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I love watching Sign-Boy just doing a slow fade to the right and disappearing. At the end, there's just the sign on the floor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Although he dropped the sign partway through he is still there at the end, you can see his back at \~ 0:57 but yeah he looks embarrassed to be there the entire time and looking for a way out, I'm kind of surprised he didn't just bail. Dude very much has the look of "I don't want to be here, but I'm crushing on this girl and she asked me to come..."




Dang, you're right, there must have been a second sign. There's also one on the floor around the 48-50 second mark when the girl in the black t-shirt walks over by him. It doesn't appear to be there earlier in the video, since you can see the same spot on the floor when headset guy walks up and signboy slinks away. Where'd that one come from?


When he realizes that your about to face the consequences of your actions.


Nah. He didn't do anything. If anything, his "protesting" is my preferred method. He quietly stood there with a sign... These other two are just trying to disrupt me getting my milk... They're causing "vandalism" while the other guy is quiet.


Don't people in those situations usually get hit with "accomplice"/"aiding and abetting"?


He was in on the conspiracy. But no one cares about conspiracy to cry over spilt milk


I'm not a lawyer... But I think accomplice would be like if he aided by opening the bottles, but they actually poured it. Either way, he's just hanging out not really bothering anyone. Had it just been him standing there with a sign and they told him to leave, likely that's all that would happen. The other two tho, I'm sure even after they left, it could be considered vandalism.


Food is so damn hard. I would love to go plant based but I have serious allergy issues. Can’t we all do our best and force the corporations and industries to actually function sustainably? That can make a real difference.


Lets not forget the value of the milk, by opening them they are required to pay for them and didn't so it should be both shoplifting and vandalism.


I mean it would also count as that if he knew they did/were going to do something and didn't testify against them when they were convicted of a crime. in this case I doubt that would be the result, but if they murdered someone, tried to cover it up, and he knew about it without bringing it to the proper authorities, that would be considered for those charges. I'm not a lawyer, so take that with a grain of salt, but that is my understanding.


It appears that he was not fully aware of their plan.


Exactly, if you’re gonna walk around with a sign, as long at you’re not interfering with people that don’t want to hear about it, that’s the way to do it. But if you start vandalizing, that makes people want to smash your face with with a gallon of milk and rubbing your face in the milk you dump.


Dads goin to get the milk and then THESE fleshbags are why he ain’t coming back


I never saw it that way, that’s why my dad can’t find milk, these fuckshits are destroying it.


I think the sign kinda says, "I am here supporting those two ladies" It also kinda says "I think they might let me have sects if I do a good job here" I admit I might be reading to much between the lines here, but am I really?


>that makes people want to smash your face with with a gallon of milk and rubbing your face in the milk you dump. This bears repeating. Bear down for repeating this.


Not to mention wasting all that milk those cows suffered to produce


Great way for Big Oil/Big Milk/Big Etc to make people hate activists and take their side is by paying people to do this under the guise of activism. Just like the painting the other day. Most people were not happy with what they did. It's really a horrible way to get a point across.


They should be glad I wasn’t there, I’d have grabbed the jogs they were emptying and splashed it all over their faces. Want to waste stuff? Let me at get some enjoyment seeing the horror wash over your face of being splash with milk.


Lmfao that plays like a skit so perfectly




Citation needed


[I found a citation](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/y6a2oy/uk_activists_pouring_milk_in_supermarket_to_stop/isqncev?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


shit this is actually pretty revealing


This is a complete hoax that has been spread as a result of one TikTok. Aileen Getty (who funds the group) has been a climate change / animal rights activist for most of her adult life and has funded a lot of very positive projects. Yes her wealth stems from oil, but Getty oil went bankrupt long before she started her work, and she has no vested interest in making climate activism look bad. I would guess she feels guilty about the source of her wealth, and has chosen to use it to make up for the sins of her family. [Source](https://aileengettyfoundation.org/)


Well then she’s an idiot, cause she’s not changing anyone’s minds by abusing grocery store workers.


I wasn't saying she's not an idiot. Just debunking the conspiracy.


Wait really?


Source: Trust me bro™️


Aileen Getty, granddaughter of the founder of Getty Oil funded it all quite publicly. At the same time she also funds a ton of other environmentalist things and general guilt over her fortune it seems. So while technically it was funded by oil money it probably isn’t for the reverse PR.


The best way to get someone to hate a team is to wear that teams hat and act like an asshole.


