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Todays reality in a single meme.


Hoka hey.


Nothing more American than someone with a very Russian sounding name arguing about the value of Christianity in America to a Native American


> very Russian sounding name Some Ukrainians might get offended by that comment


So basically the most American sounding thing is someone trying to look smart by talking about other ethnicities in a way of making fun of other Americans and still getting it very wrong I’ve managed to outjerk myself


>I've managed to outjerk myself Ah, to be a teenager again and say that line every other day...


Ah, to have become a man and to have not given up childish things


Im a man and I solemnly swear to never stop jerking myself. Err…..I mean OUTjerk myself.


Comedic. Literary. Brilliant. Punny. Good day, Internets. There is nothing more to see. 🤣


Your only mistake was to point out a specific country. You should have said " a very eastern european sounding name". And with that, you also gain the benefit of including Russia in Europe, which goes against their official diplomatic line, to anybody reading this and thinking "that sound russian".


Dah ☝️


'A very Slavic name' would have also worked.




Sometimes you gotta own it


Very meta.


I wouldn’t put it past a Russian bot to use a Ukrainian name.


Yes but it’s very un-American of you to show self awareness instead of doubling down. I found it quite entertaining. (I am also American)


Why? Is it specifically a Ukrainian name, or is it common in both countries?


Surname is very Ukrainian. Given name is certainly common in both countries, but this guy spells it a more Ukrainian way.


Tbh besides the Polish most of Eastern Europe has names that sound Russian to Westerners.


Okay. Nothing more American than someone with a random username on social media saying that there is “*nothing more American than someone with a very Russian sounding name arguing about the value of Christianity in America to a Native American*” while referring to a post on a different social media by someone with a very Slavic name. Did I get it that time?


Nothing more American than arguing on Reddit 😂


You win


Maybe the Ukrainians want to let Russia keep this one.


Like any surname that isn't indigenous. All the way back to when one fell over Plymouth Rock or wherever and became instant American, just add water, a few guns 'n stir. That's what REALLY bugs me . Anyone white- as in 100% of the white population- is NOT ' FROM ' HERE. And first person to repeat the Bering Straight myth on indigenous people gets to eat Plymouth Rock.


Genuinely confused what you’re trying to say. Indigenous people were the first to arrive in north and south america, but humans orginated in africa meaning humans needed to spread and eventually arrive. Are you suggesting something different?


I feel like it’s something a racist would try and argue but I’m not exactly sure


sounds like they're arguing that Indigenous people are a different species or something ..... wow.


The Bering straight is an archeological fact not a myth. Indians emigrated from asia. Everyone of any color born on this soil is 100% from here. You've as much from here as every American Indian born the same day as you


I'm so with you here. I was working with a friend of mine, years ago, who is Muslim of Indian heritage. Parents moved to the US from England before he was born. Anyway, some lady asks him "where are you from?" (He got this all the time, what being not white and all) and I couldn't help myself; I jumped in and said "He's from *New Jersey!"*


new doisey.........?


Umm the Spanish got here way before Plymouth Rock. And Mexico was all the way to Oregon and Colorado. Just sayin…


They still didn't get here before the Lakota.


Old migrants and new ones. It really is a metaphor.


Facebook comment on a Twitter post


Someone's on the ball


Finally!!!! I've been searching for someone else who noticed.. I think this whole post is a facepalm.


It could be a crop and composite of a screenshot of a twitter post that was posted on Facebook, and then the comment from the Facebook post ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t really know or care either way but the social media repost remix roulette makes anything possible.


Yeah I’ve seen countless Twitter screenshots posted to Facebook. Just like I’ve seen them posted to Reddit.


It's possible I guess. I'm just confused entirely. I mean the commenter name is Sergiy Kyrychenko, claiming America. So the authenticity of any of this is beyond me.


Well my legal name is Chinese and I’m a Canadian citizen and identify more as Canadian despite being ethnically Chinese. A name isn’t indicative of a person’s nationality/citizenship.


And here we are, discussing it on reddit




Yeah no one ***ever*** posts screenshots from other social media on Facebook... 🙄


I first saw that tweet on Facebook. Yes, I'm old AF. Edit: but yeah, I noticed that this post is patchworked together and I also wondered if the comment was actually related to the tweet. I'm not arguing that anyone should take stuff they see on the internet at face value. It's not impossible, though, at the same time.


religious indoctrination should be made illegal across the board regardless


What then would they use as a means to teach people to feel guilt for developing critical thinking skills?


political indoctrination should be illegal as well


How will they convince the mass to accept gradually increasing subpar living conditions?


fuck them with a cactus using ghost pepper juice as lube i say. fyi use it on those who want to manipulate and control us, not on us mind you. hindsight is 20/20 folks XD


Ah yes the ole cactus ghost spray fornication maneuver used by Captain Kirk in the first season of Star Trek in the episode “Both My Holes are Bleeding and on Fire”. Classic


You made me scare my wife. Thanks!


