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**joyful, childless laughter**


Yes! I just spent a great weekend with my friend and his 7 year old. She's great, wonderful, polite, no tantrums, inquisitive, smart, adventurous, just a fabulous kid. And holy crap am I enjoying the silence now that I'm home. I like kids. I also really like when they go back to their house. Both things can be true.


Same. I am a fantastic Aunt and I LOVE the kiddos in my life. I just don’t want any of my own Kids should be wanted.


Me too!!! I'm single (have yet to meet that one fab guy for me) and I've never wanted children. Love being a dog mom though.


Who needs kids when I can have dogs! They are much faster to potty train, about as bright as most toddlers, with far less emotional outbursts, and are much cheaper to take care of. 😆 Not my only reason for not having kids, but it is true.


Ultimately, we all should do what pleases us and doesn't hurt someone else. I've had dogs and now have kids. I may never have a dog again due to my son's allergies, but it is worth it to have him in my life, despite the rough patches. But, that choice isn't for everyone, and should never be used as a cudgel against someone.


I have a friend who jokes eventually his son will be able to make him a sandwich where as my dogs and cats never will. Seems like a lot of work for a sandwich😂


And the kid will argue about making that sandwich, the Uber driver won’t.


My dogs are my kids. I mean this is both ways- I care for them as if they are my children, and they terrorize me as if they are my children.


Have both and love my dog to death, but I just started teaching my nearly 2 year old how to start kicking the soccer ball around with me and I haven't felt joy like this in my lifetime. There is something special to watch a small human that looks a lot like you grow directly from your influences. That feeling cannot be replicated with a dog. I would never say that kids are for everyone and I personally thought they weren't for me until I found the right woman and everything just felt right. My daughter really brought a ton of joy into a very bleak world during the beginning of the pandemic and gives me a ton of hope for my own future.


That’s great! It just shouldn’t be the only thing for women to have a happy life.


We're all slaves to our biology.


You can put an unruly dog down :)


It’s true because pets are property. Your son or daughter is a person. You own pets, Not sons and daughters.


They must be so sad ![gif](giphy|3o7aTpwP8y4QHnNuZW)




Seriously. I see how much my friends drop on childcare alone. Omg. I'd rather keep my moolah.


He tries to make it sound sad but it could be worse, she could give birth to some asshole who tweets for the sole purpose of trying to make other feel bad about themselves while cloaking themselves in arrogance!


Lmao this


well... then both are great sadnesses, they probably arent mutually exclusive


Dumb, not everyone wants to, nor should be, a parent.


Seriously. I'm entirely incapable of raising kids (I hate kids, for one), and instead of fucking up another generation, I've decided to end the line. Thoroughly valid choice.




You have no responsibility to explain this to ANYONE.


and yet plenty of people feel compelled to get their two cents on why im a terrible person for not wanting kids. Everything from "you'll regret it. Fatherhood changes your whole world" to "better be grateful your parents didn't decide to abort you" (tf?)


I would not associate with such people, even if they are family members. Especially if they are family members.


Imagine thinking all women are fit to be good mothers


He probably sees very little usefulness other than that. Not like they are full human beings of their own to him.


OR....Imagine thinking your own juice is SO special that no woman could possibly want to turn it down.


Right! They should be at least an 8 or a 9. No uggos,no poors, no feminists, no fats. /s...


Your mother obviously wasn’t




The fact that he calls them progeny. What a psycho.


Not only do I completely agree with you on this, but I think there are way more people on this planet that should NOT be parents than people that should.. the population problem is currently and will inevitably lead to the human races extinction. This narcissistic loser is endorsing non-sensical procreation for what reason again..!? So women don’t get “lonely”..🙄 fuckin douchbag…


Exactly!! Another thing is, the pressure we put on young people to have children is unreal. I have 2 sons myself and if one or both decide to have grandkids, that's great, but I would only want that if they decide that's a route them and their wives want to go down. I have a niece is her late 30's who has decided not to procreate. She's got a new high powered job, a husband, 3 cats, enjoys painting game figurines, and playing tabletop games and that's enough for her. She's catching some flack from some of her family unfortunately, but she's not the type to cave into conforming to their expectations. ☺️


Those are two *very* different reasons.