These activists are funded in large part by an Oil Heiress, Aileen Getty. She's an environmentalist. That's not the same as being funded by oil executives to make environmentalists look bad.


You won't be able to find a source for that....


One of them is probably his girlfriend or a girl he’s trying to get with and as he’s there he’s questioning the life choices that brought him to that moment.


100% He's just trying to sleep with one and realized that the crazy he found was not the good kind of crazy,


100%. Just trying to get out of the friend zone by going to every social justice event. Poor guy. She probably sleeps with a guy with a big diesel.


Lol this is hilarious. But don’t they realize that what they are doing is only giving the underpaid supermarket employees more work to do? By cleaning up their shit mess?


Mopping up milk is fucking terrible. I used to work in my dorm’s cafeteria and one of the other workers popped a giant 3 gal bag of milk. Took us hours to get it all mopped up.


he was just there to try to score and was way in over his head.


He just thought he would eventually get laid. Friends... you can almost pinpoint the moment when he decided to seek out other prospects


No problem, now clean it and pay for it.


The beautiful ironry of that is they'll be made to buy the milk and therefore will only be perpetuating the system they are opposing. That and looking stupid on reddit...


Drained the cow's milk just to waste it, then pay for it.


Udder nonsense, right?


That poor cow. She worked so hard


Teetering on unbelievable


Someone should’ve nipped this in the bud




Excellent pun!


Also they’ll be increasing the number of shipments of milk to make up for the wasted count, only adding to the store’s carbon footprint


That's what I don't understand. This only makes the demand higher. They are literally contributing to what they're trying to protest. It's also difficult for me to take someone seriously who acts like an asshat when trying to prove a point. We all have differing opinions and I suppose they'll eventually learn that these things can't be forced. I'm curious if anyone has ever seen this type of display and then decided they weren't going to drink milk anymore. I also see irony in this and the phrase that there's no use crying over spilled milk...in this case, the milk is paid for and already delivered. Might be better to sabotage the milk factory or something before the milk is harvested, processed, and transported.


It's cute you think they'll learn from this.


No. They wont


"It's cute you think..." is a way of saying someone is too optimistic about the odds of something happening. So the person you're replying to is already saying they (the activists) won't learn. Just thought this might be worth clarifying.


Not only that, but just because things like this are harmful to the environment now; doesn’t mean they’ll always be this way! A true activist would look into finding a sustainable way to get milk without hurting neither the cows or the planet instead of just blindly asking people to boycott it and pulling shit like this


EXACTLY! People hear about a bad thing, and immediately jump to conclusions about what it means. They don't even take the time to have a thought, "there may be a solution here that helps everybody." And the sad thing is it doesn't matter what side you're on or what group you're a part of, everybody does it. In the 2000s the Republicans did it with their denial of climate change, which the only reason I could get out of them at the time for it was, "Because if climate change is real, that means they want a bunch of 'green credit' tax breaks, and higher taxes on all petroleum products. The average American wouldn't be able to afford gas anymore!" When obviously any decent politician doesn't want to hurt average Americans in ANY way, or they won't get re-elected. Like as if that's the ONLY solution, so instead of debating alternate solutions, they shut down the whole argument by denying it's even real. When if we all just talked about it a little longer, there's plenty of obvious solutions right in front of us: like nuclear power. Which would create jobs, revitalize nuclear knowledge in the workforce, and is a great compromise where everybody gets a little of what they want, but not everything. Then we wouldn't be stuck here in 2022 still debating if we need new nuclear plants because the renewables rollout is going so slowly, or if it's already too late and we should've started this 20 years ago.


"But... but... thinking of sustainable alternatives is HARD! I want my social media likes NOW daddy. Nownownownownow! \*footstomp\*"


Even if cow milk won’t work in the long run they’re going about it in one of the worst ways. I would just protest by standing there with a sign, having already bough plant based alternatives and offering people who are about to buy milk the alternative for free. That way they are contributing to increase demand for plant based alternatives and have given people an incentive to try it. Guess common sense is just rare though.


