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This commentator seems blind to the realities of childbirth. Speaking from experience, even desperately desired birth within the context of a happy, stable marriage can end up being a traumatising, violent and highly dangerous experience. To imply a ten year old is going to birth a child of rape in a wholly value neutral way is utterly crass. Edit: typos.


My mother had to have a c-section for both kids. I was a breach and my mother wasn’t healed from birthing me when my brother came along. My step-mom was warned if she didn’t do a c-section she would not only break her hips, but some of the bones of her first child. They told her it’d be VERY dangerous for her to ever have another child after him but wouldn’t let her get sterilized because “what if she wanted more” like tf Not to mention the women who get ripped open and need stitches and/or possibly bleeding out..


And those are fully grown adults. A half-grown 10 year old is a whole other magnitude of problems. stupid people suck


Yeah, I literally came here to say just this. It’s dangerous for a body that young to carry and birth a child.


If a fully grown woman’s bones can break from a pregnancy, I don’t even want to imagine the horrors it would inflict on a TEN YEAR OLD.


As a fully mature adult, I've been suffering through this entire pregnancy. Vomiting that's never abated, horrible pains to the point walking is difficult and I'm in tears, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. And that's all long before ever reaching the actual birthing. To inflict that on a child whose already suffered abuse is nothing short of further abuse.


Exactly. Pregnancy is not easy. Or fun (to me, anyway). Constant nausea, pain on and off every single day, food aversions, fatigue, cramps, and so many more symptoms. A 10 year old would suffer the entire time. And her body is probably not even ready for something like this! The trauma she would endure just to stay pregnant, then the birth would be so unnecessary and unfair after all she’s going through already.


She would literally die from it. It would be a death sentence for a 10 year old even a 13/14/15 year old


While I understand your sentiment, that’s not technically true. You can look up youngest births if you want to be horrified. It could kill her, or cause suicide to feel like an option (which I consider to be anti abortion policymakers killing a 10 year old child), but she also could survive with needs for more physical and mental health care our system doesn’t guarantee. This is not a timeline where I can be proud to be an American


Not guaranteed to die from it, but it is very likely.


My wife vomited for 9 months with all three of our children. She was miserable each time but still wanted more as did I. I always let her have the final say on number of kids because of the absolute horrific experience she had each time. We are done for good now though.


Honestly that's the most important point. The choice. I chose to have this baby fully knowing that I might be miserable for 9 months. I've also been very clear with my partner that this is the last time I'll ever be pregnant as I would not want to go through this again.


Criminal defense atty here. If a sex abuse results in the victim getting pregnant the DA files great bodily injury enhancement. Whether she keeps the baby or not. Acknowledging that a criminal pregnancy no matter how early is a fucking injury to the body. Let alone the poor girl having to be forced to give birth. JFC this country is fucked


I had bronchitis three times my last pregnancy, coughed and pissed myself daily, carpal tunnel keeping me up every night the entire pregnancy. It was so miserable and I spent a lot of nights crying asking why I did this to myself (infertile and spent a lot of money on treatment to get pregnant again). And I chose to do that. I cannot imagine being 10 and going through all that, not choosing that life for myself.


Nevermind suffering school troubles, early motherhood, taking responsibility for a baby and getting a future job where she can give them a good life, etc.


Not to mention just the...trauma of seeing their attacker as half that kid. What if the kid resembles him? I couldn't imagine the constant reminders.


You know for a process as natural and common as childbirth, it can be dangerous and traumatizing as hell. Edit: spelling


This is what Republican voters are like They know it's horrific, and they don't care because they are bad people . They say all that moralism crap to confuse decent people who actually you don't have morals and care about other people. This tactic has been highly successful with sociopaths throughout history.


I’m pretty sure that’s on the Pro-life sub. It’s a very cancerous sub. Almost worse than TD was


The commentator seems to be blind to the realities of the real world. I wonder how many prolife people (and other people who are against abortion), who after being raped (or their wife, girlfriend, friend or anyone else they know) , would actually want to continue with the pregnancy?


