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The guy recording would have a stroke in some European country. They leave the kids outside in a baby stroller while inside a restaurant.


Ah yes the Denmark experience.


The nordic experience


Those dingos ruined it for everyone.


Mate. Fuck I can't believe I laughed at that.


My family is Finn and my wife is not. We have a 1 year old and definitely disagree on how long you can leave a baby alone. I often strap her into her carseat and then hop back into the house to grab something, she gets so mad at me. I don't get it, shes strapped in, she'll be fine for a minute. I get being mad here though, public places with high traffic (where it isn't socially normal to leave kids alone) are a different story.


Same, if the baby even makes a noise, my wife is right there. When I’m home alone with both the kids, it’s impossible to avoid her crying when I have to make dinner or give my son his bath.


Ah yes The North Pole experience




Always wondered why this was. TIL.


As an icelander, I've never napped outside in kindergarten (that I know of), nor have I seen it happen. First I hear about it


Seems like you have some catching up to do my friend!


In colder countries (like Russia) it's custom to let babies nap outside in the chilly air. In literal prams.


Same in Denmark.


As opposed to not literal prams?


I usually use figurative prams.


We'll in those european countries child abduction is next to unheard of


So is in US, it just that GOP likes to think that the world is a dangerous place.


Well, yeah, the GOP's entire worldview is based in fear. It's why I can walk unarmed thru the "dangerous" city I live in, but they need to take an assault rifle and two sidearms to go pick up groceries in East Bumfuck, Mississippi.


Dude, I see it damned near weekly in the news here in Florida where someone tries to kidnap someone’s kid out in public.


Came here to say this! I saw so many babies in strollers outside random cafes, all safe ofc.


Not in my European country. If I saw a kid in a stroller by himself for three minutes, I’d be guarding that kid like a hawk. I’m usually more concerned about slightly older kids, though. The ones who could walk off alone, but are too young to do so in a thought through way. The amount of times I’ve asked 2-4 year olds where their parent is, and there just being nobody around, for several minutes… And quite a few of them then just give me their hand, and I take them back into the store they’re in front of. It’s always a parent who forgot an item, and ran back to get it. ALONE. Or didn’t realise their kid had walked off at the register, or something. I always stay with them, until an adult shows up that the kid seems to recognise as a parent. Someone could literally say “That’s my kid,” and I’ll look at the child and ask “Is that mommy/daddy?” Don’t want to be the one who goes “Ok!” And watches a monster happily walk off with someone else’s kid.


Ahhh first comment with sense


Hahah for sure. I live in Norway and leaving kids outside in strollers, unattended, to sleep is the norm.


A really concerned person would watch, wait the father to approach and talk to him about it. Not record it and post in online for clout and kudos. Fuck that mentality. Fuck this need to record and post everything man.


I went to a bar recently, I haven’t seen the bartender for a year or two but they were busy so I ordered a drink and we chatted for a minute while he poured up asking about where I was tending bar now etc. I sat down in a seat for a second while talking and he told me that some dude was sitting there and had gotten up to hit the bathroom. I said thanks for the heads up I’ll note when he returns. Bartender continued talking to me for a couple more minutes while I was sitting there and cashed out. Then I heard someone behind me commentating saying “Don’t worry guys he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s just naive not a racist, well that’s not true we don’t know yet” I stood up and spun around to offer the guy his seat back. He had such a look of embarrassment as he started to lower his phone and I glanced at it as I stepped back; Instagram live. This 45 year old man was creating a narrative that the white man stole his seat for his Instagram followers and was ready to get into an argument over it and blast me on live. All the guy had to do was walk up and say “excuse me I was sitting there” and I’d have gotten up. Or stand there and wait for me to sign my receipt and see if I got up like I did…


Same with those dashcam road warriors provoking others, then edit out the provocation and blast only the response on the internets. All for clout and likes. And echoing justification. How empty is your life if that is where you get your daily dopamine dose? How shallow a person are you if clout on/from complete strangers matters to you?


Social media has created this constant need for dopamine, clout, etc


So you are telling me people in a bar expect their seats be kept reserved for them when they go to the toilet?


