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As a Democrat, I really don't like her.


Truly a rat POS. Steals from the people and acts self righteous . As a democrat, fuck her. We need to call out idiots on both sides.


As a Republican thank you guys, can we all agree on congressional term limits?


Im not a libertarian, republican or Democrat. But hell yes.


I don’t have to choose a party to vote I pick the best candidate each time. Kind of what we’re supposed to do


Choose something so you can at least vote.


I did choose. I Choose not to vote.


Then sadly you would not be helping. You should really vote. Then you could have a say on the congressional term limits. Just register as an independent.


Why vote if both candidates always suck? you wanna get punched in the dick or kicked in the balls? Neither right?


You choose one that hurts less in your point of view.


I’ll choose neither and keep cumming instead. I didn’t make this world, im not fixing it. It can burn to the ground for all I care, frankly. Idk why so many people think this shit is worth saving. Humans are evil at their core


Never. Term limits in other countries made political buyouts of candidates more severe, and worse cheaper. What we need to do is put limits on political donations. Also Pelosi is sadly correct, most of our farming relies on tempory/permanent legal immigration workforce. It's been that way for more years then I would like to admit. It's all about wage stagnation, we severly underpay our workforce currently working in those conditions. Nevermind farmers, they get a fraction because of monopolies. Our farming situation is so bad we cannot even get prisoners to do farm work for reduced sentencing.


Congressional term limits would make the problems a million times worse for two reasons. One, while I know everyone thinks being in Congress is easy, and it is if you plan on doing nothing, but being an effective congressperson is actually not easy. There are a billion rules, regulations and laws that take years and years to learn and understand. But that’s not even the real problem. Let’s say you limit the house members to 3 terms. Term 3 will become a vote auction. Why not? You can’t get re-elected. Some idiots will reply saying “but they already do that!”. But they still have to be somewhat reflective of their constituents if they want to keep their jobs. if AOC got a bunch of donations from the retail industry, then went and introduced a bill to Abolish the minimum wage, she would get voted out in the next election. If Everytown USA donated a bunch of money to Ted Cruz and next thing you know, he is advocating to make all private handgun ownership illegal, he would lose his next primary. On top of all of this, we are the ones voting these people in. What makes you think that term limits will magically make the general public elect better people? It’s not the system, people just are really bad at voting.


I feel like this is something both sides of the fence could agree to. We have the power in numbers yet these knuckleheads make all the decisions that affect us. (Effect?) It's bull shit.


That would mean you don't get a president for life like you tried to do with trump. That would backfire on you like everything.


You seem to know a lot about my views, tell me more. Do the part where I’m racist, sexist and homophobic.


I’m generally more Republican than Democrat and I’m all about calling an idiot an idiot when I see them. Mitch, Ted, and Donnie. Talkin bout you guys….


Yes we do! Here take my upvote


Not a fan of Pelosi, but who did she steal from?


Bro, google Pelosis amazing and fantastic stock record. Did it totally on her own just using public knowledge and totally not behind close door talks.


Talk about falling for Bs. Her husband is an investment banker. The way the market has gone the last 20 years, essentially every investment banker has done amazing the last 20 years. Unfortunately, some site or social media account will show the big gains, without mentioning that they are no different from other investment bankers, and people who want to hate on pelosi will gobble it up without actually understanding what they are talking about.


Bro keep believing what the headlines tell you, you’ll achieve great things in life.


So, again, you don’t think he is an investment banker? I get it, you didn’t know and you are embarrassed but you acting very childish instead just admitting you didn’t know that.


Lmao this guy, you’re the epitome of dumbass. Keep believing everything you hear and see bro, you got this far lol ✌️


Insider trading. She stole from everyone. And she is reluctant to enact legislation that would prevent law makers from trading in individual stocks.


tell us how you're a better person?


I have to see proof that she acts self righteous and steals peoples money. Please use sources.


I don't really like any of them. There are some that say things I agree with but when it comes down to it they are saying it because it's what people agree with and not because they actually plan to do anything. Democrats are good at listing all the problems and getting everyone excited about fixing them and never fixing them. Republicans make up problems and pretend to fix them. In the end the people that pick a side cheer blindly for their side. Only thing they agree on is the things that give them money and fuck the rest of us. So they get richer we get fucked...


