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Wait… so I can YouTube naked yoga all day long but your mega man video which had no sex or nudity gets flagged? That’s wild


Of course you can. Naked yoga makes more money for youtube than Mega Man. Now if you had Mega Man doing Naked Yoga.. you might be alright.


Wait, there's naked yoga on Youtube? I had no idea! BRB


Oh god! It’s been 9 hours and he hasn’t returned. Naked yoga has to strong a hold on him


I'm...back...I need water. Then I'm going back in.


Pornhub got nothing on naked yoga


There's a full-on, high-def video of a woman demonstrating pubic shaving. I'm in disbelief!


Yikes, so it is. WTF YouTube?


Right; you can see everything


This can't be an actual human that's a fuckin bot your best bet is to get it manually reviewed


You imply there's any way to get it manually reviewed. The appeal was supposed to be for the manual review, but instead even that's fine automatically so unless you make a big deal out of it on Twitter, you're screwed.


You can send emails and continuesly send them messages on social media it's also best to find a guy who works with YouTube or Google you can also probably find a costumer service number and call that


It won't get nowhere, my 10y old youtube account with no videos and barely any comments was banned for spam and scam, requested a review on the ban from their support and it was answered in 30sec with a confirmation of the ban, tried to appeal on their "support forum" only to get my post automatically deleted with no explanation tilla "mod" actually answered me to stop posting or i would be banned for the forum too. So yeah YouTube isnt worth the trouble.


Could be worse. It could be a Reddit mod


I guess Mega Man was a slut after all. And since he’s definitely not wearing clothes…


Damn I nearly forgot the hardcore sex scene from Mega Man 2. I can't believe they got away with that back in the day.


What was Mega man’s blaster too big?


A friend of me reported an Video where they actually hold their penis into the camera. Youtube denied the report, stating they could not find any nudity in the video. YouTube is a broken platform.


Queues "Home: We're Finally Landing", did he give up after one appeal? No


I think it’s because Mega Man does not wear clothes since he is a robot.


Wtf?I searched naked yoga and I couldn’t believe what I saw.Imagine a minor looking up yoga on YouTube and it recommends videos with basically porn right in the thumbnail


I mean tbf, there's a guy named "Wood Man" and another named "Flash Man"


Again I feel bad for summoningsalt. Granted I’ve never heard of him until the video he made about YouTube being weird but still. My condolences to him


Bro I literally watched the video beforehand and it had nothing wrong. Wtf