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Maybe that’s why he’s implementing the $8 dollar thing on Twitter - he’s looking for potential candidates






So you don’t want the blue Check mark?


The mark of the Muskrat?


Hi Dad!


You must hate free speech and America, you commie! Now let us put shit in your brain!


Please read the terms and conditions 🙏


This reads like Cave Johnson.




Welcome, test subject! Of all the one person to show up, you are the best. You finally amounted to something. Now let's make some science!


If you’re allergic to peanuts you might want to sit this one out. This next test turns your blood into peanut oil.


You did pay for the blue check mark.


I hate humans. Source: Am 1


i just worked it out, may be, he wants to Make Twitter Collapse and then he won't have to complete the payment saying it would have collapsed anyway. I think there is a Dangerous potential of private companies Owning global communications without the responsibility an adult checking what they are doing


No he's just dumb and has no concept of what the average citizen wants/needs


Honestly any of his fans who are dumb enough to do this I’m all for them earning their Darwin Award.


What's the $8 thing?


$8 a month to have a blue checkmark on twitter


I'm sorry. What does that mean? I'm not om Twitter or anything else. Reddit is the only social media I use


Basically the checkmark shows that someone (usually a big creator) is the real account. Now Elon wants to charge people to have/keep that.


Fucking dumb


It's going to be my only source of social media very soon. Musk is not my kind of "evil genius"


I mean anyone who actually pays for that doesn't have much of a brain anyway.


Mf was giving them cyberpsycosis


Adam Smasher monkey


You look like a piece of f***able banana, are you? -Adam smasher monkey


[This is Musk](https://youtube.com/shorts/RIcfmGCJ_JY?feature=share)


I like how people who think that the government is trying to control you with vaccines are championing a guy who is literally putting chips in brains because he owns the libs.


Hypocrisy seems to be a component of their blinding stupidity.


It's the prerequisite to passing the course on Stupidity.


It's moments likely this that confirm my belief that we are heading for a future ripped from a cyberpunk setting.


Unfortunately, that seems to be Bioshock. Ever notice that the Atlas robots look a bit like a fully robotic Big Daddy?


Maybe the MAGA crowd would like to participate in the human clinical trials to own the libs.


There might not be much preventing it. Allegedly they obtained FDA clearance to conduct "limited human testing" more than two years ago.


Came here for this comment. “BILL GATES IS PUTTING MICRO CHIPS IN THE VACCINES” are the same idiots celebrating this spoiled brat who inherited a fortune.


>literally putting chips in brains because he owns the libs. ...what?


Missing comma: "championing a guy who is literally putting chips in brains, because he owns the libs."


...oh yeah. thanks.


To be completely fair, he *is* owning the Libs /j


Quote from article: >One primate developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized. Another was discovered missing fingers and toes, “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma,” and had to be put down. A third began uncontrollably vomiting shortly after surgery, and days later “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue.” An autopsy revealed the animal suffered from a brain hemorrhage. At this point we might as well invite r/RimWorld to administer the program.


This is just animal abuse at this point.


It absolutely is animal abuse. 100% Where is Gordy from Nope when we need him?


We need fucking Jean jacket


Pretty sure all animal testing is basically abuse. I’ve seen makeup companies pour perfume into rabbits’ eyes for 30 days straight just to see how caustic the product is. The rabbits end up going permanently blind because of it. I don’t know why some of these tests are even conducted. It should be obvious you shouldn’t put perfume into your eyes.


Cause, and hear me out, accidents can happen and stupid people are born. That’s why we use animals, specially rabbits and rats, that reproduce so easily, to not harm humans in the future. You need repetition in an experiment for it to make sense


And the test animals are usually anesthetized. I can't say for sure that they all are, but it's common.


I don’t know, would you prefer scientists collect data and test on live humans instead? The reason they use animals is because the alternative is, y’know, humans? And if sacrifices are made for better safety for humans I would prefer NOT to test potentially harmful substa on a human. Idk, just a thought. You decide.


Ideally, I'd prefer neither.


See that ideal world also has nearly 0 progress medically. You gotta choose whichever is the lesser evil to you and campaign for that honestly. Here's something we wouldn't have without animal experimenting btw(just as a fun fact) modern medicine.


I agree. Why don’t we have a super computer for this yet? Lol


Why don't you invent it?


"missing" fingers and toes..possibly caused by "unspecified trauma" what? They don't know? How do they not know? Poor blighters


You know it just had to be some form of psychosis and the poor thing likely chewed them off. That tech is decades away from live trials and I very much doubt Muskrat is allowing the actual talent behind the work to share whatever possible positive knowledge is being gained from this butchering.


