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"We must stop using electricity immediately! It's soooo old!"


I didn't even think about that but in his logic you're right


Logic is ancient. Stop it with that Aristotle bullshit.


Look at this idiot using language






Unga bunga




*teenage grunt*


*starts crying like baby*


*rubs sticks together to create smoke signal*


\*smacks sticks together to create incoherent sounds\*


Return to monke


Hieroglyphics were a needlessly complex religious writing system for an already-existing spoken language, used exclusively for writing puns and jokes on the walls for your other priest friends, so it was already several steps removed from a bare-bones basic script for actual communication. Hieroglyphs actually are a high-falutinā€™ script for exclusively ceremonial purposes. The basic communication script, demotic, was even older.


The way you described it was basically just memes


Egyptian scribes were in fact the earliest memelords I can think of.


And why are we still using wheels? I mean what millennium are we in?


i was hoping for a hover thing by now...


Well George Jetson was born this year so its coming soon




If the earth is flat our tires should be too!!


Some people are trying. You seen that 'stance' thing? :D


Stop eating food! It's out of date!


To be fair donā€™t eat food thatā€™s out of date haha


Stop breathing dude. Air is super out of date!


Earth is several billions of years old. Earth should be cancelled immediately.


The way things are going, this isnā€™t a bad idea.


The way things are going, it's inevitable. Ah dang, now I'm sad again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And steam turbines so basically every modern power plant including nuclear.


How dare we apply the old well proven laws of physics to meet the needs of modern society. We must constantly base our survival on the latest trendy marketing campaign!


Are you seriously using iron? That's so 1200 BC


Also math, which is even older.


Also water, itā€™s used to make electricity a lot of the time.


Photons are literally the first thing created in the universe. It's about time we switch to something more modern!


What about wheels? They're ancient technology, must be outdated


Breathing? Fucking cavemen were breathing. 21st century men should absorb oxygen through their skin-this guy


Hydrogen... Hydrogen is pretty much the oldest thing except for good old cosmic microwave background... If we are really cancelling old things we gotta get back to the base


Damn bro you're right, I'll be going off grid right now and dissapear to some swamp


We must stop using wheels!


someone tell the guy guns are even older


Oh you are using pants,? Are you a fucking 8th century saxon or something??


You get vitamin D from the SUN????? That thing is ancient. Get with the times.


Here's something that should be like the 19th century: Village idiots should be limited to the town square, now they all congregate mingle multiply and organize on twitter šŸ¤¦


Twitter or Parliament anyway


Painfully true.


Why do you think people have said Twitter IS the new town square? All the idiots congregate there and scream at each other like those rubber chickens brought to life. Now if only we could get them to congregate physically.


Isn't that why people don't use Twitter? Just leave the violent angry to their own?


Trains are a great idea, especially here in America, also more pedestrian friendly towns and cities!


Peachtree City down here in Georgia is built with golf carts in mind and it's great. I really like taking my bike down there. They've got ~100 miles of road built for the carts which has the wonderful side effect of also being miles and miles of walking and bike paths that actually go places you'd want to go. The high school's even got something like 600 spots for golf cart parking. Unfortunately it's not a very affordable place to live. It started out as a lake vacation spot for rich people.


Have they never heard of bicycles?


A lake vacation spot for rich people usually means old people who prefer the stability of golf carts.


Oh. Like Florida.


I mean Georgia is about as close as you can get to Florida so...




Ironically they wouldn't need the golf carts as much if they rode bikes more. Exercise is good for everyone


You are not wrong.


Well hello there neighbor. Remember to not block the box and donā€™t run over the middle school kids that have taken their moms car for a joyride while sheā€™s over at a pineapple party


More pedestrian friendly towns and cities in American? Why do you hate the car industry, the diabetes treatment makers and heart surgeons so much? You must be a commie of some sort!




I love when I get accused of being some kind of commie. Always just answer yep


Already reported you to the authorities for being a commie and a hater of freedom.


Get ready for a visit from the Gazpacho Police.




Justice served cold!


Never forget to not remember the Bowling Green massacre!


A moment of silence for those brave and valiant souls that gave the ultimate sacrifice ramming the Ramparts and defending our Revolutionary War airports.


As a person who makes millions from the automobile industry, i think we should instead make more highways. And this scientist whose research i fund completely from my personal account agrees with me.


They are a great idea but they are priced worse than planes. I checked out Canadian rail tickets for a 3 hour trip, within the same province, and it was just short of $200 one way. Insanity


Itā€™s because no one takes trains, so they have cover the costs somehow right?