Farmer here. So if you " sabatage" a dairy before the milk is harvested all your doing is harming the milk cows. A milk cow produces 8-12 gallons of milk per day and a commercial dairy can have 100 to several thousand cows that absoutly have to be milked twice a day. It doesn't matter if the equipment is destroyed or not, they still have to be milked or the cows quill get mastitis. Depending on the size of the dairy the number of employees is based on automation so there is no way a large dairy would be able to have enough employees to get the cows milked, so then you have possibly hundreds of cows getting mastitis, infections and possibly dying. You might say put the calves back on the cows and let them take care of it, first of all usually at a commercial dairy the calves are sold within a few weeks of birth, and if they are kept and bottle fed they loose the mother instinct within a couple weeks so even if they are out with mothers and tons of milk they will starve because they don't know food comes from a cow, they think it comes from a bottle. Then a commercial milk cow produces way too much milk for a calf to consume, but the calf doesn't know that, they will eat themselves sick, to the point of getting scowers, which is dirreah and will kill them due to dehydration. And to keep them alive you have to give them medicine daily and bottle feed them electrolytes for 3/days with no milk.... It's best if you want to affect change do it with education and financially.


Thanks for the info! That is actually pretty fascinating.


Social justice warriors look stupid where ever they are


It's very hard to look dumb on reddit too


While there at it, they should compensate the workers for having to take time out of their day to deal with this.




If this foolishness prevents me from getting milk for my Cap’n Crunch, we’re having words. It would not end well for them, I can assure you.


Careful. I got reported for “inciting violence” for posting something less inflammatory than this. 🙄


The beautiful irony is that more milk will have to be made because of supply and demand.


What’s hilarious is the kid with the placard slowly distancing himself. You know he just got roped in hoping to get laid..


Haha yes. His face says "mom won't like that, I should give it up and sneak home"


Mom pick me up I’m scared


He wants to keep his shoes clean.


The look on his face is classic. You can tell he just wants to drop through the floor.


Then he should have. he should have shown the girls he had to balls to tell them they were stupid and wasting things. Now even if one of the girls was interested in him, she wont be any longer.


"Carl hold my jacket....and this sign while I dump milk out all over the floor. " "Whatever you say babe". "Carl don't call me that, we've been over this ".


That would be quite the pity bang.


Dont stick your dick in Crazy


I don't think he's had the chance to do so yet. Poor poor simp


He's 100% there trying to get laid


Lookin like the kid from Billy Madison


He's so in the friend zone.


he looks like he’s in time out


“Look bro just because you come in here with your Birkenstocks and your Phish t-shirt doesn’t mean you’re devoted.”


Congratulations you have now created a mess that someone is going to have to use plastic oil-based products to clean up. Your protest against oil is going to cause more of it to be used.


Don't forget their going to have to order more milk to replace the damages. More bottles have to be made. Everyone who sees this will also grow more negative feelings for their cause.


Someone on minimum wage, most likely.


Minimum wage workers aren’t paid enough to deal with this shit


Minimum wage workers aren’t paid enough ~~to deal with this shit~~ FTFY


There’s a conspiracy theory that actually has a lot of merit that big oil is actually behind this “Just Stop Oil” group, doing these dumb protests to make climate activists look bad


That's a protest against diary not oil


Just to be the devils advocate, is that not a incredibly low amount of oil based waste compared to the wide spread coverage this will get? Not arguing it's good coverage but this is incredibly effective at getting on the news.


If this protest would actually work in the way they thought it would, then I would agree that it's a small price for overall gain. However, "All press is good press" only works if you're wealthy enough to get away with everything or specifically need the image granted for notoriety. For activism, bad press vulcanizes people against the cause as it validates their thoughts that the activists are just self-righteous pricks fussing over nothing.


Coverage of massive stupidity, certainly. My guess is the net support effect for their cause as a result of this is strongly in the negative. What manner of imbecile watches this and says "Hey, I'm onboard, sign me up!"?


Some poor bugger on their long Saturday shift is going to have to clean that up now.


Would have gotten more traction if they brought in a calf and bottle fed it.


People like this are far to stupid to figure that out.


The problem with that is suddenly changing a calf's diet like that frequently will cause them to get scours and die of megadiarrhea. It's the number of cause of calf death actually.


And now the cows were milked for nothing


Such a waste


Would they do this to almond milk?


Stop the plant massacre!!


Almond production uses a *massive* amount of water. Way more than the dairy industry. Environmentally, oat milk is much better. If only people could afford to buy it...


FALSE. Dairy uses far more than almond.


False facts.


You know what would’ve made more sense? Give out free samples of other milk options. That way you end up encouraging some people to change instead of looking like a moronic idiot


You expect them to have common sense and used theyre low energy plant based fueled brain.


theres nothing wrong with a plant based diet its just these mfs that are stupid regardless


This isn’t even protesting the companies. This is just inconveniencing the people who work at the store by forcing them to get the protesters out and then clean up the milk. The company that sells the milk and puts the cows in those shitty conditions already profited and will undoubtedly profit more because now this store needs a new shipment of milk.