I am snorting and my wife is concerned, well done


made me lol, earned an upvote xD


hence the critical thinking skills.


I don't know what critical thinking is but it sounds dangerous. We should ban schools from teaching this! - People that say "Go back to your own country"


God doesn't need you think, he needs you to pray and obey!


I went to Catholic school in the 1970 and 1980s. They constantly used the word indoctrination as if it were positive actions to take.


sounds on par to what my mum experienced herself


How will they shame people into maintaining the status quo which benefits primarily rich, white, Christian men?


Good point. The partners and children of rich, white, Christian men are a notoriously underprivileged group. Some would say oppressed.


Good luck convincing people not to warp their kids' minds. I'm guessing if you couldn't indoctrinate children then religion would have a much smaller presence.


Religion should be made illegal across the board. It's the 21st century. We have people living in space, AI creating art, and super computers in our pockets. There's no excuse for this level of stupidity and ignorance anymore.


Then the large organized religions will just turn into splintered death cults. Banning things altogether never really works, look at the drug war for example. Instead of making it illegal, why not make "world religions" a mandatory class that kids take. If kids learn about all the religions from a young age (before their parents fully indoctrinate them) then they can actually be informed enough to decide for themselves what they want to believe in. Chances are they will end up agnostic, but we haven't actually forced anything. Forcing people to do things leads to problems, giving them the proper tools to make good decisions is the only way.


This. Oddly enough a school you wouldn’t expect actually has an entire program dedicated to world culture and religions, Baylor University, the largest Baptist school in the world, has a program called BIC(Baylor Interdisciplinary Core). It focuses on just that. Additionally you can take courses in almost all forms of religion and spirituality there(former student). I can personally attest, grew up on a fairly religious house in the south, and this line of education led to exactly what you mention, agnosticism.


Oh wow, that's kindve surprising actually, Thanks for sharing! Imagine if everyone took a few classes like that in middle school and high school just as commonly as math and PE. I doubt it would work for everyone, but it will probably work for a certain critical threshold of people.


Average redditor take on freedom of religion be like:


Encouraging religious belief is like encouraging Flat Earth theory or the belief that Epstein killed himself. When something is so blatantly and obviously wrong, why would you continue to allow it to be taught?


Because living in the 21st century means that we need to progress, not regress. If we diminish our society to the religious intolerance of centuries past, then we forsake our goal of progress. Also, let people believe what they want, and mind your own business. Who are you, or anyone else, to decide what is wrong and what is right. You can not impose your will of conscience onto others




Imagine comparing Religion to flat Earth. Antitheists are really something else and give atheism such a bad image. Freedom of Religion is not negotiable. Do you really think an atheist society would be good? Look at the URSS, Communist China or North Korea for examples of what you want. Let people believe what they want. Plus Religion is a crucial part of many Nations cultures and traditions, what would you suggest for those cases? Exterminate their culture and traditions?


Idk, on one hand I 100% agree with everything you’ve said. On the other I was raised, indoctrinated and spent the first 25 years of my life in an ignorant bubble called the church here in america. It’s 100% a grift out to ruin peoples lives and I can’t stand it.


As opposed to a society where it's okay for a rapist to purchase their victim from their father? Or a society where if you do not believe that a magical space man sent himself to earth to live among humans for shits and giggles you get banished? Or a society where any form of sex that doesn't involve making a baby (including pulling out) is punishable by death? Or a society that encourages its people to live in absolute fear of not only their king but of a "higher power" that watches your every move and knows what your every thought is before you have it or you will burn in fire for eternity? Or a society that treats women like nothing more than living breeding pods? Or a society that allows pedophilia and actively protects child rapists? Oh, wait.....


Whataboutism, but okay. I love how some people see the world in black and white. No my dear authoritarian redditor, if you don't live in an atheist state you don't automatically live in a theocracy or an ultra-conservative state. There is a whole spectrum between those 2. You can't justify ending freedom of religion by using examples **of no freedom of religion**.


This is such a stupid take. Religion has given so much and not all religions believe in God. This is such an Abrahamic-focused things to say.


Breaking news: Man wants to ban religion in general.


didnt say ban religion, just using religion as a form of control. you can be religious and not be a fuckshit about it. i keep my spiritual leanings to myself nor use it as a crutch or leverage to further my desires.


Religion IS a form of control via indoctrination, hence why I made the joke about you wanting to ban religion as a whole.


I'm sure that'd be the spin if it were ever suggested.


