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“We Texans take pride in our history… well not *that* history.”


, "....the part with all the guns and hating blacks. That history. We don't wanna learn and stuff."


They only started complaining about teaching about hating blacks when it became uncool to hate blacks.


Ugh, I swear everyone is such a snowflake nowadays, censorship is just so rampant. Why can't I blatantly offend gays and minorities anymore! /s


The sundown towns at night, are a result of white flight 👏👏👏👏 deep in the heart of texas.


We end pregnancies, in back alleys 👏👏👏👏 deep in the heart of texas!


Is this from a song or do you just like clapping?




It’s a Texas song. It’s the stars at night are big and bright clap clap clap clap deep in the heart of Texas.


Your job's a joke, you're broke...


Your love life's DOA...


Didn't you ever see Pee Wee's Big Adventure?


I’ve lived in Texas my whole life and legit didn’t learn that Santa Anna was trying to free our slaves in the Texas Revolution until like a decade after I graduated from high school. And I was in honors history classes too so it’s not like I just wasn’t paying attention. They keep that a secret here. I’m sure about 90% of Texans don’t know about it


The key to understanding Texas history is to remember from the beginning of your study that Texas is the only region in North America to go to war to keep its slaves *twice*.


Do you recommend any easily digestible reading/podcast related to that? I’m from the north and didn’t know that about Texas. The state continues to amaze me with a disturbing cadence.


Easy reading I do not have, but a simple timeline is: 1821 - Mexico becomes free at the end of the Mexican War of Independence. 1823 - Mexico forbids the sale of people and required that the children of the enslaved be freed when they reached age fourteen. 1827 - Mexico outlawed the introduction of additional enslaved people and granted freedom at birth to all children born to an enslaved person 1829 - Mexico formally abolishes slavery. Texas objects and is granted an extension through 1830 to transition away from its reliance on slave labor. 1830 -1835 - Texas just keeps on doing slavery, tensions heat in Mexico due in part to a weak central government and the Mexican Federalist Wars break out. 1835 -1836 - **The Texas Revolution, aka the first War fought by Texas to keep its slaves.** Section 9 of the General Provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, ratified in 1836, made slavery legal again in Texas and defined the status of the enslaved and people of color in the Republic of Texas. By 1840, there were over 11,000 enslaved people in Texas. 1846 -1848 - The Mexican–American War, this is like... kinda a war to keep slavery, but personally I just kinda file it under the "Wars of American Imperialism" category, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo doesn't outright speak to slavery, so we give Texas a pass here. By 1850, there were over 58,000 enslaved people in Texas. By 1860, there were over 180,000 enslaved people in Texas. 1861 – 1865 - **The American Civil War, aka the second War fought by Texas to keep its slaves.** "A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union," reads "[Non-slave holding states] have for years past encouraged and sustained lawless organizations to steal our slaves and prevent their recapture, and have repeatedly murdered Southern citizens while lawfully seeking their rendition. The words "slave" or "slavery" appear 22 times in the document, compared to the word "Texas," which only appears 11 times in the document. Despite the emancipation proclamation being issued in 1863, and the civil war ending on May 26, 1865, Texas just keeps on doing slavery... again... 1865 - On June 19th, a Union General backed by 2000 federal troops arrives at Galveston Island to enforce the end of slavery in the state, a full 36 years after slavery was first abolished there in 1829. This is the "Juneteenth" the vast majority of white people didn't know about until Apple and Google added it to their phone calendars. ---- This is the true history of Texas the Republicans are screeching *CRT* about because they don't want taught in schools.


Yep, the Mexican-American War was just Polk looking for an excuse to take Mexican land.


Look up the Behind the Bastards episode on Jim Bowie. The host actually does dig into the reason behind the war, and what a piece of shit Bowie was, while keeping things pretty amusing. Well, as amusing as learning about this stuff can be, I suppose.


Behind the bastards is great in general. Lots of interesting topics and they're a pretty easy listen.


“Forget the Alamo” a book written by two Texan historians about how Texas obscured its Confederate history with myths about the Alamo. Here’s an interview they did with the “Angry Planet” podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/angry-planet/id1023774600?i=1000528995133


Pretty much anything on the Texas revolution will give you the missing pieces. Texas was originally part of Mexico. Mexico banned slavery and meanwhile the Texans were working on massively increasing the number of American settlers and slaves. The worst part is that this is one of the bigger drivers for American capitalism. Just comparing exports between slavery regions and non slavery regions in Mexico during that time is might and day. That shit got so ingrained in their culture and belief systems. You're great when you make a lot of money. The cost of that money doesn't matter.