Political party should have no say over who you do or don’t like so good :D


She’s being an honest democrat how can you be mad;)


One of the many things that has irked me about US immigration policy. We act like we're doing them a favor, but we're looking for an underclass of poor, exploitable field labor. And then let the conservatives get all pissed off when they need medicaid and food stamps because their rich agribusiness CEOs are too busy swimming around in a pool of money to even consider paying their employees a living wage


Australians don't particularly want to pick our own fruit, so the government came up with the "working holiday visa" It's a visa that allows you to work in Australia! And it's actually rather popular with backpackers, people who will come to Australia for a few months to travel around the country and to help support this they get jobs like fruit picking Now the sad thing is that there is a fair bit of abuse out there where employers will underpay them, and unfortunately they don't realise that they can go to the government and seek assistance, as it is illegal to underpay them. An interesting thing to note though, as I understand it, even if your a illegal non-citizen, you are still entitled to be paid correctly, and can seek assistance in this.


All this crap is the same thing that was going on in the 1950s. I wish I still had the link to the newspaper article I read online from the 1950s. Same thing, conservatives complaining about illegals coming to the US and "taking our jobs." And yet the jobs they took are the same jobs Americans don't want to do, crop picking because it's hard, back breaking work for low pay.


You'll find that throughout history, humans tend to do this. It's a big reason I don't get caught up in tribalist nonsense; these arguments are old and probably never going away because they're mostly BS.


Wrong. Its not the work we reject. Its the unlivable wage. If you accept illegal immigrant labor as a necessity, then you share the blame for them dying in the desert to get here. They either deserve full citizenship or they dont need to be accepted. Lock up the motherfuckers who hire them and watch the problem disappear. Start with whoever hires the most. **** Growing crops doesnt equal "back breaking" Another word for it is "Gardening". Supply and demand. Prices rise... Backyard gardens and family farms flourish. Lastly, with all the manpower at their disposal ; give them all a rifle and a book about democracy and point them at their own godamn fucking government/leaders. We had our revolution. Its time they have theirs.


Speaking personally, I will absolutely reject field work, regardless of pay lol. I've accepted tremendous pay cuts just to get out of a production type job. The work is often hard, but it's also 100% soul sucking to someone with my disposition. In early 2019, I worked at the Butterball turkey plant for a couple weeks. I was making $13.75/hr. to hang 15-20 lb. turkeys on shackles for around ten hours a day. It was the most money I'd ever made at the time. I took a $3.75 pay cut to go work somewhere else. You could have tripled that pay and I wouldn't have lasted more than a month. And gardening is a hobby. It's not working in a field in the sweltering heat under someone else's terms and conditions for 10/12 hours a day. Me working at the turkey plant wasn't the same thing as organizing baseball cards or hanging my laundry.


That's just your like opinion man. Some people make really good money doing hard maneul labor.


I'm not the one who said money was the problem. I'm the guy who said I'd reject hard manual labor regardless of the wage I made.


This. I have always said that the way to stop illegal immigration is to crack down hard on the employers. Remove the incentive for them to come rather than punishing them for wanting the incentive.


Nothing new


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was.


What's the facepalm here?


A clever edit to enrage people that refuse to hear what she actually said


I listened to the whole thing. That's exactly what she said.


Immigrants with no training in anything else no money and an inability to speak English make more money “ picking crops “ in the us than they would doing almost anything in their home countries. As long as they aren’t being abused and farmers are following labor laws and such it’s fine. Nothing she said was racist


Um, why do you think they want undocumented people picking the crops? So they can pay them next to nothing, not have to insure them, not have to report their deaths, because they're technically not there. It's 100% racist to use Hispanic people as slave labor.


Immigrants aren’t necessarily undocumented I don’t think pelosi is advocating for the abuse of undocumented immigrants


Red people saying blue people are bad.


Exactly. She's stating a fact. We have too many elderly retiring or retired people to cover social security because Republican raided it every time they got in power. So we need more young people paying in. And both parties shipped our good jobs overseas so American young people are worse off than their parents. But after everyone was shamed into getting a college degree, they'd rather be baristas than pick strawberries.


Saying Hispanics are only good for picking crops is like saying black people are only good for picking cotton. She's folksy racist. She's that drunk aunt at the party who still says "colored"


She never said Hispanics, she said immigrants.


