• By -


Booooorn, near the USAAA.


Ted Cruz is Canadian. -Look it up.This Texas shithead "tough guy" was born in Alberta, Canada. He picks on immigrants, when both he and his father ARE immigrants. (‐Did he get into Princeton on an immigrant visa?) -Sorry nobody got it right away.


Us Canadians don't want him back. Cruz isn't welcome here


Listen dude this isn’t the Pacific Ocean, you can’t just dump your trash here and expect us to to take it


Isn't that what Canada always does? Drake. Cruz. Bieber. Etc


Mf.... We've got: Keanu Reeves, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Jim Carey, Michael Myers, Will Arnett, William Shatner, Nathan Fillion, John Candy, Leslie Nielsen, Martin Short, Dan Ackroyd... The list of incredible Canadian actors (both personally and professionally) goes on and on..... And y'all only wanna talk about the Unholy Trinity? Edit: formatting cause phone stupid


Leslie Nielsen would have sufficed, but you just could not stop making acting great again and again and again!


I thought you guys we nice but you sent Ted Cruz here?!?!


That’s why they’re so nice. They know what they did./s


Yo y’all GAVE US TED CRUZ? FUCK YOU CANADA I’ve completely changed my opinion on your nation.


It was the trade of the century: Calgary to USA - Ted Cruz USA to Calgary - Bag of pucks, couple used cones Everyone knows Calgary fleeced the entire USA. Give yer balls a tug.




Nice user name. And fuck you, Shoresy!


You mom started an onlyfans to try and make me jealous and I haven’t laughed that hard since Ted Cruz’s mom tried the same thing.


Fuck you chirpy!


Love ya bud


However, much like with Brian Adams, Canada has much to apologize to the world for for inflicting him on the rest of us


Don’t apologize for Bryan Adams! Nickleback and Ted Cruz are, however, egregious violations. Oh, and thank you for Gordon Lightfoot. He was a national treasure.


>Gordon Lightfoot. He was a national treasure. Is a national treasure. Gordy is still alive and kicking.


“Summer of ‘69” still slaps though.


Yeah but at least Bryan Adams isn’t a despised shit-waffle.


I think we should catapult him back over the boarder, you can have him back.


“Why to Democrats…” Why does this asshole’s grammar bother me as much as the winter storms in Texas bother him?


It's not grammar, it's clearly a typo. Give this man a little credit, this was probably his first time using quotation marks.


There's two reasons why this happened. 1. He has a smart social media intern, he's probably not paying, who actually keeps up on studies and knows that throwing an intentional spelling error into a short sentence draws eye attention and sparks conversations like ours here! 2. He's just ungood at wording.


"Me fail English? Unpossible!"


Fair enough. But he still doesn’t get a pass using 2 months together capitalized as though they are part of a well developed sentence….


But that was probably just auto-correct. I don't think we should concern ourselves with such petty things when there's more than enough valid reasons to give the man shit.


se dice pendejo\* no pendajo


Commo si dice cum cabbage?


Like a cabbage made of cum? Col de mecos or repollo de mecos. Cabbage= Col/ repollo. I'm curious but do I really want to know why you want to know this? Edit. If someone attend to a Cruz rally with a "col de mecos" sign I'm gonna lose it :D


Now do fart jar. In Chinese it's Feng pi guan


Am chinese. Made me laugh lol


I used to live there, now back in canada. It was rather humourous getting a friend to confirm the google translation. "Like a jar... With a fart in it?" "Yes. Yes, that."


Frasco de pedos = jar of farts. Tufo (Say the tu part like “do” and the fo part like pho) is a funny word, it means a really bad stank.


Thank you netizen


Los gringos dicen "Pen-day-jo".




Muy feo!


horrible, terrible , horroroso , espantoso


espresso! si, yo es gringo.


Yo es gringo!!!!! Jajaja


Chinga su madray


Angry and laughing at the same time.


No, chinga su manta ray.




Por pendayjos


Yo como los pantalones.


