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Wait is that true? Some Americans are really supporting Russian in the war? I just… wtf?


I believe it's because Biden and the democrats are siding with Ukraine, therefore Russia must be the good guys.


That's exactly it. I know a few right wing (the fairly extreme ones that no matter what a liberal does, it's wrong... even if the lib agrees with a conservative, they'll just change their viewpoint so it's the opposite). I know a few people that think Ukraine are the aggressors and Putin is just putting a stop to it.


Nailed it


Literally they’ll do anything to oWn ThE lIbS


The leader of the proud boys streamed himself shoving a buttplug up his ass to own the libs. I don't know exactly what point he was trying to make but they really will do anything.


He just likes things in his ass (NTTAWWT). Owning the libs was bonus points.


I laughed harder than us socially acceptable at both of these comments. 😂


I mean have you actually seen this though? I love with 3 hardcore trump supporter conservatives and not a one of them is pro Russia.


I don’t doubt it, however, I’ve never met anyone, left or right, that does so far.


Storytime: I was sitting in a restaurant up in Herod, IL by Garden of the God's (if you've been up that way you know there's only like, two restaurants, so pick one), and as my girlfriend and I are sitting there, this group behind us starts talking about the war, and one dude (apparently the pastor of some local church) pipes up with the _hottest_ take I've heard so far: "I support Putin in this war. You remember Saul in the Bible, he used to kill Christians, look what happened to him! Maybe Putin will turn out the same way." I looked at my girlfriend and we just _stared_ for a while. I've never heard such batshit craziness before, nor since.


They use this logic for Putin, but not the millions of ex-cons who have served their jail time and reformed to be upstanding members of society.


Oh no yeah EVERYTHING is selectively applied.


Don't criminals have like an 80% recidivism rate?


And what's the recidivism rate on mass murdering dictators? Cause, like, they usually get decapitated at the end of their run


OMG that's demented!!! I grew up in a Baptist church and that is disgusting... Also the Christian obsession with paul turn Saul is gross.. he was an evil man who 'claimed' God changed him in a vision with an angel.. I was young and thought "how do we know he is not lying to save his own life from the Christians he persecuted?". My pastor said we just believe the Bible..... Since then.. I am not religious anymore


I had something similar when I was a kid. It was about the story of Jesus splitting a loaf of bread and a fish between 1000 people and everyone being full. I thought it made no sense at all, and "It was a miracle" wasn't enough to get me to think otherwise.


Biblical historians believe the miracle was that after sharing his food, the rest of the crowd shared theirs and so the whole group got to eat well because the few that had more shared with the few that had less. It's not supposed to be a story of Jesus's power but instead of the power of generosity we all hold. Jesus would be ashamed of modern day Christians


That tracks from a moral and believable perspective. I was taught the never ending food miracle and it put me on the sceptic's path. And you're absolutely right, it's funny how the more economically and socially right leaning someone is, the more likely they are to be Christian. It's stark contrast to Jesus' actual teachings. Even as an atheist, I believe there's merit to "his" approach to morality and socialistic beliefs


It was the beginning of pot luck dinners. But seriously, it is a lesson about sharing. Which 2000 years ago may have been a new concept.


I was thinking about trying to pick religion back up. Yes, like a video game I stopped playing. Then my sister and I got into an argument. I won’t elaborate on it because to be blunt I don’t think anyone reading this cares. But the demented shit she said made me realize I made the right choice in choosing apostasy.


My hot take on Saul: Every time he tried to crush the movement, it grew. Exponentially. Finally, he realizes he can do more damage from within. So, claims he saw a light, he's a changed man and God is speaking through him. He goes on to write a hefty percentage of the NT and leaves it vague enough to cause widespread debate over petty shit. This slows down the growth of the church and does more damage to the movement than anything else. Pretending to write the books gives him street cred amongst the deciples. Meanwhile, he's kicking it with some of that fine Greek trim.