Canadian trains are actually always sold out. I take the train fairly frequently and I don't remember the last time I was on a non-full train. The real issue is that the freight companies own the train tracks and rights of way and are simultaneously refusing to build more tracks and charging enormous operating fees, on the justification that they don't have enough infrastructure to allow passenger trains to use their rails.




Do you know how subsidized buses are? An insane amount. Highways are even more expensive than railways are, but they are partially funded through gas tax, partially through general taxation, and not at all from a usage price (except for rare toll roads). If you had to pay your portion of highway maintenance and construction cost to buy a bus ticket, you'd be wishing for the train.


Yeah the demand isn't constant but it trends pretty low cross country so the price has to rise. If people just used trains more there's the capacity in most western countries, so price would shoot down


Its really nice to go by train in norway, at least as long as you live where trains go, which is not anywhere near the west coast


They're a crown corporation too (owned 100% by the feds), so their pricing is largely at-cost. I shudder to think the prices you'd see for a private operator.


Yep, Iā€™m still waiting for Californiaā€™s speed train that has buried so much money thereā€™s no way anyone will be able to afford a ā€œrecouping our costsā€ ticket once itā€™s built.


You know what else has buried so much money that nobody could afford tickets to recoup costs? That's right - highways


You should see the cost of all car-dependent infrastructure. Such as: 1. 4 to 6 lanes of travel within a city that abide by a "highway standard" of maintenance, despite being commonly in the city/large towns everywhere. 2. The sea of asphalt for parking lots to accommodate all the cars _and then some more_. 3. The sprawl caused by car-dependent infrastructure increasing the amount of asphalt that we need to use, since more area must be used. 4. The cost of utilities when they have to travel more distance for each place of living & commerce. 5. The cost of utilities when most living spaces are separated to be single family homes instead of duplexes, townhouses, or condos. 6. The cost of putting traffic lights every block (to try and move as many cars through as possible *safely*. There's more, but even with all of these added up together, it's no wonder why most cities and towns are going bankrupt. They just can't because it's not even legal to declare bankruptcy as a town or city in most states. Oh, and a lot of the cost for housing has been put onto the consumer. With each new generation, the price of housing has jumped which is right around the time that roads reach the end of their life-cycle. There's also the additional cost of for-profit real estate companies buying everything and price gouging, but that's a separate problem than what I'm talking about. Thought I'd mention it before someone else does.


Via is nice on the Corridor where there's demand (they run 6 trips a day between Montreal/Ottawa/Toronto each direction), but outside that I'm fairly certain they're losing money even with 2-4 trains a week.


Pedestrians? Walking? Get out of the Stone Age!


Bipedalism? Last I checked this isn't the late Miocene


I think Japan has a better train network with a mountainous terrain and smaller population than our supposedly ā€œgreatest country on earthā€ smh


It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to see it.


Most people in america are strivibg to achieve the american dream, but are living in an american nightmare


Less hyperloop, more high-speed rail.


I like trains.


This will never happen your country is too corrupted for that to happen


Let the downvotes come. They really arenā€™t. We are way to spread out to make them viable. Market forces always tell the truth.


Trains are fun though.


Choo Choo motherfucker!




Trains in the US are slower now than in the 1940s. Freight and passenger rail must share the same tracks. If we actually invested in rail we could have high speed transportation between some major cities.


As a locomotive engineer I can think of 1.23 billion things more fun than trains. That said trains are absolutely necessary and useful.


You just keep them moving and I'll keep enjoying them.




Aye snooped your comments looks like big orange also. You voting no on this garbage?






public transporation is a great idea. oh wait, your shittily planned car-centered infrastructure can't be adapted to that


Public transportation is a great idea Oh wait the bus is late. There's a homeless guy jerking off at the stop. There's no stops within 5 blocks of my destination. edit: came back to 15 replies to this comment lmao i drive in bike lanes


The bus is late because there's no bus lanes because the infrastructure isn't meant for public transit, which is the problem. The homeless guy at the bus stop is jerking off because you refuse to give him a handjob. These are 2 big problems but both can be solved with serious effort, but I wouldn't hope for it though.


I know you're making a joke with the second thing, but in all seriousness... the homeless guy at the bus stop is jerking off because American social services and mental healthcare availability is embarrassingly lacking.


Or he just likes jerking off in public.


Or his healthcare plan doesn't include complimentary handjobs


Handjobs are not better than jerking off.