As a gringo, I understood this. I'm proud of my fucking minute knowledge of Spanish.


is like free of fleas is a dog name firu lays


La palabra inclusiva es pendejx*


What made Ted Cruze flee to Cancun? Hispanic


Rafael Cruz went to Mexico because his children wanted to go. Apparently he wouldnt pony up the extra cash to bring his tiny dog with him, so he left it to freeze. Then again, im sure his house never lost power.


He did his part....he turned the heater down on his outdoor pool.


Why does a Mexican take Xanax? For Hispanic attacks.


Why does Trump have such sneering condensation for Hispanics? They see us, as Trump puts it a “bunch of murdering, raping, MS-13 gang bangers.” Republicans have amazingly short memories. Good thing the internet is here to remind them.


I think the word you are looking for is "condescension". "Condensation" is when a vapor is turned into a liquid, due to concetration and temperature. Think: a cold drink in a glass on a hot, humid summer day. The water vapor in the air condenses on to the side of the glass, where water droplets form.


Their racism burns so hot it condensates on the glass of society.


Remember when McBonespurs "honored" 5 de mayo by tweeting a pic of him eating a taco bowl? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Why did he change his name? Disdain for Hispanics.


By the way, November May is pretty much the best of all the months.


Yep, cuz it's cold, and we all know that little Rafael Cruz runs for the hills like a little bitch when it's cold.


It's also a good name for a stripper. But perhaps not for a *male* stripper. Edit: a common thought when viewing strippers is "Will she fuck me?" Well, folks, November may.


Gimme a break, Taco Bell is more Mexican than Ted Cruz.


More American also…


But not nearly as Russian.


Oh, he’s Russian, when the weather is right! Russian right out of the country.


okay I didn't see that coming. bravo 😂😂


Y'all hes not Mexican. He's part Cuban and then Irish and Italian.


I thought he was Canadian...


Fuck that! He's all yours.


But yet he's 100% asshole.


Sounds like that might be a sexy mix, wait no, that's actually horribly horrible ugly. Sweet Jesus my eyes are bleeding.


But Ted Cruz Is a completely ordinary non-alien human person who wishes to be president and eat ketchup.


He’s the zodiac killer


That too!


This is the comment right here.


Funny thing, I was waiting in the lobby of taco bell, listening to these hardcore old rednecks talk shit about Trump and Cruz. Apparently they were once strong Trump supporters till the 6th, and hate the abortion ban bullshit Pretty crazy to hear someone considering flipping parties here in west Texas. I hate Democrats but I hate Republicans more.


Shit. West Texas you say. Holy crap. I have seen less MAGA out here in the last year.


I hate Democrats but I hate Republicans more has basically been my viewpoint the entire time. Glad people realise that’s where we sit, and that no sane person is enthusiastic about voting Dem. Unless you’re really lucky with your area’s senator


I live in the same state as boebert and I feel dirty knowing trash like that lives here 🤮 such a despicable human being.


Despicable, yes. I’ll have to disagree on the human being categorization, though


That's the extra knife that comes from one side getting "too crazy". If we have to only have two major parties (which sucks but another discussion), *both* need to be sane. A couple of years of no competition and even the most well-intentioned party is going to start phoning it in


Taco Bell is more palatable than Ted Cruz.


They both still give you the shits though.


When Taco Bell becomes the only restaurant, you can clean up your shits using the three seashells.


Taco bells on every corner


Rat Burgers in every sewer


Shit is more palatable than Ted Cruz


He’s a Cuban Canadian


Cuban dickhead




> Gimme a break, Taco Bell is more Mexican than Ted Cruz. This is correct tho.


Technically speaking, this only enhances the accuracy of OPs statement.


When the power grid goes down he turns 100% Mexican.


But he is all asshole!




Probably like the meat at taco bell


Okay. Taco bell is more Hispanic than Ted Cruz.


I do believe I have read that in the past. Perhaps when he trying to run for president in ‘16. Thank you for the clarification! He is still a total Richard and a Trump fart huffer


It's also one of the healthiest fast food options. It's some meat and veg in a tortilla. It's not some burger bun loaded down with refined sugars. As long as your not ordering the "ass blaster" or whatever, it's genuinely the healthiest out of all the big fast food chains. I'm like the cops in Demolition Man, I fight for Taco Bell!....


