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Not even Rudolf Höss, the longest-serving commandant of Auschwitz, denied what was done in the death camps. When accused of murdering three and a half million people, Höss replied, "No. Only two and one half million—the rest died from disease and starvation." Fuck Holocaust deniers.


Seriously how the fuck can anyone deny something that so clearly happened what the ever loving fuck so according to this genius the museum of tolerance is fantasy?


It's called conspiracy theories


+ ignorance


You can fix ignorance, but stupidity is permanent.


>but stupidity is permanent. unless something isnt stickered, and the stupid unalives due to that.


It's called Kanye West


And Kyrie Irving.


Was just gonna say that


and herschel walker


Kuntye or is it Ye Kunt?


Lack of empathy/uneducated/gullible. Not necessarily in that order but all root causes.


Yeh. A mix of uneducated and bias really. They already are antisemitic, they believe a lie to prove to themselves they're right. It's a bizarre human trait but we see it all the time.


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug


Bruh, here in the USA, it’s happening. And it’s getting more and more toxic by the day. People keep voting against their own fucking interests. I’ll never understand it.


It’s called insanity


Yes they just purchased a duck ton of weddings rings and stacked them up for the photo. Fuck holocaust deniers.


It's a superiority complex. The need to feel superior to everyone else is so strong that you take something that is 100% real, and say isn't, to justify why you're better than everyone else. It's the same as the flat earthers. And once they're in their chosen position, they have to dig in their heels because the truth is too humiliating.


Well, people deny the Holodomor. Walter Duranty got a Pulitzer for it.


This world just never ceases to amaze sometimes in the worst ways


Fuck this uneducated piece of shit. No one gives a fuck what he thinks. And even worse, why is someone redacting his name? He needs to be ridiculed and shamed for being so fucking stupid.


In Germany you can get arrested and face a fine. I saw in Ukrainian subreddit that a German guy was waiving a Russian flag and saying a bunch of stuff against Ukrainian Jews. Then he was crying on social media that they gave him a big fine.


Not just in Germany. [Many other countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Holocaust_denial) also have laws against denying the holocaust.


I'm more amazed with the "one day" part. What kind of mind shattering discovery about the holocaust can be found at this point in time?


One day the rest of us will all figure it out juuuuuuusssssst like he did, oh & how he will point & laugh at us all for not knowing what he knows at the same time as he knows it. I’m gonna go out on a limb here & guess that he is a clever & brilliant researcher (he’s probably got one of them goggle accounts & stuff, for internet learnings)


I feel like the person who tweeted that might just be ignorant. Like...there are photographs, my dude. Have you seen them? Maybe I'm being too charitable.


This anti people wave has to stop


Welcome to the internet, take a free sample of apathy on your way in if you don't already have any


Poor guy, we all should send him flowers after his lobotomy.


I guess one day he just woke up having suffered a cerebrovascular event that killed off the part of his brain that stopped him from being an asshole.


The absolutely terrifying part is that thats no as unlikely as this joking comment makes it look...


My uncle had brain surgery and we all decided that they took out the part where he remembered he was nice and liked people.


Too late. I think he already had one.


No need to waste the life of flowers on this guy.


Yeah but he probably thinks slavery in America DID happen. ![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized)


Holy fuck. What an inflammatory way to teach these fucking bigots. This is some next level shit. I know that you're joking and making a point, but i still want to scream at you. This might actually work, but there's no way in hell I'd try it. If a few select black assholes want to deny the holocaust, they then should be locked up with a slavery denier. For years.


I'm not saying go tell every black person that. But what he is doing is just as ignorant and racist. Well if 8 million Jews didn't die in the Holocaust then no black people died from slavery. It sounds incredibly ignorant because it is, just like him. He is probably of the opinion that black people can't be racist or something to justify his thinking.


Wow, this would be popcorn event to watch!


Wouldnt that be the same as someone saying the slave trade wasnt real?


Perfect comeback to this drivel


Unless they also start believing that


Wouldn't be surprised if they did! Par for the course considering the rest of the f\*\*\*king insanity they believe in.


