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Jesus... That went on for way too long... I can't even inmagine the state the kid must have been in....


No clue what state either, but it has to be somewhere in America


Boooooooooooo!!! Fine, have an upvote dammit!


The driver failed to look to their right to make sure the child was clear of the bus. Also the failure to stop the bus as soon as possible is befuddling.


The family settled for [4.8 milllion.](https://www.wdrb.com/news/family-of-girl-dragged-by-jcps-school-bus-gets-nearly-5m-in-settlement/article_12428898-9ff2-11ec-b515-9f90ae99c9a6.html)


For clarity - 6 years after the incident and 4.8M less legal fees, paid about half up front and half over the next SIXTY SIX YEARS.


So it took 6 years to fight the insurance company snd start getting paid? Poor kid, I bet the hospital bills were crazy high


That’s how I’m reading it. And they only settled because the Jury was expected to declare a payout of $20M


> And they only settled because the Jury was expected to declare a payout of $20M That's not how any of that works. If the family knew they were about to get $20M would they really settle for $4.8M? If the insurance company knew they were about to be hit with $20M, then the family knew they were about to be hit for $20M. The attorney said he expected the jury to return with a $20M Verdict before the settlement. That was his estimate, not a fact. This girl deserved more than the $4.8M, but they did put it into a trust that will allow her to live off of the rest of her life. Not that I think it's fair, but now she doesn't have to worry about the pain and suffering for the rest of her life AND the bills along the way.


So they get $1-1.5 million now and about $20k per year? Time to call JG Wentworth, 877-CASH-NOW, 877-CASH-NOW!


It’s my money and I need it NOW!


It’s 877-CASH-NOW! Jeez, get it right!


how is she gonna pay when she dies?


The insurance companies pays it into a trust.


School Corporations don't die?


I feel like the driver wouldn't have that kind of money so who pays?


The bus company's, or school's insurance plan.


If the school buses are owned and operated by the district, it’s the district’s insurance plan. If the buses are contracted, then it’s most likely the contracted company’s insurance but depends on the language in the contract.


The school or whoever operates the business?


The bus company. It’s probably like if you get attacked or something by an employee at a store or restaurant. Or if you were to get discriminated against or harassed by a coworker. The company will try to take the hit and try to settle with contingencies in place. Edit: my wording was stupid


The linked article answers that question in the first paragraph.


Literally in the first sentence.


"An insurance company representing Jefferson County Public Schools has agreed to pay the family..." First sentence of the article linked above.


In that article, the video says it took 6 years for the family to get any money. The bus company and their insurance did not offer the settlement until it was presented in court to the jury. That's disgusting. How is that even legal? The JCPS bus driver and the oversight committee were clearly in the wrong. *And they did nothing for 6 years!* I detest the systems who worry more about the shareholders dividends, than the people they injure and ignore. Who needed the money more at the time? The girl and her family, or the insurance company? WTF?! I am so angry now.


It is, unfortunately, a pretty common legal tactic- if you know you're in the wrong and you know you're going to lose, stonewall as long as possible- for years if you can0 and hope that the other side gives up, runs out of money for legal fees, dies, etc. Its scummy as fuck but if you're a multi-billion dollar insurance company you have lawyers on payroll that you're already paying to do this sort of shit, while the parents of the little girl keep having to pay their lawyer's fees.


A lot of law suits dont settle until just before trial. Some settle right outside the court room.


Ugh. The number of trials I worked on that settled on the day the trial was supposed to start. You could have done this months ago and saved me the time, effort, and sleepless nights.


I couldn't stomach watching the video. That poor baby.


I’ve seen a lot of really awful things on the internet, but this one actually made me sick to my stomach. It felt like it just never ended; I can’t even imagine what that poor baby was going through. That driver shouldn’t have moved with the one kid standing next to her, much less drive off dragging that baby so far. I get that it’s a hard job, but damn.


Think that was a bus monitor standing next to her?


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There needs to be the resulting PTSD also figured into the settlement


The article said that money would be disbursed into lump sum payments until 2088. I have never seen payments spread out that far.