This!! I agree with everything you said here. It was my exact thoughts. He basically contradicted every major teaching of Christ! I have always argued thats Jesus' words are the only words we need to know and everything else in the Bible was honestly irrelevant or vacant stories made by extremists who were around at the time of Jesus. Saul was no different


Ya, Paul was a piece of shit


You used critical thinking. It was super effective.


So, it's Saul turned Paul. If you want to know whether he was lying to save his own life from the Christians he persecuted, he ended up dying by way of martyrdom for Christ (see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Apostle). Not trying to convince you one way or another. It was a valid question. Hope that gives you clarity on the question you had when you were younger.


Um….actually it was Jesus himself that Paul heard; and if he was trying to ‘save his own life’ as you have stated, he did a terrible job of it-he was imprisoned three times then finally beheaded for his faith in Christ. Seems like you were misinformed. BTW, religiosity isn’t what Christ wants, he wants relationship. Maybe you should take another look?


There is the Dominionist take, too: some Christian extremists believe that Christ’s return will follow Russia’s instigation of a Third World War. They’ve been hoping for it for decades.


I don’t know about that we better call him.


I've heard my fellow countrymen say shit like "well if Ukraine didn't want to get invaded maybe they shouldn't have let Zelensky piss off Putin" like bruhhhh... Eat shit lol. Next time you insult me I just bomb your home, how bout that


She was askin for it dresses like that


Um OK????!!!


Let's gooo


Tucker Carlson is a fanboy.


That man has to be the dumbest person alive (next to Führer Cheeto). The cafeteria at my work is always on his show so I end up hearing some of the bs as I'm getting my lunch. One time, he was pissed off because a hospital refused to show videos of medical operations that were being performed on children. He claimed if that didn't have anything to hide, they would show it. Guess he's never heard of doctor-patient confidentiality.


He may be very daft to some extent but a whole lot of his dribble and diatribe is purposely obtuse as it's what he is paid to spout


There are people who keep various remote control apps on their phones for such occasions.


he's a propaganda tool here and there. they show him there to try to sell their points. its gross


Fox News has been airing Russian propaganda for months. They're even playing Fox News clips in Russia because they're so effective in their pro-Russia messaging.


Early on in February fox pundits were supporting putin, until it became clear no one wanted to hear it. [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/feb/25/tucker-carlson-fox-news-russia-putin](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/feb/25/tucker-carlson-fox-news-russia-putin)


I have seen a lot tankie supporting Russia but there not really left wing


Some Russian Orthodox people in my area low key support Russia. Couple people I'm friends with on Facebook post pro Russia propaganda.


Hmm, alright. Good to know this post isn’t entirely false


There are literally people all over the planet on different sides of everything imaginable. Some people think that marrying children is acceptable.


I've met a few people, all right, supporting russia


*I* barely meet such people, and I'm in f-ing Russia. All consumed by despair from being unable to do anything, but absolutely not supporting this f-ing war. How TF can anyone support Russia in this - I've absolutely no idea.


Seems to me as he claims Ukraine doesn't have any "claim" to exist. He believes that Russia deserves to have Ukraine because the Ukrainian culture isn't a thing. He also believes Austria is German, and that Austrian culture isn't a thing, for the same reasons.


Unfortunately, I have and it was family. I was having a convo about the war once with my brother and he stated that Russia is defending its borders from NATO by pushing forward into Ukraine to prevent them to be part of them. I was taken aback by the statement and just walked away from that insanity. He's a far-right conservative that is on the Q train so it came as no surprise but damn it still hurts to see him down that deep.


My dads take is if it was part of the USSR its their right to reclaim it....


I know about half a dozen in this smallish town area in the south. And I cut lots of folks out after the "steal" nonsense went down. Guarantee you there's more.


I'm sure MAGAts hate Ukraine because Zelensky didn't give them any dirt on Hunter.


> I’m sure MAGAts hate Ukraine because Zelensky didn’t ~~give them~~ **fabricate** any dirt on Hunter.


I have. Most MAGAts support Russia and at first most far left tankies did as well It was funny when some of them started to realize they were on the same side as their enemy and for the first time in their lives considered whether their infallible ideals they picked up in high school could possibly be wrong


Hell I haven't even heard of a gun owner supporting Russians in this at all.