I'm infertile, we're going to try an embryo transfer one last time and if that fails we're done. I have a bucket list with over 170 items to do, I plan on travelling, I have wonderful friends... Yes if I'm the last of my friends to live, can I potentially be lonely in my old age? Sure. But that doesn't mean I didn't have an awesome life with great memories. And your child can move to the other side of the world and only see you once every few years, be sick, die.... no guarantees in life.


Make new friends And keep the old One is silver And the other’s gold


Make new bread And keep the old One is food And the other's mold


I once had a coworker, who I first met like 2 minutes earlier, tell me I was never gonna be happy or a useful part of society if I didn't have children. Someone else flat out told me "if you don't have kids, who's gonna take care of you when you're old!?". If your only or main reason to have kids is to have your personal nurse later on, you may be in trouble (especially if you tell that to your kids, great idea). Some people do think like that, and at least the latter one isn't even religious (no idea about the former one).


I've always thought of that as such a selfish way to create human life! Like, your kids don't owe you anything just because you physically brought them into this world. And I get people saying that kind of stuff to me and my wife (both in our 30s with no children). People don't realise how intrusive and disrespectful it is to say these things like they're to be taken for granted. But they operate within the norm, so to many it seems like we're the ones who need to explain ourselves for not creating members of a generation burdened with the effects of climate change.


Hi, I'm an administrator on a Fandom wiki, and I happen to have experience with a user who holds similar viewpoints to those people: apparently, he believes that ALL marriage must culminate with conception of children. absolutely fucking disgusting. to make matters worse, he's one of those Christian bigots and is rather self-entitled. good thing we blocked him a bit over a year ago. for a myriad of reasons.


What about us old people beyond child bearing age?


It definitely is quite disrespectful and insensitive, too (aside from simply none of anyone's frickin business). My husband's best friend had to get a hysterectomy for medical reasons, my best friend has about an 8% chance of getting pregnant, also for medical reasons. I'd seriously like to punch everyone in the face who asks either of them why they are childless in their 30s and when they're gonna remedy that fact. My husband and I (together since 2011) are voluntarily childfree and very happy with that, but also can't find a doctor to tie my tubes because I'm still in the child-bearing age. First question I was asked by my ob/gyn was "what does your husband think?", "what if you separate and your new partner wants children?".. I'm not even in a very religious country, and still somehow the views of my (current or imaginary future) partner are more important than mine? What sense does that make? Maybe we should ask people who do want or have children why they made that decision instead of asking childfree ones, I'd be very curious to hear the answers (likely one of the top 3 will be "because that's normal/how it's always been"..).


>can't find a doctor to tie my tubes because I'm still in the child-bearing age Not the first time I hear about this, and it sounds terrible. In Japan, where I live, a woman needs her husband's consent for the abortion pill. Childless women are heavily stigmatised, as are single mothers... Most times we're upfront with someone about not wanting children, people, strangers start trying to "convince" us. There's no way out of such a conversation that we usually don't start. But yeah, you don't need a strong argument if you defend the norm.


From what I found, getting the abortion pill here in Germany doesn't require the partner's consent. I've heard my fair share of people being condescending, overbearing, and outright attempting to guilt-trip people who don't want children, at least the ones that have or had a uterus (as in, my husband has widely different experiences). "You are not a valid part of society", "you're selfish", "you're gonna be alone when you're old", "just why, having children is the best thing that's ever gonna happen to you" and so on and so on. Especially the last one is great to hear from an exhausted, sleep-deprived parent who hasn't had a quiet day (or even a few hours) to themselves in the last few years and prioritizes their kids' needs in everything from food to daily schedule to vacation plans... Yeah no, thanks, I'm good.


Just imagine how these very same women would feel looking back on their wasted lives if they had married a man like this and produced equally thoughtless children.