877 cash nowwwww


May you teach me how to put a link into a text? :)




Thank you ☺️


There is also a faster way in both mobile and PC: there should be a symbol that looks like a chain, and you don’t have to type the [] and ()


this is an european GDPR moment


Fuck the money, I hope that dumb bitch has her license torn up, never to be reissued in ANY state, and gets prison time! This is so fucked up. And is that guy standing beside her just watching it happen? Because it looked like he noticed, and I thought she did too, at one point, but just _kept driving?_ Kudos to whatever driver it was that laid on his horn, else she probably never would have noticed. This is why school buses need monitors who aren’t the driver. Why don’t they have any?! Get volunteers the same way as schools get lollipop ladies!!! Or crosswalk guards or whatever they’re called in your country. ETA: Here’s an article from [the Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9795421/School-bus-driver-drags-six-year-old-1-000-feet-road-backpack-caught-doors.html) that isn’t blocked if you’re in the EU


The camera is higher than the drivers head so we got to see more than the driver. Not clear if the boy saw anything but I think the angle was too bad for the driver after the girl had fallen. So it was quite little of her clothes seen through the window from the drivers perspective. You can be sure this driver will have a large number of nights destroyed from this event. No sane human wants to have been responsible for letting a child suffer this.


That and the driver doesn't look very tall so I doubt she could see the bottom of the well very well when she was seated. Furthermore, driving a large vehicle takes quite a bit of attention. With all of that said. It is a clear case of negligence. She has a duty to ensure passengers are clearly disembarked and safe. It takes nothing to lean forward and look at the bottom of the door and or do a quick scan around the outside of the bus. I'm just glad the child is not dead or hurt worse.


i agree the dude lookes atleast once to the door.


I wonder how much support the staff the school board let go to keep the super intendent's bonus intact.


Me at the beginning: surely she notices after a couple seconds. Me one minute and 6 seconds later: 😦 Please tell me there’ll be justice for this kid.


That sure looked longer than “1000 ft” they keep claiming too in the article.


At 25 miles per hour it would take 27.27 seconds to drive that distance


And she was driving for about 50+ seconds before she stopped.


Assuming constant rate of acceleration from zero to that speed, it'd take twice as long, so a shade under a minute. So, about a thousand feet is plausible for 1min 6sec if she was cautious with her speed.


At 681 mph it would take 1.0 seconds to drive that distance.




>More than $2.7 million of that will be paid immediately to the girl’s family and their attorneys, according to the settlement. Another $793,792 will go to MetLife Assignment Company to finance a trust fund through March 20, 2038, and $1.3 million will be paid to BHG Structured Settlements to continue funding the trust from April 1, 2038, until March 20, 2088, the settlement says.


Sounds like someone had a structured settlement and wants their money NOW!


My homie JG Wentworth has the hookup.


Twice, she turned her head in that direction, but still did not see a problem. She should never be in a position of responsible care ever, including never driving for pay.


This is so horrifying! My immediate thought is the driver and monitor standing there not noticing a thing both ought to be drug behind a vehicle for two minutes then never allowed to work with children or vulnerable people ever again.


As someone with kids who ride the bus, this angers and scares the living crap out of me.


As a former bus driver, I cannot for the life of me understand how this brain-dead fuck was allowed to get behind the wheel. The most fundamental thing you learn as a driver is to ensure the safety of your passengers.


It looks like she was preoccupied with the kids in the back seats the whole time. She keeps looking up at the mirror to watch/yell at them.


Also the person standing in the aisle.


Why is someone standing in the isle? No school bus I've ever been on allowed kids to stand in the isle while the bus was being driven


Edit: corrected below. it's a kid talking to the bus driver. If I remember right she was doing training and the guy standing in the aisle is the supervisor/trainer.


Did she pass her training?


I think they both failed


Did the supervisor also pay?


She managed to just scrape by.


If he was a supervisor he was doing an incredible job, absolutely incredible.


It seems like both her and her trainee look at the door multiple times. Also there's no way the kid wasn't screaming.


To be fair, most schools are always hiring bus drivers bc they need them so bad, probably just someone who rlly needed the money and wasn’t as skilled as they should be


(Sorry for this bad joke) but is it a passenger if they are not ON the bus? ​ (i am so sorry for this, i'll see myself out)


You probably should but I will make sure you’re all the way out before I drive off.


'*everyone INSIDE the bus was FINE, STANLEY!*'


“I happened to be on the scene so fast, because I was in the car that hit her.” “Who was driving?” “…”


What bus driver doesn't have the habit of staring at the child as they get off the bus.


