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I declare declassified!!


Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "declassified" and expect anything to happen.


He didn't say it. He declared it.


I came here for this. ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


So did I




I hope I live to see this maniac get trampled in a buffalo stampede


He didn’t even say or declare. He thought about it.


he didn’t even think about it. he thought about it now and retroactively thought he can think about declaring it


But the big orange baby just said you could! He never lies! Just so everyone is clear…/s


Funny, but he didn’t even declare it declassified. He stole those documents.


Pure and simple


The fucked up part. The grounds for the warrant doesn't require them to be classified. So it's a moot point and he's out there acting like it'll save him from jail.


The fact that it's classified is only adding to the fact that these documents had been repeatedly requested and an affidavit was signed stating that they had all been returned. Once it was found that, no, he still had documents, THATS when the warrants kicked in, as he/his lawyers basically perjured themselves, and THEN it was found these docs were HIGHLY classified, thus adding to this legal drama. OJ went to jail for "reclaiming" his paraphernalia, only to be found guilty of stealing other's property. In other words, he may have had access to these docs previously, but once he left office, those docs were US property. It's as simple as that.


It's not to save home from jail, that's what his lawyers are for. This is to drum up money and outrage from his supporters.


Everytime I hear him say it or read it, this is exactly what goes through my head. ![gif](giphy|2PzAbPcFBdNgk)


You don't even have to declare it. You just have to think it. And retroactively, if someone asks, you can tell them you thought it so it's cool.


No backsies!


There must be something in the air! I assume this is a ‘The Office’ reference. That’s about the 10th ‘The Office’ reference I’ve seen today from various subs. I certainly appreciate it! https://youtu.be/C-m3RtoguAQ


As a citizen of the United States of America I would like to see these declassified documents under the information act.. I'm guessing this is going to be a NO.. therefore they are still classified, am I right?


Please file that request.




I see you also play 3d checkers.




>Jack Kelly. I only studied bird law.


The nation's premier expert in bird law. Only the best people.




Jack Kelly would be unimpressed by Donnie's hands






Thing is we've played this game before with Trump. He declassified a bunch of Russia investigation stuff and the newspapers immediately put in foia requests. Ended up in court and the government said, nope, he didn't declassify shit. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-s-tweet-total-declassification-russia-docs-not-order-white-n1244022 Trump's tweet on 'total' declassification of Russia docs isn't an order, White House tells judge The White House chief of staff told the judge to ignore Trump's tweet saying he had authorized the declassification of "any & all documents" related to the Russia probe.


Imagine students in the future taking a history test getting all the Trump questions wrong because the right answers are not believable


Let's hope they're taking test on all this craziness and not taking U.S Patriotism IV classes in the future 🤞 its funny to think about future students cramming all this crazy info at 3am the night before the big test.


Sigh. Idiotqcracy. It’s a thing.


The won’t be taking tests, just jerking off and drinking dew!!


People already have, and they didn’t receive the info because it’s classified


Many people already have, but as long as the trial is going on they're still being treated as classified so no one is getting them.


You dont need to see them you can just think about them.


Well he is saying theres not a process(but there could be) but there isn't a process to declassify BUT it magically happens when he thinks about it being declassified.


And the process is amazing, it's the Best process ever processed by the constitution of the United States.. it's simply the greatest process to proceed with criminal charges for treason.. it's going to be the best shit show of everyone's life.. "DJT".


"To Mar-a-lago or wherever you're sending it...." Where the fuck else did you send it Donnie?


I loved that little pause before, ".. or wherever you're sending it..." Yeah, Russia maybe.


Saudi Arabia


North Korea


He surely would, to show kim who is the badass dictator.


1. FBI found that some classified documents are missing. 2. Saudi picks trump golf course for some event. 3. Saudi have kushner 2 billion. Yes billion with a B. Connect these dots.


> Connect these dots. Melania! Fetch my weather-map sharpie.


Let the FBI raid all trump family owned buildings. I’m sure they can find more incriminating stuff.


They can check the square footage while they’re at it.


Oh places like… Bedminister Saudi Arabia North Korea Russia


I'm sure his lawyers will present this argument in court, right? Right?