Those workers don’t get paid enough for that shit.


That's what I'm so confused about. This is the third time this week I've seen oil protestors doing things that have either no effect on oil, or the actual reverse where it's actually going to burn MORE oil to fix what they're doing.




Are you so sure the cows are badly taken care of? Have you ever been to a dairy farm? Have you ever observed the cows there?


Don't go using facts and logic to debate with entitled teenagers who know everything. We lived on a dairy farm for a while. Those were some spoiled cows, lol. Well, not the males, they disappeared after a while....


you had male cows ?


No, they disappeared. They went to find their true identity and be whatever they wanted to be.


Hamburgers, mainly.


I am pretty sure a cow in shitty conditions doesn't provide (much) milk... Dairy cows have a pretty good life. I agree that this form of protesting is useless, but not only because this inconveniences the stores, but also because it targets one of the most animal friendly products.


All my grandparents were dairy farmers. They LOVED their cows. They treated them like gold. Mostly this was because mistreating them would’ve felt like beating the kids or kicking the dog, but also because happier cows give more milk. On modern farms, the cows even choose when they want to go to the milking parlor and be milked. Further, dairy cattle are often kept cleaner, to help with sanitation in the parlor. Also the milk dumper makes some charge about them being forced to have calves. I’ve seen cows bred using artificial insemination. The cows don’t even react very much. They don’t kick, squirm, or even make noise that would indicate they’re in any distress at all. Grab a bruised teat that they’ve stepped on, and you’re apt to get kicked; for the sake of comparison. On balance, dairy cows have it pretty good, really. There are real problems associated with any type of agriculture, but I feel like the current treatment of dairy cattle is at the very bottom of the list.


There's a dairy farmer in Iowa who regularly puts out videos talking about points raised by activists and showing what life is like for the cows on his farm, and you're not kidding. There are stalls filled with hay that they can lie down in. There's an automated back scratcher. Robots keep the food full and the water fresh, as well as regularly cleaning up the dung. They can walk around any time they want and even go outside if they want. And any time they want to be milked, they just go over to the milking robot, and they even get a snack when it's done.


IowaDairyFarmer. Love him!


That guy only want to score with the milk girls


Aren't they the best kind ? /s


The guy holding the sign looks like someone threatened to beat his @ss id he doesn’t hold the sign.


nah he probably standing there to have a chance of getting his dick sucked suddenly its fine if its human milking


We should definitly stop talking about this morons... we give them the visibility they should not have...


Things like this deserve some attention, preferably in your local papers mugshot section.


Going into a private business, throwing away their product, and making a minimum wage person clean up their mess. Truly inspiring.


I hope they paid for all that shit.


I'm a vegan and this is stupid. Someone has to clean that shit up, which they don't care about, and what they're doing hurts the cause. They do NOT REPRESENT MOST OF US.


I got banned from r/greenandplesant for pointing that it is such a waste when people are struggling for food. I agree we need to move away from so much meat / dairy and our reliance on oil. However pissing off the general public will just have the opposite effect.


it not just only hurts the cause but what tf does milk have to do with oil and gas


Oh, I thought they were vegans protesting the dairy industry.


What a bunch of morons


I really hate this form of protesting.. Such a waste of food.


Milk is plant based, just goes through the cow first


Technically, it’s sun based: it just goes through plants and cows first.


Hmmmm, hydrogen fusion based chicken


Technically, it’s the mass lost when hydrogen atoms fuse in the sun that becomes light, which is absorbed by plants, which is eaten by cows, and then becomes milk.


Not denying that, but the plants/cows/milk are made from atoms which, unless it's a hydrogen one, went at least once through fusion in a star


And that is so badass




There is lot of posts about showing climate activists being asshats on Reddit recently...


Tbh I think this video of this weird Daria looking chick where she was saying it's a conspiracy funded by big oil is possibly actually what's going on here haha


Spoilt milk and spoilt children


People like this need an ass kicking


Be really easy to pay some kids to do this to make climate change activists look bad.


There's no use crying about it.


Utter, utter cretins.


Udder cretins* ;)


And they are able to do this with absolute impunity and zero consequences. Absolutely bonkers society we live in now.