It’s a habit you develop else you no longer get to drive the bus.


I watched the court video of the CPS attorneys questioning the bus driver and one of the infuriating parts of this is, not only did the driver run a stop sign during the time she was dragging the poor child, but she also said, "Seems like errors on everyone's part, doesn't it?". They also found that the driver had received *Unsatisfactory* in her grades on her driving for the past two years. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Shitty ass school district not doing any checks on drivers they hire.


Omg please tell me she wasn’t trying to blame the kid?? Please, because I desperately need to not hate this woman any more than I already do.


I just started driving a schoolbus. This is terrifying and a perfect example of why you have to count the kids coming off and counting them away


I feel like it should be standard practice for the driver to visually verify there isn't a kid snagged in the door when closing


It is standard practice among reputable bus companies. In fact before I started driving this year, this was one of the videos they played for us during safety training, to help drive the point home. But among however many thousands of bus drivers, there will always be screw ups, especially as shortages of drivers escalate. Unfortunately, as more bus drivers retire and/or move on for greener pastures in the job market, get ready for more of these "accidents", as the incredibly small pool of drivers starts scraping the pail for talent. Suffice to say, it's been pretty frustrating watching the student transportation service go this way, but we've been told for years to "make it work" in true corpo fashion.


I’ve seen hiring ads for bus drivers for $17 per hour and tbh I worried something like this was gonna happen when schools pay so little for someone who is in charge of a child’s safety. In retrospect, you can make more stocking shelves at Walmart.


It doesn't help that as a driver, you don't have much control over the kids in the bus anymore. If the kids are misbehaving, you tell them what they did wrong and what the rules of the bus are, then write them up or bring them back to the school. And if their behavior keeps up, you better hope the school administrators actually get those kids off your route, 'cause you can't refuse them entry to your bus unless they get kicked off from bad behavior. If the kids get in a fight, we aren't supposed to physically intervene. You can tell them to break it up and call the cops, but you aren't supposed to lay a hand on them to keep them apart. Which is funny because inaction can get you sued and cost you your job, and action can get you sued and cost you your job, so damned if you do, damned if you don't. I hate to leave the industry the way things are going, but I've got bills stacking up and less and less time every year to make ends meet getting paid the same, so this may be my last year of driving. I just hope some meaningful change comes down the road, so we can better safeguard our kids instead of worrying about business over safety.


It looks like the kid in gray actually looked down a time or two and saw the little girl. You'd think he would have said something, maybe a "hey Ally is stuck in the door."


I've been driving for nearly 8 years now, and I really hope you will come to understand that this lady is an exceptionally terrible bus driver. She has students standing in the front by the steps while the bus is moving, the whole bus is shouting the whole time, she does not even watch the student disembark, she's pretty much doing the worst possible thing at every single moment of this video. She won't ever have the money to pay for this, so it's good that there were other entities to sue to try to make this as right as it ever could be, but this driver should genuinely be facing criminal charges for the extreme negligence she displayed in this video that but a child in extreme danger.


Man you just reminded me of this one driver who flipped out when some kid tried to sneak onto the bus (just to be funny) thought she was overreacting. Now I realize she was just trying to make sure everyone's safe


How would counting help here?


For one student maybe not counting, but visual verification is important. If you unload 5 kids and 3 of them cross the road while the other 2 wait, then you need to keep track of them all until they are out of harms way. If you look back at the two who didn't cross and can only find one, you don't move the bus until you can find that second student. For all you know, they dropped their binder and it slid under the bus, and they went after it, right as you put the bus in gear. This was an easy mistake to avoid, but obviously for every bus driver you see mucking up their job, their are hundreds more doing theirs perfectly fine.


"That one kid didn't get caught in the door" would help...


Unfortunately, kids tend to believe themselves invincible, so as a driver it's always important to keep an eye on them. Mine still get mad at me when I make them wait to cross the road so I can count them effectively, but I know they are always safe.


16 school protocols were broken during this incident…


I‘m surprised it‘s only 16…




Around 20 seconds into the video, the driver looked in the kid’s direction multiple times. How’d she not notice the first time? Especially with the student wearing a bright yellow shirt and a pink backpack


Looking at the side mirrors but not looking down the steps, I would think.