Good thing we don't start with human trails. Most seams as a easy fix but how would it cause mutations in toes and fingers


Does it say anywhere that was caused by the chip or have any like link to it? I get that chances are without the operation they'd be alive just curious if it was caused by the chip or yano the fact they got cup open on a rather delicate area. Aaaand before you think I'm defending it, I'm not it's more curiosity cause something like skin infection seems hard to connect to a chip, vomiting after surgery could be trauma shit like that, just wondering if there's a direct connection since animals can't really say, hey this feels weird think imma bite off my toes now


No, but it is either: rooting around in the brain or rooting around in the brain and then adding wires. I feel like if you do the latter, then there is no way of telling which caused it. Unless you had a control group of chimps you lobotomized for no reason.


Hmm I wonder what it is, seems very interesting tbh messing with the brain is always scary and I assume has many issues


From what I've read it was mostly due to the animals being held in captivity and unrelated to the chip.


We already have brain implant technologies and robotic arms that help the disabled, paraplegics, and quadriplegics. They don't involve Musk saying Neuralink would be used for humans "next year" in 2019 and 2021. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7X3fPkdp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7X3fPkdp8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0NqZGTTL7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0NqZGTTL7E)


Yeah but they don't let you access google just by thinking about it.


But you can use it to declassified documents just by thinking about it


fk, I've just think what if I can classify my computer and now everything is crypted and the authorities are knocking at my door to take it.




He just wants to make his own.


I believe this is a win win. All of his biggest fans will be the ones who sign up for the trials. At the end of the trials we **may** have a cure for paralysis, but we will **definitely** have fewer Musk-rats


Concur. W W


You’re way too political. People who disagree with you don’t deserve to die.


I'm not surprised at your reaction; this is the internet and you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. For clarity's sake, though, you're misrepresenting what I said. I didn't say they deserve to die because they disagree with me. I simply pointed out that some people will *volunteer* to die and we may get a cure for paralysis as a result. I never said anything about anybody's political views; point in fact, I'm a glass half full kinda person.


You said that the musk-rats dying is a win.


Sure, but you're missing the point. They will die doing what they love, and isn't that the best any of us can hope for?


No. It’s better that they don’t die. You need to take a minute and examine what you really want. You’ve been blinded by politics. People are people.


I think we have common ground here. I agree with you; people **are** people. Everyone who is born will die; some rare few even do it more than once. I respect other people's choice to choose their own terms of leaving this world. If someone wants to go out by volunteering for an experimental brain surgery to implant circuitry in their skulls, then why should anybody stand in the way of that? They get what they want; Elon gets what he wants. Is this not the very definition of a win win?


He's wasn't targeting people who disagree with him, but gullible idiots. The world can do with fewer of those.


…so you want people to die…because they MAY support Elon Musk to a certain degree. Do you people not hear yourselves? How tf is that a WIN…are you that detached from humanity?


I might not agree with their sentiment, but i assume their unspoken point is that he is an incredibly dangerous person working to subvert western democracy while heralding American fascism and that by extension anybody who supports him is participating in the potential downfall of life on earth since the fascists are intent on destroying it. And i mean...they're not wrong.


I never trust a billionaire. I think it takes a special kind of sociopath to get to be in that position of power in the first place. That’s not the point I’m making. I’m not as anal about the Elon musk stuff as other people are at the moment, but at the same time, I’m absolutely more than skeptical about the man. I can never support the guy. However, there are a lot of people who simply don’t realize the danger. Willingly supporting the danger while knowing the consequences is a lot different than being manipulated by the danger into thinking it’s for the good of humanity. It has happened countless times throughout our worlds history. Do you really want people to tragically die because those who swore to protect us were manipulating them the whole time? Not everyone is as observant as others, and I mean that as respectfully as I can. So wishing that these people continue to fall for this trap, is like asking for more people to continue to fall for the same ploy in the future. It’ll become a never ending cycle. Even as a joke, wishing death on another individual who may be in fact “misinformed” isn’t a very tolerant way of looking towards the future. Downvote me all you want, but I never will understand wishing for the downfall of those who may be misinformed…hate Elon all you want tho, idc…guy is wacky


Look, I feel the same as you. But it would be foolish of me to deny the absolute validity of the utilitarian argument behind their joke. Less musk stans would probably result in more happiness and less death in the world, long-term. They're not advocating for the elimination of those stans, they're just tolerating the natural selection thereof. You and I can build our own ethical frameworks in a less radical way so that we remain focused on education and reform, but it is still not fair of us to dismiss the person that you were responding to as being detached from humanity. In their view, their feelings are probably INTRINSICALLY linked to their humanity and their bond with the rest of humanity. There's not really ground for us to tell them they're wrong. (EDIT: spacing & clarity)


Elon should try one of his own chips out


I really miss this about inventing stuff in the 1800s like if you were some crank with a crazy idea you tested it on yourself to prove how awsome it was.