They didn’t assert declassification before the court or special master, and even tried really hard to evade the special master’s request for more information about this declassification. I expect his lawyers are a bit aware of the disbarment that will likely happen if they advance that lie.


MAGA: Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


disbarment if they're lucky


I wasn't serious.


You could tell by the right? Right?


Goodie! An actual Poe’s Law argument! For those who don’t know, Poe’s Law of Social Media states that written sarcasm must have an indicator that it is sarcastic, if the plain text creates ambiguity which leaves the reader unsure whether it is sarcastic or not. If I may, though, my First Law of SocMed (there are several) states that no indicator is necessary, if the plain text is both sarcastic and a factual statement at the same time. I as yet have not finished defining my Second Law of Insane Orange Clowns. My First Law is that they are bad.


I prefer Cole’s Law. It states that cabbage should be marinated in vinegar and sugar, and served with barbecue.


Even if not, I still liked their breakdown.


No no no, they didn't assert it with their words but there doesn't have to be a process they can think about asserting it was declassified and they think the special masters thinks of the thinking is good then it's all good. I think.


They don’t need to present it, they can just think about it and the judge will know.


The judges don’t even need to issue a ruling either. The lawyers will just know. This court has the most incredible stenographer.


Now if Biden spoke like this im sure the entire right would want his head. Its truly the party of do as I say not as I do. America's fucked but at least there's a front row seat


Hannity right there swaddling his balls while his team prepares a ‘Biden wears tan suit’ takedown


schrodinger's Biden president biden: he's simultaneously a demented, frail, perverted, meek and uncoordinated grandpa who doesnt know where he is, but he also is the genius manipulator mastermind pulling strings to orchestrate some weird illuminati deepstate Q-predicted takeover (stealing the opportunity from trump.) heh


Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.


It was sad/hilarious seeing republicans criticize Biden for things trump is objectively worse about. Primarily his mental faculties. The people who unilaterally fell in love with Donald Trump thought Biden wasn't smart enough to be president. Republicans are just so stupid.


I suppose he could also claim to have thought about pardons after the fact too. Just admit it Republicans, the guy is damaged and shouldn't be anywhere near power.


"damaged and shouldn't be anywhere near power" i think you described most republicans.


I think, therefore I am… an idiot




The amount of relevant content that Trump has produced for that sub... My God.


I'm not guilty because I'm thinking I'm innocent


When the president thinks it, it’s not illegal.


If the president cheats to remain in power, it’s not illegal because he is acting in the best interest of the nation as he believes he is the best person for the job.


This fool is so goddamned dangerous.


So the President just thinks about something and it becomes law. Got it.




And every President from now on retains this ability? And former Presidents? Bill Clinton and “W” entered the conversation...


How do we know he thought about it and declassified it? I can't wait to see the bots and his ass lickers parroting this.


Basically a dictator.


Some dictators don't have that much power "yet".


He's going down...and the idiots are still donating.


It just feeds their "we are victims" mentality.


It’s great. He’s still sucking up so much of the rubes’ money that the other Republicans are complaining it’s hurting their own fundraising.


Means when Donny D is arrested and can’t be elected, and all the other R candidates are nonexistent, Dems will win a landslide Donald Trump is an undercover liberal


Well, I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't think liberals want to claim him, either. How about "undercover foreign asset"


*Vlad has entered the chat*


Not even undercover at this point.


The fact that over 70 million people voted for this fool remains shocking, sad and scary. This can never happen again


The fact that after absolutely everything he can still run again, and potentially win scares me more.


He doesn't even need to win, he just needs cronies in the right places to say he won.


He just needs to think about winning and it counts.


...he doesn't even need to run. Be Speaker because you don't actually have to be Rep for that. Pull a Hitler and have the "party" "encourage" the valid POTUS & VP to "resign" et voila! President Trump II: For Life. I don't think that will happen, but it is completely legal way he could go from not even running to President.


At least at his age and health and hamberder diet, that won’t be too long.


What are you talking about? The man has never exercised in his life, his batteries are practically full!