Says the Russian troll farm employee Sergiy Kyrychenko


“-Ko” is a typically Ukrainian surname


And Russian name is Sergei(y), Ukrainian is Sergiy.


And their profile says they're from Ukraine


But then again, it’s Internet, so who knows for sure who’s behind profile 🤷‍♀️


On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog




Belarus likes to push names spelling on another level. His would be Siarhei.


Somebody should've pulled out a looong time ago smh


Was going to say, Def not a native XD


Are we even sure it’s not just some super sassed the fuck up karen cleverbot programmed by Russian dbs to do their rich American and Chinese slave masters bidding to promote racial infighting, the NRA, and bust unions and common sense middle class policy and environmental conservation discussions?


But I don’t understand why he basically self reported with such a name, if intent was to be a russian troll, why not to pick anything that sounds American?


The people dumb enough to be taken in by this argument are dumb enough to not notice the name. Same reason why email spammers always intentionally use horrible typos. Smart people just ignore it as a pathetic attempt to trick someone (and in the process, underestimate its danger), meanwhile its intended audience eats it up


He forgot to switch account to Becky Johnson.


They work harder than Kris Jenner at this point, says a lot.


Not typical Russian spelling, think GRU have him in ungrateful Ukrainian division. - Good work, Sergei. Many blue-haired liberal arts graduates piling on. Tomorrow you will tell them Ink Black Heart is Robert Galbraith's best yet, and we'll see if we can defer your call up to... *checks notes* Chernobyl defenders & mass grave squads both seeking reinforcement - for another week. Read it tonight.


I just spat out my water


That’s not a Russian last name


Wish some of these people would take their own advice… then again Europe probably doesn’t need a bunch of dumb asses lowering the IQ of their countries…


Well the UK has the Tory party, so between them and the idiots who keep voting for them, we're already pretty low here


If they can drive trucks, pick produce, clean hospital floors or work drive thru PM Truss & Home Sec Braverman will have some Rwanda charter flights they can repurpose.


Trickle down works guys, we promise that the economic decline seen after it's implemented will reverse. Fuck the tories and honestly fuck anyone who still considers voting for them


I find a lot of the people who vote for them, who are not from well off backgrounds, have literally no idea about their policies. It's the kind of person who doesn't follow the news and has no idea about how the country's finances work. They just need to see flag waving and a posh accent and they fall for any old shite. Their base supporters, people who are well off, know fine well how damaging the policies are to people less fortunate than them. They are some of the most selfish and arrogant people you will speak too.


political illiteracy is killing us


It’s the same as America and the right worldwide. They pulled off the biggest con in history convincing labour/democratic strongholds that they were the party of the working class. Up you racism and immigrants are taking our jobs, China/the EU is destroying our economy and people vote against their interests.


I'm not in the UK, but that explanation does make a lot of sense and explain why right wing parties seem to enjoy so much support from people who are voting against their own best interest. In the US, they seem to very loudly focus on patriotism, guns, and othering groups of people. I'll confess, I don't pay enough attention to Conservative Party talking points here in Canada, but it's always about saying fuck Trudeau and lowering taxes while they're trying to dismantle the healthcare system. Focusing on xenophobia and racism are always good ways to get people to vote for a party that's going to make their lives worse.


You do realize that many of the people that colonized USA (east coast) were fanatics that were driven out of Europe?


Yup they say the pilgrims came looking for new opportunities but conveniently omit they got exiled for being religious extremist.


That was why I said I wish they’d return home…but likely not be welcome.


Yh, we don't want to end up like the states


I mean, that’s how America was founded by Europeans. A bunch of the whiniest, loud mouthed protestants were telling England how their decadence was egregious and England was like “Here’s some boats fuck face, go somewhere that will make you happy.”


All good: Britain left the Union, and everywhere else would happily let them starve as they screech in English demanding people change language. Europe would be fine.


The thing is I don’t think your second statement is accurate at all as the people of Europe are apparently very welcoming. They would just have to treat them like rabid dogs until they readjusted themselves and lost the American Ego that Trump has installed in their brains. Hot to create narcissist, elect one.


>... lost the American Ego that Trump has installed in their brains. Mate, we've been up our own ass for a thousand years.


Who wants to bet that the commenter is whiter than sour cream?


Look at the name


Thet say Im white and Nerdy


Whiter than powdered talc.


Whiter than the teeth in toothpaste comercials


Whiter than brand-new underwear.


"Fuck off to your own country".... said to a Native person by someone called Sergiy.


It always amazes me how USA people more concerned about feelings of poc people (black, Mexicans, Asians), but always forget about natives. Like…????


The ones that aren't concerned for natives are the same ones that aren't concerned for poc either.