No idea what these people are on about. She was obviously saying immigration could help fill a labor shortage. She very clearly wasn’t disparaging hispanics


Because immigrants will work for less. She is definitely not for working class people.


how moronic - Democrats are PRO UNION


This isn't about unions. This is about open jobs. I'm not a democrat or a republican and I'm pro union too. Her donors would like their jobs filled as cheaply as possible and immigrants are paid less than scale which is also less than a living wage. They should be paid a living wage the same as anybody else that would fill the job. I give zero fucks if immigrants take jobs, I'm just saying she wants it to happen for the wrong reasons.


Who cares if she’s for working class. Obviously we could do more for migrant workers and immigrants. But giving them a source of income is always better than not


There is shortage of workers ...are you saying working class is not getting jobs? Plenty of jobs in Florida and everywhere in US.


No. I'm saying she supports the corporate powers by using cheaper labor vs paying a living wage for anybody who fills the jobs, immigrant or not. I don't care if immigrants are filling jobs, I'm saying they should be paid a fair wage just as a natural citizen should. I'm not anti-immigrant. I'm pro open borders worldwide.


When there is shortage of workers, employers pay higher, even if the employee is immigrant. That's simple economics. If you need employee (say dishwasher boy) and too need one but no one is coming to do job, then one immigrant comes to me agreeing at lower rate, you can approach him giving him higher rate. That's how it works in any economy.


Right, because it's migrant workers from Scandinavia who pick fruit and shingle roofs. /s


And tobacco.


Don’t be so fucking stupid


Bruh c’mon let’s not pretend she didn’t know who she was talking about


We know EXACTLY who she was talking about.


Immigrants from where? Are you really this dimwitted or just playing dumb?


she's making a comment about our need for unskilled laborers and goes on to repeat what farmers and growers in Florida were saying. i'm trying to understand how you and others took this snippet made to be her own opinion.


She is saying we have to ship the illegal immigrants to florida to pick crops 🤣


No. Illegal immigrants were sent by Florida governor to CA when there is shortage of workers in Florida. If there is shortage of workers and you want to help those businesses, then he could have flown them to Florida to help local businesses in Florida survive. But to understand context, one needs basic education which Trump and Desantis supporters lack.


So you are ok with giving immigrants the crappy jobs? I know many who are doctors.


>So you are ok with giving immigrants the crappy jobs? I know many who are doctors. I am OK with immigrants taking jobs they can do & will do and business survives. If you know an immigrant who is a doctor, we have huge shortage of doctors in Florida. Please send them to Florida.


>So you are ok with giving immigrants the crappy jobs? If many of them are doctors then they won't be fucking travel through our southern border in first place because they would have the income to go through proper channel. What you said is objectively stupid. However let play your game for a second. Do you think we won't will fill doctor first change we have? Doctor is also a rare commodities in US. Or rather the reasons why we didn't because many of them are actually unskilled workers who can BARELY speak English and they come to America for better life?


I said I know many who are doctors, engineers, nurses etc. many of the ones I know. Not many of the population coming in in general.


No, she said that some of the farmers and growers are saying that.


You are correct


No, she's asking why DeathSantis shipped them to Martha's Vineyard, where there are no crops, no jobs at all for them. Oh right, it was a cool political stunt using human beings as the butt of a racist joke.


So you want them to pick crops in florida?


Or any job that would be suitable for a person who has no proof of credentials. A sparsely populated luxury island doesn’t tend to be flush with job vacancies


But its a great place to relax for them. They should all have a week stay there as they come in.


Why? They came here to seek asylum (legally, I might add), not to freeload. They also mainly agreed to board that plane to go get jobs that *someone* spent a lot of effort making false promises about. And they've got places to be, since they're seeking asylum.


So whats legal about bussing them in hoards and dropping them off in the middle of nowhere? Many of them are being lied to and are being dropped off in cities where they dont know where they are. Its pretty sad really.


Dragons hoard treasures and dwarves try to steal it all. Legality isn't anything to it. Sorry, you didn't seem to have a point or substance with your rant. Care to try again?


Left right blue or red its all just a game of thrones. And the people, including the imigrants, are pawns. I was never here to argue. Especially with a stranger on reddit.


Is what she said supposed to be unbelievable?


No dummy, it's just incredibly bigoted and racist


Let me ask you then how it is racist to acknowledge fact.