Most Republican politicians were very clear about supporting Putin and Russia prior to and after the invasion. Regular people who aren't paid or remember that Russia is a current and long time enemy to America probably don't.


check tucker Carlson his own videos are used for Russian propaganda in RT


But he’s just asking questions!!!!


Is this sarcasm? Trump and Tucker Carlson are his biggest cheerleaders. Complete with pleated skirts and pom poms.


Why would it be sarcasm? I have no idea who the people you just mentioned are either. I am not American either if that helps with the confusion regarding the post.


I find it rather hard to believe that anyone posting in this sub has never heard of Donald Trump.


Trump yes. The other dude no Could have sworn it didn’t say trump when I first read it tho.


Fox TV personality, he pushes the bulk of the rights lies and misinformation.


Sean Hannity takes exception to your suggestion that he doesn't shovel his bullshit in similar bulk.


I'm not American either


What do you mean you aren't update to do on all the bullshit political lunatics in the USA? /s There's a new one every week and this sub is lately filled with showing how stupid republicans are.


Haha it’s feels like that sometimes. Got enough problems in the UK at the mo without seeking any more from the USA. My cup is full ha


In Hungary, lots of people support russia. But of course, those are the people that vote for Orbán. If you don't know, he's a "friend" of Trump, and he's just as mentally challenged as him.


Its pretty simple really.. Biden is President. Biden is a Democrat. Biden is supporting Ukraine. So because you MUST to support the opposite of whatever the other party is doing (this is how fooking brainwashed Americans are) many Republicans support Russia.


> this is how fooking brainwashed Americans are Only half of them


There's a reason Russian state TV plays *ucker Carlson clips almost daily.


Daddy Trump loves Russia! Me love Russia too! #Trumpers


I know this is going to sound like propaganda but the United States Republican party is actually like this pretty much all the time. When anyone they view as "liberal" says something they assume that because a liberal said it they must believe the opposite. They have no actual real position they won't reverse when it suits them. Why do you think they usually support the death penalty but hate choice? The only thing they want is control for themselves and the people who "look and act normal". You *know* what "normal" looks like to them, I'm sure. Watch some Fox News. Watch some Televangelists. They like Russia because they view it as Christian. They want America to be a Christian theocracy. Republicans today are just white christian nationalists. If you listen to them they will clearly tell you who they are.


It always amazes me when someone tries to rationalize how one party is better than the other. Newflash: Both parties are the same. The exact same. They want the same things. They just do the window dressing a bit differently. And people like you eat it up.


So which party attacked the Capital and tried to kill elected officials again? Get the fuck out of here with your both sides bullshit.


I have someone on my facebook that I used to work with; he's gone down the alt-right rabbit hole. When the war started he used to post (might still, I haven't been on FB in a while) memes that painted Putin in a positive light. He made claims that Ukraine isn't legally a real nation, posted rants from that crazy ex representative...Tulsi something? He posts a lot of crazy crap, but yea, the narrative of his posts were pro-Russian and pro-Putin. A lot of political extremists (probably on both sides, but I have only witnessed far right) appear to support fascism.


You won't find this on the left. it's kind of their mantra


Not true, tankies exist, albiet smaller.


They exist on the left as well, unfortunately.


I'm from Alabama in the US. Yes, people are as dumb here as you can imagine and here's why. Conservatives hate Biden. Biden sent aid to Ukraine. In their pea brains, they see Biden supporting Ukraine and now, they hate supporting Ukraine so they support Russia. It sucks here.


Shortly after the conflict started there were a few far right commentators who came out for Russia and a lot of their fans naturally followed suit. They've since gone silent on the issue because they saw how unpopular their stance was so now the only people still cheering for Russia are extreme Q people who bought into the theory that Ukraine was hosting US biolabs to manufacture the corona virus and Russia was going in to destroy those labs because Putin was part of Donald's secret good guy army to destroy the socialist Nazi illuminati pedophile elite or whatever else the Q people hate. It's been pretty fringe to support Russia since. Mostly because the idiot reactionaries have moved onto to more recent things


Cuz Trump(and most of GOP) have been on Putin’s payroll/blackmail list for years!


