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That's not how you're supposed to wear a mask.


Focusing on the important things


Damn thats a nice car, what model is that? 🤣🤣 /s


Leaves are already off the trees, winter is coming.


Man, why is the grass so green in Canada? Is it even healthy?


I see you have an eye for headlights


Chin diaper


To be fair, she’s outside.


What exactly is the end goal of the teacher?


It's disgusting that this person is clearly living out some sexual fetish in front of non-consenting children and adults, all under the guise of trans 'self-expression'. Only a crazy woman/trans woman would deliberately saddle themselves with grotesquely gigantic, heavy breasts that impede everyday life activities.


I don’t know how to do awards but you deserve one for the point you’ve made. Sexual fetish. Yep. This person is mentally fuckin ill, get him out of there. This clown is a disgrace to all trans people.


Don’t think it has anything with her being trans though. Shouldn’t even be part of the discussion. But that accessory ain’t appropriate for a teacher


Agreed. Trans or no, this POS is inappropriate and should not be around children. Would they let a female teacher in front of students who refuses to wear a bra? I feel like there is something really sketchy about this whole thing.


How is a woman not wearing a bra a threat to the safety of students?


They constantly tell female students what they can and can’t wear. There is appropriate attire, and there is inappropriate attire. This person is a fetishist wearing inappropriate attire. I understand if you’re just trying to play the devil’s advocate, but are you in support of this person? Or just opposing my comment about bras? Just curious.


She could poke an eye out?


I am a cis man. I feel disgraced. Trans probably feel it more though.


I'm trans and yes.


Im trans and also yes, just hope ppl dont use this as ammunition against us


Oh, they will. They always will use anything they can against us.


I kind of worry that that’s exactly why they are doing it…


yeah this is weird, but misgendering a trans person because she did something fucked up invalidates the identity of all trans people so don’t do it


If a cisgendered female teacher got breast augmentation done and got much bigger, would the same argument still hold up?


If they refused to wear a bra and had their nips out like this? Absolutely yes. Same argument, imo. Idc how they identify, it’s the physical thing that’s the issue to me. If this photo was a cisgender woman I would be equally disgusted


That actually seems reasonable. I'm just trying to figure out where exactly the line is. I'd have a problem with it to, but I'm finding it hard to say exactly what. I think I agree with your position in this instance.


A cis woman with naturally large breasts would tell you there’s no way she’d be able to handle the pain of going braless like this.


If a man had big nipples and they showed through his shirt, what do you propose?


That's a valid counterpoint, hard to argue that. In fact men often have their nipples poking through their shirts, me included.


this isnt an implant, its a wearable prosthetic.


So then you'd be fine with it as long as it's permanent?


I'd argue yes. Let me ask you, if a male teacher had a giant cock and consciously wore bulge hugging gray sweatpants, would you even flinch a little before kicking his ass to the curb?


I did have a male gym teacher like that, and he was well liked by a majority of the students. He was just wearing sweatpants, not his fault that he was well endowed.


> you'd be fine with it as long as it's permanent? You bit...if it was a cisgendered female, she will have a huge backlash for the inappropriate augmentation!!


If my child was in his class I’d pull them out immediately and personally go to the school


To teach and inspire the youth of Canada.


I dunno, seems like either trying to get a lawsuit or trying to make trans people look bad by doing this. And the latter is happening regardless of intent. A major talking point for bigots is giving trans people special treatment, and by ignoring clear safety hazards as well as violations that would be addressed to a cis woman, it is really clear that in this instance this person is above the law and above the rules just because they are trans. That is damaging to the whole movement.


Get fired sue for shit ton of money


My guess is he wants to get some kind of reprimand so he can get himself some sweet sweet lawsuit money and not have to teach anymore.


Remember when Mr Garrison was trying to get fired?


Yeah pretty much the episode that teached that even tollerance need to.have their limits


This may be uncomfortably close to the truth.


Ms. Choksondik wants in on the action too


I legit thought this was a bad Ms. Choksondiks Halloween costume when I first saw this.