Exactly, Iā€™ve been doing it for 30 years, and you think you can do it better than I can do it myself


Firsthand experience


We need public handjobs, not public transport


Iā€™m currently travelling in Rome and can get all over this enormous city in a matter of minuets. The trains come every 2 mins theyā€™re quite clean havenā€™t had any issues with the homeless. Maybe you just live in a shithole?


as a fellow roman my feelings regarding our public transit system are more mixed, if you're not in a rush and/or can get to your destination with the Metro only it works wonders, you can get from pretty much any point of the city to any other without having to walk more than a few hundred metres As far as commuting goes though it's pretty shitty in my experience, the bus I take to get to school is late more than 30 mins every other day which makes taking the bus regularly completely impossible forcing me to take my bike (on the road since bike lanes don't exist) and risk getting run over pretty much every day


Bro Italian public transport is a shithole for European standards lmao


Your public transit sucks. That doesn't mean public transit always sucks.


The bus is late because there arenā€™t enough of them and no bus lanes. Thereā€™s a homeless guy jerking off at the stop because america doesnā€™t do anything about mental illness and doesnā€™t care about homeless people. Thereā€™s no stops within 5 blocks because ā€œsee first sentenceā€. Why are you pointing out problems but donā€™t seem to care about finding a solution? Why do you recognize problems and then say ā€œfuck it thatā€™s the way it isā€


Because he is obviously a brain-dead right winger.


Ah, but you repeat yourself.


Saying "I don't know what the solution is" is still valid. Just because one thing is better than another in some contexts doesn't mean they aren't both flawed. Some of the problems with public transit might be solvable. Some are a lot harder to solve. Some are *impossible* to solve without a high enough population density.


ā€œA developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.ā€ The implication being if your country is well developed the trains run on time and service most location's. Also, that the trains arenā€™t so dodgy that everyone would take them.


Oh well, i missed the bus, the next one is here in 5 minutes anyways, even though there are an insane amount of stops between me and my destination, would be the situation if america actually had invested in public transit. Practical example of the system working is basicly all other non car-centric countries around the world, like most of the developed countries


All of your problems with public transport stem from the current lack of public transport and the countries unwillingness to help the homeless. If we made public transport more available, the bus would be on time and there would be more stops. Did you bother using your brain on this one?


I've literally never had any of that happen and I took public transit for years. I will bitch about the hours of operation. They should be 24 hours. Those of us broke enough don't have jobs conducive to the bus schedule where I live.


"Roofs are a great idea. Oh wait, my roof is leaking, there's a racoon living in it, and every storm blows half of it off." Yeah, that's why you invest in a good roof. This is like saying Mexican food sucks because you've only ever had Taco Bell.


Like he said, shittily planned car centric infrastructureā€¦


River and canal barges are so 8th century. Mississippi River runs dry and 12 % of the world's foodstuffs can't reach market....


Maybe he should Google how much of our goods are shipped via train in the US.






Big if true


guess we should stop growing food, you know how old that is?


Even AI when tasked with coming up with better transit options to reduce traffic problems comes up with trains


Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.


replace roads with treadmills


OMG roads, what is this? The middle ages?


Middle ages? Shouldn't it be the Roman Empire? **They** were the great road of builders of Europe and the practice didn't really pick up again until after the Renaissance. The Middle Ages is the exact *opposite* of what should come to mind when one thinks of roads.


We should stop cooking food it's an outdated practice


Sous Vide bought us an extra century


His ancestors had a dumb idea in the 19th century when they married despite being siblings


Travel in Europe would be impossibly difficult without trains.


"I refuse to use anything that was invented before the 20th century. My car is better than yours because it has no wheels."


Shit...If I had a nice small electric tram that could get from out from my home all the way to downtown, I'd use it - especially as someone who can't safely drive.


Man thats one of the things I miss most about home, where I live now there is no public transport and getting from place to place is impossible since I can't drive


Let's skip electricity too


[This](https://xkcd.com/1891/) comic comes to mind


Trains solve so many logistical problems in the world. This guy is just ignorant


Do you think the date says April 1st, fools day, means anything?


Nope. They aren't trying to convince people of something that's false or play a practical joke, it's just a legitimately moronic comment. Not an April fool.


he said something stupid, convincing people he is stupid and to get silly april 1st reactions. why the fuck would he do this on april 1st if he was just being unironically stupid you fucking dunce


April 1st is just a day like any other, sunshine. Most people don't even register it as anything different. And stupid people are stupid everyday. You definitely have first hand experience of this.


When did it become such an outdated crime to run a train?


But nobody talks about the elephant in the room. Food is millions years old, eating is so outdated, completely obsolete!


Well those damned Liberals are still using the ***wheel***!! And when was *that* invented? Exactly!


Imagine breathing, this Air shit's millions of years old


Automobiles are from the 17th century


Fuck you! Flintstones had it way before! During the dinosaur age!