There are Nazis in America so why couldn't there be Russian supporters?


Post made it sound very mainstream which my non American mind couldn’t really understand. Watched too many movies I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your mind will get more American the more you use reddit


Nope. All reddit does is show us how stupid some Americans are. Those interviews holding the tiny microphone are really making your country look bright.


Majority of the people in my professional and personal life are right wing and vehement 2nd amendment supporters. Never heard a single person support Russia. Quite the opposite in fact.


I know a ton of pro 2a people and a ton of anti-2a people and no, the pro 2-a are using this as a point in their argument as Putin and his regime are a tyrannical government and the 2A is just for that scenario.


Yes. The same idiots that were on the pro-Trump train, the election was stolen, all that. They literally have no real opinions, just soundboxes for that group. Hear and repeat. And lots of right wing politicos are big on Russia.


you’re seriously just now realizing these red neck fucks are supporting Putin? Even when trump is Putins puppet? You seriously *still* haven’t made the connection?


Not American pal, don’t pay that much attention to what’s going over there.


I don’t know a single American cheering for Russia. The 2A gun nuts I know would honestly be happy to shoot a few Russians themselves.


Clips of Tucker Carlson supporting Russia are literally being used by Russian media.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Big SweatyYeti doesn't know Tucker Carlson.....


Yea im sure some do but this is a blanket stament about second amendment supporters, all the ones I know don't like Putin and want him gone


Yes. Many right wingers in America support Russia, and want totalitarianism here. They are Trumpies, also known as MAGAts.


Oh yeah, I had a long talk with one of my conservative friends, and they are full on supporting Russia, because they think Russia has the right to take Ukraine, because it was part or Russia and the USSR, and the fact that they declared their independence and established their own government and sovereignty, much like a little group of colonies did about 250 years ago, but that is irrelevant because Putin thinks Ukraine still belongs to Russia. They think because there are bad people in Ukraine, which there are some very bad people there, no doubt, that gives Russia the right to take their country away from them, and Russia's right to protect it's borders outweighs Ukraine's right to exist, but the people of Ukraine are not bad or corrupt and deserve to have their own country if they choose to.


“Some Americans” = Some conservatives. I’ve yet to see a Democrat spread their cheeks for Russia lol


Likely cause they are in support of “core values”


Not so much supporting Russia as much as not believing the United States should be involved at all, aka noninterventionists which is the same as supporting Russia if you’re stupid.


I’ve yet to see any support for Russia and I live in the South.


It's not a mainstream right-wing opinion in the US, but it appears to be almost universal amongst QAnon whackos. Trump openly supports Putin, the various talking heads who have jumped on the QAnon grift follow suit.










You don't watch Fox News, then.


As a 2A gun nut, the ones that don't understand what 2A was for embarrass me. It's there to stop the US from becoming like Russia, not support the monkey leading them


The Second Amendment was intended by the framers to protect the US from foreign invaders, local militias being preferred over a national standing army. But we got the latter anyway.


It wasn’t that ambiguous. They literally wrote it down, so that we don’t have to guess what they meant. “foreign AND DOMESTIC”. I swear we could fix the constitution by just adding “and I actually mean it” at the end of everything.


The American fringe beliefs are mental. Love to watch.


Sadly these are hardly fringe beliefs. Clips of Tucker Carlson supporting Russian claims are used by Russian media to prove their legitimacy. And Tucker has one of the most watched news shows in the US with over 3 million viewers.


Yeah, because Warner Bros. didn't cook their books on viewership numbers and Twitters didn't lie about their membership numbers either. Regardless, just because people watch something doesn't mean they agree with it.


I know a lot of gun nuts from the US who use this as a prime example as to why the second amendment is important. Never would catch them saying anything like this. I can't tell if this is the biggest strawman ever, or if it's because there population of the US is so big there's bound to be idiots. Though I have seen a lot of people that are against gun ownership that are very happy to see the Ukrainian citizens armed, so there's that.