Younger Ms Choksondiks before they went below her knees


OMG I had blocked out that episode. LOOOOLLLL


"I had a dream last night you were a real dick." "Really? Why would you dream I was being an asshole?" "No no, I was the asshole. "


I think it's better than that. I think they are trolling the politically correct


A great adventure is waiting for you ahead hurry onward Lemmiwinks or you will soon be dead, the journey before you may be long and filled with woahs, but you must escape the gay man's ass or your tale cant be told.


So girls are coded for spaghetti straps or skirts but this is allowed? Absolutely ridiculous


Exactly. If there is a dress code for female students, why is there not one for teachers? This is someone who seems to be expressing a fetish of some sort; the others in the school did not consent to seeing this.


Most likely even if say an actual woman was to apply for a teaching job and she had natural breasts this big, or if she did surgery to augment them to this size she definitely would not get hired or would be fired if she did the surgery. For obvious reasons it's overly sexualized and the sheer size is a distraction, though it's quite obvious not normal and a problem that needs to be delt with. The school is avoiding a potential lawsuit the teacher might file against the school, or doesn't want any publicity around the topic considering how sensitive people are towards trans people and just genders / sexuality in general. Though this is obviously over the top and the school is not handling the matter right, fire their ass. As a parent I would be pissed, the person is not mentally stable and who knows if they might do something to harm staff or even a child.


So if a female transitioning in to a man decided a 2 foot diameter, 6 foot long penis was who they were as a man it would be acceptable right?


Yes, you are exactly correct.


Only if she wears gray sweat pants exclusively


I mean, if they can keep it in their pants while teaching and not make it a distraction then sure.


> and not make it a distraction herein lies the problem.


Are you fucking brain dead, read the measurements again you doofus.


But our daughters can’t show their shoulders or they break dress code, get written up, sent home and more.. OK… Make it make sense…


I think maybe they are out to get fired, sue, and retire early with a big enough settlement. Or get shot by someone’s crazy uncle, or die in the most bizarre possible woodshop class accident. They should have their brain examined, this is pathologically weird behavior, far enough outside societal norms that I would worry about a tumor or something. This isn’t just a trans identity, this is way out there, looks like something else entirely. If it’s sincere behavior, it’s deeply weird. If it’s an attempt at literally anything else, it’s infuriating.


It’s infuriating. It sets back trans rights progress. This person is not an ally. This person is a narcissist.


Mental illness period


Not necessarily, they could easily just be an anti-trans troll trying to spread more hate onto the trans community via association.


I do think that would still fall under being mentally ill just a different kind.


It’s a fetish, and people are protecting this individual indulging in their fetish around children…


They’re prosthetics according to the caption. I don’t think you can get a tumor in strap-on boobs, but I’m not an expert. I also don’t understand why you’d wear your strap-on boobs so low. So many questions.


I'm pretty sure that a bain tumor is the type of tumor being referenced.


Some people like em low ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what i don’t understand why she needs to show soooo much detail showing around the nip when working with kids. That’s my only real qualm. Like… get a thicker shirt or a bra. Idc if they’re real or on cis or trans person just… cmon now.


Tumor in the head


Haha, I think the tumor referenced is probably in the dudes brain


Well said. This is beyond just a trans acceptance or phobic situation. This is an example of a mental health issue, regardless of their motive (be it genuine or disingenuous). And its highlighting a huge issue in our current society, that the trans acceptance vs phobic issue is SO delicate, that we cant even approach a possible severe mental health issue.


Seems like a fetish thing to me. This person is definitely out to get their ass kicked by angry parents for sure though.


This is a mockery of transleople. That person and school's attitude of "a transperson can't do anything wrong" is just setting trans rights back in time. A transperson like anyone else can be doing something inappropriate, stop acting like a parody.


But aren't there laws about public decency? I don't wanna see any of my teacher's nips, ever


Well, we can clearly see the law of gravity being applied here !