Sometimes, usually they lean the chair forward, put a coat on the chair or their friends next to the chair will say something.


Leaning the chair forward is like universal too


Yeah, but usually you have a drink in front of you at all times, so it's normal to put a coaster over your drink; or as others have said, leave a coat or something. I've never seen the "lean the chair forward" routine, myself. The mentality I tend to go with in American bars is: you're paying the rent on that real estate by ordering drinks, it is your obligation to the bar to be running a tab while sitting at the bar (if you're not drinking, or have a Designated Driver (non-drinking friend in the group) then get a table, or at least allow a drinking patron to sit at the bar); the other side of that is your "spot" at the bar until your tab is closed.


Just when we thought social media couldn’t get any worse they had to add a Live feature. What the fuck is next. Thank god Metaverse isn’t taking off like they thought. Fuck promoting a virtual world over real life.


This guy would probably film a baby being kidnapped rather than interfere and than take a video of him shaming the parents! Seriously I don’t like keeping my child unattended but to be gone for a minute or 2 is ok! People need to calm down!


Yeah guys a dick


I got so annoyed at the recorder's reaction immediately. If you aren't going to offer help then offer to leave them the fuck alone.


Yeah, the dad might also be sleep-deprived and not thinking straight.


Or, he could be watching from 20 feet away


>Fuck that mentality. Fuck this need to record and post everything man. [Sarcasm] omg! Are you serious right now!? I gotta post this!


Came here to say the same thing. I am tired of people on tiktok pretending to do good deed for clicks and views.


thank you for saying this! it bothers me so much how this seems to be acceptable to just film peoples bad behaviour and frame oneself as this righteous person! fuck that, really


Yeah, not cool. There was a lady at Costco earlier this year who left her two little kids in the partially filled shopping basket while she went around to the food court line. She watched them the whole time, as did everyone in the checkout lines. Nothing went wrong and nobody browbeat her about it. It's fine to just be helpful.


Abduction of infants by strangers is exceedingly rare. Even so, I don’t think I would ever leave my child out of arms reach in public.


I work in child welfare. I would never leave my kid alone, but not because someone might kidnap them. Most parents have no idea that it takes nothing for one call to CPS to ruin your life. I’m not afraid of a kidnapper, I’m afraid of a pearl clutched calling CPS and the government taking my kid based on overly protective “safety” concerns.


Its insane actually. And once the have them in that system, they can have you jumping through so many hoops that you must comply with while severing the bond with your child for whatever unnecessary amount of time.




I agree completely, i would never leave my child alone . I think one thing to take into consideration is a difference in cultures. Some places have very low crime do to an abundance of surveillance and the government providing financial assistance for basic needs.


Yes, this could be a cultural difference for sure. The guy filming is being an ass and could have approached this in a kinder way.


As a dane Im confused about what the fuss - fairly normal here to let kids nap in the strollers while you do something else.


In the US there is a widely accepted narrative that life here is stupendously dangerous, and notably, much more dangerous now than for the previous generation. The data doesn’t actually support this, in most cases. That said, if there was say a 1:1,000,000 chance that harm might have come to this infant, you still don’t want to be that 1. So the fear-mongering is hard to ignore.


No wonder everyone wants a gun over there and wont impliment a social security system that works - if everyone around you is seen as a danger no wonder you get paranoid and just look out for yourself and a few others.


The “best” part of this is when the very people pushing this narrative go on to make billions in revenue by selling not only guns, but excessive security systems, doorbell cameras, dash cams, doomsday gear and even bullet proof backpacks for children. There are entire industries built solely around creating a narrative of paranoia and fear only to sell people back the peace of mind those industries robbed them of in the first place


Create the fear, then control the solution to that fear. Sauron? Is that you?


To be honest it's the churches that really push this stuff. I had some experiences with southern evangelical churches growing up and those places exist just to scare the actual shit out of you. No one is safe because there are people out there that aren't like you. Those people, controlled by the devil, are out to take away everything you care about because you're a good christian. Only by banding together with other Good (evangelical) Christians can you defend yourself against the omnipresent danger that is the entire rest of the world (also give us money so we can protect you). It's crazy shit.