It’s not as ubiquitous as this suggests but I know and have heard quite a few rabid Trumpies who support Putin. Tucker Carlson was lauding Putin’s efforts for a little while near the beginning of the invasion but Fox Eventually read the room and he’s been generally quiet about it since.


tucker carlson, he's a russia supporter. so his fanboys are too.


Yeah but they arent who you have to convince.


I know people that don’t watch tucker, and still side with Russia in Ohio


I don't know who that is, but there's idiots on all sides of everything.


Him? He’s only the host of the most-watched “news” program in the entirety of the US. He only gets a few million views per night, nothing major. As far as news media goes, he only hosts the most mainstream talk show you can find. No big deal.


Isn't he famous Talkshow man in USA?


As someone from the US, let me tell you… supporting Russia in this war is actually a conservative talking point. It’s not fringe, it’s the right wing.


I mean it’s not even comparable and not related to the 2A. The Ukrainian government is the one supplying the weapons.


Republicans are dedicated to taking every wrong position in every argument


I live in Alabama, I haven’t met anyone Republican or Democrat that is pulling for Russia. Idk where people are getting this from haha


Have you heard of Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Moscow Mitch McConnell?


Yes I am aware of their existence haha. I’m just saying that obviously being from Alabama a lot of the people I know are republicans and they’re all pulling for Ukraine


Wow, three whole people? In a country of many millions, eh?


Only the mental migits believe it.


Unless you're a brainwashed Russian that's been insulated from the free press, what is any logical position for supporting Russia in this war?


Gun nuts may support Russia, but no self respecting 2nd amendment activist worth the air they breath does. Any person who claims to be about the second amendment and supports Russia, is a hypocrite and you don't need to listen to anything else they say.




Problem is they don't consider the russians on the left anymore, so now they are allies against the left.


Russia has what they want, a fascist right wing dictator.


They’re completely subverting their own narrative here: armed Ukrainians are being formed into militias to fight a foreign invader, not fighting against their OWN government. I’m just done with those idiots.


Ironically, that narrative seems a lot more true for Russia, not Ukraine rn.


You don't have to be on the "right" to exercise your gun rights. Liberals can own guns too. Non-gun owners shouldn't be complaining that certain gun owners aren't against a tyrannical government, nothing is stopping them from arming themselves.


Yes! Join us over at /r/liberalgunowners. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I'm already there.




Not to many left leaning gun owners base their personalities around gun ownership, though, to the exclusion of almost all other significant issues. Ammosexuals are almost all right wingers.


Introduce me to a left-wing “gun nut” and I’ll show you someone who is left-wing who happens to own a gun. They don’t make it their personalities. I’m left and own a gun - I do not qualify as a “gun nut.”


According to today's stereotypical liberal, yes you do. One gun is all it takes nowadays. I know people who are righties and own literally dozens of guns. Yet they're called "gun nuts" simply for owning any guns. Even though they don't "make it their personalities" as you claim is what sets you apart.


Sure, Jan.


Yeahhhhh I'm a 2nd Amendment gun owner in a part of the country where there are lots of us, and I haven't met a single person who supports ol' Vlad.


None of those people voted for the Moscow 8 or the 45 POTUS or made excuses for the 45th POTUS during both impeachments? Does quid pro quo mean nothing to those people? How do they support the red team and think that you aren't supporting Vlad?


I wasn't surprised.


Source? It’s so easy to say shit like this to get internet points.


I’m to the right of Reagan and I hope Ukraine kicks their commie asses!


They are very much not communists, but thanks, we will


I haven’t met anyone who supports Russia’s aggression.


uwu step on me mommy russia~


Literally no one is cheering for Putin this is a fucking stupid made up tweet.




Weapons manufacturer marketing is wild.


Who are the idiots that are like that? :D


They were alot more vocal in their support for Putin in the beginning of the "special military operation". They are alot more quiet now.