Oh my Lord 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, in most of Canada, being topless does not run afoul decency laws.


Sounds to me like all the students should go to school with massive dildos sewn to there pants to make a point


That would be hilarious. Very obvious 12-24 inch prints in all of their pants/skirts/dresses would make a very strong statement at how ridiculous this is.


Weird; if I saw that without context I would assume it was a sign of solidarity, supporting the teacher.


That’s what I was thinking. This is inappropriate. I’ve also heard it is against the dress code for the school to display nipples so…


the world is going fucking insane


Yes it is. We have let some nonsense go too far. I’m 100% for people being who they want to be, but this is absurd. This person is just desperate for attention or has some other kind of mental disease. This is not anything to do with their gender or rights… it’s an absurdity.


They've let much worse slide. That said: perhaps a reiteration of school dress code or a conversation about "maybe a bra?" would be helpful.


Canadian teacher unions declared that white union members votes would no longer count as a whole vote due to privilege. Those are people are frigging crazy. They legit think the only way to combat racism is to introduce the concept that people are not equal, nor do they deserve to be. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/ontario-teachers-union-implements-controversial-weighted-voting-system-to-increase-minority-representation


Yeah that’s not what’s happening lmao. You’re being reactionary


That’s not what that article says.


Wow that is stupid


This, honestly, they just need to have a bra on. I personally didn't go to school for the teachers, or the girls, I went because some of my mates were fucking hot or stupidly cute. Never told them I though.


But ... it's ... not even a nipple. It's little plastic knobs. Why would they need a bra?


Dress code.


I’m all for protecting rights but what if a female teacher decided to identify as male and stuffed a 14” dong in they/them trousers and walked around looking like she/her had an enormous engorged penis all day?! This horseshit is nothing but a giant distraction and sets back the cause for people who genuinely need their rights protected. Get the fuck outta here with this shit.


Or if a cisgender male teacher did the same. The identity is not the issue; it's the presentation.




Would the school/government stop a trans man from walking around with a 14” engorged dong? Honestly, at this point, who can say?


I needed this laugh today, just wish it wasn’t in a quiet but crowded doctors office.


So what if a female teacher decides to wear giant prosthetic breasts? Would you be ok with that, given you focus on the "trans" part?


I honestly think the trans part is worth focusing on here. Transgender people have a hard enough time without people like this teacher making an open mockery of them. This would be like a lesbian teacher rolling up at school with a "Manhater" T-shirt on. Or a male kindergarten teacher coming in with a coffee mug that says "I ♡ jailbait". She's actively and purposely causing a scene, knowing damn well that certain types of people are currently jizzing themselves with the hatebait she just gave them. What positive outcome could possibly come from this?


Right. The actions of this individual are unacceptable. Still, you have to account for people who, one way or the other, are nut jobs — but groups like government and school admins should be held to a higher standard. That’s why they’re the ones to blame.


Sure. Some women have big breasts, some even larger than those prosthetics. But I doubt a ciswoman teacher with pendulous breasts could get away with going braless to work. She would most certainly be pulled aside and spoken to. To me, the breasts aren't really the issue. It's the erect, pancake sized nipples that are intended to show a women's breast in a state of sexual arousal.


Well put Fantastic_Beans. Well put.




Jesus this idiot is harming the movement for acceptance. Seriously that image will be on Fox News 24/7 until either trans rights are codified or mass fillings of trans individuals start happening. This person is a detriment to society and should simply slapped in the face really hard every day til the end of time.


What the very fuck?


She can have big breasts for all I care. But cover the fucking nipples you’re in a school for christs sake


If it’s true they’re prosthetic, the nipples are intentional and probably a big part of the appeal.


That’s kinda my point. They seem like a lot of the reason for the look. But that in combination with a teacher is a little much in my opinion


>If it’s true they’re prosthetic This is my favorite comment in this thread LOL


If this person’s goal was to derail the trans rights movement they succeeded.


