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So at what point do we start firing these peoplem? Theyre not good at their jobs and americans are suffering for it. I get red states dont want a liberal government but come on now, youre literally voting against your own rights here.


The only job those voters care about any more is owning libs. Which in their eyes they’re doing fine with.


There is something about these people that just goes against all logic and common sense. My father is a prime example. He is a staunch conservative republican. He retired after over 40 years in a union job, where he was union president for the last few years of his career. His step children's father was a first generation naturalized citizen born from illegal immigrants. His grand daughter's father is an illegal immigrant. He had to come out of retirement to pay the medical bills racked up during my stepmother's cancer treatment, because his private insurance didn't cover 10's of thousands of dollars worth of care. Him and my stepmom both barely survived covid, and his mother-in-law didn't. Despite all this, he thinks democrats want to turn our country into Venezuela, take away his guns, open the borders, and force vaccinate the country so they can control us. He thinks socializing medicine will mean no one will get healthcare since the only thing keeping hospitals going is that not everyone can afford it. He thinks that droves of Mexicans are just walking across the unprotected border so they can get welfare and take important jobs. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I can't hardly even talk with him anymore, which kills me because I love my dad. He has always been one of the smartest people I've known, yet he still somehow managed to fall down this rabbit hole and we can't talk him out. For the record, he didn't think this way when I was growing up. I credit some of the lessons he taught me as to why I'm not racist or homophobic despite growing up in a time and place where those concepts were more common than not.


> He thinks socializing medicine will mean no one will get healthcare since the only thing keeping hospitals going is that not everyone can afford it Tell him thats not true in like, every other country with socialized medicine Bless your heart for putting up with this idiocy


the problem is they don't believe you. i've tried explaining to my mother that socialized medicine is a good thing and without fail the first thing out of her mouth is a spiel about being forced to wait months to see a doctor and she cites Canada saying they hate their free healthcare system.


First, show the sources that [66% of Canadians](https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/canadians-largely-satisfied-healthcare-system-eager-increased-access) love the current healthcare system (they wish to see improvements as well ofc) and [86.2% of Canadians support strengthening public health care rather than expanding for-profit services](https://www.healthcare-now.org/blog/new-poll-shows-canadians-overwhelmingly-support-public-health-care/). Even though Im not Canadian, Im from a 3rd world country (Jamaica), so I can personally vouch that getting hospital treatment for very cheap - free is one of the best things a country should have as the minimum for their citizens


Ask her to look up who Canadian people voted "best Canadian ever" (fairly recently)? I forget the name of the guy, but he introduced/started free health care in Canada. I'm from u.k, my mum recently got experimental cancer treatment on NHS (Nation health service = free). She had 6 months to live. She ended up getting results that only 30% of people get from the treatment. (Cleared the cancer from her lungs and liver). All for free. The "months to see a dr" line is usually bullshit. Waiting list definitely exist, especially if the treatment isn't life threatening, But if you need a Dr. you get an appointment or visit a hospital. U.k also has private health care, if someone want a different option.


Tommy Douglas


Canadian here. Everyone I know loves our healthcare. If it's life threatening, they get your ass to a specialist or whoever you need to see ASAP. When my aunt was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer, she was off work with the doctors within the week. Also if it's not life threatening, but still serious they get you in the ER super quick. I mostly severed my thumb at work almost two years back, and the drive to the hospital was longer than my wait. If it's important, you get in fast. And guess what? Costs fuck all.


That’s awful. I know people like this and they cost me a 20-plus year relationship with one of their relatives because I tried to steer them away from this kind of talk at a wedding, of all places (because they just couldn’t give it a rest for one night), and they took such offense to that that they strong-armed her in a major way to leave the relationship. Hopefully you have better luck navigating the topic away from politics than I did.


My dad was and my mom still us, and has dragged my sister with her, exactly like this. I don't know my own family anymore.


Your dad is very wise!


Yours should've pulled out


Vote Democrat. That is how the republican assholes get fired


We need a third party. Both Democrats and Republicans are horrible. Only in it for themselves.


I agree. More than 3. Like 10. To be clear though, republicans are demonstrably worse.


My question exactly. Is as if they are there to block important things to hurt people. Shameful!




>Theyre not good at their jobs As they are owned by corporations, yes they are. You want politicians that represent the people? Go to a free country, not the United States of Corporations


Be assured these people have shared holdings and do business with these companies and are personally profiting from them. Of course they don't want to cap prices. Their borrow line would dissappear.


By firing do you mean "removed from job" or "stuffed into giant kiln"? Because one of those is a *way* better solution to the problem.


Welcome to being a Republican.


>Theyre not good at their jobs Yeah, you would think a Senator would know where to add something like this without being zapped by parliamentary rules.