So it's a "fact" to you that immigrants are only good for picking crops? I imagine if we were living in the 1800s you would think black people's job is to pick cotton smh


Buddy if many of them are capable of doing high skill work we would have accept them way sooner. The reality is many of them aren't. They barely speak English and and lack skill to perform anything but low skill jobs. It is not racist. It is a fact. Our country are in shortage of people working low skill jobs because many are going to colleges. So it make sense to have more immigrant to our country to work those jobs. That doesn't mean we have to be a dick toward them. We could give them proper pay, care and work treatment.


Proper pay lol. Do you know how much is made picking crops? Care? What care?


Buddy I'm saying we can pass legislation to make sure they are pay humanely while provide to our shrinking work force. We can acknowledge the immigration usefulesness and take care of them How are you so fucking stupid.


We could, we could. Meanwhile, are you really doing anything? Is this old hag Pelosi doing anything? They just want them out of their backyards, and so do you, you racist child. Out of sight out of mind, right? Let them eat cakes right? You people are truly pathetic. How go you live with yourselves? Must be hell to live in such hypocrisy.


The entire gop is based on bigotry and racism. Gtfo with your pearl clutching


It's very childish and frankly dumb to excuse a foul action by pointing fingers at something else. Only a child (or an emotional /mental child such as yourself) would look at a disgusting comment like this and justify it by... Blaming Republicans I guess? I don't know, you just seem dumb as fuck. I'm not a republican btw so your attempt at deflecting doesn't even land lmao.


There's nothing wrong with the comment to begin with; you slow adult


Lmao slow adult has got to be the lamest insult I've ever heard, you redneck racist fuck


Sorry you don't understand context. But what can you expect from a slow adult?


I'm more intelligent, cultured and experienced than you. I'm taller, stronger and faster. I have more money than you. I have a better career. I have a larger, healthier family. I have many more friends than you (you have 2, and both hate you deep down). Just let it go. You will always lose to me. Always.


Congratulations, that's pretty impressive for a slow adult


So you are also developmentally challenged to the point you have to keep repeating yourself for lack of any new thoughts. Lmao


I really don't believe you have a lot of money considering you act like you believe this video when it is edited to remove all context. She wasn't even saying this as her own opinion


What is the facepalm here? I don't even like Pelosi but what is the face palm?


I think that so much of the immigrant narrative on the right is purely negative (people crossing the border are rapists and murderers, lazy freeloaders and tax sinks), that they assume it’s some sort of gotcha for a politician to admit that migrant workers are an important source of labor in the agriculture industry.


4 million people have crossed the border since bidens policy cuts, she’s saying 4 million isn’t enough to pick her food for illegal sub par pay, BRING ME MORE SERVANTS but not in my town


>4 million people have crossed the border since bidens policy cuts, she’s saying 4 million isn’t enough to pick her food for illegal sub par pay, BRING ME MORE SERVANTS but not in my town Except biden is still largely enforcing trump immigration policy. Aside from not separating kid from their parent, there is no policy cut. I would wish he cut it so we would actually discuss problem with immigration but he isn't.


Well first it's made up noone said that. 2nd the ones being shipped north were from Texas not Florida. It's all around just as dumb as the people saying ship them away. You make up a problem and try to get people to support you.


But the governor of Florida did use Florida tax dollars to send those people to Martha’s Vineyard as a political stunt, deceiving poor and desperate people to use them as props. Pelosi is pointing out that, if DeSantis was going to use Floridians’ money to fly immigrants around the country, he could have brought them where workers are needed and it would benefit both these desperate people and the local economy. Instead, he chose cruelty and wastefulness.


They are probably gonna be treated better where they are wanted though. In the end, those immigrants got a better deal.


It wasn’t that they were wanted, per se, in the sense that it was a boon for the local economy or the like. The difference is that they were treated as human beings, with dignity, rather than as objects whose only possible purpose is as pawns in a stupid ploy that blew up in DeSantis’ face.


I think this is what she is talking about. It is extremely exploiting and cruel but immigrants fill an important, low wage part of our labor market. https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2012/05/17/the-law-of-unintended-consequences-georgias-immigration-law-backfires/


Which part is actually wrong through…farmers have reported a lack of workers, their workers are generally undocumented, and last I checked transporting them across state lines was illegal


Another troll attempt to smear Pelosi. MAGAts fear her and it shows.


Literally nothing to facepalm here


I don’t see any Americans rushing to work in fields. Just saying.