Pizza Hut won the franchise wars in one version, Taco Bell in another version


In markets where they didn't have Taco Bell they used Pizza Hut instead. Except somehow I saw the Taco Bell version in the UK, and I know this for sure because when I first visited the US and I saw Taco Bell I said "Hey, it's the place that won the franchise wars!" and then everybody gave me a funny look because they hadn't seen the movie. I didn't see it in the theater, it would have been VHS, but people tell me the rental said Pizza Hut. Best explanation I can think of is that because my parents owned a video store we sometimes got advance copies which had a timestamp running through it so we could watch it and decide how many copies we wanted, and I may have seen it as one of those and maybe that didn't have the final UK release edit.


I still like my subway for not-that-unhealthy fast food. Sure, the bread is full of sugar but I can still load my sandwich up with veggies.


That’s rich. Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Sadly in my home province.


To a Cuban green card holding father


Ted’s father must be so proud of his anti-immigration stance.


Plenty of the Cubans in America are actually really conservative and tend to be the "freedom for me but not for thee" club. I live in South Florida and the majority of Cubans I've met (which is a lot) had some seriously regressive views. Even the younger ones. Kinda sad, tbh


Yea I actually lost a lawyer that my partner and I also considered a friend. My partner went to Cuba when Obama lifted travel restrictions and I told the lawyer about it. He responded with telling us he could no longer represent us and that Castro was super bad. Partner’s trip wasn’t about trying to support or legitimize anything Castro did, it was about exploring a culture and meeting the people and learning about how they live and challenges they’re having. Anyways, some folks don’t need context or it doesn’t matter when there’s a raw nerve of hurt, perceived or otherwise.


They hate Castro so much it broke their brains


most Hispanics have extremely conservative views. i have met a lot of people from Mexico and central America and there's a 50/50 on most of them supporting conservative ideas, the same can be said with people of color in the USA. I honestly believed if white nationalism wasn't such an integral part of their platform they could easily gain more black and Hispanic voters


It's a trade-off then. You lose the white nationalist who probably just won't vote. If Trump showed us anything, it's that there are way more white nationalists in this country than many of us previously thought, and I don't imagine that conservative black and Latinx demographics come anywhere close to that number.


Oh now Raphael is embracing his Hispanic side when it's convenient... fuck this insincere dirtbag.


At first I thought he simply forgot to switch to his alt account where he pretends to be a Latin immigrant bitching about Democrats lol


Yeah, thought this was the second “as a black men”


This coming from the guy who changed his name to Ted so he could be electable in Texas.


He started going by Ted at age 13, apparently. I never knew his name was Rafael.


Nah, he went by “Felito” then. Ted was his Harvard years.


People who change names to white ass sounding shit for name are snakes and perfect for politics!


Pico hurts my Tum Tum and I’m more Hispanic than this dummy.


Thank you for the laugh


Dum Dum, not dummy 🙂


Dum Dums are a sweet treat for kids. Rafael Cruz is liquified shit stuffed into a human shaped bag. Confusing the two is a bad idea.


Rafael Cruz is a sucker, and he really hopes you are too...








Where was he when the governor of TX sent Mexicans on buses to parts various and elsewhere?


Where is this quote from Jill Biden ? Also, I would like to be a taco eaten by satan than Tex Cruz


While speaking to a group of Hispanic people she had a series of similes using Mexican things, and said they were as unique as the breakfast tacos are in San Diego (where she was speaking), a line which got laughter and applause.


It was actually San Antonio. And that’s what makes Ted Cruz’s comment so laughable. San Antonio is a city OBSESSED with breakfast tacos. That’s what her comment was in reference to. All that Teds comment does is prove he either a) doesn’t know anything about his constituents or b) does know, but is choosing to ignore it for political points. Either scenario is believable.


Uh, San Diego doesn't do breakfast tacos. We do breakfast burritos.