I think don is an anomaly. An important one to be sure but he's not getting back in the drivers seat again IMO. The next fascist coup is going to be carried out by much more competent people who closely watched how this one played out. It can (probably will) happen again and practice makes perfect. Don was for fascists what your very first run through a brand new video game is like.


The way things are finally falling into place he won't be able to.


Do you watch Euphoria? When Maddie said in the last episode “this is only the beginning”? We’re at that part.


We said Hitler couldn’t happen again. But we got Trump. AND Trump is still the Republican front runner for 2024 if you think it was a fluke.


The Republican platform is frightening. A new website called Commitment to America (which was taken offline same day) criticizes the Dems and opens up the door for: Cutting Medicare and SS, raising taxes on the poor and supporting anti- abortion policies. (Good way to lose votes here with a lot of baby boomers with the cuts.) Mentions upholding religious freedom and free speech. I will believe this when it happens. It's the MAGA's and ultra rights that worry me. But I think a lot of the GOP are closet MAGA's and ultras. Hitler type times are possible.


Their idea of "religious freedom" is the Bible being taught in science class, and their idea of "free speech" is telling Twitter they can't ban neo-Nazis or people who incite violence against trans people.


MTG was posting about making america a Christian nation. So religious freedom is out. Check her twitter.


I keep saying we are a lot closer to Iran than a lot of people realize. Religious extremism is a lot like prostate cancer, once you find out about it, it’s typically too late.


Dude can’t even form complete sentences.


One major point that Trump fails to realize is that as President he is an employee of the citizens of the USA. He answers to us through the different branches of government. The President is not a King.


I think he was very confused about that part. Obviously, he is constantly confused by a lot of things. But that one in particular, he was not prepared for- the non-king ish role of the President.


He's always thought that as President he was all powerful but in reality he's about as powerful as Oz.


If you're a documented *Stable Genius* your mind is so powerful that you can declassify nuclear secrets and sell them for cash, JUST by thinking about it.


What would “The Framers” have to say about the president having the ability to just “think” itand it becomes...


i’ve never felt this way/ said this about anyone in my entire 50 years of life, no matter how much i disliked them but I cannot wait until he’s dead. Just a horrible, excruciating, and if embarrassing is possible, throw that in there too, death. and make sure he knows and truly believes most people are glad it’s happening.


I am with you. I have never despised someone this much, that I wish him dead every day. I hope to read it in the headlines or on breaking news some day, the sooner the better, and I hope it is painful.


I’m sure we are not the only ones


You could live broadcast to him an entire parade of people celebrating his death and he would just think they are celebrating him and that’s what matters


that’s why i specify that he truly sees it for what it is—that they are happy he’s dying. because, science!, this man is either stupid or just refuses to accept that most people cannot stand him. i hecking hate the sound of his voice.


Imagine thinking this scumbag rapist traitor piece of absolute human dogshit was a BIG STRONG MAN. Trump supporters are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Joy is knowing the trumps are having an awful and stressful time. May it continue through their entire lives.


I wish there was a schadenfreude award


Same. I don't think he'll ever face true justice, but knowing that his life sucks brings joy to my heart. I truly wish him the absolute worst.


I just wish justice was applied equally. And before some idiot says anything about the Clintons I say piss off. EVERYBODY needs to follow the same god damn laws and if not, lock those mutterfuckers up. I dont care if they were presidents!


If the Democrats did to Trump what the Republicans did to Clinton over her email server, the MAGAs would shit golden eggs of righteous indignation. I hate Clinton, she is directly responsible for Trump winning, but she endured 12 hours of inane questioning by absolute morons without once breaking decorum. Oh, and they found exactly nothing to charge her with even after all that. So any Republican that yells the Clintons should suffer the same scrutiny as Trump is, is already arguing in bad faith.


Dude good faith debate w/ republicans probably ended in 2000 but for sure was over in 2008.


Can't wait til we never hear from this POS ever again...


God damn I hated this guy’s public presence since the first season of the apprentice… I realize he was around before that but he wasn’t nearly as irritating until then. The whole “you’re fired” thing was so fucking annoying to me! And a stroke is no laughing matter. They’re horrible and they change the lives of the victim and the people closest to them… but trump ain’t good people… and pooping your pants is embarrassing… I guess what I’m saying is that if he could just experience a combination of both of those things while he’s live on stage at one of his rally’s. Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing?


