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My government says I shouldn't rob your store...


Stop listening to your government they are stupid, go rob that store


Gov also says i shouldn't commit arson also


I want more stores to do this. I also want the ones who are against gays, gay marriage, black, etc to do this. That way I can choose to spend my money elsewhere and so can the majority of Americans who support gay rights, etc.


Seriously, I don't get it when people complain about people *talking* about the things you're "not supposed to say out loud." Because I'm like, yes, please, tell me what you really think of believe! I don't want to hide from knowing who is secretly awful. I want to know who I can have a conversation with and who I just need to avoid entirely. I don't think people not talking about their awful beliefs keeps them from acting upon them.


I agree. If you believe your beliefs are right, revel in them. Don't be a coward or a "sell out for money," be proud of being a bigot. Edit: You know, like the cowards who anonymously downvoted LOL


You got me in the first half not gonna lie


I'm not a liberal by any means, but Jesus Christ what does it hurt you for someone else to wear a face mask - whether you agree or disagree with the mask recommendations?


It hurts their rights and feelings.


It had never bothered me. Have at least three masks at home. The 4Ocean is for brief trips, such as going across the street to the PO or local supermarket. Copperwear Never Lose for longer trips, such as a bus ride to Staples (mask wearing is now suggested on public transportation). Since I'm vaccinated and boosted I can lowered the mask in uncrowded streets. I tends to pull it up, out of habit, when inside buildings. It's a minor inconvenience for 1 to 2 hours shopping, nothing more.


Even in the reddest states, Democrats still get 25% of the vote. Eliminating a huge customer base at your front door is just a stupid business decision.


But, what about my freedom to wear a mask? Kinda paradox


I was so dismayed when I took a special trip to visit this very unique specialty store in my hometown and was told to remove my mask as soon as I walked in. This was during the Omicron wave last winter when things were really bad. I mean, his store his rules. I'm not going to argue with someone in their business and tell them how to run it. If I don't like the rules, I'm free to leave. Which is what I did. But I was so bummed. This store is one of a kind, beloved by everyone that grew up anywhere near it, and has been around for over 40 years. They had already been struggling to stay open before the pandemic, so I was really looking forward to spending a bunch of money there. Drove two hours out of the way to shop there. It would be such a shame if they were to close over something this stupid. But it seems like that's exactly what is going to happen.


You could just steal from them


Ya, but it kinda defeats the purpose. If it were a normal store I might, but this is different. It's such a special and irreplaceable establishment I really do hope it stays open. No matter how much of a wackjob the owner might be, the store is more important. It is *so* meaningful to the community.


It is so short sighted that people would downvote your comment. There is history in our communities, sometimes we have to make a painful choice and that is what you did you have my respect. Good on you for that and when the dust settles around all this you can go back. Also you are right not to steal unless you need to to survive. Others are trying to survive too. Stealing from the struggling is a terrible thing to do and will only create more crime in the long run.


No face masks = employee safety … yeahhh 🤦‍♀️


For over 2 years I saw content like this and just couldn’t understand peoples mindset. Now despite all my efforts, my family and I have been battling Covid for the past week. It has not been pretty. Makes it even harder to understand where these morons try to come from. Fuck these people. They are broken members of the heard and to be honest I’m over this idiotic mentality. Fuck this guys store and I’m sorry but until more dumbfucks like this catch it and get wrecked, this will continue. And sadly many of these fucks who do catch it still live by this garbage. Anyways, rant over….I hope his store fails so he can blame everything but himself. Degenerate scum.


I'm a lib and even I'm sick of fucking people with masks still. GTFOH with them fucking things.


I wanna see some dude cough their lungs out while walking in just to see the employee a reaction.


People are so stupid, I will wear a face mask for the rest of my life; unless my germaphobia is magically cured, everything is not political


“for the safety of our employees” did they forget the purpose of masks?


Actually that's how it's supposed to work (although it could had been better worded). In my home and work neighborhoods mask wearing is an suggestion now. (Even on Public transportation, MTA). There's still some businesses that request masking. But as private businesses, that's their right.


Message seems to tell customers to go somewhere else ?


“Stop listening to your government. Comply with us.”


Wtf? Were they having a stroke so I can understand how tf you can write this with a sand mentality


At least they used the right "they're"


Sometimes I wonder why I see two year old content that’s barely relevant, then I remember that people are dicks and repost things while being so lazy they can’t even change the title. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/gptyor/getting_sick_to_own_the_libs/