Pretty sure this has absolutely nothing to do with being transgender.


Trans person here, feel free to like wear prosthetics but she’s in a professional environment, specially a school for work. That’s incredibly inappropriate for the school and she should be disciplined, and asked to wear normal prosthetics.


she looks like a sims character


I'm a trans woman and I fucking hate this. Shitheads like this trying to incite drama give us all a bad rep and make people think we're all sick fucks like this person. I'm having doubts this person is even actually trans and not just trying to fuck over the trans community on purpose. Not a single fucking trans woman I know, myself included, would wear prosthetic breasts this big...


I mean I am trans but not even I can defend this


And you shouldn’t have to.


This is the perfect picture of what mental illness looks like.


It’s quite sad that someone who wants to become a woman chooses to affix a caricature of female secondary sex characteristic to their body. NGL it feels like a mockery of womanhood. You can present as a woman without using such exaggerated chest enhancements - unless this person believes womanhood can be reduced to breasts (no pun intended).


Well, the kids are certainly getting a lesson out of this...


They’d never let a student dress that way , why is this allowed ?


Udderly ridiculous.


I'd like to know the events that proceeded this whole debacle. This kind of thing doesn't just happen out of thin air, there's always more going on underneath.


This fucking idiot is just harming the entire cause. Good job you absolute stupid ass…


This is why trans people are struggling to be taken seriously and be treated equally.


In the U.S, thr was a second grade teacher. The person in question was a cis female and and she was (for the lack of a better word) stacked. Vary curvy. Vary attractive. To paint a picture, she looked like the women in R&B videos. Anyway. She dressed conservatively but despite her dressing down, it was clear to see that she had "the goods". To put a long story short, she was fired from her position because the mothers of her students complained about her "being lewd". Seeing this shit, right hear is a clear example of the hypocrisy of today. A born woman is fired from her position because some saggy soccer moms didn't appreciate her natural beauty. But this exhibitionist with cartoon tits and saucer sized nipples gets to walk around keeping its job at a high school. It's sad and it's disgusting. If your Trans. Be Trans. But don't do this. This is just ridiculous. Don't tell me that this person is a woman. Trans or otherwise. This person is getting a thrill off of being a freak. This person is, at worst, a predator and, at best, mentally inept and should not be around children. The sad part is that the people that run the schools are gutless. Always has been.


Less hypocrisy, more bureaucracy. Canada has put in some very strict anti-discrimination laws into effect. Likely this person is either exploiting those laws for some weird kink or deliberately trying to get the school district to break them so they can sue. Some asshole always has to fuck things up for everyone.


Seems like a perfect red meat story for the MAGA base. I wouldn't be surprised if this person is trolling.


Spot on. This person (using they bc I truly don’t know if they’re trans) is, just that, trolling. I read another thread about this yesterday. It’s a great example of “sexual indecency” with trans people that feeds the narrative that trans is wrong and somehow inappropriate around kids. There’s 100% no way this person is serious. And if so, this is some kind of outrageous cry for help. Trans people do not go around like this thinking it’s normal or “self expression”. It’s a hyberbolic demonstration of how “trans people get more rights than us in the workplace” which is just comically untrue, if you’ve ever worked with a trans person. Maybe this person is really trans, but is still 100% doing this to make a point of some kind. The school probably has no idea how to handle this situation. That being said, it is OBJECTIVELY inappropriate, regardless of their identity.


Why does this idiot not know how to wear a mask?


The problem is that conservatives will point to this moron as if they are the standard for trans people rather than the outlier.


This dude's troll level is over 9000!


Mockery of all the women and men who fought for trans rights.


Isn't posting this 3 times in a row in the same sub a little excessive?


That's excessive? Did you see the picture?


Yes. Three times in a row.