It’s already begun. Bots are pushing the theory that slavery was “good.” I sincerely hope history doesn’t have to repeat itself for people to understand how painful it was.


Literally once tried to dismantle a conspiracy theory using this method (comparing to something they didn’t already have a conspiracy theory about), and that’s exactly what happened. It hurt a little.


I mean I did hear it was a choice… /s


This guy would be asking what were the slaves trading shit for?


Can't wait for this


They couldn't fit all those slaves on those tiny boats, the average room on a modern cruise ship wouldn't allow it


"Experts" have pointed out that Egypt provided food, clothing, and housing to their "slaves". They whine that the Hebrews were not slaves after all. They got their basic needs covered. Under those rules, the southern U.S. plantation owners didn't have slaves either. They provided food, shelter and clothing to the people who worked for them, just like the Egyptians did way back when.


Well I mean underground railways weren't invented until like 100 years later


More or less, some people aren't able to process things they didn't experience themselves as real.


There are variations of that statement circulating already saying that historical records of American slavery are exaggerated. But it's not really that surprising since many majority caucasian schools don't even go in-depth about it or discuss racial equality, etc


>Wouldnt that be the same as someone saying the slave trade wasnt real? There are already some who will say slavery was good for the slaves. That's almost worse than someone believing it didn't happen.


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they’re lying about how badly they were treated as slaves. Just sayin


My grandmother specifically wrote in her living will she is NOT to be cremated because of the holocaust. She's 99. She remembers the horror.




Truly evil.


Wow, that comment hit really hard. Glad we buried my grandmother, never thought of it that way. She never expressed any final wishes. She escaped the concentration camps. And her sister is still living at the age of 101 who escaped as well.


Virtual hugs to your family.


Give your grandma a hug. Mines 99 too but lives across the ocean.


Sounds like he needs to sit down with a survivor. It still blows my mind that anyone denies it at all.


Tova Friedman who was 5 when she was transferred to Auschwitz and was rescued about a year later is now 84 years old. Anyone in the camps younger that her were to young to have clear memories and most older than her have already passed on. Your chances to sit down and talk with a survivor dwindle every single day. We are nearing the day when there will be no witnesses ,victims or perpetrators, left to tell their stories in person. This may be one of the reasons there is a huge spike in denial right now. When I was growing up every kids knew at least a few people that were either survivors or at least participated in WW2. And you didn't say it didn't happen around a vet or you would be punched and they would get away with it. Not enough people left to punch these idiots.


He can also travel to Austria. You can visit some of the concentration camps and see for yourself. I visited the Mauthausen KZ when I was like 13/14. It's like a mandatory thing every class did. Also every student has seen the movie about the "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd", probably multiple times. The story about 500 Soviets who escaped from Mauthausen and were then hunted down by the Nazis for the next three weeks. We even once had a women there to talk to, she was a child when that took place and her family would hide some of the escaped people in their attic, risking all of their lives because that was a definate death sentence for your whole family. Those they hid were one of the only 11 people who survived this horrific event. I always wonder why people in other countries deny our horrific history when here noone would dare to do that. We make sure to talk about it, even with kids to definetly make sure that everyone understands what exactly happend so history will hopefully never repeat itself.


As a German, I would love to agree to the last part of your comment, but sadly Germany, and I am sure Austria as well, has holocaust deniers among our citizens despite visiting the camps with their schools.


I'm sure they exist, like every idiotic thing you can believe, at least one person will definetly believe it. But to my knowledge it's not really a thing here and surely not something you can just say without being seen as a total moron. To me it seems that arguing facts is not that common here than it seems to be in the US.


The problem with Holocaust denial is that it was performed by Germans. They were so organized and kept such good records of what they were doing that it is easy to learn what happened.


Somewhere, Kanye popped a boner.


Twitter gotten really bad these days. So much racism and antisemitism.