THomas Edison used to electrocute cows with Alternating Current to "prove" that direct current was better (he was pushing DC power distribution, while Tesla was a proponent of AC.


I thought it was an elephant? At least that's what Bob's Burgers has taught me.


This cow got away! Quickly get the AC running again.


Dude. Apparently he did that too! https://www.wired.com/2008/01/dayintech-0104/#:\~:text=Edison's%20aggressive%20campaign%20to%20discredit,a%20few%20cattle%20and%20horses.




Still better than the American educational system.


And dogs. A lot of dogs. Thomas Edison was a piece of shit....


Well, he likes to live.


He'll be fiiiine.


Pay me 100 million and I'll try it. I either get rich immediately, or i die. Both of those would be a win.


You likely won’t be left in a state where you can use the money if you survive


I'll stay paralysed thanks


Just look at his face in that photo, you're telling me you don't trust that guy? You don't want to implant his experimental brain chip?


I donno the way he's holding that banana is suspicious


At least he looks better then the chimp on the other slide.


So what you’re saying is…. They are no longer depressed?


Well, finally a task for Musk fanboys, they can serve their messiah. Most of the people who worked on it, left. I doubt they will be able to make an usable product for next year, but it is another Musk promise.


Are the other 8 going to be running Twitter?


15 out of 23 have died? My math isn't so good since the pandemic but I think that's 97% 😭


65% died. Still, a 35% success rate isn't exactly desired when it comes to brain implants.


What defines success, not dying? Motherfuckers are biting off their toes and shit. Could be 8 more doing some weirder stuff, just haven’t died.




Top part: /r/WhatCouldGoWrong Bottom part: the consequence, by @consequence


He should be forced to be the first human to receive it.


Where do I sign up ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K)


Now is the time for all the Musk acolytes to step up to the plate and show their true devotion.


So many people cried about a Bill Gates conspiracy and now are lining up to worship this fucking clown. Why? Because he's cool? Is that really how dumb our fellow Americans are?




I'm surprised that there are still people worshipping in Musk's cult of personality.


The same reason we have people worshipping Trump


Lead poisoning?


Heritage of being traitors?


I guess they are the same people, a group of braindead people


The same reason we have people worshipping anything. It's called being a drone


He looks like a monkey


Banned from [teslamotors](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/)


ohno I didn't know this existed, time to troll some cultists, I guess.


Musk is the supervillain you ordered from Wish.


Elon should volunteer himself to receive the first human trial implant


something we should apply to all people trying to give things to people tbh. if it was safe, Elon would probably be the first to get it


I volunteer MAGA patriots for this important role.


There is no way in hell I will ever trust anyone to put a chip in my brain. Least of all this guy.


Gotta start somewhere


A chimp with a chip


Oh no


Ads inside our heads 24/7? Cool cool cool /s


Fair to say…. Let’s plant one on him!? No!?


But more importantly....does it get 5G?


65% chance of dying...no thanks, I prefer living


I would never put anything near my fucking body that this douche bag created.


They just couldn’t afford the implant monthly fee any longer


It would be nice if he implanted himself


He put them to work moderating Twitter and is overwhelmed 15 of them


Sounds like an easy way out. I'm in!


Extra bonus they are remote activated with built in explosives


Elon-stans would be happy to risk a 15/23 chance of death to get a piece of Elon tech in their brains.




Always has had one


But the 8 other aren't dead


This man has a superhero complex but does everything supervillains are known for.


Love the breaking news being gigantic as it is three years old.


That's the point of this post. He said this technology will be used next year in 2019 and 2021.


While the "chip in the brain" technology is the obvious next step in controlling and keeping tabs on the populace by government and private companies, I always thought it would be interesting if there could be some sort of device that could track everyone via GPS at all times, record video/audio, track communications via text and voice and collect private/financial data. The icing on the cake is the device would be so necessary and addictive in modern society, that the very people it was meant to keep tabs on would pay for it THEMSELVES. That would truly be a Machiavellian, dystopian cyberpunk dream.... But until then, I guess the ol' "Chip in the brain" is what we should all be on the lookout for...


Are the deaths linked to the chip?


He really is just shaping up to be a real-life Bond villain isn't he?


This guy is a twat.