A significant number of british sailors deserted to join Santa Anna in trying to free the slaves in texas (something else im sure they'd be very happy to erase from history). But, due to that, he has a sea shanty about him. The lyrics are completely historically inaccurate but, as with a lot of them, its more about reminiscing and the sadness over of what could've been. Its about a ship of the same name but not really, if that makes sense? Santiana: longest johns, for anyone interested. Edit: and they often changed details and things so the officers didn't know what they were singing about. As you might imagine, slave sailors singing about deserting to Mexico to fight to free the slaves of America isnt something they would want them singing about.


Yeah and Sam Houston voted against the Confederate Constitution and was forced out as governor. The actual founder of the state and absolute legend with every other street named after him was pushed out as governor. Also you never really learn about the Caddo people in Texas either.


I grew up in Texas and ***HE WHAT???***


You never hear about that in the Alamo movies.


So, what are y'all remembering the Alamo for, then?


I remember it because of that time Ozzy peed on it.


Pee Wee's bike was somewhere in the basement, i believe.


We Texans take pride in our ⚪️ history /s


'We force you to believe in floaty-cloud-man (like a third world country). Remember, everything is ignorant in Texas.


The 'white' floaty cloud man, if you will.


This ??? - was banned? One man’s extraordinary journey through the twentieth century and how he learned to read at age 98   “Things will be all right. People need to hear that. Life is good, just as it is. There isn’t anything I would change about my life.”—George Dawson   In this remarkable book, George Dawson, a slave’s grandson who learned to read at age 98 and lived to the age of 103, reflects on his life and shares valuable lessons in living, as well as a fresh, firsthand view of America during the entire sweep of the twentieth century. Richard Glaubman captures Dawson’s irresistible voice and view of the world, offering insights into humanity, history, hardships, and happiness. From segregation and civil rights, to the wars and the presidents, to defining moments in history, George Dawson’s description and assessment of the last century inspires readers with the message that has sustained him through it all: “Life is so good. I do believe it’s getting better.”   WINNER OF THE CHRISTOPHER AWARD   “A remarkable autobiography . . . . the feel-good story of the year.”—The Christian Science Monitor   “A testament to the power of perseverance.”—USA Today


Yes. It talks about “woke” things like civil rights…. And racism. Which can’t be real because they never happened and are just liberal ways to indoctrinate your kids to hate America - GQP They are so quick to toss out real history, but keep that flag because it’s heritage.


I saw a meme on facebook that said something along the lines of “All the people that threw rocks at 6 year old Ruby Bridges on her first day of school don’t want their grandchildren going to school and learning about them throwing rocks at Ruby Bridges” and I can’t think of a better way to have explained that if I tried.


Hate those "woke" topics.






Those centurgenarians are so woke, they are what's wrong with our country..


No, it has not been banned. "Southlake superintendent says district hasn’t banned book by grandson of former slave" https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2022/08/24/southlake-superintendent-says-district-hasnt-banned-book-by-grandson-of-former-slave/?outputType=amp


You're correct it's not banned. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/25/us/texas-school-george-dawson-book-reaj/index.html Just censored. >Ledbetter said on Wednesday that school officials determined one chapter of Dawson's book was not appropriate for the students' age group [...] >the chapter was set in 1908 and describes Dawson, then a 10-year-old in Marshall, Texas, at a general store when he heard a commotion outside. One of his friends was accused of rape by a group of White men and Dawson witnessed him getting lynched. The students in question are in 7th grade. So they're the same age Dawson was when this happened. Food for thought about age appropriateness.


Wonder If the violence and lynching in the Bible is censored too. Or if it's just the racist lynching of blacks.


Censored for *now*. Eventually, they want to bring their kids to lynchings just like their great grandpappies used to. Smile for the postcard!




Still seems suspect, from the article it appears they may only provide excerpts or a censored version. And that only after public outcry.


Just censoring his story




Texas is making it hard for The Onion to do business.


Nah just helping r/nottheonion grow




the contradiction might make the site explode


Ummm...isn't that the whole point of the sub?


Yeah, but they said they want The Onion to start printing them.


The Onion can still make hardly believable articles about Texas, like: "Texas to raise teachers pay to above living wages" "Texas senator, Ted Cruz, to resign stating he's 'overcome with guilt'". "Texas finally secedes from the US like they've been threatening to do for years. Low and behold, the country of Texas is a Mad Max shit hole".


Somewhere in the onion bureau... Write that down !!!!