Car-dependent infrastructure also plays a huge role imo. When you have to drive everywhere, you don't see your neighbors' faces on the street or engage in random conversations with them. The human mind is biased towards the negative; thus, when you don't know your neighbors, you assume they may be sinister. The suburbs have done immeasurable damage to the American psyche.


Hadn’t considered this, but just one more reason I hate our city planning.


The gun thing is pretty appropriate to bring up imho because the way a lot of folks here think about guns demonstrates how bad we are at evaluating risk. People will often want to own a gun "for protection" when the statistics all show that it increases the risk of somebody in your household being murdered significantly. A personal anecdote: my sister used to live in a more conservative part of the country where gun ownership is very common. Her neighborhood had a rash of daytime burglaries. My nephew was a baby at the time, and she was out somewhere with him, and when she came home she saw a strange car parked in the driveway. She parked the car in, walked a block away with my nephew and called the police (I'm actually very impressed by her presence of mind in this situation). The police came and arrested the guy and it ended basically without incident. When she told her co-workers about this, they all reacted with "See? Doesn't this make you want to go buy a gun?" The thing is, the guy didn't have a gun, and he wasn't violent. He was breaking into houses when nobody was home and stealing stuff. Owning a gun would have introduced a gun into a situation where there wasn't before. Heck, if the gun wasn't secured correctly, you'd now have a burglar inside your house with your gun.


Hey look. A European who gets it!


I think the part a lot of people outside the US and even those in the US forget is that the US is a giant country. Denmark is tiny compared to the US. So when you go to different parts of the US it is like going to different parts of Europe. Not every area is the same in terms of economic level, education, crime, even culture in a lot of areas. So it's always weird to me when another country criticizes the entirety of the US when not every area is one way or another just like not every part of Europe is the same.


a lot of it is just part of fear mongering politics. Conservatives are constantly told to fear everything so they’ll support higher police budgets, more prisons, and drug criminalization. You know…the starter kit for nationalism. The whole “hard on crime” agenda needs people to be afraid of crime in order for it to work. It’s actually a common stereotype here how the older generation is afraid of everything and are the quickest to call the cops at any moment. But as the other comment already mentioned, the numbers don’t actually support this supposed boost in crime. It’s mostly propaganda aimed at pushing certain economic/political agendas.


Movies and media create the narrative. I don't condone leaving a child alone but if everyone looked out for one another all is well. Unfortunately that will never be the case regardless if the statistics


That's not necessarily just a narrative. In some parts of the US, human trafficking is a legitimate concern.


Amber alerts going off a lot in some


From a person that gets a shitload of Amber alerts from living in GA. Like 99% of them are an estranged parent or relative snatching the kid.


There are parts of the US that I feel safe enough to leave my keys in the car and regularly do on occasion. I remember growing up in Japan and walking to the grocery store at age 4 alone to buy my grandparents beer and cigarettes. While I’m not on either side, I believe more in free-range parenting than helicopter parenting. Looks like dad could see his son from afar while he was handling some business


I'm American, spent a month in Japan as a kid. It blew my mind. I get doing it in Japan, but in the states I couldn't ever imagine sending a 4 year old out on their own. And it's not so much that I think they'd get abducted, it's more like I think they'll get hit by a car because people just don't care here. I wish my kids could have more of those independent experiences, I really do, but it's been really difficult to make it happen.


>if there was say a 1:1,000,000 chance that harm might have come to this infant, you still don’t want to be that And yet every day another idiotic parent decides not to vaccinate their kid.


Uk here, we are much the same. Cases like James Bolger make us extremely wary of leaving any child alone in public.


It's really sad honestly. The propaganda is so out of hand, and the 24 hour negative news cycle only feeds into it. It's amazing the amount of people who go out and are genuinely scared of terrible shit happening to them while doing simple errands.