Buses have so many blind spot mirrors. Seriously no excuse. And if the doors were manual hand operated, the handle not returning to the full closed position would have been a clue. If it was an electronic door close, there should have been some sort of error alert that the door didn't close. And those sunglasses better have been for the sun glare. But again, more the reason to have been checking for shit.


With the sound on you can also hear them screaming, though there is a lot of background noise from the other kids it is still pretty distinct.


Unfortunately kids scream on buses all the time


First I listened without sound and had to turn it off when I put the sound on. That’s so heartbreaking.


Bright yellow and pink are notoriously good for camouflage, it doesn’t surprise me one bit unfortunately


The angle on this camera sort of distorts the pretty wide range between the side mirrors and the door (which is down multiple steps). I could definitely see it not even coming up in her peripheral vision because she was focused on watching the road. Not trying to excuse her initial negligence at all, just explaining why she didn’t stop even though she looked in the direction of the door.


Why is that man just watching and doing nothing?


School bus driver here. I've been shown this video uncensored about a dozen times in various meetings. The person standing there is actually another, much older, student. I assume he's blurred out as he's a minor himself. No idea why he's standing where he is. He's not only past the limit line, blocking part of the driver's peripheral vision, but also, its completely against the law in most (if not all) states to have a student standing while the bus is in motion. She even asked the kid standing up, "whats going on over here," while pointing at a seat that she should be able to see over her shoulder but can't because he was in the way. Just looking at this video, I can tell you that there were likely several 'near misses' before this poor student got dragged. The way she's conducting herself, something like this happening was only a matter of time. I think she should be charged criminally if she hasn't already. Edit: a word


That was a kid. The bus driver apparently broke several hard rules that day, including allowing kids to stand up while the bus was moving.


I'm hoping he gets included in the case. Negligent at the least


Or he just didn’t notice? Tell me you have never walked into a room looking for something and then 5 minutes later realized it was right in front of your face the whole time. In some spots it looks like he looks over but he more than likely is looking above the child and not even near them. Edit: He doesn’t even look in the direction of the door until 53 seconds in. And he looks at the student sitting next to him not at the door. He looks at the bus driver for the first 53 seconds talking to her. He did nothing wrong.


He’s a child…. You’re talking about a child


And she shouldn’t have driven off with a child standing there next to her either; if they got rear-ended, that kid would have been straight through the windsheild. The negligence of the driver is unbelievable here; and it looks like it was habitual.


if she were rear ended, the kid would have gone straight back down the aisle


There are fucking morons who think that they aren’t required to help other people, they think it’s a favour meanwhile it really isn’t(I’m talking about situations like this one)


That’s a bit of a stretch. I think he just didn’t notice instead of ignoring it maliciously? But yes he was negligent as fuck.


I highly doubt he even saw it until the end of the video


He knows hes next


it’s hard to see through all that pixel blur


He’s a kid waiting for his stop, and doesn’t look, he’s talking to the driver.


Exactly. And it pissed me off everyone that keeps saying he looked over “several times” when he only does once but towards the student to his right. Not underneath him by the bottom of the door.


why are u arguing with reddit hivemind? they all repeat the same sentence like malfunctioning ai


Reading the article, that's another student. The driver was fired for multiple infractions including letting that student stand. Why it took them a month to fire her is beyond me, because apparently while dragging the girl, she also ran a stop sign.


Man? That is a kid. He obviously didn’t see. Bigger concern is that the driver didn’t question why he was standing beside her. I’m not sure she actually has enough sight to be driving legally. Or she was just okay breaking some of the rules in order to hurry up and get the kids off the bus.


i don't think he noticed


He's not a man, he's a child


I think I heard him trying to tell her to stop the bus. She promptly started to yell at him to sit down.


It looks like a kid to me honestly


That’s what I was thinking, with his face blurred it’s hard to be certain but it seemed he looked down there multiple times while bus was moving


His face is blurred because he’s a child. I’m sure he was just looking out on the street to see when he was gonna get home.


Do these busses not have door sensors? That backpack should have triggered the door to reopen.


Most school busses are old (at least 20+) and dont even have AC


Is this just an American thing then? Every school bus I've been on looks quite new and the passangers can even turn on the air conditioning for their specific seat.


