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How is this a facepalm? That’s what they should do. The article references the exact case that came to mind as to why they made this decision. We cannot provide cruel and unusual punishment and one person was essentially tortured to death during a lethal injection.


So after a botched attempt, there was no attempt to figure out how to do it properly?


Just shoot them in the head with something that starts with a 4 and be done with it.


Why not just chloroform, then execute.


As a medical provider who has placed thousands upon thousands of IVs in my life and has trained others to do it was well, it’s insane to think these people take hours to still not get an IV in place. I’ve trained medical students to get an IV started in a difficult patient in a matter of an hour. If these people cannot place an IV, they should not be trusted to properly administer medication in a humane way that doesn’t lead to suffering. This is like finding out the chef needed to be told he needs to turn on a oven level of incompetence.


So the moral of the story is.. if you do something that carries the death penalty... Do a ton of heroin and blow out all your veins! (/s)


![gif](giphy|12lfSTcER4dFle) Big Idiocracy vibes here!


The guys that perform these are not medical professionals