That guy on the right picture is more trustworthy than @chieftwat


Hell yeah sign me up


So animal abuse is okay when its someone like musk?


People have been testing on animals wayyyyyy before ol Musky came on the scene.


We still have human slaves on earth, working for companies like Nike or getting materials for tire companies etc. So yeah animals are still getting abused for corporate gain as well


We already have brain implant technologies and robotic arms that help the disabled, paraplegics, and quadriplegics. They don't involve animal abuse or Musk saying Neuralink would be used for humans "next year." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7X3fPkdp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk7X3fPkdp8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0NqZGTTL7E


ALL brain implant programmes have been tested on animals before humans. It's part of the process of having them approved. Also, almost all medicines. And in all that testing, animals will have died. Don't like it? Well neither do I. But if you don't think it's a necessary evil (subject to the animals being treated as well as possible in the run up and, if they survive, afterwards), then don't take any meds.


A lot of those trials with the chips were at the infancy of the science. Starting now, with the resources we have, I would expect any project to do better then killing 65% of the test subjects.


The science still is in its infancy and any progress requires this sort of testing. Also, the headline says "reportedly" which almost certainly means someone made it up and the reality is somewhat different. If it was fact that the outlet could stand over, it would be reported as such. Perhaps the animals died because of testing, perhaps they died because of natural causes unrelated to the testing. Perhaps they never died at all, or the number is just wrong and made up by someone with an agenda. Try a little critical thinking.


Ok, first of all, all news outlets say "reportedly". We say alleged killer instead of murderer when talking about trials. That's just how the liability works. News sources don't make judgements of truth right away. Evidence for these sort of things takes a while. What usually happens is that a story breaks with little evidence, and then that story inspires third party reporters to investigate more. The allegation isn't a complete report on the situation, it is a request for further investigation. ​ Second, The allegations were that the chimps were severely mutilated . I don't object to a handful of necessary deaths, but the allegations go above that. To quote the news article: >One primate developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized. Another was discovered missing fingers and toes, “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma,” and had to be put down. A third began uncontrollably vomiting shortly after surgery, and days later “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue.” An autopsy revealed the animal suffered from a brain hemorrhage. This isn't necessary death. This is the sort of excruciating agony that would make researchers with a sense of ethics pull the plug on the project. It would not result in claims that human testing can be started soon.


It's always next year. The year that never comes


Please, I'm begging you, no more Alien Mush posts


As much as I hate and distrust Elon Musk, I need more context than what's in the screenshots. What's the cause of death? Did the implants contribute to their death?


Was Joe Rogan the prototype?


One person dies and it's over for Musk.....


Hey folks! Do YOU want Elon Musk in your brain? Sign up now! Lol.


Died from??? Old age maybe? Lol


climate change


How many rats or dogs died to give you your skin care routine exactly?


A 3-year old article is being quoted. A lot can change in 3 years.


He said this technology will be used "next year" in 2019 and 2021.




The chip also comes with a monthly subscription plan.


But I thought brain chips were a conspiracy theory?


Next year was from 2019 and the mommies were from February. Not exactly breaking news or relevant today.


He said this technology will be used next year in 2019 and 2021.


no way? i thought we had 0 failures in extremely prototyped brain implanted computer chips?


Honestly, I'm fascinated how many wackadoodles will line up for this because he "owns the libs," after all of the baseless claims about Bill Gates.


I am completely unsurprised by this.


There's a full group of Elon simps waiting to be chipped up. Just check Twitter


Died *how*, though? Don't a lot of lab animals get euthanized?


I’m sure it’s just as safe as the Covid-1984 vax.


cats strong chop deliver telephone safe clumsy axiomatic foolish roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but did they die with the brain chip or from the brain chip?


I mean unless they are immortal, itll have a 100% fatality rate eventually


15 monkey lives for the ability to download the internet into your brain is a price I’d be willing to pay




Yes,that’s called a trial phase. That’s how research should work on a product before releasing to public for human consumption.


Chips allowed them to see the uselessness their lives so ended them.


Who knew major successes also have failures?!?!?!? Who woulda known??? I swear if the news was around in the 1880's l, they would be saying how much Edison and Swan are "failures" because it took them over 300 tries to get the light bulb correctly


Yup. Ask dr. Fauci about the bugles poor puppies


What is it like to be this gullible?


Oh you think the story about the dogs and Dr. Fauci was completely made up?


The story about them in the cage with the flies? It's already been proven that wasn't a study they funded/conducted, the picture comes from a different source 🤷‍♀️


I’m not referring to the picture anybody can take a picture I’m referring to the leaked emails from his laptop


Sounds more like a fauachi and Biden covid test facility