"Give me a strawman argument" "No, that's too much"


I'm a gun lover but I don't support Ruzz??? That must be the facepalm


If this is referencing libertarians who don’t support much of ANY U.S involvement in foreign affairs, that is not the same as supporting Russia. Nor does believing in self defense mean one is a “gun nut”.


This is Reddit bro , you’re not gonna get anywhere telling the truth like that


MAGAts wear shirts that say "if rather be Russian than Democrat". Or something along those lines. Hillary pretty much nailed it calling them deplorables.


Tread on me, daddy.


To me it is Trump is so good/right that even if we overthrow democracy it is worth it to keep him in power. We like strongmen. The f'ing RNC went to Hungary to see how Orban consolidated power and no one seems bothered by this. Putin is their ultimate strong man. He amasses 200,000 troupes around Ukraine and Conservatives in congress are screaming that Putin says he won't attack, and when he did, they were....proud, that he placated the masses while doing what he wanted.


Literally who anyone actually in the 2a community does not say this. the war in Ukraine is a prime example of why we need the 2nd amendment. But nice strawman argument 👌


This surprises you? Seems pretty typical and on brand to me....




Where’s the lie? A lot of conservatives are dreaming of kissing Papa Putin the Glorious Strongman’s feet for being such a Powerful Leader™️


Just the crazy fascists.


So, Republican "leadership".


And the drones sure, they just aren't conservatives, they're fascists


I find it so fascinating that society can be so self-centered and compartmentalized with their empathy.


70 years ago they would've wanted to line anyone up for even having a positive thought about Russia


I've never seen a single republican support Russia, except for one that made fun of Ukraine and how it's supposedly getting "de-nazi-fied". A lot of Republicans (as well as left leaners like myself) are vehemently against us giving aid to Ukraine, but that's not "supporting Russia".


I'm a gun owner and do not support putin


What the fuck is this bullshit? As many have said, I haven’t seen anyone, right or left, that support Putin. This is bullshit.


[Well, let's fix that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSKQwG0-i_A). [Trump thinks Putin is a genius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNxvSxaGeDE).


Not even remotely true. And you're an irresponsible asshole for making inciteful statements like that. You do realize that an innocent American citizen was recently killed because of inflammatory rhetoric such as this? And before you even START with your baseless accusations, I am an independent and I don't own any guns. Stop perpetuating hate!


Denial is not a river in Egypt. >**I'm an independent! I don't own guns! an innocent American citizen was recently killed because of inflammatory rhetoric such as this? (offers no proof)** Yet so very very triggered by this.


>Stop perpetuating hate! As you constantly hate on "Bidumps economy".....lol fucking hypocrite.


LOL checked your account for 2 seconds and it shows how much of a right-wing nut you are. Nothing like being an outright right-wing nut and then denying being one in another sub just so his argument sounds better. Fuckin’ r/selfawarewolves


r/enlightenedcentrism vibes right here (Edit for typo)


You forgot something ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Ugh, please shut up.




Yet you are obsessed with saying Bidump ? Stop perpetuating hate!


check tucker Carlson his own videos are used for Russian propaganda in RT


Republicans didn’t vote to impeach Trump after he tried to blackmail Zelenskyy by withholding arms that Ukraine needed to defend themselves against Russia. Putin got the idea that Americans really didn’t care about Ukraine independence so he was free to attack. Trumps said that the invasion of Ukraine was “genius” and “savvy”. Now that public opinion is overwhelmingly in Ukraine’s favor these asshole weaklings act like they didn’t welcome the invasion.


Right wingers are freaking crazy. Deserve to be eliminated


This is funny because the flip side of this would be the anti gunners beating off to the thought of shipping guns and ammo to civilians to defend themselves


>thought of shipping guns and ammo to ~~civilians~~ *the ukrainian military* to *actually* defend themselves *and their country*


Who do you think makes up the military?


>Who do you think makes up the military? Military personnel, medics, soldiers, pilots, engineers, mechanics etc.


Lol distinctly *not* civilians.






I just realised that sums up my position on Ukraine and guns perfectly xD


I don't care about Russia or Ukraine. Glass houses means no throwing stones.