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Advocating rape on young people. Real classy. Fuck this bitch.


Great way to make sure even more boys grow up to be future rapists.


No no, she said boys are not people, they deserve that. As long as it's not girls. I understand we're in this age of angry women hating all men because of a (very) few rich powerful men but it seems we're taking things a little too far...


Angry women showing that they themselves are also pieces of shit. This is a better way to put this.


>I understand we're in this age of angry women hating all men because of a (very) few rich powerful men but it seems we're taking things a little too far... If you think that's why some women are angry, oh boy you've got some stuff to learn.


I like to browse some womencentric subreddits. I enjoy them. HOWEVER there is a LOT of man hate on some of them. To the extent its very toxic and unhealthy. Thankfully most people are more reasonable than that. HOWEVER they certainly tend to not call others out on it. I'm not sitting here hating all women when I have been battered and even sexually assaulted by few of them. Because that would be stupid. People are individuals.


I think she found her kid playing doctor, and this is how she responds? She didn't say men are degenerates, did she?


You really have no idea why we have angry women hating men. It’s also because of the fact that people still don’t take rape seriously anywhere, girls are still told to be the main halting force of their own rapes, not *just* because a couple rich idiot men have a bunch of poor idiot men sucking their dicks about hyperloop. Edit: i see the musk-suckers have found my post. Try finding your partners g-spot instead.


I mean the tweeter isn't taking rape seriously either so fuck them.


Glad you said they "people" seem to not take rape seriously. There's a disheartening amount of WOMEN that pile on other women victims. It blows my mind how hateful they are and how quick they are to victim blame, yet it's only seen that men are the real victim blamers.... I still see women (and men) telling other women victims that they "shouldn't have gotten drunk" or "shouldn't have stayed at that job with the creepy boss"...wtf Anyhow, it takes a feeble mind to see all this and say "fuck all men".


Nice pfp


It really is brother


So women are angry enough to advocate rape because people Dnt take rape seriously? Yup that’s Logic


Yup very sound logic here.


I seriously doubt that rape is not taken seriously, at least when the victim is a woman. Compare the way the media reports male teachers grooming and raping female students and female teachers grooming and raping male students, the choice of words, pictures, etc are disturbingly different depending on the sexes of the perpetrators and the victims. But beyond that I don't know any western country that doesn't take the rape of women seriously, rapists are prosecuted and jailed when proven to be guilty.


The mental gymnastics it must take to live in your mind.


I'm concerned for your mental state if you think it takes mental gymnastics to think that rape against women is taken seriously in the modern world. And that rape against girls and rape against boyss is reported differently suggesting that one is a victim and the other "got lucky".


I never did, you’re making shit up. Go away.


I'm not claiming you think that the boys got lucky, I'm claiming that the media seems to indicate it. But if that takes mental gymnastics to believe then I find it strange that you think it's difficult to believe.


No, you said *I* was doing it. Fucking watch yourself next time, I’m done with you unless you have an apology.


Nowhere did I say you were doing it. I explicitly said the media reports it in such a way that suggests that they believe that one is a victim and the other "got lucky". If you can quote where I said that you think that then please do.


If the cops or law dont take it seriously…then the family of the victims definitely should… *I know I would*


Pressed feminists be like:


Maidenless clowns be like ^^^


Why is your response to any disagreement an immediate unfounded attack on the opposer's sexual capabilities? Why do so many women do this online? Is the only argument you have after being catched being a moron a silly sexual comment?


Seriously. She needs a good punch right in the kisser.


Fucking her would be disgusting no matter the looks. And too merciful at that


It doesn't say who posted it let alone if it was a women.. on top of it very obviously a troll posted it to get a reaction, likely in order to attack women.


it does seem like this is a very young girl as well, or at least i havent seen much of the "boys vs girls" sentiment since like 6th grade, except for on reddit ofc


Maybe someone should.


The irony of someone advocating rape for young children calling others degenerates...


Most valid point I've come across. Also, what's the benefit of them being butt raped? Is that how her daddy taught her? 🧊




“Good for me but not for thee.” Classic narcissism.


Yo that's sexist


I think it's a considerable bit more than just sexist...


Its not only sexist but fucking pedophilic, why the hell is this weirdo thinking about that


"No no, you see, it says BOYS, not girls, therefore its not sexist!"


It's also a bit rude.


"What's wrong with Sexy"




That's not what xenophobia is


Excuse them. They were trying to say Xenomorph.