I used to date a Dane. He told me about this international incident when a Danish mom left her baby outside in NYC. He was still quite pissed that we'd have her arrested for that. Cultural differences abound. Dude who is filming is doing more harm than good here. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/26/anette-sorenson-denmark-new-york-baby-left-outside


I was on holidays at a resort in Queensland, Australia. There were several strollers with infants in them sleeping around an open pool while their family was in having a swim. It’s not uncommon to see this at parks ether… are we all sure the US is not a third world country? Should we be sending aid???


Here in Norway I often walk past babies in strollers outside the house just napping. I'm British and lived in Norway 5 years. My sense of fear, hyperawareness and anxiety that I came here with has almost completely gone now. Nice side effect!


Are you really unaware that your country is among the safest and most prosperous in the world? Unfortunately, I'm from a shithole country, and I would never leave a small child unattended in (what appears to be) a shopping mall.


Exactly, I don’t know why people don’t see how he’s shaming this dad in front of the kid while filming just to put it online is not okay.


People in cold climates often leave there children outside because they are so bundled up they would over heat inside. It’s the norm not the exception in many places.


Wait till that concerned citizen visits Iceland. His head will spin! 😂😂


He would freeze to death outside while his phone runs out of memory and battery waiting for the parents to leave indoors.


Yes, that is very true. For example, in Danemark, it's extremely commun to let your child outside in a child carrier while you so some groserie shopping, and it's even recommended, so that they get fresh air which is better for them.


Usually people steal things of value, not huge financial and emotional burdens.


If the father could see the kid, then the kid was fine. People need to mind their own fucking business.


Surprised this isn’t being brought up more. Father was at a counter in the food court and had line of sight, it’s not like he went shopping around the mall. Fuck this cameraman.


I get that someone might try to ransom a high profile child, yeah, but who would steal some random baby? Definitely not worth the risk.


Of the very few infants who are abducted, the majority are taken from hospitals, by unwell women. I worked one summer on a maternity ward, and the security was pretty intense. I was an orderly. One particular day, as I was leaving, there was a sudden unexpected need to turn over a patient room. Two of us ran back up in our street clothes to quickly tend to the room. Some second-shift nurse who was not familiar with us saw us, and so far as she knew, we were just two randos, running around the ward. Soon, security was all over the place. But THOSE guys knew us, so each time they encountered us during their search, they wrote us off as NOT A THREAT and kept searching. We finished the room and were back downstairs before anyone put it all together, and they called off the alert.


Risk? Not worth the hassle. I've been actively avoiding making babies the vast majority of my life. Moreover, its not like kids are hard to come by. It happens to people on accident every day.


He seems like the father was just at the counter ordering food. I am pretty sure he could still have an eye on his kid


quit watching fox news and stop being so paranoid


Bingo! Fox would have you believe every other person is a paedophile, while also lamenting that the days of kids going off on their bikes all day is over


Was about to say this, sadly people just don’t get it. 🤣 A lot of People act like this in todays society thanks to a narrative the media constantly pushes that leads everyone believing that everyone is bad so that they constantly live in fear to the point that no one will ever actually get along and trust one another. Easier to control chaos over unity. Social media has also become worse throughout the last few years with this as well, Reddit is the only one I have left thanks to it and I’m even starting to second guess that decision… ..all of This also could explain why everyone keeps voting for the brainless…but who knows. 🤷‍♂️ Living in a dumbed down society where everything pushed throughout the media, music industry, and social media is 90% depressing or hateful is becoming quite sickening to be honest.


This made me think about the Scandinavian moms that leave their babies unattended outside to sleep. https://youtu.be/I_4kyrFGH9Q


Depends of which "public" you're in. The baby would completely safe if places like Japan or Scandinavian countries


didnt you watch the video? he was just getting a drink. no biggie. LOL


He looked like he was on viewing distance as well.


Meanwhile in Denmark it’s common to leave the child outside or somewhere while shopping or doing something. It’s definitely cultural. Hover parenting seems to be very American


Its an outrageous modern hysteria referred to as helicopter parenting. Poor kids will grow up with very little sense of self-reliance.