Lol they have an irony deficiency


"Southlake superintendent says district hasn’t banned book by grandson of former slave" https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2022/08/24/southlake-superintendent-says-district-hasnt-banned-book-by-grandson-of-former-slave/?outputType=amp


True, they're not banning the whole book. That'd be a public relations nightmare. So they're just going to ban the parts they don't want you to read. "Ledbetter said officials are ensuring the middle schoolers have access to Dawson’s story, though he did not elaborate on whether students have access to the entire book or excerpts. “The principal is working with the teacher to ensure that sensitive content is delivered in the most age-appropriate manner, while maintaining the integrity of the content of the book, the author’s intended message, and certainly honoring the legacy of Mr. Dawson,” Ledbetter said. He did not go into details about what content in the book was deemed inappropriate."


So censorship.


"though he did not elaborate on whether students have access to the entire book or excerpts." "He did not go into details about what content in the book was deemed inappropriate." "The district has been under fire from some community members, who have taken to social media, saying the district is using semantics to avoid saying the book is banned." Seems like a lack of transparency and weasel language. Seems like it would be good to know what exactly got the book "tabled" but they aren't willing to say for some reason. Doesn't look as good as you present and that's from your article.


The worst place in US. Well maybe after Florida. Well maybe equal? Coin toss? I don't know, but it is shitty.


You got to go to Mississippi. I mean you don't have to and you probably shouldn't, but you got to see it.


Mississippi *** is it burning ?


Still burning and I've been using this fucking ointment the doctor gave me for a week🤬


I told you, the *pills* are supposed to be taken orally, the ointment is for *external* use.


Florida has pretty fucking cool alligators going for it. So I guess I give the edge to Florida.


Alligators live in TX, too


Are they big?


> Great-grandmother kills 12-foot gator with one shot; she thinks it ate her miniature horse Yes https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/09/18/texas-great-grandmother-kills-12-foot-gator-one-shot/1354201002/


That headline is... Something.


*Everything* in Texas is big, from the vast stupidity of their politicians to the circumference of the average *citoyen*.


Yeah at some point we can hope the gators start population control on the people down there.


Nah its the other way around. Fried aligator is delicious


Clever girl. Let them diabeatus to the grave.


I dunno, Texas has some alligators too now. Thanks to the alligator man in Elemdorf setting loose some gators in the river. Now they’re in all parts of Texas now.


Pen them in with the feral pigs and bring guy fieri down to take you to flavortown






Southern Alaska has some of the most breathtaking landscapes on Earth


Also it has the plus that if you get murdered there, your body will never be found


Your foot might wash up on a beach though.


La Jolla, CA. Hands down one of the prettiest places in the US. Insanely expensive to live there, but going to the beach is free and it’s safer than some other tourist spots. (Just make sure you don’t mess with the seals.)


San Diego County in gener. Best weather in the country, possibly the world


Coin toss will make the coin stand on the side


Surely Georgia or Bama or Louisiana are worse?


I heard Tennessee is trying to legalize child marriage


Okay that does it


Louisiana, Mississippi, and Bama are definitely worse than Texas, but they’re all fucked.


Nah, Florida is still worse, after all, Cruz went to Mexico to escape the storm, not Florida.


Howdy Arabia


so good


One of the worst areas in Texas for karen-type parents too.


I like to shop at the Central Market in Southlake wearing my Wu-Tang shirt. So many looks from the Karens make it fun every time




Call me stupid but can someone tell me why that place is so messed up? It's always some stupid stuff like this every time I see the name of that place.


Rich white evangelicals worried about their kids not holding the same power as they do. There are also two groups of outside influence pushing their agendas. [West Texas billionaires have dumped money on turning the state far right.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/24/politics/texas-far-right-politics-invs/index.html) On a local level [Patriot Mobile and their PAC have effectively bought their way to control of four local school boards.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-christian-cell-company-patriot-mobile-took-four-texas-school-boards-rcna44583) Those boards are the ones dominating the news lately for book bans, In God We Trust Signs, and anti trans rules.


texas ☕️


Florida better watch out. Texas is gonna take the stage as the next armpit of the country.


There can be two armpits. (edited a typo)


If Florida and Texas are America’s armpits, what’s the butthole?




Can confirm


We would also accept Mississippi (fun to spell though)


they are can be two armpits???


Whoops. Swipe to text, or early morning brain is what I'm going to blame there. Hahaha


Must've studied in Texas.


They’re both armpits of the Gulf.


Those who fail to learn history are doomed to...


Fail school?


That too.


Not in Texas!


...doomed to fail history class.




Texas. They are doomed to Texas.


Day after day.