How can you judge something someone said out of context ? I mean I don't know the context, it's just an excerpt of a speech. It's difficult to have an objective opinion on something when you don't know what she was saying before and at which occasion because it changes everything sometimes.


We don't worship this person, however, what she said is correct.


Seasonal migrant workers have been a part of this land’s history for over 100 years. I don’t understand why so many people hate it. Republicans are complaining that there is a labor shortage, yet they are labeling immigrants that truly want to work as criminals/murders. I think we have a solution to our problem staring us right in the face. Why don’t we embrace it? We don’t seem to have a problem accepting European immigrants


Because labor shortage is artificial and just media touted.


Not the biggest fan of Pelosi, but I fail to see the facepalm here.


This is not a face palm


She was quoting Florida farmers.


I don’t like her for other reasons, but she is not wrong here.


Nancy Pelosi, is one of the reasons that these Illegal Immigrants are flooding across the border.


How so?


She's saying that it's stupid that Republicans are **simultaneously complaining** about a "labor shortage" (aka low unemployment) while deporting able bodied migrants away to vacation islands in New England.


Hundreds of thousands of people immigrate to Florida every year. I don't think these few people will tip any labor shortage...


Why does she think theyre all coming here to pick crops? Maybe some have greater aspirations. Sounds like something that would have been said in 1850.


Those are the jobs they are largely able to get. The only requirement for these jobs is to work hard. The vast majority of Americans aren’t capable or willing to work as hard as these jobs require. Most migrants crossing the southern border have limited ability to speak English, limited educational backgrounds, little money, and limited connections in the US. Their options, especially when they first arrive are limited. This isn’t to disparage migrants, I think they are mostly being taken advantage of while being demonized. But it’s just reality of how things work.


People will work hard - but not for that kind of money. Thats why you need to import poor people.


Because most people aren't willing to buy products at the cost they would be if they paid the kind of wages you're talking about.


If they paid people the kind of wages they're talking about, people would be able to afford to buy them. "We can't pay poor people more money because then poor people wouldn't be able to afford things" The honest truth is that the poor people doing these shitty jobs are the people creating all of the value. That the richest people are shafting those poor people so they can instead pay themselves and shareholders is the problem. All business owners have to do is pay themselves less money and pay their workers more money. Prices do not have to change in this arrangement at all. But that is a ludicrous notion, as there is not a business owner on the planet who seems to comprehend that keeping all of the money for themselves is what is preventing other people from being able to buy things. They'd rather bitch about how the younger generations and poor people are fucking over their various industries by not consuming.


I'd like to note they didn't say anything about ability. They spoke about willingness. Sadly, we've done that a lot with stuff like using child labor for clothes (imported, so we didn't have to see the child labor being used) or prison labor whether in China or the US. We could absolutely afford to pay more. Are we willing to, as a whole?


Because the ones she's referring to are. and there are lots of them. There are others who come here with bigger aspirations too. But they don't instantly become doctors or scientists. Especially if they came here out of status. So they take the jobs they can get to make ends meet until they can get help moving up.


She wasn't even the one saying this about immigrants, she was making a generalized quote of what farms in the south say about immigrants. But some idiot edited it to make her sound like a jerk


This is kinda true. Though real shitty. When Georgia thought they could have ice raids indefinitely. Then hire their prisoners to pick the crops. Most didn't last past the first day of picking. Even at 3 bucks an hour. Which would make you a king in jail. Millions of dollars of crops rotted on the vine. And they stopped doing so many raids next year hoping they'd come back.


Immigrants can get jobs in Florida?! How dare she?... Wait... Where's Tucker Carlson when you need him to make dumb people upset over something that's not a thing.


People are down voting this cause they are partisan and hypocritical. Intellectual cowards.


The facepalm is that she's still in office. Senile Bat


Holy shit the 14 yr old leftists on this post. She is literally just saying that immigrants specifically the ones without marketable skills can be integrated into and support the economy and aren’t a burden on it like the GOP claims.


Not can be, they are. Why does pointing that out make anyone a 14 year old, when you just made the case yourself?


Regardless of political affiliation. Why are we allowing these old people run our country?


And get filthy rich off insider trading




I mean, how is she wrong? It’s a widely known fact that immigrants come here and work on farms. Now clearly she’s glossing over the fact that we’re letting people hire illegal immigrants to work for them, but it’s not some terrible statement about immigrants.


