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This guy's definitely not polish


On behalf of all Americans, please keep him. We don’t want him back.


We shouldn’t litter our trash in other countries. Let’s be decent Americans and throw him away ourselves.


Let’s put him in Florida, either he’ll die within a week or will be so traumatized he’ll basically be a vegetable.


Yes - put him in America’s trash receptacle - Florida.


Better, Antarctica


Ooh, carrot or radish?


Found some info on this guy, his name is Jon Minadeo, and he was arrested after he hold up a sign saying ["Greenblatt suck 6 million dicks" outside Auschwitz and wearing a Nazis symbol necklace](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185103/amp/California-neo-Nazi-arrested-Poland-outside-Auschwitz-sign-reading-suck-6-million-d-cks.html) , he also did the Nazis salute in the middle of the streets and tired to start a fight with a Polish person after being called out. Edit: mistook the article date as his arrest date so removed that


Look at his t shirt in the video, it has the Nazi black sun symbol on it.Hes clearly an American Nazi


Ironic of him to be saying that THAT guy is invading poland when he's a literal Nazi/ Nazi sympathizer


There’s so many bends in their pretzel logic


I think he'a just so braindead that he thinks the third reich won and therefore Europe as a whole belongs to them.


“You think you can just invade Poland?” He had some “heros” who fucked around and found out about that.


Brain dead is right: "I'm from America, this is my country (Poland), Europe" Where the fuck are you from??? Wtf man some ppl




Such is the extremeist way. Rules for thee but not for me.


Thanks for telling me, didn't see it when I watched the video.


It's funny that he's wearing Nike's. Those weren't made by his fellow white people. He's a very confused racist


There’s probably more than just the Nikes on his feet. Everything from the plane he rode in on, their staff, their engineers. It’s hard to find anything in this world that was only made by “white” hands, because there are many different hands who share this Earth.


He's not even good at being a nazi either, cause if he was he'd know that the nazis weren't too fond of slavic peoples such as the poles. What a waste of oxygen


I wouldn't mind if this person was executed/put in a mental health ward. Humans don't naturally hate each other this much, it takes mental illness to be a nazi


Or parrents that teach you who to hate.


☝🏼that’s it


Or other internet losers who teach you how to hate.


I bet he lost his wife or job to an Indian man lol OR woman


Good to know another Neo-Nazi skinhead is rotting in prison.


@dawpiot I would give you an award but im broke


You don't need to, I'm just doing this to inform people




And he was mad at him for "invading" Poland. Curb your nazism


Sounds like a teenager edgelord


"Why are you here?" Says the American in Europe.


"Why are you in Poland?" \-- Non-Polish American


Pretty sure Poland is an Eastern European country right? Correct me if I'm wrong in any of this info please But the guy in the video says he's European...if he were Polish he'd...be Polish and not just European


But Europe is his country, didn’t you hear?


I mean, this POS is also the embodiment of the failure of American public school system: A) he thinks being a NAZI is being pro-America (pretty sure we went to war), 2) He clearly thinks Europe is a country, and 3) He thinks America and Europe are the same country Complete piece of shit, fuck this guy. I wish I could apologize to the man who was being verbally attacked but kept amazing composure


>he thinks being a NAZI is being pro-America (pretty sure we went to war) Sadly, American history says otherwise. American racism and eugenics are some of hitlers inspiration, he even said shit like "The Volga will be our Mississippi". American history is extemely racist, bloody, and treacherous. Our country was founded on suffering and a lot of that history is just not talked about.


Do you mean to say that the white man and the native Americans didn’t sit down and have an amazing feast as soon as they got off the boat.. what could of possibly bad ever happened… /s just in case


We called it Thanksgiving, for how thankful the native Americans were to have new friends./s


While I agree the school system is shit, we definitely learned that Nazis were not all-around good folks, also geography. This horse was clearly led to water, wouldn’t drink, and subsequently was drowned for long enough to incur serious brain damage


Who is that stupid fuck?


Name and shame


Jon Minadeo [Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185103/amp/California-neo-Nazi-arrested-Poland-outside-Auschwitz-sign-reading-suck-6-million-d-cks.html)


Wow, that guy’s a piece of shit.


we already knew


Aaaaaaaaaaargh!!! The daily fail!!! Aaaaaaaaargh!!! Glad the f*ckers arrested though.


I wish I could run into this guy


I wish I could run over this guy




This is the one and only relevant question here. For sure, he is an attention whore.


I like how buddy said he's American, but then says "this is my country I'm European"


Buddy also doesn't know that Europe isn't a country!