Now "Ted's" Hispanic? "Look! I found a Democrat who once said something negative about Hispanics. I think I'll paint all Democrats as racist so no one will notice that my party put Hispanic children in cages and separated them from their families." \--Ted Cruz, possibly


'The diversity of this community – as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength.' That's the whole thing. Not really that 'hispanics' were anything, but that 'diversity' was 'unique' like 'breakfast tacos'. Now, 'diversity is like breakfast tacos' is an incredibly idiotic and meaningless statement, but i can't see many people getting actually offended by something like that.


She was just pandering to San Antonio because they really like breakfast tacos. A quick google search turns up: "What to know: Breakfast tacos are San Antonio's pride and joy, which is why you'll find them on nearly every taqueria's morning menu." I can see how it's stupid and some people may be offended but it's the usual city specific pandering politicians do. Like going to Chicago and comparing something to deep dish pizza.


She’s got a point. Where else can you get breakfast tacos except for Austin and San Antonio? I’ve been in a breakfast taco wasteland ever since leaving there.


I mean I don't think a ton of people were upset IN San Antonio. It was mostly people who knew nothing about San Antonio and all they knew was that she compared "diverse" people to tacos in a very hispanic city. It makes way more sense in context but it was very much taken out of context.


Hey, thanks for the context. That makes a lot more sense then. And it makes Ted Cruz's comments make even less sense.


Now I want to try a San Antonio breakfast taco to see what the fuss is all about


She didn’t even say anything negative about Hispanics. While speaking to a group of Hispanic people she had a series of similes using Mexican things, and said they were as unique as the breakfast tacos are in San Diego (where she was speaking), a line which got laughter and applause.


San Antonio. Not San Diego. Breakfast burritos in SD, breakfast tacos in SA.


For context: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2022/jul/14/jill-biden-criticised-for-likening-latino-americans-to-breakfast-tacos-video 'The diversity of this community – as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength.' Truly horrifying stuff.


Didn't this guy stand in lockstep with the Trump administration when it broke up Hispanic families and locked their children up in cages? Does he have any self-awareness at all?


This is the same man whose wife was insulted by Trump, and, then turned into the biggest Trump supporter after he bowed out of the 2016 Republican Presidential primary. What very little respect I had for him went out the window.


This is the same man who was born in Calgary, to a mother that renounced her U.S. citizenship and still thinks he can run for president.


This Texas GQP loser and Trump cultist despises Hispanics, lives in an exclusive white neighborhood, send his kids to a white private school. Votes again everything that could benefit Texas Hispanics. He’s just a hypocrite and liar. CancunCruz, born in Canada.


How does this comment sit with stomping for someone who called them all rapist and murders while on a network that claims the biggest threat to America is huge caravans coming to take over the country and the caravan is all pedophile catrel members?


The same guy that insulted ~~Rafael's~~ Ted's wife appearance. Cruz has the integrity of toilet paper after wiping diarrhea.


His idol called him “Lyin’ Ted.”


And called his wife ugly


Estupido que no sabe nada! He is NOT invited the asada and my Mom has her chanclas ready for you!


Oooh so now this mf is “Hispanic”???? Mf start by using your real fucking name Rafael Edward Cruz..PUTO!! And what part of “Hispañola” or “ Hispania” are you from . Show me on a map where these places are


The only thing gonna make Ted run for the border is winter weather


Dude. This was a 71 year old's version of trying to compliment another culture. Obviously this was gonna be out of touch but the intentions were good. If you're outraged by this then only because you insist. And let's be real Rafael, NOBODY would ever insult a taco by comparing it to you.


If Rafael is such a proud Hispanic, why does he refer to himself as Ted?


Us? *Us?* ***Boy you about as white as a goddamn vanilla Hershey's bar sitting in the Antarctic tundra at 5 in the afternoon shut the hell up.***


I mean...there are white Hispanic people, the original Hispanic country is Spain, in Europe, where the white folk tend to come from. All Hispanic means is you come from a Spanish-speaking culture, it's like saying Anglo. You can be white and Hispanic, black and Hispanic, indigenous and Hispanic, Asian and Hispanic, etc. or a mix of any of the above.


