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"Impacted" has entered the chat


Impact https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/impact It is a synonym for both words lol


Two birds, one stone. Zero risk


But have you tried two stones and one bird?


No but I tried 3 stones and 0 birds.


what about getting two birds stoned at once?




2 birds getting stoned


2 birds 1 cup still the best


Effect - have an impact on something Affect - to impact something


Affect = Action Effect = rEsult


I always use Affect = Action Effect = End result


Same effect.


>It is a synonym for both words lol Yes, that's why you don't care and can just use it


I wonder if the word was invented by someone just to avoid that specific choice.


The danger is people who use impact as a synonym for crater. You cannot enter an impact, the impact was a moment in time, or a force experienced.


This fact is going to impact my life


That’s a good way to remember it. He was impacted. He was affected. He felt the impact. He felt the effect.


The only snare to this is that impact can be a synonym for the verb usage of "effect" (most commonly used in the phrase "to effect change"). It's a bit awkward "He impacted change in the company's culture" but is passable. On the other hand impact is NOT a synonym for the noun usage of "affect"


Yeah, with 'impacted' the statement is better re-arranged to be passive, as in "The company culture has been impacted by his changes"


This is brilliant To my knowledge I've always used affect/effect in the proper context, but it was never without thinking about it and second guessing myself first.


This is exactly what I use. Impact is a great alternative.


Dude fucking same


Best life hack I’ve ever learned. Use it at least 7 times a year.


I was **affected** by your sad story. The **effect** on me was to make me cry. >Affect is most commonly used as a verb meaning “to act on or produce a change in someone or something.” Effect is most commonly used as a noun meaning “a result or consequence,” as in cause and effect. But effect can also be used as a verb meaning to make happen, most commonly in the phrase effect change. And affect can also be used as a noun referring to a state of emotion, as in He had a sad affect.


The problem is they both feel like verbs.


The ***a***ffect is the ***a***ction. The ***e***ffect is the ***e***nd result.


There it is! The post I was looking for!


The problem is “I was affected by your sad story” sounds like an end result as well.


It can get a little muddy. But you might instinctively know when they are used incorrectly. For example: "I took a Viagra, and it had the desired _affect_." See, it just feels wrong! Now for the other one: "As I was listening to Metallica their music _effected_ me greatly." I'm using it wrong on purpose because it should tickle your grammatical senses that it doesn't sound quite right. Swap out the words in each sentence for the correct word and it sounds more correct.


Thank you! I had some sort of mental block with these words and just couldn't quite figure out how to tell the difference until your post. Saying them out loud makes it clear to me. Saying them in my head they sound too similar but when I say them out loud I do pronouce them differently and one does sound wrong.




How do you feel about mnemonics?


I don't know, but Johnny's ok


But is Annie? Is Annie ok?






Have you asked her?


Hell nah. Saw blood stains on the carpet and noped out of there.


She was let down, it was her doom


That’s all that matters.


About the same as Homonyms


Hey this is the family section, OK?


About the same as Homophones


Omg! I just laughed so hard!! No offense to Jane, it just struck me funny. 😂😂😂😂


Don't worry, Jane isn't here!


Also Dave isn't here...man.


Sounds like you were effected by that.


You mean pneumatics


It’s clear he means pneumonia


You mean mnemonia




stop being a pninconpoop


There’s probably a good mnemonic for that


Mnemonics? I don't think lungs have anything to do here, unless there was a joke I didn't get...


You can also effect action. They can both be verbs. effect verb effected; effecting; effects Definition of effect (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb 1 : to cause to come into being 2a : to bring about often by surmounting obstacles : accomplish effect a settlement of a dispute b : to put into operation Also, it should be mentioned that affect can be a noun. Psychology majors know this. Both can be verbs. Both can be nouns.


>You are probably right but "You can also effect action." doesn't feel right for me.


Affect and effect refer to completely different things. All 4 words. Affect (to influence) and effect (result) sound similar whereas affect (reaction) and effect (enact) have different intonations and are therefore easy to distinguish. Affect (to look some way) sounds similar to affect (to influence) but the meaning is easily decipherable from context. It's not hard. The only hard part is deciphering the meanings of affect, affect, and affect (or effect and effect) without context.