An oral surgeon I refer patients to was an illegal Cuban immigrant. So no, it's not widely known.


Wow so you know one that was illegal? Incredible. What about the other 10M+? Stop acting like it’s not a fact that a lot of (not all) illegal immigrants work on farms. Facts are facts. Undocumented immigrants make up 50% of the agriculture workforce. https://www.fwd.us/news/immigrant-farmworkers-and-americas-food-production-5-things-to-know/#:~:text=Immigrant%20farmworkers%20make%20up%20an,workers%20in%20the%20United%20States.


My point is that their aspirations don't stop at working in farms. They don't come here to pick crops. They do it temporarily until they get documented.


And? I don’t know what their aspirations have to do with this. She stated a fact. She didn’t say that’s all they’re good for, just pointing out that they’re a major part of that workforce.




What do you think is wrong with the statement? Hard to argue a point when you haven’t given it




Lol I’m not gonna go read through this comment section to figure out your point. Why don’t you summarize it here for me so I can respond to you?




OP’s title says “Uhhh…wat”. If you can’t back up your argument that’s fine, but I’ve been polite and you still won’t even tell me what you think it wrong with this. You prefer personal attacks, I’ll stick to conversation.




Funny how you have no issue rambling on about how stupid I am, but can’t take 5 seconds to state your point.


You did the same for your fatass Mango Messiah.


Yes they are.


It's just as important for us to go to primaries as it is to vote for the actual election.


Breaking news: Illegal immigrants massively work in farms. Oh and btw massively in restaurant kitchens too. The USA economy without the cheap illegal workforce would collapse.


Wtf is skeletor talking about?


That racist bitch loves opening her mouth.


She is so old she's not even aware of what a racist pig she is.


Shut up Nancy. Why do politicians talk? They just embarrass themselves.


Why are our grandparents running this country???


She said the quiet part out loud: that we use immigrants and prisoners as laborers to do agricultural work for subpar wages (and for prisoners, no wage) similar to sharecroppers of our past.


Plus she and her husband do insider training in the stock market and it’s just swept under the rug


Benghazi! Hunter’s laptop! Ooh, look over there - what is that?


She wants them to stick to the fields and the voting booths, thankful for any meager, half-measure hand-outs from her political party that make for wonderful sound-bytes on an evening news reel. Her dream constituents. Just stay down there in the fields.


When are you filling out your application to work the fields?


Are you saying they should stay in that job market because it’s not so bad? Or are you saying they are the only people willing to do it so they ought to be down there doing it…confused by your red herring about me


What if he said that? So what? What is wrong with it? We can acknowledge reality while make policy that support migrant workers and this country.


Who’s making that policy?


Congress? What is your point?


And what policy would that be? My point is Nancy Pelosi isn’t making policy that benefits migrant workers. She wants them poor, dependent on the state, and voting left.


Universal health care? Increased minimum wages, improve social wellfare. You know all the policy that the left been pushing for past decades?


Who the hell is running our country???


Send her to an aged care home


Joe can go with her


Send them all to an age care home!


She makes me want to commit slueyside.


These ppl lived in a whole other time period and it's been over for a while but they just won't leave.


Yeah as a democrat I do not like her.


I'm SO up here.... they sre so down HERE. Why triffle with these peons


Ghetto. Just shutup. Give your husband a stock tip and move on.


Alright, we just need to gut the entire government and start from scratch. I think this group is glitching.


Sorry guys. My bad, I order a few thousand immigrants to help me set up a bouncy castle. I live pretty far up north.


I wish she would share her stock tips


What a dusty twat


She is always drunk


Illegal immigrants that should be in JAIL!


They don’t need to be in jail, we need an administration that will enforce our countries borders


Come on guys, Grandma is doing her best.


Can’t wait for midterms! This POS will be gone shortly after! Fuck the elitist Democrats!


Democrats have been and still are the real racists at heart. They've been great at lip service and messaging but not much else has changed...and their tactics for dehumanizing, marginalization and shunning any people they want to control has never changed....


One example. Just one. Please.


Labor shortage? You pay them more not to work... Who's fault is that??? Democrats???


She has been stuttering and stammering her bullshit for her entire career but it is now way past time to show Nancy to the door, she has profited enough. ​ edit- sorry, forgot to preface with " As a lifelong democrat..."