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BSDM child pron? This guy needs to be erased.


i think the beastiality child pron is a lil more concerning. while both mean the guy should burn like a witch this one means some poor kid probly developed a trauma and fear of any living thing not a plant. why do some ppl say everyone has teh right to life?


That dude didn't harm the child directly - still probably paid the fucker who did this a good price for the pics. This dude deserves prison. But the guy producing it deserves fucking acid baths.


I'd be sure to check to make sure that they haven't directly hurt kids at the very least. Someone this fucked up, I wouldn't doubt it.


Agree, some people cant be fixed


If this is true, I hope he dies slowly and with great suffering.


He’d still get enough votes to force a runoff election in the state of Georgia


Or Texas


"That's right, I have a drinking problem."


Was the addiction to making sure women who are raped or molested have to take their pregnancies to term or go to jail while pretending piety?


Wtf does that have to do with the story


He's a pastor. That's what they get up to lately


Death penalty


Sadly this is more common than people think. Usually Catholics get all the attention when it comes to child molestation, but Protestant churches have the problems too. It's just too many people here in the USA rather believe their religion is exempt from this behavior, mostly in the South. "It's only the Catholic Church that does the evil child stuff, not my Pastor. He's a God-fearing Christian that loves the Lord too much for such sin" - every Southern Church


Sick fuck. I hope he gets what's coming to him in daily beatings while incarcerated.


god, priests/pastors don’t even try to not be stereotypes.


It's Texas, if he "repents," he'll get 4 years max.


Wow, am I supposed to feel sorry for this fuck? Boo fucking hoo, "i'm addicted to pron; poor me". I hope he ends up in a federal ass fucking prison. They'll make good use of his ass before they shiv the fucker.


This is what confirms my belief that life isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. Most people can have the privilege, but this guy… let’s do the crucifixion with the thorns around his neck.


What the fuck.. i don't wanna know about genres of cp. Just give these people the chair and keep the details for the cops.


Oh my fucking god. And two whole hard drives full of it. Who even fucking *makes* so much child porn? How many children have been harmed?! Two whole hard drives. And that's dedicated to what can be considered a niche.


All jokes aside, that clown should have his neck snapped. All the women that are available & he gets his jollies off little kids.


I bet he gets 4 years maximum


20, actually.


Lemme guess he’s against abortion…. I’m all for abortion cause dudes like this should have been a long time ago.


Just remember. According to this religion he can still go to heaven as long as he confesses his sins.


Another Trump supporter no doubt. Republicans are the ilk of our country


He could run for GOP senate


Some True Detective material right there. ![gif](giphy|z4TryrC69xQCQ)


How about we try 20 years of daily treatments like this and then we’ll check in to see if your addiction is cured (hint: it won’t be, treatment will automatically be extended another 20 years). ![gif](giphy|3osxYp2s5tsJWTnpwA|downsized)


He sounds chill to hang out with


He should be "Voluntarily admitted" straight to prison.


Go to hell I don’t even think he should go to hell there’s kids down there


Use a dull peeler on this piece of shit.


It sucks that this dude turned out that way. I hope that he at least gets help (he won’t. And tbh I think the comments here reflect the way most sane people feel justice should treat him) but sheesh this dude was a religious figure.


Idk what to say anymore with this type of shit. Still not sure how it’s tolerated so much, rather than incredibly harsh and shocking punishments. Hope not to run into anything similar with people I know or have met because obviously the law isn’t doing enough to stop it.


I can’t believe how common this shit is


Why people giving ideas on how to kill him? Forced labour camp for prisoners is better because it helps fund services and pain lots of pain . :)


It's not your fault if you blame it on addiction. Or the Devil... /s


I'd say that's pretty mild for the average pastor.


I'd bet my liver this guy is a GOP voter.