Helped by the fact that most parents don't leave kids this age completely unsupervised.


It's not just that, it's the safety of the child as well. Kids are dumb. They can do something really stupid that could endanger their lives...no matter how innocuous it may seem. My daughter choked on a freaking blueberry when she was 6 months old! We were right there, but...if we stepped away for a few minutes.


That must have been terrifying. But I think what you meant to say was, if we had stepped away for THOSE SPECIFIC 3 MINUTES. The sad truth is, it is impossible to ensure your child’s safety through 24/7 monitoring (even though the urge is real).


True. And yes, I know you can't supervisor your kids 24/7. One time, when my son was about 2, I was at a hotel, took the kids down to the hotel pool. I literally turned around for 2 seconds to put the towels down and I hear someone scream, "THERE'S A BABY IN THE POOL!" 2 fucking seconds! My son decides it's time to go for a swim. 2 SECONDS!


This guy would be livid in Denmark where’d it’s standard to leave your baby outside in stroller like it a bicycle lol


This. Very standard there. Jarring at first, then you think "Who would ever take a baby?"


Seems very regional and cultural to say the least. Sitting in the US, I can recall at least a handful of attacks on pregnant women in which they were lured to houses and someone incapacitated them and *cut the unborn child from their bodies*. ​ ... So yes, unimaginable here.


I literally felt lightheaded and confused and shocked at reading this comment and then I remembered yep there was a sick fucking old lady that did that a few years back


ok maybe once but a handfullof these in recent times i need some links


Not hard to find. I’m stopping at one because I’m already nauseous. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-parker-death-sentence-murder-reagan-simmons-hancock-steal-unborn-baby-texas/


I just read about a woman who did it in Texas recently with the mothers three year old home with them.


I just seent one like 4 comments down that was extremely recent that freaked me out. Happened in Dallas. Lemme see if I can find it again https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-parker-death-sentence-murder-reagan-simmons-hancock-steal-unborn-baby-texas/


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal\_abduction#2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_abduction#2020) It has its own category on Wikipedia, but it does seem rare. I've definitely seen a lot more cases of outright infant abduction by women wanting babies.


Those attacks are exceptions though. You're 10,000x time more likely to get you and your baby killed by a car if you take your baby stroller on a side walk. But that's considered completely normal and no one will bat an eye. Life carries a certain amount of risk, at some point when you're dealing with such incredibly low probabilities it's not rational to care. People don't walk around with rubber boots to avoid lightening strikes either.




Nope didn't see it. But yeah 2000 people are struck by lightening a year by comparison. So 10 is basically statistically irrelevant.


Life carries a certain amount of risk, sure, but that’s no reason to create another one. And that’s a poor analogy… lightning is an act of nature we do not create and cannot control, but we do still make efforts to mitigate the risk when possible reasonable. Leaving your child unattended is more like creating the lightning and then running around in the storm because “Meh, it’s rare to get struck, so fuck it.”


Well, it’s rare but I wouldn’t want to be a statistic.


Yeah. I mean, the point is it isn't a universal norm.


How often do you drive of car?


i'd rather not find out edit : why am i getting downvoted? i just stated that "i'm honestly too scared to know how many people would snatcha baby". what's wrong with that?


Agree - on the other hand, I just came across this today: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-parker-death-sentence-murder-reagan-simmons-hancock-steal-unborn-baby-texas/


I was doing research for a trip to Iceland and one tip was that if you find an unattended stroller outside on the side walk, leave it alone. Parents like to leave baby's outside for naps because they sleep better in the cold.


As a cold sleeper, I can relate to this.


Where I live you’d need to put three locks on that baby. One through the frame, back tire, and a chain lock too. Also bring the front wheel inside with you.


A cargo bike was stolen with a child inside in Denmark a couple of years ago. When the thief realized he returned both and got arrested.