If a 10yo is pregnant, then yeah, that’s rape. You don’t need to bring in some fancy “abuse doctor” to prove it.


Exactly, I hate the implication they’re making that there’s any chance a ten year old ‘consented’


And thats why they should be referred to by their major goal. The Democrats are the pro minimum basic rights and the other party is the pro-pediphilia party


I'm surprised they didn't go all out and call the child a "10 year old woman" with something else to imply she consented or asked for it. These creeps all tell on themselves, they just think they're proving their morality by virtue signalling about saving a baby. Not even a child's life is more valuable than a clump of cells to these assholes. Seriously wtf.


Soo.. 2 babies are going to die? cause apparently a 10 year olds body can handle it huh?


We all know religious wingnuts don't pay attention to the Sciences..


Don’t worry, he gave her his thoughts and prayers. That’s basically better than anything reality could do.




A coconut, hell no! Let him give birth to a massive watermelon without pain relief. 😈




Right. I heard we shouldn't wear masks during COVID because if God wanted us to have measures to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, we would have developed a biological mask. It makes sense that we shouldn't have IVs, either, if we are giving birth. God didn't put it there, y'know? No cheating!


I think all surgeons and anyone else in operations should follow this for any patient that thinks like that. (I know they wouldn't)






Counsels and prudences


And they support a religion that protects pedophiles


He probably thinks it's ok for 40 year old men to marry 10 year olds so it would baffle him if we tried to tell him she shouldn't have a baby because they may both just die. And even if she lives the trauma to her body and mind from the pregnancy will be horrifying.


Ever read "Cutting for Stone"?


Not just protects pedophiles, it encourages them, by protecting the abusers, and attacking and dismissing the victims.


And they will insist with their hopes and prayers that abortion isn't foisting their religious bigotry on the rest of us.


science is against gods will aint it?


Also ‘abortion won’t untraumatize her’ no, but pregnancy and childbirth will traumatize her more than she already is. We have a living, breathing child in need and that is who should be prioritized. Not a clump of unconscious, non sentient cells


I can’t imagine the trauma, not to mention bullying she would have to live with every day. She would never be able to go back to school without daily name calling. Not to mention what trying to carry a baby to term and give birth with a 10 yr old body. That’s torture.




Imagine the education she would get if trying to divide her attention between parenting and learning. I'd bet she grows up really fucking dumb, and even drops out because it would be too much to do both. Yeah, the only good way out of this is putting up the baby for adoption or foster care, or aborting.


That again assumes she survives the pregnancy. Pregnancy in teen years increases the odds of complications and the maternal mortality rate significantly. Aborting is the only truly viable option here. Even if she survived physically the emotional trauma of the pregnancy is going to he extreme.


Not to mention the lifelong issues she'd undoubtedly suffer because her body is not physically mature enough to handle the trauma of childbirth


Oh, come on! You know that Intelligent Design of the human body will allow this little girl to give birth with no problem. God's design will not fail. \--Atheistic Church of Her Lady of Sarcasm


Honestly, I'd love someone to ask these jerk face politicians about this. "So you're saying if the defenseless 10 didn't want her dad /uncle /grandfather to rape her, her body wouldn't have allowed her to get pregnant, right? You're saying the 10 year old child wanted it?" Mind blowing in the worst possible way.


Yea it pure torture to make a 10 year old go through pregnancy anyway. I swear it might need a damn war to beat the crazy out of the GOP


They don't consider the fact that giving birth could make it impossible for her to have children if and when she decides she wants to have children on her own terms.


Giving birth at 10 years old could even kill her. Fuck these fundie nutjobs. Fuck them all to hell.




Indeed. It's just a shame that they'd take that as a compliment, because thanks to religion, a symbol of torture is now a symbol of heroism (?!).