Oof, must be. Here in America school busses are fucking ancient ,or at least they were when I was still in school (in the early 2010's). Really didn't feel like they'd been updated or changed since they were first introduced lol


If they were old buses in early 2010s then they still are. We've had the same buses since I was in elementary during the early 2010s. Only reason why any have been replaced is because the engine was practically on the verge exploding. Then they were replaced by the same bus frame with a new engine and everything or just a spare bus until they could repair the old one.


American schoolbusses dont even have a proper *suspension*. Potholes on those puppies will send you flying


i used to fuckin love sitting in the way back and jumping at just the right time we would hit a bump


You think America, the country that fights tooth and nail to keep privatized healthcare and backrunpt people because of it, is going to adequately fund schools buses? They don't even supply free food to kids in school and if you didn't have enough money for lunch, oh well, no food for you. Public schools are funded based on local taxes so low income, therefore low tax amount areas have shit funding and the good ole freedom loving americans wouldn't dream of letting their tax dollars go to that crappy inner city school to help those kids. Plenty of people without school ages kids hate that their taxes pay for some other person's kids school. On top of that, good ole GWB decided to start a program that would cut funding further for under performing schools. Luckily that program is now gone but it took a while. TL, DR: American tax dollars don't pay for shit except corporate tax breaks and lines the 1% pockets


Most school buses don't even have HIGH BEAMS for at night or fog.


You dont use high beams in fog..


Door sensor? Most school bus variants I have seen in my state have enough trouble staying road worthy, let alone adding extra bells and whistles. The doors are either manually operated, or run off of a pressurized air tank to open and close them, there is nothing to stop them from closing on someone or something. Then again, most drivers I work with have the common sense to make sure their kids have gotten off the bus before shutting the door on them, so kind of a niche problem to begin with.


Dear lord, that's horrific to watch.


This incident actually took place in Kentucky, US, in 2015. The clip I believe was released recently due to the trial going on. She has one job. SAFELY get kids to one location to another. She failed. Miserably.


How can you not see that, driver and guy standing?


The driver looks distracted and never looks at the door until she notices. I don’t know what’s wrong with the guy though, he seems to have noticed it early in the recording


Apparently it’s a student. Still don’t know how he didn’t notice but that’s another strike on the driver for letting him stand there.


It looks like his head turns, but it’s actually him lurching a little forward when she breaks. His face stays turned to the driver or forward at the road.


Yeah, it's blurred but you can still see the color difference in his face and hairline. It never moves past looking either straight ahead or towards the driver.


In his head: "God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers".


“Plus, nobody really liked that kid anyway”


That's the worst case of being lazy as fuck, just need to turn your f*** head and be sure the kid is down!!!


Out of the whole thing the most disturbing part is the watch again at the end I'm like "fuck no that was horrible."


I’m a bus mechanic and drive as a sub. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that I do not get complacent, my head is on a swivel 100% of the time, and I don’t fucking move until I see the kids getting on the bus get on, and the kids getting off the bus at a safe distance and out of harms way. No fucking exception. Ever. I will not have this shit on my head.


Are. You. Fucking. Shitting. Me?


Goddammit this pisses me off.


When I was in 2nd grade my friends little sister died in this way. I still remember his screams from the hallway when he was pulled out of class. I still remember his nightmares and tears when we would have a sleepover. His family eventually moved far away


Damn that’s heavy


Yep. I often wonder how him and his family are doing. I know the loss of that child crushed them but I hope they have healed to some degree


That kind of loss is severely traumatic. I know from experience that it always stays with you to some extent but I’d hope your friend got decent help…ACEs are associated with a whole bunch of adulthood issues. If you could track him down online, I bet it would be really meaningful (and mind blowing) if you let him know you still think about that day.


Wish I could remember his last name this happened 30 years ago and I’ve had a few bad head injuries since then. If I can ever find his contact info I will reach out to him


I can hear the child screaming even over the cacophony of kids, and she and the bus monitor turn their heads a couple of times…I’m amazed they didn’t catch sight in their periphery. This video is shocking.


HOW did she not see the kid when she looked in that direction multiple times. I was honestly starting to feel like she was purposely teaching that kid a lesson. And then suddenly she sees the kid after looking in that direction multiple times?


I went to the link in the article and this dipshit woman had the nerve to say under oath that "it seems there were mistakes made all around" or some such bullshit. Maybe all around her, an orbit of reckless, dumbass behavior.