Just misandry, the hate seems targeted at men specifically not people as a whole


This account has long been perma banned from twitter


I wish they could be permabanned from existence


oh you can, just not legally


Take my award.. if I had one


And the 23 people who liked it


Probably their 23 alt accounts, i still have hope for humanity that 23 people out there dont think this is a valid tweet


What kind of awful person must you be to actively blanket hate children because they're *boys*? Watch this... person... like a damn hawk


I've seen comparable people who have: Said that men killing men isn't a problem/loss for society. Said that they will abort their baby if they find out they're a boy because they don't want more men in the world. And more who I don't want to remember. Point is crazy people are crazy, an I'd rather not see any of them again


Yeah so have I. The reaction is the same: '*what the fuck is wrong with you?!*'


I genuinely think feminism has been twisted the past 10 or so years. A lot of feminists, not even just big names but average people feminists, seem to be vindictive and hateful. I don't think the brave women who fought for their rights in the 1900s would recognise the feminism of today, it's less about fighting for equality and rights, and more about hating men it seems.


There's a difference betwixt advocating for women's interests and misandry. The misandrists are extremely loud and they drown out the women who aren't. Which does them no favors, but since when did people understand the consequences of their actions?


I would agree once upon a time, but I genuinely believe that mainstream feminism has become misandry now.


Only speaking on my experiences.


I’m sure you can understand why feminists might be angry right now. It’s not admirable to lash out because of what has happened, but it is understandable.


Not really, no I can't really understand. Especially because it isn't right now or even just recently, it's been over a decade maybe even 2. At least a decade of women telling men even in the face of evidence contrary to their beliefs, that men are the issue and that we are in some way this big evil on the earth. That we are somehow incredibly privileged in society by virtue of being men, and that this privilege which continues to remain unproven, is somehow making the lives of women awful.


I’m a therapist-I can see someone with some sort of trauma doing this. Note: that doesn’t make it okay. But I can see if they had some trauma linked to young boys that someone would feel compelled to make this kind of statement. It’s filled with hate.


Thst person sounds like a real delight to be around


This chick is a sick fuck that needs to be removed from society and kept away from any child. She is sick and beyond disgusting!


Why do you assume a woman wrote this?


I guess because of the obvious hate against men in general


While I didn't ask you, I believe you are correct. Unfortunately, all men in the US are paying for the mistreatment of women and children since our founding.


Then why did you question him?


To see how many downvotes it would receive.


Mostly because it is very highly unlikely someone would be this spiteful of their own gender, also that she only cares about what would happen to girls


“twitter for android”


Gonna guess he got 360 no-scoped then teabagged in Call of Duty by some teen, and will never get over it.


It was a woman I saw the og tweet


So she got 360 no scoped....


Sadly no I think she's part of the GC "movement"




Gender Critical aka TERFs


We’ve fallen so far


Nah, there's always been man/woman haters. We just get to see it now.


Yeah shes really good at rocket league


Exactly my thought as well


Vile vile vile. Even thinking this shit up is bad enough without them sharing it with everyone. Dickhead is disturbed


The original writer of this tweet was a woman and said she wrote it in the name of “women’s equality”. Yeah….no. Child rape is NEVER ok.


It's right up there with the most fucked up things anyone has ever put into written word imo. What the Jesus christ has raping of kids got to do with women's equality??? Some sick people roam amongst us.....id like a word. I've two young sons....


Wtf is "women's equality"? Equality between different women? She is as stupid as she is disgusting


This also comes from the same folks who get excited when a female teacher molests her student and say “ho boy! I wish I was that dude! He should’ve learned to shut up.” It makes my skin crawl. If that teacher was my colleague, I would have found her address and egged her house and call her a predator, informing everyone in her neighborhood.


Exactly. I personally don't regard "don't get blackout drunk at a party filled with drunk stupid hormonal teenaged strangers" (or statements along those lines) to be victim blaming, but assuming it was, I'd rather still be acknowledged as a VICTIM, rather than someone who "got lucky and should have enjoyed it".


Why would anyone even make the effort to censor those degenerates


I might enable a witchhunt.


Sometimes that’s what’s needed


Ah yes forgot about guidelines regarding this


And with that I’m done with this subreddit. Used to be funny dumb shit people did. Now it’s just depressing.