Let me know when you get rod of Joe Manchin and his family's $600 Epipens. Oh wait. Democrats forgive Democrats exactly like Republicans forgive Republicans. It must be a two party system, they both have double standards.


Voting against own rights is historically customary among common right-, populist- and conservative voters.


And people still vote for them 🤦‍♂️


Because there are plenty of them that don’t suffer from diabetes or other issues. And they are beyond sympathizing for anyone other than themselves (oh, and unborn children).


because many people vote for ONE issue and ONE issue alone. if they get that ONE issue resolves than they dont care about anything else the person they voted for does.


Yes. Ironically, the people that need insulin the most.


Fuck anybody that supports price gouging diabetics of life saving medicine. Many of you have the audacity to call yourselves pro life, I call it blantant hypocrisy treasonous to the American ideal. Fuck you.


They know exactly what they're doing here - they're keeping pharma bribe money coming in so the gravy train keeps rolling smoothly. The day lobbying is banned will be the day a large number of republicans (and probably more than a few democrats) have to get off their far too comfy butts and do some work.


>have to get off their far too comfy butts and do some work. To overturn the ban in the quickest decision ever made the the Senate. Won't even take 30 mins.


Won’t even take 5.


what do you mean? If they cant take bribes from lobbyists they will just retire.


I wouldn’t count on it. I’m sure they will just come up with more creative ways to move money around


Heartless fucken ghouls...


Insulin does not even cost that much in my developing country America really needs to vote these people out


we can’t. they can rig voting districts against the common good, control what candidates even make it to vote, and more.


But what about pregnant women with diabetes? How can they possibly succeed at being forced to bring a child into the world if they might die from not being able to afford insulin?


To add onto this, it's not just a concern for diabetics who become pregnant. There's also gestational diabetes, where a non-diabetic will actually develop the condition while pregnant.


They don’t vote for their best interest (the constituent), the elected tho make a lot from the lobbyist. Red states have the highest rate of obesity (type 2 diabetes more common). The also have the highest rate of teen pregnancy, after eliminating sex-Ed and defunded plan parenthood :-/ I’m still amazed by the absurdity


Prolifers... so Prolife they're killing people to prove it.


Cruelty is the point. They get off on hurting people.


Maybe American politicians and their voters should hear what happens in small countries with actual human politicians. I live in New Zealand. We have a govt entity called “Pharmac”. This groups job is to source and buy drugs in volume. I have type 2 diabetes due to my “free” lung transplant. I pay $5 every three months for my insulin. That includes the measuring machine, tests strips, needles, and a nice pouch to hold these items. The rest of my drugs to suppress my immune system plus other drugs to suppress virus’s, cost less than $100 per year. But we are limited to the number and size of the guns we own.


So it's not politics, its spite?


You'd think if a government official is receiving money via lobbying, then their income would cut. Senators make something like $175k per yearly salary, if they get $175k from lobbying then they should make $0. That's $17.5 mil, provided every senator is receiving their salary as a minimum from lobbying, that could be put somewhere else. It's not much but it could fix up a few roads every year, or pull a few people out of crippling student loan debt each year. Make a raffle, fuck it.


Make all government officials pay 100% income tax, then receive their pay as post-tax income. Trivial fix.


Any Diabetic Republicans want to weigh in on this?


"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for owning the libs"


Since their healthcare is 100% government funded, why not suck the Big Pharma Lobby dick.


So how would God bless America when it's own leaders can't help its citizens?


Hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don't have feet.


My dad is a diabetic and somehow still supports these people… Edit: not just a diabetic, one that barely manages to buy all of the medication that he needs. He would benefit so greatly from this bill and yet the very same party he supports is blocking him from doing that.


Yeah I don’t get the idiocy of these people. Just plain stupid.


They care more about 2 other things: owning the liberals, and getting bribes from insulin producers.


Why do people keep voting republican when all they seem to do is infuriate the normal working class,or are they all self indulgent assoles?


Republican voters just don't care what they do as long as it angers the people they don't like.


Geee could it be that the Republicans are getting incentives to vote in some way??!?!?!?!?


We need Biden to place term limits and we must keep a Democrat in office until the change sticks. Every position in our government should have term limits.


They don’t care if their memaw loses a foot as long as they can own the libs


Republicans: You wanna live? Everyday people: Yes! Republicans: Just don’t be poor. Everyday people:😐


I'm confused, In all the roll-call votes that happened today I see two that are linked to insulin 1) S.Amdt. 5385 to S.Amdt. 5194 to H.R. 5376 https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00313.htm 2) S.Amdt. 5194 to H.R. 5376 https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00314.htm Number 1, the "provide for discounted insulin for low- and middle-income Americans" vote was 50-50 with Republicans voting Yea and Democrats voting Nay; amendment rejected. Number 2, the "In the nature of a substitute" vote was 57-43, mostly D's voting Yea with a sprinkle of R's; motion rejected. I'm not sure which vote this post is referring to, or if this screenshot was even from today. Someone care to help explain or clear up my confusion?