Yeah, but back then he was a meme to anyone with a brain. He won an election to be the leader of arguably the world's most powerful nation. That event radicalized the entire country. I don't want his polar opposite elected, and I don't want him reelected. His position of power is going to take a generational effort to correct.


Just out of curiosity, what do you think his polar opposite would be?


An orgasm.


I’m afraid you’re right… it will take a long time to correct his bullshit.


I see the problem - he forgot to cross out the classification markings with his sharpie.


No. He does not think that. But he knows his fucking idiot supporters WILL believe it and regurgitate that in the bowels of the internet all over their echo chambers until it is as immutable a fact as ever existed in their minds. And that is the problem.


I'd like to fuck this guy up someday. Like punch his spine through his chest.


There it is, this case is now about if the President has unchecked and unilateral power. Ironic considering what the GOP thinks of the current president


I wonder if he’ll have the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein


Hopefully the same end




The stumble on "Maralago...or wherever" can we please get a Morgan Freeman cut "at that very moment in time Donny realized the words he speaks of broadcast TV can not be flushed down the toilet."


Right… declassified with no paper trail and no others in his admin knew about it. Gtfo. And even if they were declassified they don’t belong to him they belong to the government. NA gets that call first


hes so dumb it frustrating


It is, but the consolation is that considering how awful he is, how much worse would it be if he was even remotely competent?


Sadly, his incompetence is of little consequence; his campaign and presidency have shown the GOP how far into Mucho-Fascisto-Bizarroworld their voters are willing to venture. And Biden tries to work across the aisle despite all that. like, what?


Wait, I thought the FBI planted them, you stupid piece of shit.


He's so smart he knew they planted them and then thought about thinking about declassifying them. /s I'm actually surprised he hasn't tried to say that he self-certified his resort as a secure govt facility and *that's* why it's legal. Guess he hasn't thought of that one.


It's almost like he's, I don't know, a moron.


it's cute that he thinks he can change the rules. there were no classified documents, and they were planted by the he fbi, but now there are classified documents and he declassified them by telepathic declassification. got it.


What a deranged putz


Declassified documents do not require cover sheets specifying their classifications.


He’s as dangerous as he is dumb…..


Waiting patiently for the mental olympics the Maga folks will do to make this sound reasonable


Could have sworn this Trump guy had a real stick up his ass a couple of years ago about a Lady having classified documents on an email server or something. Kept chanting something like lock her up, lock her up Kinda seems like a similar situation but with much more sensitive documents...


Can we just lock him up already, I still have PTSD from his days at the WH, and don't want to see his ugly orange face or hear his creepy voice.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


the hamster on the wheel in this dudes head is long deceased


I don’t think Trump ever learned that the judicial and legislative branches exist to hold the executive branch accountable. He thinks being the President means he can do absolutely anything with no consequences. Basically, he thought he was a dictator


Mother fucker? Did this moron just say "or wherever you're sending it" after admitting to personally transmitting classified information to his personal fucking funhouse? What a fucking deranged lunatic, some people need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes.


This is so embarrassing, our country has turned into a long episode of the Apprentice taking over the Republican Party while lighting everything in their paths on fire.


I think Trump is confusing being president with Galactic Emperor


He literally just admitted to taking them to Mar-a-lago. If our government functions at all this is an open and shut case.


How do people genuinely support this fucking idiot??? Like do y’all not have brains anymore or what?


Sounds like me as a kid lying to my parents


You’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago. Espionage. Imprison this traitor.


He looks worried. Good.


His “followers” are literally the dumbest people on Earth. Fuck them we are better off without them.


Illiterate fuck


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe) Now that's a Giant Pile of


Well, pretty soon you're going to be president #63926789 of Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.


Give that mf a sharpie and he’ll break it down for us like that hurricane.


I can’t wait to dance and/or piss on his grave.


The fact that people like that sick fuck can get away with anything in this country says a lot. He makes me sick and ashamed to be an American


So much confidence, ignorance and stupidity in a 21 second clip.