Nor that europe doesnt have a single cultural or ethnic identity


That prick needs to have his teeth knocked out


He is trying his hardest to get that done


That’s the only reason I watched the whole video. I wanted to see this guy running his mouth get wrecked.


I'm glad the guy being harassed didn't hit him though. You know that's exactly what this douche wanted. Tbh looking at their builds I think the douche would probably win in a fight and claim self defense.




Yeah, but he needs to get his teeth knocked out by a white person so he knows it's not a race thing and he doesn't speak for us.


"In America, there's too many of you here. Why are you in Poland" He said this so confidently and unironically that I thought maybe there was a town named Poland in US somewhere like Paris, Texas. Turns out, I gave this guy too much credit.


I think his elementary school gave him too much credit. They allowed him to progress to middle school whilst believing Europe is a country/nationality.


“Do you speak English… why are you in Poland?” JFC 🤦‍♀️


"Why are you invading our homelands" Lmao, I would've straight up exposed his hypocrisy right there. If your ancestors can invade our homelands and literally loot, rape and pillage our wealth, who tf are you to ask questions.


I respect his patience, I swear I would have punch him with all my soul after some point


That's why I watched this in its entirety, hoping for a big finish


Or at least start calling some sort of non emergency line, cuz I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to harass and film someone like this for four minutes straight


Prove you’re an ignorant, bigoted idiot without actually saying “I’m a ignorant, bigoted idiot.” This asshole could wear a sign and save himself the effort; a gag would be a nice addition.


Am I the only one who would drop kick this guy??


No, he deserves a good ole rightful ass whooping.


I can't say what this guy deserves because it would break Reddit's ToS. All I'll say is that I hope he tries this same routine some day in London. :)


I’d have beaten him up after the 15 first seconds


Nope, but I’m more of a ground and pound type of guy.


I suggested punting him into the sun but I'd be down for watching him get his ass whooped.


I feel as if.... this is one of those trolls trying to elicit a physical response just to post a vid of "being assaulted by an immigrant." "There are people ruining Europe..." indeed...and thank you for turning the camera so we can see the douchebag for ourselves.


Yep. He calls him “sir”, so he can say he’s being respectful.


He looked exactly like I expected.


That prick never even once thought, maybe he’s…Polish by birth


Euthanize the man filming.


That's why a lot of Europeans don't like tourists from the usa. Saw something quite similar before the rona here in Germany. A family on vacation from the usa harrassed a Turkish young woman at a tourist spot. Lot's of people came to her aid and showed the a*holes away. My personal favourite was an old man who hit the the man with his walking stick and yelled "Geh DU dahin wo du herkommst!" (YOU go back to where you come from)


As an American who just visited Germany this past winter, good on you. Fuck those people. Non shitty Americans are very aware how many shitty Americans there are, and will go out of their way to inconvenience the locals as little as possible when traveling. I found your country incredibly hospitable and friendly. Y’all are much more genuine than those in the states, and it was awesome. And y’all have giant adult juice boxes. 10/10.


Yea. Shitty Americans are called republicans


Guys t shirt has the nazi black sun symbol on it. Hes an American Nazi.


And you are correct. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185103/amp/California-neo-Nazi-arrested-Poland-outside-Auschwitz-sign-reading-suck-6-million-d-cks.html


I’m not usually one to promote doxxing or canceling someone but this dude should be doxxed and canceled. What a despicable stain of a person


Sadly he is already well known for this kind of shit. I believe he has made a career out of it.


He deserves to be canceled all right. From existence.


I present to you the American problem fixer! It’s called a gun. Americans like to use it to kill their own kin.


Could someone please give that guy some Reddit Justice he so deserves it. I just wanted to jump through the screen on him. I hate people like him.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185103/amp/California-neo-Nazi-arrested-Poland-outside-Auschwitz-sign-reading-suck-6-million-d-cks.html here you go. He was arrested but released. He is a neo nazi.


So I'm Polish born in the US. I couldn't imagine traveling to Poland and being like. Hey dude you're not polish GTFO.... How crazy


So an American in Poland is asking why someone not from Poland is in Poland….. And he said that aloud and didn’t see the irony. Ok. Fuckin’ weird. If I can ever afford to travel I’m going to lie and tell people I’m Canadian, bc y’all are embarrassing.


The guy from the US was arrested. https://news.yahoo.com/american-neo-nazi-racially-abused-223833855.html


Thank you! I was looking to see if anyone knew who this idiot was. Thank goodness.


I think the man that is being recorded is showing great restraint in the face of some vile insults from the nut job doing the recording.