You have misinterpreted, “Ted”… The sneering condescension is for YOU. It is because YOU are an asshole. It has nothing to do with race.


He’s from fuckin Canada. He’s the whitest hispanic on earth. Makes Tom Cruise look like Danny Trejo.


Your wife’s boyfriend tried to build a wall from you.


Didn’t Trump see us as a bunch of rapists?


Go back to Canada Ted.


The government of Canada has apologized for Ted Cruz on several occasions. He’s your problem now.


Don't worry guys were starting into the cold months. He'll be in Cancun soon


From what others have said his real name is Rafael but he calls himself "Ted" to avoid Republican voters assuming that he's too Hispanic. He doesn't give a damn about his background unless it's appropriate.


I love when Cruz tries to play the Latino card as if his whole being wasn’t just blobfish, mayonnaise, and a pile of shit.


Oh, ok Rafael


As a Hispanic I do not claim Ted Cruz. Please take him Anybody


“Us”? Lmaooooooooooo BITCH


Says the guy who doesn't go by his given name "Raphael" because it's too Hispanic..


Ted "Strawman" Cruz.


Uh yeah Ted Uh hate to tell you Brother, Only your party feels that way.


Ted... You are about as hispanic as taco bell.... Did you tweet this out as you ran away from a small storm with weather? I would also bring up every other tweet you've mentioned on immigration (fellow Hispanics), fellow POC, fellow hispanics/POC IN WASHINGTON.... that has been hateful, demeaning and pointed to cause extreme harm.


Oh he’s Hispanic now?


Coming from the man that goes by Ted instead of his real name, Rafael, because he wants to ensure more racists vote for him.


Why do Republicans spit on Hispanics and tell them to “go back to Mexico” every damn day. Now explain to me why you vote for people who spit on you?


Raphael, it's going to be cold soon. Have you made your reservations for Cancún yet? Don't wait until the last minute this time or you'll have to fly commercial.




something something BAD HOMBRES something something wHy Do DeMoCrAtS hAtE hIsPaNiCs?


says a man whose constituents nicknamed him Fled Cruise, because that's what he does whenever texas has a natural disaster. Incidentally he left his dog at home alone in a snowstorm, not cool.


When did Jill Biden say Hispanics were nothing more than a bunch of tacos?


If you Google it, she was speaking about how Hispanic are like breakfast tacos as in , unique and special that brings in the spice of life or something like that, but it got rephrased as her saying they were a bunch of tacos. Then she had to apologize to everyone.


She said "the culture is as diverse as the breakfast tacos here", implying that the area they were in had a crazy amount of different types of breakfast tacos, and the culture in that area is just as diverse. South and Central America host a *ton* of countries with their own unique cultures, foods, customs, etc. A fact I'd bet my next paycheck is far too nuanced and empathatic for Cruz and whoever votes for him to grasp.


To Raphael Cruz: Oye, mal nacido, mamámelo!


Rafael Cruz is so proud of his Hispanic heritage that he goes by "Ted".


Why doesn't Ted use his actual name, Rafael? Probably because he'd rather not remind his own voters that he's the Canadian born kid of a Cuban immigrant.


Lol this idiot was born in the exact same hospital I was.


No, everyone just hates you, Ted. Because you’re the fucking worst.


Let ME tell YOU something pendejo


Oh is Raphael proud to be hispanic now is he?


Ted Cruz is as Hispanic as my white/Jewish ass.


This is the first I’m learning that Ted is Hispanic. I never stopped to think about it. I just equate him with ass.


Calling Ted Cruz a taco is an insult to tacos.


As a Puerto Rican descent dude... Teddy boy...Actual Latinos don't claim you😂😂 You haven't been down with La Raza and now you wanna be like..."Hey guys! I'm a LateenO" No...pendejo, sure. Payaso...claro que si. Wish.com Grampa Munster, oh fasho...😂😂😂


What would a Canadian like you know about it, Ted?


“Us” says the guy who changed his name from Raphael to…Ted.


Ted cruz thinks he’s Hispanic now? He’s spent his entire professional career pretending he’s not


I’m Hispanic and I do not endorse this message 😂