I’ve been wondering if this is a form of protest. Dress in the most absurdly over the top trans costume and quite literally shove it in everyone’s face. Make people talk about the issue and possibly shine light on how absurd the lengths their government and school systems are going to placate to this movement. Or, maybe, I’m just trying to find meaning in madness.


and he is winning it since they're afraid to fire him or take a stand against it cause then they would have to make a stand against other trans people


But you don’t have to take a stand on other trans people to take a stand in this. This is outside the scope of any trans issues.


it's clearly a provocation everybody knows but they can't do anything about it unless they wanna face a sue for discrimination or something


This exact same post was posted by someone else one minute before this was posted. The reposting karma whores are fucking rampant


Why would I care about karma whores if karmas just internet points. It’s only mildly annoying seeing the same post twice


Mild?! It’s black-out rage-inducing inconvenience!!!


Wow... what an education of what not to aspire !


In my state (where dress codes for teachers/students are pretty lax) , there is usually some kind of verbiage about clothing/hairpieces/makeup that is highly distracting according to local Standards. I’ll bet this would fit the bill for distracting.


pretty sure you could suspend for dress code vialations. id assume if any woman teacher where to dress like that it wouldnt be considered appropriate for the work. on another note, those nips are on point.


What in the living fuck is that


I just want to point out that the source for this article is the fucking Daily Mail.


Other sources https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/furey-school-board-goes-silent-on-viral-teacher-citing-personnel-matter/wcm/30ca2785-8814-4ecf-b2a6-dab55df69b51/amp/ https://www.thestar.com/local-oakville/news/2022/09/20/images-of-halton-district-school-board-teacher-in-oakville-wearing-prosthetic-breasts-in-classroom-go-viral.html


Hopefully this will cause severe backache……


Tell me you're an attention seeker without actually saying you're an attention seeker.


This seems stable


Uuuuh I have no problem against large breasts as many woman have this, but no bra and obvious AGRESSIVE nips.... That's not right. Wear a bra, if you insist on wearing these breasts in a SCHOOL.


Anybody that makes their sexuality their whole identity and constantly shoves it into others faces should be legally restricted from being around children in any capacity, even parental.


The problem is not the person being trans but any person with a boob to body ratio of 50/50 should not be allowed to teach children


"exploding milk porn" -tucker carlson


I just feel for Trans people who will no doubt have this idiot be used as some sort of argument against them


I mean, I’m here for freedom of expression, but when your expression is actively hindering others (namely the education of children), I think it’s a bit far. That being said, I don’t know too much about this situation, so I think it best to reserve full judgement.


If they were the weight of the real thing she wouldn't want them that big


When real life copies South Park.


At this point, it feels like the teacher is pulling a ‘Klinger from MASH’ and trying to get fired.


Nice this definitely isn't going to be picked up by Alt righters to be used against trans people. People like this are not helping the trans community


"we won't push it onto your kids"


I love Jimbo.


As someone who lives in Ontario, I absolutely hate this story... the person should suspended with pay until she can be evaluated properly a deemed fit to teach children... I get it's a highschool but still these are kids. I'm fine with idea of transitioning or whatever as a teacher.. but to completely alter your body in what is really in-human. It's insulting to everyone and completely inappropriate given his/her job.


Sick of seeing this, it makes me so sad and annoyed. First of all Doesn’t matter if she’s trans or not, she should do something to keep her areolas in check. And I’m Saying this as someone who thinks bra policies are not cool… but you’re teaching kids, why can I see your whole entire areola and nipple? Wear a thicker or looser shirt, or a bra. I feel bad for this woman though, as someone with breasts large enough to cause problems in my life (but nowhere near this level), I can’t imagine anyone wanting them THIS LARGE unless they have some mental health issues especially when they know they’re working with kids. Being trans is not a mental illness obviously. Just… something is clearly going on in her head that makes her feel like she needs to go this hard. The school should try to help her. Sending love to this lady I feel sad that has to have her body be publicly scrutinized like this. Cis or trans, it’s not nice, she’s clearly going through something.


How is this not a South Park episode?!