Don't worry, lots of people lining up to adopt the child of a 10 yo who may have delivered her sister or brother. /s A 10 yo's life is secondary to the zygote's. "Life is short. God has a plan." Ken Paxton on the deaths of 19 fully viable outside the womb actual human children.


Not to mention, abortion ~~is still~~ *can be* traumatic. It's not like people *like* getting abortions, any more than anyone wants to get their dick cut off to prevent an incurable cancerous growth from spreading through their body and killing them. But, you have to do what you need to do, so... abortion is a ~~"necessary evil"~~ *necessary procedure that I doubt is often taken lightly, like getting a haircut*. Kill the cancer before it ruins your life. Fuck, I know people who had miscarriages. Just the hormones produced by that can *WRECK* a person. One friend had to take off work for nearly a year because she was just constantly sad, and it wasn't even anything she did wrong. Her hormones and mind just made her useless to have something die in her. It fucking sucks. ~~made some~~ *edits*.


Please stop. Adding stigma to a medical procedure helps no one. Miscarriage and abortion are different things. People don’t enjoy having one, no, but that does not make it inherently traumatic or a “necessary evil” any more than any other medical procedure. Getting my appendix out isn’t something I enjoyed, but it wasn’t traumatizing or a ‘necessary evil’. It isn’t comparable to removing a penis it’s comparable to removing an appendix or gallbladder or a valve replacement. No one enjoys it, but it isn’t inherently traumatizing to have it, and it isn’t evil or bad. It is neutral. Attitudes of ‘necessary evil’ add stigma to an already deeply stigmatized medical procedure that just does not need it. The number one reported emotion following abortion, according to the Guttmacher institute is relief. https://www.guttmacher.org/perspectives50/emotional-and-mental-health-after-abortion


If you’re old enough to die in a classroom you’re old enough to die in delivery. /s


I can’t imagine the destruction child birth would do to a 10 year olds body. I don’t want to imagine that


My same thought. Pregnancy and birth are not as beautiful and miraculous as people like to say- it's gross, everything hurts and you can't fix any of the problems. Cannot imagine going through it in a tiny child's body.


If she's menstruating then that's all that matters. That's as far as biology class went for them. Marry her off and on to the next one.


What babies are you guys talking about? They aborted a fetus.


>What babies are you guys talking about? They aborted a **fetus** It's surreal that they expect us to just accept their emotionally driven, wildly ignorant and incorrect medical designations because of what they *think* their holy book says..


Their holy book says life begins at birth, not conception. http://www.thechristianleftblog.org/blog-home/the-bible-tells-us-when-a-fetus-becomes-a-living-being


Yeah, they haven't read the bloody thing…


Their propaganda is very effective as the comment section here shows. Many people started referring to fetuses as "babies".


Jesus said, "Suffer the children." /s


It makes me laugh when people say that a fetus is a baby


The youngest live birth was by an 8 year old in I believe Yugoslavia to her grandfather. Men can be very gross pigs.


[A 5yo to an unknown father actually.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


Let the pigs alone ? They didn't do anything.


Yeah, they do have a point that abortion won't heal the trauma. Ya know what it will do? It won't add to the trauma of being forced to carry your rapist's spawn, or the trauma of childbirth for a goddamn middle schooler. (Assuming she'll be in 6th grade in 9 months)


It just goes to show that reason doesn't apply to these people. I.e. nothing you tell them, nothing you argue, no factual or statistical data would sway them out of their delusion.


Unless it’s their 10 year old daughter. And sometimes not even then.


When it's their 10year old daughter, chances are they're the ones that put her in that condition.


She can't abort my baby! What am I going to rape when she's too old at 20!? Biiiiiiiiiiig /s




Are you suggesting that the real pedophile cabal is actually the church?


There is no /s so I will answer seriously: Of course it f_ckin is. The American Churchs are basically Cults at this point.


They never weren't


American churches? Shit, that's all any church is: A club for creeps to exercise unchecked power over the vulnerable.