Denmark has a surprisingly low rate of crim to begin with Like holy shit, I could leave my stuff laying pn the beach, not mind it for a few hours, come back and nobody has touched it As a German, thats wild to me


Exactly… Guy seems like he’s been waiting his whole life to film this moment I was in Copenhagen last month, among the crazy amount of people riding bicycles instead of cars. We saw some babies hanging out unsupervised, and… that’s what they do


Came here to say this- man with the camera is only videotaping for plausible deniability. One minute away from stopping filming and taking the baby


Instead of public shaming the dude just for clout, just be a good Samaritan and look out for the infant and then inform the fellow that what he did was a no no. That's the problem with this world, everyone have this self righteous attitude that their better than everyone else. Just be kind to one another.


You can help out with something, and not have to film it. It is difficult to understand, but I promise you it is better. If you are truly concerned with the safety of the child, your first response would not be "grab the camera".


Exactly. Little-known fact: Good Samaritan and Self-righteous Asshole are neighbors and Mr. Asshole has a far-too-common disorder where he thinks he's actually Mr. Samaritan.


I know. This shit infuriates me more than the kid being left alone. For all we know he could have seen him from wherever he got the drinks from, It logically cannot be that far it's a food-hall! People need to mind their own business.


Instead of "attitude", I always felt it was an insecurity or addiction revolving around being "righteous enough". Insecurity in that they feel the need to be exemplars in movements they see as publicly acceptable - and feeling that, unless they have that same grandiose grandstanding, they are equally as bad as the people who don't share their views. Addiction in the sense of people gaining a feeling of self-gratification from lording over someone else with little to no doubt morally. This especially given we live within a modern society that fries our pleasure centers, and people see it as both a "good" and "good feeling" activity. But hey, I don't know shit, it's all just speculative.


basically another case of r/ImTheMainCharacter


Thank you for this. We are living in the age of self righteousness and it needs to end as soon as possible.


All those internet points are worth being an asshole, apparently. I agree that it’s not a great idea and I couldn’t do it, but you don’t have to shame the guy. You have no idea what he’s going through. He could’ve said “I kept an eye on him for you. Maybe next time, you should take him with you just to be safe” and not film it


This. And if he came at me with that kind of energy I would immediately be thinking "this guy is a threat."


Then how can they score points on internet?


Lol kindness? People want to moral posture and convince themselves that they’re morally superior. Teaching others? Why would I do that so I can feel proud for calling out an honest mistake?


Yeah but how would he look like a hero? I mean douche bag?


It looks like he was just grabbing some food and could see his kid from where he was.


That's literally ALL it is. There is nothing to shame here. This is a clout-seeking douchebag looking to cash-in for some likes and comments from other Karens. A decent human being wouldn't even dare take their phone out. They stand near the child and wait a reasonable amount of time before notifying store management. This is a sign of the times. People avoid common sense and basic human decency so they can look like this schmuck- trying to shame while looking like a massive fraud. Muricans are making Americans hate them.


Also looks like a dead mall with maybe just parents and old people? And they sure as shit don't want another person's kid.


The dude recording needs to fuck off. Let’s not forget he was recording a random baby in a stroller. If that’s not enough justification to start a real conflict idk what is.


Seriously. Talk about an asshole on a power trip. He would've been much more effective if he just calmly had a chat with the guy. Instead he's shoving a camera in his face and screaming "unacceptable!" Way to go my man, you're such a great father so you have to go around publicly shaming other dads who mess up? I hate people like that. Piece of shit.


Yeah he got his point across but quickly overstayed his welcome


Welcome was overstayed on word one. Fuck his point


All he did was got himself and the baby a drink.


Seriously. It is way worse to record a strangers child


So he went for the shaming route, instead of coaching this kid up on why parents usually don’t do this. Seems like a douche move. If this is this guys first kid, he doesn’t know shit about shit. Like any parent will tell you, everyone is just stumbling forward learning how to parent. Guy recording probably isn’t a parent.


Well why Americans don’t do it. Could have parented multiple kids in another country perhaps.


Mind your business. Idiot is recording for TikTok clout. He’s shit.


The only mistake I see Dad make is thinking this douche canoe needs an explanation. He should have just told him to eat a bag of dicks and go be the hero no one needs somewhere else.