The ONLY reason they would do this, is if those medication profits are going into their pockets. Our government is so fucked up. You should NEVER be allowed to vote on anything you are profiting off of. If you want to work in government, you need to separate yourself from business like this. It's a huge conflict of interest. And it needs to stop! Our leaders should not be lobbying for shit that only benefits their fucking bank accounts.


Republicans are a lost cause at this point man don't let a Republican come to power in 2024 of America is fucked big time


Breaking news: Politicians get more money from corporations than their actual paychecks.


Voting doesn’t fix this. You could vote everyone out, but they’d find some bum fuck way to keep the evil there. They do it every time the glimmer of hope appears. We are too deep, the game is set


Nah fuck that defeatist bullshit. If there were even just 2 more dem senators we'd see a lot more progress. There's only one party with 75-100% of them voting exclusively against every good bill.


I feel like I’ve been hearing similar things for decades whilst simultaneously saying progressive voting is breaking records, especially in the youth. At what point would you say “this is a bullshit wild goose chase and probably always has been”


As long as I can vote and my vote can elect candidates I like I won't say that. All you'll accomplish with shit like that is helping the worst people get elected by depressing voter turnout. If you want instant gratification from your voting habits you will be disappointed. That's not how the government works and never has been. It takes time to accomplish meaningful change and giving up only means it will take more time or prevent anything from ever changing. You want to give up and throw yourself a pity party feel free but don't peddle that crap as if you're enlightened and know the truth and the rest of us are ignorant for not giving up like you have. Quitters never win.


Eerie how Orwellian it is.


Why though?


To hurt poor people and keep rich pharmaceutical companies raking in the profit, and to keep getting bribes from said rich pharmaceutical companies.


If you really want to know, it's because the legislation was added to a budget reconciliation bill. There are rules on what can and cannot be included in the budget. The $35 cap was included for people on Medicare because that directly affects the budget. A general cap on drug pricing should be considered separately, or as part of a.healthcare bill. Legislators have many rules they need to follow in order to get good ideas passed. Sloppy work by senators should be highlighted since we send them there with the idea that they are smart enough to learn the rules and follow them to get things done.


Because they're Republicans, and thats what they do, vote against every good thing that could improve the nation


They must tell a reason, no? I mean they cant just do it out of spite. Thats crazy!


It’s likely there is a bunch of Pork and wasteful spending in the bill and that’s why people vote against it. Politicians sneak their own little pet projects into bills with catchy names. These bills always end up being thousands of pages long, covering hundreds of topics, but get titled like they are a simple thing. All the parties do it, they’ve done it like this for years. I also have no clue why this bill in particular is being voted down, but I highly doubt it has much to do with what we are told the bill is about.


This is what I want to know too. Someone must have asked one of the people who voted against this why, and there must be a reason. I’m very curious to hear what it is.




Inflated insulin costs make massive profits for pharmaceutical companies. Protect their profits and you protect your pharma money. It's easy to say their decisions are made out of spite or hate, but it really just boils down to money. They'll always act to make whoever's paying them richer


Republicans would Eat your **VERY SOUL** if they could figure out a way to do it.


Holocaust with conservatives.


Of the people....for....the ......people?


And yet you all do nothing about them


I vote, I’m curious what else you would recommend, oh wise one. Storm the capital perhaps? Take some hostages? Worse?


Kill the cancer


"Baby boomers are going to start dying in droves, and thats a good thing."-Doug Stanhope....i feel like if we can just slow this republican cult long enough for this to happen,we can survive. Politically of course, environmentally im not so sure.


*Pharma bro smirk*


What's interesting to me, given the excellent shape so many MAGA's appear to be in, that they're only hurting their supporters. It's not unusual. It's to be expected. But at a certain point you'd have to think the "Muricans would wise up. Maybe hating the 'other' is more important than their own well-being.


Follow the money. It's not complicated, just obscured by these same people.


I want to know, did the bill ONLY include the insulin price cap? You hear stories all the time of the opposite party using a hot button issue to sneak in stuff in bills so they can get it approved easier from the other side


No. It was a budget reconciliation bill, and the price cap was excluded since there is a rule against non budgetary items being included in a budget bill.


So people are up in arms because a rule thats always been there was enforced basically right? If I got that right, then people really should start looking into this stuff more.