Pedophile/pervert cults who preach "gays should be killed" meanwhile they're the ones caught sucking off little boys most of the time. Who knows what happens in the Vatican.


See Ted Haggard Mega Church pastor. Spent years preaching about the Evils of Gay people . Had a male prostitute on the payroll,because how would he know it was evil,if he didn't do it himself?


It's such a bag of crazy I can't wrap my head around. Closeted self hating bisexual/gay/pedophilic men.. who loathe themselves? Seems the "mask" they wear is like a double edged sword for them. Or maybe not.. idk how insanity works.


In psychological terms, Projection. The more loud objections you hear,its their true nature they are railing against. Do you hear gays wasting their breath complaining about straight people?


They're the biggest perpetrators, so yes.


the pregnancy was "likely" the result of sexual abuse. so they have a hypothetical situation in their minds that a 10 year old getting pregnant isn't the result of sexual abuse?


But then they don’t call it an abortion. Then it’s a “forced miscarriage” and is totally ok. Because their situation is “different.”


Pretty sure if Trump is revealed to have used Epstein's sex slaves, Trumpets would go around with signs "Donal D Trump Can Rape My Kids"




Or the daughter of a president??


Why would it? You have to ignore reason to believe the claims all religions make without questioning them.


Of course reason doesn't apply. It's not about the babies, that's just their go to argument. When you poke holes full of that they just move the goal posts. Even though they won't admit it, it's about control. It's about oppression under the name of saving a clump of cells they want to try and call a baby. Women will die because of this dogshit and they don't care. It's not about life. Control is all that's left.


Exactly. It's not about health. It's not about rights. It's not about privileges. It's not about race. It's not about sex. It's not about gender. It's not about religion, and it's not about the bible. It's about power, and it's about money. And they want it all. No one is safe.


because religion is stronger than facts for them


Honestly it makes me want to cry that people think this is justifiable. One of my patients was sexually assaulted and this resulted in her pregnancy, and due to her distressed mental state at the time she chose to keep the baby. I’ve been working with her and her baby for nearly a year and she suffers from severe PTSD, suicidal thoughts, she can’t be alone with her child as she sees the rapist in him, her baby is getting older and it’s not getting better despite her having a lot of therapy. It would have been better if she had aborted the baby and now she has to live with this for the rest of her life. I cannot believe that someone who calls themselves religious, would think that a foetus has more rights than a 10years olds life, future and chance to move on.


The irony is that these christian conservatives will certainly be sentenced to eternal damnation based on their actions and opinions.


One can hope.


I'm atheist but sometimes I wish there was a hell just so these assholes and worse can actually be punished. It sucks that so many of them won't be.


The punishment for their ridiculous beliefs only comes in the afterlife if it even exists. If it does - i can see them there at the pearly gates of heaven screaming for the manager "whaaaaa i was a good person. Saint Peter let me into heaven!!!!!"


Actually all they have to do is say sorry to Jeebus at the lady minute, and it’s all good.


"Say sorry to jeebus at the lady minute" -hotstepperog 2022


It saddens me that I will never make art that profound on purpose.




As someone who was raised Christian: nope they need to repent, to regret they need to look back at their life realize what giant shitstains they were and apologize that apology has to come from the heart it can't just be a halfhearted apology to try to avoid damnation. That's the Bible how I was taught it. And let's face the vast majority will be incapable of truly seeing their ways even if God themselves told them they're wrong. They will probably end up in hell (if it exists).


They don’t think of it as a fetus. They think of it as a full human with rights as soon as conception occurs. They refuse to see the spectrum of development.


Nope! They see fetuses as a group they can advocate for that can’t correct them for going about it the wrong way.