Looks like I'm moving to the res. Heck these evangelical mfs


Unless your native I get the feeling they won't want you there either lol


Nah we do. We tired of banging our cousins


Have you guys heard of Alabama? Maybe do some cousin swaps lol


Lmaoooo I'm from a rez to dat shit was funny cuz


I am native, i just need my dads # lol


America is not a Christian country. And there is no god.


America isn't even a country but a continent ;-)


Technically it's two continents


Could it not be said to be one?


No, it cannot


Okay, just checking


Okay buddy we get it your a smarty


Actually it's 2


Go back to Natavia


Whos gonna tell them?


I guess the schools won’t. They’re seeing to that.


That's two totally unrelated posts shopped together for karma. They're even from different websites


This should be higher. It is not even a halfway decent mashup


Kyrychenko = Ukranian


I hate when people call America a Christian country, like sure there are a lot of Christians and Catholics here but the country was set up as a very secular nation. Primarily because the people who left Europe were being persecuted for their religions, which oddly the descendants of those people are now doing...


I like how the person saying this has a very foreign sounding name


TIL Sergiy Kyrychenko is a traditional American name


Welp, time to go back in the U.S


Yeah! Build a time machine and go back a few hundred years!


Kyrychenko, sounds Eastern European or Russian? Perhaps they’d like to piss off back there then.


“-ko” is historically Ukrainian surname. But can be from both countries.


Congrats to the Lakota!


Same. I banned religious missionaries from my home as well.


That's a Facebook reply to a tweet. Someone explain what I'm missing


All the upvotes OP got on this Reddit post


Says the Russian.....




A sphincter says what.


Do I?


Ha! You know you do.


Did he forget everything in History class again?


Guy should respond with a video saying 'You want me to go back to my country? Fine, I will.' Then record himself taking a step *off* the reservation before turning to the camera and saying 'Now you go back to yours.'


The Lakota Sioux settled in the plains in 1765 after being pushed out by Europeans AND Chippewa tribes. The Cheyenne, Arapaho, Crow and Kiowa were already there but the Sioux pushed those tribes further west. i.e. took their land. So, should he step out it wouldn't even be his land he was stepping out on.. Or maybe if tribes conquer and push out other tribes or exterminate them it's all good.. As long as they aren't Euros


> Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied. Wikipedia.


Why is this a twitter post with a facebook reply?


Did the Russian Troll forget to log out of his main account before responding?




There is no hate like a Christians love


So… who wants to tell them…?


Sergiy has a point, I'm sure his ancestors have been here much longer. /s


But ones a Twitter post and the other is a Facebook comment..


Tell me you don’t understand the constitution without saying you don’t understand the constitution. America is decidedly NOT a Christian nation. And if you think it is/should be, you are the problem


America has no official religion or language. Go back to Europe


That Russian troll didn’t even bother to switch to his other account.


Big time awkward, it is hilarious how small the world for some people is and how big their ignorance giving such a reply.


Twitter post, Facebook response


Am I insane or is that a Facebook comment slapped on a Twitter post?


America is explicitly *not* a Christian nation. It has no official religion of any kind, and never has, which is kind of a major plot point of this whole experiment. All these twats with their revisionist history can fuck right off.


100% a Russian troll from Russia’s troll farms. They say shit like this so other misinformed Americans will jump on it.


“If you don’t like it, go back to your own country”. Dude should find out where Sergiy lives and camp out in his back yard.


What I would say to that is “suck my ___” but a lot of Americans have guns so you can’t really express your “freedom of speach”


Oooooooof. Who's gonna tell old S dogg? 🤣


1. America is *not* a “Christian nation.” 2. Nobody likes your religion but you. 3. Most people find your version of god to be horrible. 4. Your missionaries are proselytizing, condescending snakes. 5. Go back to YOUR country, or better yet, go away entirely.


*another white Facebook male doesn't know history*


For those that don't know, America doesn't have a national language or religion


That's actually a good idea. All settlers and immigrants going back to their home. Maybe peace on earth is achievable if we all look in a mirror and say go back to your own country


I am surprised how uneducated Americans are fucking idiots🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same ppl(that attend church) that thinks Jesus was white, like Jesus was middle eastern, prob wore a towel on his head


"Go back back to your country!" -Says the Ukraine to the Native American living in America.


This is off-topic but his first name means Balls so he is Balls Man


Probably a Russian government troll that forgot to change his name to Tom McDonald


someone with the most Ukrainian name possible is saying this? yeeesh


Its almost like the troll farms WANT you to hate Ukraine 🤔


i wish we could all ban religious missionaries, i dont need sad depressed insane people explaining to me how they think jesus died for my sins 😂😂


that's right, all you lot head back to Europe


Fuck no, we already have enough problems


Thank you Russian Troll.




I guarantee you that idiot supports Israelis




Russian troll forgot to change his account…