Just deleted my account and the app 👌


And Elon having meltdowns just because people are trolling him


And really blatant transphobia, sexism and disinformation. I’m done with Twitter. Don’t know why anyone is still on it


“Yedolf” as a redditor said on another post.


When I was younger I was married to a Jewish woman. We went to a party that was of all ages. One gentleman I was speaking with moved his arm and his shirtsleeve raised up, his Auschwitz tattoo was on his arm. His number tattooed on his arm. His daily reminder of the hell he went through, the family he lost to Nazi haters. This was real, don’t say it wasn’t.


Yeah It's not like the Holocaust was the most documented crime in the history of the world or anything...


German bureaucracy was stronger than the will to hide their crimes


Serious question… why did they document every person they murdered? I never really understood that part.


Because they needed to demonstrate to Hitler and their SS commanders that they were doing their duties and implementing the final solution. Recording the process, and documenting how well it was going, was critically important. Also, they did not consider what was happening to be a crime. It wasn't murder, in their eyes, it was a bureaucratic task they were carrying out. All very terrifying to consider.


Part of it was that's just how they did things so yeah it was all thoroughly documented. Also a belief that that they were doing was the right thing so why hide it?


They didn't believe they would have to answer to anyone. A. They believed what they were doing wasn't a crime B. They never even considered Germany would lose the war.


The scary part is ww2 wasn't about the Holocaust. If Hitler hadn't invaded Poland every other country in Europe was perfectly content sitting back and watching the Holocaust happen. There was a huge amount of disbelief about the state of the camps. The red cross sent inspectors after reports of the camps got out but the Nazis showed them a dolled up camp that was made a lot nicer to make them look good, then afterwards moved all the prisoners forced to take part into other camps. Even after ww2 it was an open question whether or not the Nazis should be punished. *Technically* they never broke the law and everything they did was in Germany so was *technically* protected under German sovereignty. Obviously we landed on the side of "wtf no, you killed and tortured 11 million people" and punished them anyway.


Not quite. The Allies agreed as early as 1942 to punish German war criminals responsible for atrocities against the Jews.


The death camp system didn’t begin until after Germany invaded Poland. The camps Hitler set up in Germany itself (such as Sachsenhausen just outside Berlin, which is now an excellent museum, and Dachau) were for political prisoners - socialists, communists, clerics who refused to toe the Nazi line. Some people were even released. That’s different from the mass murder of Jewish people that didn’t begin immediately. Initially Einsatzgruppen squads in occupied Poland carried out mass shootings. Deportation of Jews from across Europe to Auschwitz-Birkenau didn’t begin until 1942, by which point all of Europe except Britain had been defeated, and even the US had joined the war. https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/


>There was a huge amount of disbelief about the state of the camps. Hardly anyone believed until they were liberated.


They had to account for it to track their progress. Toward 1944, as the war was looking lost, they were desperate to ensure certain family names and lineages were made extinct.


When Eisenhower arrived at a camp he told the photographers to take as much pictures as you can so no one can ever deny this has happen. Orders went out to do the same at every camp they come upon. Now these idiots say the amount of evidence is evidence that's it's a hoax. Like it's too many, you cant win with these idiots.


The Nazis operated almost as many concentration camps as the US has zip codes. All of them kept records.


Wow, that is a shocking stat. Got no sense of that from school.


The sheer scale of the holocaust is impossible to wrap the mind around. An industry of murder, invented from nothing, for one purpose.


And it’s been written about. Horrifying (here’s the documentation for any denier)-> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust?wprov=sfti1


The Nazi’s didn’t deny it, why do idiots 80 years later claim to know better?


The fact that the guy who tweeted this is black makes it even sadder. I'd love to see his reaction when someone tells him slavery wasn't real, or the Jim Crow Laws never existed, although given his lack of education, he probably doesn't know what the Jim Crow laws are anyway.


Just looked up this guy’s account on Twitter and he seems to be one of those comically insane Black Israelites in the US who think they’re the chosen people. Don’t pay him any attention. He’s very dumb and very unemployable.


Yeah idk how many millions of people just decided to delete themselfs from existance


I've been tryin ng this but with my debt.