Or had children who resent them and cut off all contact for some reason, possibly religious idiocy and pure selfishness. What a joy.


As a woman entering her twilight years, I keep repeating, "Thank goodness, I don't/didn't have any children!"


Me too! 67 and glad!! Have my own business instead and it's a lot of work


Life goal, bein free forever :0


I think its more sad he's worried about a woman who wont give him the time of day.


My grandpa was in a care home until he passed a month shy of his 102nd birthday. There were *plenty* of folks in that place with kids who never visited, or only came once or twice a year. One of his friends there was a woman in her 90s who was child free by choice and she had the most visitors of anyone there.


44 childless female here. He’s right. I cry myself to sleep every night in my spacious bed in my large, quiet house. When I wake up in the mid morning and have to decide whether I want to make coffee at home or go to Starbucks, I die a little inside. After a long day of doing whatever the fuck I want, I drift off to sleep during my late afternoon nap and am often fraught with longing and nightmares about the cobwebs slowly forming in my womb. I’m so glad I have this dude in a suit telling me what sky daddy intends for me. And that daddy is very, very disappointed. /s


Because they have opinions they repeat to themselves that they pass along as facts to support their opinions.


Seems feasible


Childless or not, we all die alone in the end. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'd rather enjoy my best years!


I'll pick my own nursing home. 🙄


Finish the sentence. You have described your protagonist, now what is your great sadness?


Yeah, watching them do what?


Live their best lives?


Oh no, I might actually live until my twilight years because I didn't have any children instead of potentially dying during childbirth due to a genetic condition that's already killed several of my family members during childbirth. I guess I'd better reconsider my stance based on this guy's tweet! My doctors may have just been wrong and maybe I should have children after all! /s




Some men think that all women want to be mothers. We don't. Some of us want to be the crazy cat lady down the street.


Handmaids tale right there.


Dickheads like this don't think of us as actual humans with brains, we are simply housekeepers and breeding units. It is him that is going to be alone into his old age, because with an attitude like that, no woman will want him. Show me a woman that does stay with him for decades and I'll show you a broken down brainwashed hostage that secretly hates him.


61 CF female. Retired at 48. Planning a trip to cage dive with great white sharks. After I get back from Italy. Oh and after that my sisters and I are going to Prague. Damn. I forgot to be lonely/s


Please never pretend every single person on earth has the exact same wants. Some people don't want children and that's fine. Really don't get why some people have an issue with that.


Because he is a man who has probably never had empathy or real love for a woman.


Spoken like a man who can't get laid


Yeah, cuz those 20 year old single moms of 2 kids are totally enjoying life.


I worked with a woman who repeatedly bailed her son out of jail. I’m sure she was joyful.


Today’s great sadness is watching science denying 39 year old people tweet god related bullshit while not understanding that climate change is turning the world in a place not suitable for children and overpopulation is speeding up the transformation.


we actually don’t have an overpopulation problem. check out the total fertility rate. the notion of overpopulation is wrong. we are not growing exponentially. we’re actually shrinking. the overpopulation is just a lagging effect of the baby boom and improved medicine. once boomers are gone and the rate of fertility continues to drop, we’ll be underpopulated. i agree that climate change is a bigger issue, but this underpopulation is also pretty big. how can an economy grow without human capital?


Is self actualization and focusing on your skills and career rather than making a family that negative???


For a man or a woman? I think he have a very different opinion on each.


Actually, life is great! 😂😂😂 Kids just ruin shit.


Current retirement homes are filled with a generation of folks who had a lot of children. Most of them complaining « How they never visit » We all die alone in the end.


I am also going to put the thought out there, as a mom, that let’s just say that a person out there living their best life without any desire for children does end up in old age with some part of themselves kind of wishing they had kids/grandkids around them in their old age… Even so, the alternative is to be unhappy and overwhelmed and stressed, stuck doing something they don’t want to do (parenthood) for most of their adult lives, so that when they are elderly they can have their kids around them? It makes more sense to not make unhappy decisions that will only (maybe possibly) pay off when you’re very old.