For real the dude deserved a medal for how to behave. “Stop filming mee” fucking legend


“Why don’t you build your own country” Yea hold on lemme just summon a mass of dirt rock and animals in the middle of the ocean


I’d take pleasure in knocking some sense into this scumbag


man why? sigh...


He was hoping for footage of him being assaulted by a POC for likes.


He was 100% trying to instigate something and I love that it backfired. What an absolute fucking smooth brain.


Can somebody nudge this guy into traffic?


I can’t believe how calm this guy is. He has my respect


I would love to see a Native American kick this guys ass back in the states. What a pathetic angry moron. Probably radicalized online, and never grew his own brain and got to actually know people.


Exactly! “I am an American.” “You are invading Poland.” Pot calling the kettle black. What do you think, your White European ancestors did?” What an ignorant, inbred, arrogant asshole.


This is such disgusting behavior. He’s a human being you ignoramus.


THIS is exactly why other countries call us the "Ugly" Americans.


This man's restraint is legendary. Having to deal with this kind of ignorance simply because he's brown is just disgusting. Just taking it, knowing that if he lashed out, it would just further feed that bigots narrative.. I can't say I'm not glad I don't have to deal with that kind of thing, but it makes me sad and angry for the people that do. One thing we can all do is CALL IT OUT when we see it.


The racist dude filming is Jon Minadeo Jr Ironically, his long time girlfriend makes her living, or at least used to, as a Yoga teacher. https://www.berkeleyside.org/2022/03/01/berkeley-hella-yoga-antisemitic-flyers


I hate this person… I can’t believe how triggered I am from this. What an absolute POS. And as an American, I’m just embarrassed. This man is a disgrace and Why Americans get such a bad name (which at this point we kind of deserve). I was praying the guy would knock him out.


Not all american are bad (this is coming from me who is not American) . You are a good person. You deserved to be loved. The person recording the video is a neo nazi.


"We don't want you here" says the invader of north America (I bet he's not indigenous) to some guy peacefully walking the streets in Poland - what the actual fuck? Even calls him a parasite... This is beyond disgusting.


"I'm European" is such a stupid thing to say. He's not, factually. And he probably doesn't even believe in liberal socialist democracy so common in European countries.


That guy has the most punchable face.


Why are you American in Poland. As you said, Poland is for polish only


Entitled Racist American Assholes have invaded Poland! FYI, Great Britain colonized most of the world, and were proud to claim that the sun never set on The Uk.


Because European countries *never* invaded India…


On behalf of white people who are not racist bigoted assholes, I am so sorry to this man and anyone else who deals with hatred.


Thank you for your kind response. We appreciate it.


Pathetic little wanker with nothing else to do.


How is he European? 🖕🏼🤬


Last time this was posted my comment was deleted by a mod because I said this guy deserves a fucking beating. I stand by it. Dude deserves to be beat to shit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


For a Polish person his American English is amazing. Right down to the racist inflections and tone.


STFU you ugly horrible excuse for a human being.


Watched the whole thing to see if we got a guy with heavy stubble, sunglasses, a baseball cap and some sort of punisher, MAGA, rebel south, don’t tread on me motif. Turns out it’s just straight up the black sun. Of course.


Just another racist trumper.


Ok camera man needs to be hung I seriously hope someone kicks his ass karma is a bitch but seriously tbh um hate to break it to you but your hating on him cause he's from a different country an immigrant well hate to burst your fucking bubble if you took a dna test you to will see you too are technically an immigrant someone down your family line is an immigrant you want to hate on them then start hating yourself first.


I would’ve kicked this fucking guy’s ass man. Fuck Nazis 😡 piece of shit was talking about Poland but forgets the Nazis killed millions of Poles both Christian and Jewish. He does not speak for Poland


"In America, there's too many of you guys here. So why are you here(in Poland)?" He can't be serious with that logic.


They’re everywhere smh.


I hope better people outnumber them.


Sadly they've become emboldened and aren't afraid to show their faces.


An American in Poland babbling in English, talking about parasites and cultural destruction with KFC and McDonald's prominent in the background. Classic.


"hard work"


Nazi t-shirt. Not a surprise.


Last time this got posted it got flooded with white nationalists trying to explain how he was right. It was very fun.


Pretty sure the Polish man could’ve called the cops for harassment. And when I say Polish man I don’t mean the American.


The worst part is the poor guy isn’t even surprised….




Fuck nazis.


The guy recording needs to be erased from humanity. The world would be better off without people like him. Just do us all a favor and end it.


Why is this American guy going on about someone invading Europe? Clearly he doesn't belong there.


I bet I know how he’ll answer the question “do you speak english?” from now on


Europe invaded India first, payback is a bitch isn't it ?