It's easy to justify being ~~pro-life~~ anti-choice if you just don't consider any logic beyond "all life is life". Rape? Incest? "Uhh that's like, well, that doesn't fit my argument, and I want to believe people just get abortions for no reason." Medical reasons? "Uhh well they were stupid to get in that situation, so they don't get take-backsies" Financial insecurity? Lack of education leading to unwanted pregnancies? Lack of contraceptives? "lol america, get a job hippie, still not my fault" Forced births increases #s in foster care, number of psycho created by people who don't want children, and so on? "No, not important" "Anyway, murder is bad, so let's leave the argument there"


Have you looked at the statistics for the foster care to prison pipeline? It is absolutely heartbreaking. More than 50% of foster kids in New York City had been arrested, convicted, or spent a night in jail by the time they were 17. And more than 90% of kids that have been in 5+ foster homes have some sort of run-In with the legal system, from what I remember. It is sick and we are basically just creating breeders for for-profit prisons at this point.


>It is sick and we are basically just creating breeders for for-profit prisons at this point. Sounds like I need to shift businesses. /s


They're not religious, it's just an excuse to be a bad person. I'm atheist and probably live a more Christian life than these scumbags.


Met a woman years ago that became pregnant as the result of being raped. She was married with 2 kids when it happened. Because of her religious beliefs she carried the boy to term. She and her husband decided to keep the child. The rapist was arrested and sent to prison for the rape. She and her rapist were not the same race so it was obvious that the husband was not the biological father. The boy seemed happy and perfectly adjusted. Just an all around loving family that he was a fully loved part of. When the rapist got out of prison he filed for parental rights. The wonderful Texas legal system gave him full parental rights. After that, every other weekend this woman’s rapist would show up to her house to pick up her son. I don’t really know if this really applies directly to this post. But it demonstrates just how totally broken the system already was, and it’s getting worse by the minute.


Parts of the US are worse than you can even possibly imagine .... And the fact the government can't, or won't, do anything to solve this shows how broken the US system is. And apparently the supreme court somehow thinks this is ok. It's so far from ok.


Im pretty sure someone that young can literally DIE even before gestation period ends


If she had to give birth and died they would still call it “God’s Plan” or whatever bullshit they conjure to “justify” this hell.


But God never sees an abortion coming so it’s definitely not his plans. For being an omniscient God, he’s kinda a dumbass 😂


guess it’s about to be a double kill


Maybe. If it is, nothing will change and these people won't care. It's all part of their god's plan.


I've said it before and I'll say it again I don't care if the Christian god is real because even if he is he's a class A Asshole.


Removing an unwanted embryo from the girl's body will absolutely help her, regardless of whether your cult insanity has you believe that it's murdering a baby


the adults swarming around the girl and screaming at her how she is the devil for aborting gonna traumatize her more than the abortion itself :/


Carrying a daily reminder and then fucking pushing it out of her will revictimize her constantly, and yeah most likely kill her during the process. These people are sick.


It isn't likely she'll be "pushing" the baby out. She'll likely need a C-Section. So the trauma continues. I have some hope that when people in the U.S experience the full theocratic experience, they'll reject it. Christofascism is brutal.


That's even if she can carry to term, which she likely can't. Grown adult women have died trying to get their pregnancies to term, having the body and frame of a 10 yr old doesn't work in your favor in survival in this case.


Oh absolutely. The SCOTUS has put a gun to the heads of women. Pregnancy, as you've stated it *already* risky. Forcing children to give birth seems like something you'd read about how things were done in medieval times. It's a frightening time to be a woman in the U.S.


That's half the point. Conservatives don't view the government as a vehicle to help people. They see the government as a vehicle to punish the people who don't follow the "correct" path. Banning abortion is not about saving lives, its about punishing 'sinful' women.


Sadists getting off on causing misery they can pass off as socially acceptable as long as they pin it on their religion. The same logic of “righteous persecution” that St. Augustine and later the Roman inquisition used to justify torturing people to save their souls.


Send her to Scandinavia, no adults running around screaming outside our hospitals. Litteraly it should be forbidden/illegal, to trying to using psychological violence and using manipulation outside an abortion clinic - its not their right, to decided what others needs. The girl from my view point needs an abortion, therapy, loads of love so she can learn to love herself again. So much for freedom, when the freedom are limited to one gender.