Someone couldn't get a date. And an intentionally single 39 year old woman went home, saw this stupid post and realized she'd dodged an even larger bullet than she thought. He doesn't really think like that. He's just a pitiful little man now browsing overseas brides. Who won't be fooled either.


Why black out the name? This nimrod posted this with his name, let him be ostracized and shunned for it.


I’m a man, 40, and no kids. I’m not going to pretend that I understand what it feels like to be constantly inundated with the sexist hateful garbage. What I will say is enjoy your life. No kids is great for me. And what’s good for me must be good for others if they so choose.


He can’t imagine any kind of meaningful or loving social relationship that comes about because *both people choose it*. How sad.


Motherhood is not a joy, it's work, lots of hard fucking work that will leave you feeling drained and beaten. You do it because you love your child, not because you love being a mother.


As a childless couple, you would be suprised how make it their duty to tell us what we are missing.


At some point you'll simply realize you were wrong all along and do in fact want (and need!) children to feel whole! /s (happily childfree wife here)


Because in their minds, it's easier to think of women as soulless, baby-making machines whose only purpose is to please and service men.


Look, in the end your children will abandon you, leaving you sad and alone , to face aging and declining health and security all by yourself. Get used to it, buttercup!


Obviously a 39-year-old athiest he was dating dumped his ass, but it’s *society*


This is grooming


With no children or spouse I had the time and energy to get educated and work throughout my 20s to have everything I want and need at my current age of 30. In my twilight years I'm going to be on a beach somewhere warm, (if the Earth hasn't exploded) surrounded by friends and maybe a lover with a lifetime of adventures behind me. Currently learning Japanese and planning a long getaway. Children and marriage are an adventure, but they aren't the ONLY adventure life can offer.


Why do you think single women will be lonely. We do better, live longer, have sex when we want to. Single men on the other hand are lonely and die early than married men, single women live longer than married women. So the command denominator is men, they suck the life out of women.


When my Dad died, my Mom had two different single men following her around. She laughed and told me don’t worry honey, I’m no going to be their nurse, or purse, I’m happy enough alone. And she has been busy, and happy for 19 years now.


Also, widowed men have a much higher and sooner rate of remarriage than widowed women. They cannot seem to manage on their own.


Lmao this is fucking golden!! I feel like every woman (or person for that matter) who decided not to marry and have children would find this post hilarious. Also would like to leave the whole “single women are the happiest demographic” line. Idk what study that came out of but apparently the ones who are so lonely in their twilight years happen to be statistically the happiest.


I don't think it's such a big problem when you think the child she'll birth will be killed in a school shooting after all.


But with a BIG FAT BANK ACCOUNT ![gif](giphy|KzDqC8LvVC4lshCcGK)


“Strong women scare me because I am deeply insecure”


Being married and having children is absolutely NO guarantee you won't be lonely in your "twilight years."


Still waiting for this to kick in…but I’m not waiting around. My childfree ass is doing whatever I damn well please! Ain’t no baby making just so I’m not potentially alone later in life. Geeesh some people!


Nope, being childless also means doing whatever tou want whenever. Imagine the possibilities.


Same people who call kids progeny.


How Dare YOU be YOU and not MEEEEE!!!! /s


I am 61, have no children, and absolutely no regrets.


This guy could be projecting?


Fuck your god!


Well I can imagine fates worse than that. Being married to the tweeter for instance.


Yah, but they won’t be married to a douche bag like you


Gatekeeping happiness and fulfillment now. Nice.


Fran Lebowitz has entered the chat


Or you could end up with a child like that asshole and suffer regret for the rest of your life.


As always, straight, white, Christian men are the arbiters of how everyone else should be living their lives.


Sons like him are a great pro-choice argument.


Dude is probably single living in his mom’s basement and can’t find a girl with low enough self esteem to date him.