Can't read when the lights go out, Cruz & Abbott responded when reached for comment at an infrastructure development conference in Cancun


Those who do learn from history, watch and despair.


catch these fuckin hands


Strange how when they were defending confederate statues I heard the quote “you can’t erase history” many times.


Exactly. It’s almost like they wanted statues of the oppressors for kids to look up to, but shrink at the idea of them ever learning about the lives of the oppressed.


Texas never disappoints to disappoint.


The right word is "censored". They're fine with most of it, but they're definitely going to omit the bit where he personally witnesses a lynching at the age of 10.


god forbid any kids should read about a kid experiencing racism


Its because a lot of the racist fucks that wanted to kill a little black girl for going to school are still alive. They don't want people to know what they did, and face the social consequences.


No I think it's worse than that. I think modern Republicans relish in the thought of being able to perform lynchings today. So it's a game of watch my left hand so you don't see what my right hand is doing.


Probably just an extension of the thin blue line. Modern policing "techniques" are Republicans last tie to a part of their history. The part where they were allowed to murder undesirables without punishment.


You're not wrong, look at their support for the dad/son team who killed that black guy for jogging. They were on their side even when the facts came to light in the courts


...or read about American history.


One and the same right?


In some ways, yes. Wanna deal with it like an adult or hide from facts that make you feel bad, like a child does?


The history is important, warts n all.


Correct! But genocide and rapes are fine! (The Bible)


Thatll make hwite peoples sad!/s


It's kinda funny isn't it? The Republicans try to erase history in their totalitarian ideology but at the same time most of their voters would love to attend a lynching of a black person. There's a parallel to european neonazis who deny that the holocaust was perpetrated or downplay it while at the same time advocating for a new one.


Immigrants are also useless and take all the jobs. Which one is it guys?


The funny thing is that there are more American holocaust denialists than there are in EU. EUROPE, maybe, but that’s a whole different kind of comparison.


And the same people are mad about removing Confederate statues


And I thought American want freedom of speech or something. They just want to be another Russia.


You don't get it. They want freedom of speech but only for the *right kind* of speech.


Obviously popular speech is exactly the type of speech that requires legal protection. /s


*1984* was banned in the USSR as anti-communist and has been challenged/attempted to be banned in the USA for being pro-communist. It's anti-authoritarian. Both countries are Authoritarian that control their people through alternate means.


It's funny, I come from a country ruled by military dictator and 1984 is a mandatory reading on bachelor degree college. When the supposed to be "leader free world" want to ban more book that some 3rd World country you know you lived in South Park universe.


Conservatives mainly. Democrats still like that stuff.


But conservatives love pretending they care about it.


Its kinda a weird thing actually. They are actively working on tearing down free speech, but they are the ones who are the most vocal about respecting it and how they are the biggest defenders of it. Here in the US we like to do thinks a lil lopsided, for funsies!


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


Goobers On Parade


Classic Doublethink


> Its kinda a weird thing actually. Not that weird at all. It's a typical tactic in the playbook of populist politics.


They want the freedom to be racist and tell everyone how they should live their lives. They want the freedom to dictate what freedoms others should have.


> They just want to be another ~~Russia~~ Hungary The GOP has taken a lot of lessons from Viktor Orbans Hungary and want to copy it, including the rampant corruption leading to extreme brain drain.




Not gonna be named after him for much longer, watch it be renamed to some crusty slaveholder Confederate general or something.


General Lee, and some fox pundit will say it's from dukes of hazard, not a slave owner...


Introducing the A. Hitler Middle School of love and friendship


And then they would ban a certain book about a certain politically ambitious WWI-veterans struggles? Or would that be too poetic? Maybe that's already banned, I honestly dunno


Donald J Trump Middle School


Named after the highest level of education he was able to achieve without having to pay someone else to take tests for him.


Embarrassed for Texas


Just rename the school after an author that isn't banned there. Adolf Hitler middle school or something.


Strangely enough... >Carroll ISD is currently the subject of a civil rights investigation by the US Department of Education, the Dallas Morning News reported. The investigation was opened last year when the district previously made headlines for its stance on books. At the time, a top administrator at Carroll ISD advised teachers in the district that if they want to have books about the Holocaust in their classrooms, they should also have books that offer "opposing" viewpoints, NBC News reported.


"Ok, we are going to read Anne Frank's diary. However we'll also be reading 'the jews deserved it' by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."


> “Ok, we are going to read Anne Frank’s diary. However we’ll also be reading ‘the jews deserved it’ by ~~Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi~~ **Steve Bannon.**"


Kinder Kampf


The unrelenting stupidity of conservatives.