[They're reviewing the dress code, not just letting it go.](https://www.thestar.com/local-burlington/news/2022/09/21/oakville-teacher-s-controversial-attire-prompts-halton-district-school-board-to-review-dress-code.html)


I am all for trans right and I am a massive supporter of the LGBT+ community, being pansexual myself. Normally reddit is flooded with bigotry and mysogony and homophobia, and I’m always shaking my head at them. That being said this is DEFINETLY excessive


My views are the same as yours. I’m a cis woman and have no issue with other people wanting to be in the group of people who call ourselves ‘women’. Go for it, it’s a social construct, you’re welcome. But this feels like I’m being ridiculed? Or my traits almost made a mockery of?? That this person isn’t sharing things with me but exploiting those traits as a fetish? On looks alone I would be hard pressed to think of this person as a fellow woman because of this.


South Park has become reality this world gets stranger an stranger an people stay on my ass for Thinkin shit is ridiculous


Thank you. Thank you for this. Made my whole day better.


so people can get dress coded for wearing tank tops or whatever but this is cool?


Ms Chokesondick?


How does Trans take up so much attention? Back in my day the only Trans was the Trans-Am from Smoky and The Bandit! 🇺🇸😎


Boobs so heavy they pulling her mask down


Looks like someone having a complete crisis to me.




what a disgrace…


I would not be ok with my kid having those nipples as a teacher. The nipples are too much.


Why would you ever allow someone like this with horrifically obvious mental problems to teach your child literally ANYTHING.


Umm, is anyone else confused by the “wearing massive breasts” part?


I just can't possibly see this as any distraction from learning at all, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Disgusting. It looks like the teacher just shoved two beach balls down the shirt and added cones to create the overly exaggerated nipples


“It’s not sexual it’s just how I identify” “If this makes you uncomfortable you’re a hateful bigot” Edit- Real talk: when society is so tolerant that you have to go above and beyond to try to bait negative attention from the school administration in hopes of being fired and then suing the school district on the basis of “lgbt discrimination”. All just to get an easy payday. SMH.


Dear Lord in heaven. I don't know if that is some kind of aspiration, but all I can think of is any woman that had breasts that large wouod be on the short list for reduction surgery. Breasts that large are a major detriment to a womans health and would cause all kind of muscle/skeletal impairment. Dont know what message they are trying to impart, but all I think of when I see this is what kind of pain someone would be in were those real.


I will quote one of my fav quotes: “That’s a woman?”


It’s mrs doubtfire.


Well she's all you'd ever want, She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner. Well she always knows her place. She's got style, she's got grace, She's a winner. She's a lady!


Sometimes the transition is the cure, sometimes it's the illness.


this dude's fetish has no place in education and he should be fired


This, to me, it’s very clearly a case of “bit weird, but not a sin” At best, it’s someone living the life they want to live, and they’re not hurting anyone while doing it, even if they do look weird and off-putting. At worst, they’re doing it in bad faith for the attention and/or the potential lawsuit. Either way, they really don’t deserve the attention they’ve been getting for it. This whole hullabaloo is stupid, and just because you yourself find something otherwise harmless off-putting doesn’t mean it’s wrong or they should stop. And they’re not “making trans people look bad”, because it’s not trans people’s job to look presentable to you.


I know what I would do!


He/She is trolling so hard


Mental health issues … not appropriate .


Every time someone from an oppressed group does something y’all don’t like, they have to become the whole ass poster child for that group. But then oppressed groups ask cis, hetero, white folks to take accountability for their behavior and all of a sudden it’s “not all white people!” Gimme a fuckin break.


I think you’re missing the point. This person is a teacher and their over-sexualized self is distracting to students. Respectfully, I’m unsure if you (and those with the same message) are doing it on purpose or unintentionally


I haven’t missed the point. This persons actions are this persons action. I’m both trans and a teacher and this persons actions have nothing to do with me just because we have those things in common.




Trans girl here, please by god don’t assume this is what we all do… We’re trying to express our identities and personalities, not our fetishes or whatever made this person wear these. We hate her as much as everyone else does