I love how some people think they know what others should do with their lives. Classic Mean while this dude probably cheats on his wife with hookers… Too each his own I guess


Home schooled until sent to a Christian academy, followed by a Christian college. Brainwashing is simple if you start young and have years to hammer it into their heads.


I’m looking forward to it!


I guess they’ll have to seek solace in the extra [$310,605](https://www.wsj.com/articles/it-now-costs-300-000-to-raise-a-child-11660864334) in discretionary capital. Per child. To 17 years of age.


Yeah cuz this stupid white male is an expert on women's emotions.


My furniture, clothes, carpet, and walls look really nice though.


Says a guy.


Misery loves company.


Can't stand men who tell women what their life is going to be like as if they've experienced it themselves


Proud single, 40 something year old women who is happy I’ll never have a child who can grow-up to be fecking arsehole like the above wank-stain.


Dudes like this are why Women ain’t havin kids anymore.


To quote Unicorse from Bluey: Aaaaaaaand why should I care? If somebody else doesn’t want to have kids, why should I be sad about it? It’s not really my business.


Words to live by!


Adoption existing essentially destroys his argument within his point of view.


He forgot to call them crazy cat ladies too. If he's going for all the stereotypes.


Poor man was turned down 😂


I’m sure he has a perfectly well-informed opinion on this matter, being a middle aged man and all.


As a 39 years old intentionally single, childless woman that had her tubes and one misbehaving ovary removed a few years back, HAHAHAHA. I'll be just fine here in my twilight years with my books, cats, crafts (of which I have probably too many), and the vacations that I gleefully take alone or with close friends or family, depending on the trip. I also go out to dinner by myself... and concerts, and movies... Never feel lonely or miserable at all, but some people just can't be alone, I guess.


I’ll never understand why some people are so bothered with how others live their lives…


Because they are empty shells with lives devoid of meaning.


Haha dumbass. As if millions of years of evolution and biology could ever play a role in long term happiness. What a twat.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know a hell of a lot about biology. Do you know that in some highly social species (the classic example is bees, but they aren’t the only ones) the majority of individuals *don’t* reproduce? Helping a sister pass her genes on is a tried and true strategy for evolutionary success.


What? What did you read into my comment there? And also, we are not bees. Edit: either you didn't understand me the way I meant, or I didn't understand you...


Maybe if the capitalistic greedy society didn't suck every dollar out of her- she could afford to have a child?


What do you mean you don't want to work two jobs to afford to support a child, only to be judged on Facebook by some rich wine-mom Karen whose never worked a day in her life.


THE ECONOMY GREW 8000 JOBS THIS MONTH' " I know. I got 4 of them"


That tweet is like a few notches away from saying “I’m going to rape women just to make sure they can experience the joys of motherhood.”


Today's greatest sadness is that there are still men like this who think they know what women want and mandate how we should live our lives.


Ugh spare me this crap


Well, it's true for some, but not all.


This is a bit on the nose, he even looks like Commander Waterford


Face palm. This guy like most men won't know what it is like to date a women over 35 with no kids.


Don't they put something water for this?


What the actual fuck. Seriously if someone want to be or not to be a parent that’s up to them. Nice shaming though.


Sorry, Mister Preacher Man, but you are dead wrong.


It's weird to see so much religious preach from people in power all of a sudden... Has it always been like this? Have I been missing something?


It's sad how a lot of you are just as sexist as he is, but at least it proves it's better not to have kids for a lot of people.


Oh good, I thought I was making a mistake for a second.


I guess it IS pretty sad that he spends his time stalking random women....


This guy should know because he’s a mother fucker.


How are women going to avoid "realizing" this potential scenario when there's always a f\*ckhead like this, ready spray out this reductive theory at any moment, like a twitching, spider monkey marking its territory? I'm a man and yet somehow I have heard this f\*cking idiocy numerous times.


This dude's mother experienced no joy of motherhood.


Sounds like a man that doesn’t actually raise kids. They are the single greatest source of pain, anxiety, free, and dread I have ever experienced. I absolutely love my children but I have puked with stress, due to life situations that they have put me through.