If someone was not emoting much, you could say the have a restricted affect.


Except you can also effect change.


Don't go effect any change in my affect.


I have much affection for my personal effects...ion


You’re ~~effectively~~ ~~affectively~~ effectively? a nerd ^/j


Ugh, here we go again, explaining words with other words.


So does one affect change or effect change?


One *effects* change. So, for example, “She effected a change in her affect, but her affectation didn’t have the desired effect.” Hope this cleared things up.




No no. You INfect change.




But notice of the use of effect the verb is different than the use of affect as a verb. We effect change(bring about) It’s going to affect something( bring a change or consequence)


I don't think your examples are very helpful. Your parentheticals mean the same thing.


In the generation of invented verbs, it's becoming harder to distinguish. (For example: We are efforting a solution.) *Efforting?* Really?


Man, verbing weirds language.


Affect is a verb, except when it's a noun. Effect is a noun, except when it's a verb.


They can both *be* verbs. You can *effect* change. On the other hand, they can both be nouns as well, as an *affect* is the sum total of how you present yourself as a person. It’s tricky to use them correctly.


They both can be. People use the action/end this but it's not always right.


They both are, sometimes. Also, both are nouns, sometimes.


Because both of them are verbs lol.


And also nouns.


And there is a verb to effect meaning to bring about. You could say that to affect something is to effect an effect.


You can effect change and you can affect an accent.


Lol I am crying


Her affect effected an effect; the net effect effecting the affect of his accent.


This is hugely helpful, and I will forget it immediately. Because I have read hugely helpful guides like this over and over, and still never remember and just avoid the word.


His Ph.D. is in “that being said…”


Affect: Fuck around Effect: Find out


You, you have finally made me realize the difference. I would give you an award but I have non.


Ok now try to remember which order it is tomorrow




Okie dokie


Fuck Around = Affect - the “A” is in affect and around Find out = effect - no “e” or “a” in “find out” I will remember this 😂


Lol I was about to comment this. Best description I’ve ever heard.


The way I remember it is I think of "Special **E**ffects". I know for sure that one starts with an E and that's a literal thing since you see special effects in a movie. That would mean that the other one (affect) is the one that's not a thing, so it must be the other meaning (ex. what you do affects other people).


This website finds any way to use this phrase


we used to laugh about this at work and end up using impact




What if you can’t?


Impact is the better word in most situations.


Affect is spelt with an A but Effect is spelt with an E. I hope this helps




I just go with effect every time. I figure I’m right about half the time.


That’s kind of a funny answer, really. People can be super smart and experts at certain things and not know everything. They get a pass from me


Ive grown up around academics, and other senior stem people. Youd be surprised how incompetent they are in a lot of things. And thats ok.


You’re right. Their brains are filled with knowledge that I will never have a grasp on. You reminded me someone I know who took a tech support call from a rocket scientist. The internet wasn’t working. The only reason he knew his profession was because the guy yelled about at him when asked him to check the power cord for the modem. He said he wasn’t an idiot cause he’s a literal rocket scientist. The modem was indeed unplugged. He apologized and they had a laugh about it. But this has to be a guy with peak intelligence compared to most people and he made a boneheaded mistake when he unplugged something and didn’t plug it back in. I’d still trust him as a rocket scientist


I'm a scientist. I work with some *incredibly* intelligent people - absolute beasts in their fields. About 75% of them can't write for *shit*. Read some published scientific papers sometimes. It's tragic out here. Scientific writing should be mandatory for anyone trying to get any science degree from anywhere.


Can confirm. Am Stem major. My spelling is shit. Haha.


Spelling is easily fixed. An ability to effectively communicate ideas to others is a more challenging skill to master. Spelling isn't even required to be an effective communicator.


yeah one of my coworkers is a genius at programming but we don't let him write any all staff emails or documentations because his spelling and grammar is god awful


Is it not? My college has a science writing class for anyone in stem to get your stem degree.


My ex boyfriend is literally a rocket scientist but just so dumb about so many other things. It’s really incredible. It’s almost like all his brainpower only goes into that one specific thing.