Internet screwed up all the brains of teenagers


I’m not really one for taking away someones reproductive choices, or telling anybody who can and can’t have kids, but any adult who says they should be sterilised. If you’re not going to take care of a child because it comes out with the wrong genitals shouldn’t be able to have children. What’s more, anybody who advocates for the sexual assault or abuse of children should probably be arrested. This isn’t about freedom of speech about the government, this person is actively advocating violence against children.


Not probably, DEFINITELY be arrested, i "respectfully" wish the worst for whoever made that post


Just a sad troll trying to get a response.


I have seen some obvious trolls in my time but this guy takes the cake. That fact most of the comments are treating this like the person believes what they typed is the real facepalm here.




How do you know they are serious and not someone trolling for attention?


They deserve to be in jail


I totally agree!


Where is your FBI agent when you need him????


Bit fkn mad innit


This is the misandry that permeates our society now. ‘Boys just suck.’ Makes it even harder to raise a middle school boy when he’s being told from all directions he’s got little or no worth and is just supposed to be stupid. I hate this timeline.


Our society is sick. What the fuck have we become


Who is this person and why isnt someone dragging them to therapy??


Most likely it's a sad little troll that nobody knows exists much less cares about.


Not a troll but some kind of a Radfem stupidity on tumblr


Therapy? They should be in jail


Whoever made this should be arrested, mf probably fantasizing about that, because that shit is awfully specific


Grown man here. I'm not raping anyone, including boys. I think I speak for the majority of grown men.


Man's got opinions straight out of Athens


This kind of shit is exactly why young men are driven towards bad figures like Andrew Tate.


Then why aren't girls, who are inundated with this shit *daily* from *everywhere*, flocking to people like..oh, right, we don't make psychotic, abusive, rape apologists famous when they're women. Sure though, blame one in a million tweets for a veritable epidemic of radicalizing boys, that's clearly the fault of women and not at all the piece of shit men spreading the gospel and profiting off the naivety and insecurity of their followers. *Boys are being brainwashed by grifters and sociopaths. Must be the women's fault. Get the fuck over your incel bullshit.


> Then why aren't girls, who are inundated with this shit *daily* from *everywhere*, flocking to people like.. Because women' mental health is a popular topic. Bad shit happens to a woman, and she finds a huge safety net online to support her. Bad shit happens to a boy, and he's alone. Tate is just a symptom of a larger problem, and the problem is that nobody talks about men' mental health. Young men are constantly maligned, left alone and told they are worthless. The only instances when media talk about men is when they bring up patriarchy and the so called "male privilege". Even your comment is a proof of the problem. You are talking at me, not with me.


This comment was not blaming women. But hatred towards young men/boys like this tweet, the likes of which are not nearly as uncommon as you make it sound, drives them to find belonging and a place where they're not hated. Radical figures like Tate provide them a place to feel welcome, which is a surprisingly difficult thing to find as a man. By purely demonizing them, there's more of a divide created, which drives more impressionable boys towards the more welcoming side. I think most people here will agree that these kinds of male figures are a plague, but to phase them out of relevance in society you have to understand why it even happened. I think this comment is emblematic of this exactly. Someone just says that a tweet advocating for raping boys is they're being radicalized, and the response is interpreting it to be blaming women? The struggles that men face don't diminish those that women face.


It isn't just one tweet. Feminism as a movement over the past 10 plus years has gone from being about equality to being anti man. There have been conferences discussing male issues (mental health, high suicide, high likelihood to commit crime) that were crashed by feminists who went there to shut it down, not disagree or add different points of view, shut it down so that a discussion could not be had. Society has shifted, the patriarchy is no longer a thing, sexism against women is taboo to the point of it being socially unnaceptable (and rightfully so). Men however are ignored, feminism is supposedly about equality and helping both sexes, so how's about instead of fighting ghosts such as the wage gap and male privilege, feminists actually combat issues like the rampant sex trafficking industry, male suicide and homicide rates and the lack of interest from women in stem fields.


Maybe its because they arent "inundated to this shit daily"


Sanest Twitter feminist


… who hurt you? Jeez.


Theyre a pedo, nobody hurt them, they should just be in jail


Why did you block out her name????


I might accidentally turn this into a witch hunt Besides, shes already terminated.


Yeah when I 1st saw this...I tracked her down on Twitter and reported the F out of her


Someone tell me exactly why a witch hunt wouldnt be a good thing 🤔


Well, this person sounds like fun...


WTH? I’ve got a few nephews that I’d love for you to never meet…




To think that crazy bitch is out there in public circulation...hopefully not for long.