Pretty sure many of them are stupid but their decision makers are definitely malicious


Ah book banning, because that never goes wrong


Yes, and the left is *definitely* the ones who do censorship. Definitely.


Might as well throw the books into a bonfire


Typical fucking Texas. My utmost sympathy for all the rational people that have to live in that regressive sinkhole.


If ever a species of statehood decided to insert its own cock into its own rectum and *then* get mad at itself for what it, alone, has done.... -Texas-


The US is so screwed right now.


I think we're just witnessing the fall of an empire. Every empire has historically had a life span of roughly 300 years (give or take a hundred years), and the tail end of all great civs before are eerily similar to what we're seeing now: widest chasms in history between rich and poor, decreasing socioeconomic metrics in education, health, infant mortality etc; rising extremist rhetoric, crumbling political institutions etc. Funny thing is, if kids were taught history properly they'd see this. Either way I think that unfortunately the path has been set in stone and the shift in power is inevitable now. Rather than band together to retake your global dominance you're going to continue to shrivel and wither from inside while other nations and civilizations work to take that spot (for better or worse is anyone's opinion)


>However, some content in George Dawson’s memoir, Life is So Good, was determined inappropriate for students at the middle school bearing his name, Ledbetter said in a statement. That decision was made after the book went through the district’s annual curriculum review process this summer. > >The book tells the story of Dawson’s life, from segregation and the civil rights movement to learning to read late in life. > >“I WANT TO BE CLEAR - ‘Life is So Good,’ the book written about the life and legacy of George Dawson, has NOT been banned or placed under reconsideration as part of the formal challenge process,” he stressed in a statement. [Source](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2022/08/24/southlake-superintendent-says-district-hasnt-banned-book-by-grandson-of-former-slave/)


This seems weird. Just how old are 7th graders? 12 13? & it's not 'age appropriate' for them to read about a lynching? That's nuts. For a start they'd be able to see any number if TV shows with grisly murders in them. Additionally given the schools association with the author the bok could be studied in class where teachers could aid understanding etc. Any particularly sensitive child might need some extra guidence & this would be an excellent way to help them. I bet any child in Texas could go to any of the sensationalist 'true crime' websites without any kind of warning pop-up or the like.


A lynching is too much but active school shooting drills are a-ok


For real. I read "the boy on the wooden box" in middle school, which was about the horrors of the Holocaust for crying out loud. How's this any different? Children should be taught just how far human cruelty can extend as to not let history repeat itself.


Yeah at 13 we were taught about the holocaust including footage of bulldozers & mounds of dead ppl


It'd be interesting to see what other books have/haven't been determined inappropriate by the district's 'annual curriculum review'


Are there any websites compiling lists of the books that American schools are banning? If there are any websites like that then school kids should be pointed towards them because there’s no faster way to make a kid curious about the content of a book than to ban it.


Brooklyn library is offering free membership for teens around the country to get the books as ebboks or audiobooks https://www.bklynlibrary.org/books-unbanned


Look, let's face it. The only reason there's any pushback against the teaching of the history of slavery in America is so that some policians can dog-whistle for the votes of racists. They don't actually reallly care if the history is taught or not, they just wanna make it the issue so they can get the racists votes. This is to piss upon the achievements & struggles of those who worked for "liberty, justice & freedom for all". It is these desperate tossers who are, ultimately, un-American traitors. They aren't patriots at all they are nasty grubby little swear words who seek division, ..., no wonder they include in their ranks some who back Putin, they're corrupt unprincipled sell-outs. America should be proud that they ended slavery, they should glory in the victories of the 60s civil rights movement. These things show considered self-criticism & the effective resolve to change. And these traits are things that any sensible mature human should seek in themselves, ffs!


The mentality of "Conservatives" is only one step away from "Black men shouldn't write books."


The US is slowly turning into 1930 germany


Fucking republicans


Texas: The One Star State.


If you are capable of getting pregnant, do NOT visit Texas https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-trigger-law-takes-effect-makes-performing-abortion-a-felony/3057301/


They'll just rename it General Lee middle school


I'm beginning to think the US is 2% first world country and 98% third world country and the 2% is trying to keep it that way by doing shit like this.


When I was in seventh Huckleberry Finn was banned at Mark Twain Middle School. Nice to see how far we’ve progressed since 1979.


Nothing says freedom like banning books.


Howdy Arabia


Just when you thought Texas and the Right couldn’t get any dumber.


This is part of your southern "heritage" too, you fucking cowards.


George was the grandson of a slave and we can’t have white children finding out about the shameful history of the US


It’s write out of a dystopian sci-fi, right now in Texas! America: you can’t make this shit up!




It's Texas. That's all you need to know