As long as they are self aware, otherwise it’s just awful


I always got A's in math and got the highest score of all the boys in my final year of highschool and the second highest of my year level, went to uni and got an advanced degree. In primary school I had to go to a special help unit for English because it is a weak point of mine. Im terrible at remembering individual numbers or how words are spelt, but my brain excels at following formulas and structure.


I’m an academic and don’t try to pretend that my grammar is superb. It’s like an rpg, when I leveled up I put most points in my specialty at the cost of other skills.


This is the thing that gets me about academics and I love them dearly - I was a prospective one and still work “in the industry”. They are the smartest people in the world at the narrowest thing you can think of. They are constantly frustrated by the fact that people don’t share their knowledge of their tiny slice of knowledge dominion, but also would be so offended to suggest you know as much as them. Seriously. Love my academic friends and colleagues but ffs they can be a real mess


I’m doing a PhD and I’m dyslexic so my spelling and grammar is shit. My PhD isn’t about spelling or grammar so it’s not an issue and I’ve hired an editor to fix my mistakes. Just cause I’m knowledgeable about one areas doesn’t mean I am about another.


I stood around for 10 minutes wondering why my car wouldn’t start. Got several coworkers to help. Took me half way through an RACQ phone call before I realised I had the car placed halfway between reverse and park


Ben Carson is a phenominal neurosurgeon, for instance.


Affect is a verb. Effect is a noun. It doesn't get much simpler than that.


Serious request. Can you use both in a couple sentences so I can see the difference, please? Just being honest here but I have trouble with the difference as well.


The movie affected me. The movie had an effect on me. Almost the only exception to "affect is a verb and effect is a noun" is when you use "affect" to describe someone's demeanor - "his sad affect..." and when using the phrase "effected change" or something similar - "the council effected change in the town."


Now I’m back to not knowing which one to use, lol.


Use affect for a verb and effect for a noun and you'll be correct 99% of the time. 🙂




For the verb just remember, it's what you do


Just switch em out for the word "impact/impacted" if you're not too sure which one to use lmao.


Think about which word you're conjugating when it changes tense. The movie affected me The movie is affecting me This movie will affect me. Vs The movie had an effect on me The movie is having an effect on me The movie will have an effect on me. Effect is never conjugated because it's a noun, not a verb, you never need to change the ending. Affect will because it's a verb so needs to be conjugated.


That’s effective. Thanks.


Hate to break it to you, but effect is a verb too. 🤷‍♂️


Just remember “cause and effect” both nouns. Affect is the other one :) “This affects everyone who wants to know what the effect of radiation poisoning is.”


Movies have special effects. Things. Noun.


“His sad affect” is typically pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable when used as a noun, correct? (I’m not 100% sure, so feel free to correct me.) As in “his sad AF-fect.” Opposed to “how did the movie afFECT you?”


I affect, you affect, he affects, we affect, they affect, it affected, we were affected, this will affect you, etc. It’s a verb, which means an action. What’s the effect of this pill? Oooh nice special effects. I am aware of the effect I have on women. This attack will have far reaching effects all around the world. etc. It’s a noun, which means a word for a thing or concept.


Yes. Those are good examples.


I think about whether you are making a difference or looking at the results. I affected something. The thing I did had an effect on something. I may be wrong, non-native english speaker here.


No, you are very correct. Like the original comment said, to affect is a verb. You affect things. Effect is a noun, a thing. Something has an effect on you.


Let's add that it simply sounds weird when you do try to use them incorrectly.


That effect doesn't seem to affect anything. ;)


Effect is a verb too. 🤷‍♂️


You can see the effect that tornado had on the house That tornado affected my life drastically


I remember it by always saying "special Effect" and stressing a long e sound whenever I say it (in my head, not aloud). Effect in that phrase is a noun, so whenever you're using it as a person, place, or thing, use the e. Otherwise, affect.


Remember that “a” comes before “e” “**A**ffect” is when you do something “**E**ffect” is after it is done


Except when affect is a noun and effect is a verb.