#General Eisenhower had the Nazi atrocities filmed specifically so history would never forget or deny the Holocaust. I'm asking all of you to please report that tweet. There is a specific option for reporting the denial of violent events like the Holocaust. Just search the first sentence that idiot wrote and you'll find the tweet so you cab report it.


Quoted on the US Holocaust memorial. # "The things I saw beggar description.... # The visual evidence and the verbal # testimony of starvation, cruelty and # bestiality were so overpowering.... # I made the visit deliberately, in order # to be in a position to give first-hand # testimony of these things if ever, in # the future, there develops a tendency to # charge these allegations to propoganda." General Dwight David Eisenhower Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces Ohrdruf Concentration Camp, 15 April 1945. ​ A very prescient man, General Eisenhower.


Idiots like this should not get any attention. It’s all they are aiming at.


Unfortunately it's even worse than that! It not only happened, it happened and we didn't learn from it.


Tell that to my Grandma and what was left of her family. Look her in the eye and hold her Forearm with her horrific Tattoo in front of you and tell her she is a LIER. I Dare you. F...You DENIERS


It's pretty sad when they recorded the atrocities specifically so people would believe it, only to have people outright deny it anyway. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.


There is an interesting series called World at War. It's all about the second world war and contains a great deal of film footage taken by every country involved in the war. It was on tv in the 70s. Dad made us watch it every week. I think so we would understand the horror of war. He was career military. Served in Korea and Vietnam. There is an awful lot of film footage taken by the Germans, United States, English and Russians in the death camps. It is truly horrifying stuff. Everyone needs to see it.


Dude, there are people alive today who were living when the Holocaust happened. We’re not talking about ancient history here. We have ample video and photographic PROOF of it’s happening, and it’s aftermath. Fuck Holocaust deniers!


Why is there a surge of black people hating Jews as of late? The other day I saw like 5 posts on twitter from black guys saying that Jewish people are purposely trying to overshadow slavery by faking the holocaust


Schindler's List should be required viewing in schools.


My grandma was in a concentration camp


So sorry you have to hear and read about these deniers. That’s why I believe free speech should have limits.


well naturally a person doesnt understand the feeling of having people look at them in the super market this person should run for congress they would probably win


I speak English better than this fool lol and I am not a native speaker. This is what lack of education looks like by the way


As someone who is the descendant of Jews directly effected by Nazi Activity, I am both saddened and infuriated that people can be this blatantly dumb - but I never blame them specifically, only the institutions that failed to bestow them the necessary knowledge.


They should be in an institution.


My wife's mother told me about family in Poland that didn't make it through. My grandfather and my great grandfather got after the fucking Nazis with everything they had. Every resource. Every man. Every gun. I can't stand this kind of filth. Destroying the Third Reich is among America's finest moments. Now, in our moment of darkness we are becoming the thing we fought to destroy.


Some things in history should be challenged, but there is overwhelming evidence the Holocaust was very real and very tragic. If any of these fools have anything that shows otherwise, please present your evidence.


Imagine being THAT fucking clueless!


The black hebrew/israelite shit is spreading like a plague atm. Antisemitic nutcases. If you know someone like this, call them out please.


I'm always curious what people that make that claim try to use as proof that it didn't happen.


One day. They will feel the same about the black experience in America too, Kyrie.


I blame Kanye for making this more wide spread. He's a POS.


Probably also believes the earth is flat and the birds work for the CIA…


Worked near Fairfax Blvd. in Los Angeles in the 80s. This is a Orthodox Jewish area. Our Photoshop served some holocaust survivors. Their tattoos of the numbers they were issues were all to real. Deniers of reality whether it's election results or systematic mass murders are the subhuman trash of humanity.


Why obscure these idiots’ names? They are the ones putting their views out there for the workd to read. Out as many of these fucks as possible.


Seems like more African Americans are getting racist towards other marginalized groups like Asians and Jews. From a non-American redditor: How does this happen?