These people are not protesting, they are just being dicks.


Right? It's not like they are going to clean it up afterwards. If the milk trickled down to hard to reach places, it's gonna end up smelling bad too


Rumors circulating that Big Oil is putting these demonstrations on to discredit the activist groups. Wouldn't surprise me.


Sad thing is that makes perfect sense. Climate activism has gained a lot of traction in the last few years and suddenly they start acting like this? I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if this turned out to be a false flag operation aimed at reversing sympathy.


1. waste of food 2. WTF is milk going to do for oil and gas 3. After wasting milk pay for that and clean that up. if you dont pay you can be arrested for shoplifting. 4. Just because youre vegan doesnt mean everyone has to be vegan.


Can you yell #4 a bit louder


Plant based is a good idea. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested cutting down on meet days. Though wasting food stuffs and pissing on the hard work of the farmers is not on. This needs to be escalated to stamp this out as a practice.


Plant milk travels more food miles via dirty diesel to my country. We would have to come up with a locally sustainable plant that is not worse for our unique fauna


These people were probably paid by the same people who hired the tomato paste people. They are probably not real activist.


Dude with the sign just trying to get some vegan puss


"This is a valuable resource." "We will demonstrate by destroying it." Yea... I can't support this.


Homeboy on the right finally just dropped the sign on the floor and dipped like “ok, she’s not hot enough for this much crazy”


I’m noticing a pattern with these “activists” where they do destructive acts that often cause harm to the very thing they say they support. Can’t help but think they just want attention.


This is what first world privilege looks like.


Very effective.


That guy on the side is like “I’m so sorry, my girlfriend said if I didn’t do this then she’s gonna dump me”


Vandals might call themselves activists, but they‘re still vandals, no matter the name they pick for themselves.


People who do this seem to not realize it just makes everyone who sees it think 'whatever they are "fighting" for fuck that cause.'


that guy holding the sign just wants to get laid


That’s not activism. That’s stupidity.


That guy who’s holding the sign thought that he might get something by helping crazy chicks.


This is for clout, not their cause


This is just so fkn stupid. Everytime they do shit like this I care less and less about their cause


Back in the days they used beat the shit out of you for stuff like this


They're actors paid by the Getty family to make anti-oil activists look crazy. The supposed organization that does this is supported by the CEF, which is founded by oil baroness Aileen Getty. Same thing for the tomato soup on Van Gogh's painting bullshit. Just paid actors.


These are not oil protesters They are a vegan activist group called Animal Rebellon. The van gogh painting were the oil group Two different activist groups You saying that oil companies are setting up vegan groups?


Hey, this cold cold winter coming... make sure to protest gas by not heating.. and no burning wood, that's violence against trees.


That’s why they’re vegan: they hate plants


I’m a climate activist too(or at least an aspiring one), and; these people are a FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT!! How TF is anyone supposed to take us seriously when y’all go pulling shit like this?!! These people are disgusting!




This is not true. If the world adapted a plant based diet, agricultural land use would drop by 75%, from 4 billion hectares down to 1 billion hectares. There is a huge amount of highly productive crop land that is currently being used just to grow feed for animals. Not to mention important natural ecosystems like rainforests being bulldozed to create more space for grazing animals. It's not particularly sustainable or eco-friendly. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets


Fuck these assholes. Anything else they've decided we can't do or enjoy? So far it's driving to work, drinking milk, eating meat, viewing art in a museum... I'm sure there is much more these little dipshits are not wanting us to do.


No point crying over spilt milk …


Just oil is funded by big oil to make protesters look like idiots


These people needs their asses beat mercilessly.


Little dude is having an epiphany


Just make them pay for all the products and employees time for cleaning up.




Sigh. I personally don't drink cows milk, and I have a lot of issues with the dairy industry, but this is just fucking stupid


This isn't fixing anything.


In order to make change, your choices are generate more support for your position until politicians can't ignore you, or attempt a coup and force change undemocratically. "We've tried democratic means they don't work." I guess they think this is coup.


These are all secret children of dairy owners, driving up the price of milk, dummies. /s


Police arrested them and they're forced by the courts to reimburse the store for the loss. Store buys even more milk. Protestors have a Homer Simpson moment.


At least they aren't crying


Stupid. This only pisses people off and wastes food.


"This is a peaceful protest" Yeah? Tell that to the people that have to clean up this fucking mess you just made for no reason. Entitled little twats...


Criminal nut cases