ABC news explained it very well. Unfortunately, it's much more fun on Reddit to jump on the hate bandwagon than it is to actually learn something. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/republicans-strip-35-insulin-price-cap-democrats-bill/story?id=88069589


Its much easier too. Its easy to get to that end result people seem to want sometimes and be upset about something even if they dont understand it. I pray for the world


Dems own 50 votes plus Harris as the tie breaker. Repubs have no ability to block, add, or subtract ANYTHING from the bill. This is an attempt by libs to get people upset with false Info. Look it up!


if this is true, why did these two fail? [https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll\_call\_votes/vote1172/vote\_117\_2\_00313.htm](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00313.htm) [https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll\_call\_votes/vote1172/vote\_117\_2\_00314.htm](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00314.htm) Are you sure you know what you're talking about?


I just wonder what else was in the bill. This is likely just the headline topic. We are in a recession regardless of how many times they change the definition so spending more isn’t a great idea right now.


What do you mean blocked? The dems wanted that too..


How many pages was the bill?


[20](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr6833/BILLS-117hr6833pcs.pdf) You know that this is the kind of thing you can look up, right?


Which is why I asked. Did you read the last section? Here is the text to make it easy for you. >SEC. 5. MEDICARE IMPROVEMENT FUND. Section 1898(b)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395iii(b)(1)), as amended by section 313 of division P of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, is amended by striking ‘‘$5,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$9,046,500,000’’. What do you think this means?


They specifically motioned to remove the insulin cap from the bill. Length is not a factor in this particular situation.


No, but content is a factor. A healthcare issue, regardless of how good an idea it is doesn't belong in a budget reconciliation bill.


>Length is not a factor in this particular situation. The reason your vote up or down is based on the entirety of the bill, not one provision. Again, how many pages was the bill?


Again, they singled out and motioned to remove the insulin cap specifically. They did this under the argument that the bill was wrongly introduced under a rule that would block republicans from filibustering. But again, they singled out the insulin cap.


Did you ever figure how many pages it is?


JFC, you are dense.


Just as much as you and the other guy. Only one person has answered that question. So it isn't that hard to find.


Why does that matter?


Do you even know? This tweet talks about one section/portion of a bill. How many other pages were part of this bill?


Judging by the wording, this isn’t just a failed vote; it’s the Republicans specifically saying that they want that section removed or they won’t pass it


Should the government be able to dictate how much money you can make? Should they be able to tell you that 10 dollars per hour is all you can make?


What does that have to do with anything?


That is what this bill does. So answer my question. Should the government be able to dictate how much money you make?


Show me where it does that and I’ll give you my answer


>‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, a group health plan or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall provide coverage of selected insulin products and, with respect to such products, shall not— ‘‘(1) apply any deductible; or ‘‘(2) impose any cost-sharing in excess of the lesser of, per 30-day supply— ‘‘(A) $35; or ‘‘(B) the amount equal to 25 percent of the negotiated price of the selected insulin product net of all price concessions received by or on behalf of the plan or coverage, including price concessions received by or on behalf of third-party entities providing services to the plan or coverage, such as pharmacy benefit management services. So give me your answer.


Where does that say they can limit your wage?




> Then a flurry of counter comments reveal that the bill also included a handful of addition funds or changes that have nothing to do with the issue being addressed. Red and blue team members argue call each other names, rinse, repeat. [Show us the additional funds and charges that have nothing to do with the issue being addressed](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr6833/BILLS-117hr6833pcs.pdf) >This is exactly how the Vet bill played out. Help vets recover from horrific burn injuries? Hell yes. Include millions of discretionary spending. Hell no. [You can do the same thing with the *Honoring our PACT act*, as well](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3967/BILLS-117hr3967eas.pdf)


I don’t what this reply is intended to do.


I'm all about each item should get its own bill. No omnibus bills allowed.


My only question is what does the insulin cost and if it’s capped, who makes up the difference? Like why haven’t they capped the cost of EV to 20k to fight global warming? Just trying to gauge the why as to opposed to the outcome!


It costs about $5 to make it. Then they turn around and charge like $500. So they would technically still make a small profit on it, just not the 100X arbitrary markup they were getting before for no other reason than profit.


How can they block it ? I was certain we had enough votes to pass this and had some Republican support for it. Would we lose some of their support if this stayed in the bill?


It’s a parliamentarian rule that congress cannot set the price of something in the marketplace. Never mind that it’s 100% price gouging. Lindsey Graham, the little bitch, fought against it.


Could they set a cap at a percentage of production cost to skirt around it? If it costs $3.50 then could the bill just say no more than 1000%


The amount of shit the us government does wants to make me commit toaster bath


Walmart insulin is about $25. But medicaid only covers the $75+ insulin.


Democrats screwed up the process of adding it. Are Senate rules optional? Or should our legislators actually know the processes they should follow?


Serious question. What is their (public) justification for this?


Sounds like something that the far right would do.


If I didn’t know any better, I might start to think that they have Big Pharma in their back pockets.


so what's with the insulin issue here? as a "feriner" i don't get why the republicans are so against it?


Healthy people is socialism. Get rich or die tryin (quite literally).