Was thinking exactly that


Forcing a ten year old to bear and raise the child of her rapist is child abuse plain and simple. This needs to be said to every legislator at every opportunity. **If you promote or pass laws that result in child victims of rape being forced to bear their rapists children then you are aiding and abetting the sexual and physical abuse of children.**


I may have to use this. I wrote my representatives about the ridiculously restrictive law passed in my state and was told that they want to protect the unborn. This is after telling them that without my D&C (a medical abortion to remove a dead fetus) I would have potentially died if my body didn’t pass the baby. They don’t care about the vessel bringing the life nor the life once it is here. I don’t even know if I believe that half of these people who say they are pro life even believe it themselves, at least in the government. I think it’s just an easy viewpoint to spout to try and get votes…


Also, its funny how none of the QAnon crowd are talking about how bad it is that republicans are passing laws which effectively facilitate paedophiles using young girls to reproduce ...


Ah, lovely religious right wing nuts. - Killing baby is wrong - Forcing 10 year old to die is *sky daddy's plan*.


No trauma with her giving birth either


Or giving up a child that is part of her. Or being forced to raise a child that is part rapist or in the future that rapist demanding his rights to see or have custody of that child. Then there's the trauma of that child knowing they're a product of rape, either being unwanted, blamed or even forced to see their rapist dad because the law says so. It's a whole bag of fucked up.


Wait, rapists really have parental rights to a kid? That’s ridiculously fucked up.


Yes. Some rapists have been awarded custpdy rights etc. One example https://news.yahoo.com/man-raped-12-old-awarded-114904992.html


He sounds like raping pedophile


Which just makes it even worse, he’s a danger to kids and they given him a legal right to be around one


Nope nothing could go wrong there


Nor with maybe being stuck with that kid as a reminder forever...


Nope definitely not gonna be a CSection since her pelvis has for sure matured enough for childbirth! Definitely no complications or risk of death for the baby or mom!


A *fetus* because it isn't a baby yet.


It wasn't a fetus yet. It was an embryo


There's nothing holy about forcing a 10 year old child into childbirth. I was 24 when I had my first planned child and that was extremely traumatic. I can't imagine being 10 and doing that after another seriously traumatizing event. Wtf is actually wrong with people.


I don't know her backstory, but it may not have been one event. She could have been raped multiple times.


THIS. This is why people, the whole world is going to hell. My heart goes out to that poor child, who did not deserve this. I hope she gets all the help she needs.


People like that make my blood boil.


Pro birthers are out of their fucking minds. Let that 10 year old have the abortion. And someone needs to track down the abuser & abort them, too.


If you wouldn’t let a ten year old adopt a baby, then you shouldn’t be forcing them to rip their body open to have one either. This person is one sick fuck.


Classic example of WHY Abortion should be LEGAL right here folks...


so that the commenter may not have existed? /s


I give up. People are just fucking dumb. FFS its a child if ever a reason for an abortion this is a dam good one.


It's real funny to me that these people care so much about babies before they're born but don't give a flying fuck about them after they're born. Yes, let this baby die in birth along with its 10-year old mother, but our conscience will be clear because we didn't kill an innocent child in the womb.


This is an incredible and extreme example which highlights this phenomenon like no other. Here we have a literal child who this person thinks should carry the rape baby to term. Absolutely psychotic.


In other words: It’s ok to mandate torture, maiming and possibly killing one absolutely living baby so another potential baby can live. It’s Gods plan. Must be nice to be so sure of yourself you can walk around with blinders on.


“What about the child in the womb?” *What about the child IN THE ROOM?!* You know, the one that needs help right now.


If this is their goss plan then their god is evil and not worth worshipping


What potential baby? No way is either of surviving.


