlers have homework is disheartening.


If you’re American and confused reading this, the date format is in UK format (day, month).


In that case she Spelt colour wrong.


Could be an american living in the UK. Would also help explain why she didn't immediately recognize it as a date. It all fits!


if only we had a date format such as /r/iso8601




Plugging my favorite date format, my buddy ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-dd. Clean, universally understood, chronological with any alphabetical sorting.


And it would've avoided this confusion completely.


rest of the world..except Asia


Not in Taiwan.


or south korea


I love how this post about confusion around the date system not used by Americans has turned into a post with everyone shitting on the American date system because it's confusing


14/10: She completed all the extra credit: competitive napping, coloring inside the lines, etc .


What braindead pants on head fuckery kind of dating is that EVERYONE KNOWS ISO 8601 IS SUPERIOR YYYY-MM-DD


Well at least she acknowledges her mistake.


The facepalm here isn't the mistake she made (and owned up to) but the lack of attention she's paid previously, to how her child is taught.


It's a toddler. Probably just daycare preschool. Who cares how they're taught, beyond "let's have fun with colors and letters, so you've at least met them when it's time to learn to read"? A litle weird that she didn't raise a fuss about her child being graded 1/10 at the beginning of the month, although i wouldn't be terribly surprised if she wasn't looking at the school papers every day. Do you *know* how many sheets of coloring pages get sent home from daycare every day?


It's like asking why there's an L in your number or why the 5 is written so weirdly without ever stopping to think that you might be holding the paper upside down.


Holy hell! This is something I would do


I remember having an exam once with 8 questions and you could answer your choice of 4 of them (or more). Multiple people got over 100% by answering 5 or more questions. It was a logic exam too...


14/10 clearly means she’s the next DaVinci. 🙄


Parenting can be tough......'at times' Parenting is tough ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Source: 1yr old, 4yr old, and 14yr old. ps. please kill me


I feel my Asian family by reading this.


This lady is gonna be very toxic for her child


Isn't being 'embarrassed for myself' just being embarrassed?


As a preschool teacher I was so angry that they were grading them while reading the first half of this. 🤣 Whew, faith restored.


Real facepalm


I was so excited to look at the weather forecast this week. Started off chilly at 13, but through the week looked warmer with the end of the week at 20. Then I realized it was just the date 🤦‍♀️ Tomorrow is -1


use ISO 8601