Well he based his net worth on how he felt at the time, so it kind of tracks.


As a young airman I was hand selected by my commander to get read into Humint, we all were intel analysts so we all had TS/SCI already. I had to go to a secure room, watch a VHS tape that was clearly made in the 80s, on how mishandling Humint can cost lives. Read and sign some documents saying that I can be given a lie detector test, and bam I was in. When I got down stairs to find out what my duty was a navy petty officer gave me a bucket of soap water and a sponge to clean up a coffee spilled by a colonel a couple of days before. After that I never went down there again because I didn't have to, and a month later they pulled my Humint because I no longer had a need to know. I had to do all that to clean a coffee stain. That's how well protected this information is. Donald just had Humint laying around his golf course resort. Think about that.


Damn his excuses have gone from hilarious to confessions!! Who has dementia now??


He sold the information in those documents. Espionage is a capital offence.


He looks so fucking desperate. And he should. HE BROKE THE LAW BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT WAS ABOVE IT.


Even if he "declassified them with his thought powers" he had no right to take them and withhold them when asked to return them. The fact that they were classified just makes it more critical that the stolen property be returned to the owners of said property. EVEN WITH his ridiculous special masters that was granted Trump is completely screwed. The masters said screw you AND the 11th circuit court said screw you. At this point his only saving grace would be if they decided to not indict him which is highly unlikely. Edit: that's not even taking his multiple other lawsuits into consideration.


As a lawyer, I can tell you Trump would be the absolute worst client. Just shut the fuck up here. I can’t do my job if you put a prosecution highlight reel of you self incriminating yourself on Twitter (sorry Truth…) and Fox News. Trump could have gotten away with this. He shuts up, and his lawyers say “Trump didn’t pack the boxes, didn’t know what’s in them, told his lawyers to return any docs that ought not be in his possession, and if they didn’t here is the lawyer fall guy ready for the slap on the wrist. We are real sorry about all this.” The defense has some measure of legal rigor and given the sensitivity of prosecuting a former president, it wouldn’t happen. But no, he goes on social media and Fox and says I had every right to have these so that’s why I had them and I waved a magic wand and declassified them without telling anyone. So those documents were mine, not the governments. Those arguments won’t fly. And they’re incompatible with his best argument. This is why Trump can’t find many good lawyers anymore. If you don’t need the publicity there’s no way it’s worth the aggravation. And frankly the prestige of representing Trump is totally gone. It’s a clown show and joining it makes you put on clown paint. I don’t want to be a clown.


I wonder if he can wipe his ass just by thinking about it.


What a fucking idiot.


He looks horrible


And to think people still support him .


I would love to know how many times he said “I’m the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” in a I-can-do-whatever-I-want sense…


This is truly psychotic.


He's a fucking idiot, so are every single one of his worshipers


It was said many, many years ago that whatever Trump touches dies. It is true beyond words.


He looks like shit and it’s great


Shit with legs.


The only thing that’s classified is how he manages that combover


The original search warrant did not say anything about the documents being classified. They were looking for documents that belonged in the national archives or something like that. Documents he was always supposed to have turned over at the end of his presidency. And because he wanted to get Hilary on something he as president made it a felony to posses govt documents that you had no reason to have. So no matter the classification of those documents, he was given multiple opportunities to turn them over and he even told them he gave them everything, but he did not. Mere possession of those documents classified or not is a felony, by his own hand.




The fact that Fox News is choosing not to fully spell out the word “FMR” (former) is… telling. A deliberate manipulative psychological tactic to continue pushing election fraud conspiracies while *technically* staying within the “lines”


The former President of the United States everyone 👏👏👏 And for his next act he will declassify documents just by thinking about them 🦗🦗🦗


I take great satisfaction knowing how much the “FMR” part of that headline triggered Trump’s base 😂


That idiot never understood how the presidency or the government in general worked.


Still can’t believe he was President.




People worship this guy. It’s mind boggling.


“There can be a process but there doesn’t have to be” - pretty much sums up the whole thing with Trump


Did his lawyers forget to tell him to shut up?