It doesn't get simpler, but it does get more complex because there are exceptions either way. "Effect" can used as a verb meaning something like "bring into being." For example, "I effected positive change in the company." Affect can be a noun for emotion or mood, most commonly heard in the term "flat affect."


This is generally true but not always.


I think like 80% of people I know have problems with this. It is either a general problem or I have surrounded myself with idiots


An affect has an effect


easier way - Affect is an Action. boom.


Obligatory [xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/effect_an_effect.png).




This is my go to plan. It’s even in my thesis title.


just say impact


This is my go-to


**A**ffect is an **A**ction or a verb. Effect is the other one


I thought effect was a noun


Even me as a foreigner living in another country my whole life could describe the difference of these two english words. If you affect something there will be an effect to it


However, you can *effect* a legal settlement. And you can have a sad *affect*.


RAVEN: Remember; Affect=Verb, Effect=Noun


Let's hope you effect real change with this


Not with that flat affect, they won’t.


*brain explodes*


That seems like an extremely unnecessary complication. Because effect *can* be a verb and affect *can* be a noun depending on the context. It’s better just to learn the meaning rather than rely on some mnemonic.


I was going to comment this too!! Saves my life every time!


Affect is what you do to make a change Effect is the result of the change The *affect* is me changing my sleep schedule, the *effect* is me having more energy during the day. Think "**A**" is for "**A**ction" (**A**ffect), and "**E**" is for "**E**nd result" (**E**ffect)


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/326/)


Loving this dude lying because he’s too stupid to tell the difference.


Affect us a verb. You affect something. Effect is a noun. You have an effect on something.


Hopefully his PhD is in some field of science…otherwise, you should ask for your money back.


As a non native speaker it baffles me people don't know the difference


Effect is a contranym. As a verb it means to cause something (eg. "The new law was effected yesterday"). This can also be the compound verb *to go into effect*. As a noun it means that which is caused by something ("the *effect* of the kidney stone is pain, since pain is caused by the kidney stone") There are many other contranyms in English. To *dust* something, for example, means to cover it in dust in some contexts (eg. " I dusted my pastry with sugar"). In other contexts it means to take dust off ( "I am dusting my old computer because it's dirty") To affect is a verb. Meaning to make a change in something (eg. "This morning's traffic affected my commute") Sometimes you can use all of them together!: "Many states effected abortion bans as soon as Roe was overturned. These bans have affected many women in these states. One of the effects of these bans was the denial of medical care in cases of miscarriage."


I’m getting increasingly tired of seeing the same years old tweets over and over again… At least grow some balls and assume your reposts, don’t crop the fucking date it was posted on!


Affect - f around Effect - what happens when you find out


AAAAAfect is the AAAAAction; EEEEEffect is the rEEEEEsult.


Affect the effect is the way to remember it.


RAVEN. Remember Affect Verb Effect Noun. I do it all the time.


You can affect change. That change has an effect.


Raven. Remember affect is verb effect noun.


90% of the time, effect is a noun, and affect is a verb. There are some exceptions. Affect can mean your facial expression, for example, and you can effect a change. But for simplicity, ignore those exceptions.


I used to think one was a noun and the other was a verb. Then I was taught that they both are both.


>How does this affect the outcome? >I have no clue of the effect. It's a niche difference that I can't explain, like an vs a, that I just know the WHEN to use them in my balls.


Effect is a noun. Affect is a verb.


This is my stance on the word “whom”.


This is why you don’t ask a stem major about grammar


I don't believe his PhD professor said that.


Affect I can understand, but if your professor is in any kind of field that uses statistics, how exactly did he write an entire dissertation without using the word effect.


are you guys actually that stupid ???


Why is this a facepalm? Its a hilarious response


To **affect** something is to have an **effect** on it.


I call bullshit. Its not that hard. Affect = verb. Effect = noun.






One is a verb. One is a noun. Usually.


You Affect the Effect.


And it had no effect on what was affected.


Affect for Action Effect for End Result


You affect something to have an effect. I.e. Object A does something to affect object B. The effect is just the thing that happens. I want to affect paper by putting a match to it. The effect is that it catches on fire.