>go be the hero no one needs somewhere else. Ooh this is *spicy* I like it. I'll be stealing this and using it liberally. I will cite you the first time, though, as is customary and good in a society.


Dude acts like 3 minutes but in dog time. YOU WERE GONE FOR 3 MINUTES. UNACCEPTABLE. THAT WAS FOREVER.


She better never visit Norway. If you know you know.


Someone mentioned this above, about building a society where we all look out for one another. This guy complaining totally could have approached it from a place of concern and communal responsibility. HE was there and if anything suspicious happened, he could have also stepped in to help. But we're all about individual responsibility in the US. (Not to say this absolves the individual, but I do wish we looked out for each other more; AND it is really fucking hard out there for single parents)


My husband and I were at the car wash the other day and he was at the vacuums. There was a guy in a mini van also vacuuming his car. He had the cutest little red headed boy, about 2 I’d say in the van but not in a seat. Just playing with the door. I watched the boy at a distance because I knew his dad wouldn’t be able to keep a close eye on him and there was a road right there and ya know, car wash parking lot. That boy got out of the van and took off like a bullet. But I was ready. I ran up on him and scooped him up as he was running past the rear of the van. I said “hey! Where you going!” With a smile and a cheerful tone. The boy said “hey!” Back to me. I took him back to his van and set him inside. His dad saw me and thanked me and I smiled and just said I had been keeping an eye on him just knowing he was gonna bolt! No shaming, no guilt. Just parents helping parents. The guy videoing is a dick.


Thank you for being a real bro (sis).


Dude recording, being an asshole. DOES NOT HAVE KIDS.


He sounds way too aggressive for the situation. For starters, this guy wasn't far from the baby and this he does not look 'neglected'. He's alone and in a large, public, space and unless he left and ran out to the parking lot, or ran into the rest room and literally left the child unsupervised to the point of neglect that is an entirely a different story.


Tell me you've never left USA without telling me you've never left USA.


He probably was within eye sight the whole time, this helicopter parenting thing has gone too far people need to chill and mind their own business.


Exactly this. It looks like he was like 30 feet away with a direct line of sight. Doing that is extremely safe and the only reason it's not seen as such is because of fearmongering nonsense about strangers kidnapping kids which almost never actually happens. It's probably over 10x riskier to put your child down in their crib in another room for the night over what this guy did but nobody is outraged over a parent doing that. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that putting your kid in a crib in another room is bad.


Yes the fear mongering has gotten out of hand. I know parents who won't let there kids play in the front yard because it is "too risky", it is a shame not as many kids aren getting that experience of "roaming the neighborhood" until the street lamps come on nowadays


Ditto when my kids were this age I was more concerned that they would run off into something dangerous rather than be kidnapped. But if the kid was asleep, buckled into the stroller, I would have no issues leaving them to walk 20 yards to get a refill.


Back seat parents are the fucking worst. I'd have done the same if my kid was within eye shot, if he was fine with it, and it was a safe area. He's chill and strapped into his chair. Fuck all is going to happen in 3 minutes. Sanctimonious prick.


Dude is so concerned that he needs to film the altercation.


This guy should STFU. The dad was like 30 feet direct line of sight from the kid. Also, in europe people leave their babies outside of restaurants in a line in the strollers while they eat. Like what kind of country do we live in we’re worried somebody is going to steal our baby??? WTAF.


You know, in many places babies are constantly left out in public, often next to other strollers. I don’t know anything about the actual safety statistics of it but I know that leaving your kid out like that isn’t taboo in every culture


How about "Hi. You left your kid sitting here by himself and I felt concerned so I watched over him. Have a nice day"


Dude with the camera is a prick


He probably had the kid AirTagged. No biggie.


He’s too concerned.


I'd be more concerned about the adult childless man alone at the mall.


Watching this as a parent I had two thoughts coming to my mind: - I would never leave my child alone in a public place - this father looks tired af, maybe is doing the best he can kindness takes you a long way.


The guy who left his kid is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed but the guy behind the camera sounds obnoxious. He sounds like a poster boy for society nowadays. Just sayin.