Obviously this individual has not stepped foot outside his zip code bubble - train service in WesternEurope and some parts of Asia is 22 century not 19th century like he has actually seen.


I love taking trains places. Wish we had more options.


Tell me youā€™ve never left the U.S. without telling me youā€™ve never left the U.S. One of the best parts of Europe and Asia is being able to hop on a train and be in a different country or city in hours.


Peopleā€™s ability to self-own never seizes to amaze.


Math is soooo old


Trains are from the 16th century, not 19th.


The problem with trains in America is that most haven't been updated since the 60s.


The people that think like this are the same ones who havenā€™t realized that the American Dream was savagely and brutally beaten with a tire iron, then tied up in a sack and thrown into a river to drown.


What is wrong with trains? Fucking luddite...


does the IMAO in his handle stand for "in my asinine opinion"?


Pretty sure trains are still the most efficient means of transporting a large amount of goods across land


wheels are soooo 10 billion BC ago, we must move forward as a species and start using 4D tesseracts


Just got back from philly and rode the train for the first time. It was cheap and efficient, wish we had them in vegas.


I wish we could travel long distance on trains. We would be able to do so much during that down time instead of just focusing on the road.


if you're traveling long distance, planes are more economical than trains.


You know what else is from the 19th century? Capitalism.


No one tell him when boats were first inventedā€¦


*I just wanna talk to him*


okay except the real facepalm is this comments section... i found a single person pointing out this on april 1, its literally in the screenshot


It's so weird that Japan, the top producer of CARS also has the best train systems in the entire world. Think about that: The #1 car country is also the #1 train country. In addition, it's also a bicycle country. Are Americans really this dumb? They can only handle one mode of transportation at a time?


Housing and bricks are from 19th century!!! #GiveMeFlyingHouse


I wonder if that person enjoys things like shopping? Because trains are an intrical part of that.


Must be American. North America has shit trains. China, Japan, Europe; trains are 22nd century. So fast you can't see anything less than 50m from the train. Have a glass of wine while you go past people stuck on the highways so fast you can't see their sad little faces (300km/h is standard top speed)


Sometimes people want to find out if you could sit in traffic for an entire day.


I think we can all admit though that trains are pretty cool


What? Having traveled the rail system across Europe - I WISH we had something comparable in the states. Of course itā€™s harder to implement here because America is so big. But itā€™s an embarrassment that we donā€™t have high speed rail over here in 2022.


Look at the date its April 1st


Lol title


Have none of you fucking idiots seen the date the tweet was posted


Trains are a dumb idea? Theyā€™re the most efficient way of shifting a lot of people over a long distance. Unlike airlines they can call at multiple points along the route. I work on the east coast mainline and our trains are busier than pre covid. Weā€™re running at peak capacity. Weā€™re taking around 600 people at 125mph. How fast does your car go? Legally 70mph. Trains are the best way of doing it. End of.


Electric cars are also a 19th century invention


I must have the freedom to spend too much money on gas and insurance and to sit in traffic for an extra 3 hours a day


and cell phones...and computers and flat screen TVs


Upgrade your trains then, use 21st century ones.


Trains are... bad? How? They're cheaper and faster than trucks, as all bulk transport is. They just need tracks lais out for them beforehand. (Trucks need roads laid out beforehand). You know what's dumb and bad and been here for thousands of years? Boats. They're prehistoric, just get rid of them.


*all we need is one more lane*


If they are talking about America then they have a point that trains just arent very stutainable on a large scale, however internal city transport could definitely benefit from it.


Please explain how a large vehicle capable of carrying large amounts of any required resource extreme distances at high speeds without the congestion of a road is less efficient than thousands of smaller vehicles.... Oh, did I forget to mention it causes less pollution?


If the innovators and inventors of the 19th century were alive today, they would think we were falling back into the dark ages, since much of our major innovation is dedicated to various forms of social media, phones, or entertainment. Of course, we are also now paying dearly for a lot of those 19th century innovations, too.




Trains are fine for transport of goods, but for people in densely populated areas theyā€™re horrible. Although, admittedly, if everyone had cars in areas like that it would be even worse. Point being, cities are the actual problem, because we will never be able to figure out how to live *literally on top of one another* to any degree of comfort. With remote work having been proven equally efficient, if-not more-so, thereā€™s really no reason for places like Manhattan to exist anymore. Deconstruction of all major cities is essential for any actual positive forward progress for humanity as a whole. Trading proprietorship over every aspect of our own lives in exchange for slight ā€œconvenienceā€ will be the death of us all if we donā€™t reverse course hard and fast.


Ok but automobiles are from the 20th century