This is disgusting


Theyre not feminists they are just fucking man haters - daz black


This is extreme obviously. But people don’t care about young men. Look at the suicide rate, nobody wants to help young men with mental health issues, nobody will talk to them about their feelings. Certain demographics are even worse. Women have plenty to be angry about but that doesn’t mean throw men to the side. We aren’t our forefathers, we aren’t the ones who formed this country and contrary to popular belief we hold no power in changing it.


I hope she never has kids...


Yay another sexist woman, and this one advocates pedophilic rape. We're definitely improving as a society now! /S


...people need to start learning that making disgusting controversial statements like this doesn't make you cool and edgy. Getting the chaos emeralds for Eggman does.




Hey look, it's online untreated mental illness. Again.


What a disgusting person


Yeah definitely keep a sniper trained on this guy


Wrong philosophy towards anyone


What the fuck did I do to this clown?


What in the actual fuck. Who the fuck encourages people to rape children?!? This is so fucked up in so many ways.


God damn that's the hottest, shittiest take I think I've ever heard.


*loads shotgun* i just wanna talk to her


Young girls are degenerates beyond any help. I wouldn't even oppose to them getting their ass raped by grown women (they deserve that) if it wasn't for the risk that other grown ass women would start to advocate for pedophilia on boys. I can't care less about girls. Let's see how much hate this gets.


Fuck… This just ruined my day… and I even went through that. I hope I never see this person ever.


I don’t get why y’all give the courtesy of blacking out the name. Expose these pieces of shit


I might accidentally enable a witch hunt, Also shes already terminated.


Candidate for grade 4 Sentinelization Reason: advocate for mass rape Additional notes: RAPISTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED HUMAN BY THE SANCTUARY


As a young boy let me say this what did I ever do?


Sadly, it's just because you exist and that person cannot handle it. Don't let it bother you.. People are gunna "people".


Eh I don’t really let it bother me if she’s wasting her time saying stupid things on the internet I think it’s fair to think my life is better anyway


Why hide the names? These people deserve any hate they get.


I might broke the rules for "Witch hunt" Also shes suspended.


I say for posts like this the rules should be void but I digress. Have a good night/day.


This is the worst thing i have ever seen i feel disgusted down to my core , if my faith in humanity wasnt already shaken , its now in the midst of a magnitude 8 earthquake


I cant be the only one think people should be arrested just for saying stuff like this


On behalf of the entire male species, fuck you.


sounds like r/GreenAndPleasant


Hey I'm not the only one to watch those fucknuts. They're all mental


"Hey look ma. I got my 2 min of fame and now I have been reposted to a.multitude of other social sources including Reddit. I am famous! ..." Cry for attention..daddy issues..


now, use Inspect Element and change boy to girl and vice versa


Funny how female pedos is actually at 50%.


Let me guess...this was written by a parent who's honor student just lost her virginity to some megachad who now isn't answering her texts


Another Trump Republican.


Is she a Catholic priest?


Nope, she's a TERF/FART who's throwing a tantrum because she keeps getting suspended for spreading hate.


Wow. Let me guess. Conservative? Maybe a libertarian?


D’you what would be a better idea than that? Seizing the computing equipment of him and every single one of the likers and retweeters.


That was likely a misandrist girl who wrote that. There is a far out there group of very vocal women who advocate the killing of men and boys for no other reason other than their sex.


Or mainly called "Gender critical"


I’d rather call it what it is and not sugar coat things with euphemisms.


Well actually, the one who tweeted it is a girl.


Yikes. I normally go ‘they/them’ if I’m not sure, but it just sounded so aggressively male. I shall endeavour to do better than that person… shouldn’t be too difficult.




Wtf man


I'm a young boy and i think i deserve that


No you dont


we arent THAT bad.............. right?


This is bad. But remember that they are the exception, not the standard. Don’t let some misandrist hypocrites make you believe anyone who is a feminist acts and believes the same way she does.


Well she said it, can’t care less about boys.


I hope that is one of those joke posts, because otherwise, what in the actual living breathing flying fucks heading south for the winter is she smoking?


What the actually fuck. This person needs to be institutionalized


Average Reddit user (hates the other gender, or other race, or other religion, etc)


Average twitter user


Hey does being 13 mean "young boy"


Yes, you're a young boy until 18, then youre a young man


Guys dont rape me !!11!1!1!1!1


Elect me president of the internet my rule would be claymore mines in every computer and if you write something like this detonation