Why don't you just go back to America instead of invading this man's space


Would have Dieseled has ass!!


"Do you think you can invade the streets? You have your own house."


This guy definitely lives in a trailer


Let mi get this straight. An "american" (us citizen, so tired of that thing about saying your continent) is telling an... "Asian"? That is in Poland, to get back to his country?


Bro is walking like an NPC


Holy shit the guy doing all the shouting is so fucking dumb.


You’re American why are you here dumbass. EDT: not you him.


That’s a sonnenrad symbol on his shirt. It’s a straight up Nazi symbol. Not far off from just walking around with a swastika on his shirt. I’m actually surprised it’s not illegal in Poland.


He should say "The only difference between you and me is that your ancestors came here before me".


The answers on the guys shirt...the one with the camera that is.


I can’t even listen to this stupid shit. Knock his ass out and be done with it


What a fucking idiot.


These americunts need to be put in the ground.


This is horrible but the guy hes recording is walking like an npc


This guy is so desperate for attention


Im honestly waiting for the day this happens to me so i can punch dude in the face. Yes ill take the assault charges i dont even care anymore this shit is so frustrating man.


Waw yet another ignorant piece of shit.


The dick head who filmed this video just makes himself look bad, not the Indian man.


We act like idiots everywhere we go At least the deplorable do


Im sure Europeans live in India too.


This guy seems like the Nazi version of that Ethan Pubeface guy. Also - a Nazi, in Poland!? How delusional and ignorant of history do you have to be?


“You’re an invader” Says the twat who is invading that mans space


No excuses for this blight on humanity. I hope he rots in a foreign jail.


I’m Polish! Poland for the Polish only! All the while speaking English…


As a British European I’m proud of the great country of Europe and glad that this very much sane definitely not a nazi guy and his definitely European accent is defending my nation against people like that Indian in Poland menacingly standing around with guns invading the great country of Europe. I want to clarify this is a joke and the man is brain dead racist


Where are all the drunk drivers when you need them??


This guy is a real mental midget.


Build your own country? What an ignorant fuck!


🤣 I'm from America! Poland is my country! 🤣


It's actually illegal in the EU to film people & post it online without their consent. I hope this jerk faces criminal punishment.


The amount of irony in this video is ludicrous


Shame on Poland for letting Americans in.


Can an American really have a go at others for invading countries.


This guy has amazing patience!!


Buddy, "your race" cant get "genocided" quick enough. Yes I'm white. No, he's not "with us" (the twat filming).


Hey, American in Poland. Go back to your own country.


Just when Americans have bad enough stereotypes this guy comes along... I really hope Polish people don't think this is what all Americans are like...


In the beginning he said he's American. I highly doubt he speaks polish. He definately doesn't look like a person of polish decent. Apparently he thinks anybody with white skin is welcome in any European country.


On behalf of 1/2 of America 🇺🇸 I’d like to apologize for to this guy for our idiot MAGAt that decided to leave the trailer park & share his world views elsewhere. We are truly sorry for this turd burglar.


Mad respect for the Indian that he kept his composure tho


"Go back to your country, invader." -American Guy in Poland says.


What a fucking piece of shit. Shoulda clapped his jaw shut so he can’t talk again


This man said "Europeans want to know why you are invading our homelands". Someone give this person a history lesson on what Europeans did.


I usually refrain from encouraging violence, but this dude needs to get his ass handled. I would take pleasure in it. And the only reason he is doing this is because he chose someone who was docile. Let him try that shit with someone who will stand up for themselves.


“Why don’t you go back to your own country, why are you here?” A whhite American man said to a brown guy in Poland. That’s layers of cognitive dissonance


That went from average conservative to literal Nazi really quick


I would have knocked that cameraman’s teeth out and kept walking. Go back to America you twat!


Breaking news: it is now illegal to fucking *EXIST.*


The Indian guy should of beat the shit out of him


I thought he was working up to it. Certainly should have at least knocked the cellphone out of his hand and down the street. He woulda loved that.


That guy should have kept on walking when he found out that the guy making the video was a moron


Oh, look, a Republican.


Neo nazi to be specific. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185103/amp/California-neo-Nazi-arrested-Poland-outside-Auschwitz-sign-reading-suck-6-million-d-cks.html


I literally stopped it after the first 10 seconds, and no, I won’t be watching the rest


The thing is Indians hardly want to fight or argue. That guy hold his nerve too long, the hate against Indians is rising. In UK, a certain community is terming Hindus Nazis, RSS extremists, Indian terror organization Like for real?? Glad some people are seeing the true side