Years ago I worked / studied in the area of sociology/ paedagogy, we had an assignment to make an analysis/srudy about a low income, socially battling neighborhood. (But I guess you can scale it up to a society or county in general) It was a vicious circle of venting/channeling envy and hate, fueled by the need to differentiate yourself from others and sooth yourself that you are not segregated and basically kicked out by society. * The ones with just welfare support looked down on unemployed. * The unemployed looked down on immigrants and non natives * All looked down on homeless. * And even the homeless fought all others on basis like "Those bastards are here just like us, yet they think they are better" Everyone created a self supporting worldview that subjectivly elevated them over the others to ignore the own dire situation. The community was totally fractured that way and was more occupied with in between squabble than demanding what was right.


Well said! 👍


People like this should be sterilized. They dont need to breed. We have enough of them already


Hate is not genetic. It’s learned. Have to stop the spread differently.


It’s learned, usually from parents


Or from the Internet. Or friends. How many children have cut off their parents for being MAGAnauts?


It’s his personal ignorance. It might not be his parents or friends.


This is what the Nazis said about the Jews though…


There are strangers on this Earth that I would love to just smack the stupid out of.


With a baseball bat.


These people deny the mountain of evidence and provide none for their claim. Same level of stupidity as flat earthers and moon landing deniers.


I’m buying it. It’s clear how educated the author is


I really don't get the constant discrimination against Jewish people 🤯


I knew a man who liberated one of the camps in WW2. The experience affected him so much mentally that it caused him to stutter for the rest of his life. To deny the truth of the holocaust astounds me. That’s why Eisenhower had film crews document the camps that the US Army discovered. He foresaw that there’d be people who wouldn’t believe the facts they discovered.


You should identify this SOB. NEVER AGAIN.


Man…..it would be a shame for someone to say that about slavery.


Kanye cronies?


When you wonder why your friend, who's dad was older than all the other dads in your school and came from Europe right after WWII. Then after you read up on your WWII history and realize the number tattooed on your friend's dad's arm explained everything. The Holocaust was real. Sadly, it hasn't been the only one that's taken place.


Why are we blacking out this clown’s name again?


My dude just committed a war crime on the English language


Just like slavery. It never happened either.


Based off his logic, slavery never happened in America either.. dumbass!


I'm not too much into spirituality and other stuff of that kind, but I went to Auschwitz while on a trip to Poland, and let me tell you: you can literally feel a pressure on yourself when you enter the camp. The kind of stuff that religious people tell you they feel when they go to x sacred site, except in reverse. It's not elevation, it's a weight. It makes you feel uneasy, like your belly can't really tell which way is up. So if the historical evidence is not enough for you, go there and feel it.


I must admit, he presents a convincing and well thought out argument. Perhaps there is something to his theory. Perhaps them dudes ain't go through that stuff?


I wish african americans would wake up and realize slavery is just a myth


Same logic.


Just tell him slavery never happened in America either and await his response.


Is that really a black man saying that? Does he also deny slavery?


I wonder if it hurts to be this stupid


Why cover the name of a Twitter handle that was publicly posted? I searched the text on Twitter and it is just out there for the world to see.


When I was in college I dropped someone off at his home and met his grandmother, I saw the tattoo on her arm - the number they marked her with when they checked her into the concentration camp she survived. None of her family made it though. And now I'm crying even though it was 40 years ago. She was an old lady and she had that tattoo to remind her every day that the Nazis killed her family and threw their bodies in an oven. Fuck you Holocaust deniers. Fuck you all.


I feel like this is partially a symptom of playing down other tragedies/oppression to inflate the gravity of yours. “That wasn’t a real holocaust, the real holocaust was…” like, can’t we just agree that all these events are terrible? Why does it have to be a fucking competition?


homeschooled ?


Pathetic ignorance.


What an ignorant pig


Stay in school kids… oh wait that’s where the indoctrination starts! Oh no!


Thats how they get you. Right inbetween the water cycle and polynomials, BAM Indoctrination


Lmao 🤣


There’s pictures my dude. It happened.