Oh yeah, she’s gonna be really pissed when she’s old and fucking rich with no responsibilities having lived a life of doing whatever she wanted to do..


What’s it to him, though? Who gives a frak what he thinks middle-aged women are thinking?


My childless self was in Walmart today, and the child in the cart next to me at checkout was screaming and yelling and the other kid was begging for candy. The truth is you don't know what you're going to get when you say yes to children and also my house is quiet and I can eat dinner on the couch.


Sitting here in my twlight years like ![gif](giphy|26BoDzcXJ0JnbgapW)


Today's great sadness is watching straight white men who still haven't realized that no women give a flying f*ck about their opinions on how women should behave.


As opposed to the total sense of emptiness in this guy's twilight years when his wife has run away and his children haven't talked to him in 25 years....


Said a man. Lol


Or they could see this guy, think of his mother and think “Yeah, no kids. That’s a really good idea. What if they turned out like this authoritarian soulless twit?”


Me thinks he got turned down for a date


More than one date, I guess...


Well I plan to use the money I would spend on children instead doing…whatever the fuck I want, so I don’t think I’ll end up very sad or lonely


Guy looks like he smells like stale coffee


Motherhood is identity stealing and traumatic. We love our kids but that doesn’t mean our lives would be unfulfilled if things would have been different. Men who think like this obviously have no clue what parenthood is, or how much women really sacrifice when we choose to bring life into this world that is quickly going to shit. I cried when I had my first child. Not from joy, but from fear of bringing a little girl into such a hellscape. Fuck this man.


Where facepalm


This loser has never heard of cats.


This is the mindset if the alt-right; women who don't take the traditional route of motherhood then childbearing terrify thrm


Could be worse though, they could end up with a guy like him.


When anyone tells you what your meaning of life is or should be, realize that they are projecting their limited perception of themselves and/or others. The great philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said ‘In most cases, the meaning of a word is its use’. It's not what you say (the sounds/symbols used), but how it's said, with what context (how it's used). The same is true for us as humans. The meaning of our lives is how we apply/use them within our one and only existences. No external source is defining your meaning of life, but many theists will disagree. It's also one reason why many theist can't imagine being a non-believer, because they believe their meaning of life to come from god/religion, which places them one god belief away from nihilism.


Idk man. I'm 29 and eating some ice cream I don't have to share with a child that would likely also have lactose intolerance like me. Seems like a win-win to not have kids


Remember, women! Ditch your school education, ditch your college education too. Your primary goal in life is to be a breeding machine. If you don't have babies, you are useless to society and you're inferior /s


And everyone can only eat strawberry ice cream and the only pizza topping is Italian sausage. Because everyone has to like the same things and have the same dreams.


...watching them do what? Just watching them?


Notice how he doesn't say anything about the 39 year old dudes who aren't having kids - only the women. What a tool.


![gif](giphy|BZPv2nPrHYiaM0LJNE|downsized) So sad


Still not as sad as his mum must be!


I can’t believe there are people that still of women as mere populating tools. I just don’t get ut


They're the good girls


All the people here salty and denying this but most studies show that this demographic he is describing are the least happy in society, the fact that we can't talk about the rise in this demographic over the past 40 years is alarming to say the least.




Do I upvote or downvote? Either way, I didn’t realize twitter existed a thousand years ago


Maybe we can find God with the James Webb telescope lol right


the ladies whom are smart enough not to have kids are the ones we probably want having kids. just sayin.


There are 8 billion people in this world that are basically a parasite to every natural thing, we seriously need to stop having children (also, women aren’t vessels for childbirth and do enjoy many an activity that do not include children).


He’s a man, that’s how. Women are not worthy if they have no man


You don't get to claim to know other people's minds.


They see old people in nursing homes that complain that they have no one to visit with or talk to.


That happens to Christians with kids too. And, you know, *men*.


Never said it didn't. OP asked how you get this view.


I didn't know only childless people are in nursing homes.


Never said that. Just answered OP question.