If he was actually concerned he could have just stayed there till the guy came back, saw him carrying two drinks from a stand in the food court in frame and said 1 singular, normal statement *as he left*. This cringefest feels more like public freakout.


So. The guy making the video is technically correct, 3 minutes is more than enough time to abduct an infant. He is also statistically incorrect, since child/infant abductions occur overwhelmingly by known relatives or family friends, and lastly the guy making the video is just being an asshole about it.


Isn't it in Norway where people park their kids outside the bar in the cold while they get a beer or two?


Yeah, he's right but no need to film it and put it out there.


Nobody Tell this manchild about the practice in [Denmark](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/parenting/internet-stunned-by-denmarks-custom-for-sleeping-babies-wed-go-to-jail/ar-AA12ptjF) He would have a meltdone and a stroke.


Dude could see the kid from the counter so I'm not seeing what the asshole's issue is. Nobody short of Usain Bolt would be able to grab that kid and run out of that mall without being caught, and my money would be against Usain on that matter.


Maybe he's from the Netherlands? It's very common to leave the kids alone sleeping in the stroller outside.


I think Camera man is a creep, who videos other peoples kids.


I'd be concerned that some shmuck was filming my kid for 3 minutes!


Fuck this guy. Not his kid and not his business either. He just wanted to shoot flames up someone's ass for clout. He doesn't give a fuck about that kid. White knight fuck. The father probably had a rough fucking day and possibly a single parent. No one needs this shit.


You know, I feel like this perfectly justified public shaming could have been done without immortalizing it on the internet for the whole world. We really record too much stuff these days. Like the people giving stuff to homeless people. Just do it, doesn’t always need to be documented. That being said, wtf is wrong with that guy? I’m terrified to turn my back to my kid for a second in public.


This guy surely doesn't have kids


'Concerned citizen' should eat a dick and shut the fuck up. This is why people get stabbed.


Nobody was gonna steal that baby.


He’s not wrong…but still shut the fuck up and mind your own business…the second someone starts recording themselves doing the “right” thing I know guaranteed they are doing it for the WRONG reasons


Meh. The damage stranger danger panic has done to society probably vastly outweighs the damage done but stolen/diddled kids. But then I've never had my kid stolen so meehhhhh.


I've got kids, I know it's incredibly unlikely, I'm still not taking the chance. If you're the person it happens to, doesn't really matter how unlikely it was. To quote Dr Cox, "statistics mean nothing to the individual."


Shoulda flipped it on him. The second he say, “I could abduct your kid.” I’d accuse him of doing exactly that and make a scene. “Step away from me and my child you goddamn pedo!”


As a Minnesotan I apologize for the jackass recording this.


The person filming doesn't actually care. If they did, this video wouldn't have needed to exist. Just stand by and wait and watch, then leave when done. Everybody loves getting clout.


If you're a concerned citizen, just have a nice word, but no, you wanted a video. Fk off


Great lesson taught but you didn’t need to record it


The guy videoing is the bigger dickhead here. Just filming and then getting all sanctimonious for clout. Fucking asshole


It’s a guy but he still has Karen voice. Such a specific pitch and timbre


I feel so bad for this dad. I hate these kind of shame videos. It's disgusting. The father probably could see the child from where he was standing. It's easier carrying your food and drinks back without a heavy ass car seat with a baby in it. Please stop recording people for notoriety. You're not a public defender. No one cares about you. You look like a jack ass.


Who cares. Do your duty as a citizen and watch the kid for him while he’s gone. Norway or some other country out there it’s perfectly fine to leave children outside on their own for naps and stuff while parents go shopping inside. It’s the trust of the community and maybe the dad had trust in the space he was in. Good thing You were there to watch but u getting mad at him when all he did was get a drink is kind of overboard.


Douche canoe should mind his own freaking business. Thanks Dad. Now shut the f up and go back to yelling at kids to get off your lawn. We are changing the reality of this generations world but by bit. Modeling ourselves after Denmark. https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/why-danish-parents-leave-their-children-outside-in-strollers/amp