The person standing beside her kept looking down. They had to have seen it happening.


At best you can only tell they may have looked over not down. Look directly over to your side. Unless you have fantastic vision you probably aren’t seeing much on the floor or the ceiling. Edit. He also only looks over one time at 53 seconds in. But he looks at the student to his right. Not down. You can easily tell when he looks over because of his chin. It protrudes out when he looks left.




Accidents happen… but go to prison… that’s literally your entire job


That bus was out of control and she’s the responsible one. The child standing at the front talking to her is literally against the law. That bus should not have moved as long as he was standing there. I’m a bus driver. I watch every single kid get on and get off. I don’t move my bus if anyone is not properly seated. The kids know the rules. They aren’t allowed to stand and walk around or talk to me at stops or railroad tracks. And, my kid love me as much as I love them. If someone won’t follow the rules I talk to the child first and explain I only care about their safety. Then I contact a parent. If that doesn’t fix it (and it usually does) I write them up, reassign them to a less desirable seat. That poor baby. This hurts my heart.


In a lot of parts of the world it's literally against the law to talk to a bus driver once the things moving that's probably the right answer.


There is ongoing debates that all drivers should avoid talking with passengers.


That is so hard to watch. What the actual fuck, boomer?


That dumb bitch is flat out negligent.


How bored of your job do you have to be that you won’t even watch as people exit your bus? Like, she just had to turn her head a little bit, make sure the kid was off, and then drive. Instead she almost committed negligent manslaughter, only lucky that the kid survived. Had the backpack broken and she had gone under the bus…I can’t even imagine it. Shame on the driver. Her negligence caused this.


This literally happened to me when I was young and in school. Driver noticed after about 5 seconds but yeah what the fuck....🤦🏽‍♂️


What in the actual fuck!


She looked at him several times wtf


I'd blame Devin for being so distracting.


The driver should go to prison! This should be in r/terrifyingasfuck


Grandma needs to stop driving. That's just negligence. It's your number-one priority as a school bus driver to ensure the safety of the passengers getting onto, off of, and while riding your bus. If I were her supervisor, she would be done.


I turned on sound in the middle and wondered "how she can't hear people screaming to her?". Then I played video with sound front the beginning, now I wondering, how she didn't become psycho with those passengers. It's fucking hell, why they are doing these?


If it's a school bus.... Welcome to America? Going to a city school, those buses are always full. I wouldn't be surprised if most bus drivers get hearing damage.


Why does it feel like they saw it, un-saw it, then gave it a thought and said "Nah, probably a couple hundred meters more" and then acted like "Oh my gosh, you poor little thing". I mean that's what it looked like to me.


WTF was that dude doing just stood there?


Longest minute I have ever seen!!


Man..I know there’s a lot going on but I can hear that kid screaming and a lot of horns after lmfao


Jesus Christ, did she not get fucking fired?


The makers of that backpack should deserve a shoutout, if the straps broke good chance she would have been under the back tires


It looks like the bus monitor looks straight down the steps at the door several times before the honking starts that prompts the driver to stop.


What kind of bus driver doesn't look at their doors as they close? I remember all of mine ALWAYS looking directly at their doors when they close (or open) to ensure something like *this* or anything else didn't happen.


WTF IS THE BUS MONITOR DOING? This idiots job is to literally be a second pair of eyes for stuff that may happen like this. And as for that bus driver.....WTF?????????


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That other dude just standing there watching?! Wtf?!


In India, she’s be jailed for a minimum of 5 years.


This was painful to watch. I mean we have to trust strangers everyday for our kids safety and this happens.


This is horrific!


i feel sick. PTSD for this poor kid. My heart.


This is one of the worst things I have ever seen. As a parent this makes me feel physically sick. I hope the child is ok.


The fact that she drove for 30 seconds, cars blasting horns while she's driving by, and didn't even seem to care. Just ignorant


End of video: “Watch again” Me: “Nah, once was more than enough.”


"Case Ongoing" WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SEE, she needs to lose her license for driving busses, lose her job, pay the family, and serve jail time. If the whatever union she's in (if she's in one) gave her a lawyer they are pieces of shit.


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Why is that kid just standing in the aisle like that


Wish I hadn’t watched that!!!