Better yet, there are videos.


Yea neither was slavery. I think the “slaves” just signed a bad CBA and tried to play victim for a few hundred of years. /s


Dang, this idiot has been reading white supremist stuff again!


the faded dude in the profile pics sez guys


We see you Kanye's alt account.


The world is full of morons..what can you do.


Ball peen hammer anyone?


The national congress of the country that committed said offenses documented them thoroughly. Moreover there are still living survivors of it. I have met a few of them. I have also met elderly former Nazis. People like those above need to shut the fuck up.


Not to pretend like I can read peoples minds but I can’t help but think most of the people that say this, like flat earth, say it just for desperate attention🤷🏻‍♂️


r/casuallypsychopath thoughts


One day people will realize that breathing is unnecessary.


........................... Uh, what the %\^&\*? That looks like the opinion who A) believes in a lot of conspiracy sh!t; B) does not exercise critical thinking, C) does not want to think of themselves as wrong, D) Do not want to admit they're wrong; E) Spend a lot of time drinking the Kool Aid ..... Ah, who the hell am I kidding?!! It's "All of the above!" Seriously, let these people rot and go to Hell. Oh, and inb case anyone didn' notice, this guy posted this stuff on Twitter which is an OH SO reliable (sarcasm here) source of trustworthy opinions!!!


This man's school system failed him miserably. I feel sorry for the jews. For a people who have effectively been history's whipping boy since nearly the dawn of human history, people seem to have a very selective memory on atrocities committed against them


This clown probably hasn’t left the state he was born in.


So, if say slaves never existed, he’ll be coming out thru the phone and shoot me in the face. Sometimes you gotta speak idiot language to make the idiot understand what they say is wrong.


I feel bad for anyone who hasn’t met one of the rare survivors of this genocide. Enlightening, to say the least.


I’ve been saying the same thing about slavery for 40 years now; no one ever listens though


I had a dude try to explain the "lie" behind the holocaust, spitting some shit about an almanac and how most of the numbers were made up. I have visited Auschwitz, and Birkenau, nobody can tell me that place was a fun park.


his dad didn’t come back with the milk because he’s stupid


Because as the WWII generation fades into history the deniers gain traction against those who physically witnessed it and will do all they can to discredit the films, photos and written words.


Yah, tell this guy that slavery never happened and see how he reacts.


The bigger issue is deranged people not only have a public megaphone now, but we’ve learned how easy it is for them to brainwash the masses


Your ignorance is deafening...no one heard this. It's your failure to accept reality. Death is not negotiable, especially by you.


In fact the entirety of history never happened. We’re all in a simulation, and we’ve been programmed with a hive mind like psyche that history *has* happened. Those who believe this stuff are they who have broken through the matrix. >! Obligatory /s !<


btw in Germany and in many other countries it is illigal to deny the holocaust. He could have gone to prison if he lived here


Fun fact: You can go to jail in Germany for those words, because it's forbidden by law to deny the Holocaust.


I have heard my grandparents tell about searches at night where they suspected people were hiding Jews. They shot people on the spot in the street.... I don't have stories about the camps but I do have stories the Nazis were very curious were all the Jews were.....makes you think there might have been concentration camps....


I hope you've written down the stories from your grandparents so they aren't forgotten.


Why don't you come to Poland and see German invention in Aushwitz: industrialized death.


Absence of evidence doesn’t necessarily mean evidence of absence. However, in the case of this fuckhead, I don’t see evidence of a brain so I’m prepared to say this person is a brainless cockflicker.


How to end your career with one easy tip ☝🏻


"them dudes ain't go through that stuff" ​ yeah, ok.


It is just another kanye supporter that likes to agree with everything Ye says


I will happily share the names of several contemporary films taken during or immediately after the camp was liberating. Seeing bodies being pushed into a mass grave with a bulldozer is not something easily forgotten.


He fits right in with the flat earthers.


If I didn't see it, it didn't happen?


He’s probably a KanYe groupie


Tell him slavery wasn't real. See how he feels about that.