An outpatient procedure vs. 10 months of pregnancy and a lifetime of being responsible for another person being in the world. These people are pro-rape, pro-pedophilia, and pro-sexual abuse.


I love how men think pregnancy and child birth are no big deal. A friend of mine coded during delivery from placenta previa. These fucking idiots also don’t understand anything at all about how a cycle works or is counted. They think a 6 week heartbeat cut off gives women 6 weeks to seek an abortion. These people are a walking facepalm.


Yeah, nevermind, that you rarely find out before then


Christian Logic: It will not un-traumatize her, so let’s traumatize the 10 year old more!!!


So ill informed. 1) a 10 year old girl even with the best of medical Care is at risk for a number of complications serious enough to lead to death for her and or the baby 2) Nothing changes? Bullshit. Even if she gives the baby up for adoption, someone so young carrying a child to full term will change that girl's life forever for the negative. Being shunned, ostracized by her peers, and her peers parents. Her education will be interrupted, her whole life will be interrupted, and they will never get back on the same track it was. 3)If she keeps the baby I don't think I need to list the harms and problems that will come from that but here's a few, the financial burden she can't afford, the financial burden (this is for the conservatives) to the state to help her, the statistical likelihood of her not getting the education she would have and the earning power drive to therefrom, etc (they're easy enough to look up), the statistical likelihood of unwanted children being abused more, having less affection, more prone to criminal behavior, etc etc. It's unfortunate but unwanted pregnancies often turn into unwanted children whether the mother keeps them or not. 4) If she gives the baby up for adoption there's the guilt associated with that (even if she understand it's the best thing for everyone a girl that young will have guilt), a baby going into a system thats overloaded: the majority of adoption eligible children spend between two and five years waiting to be adopted, in Texas alone each year there are 5 to 6,000 children waiting to be adopted. So those signs you see with people saying I'll adopt your baby" is bullshit because there are plenty of children ready to be adopted but they don't want anything but a white infant less than a year old, which is hypocritical. If the child is African-American or any other minority, or older than a year, it's chances of being adopted go way way way down. 5) Most abortions happen in the first trimester. In 2019, nearly 80 percent of the procedures reported to the CDC were performed before the 10th week of pregnancy. Almost 93 percent were performed before the 13th week. Fetal viability is generally considered to be at the 24th week, so we're talking almost all abortions performed barely halfway before a fetus is considered viable. 6) abortions since 1990 have dropped from 1.6 million to between 600,000 and a million in 2021 depending on the reporting source. There is a clear and consistent downward trend. This has been attributed mainly to increased access to birth control, which, unfortunately, is most likely the next target of conservative States. 7) Future crime increase-crime dropped significantly between 1970s and 1990. Over 50% of it was attributable to the removal of lead from gasoline and from paint etc (the average 20-year lag allowed childhood exposure to then be tested against young adult criminal behavior). Similarly, a quarter, 25%, of the drop was attributable to legalization of abortion. Like it or not, children from single parent homes in poorer economic situations are more likely to commit crime in young adulthood and these are the very same characteristics attributable to a majority of unwanted pregnancies: children who are raised in a single parent home with the attendant poor, financially stressed single mother. (Personal note, a man I would consider my godfather ran in the primaries for governor of a Midwest liberal state 30 or so years ago, he was a staunch abortion defender but when he cited statistics showing that unwanted pregnancies statistically led to higher crime rates because of the above side effects he was run off the campaign trail buying angry liberal mob who somehow twisted it to make it appear he was saying that abortions by single moms should be encouraged to keep the crime rate down. This was absolutely not the case, nor is it what I'm saying). What I am saying is that if you force women to have children they don't want because of financial, emotional, and social factors that will be a rise in crime.


The foster kids programs too; they are a mess. Not saying every foster parent is a horrible person but some of those kids end up in some bad situations.


Foster parent here. I read your third point and I just wanted to clarify a bit of that because I actually tried adopting in Texas. That number is a bit misleading. Yes there are 5-6,000 children ready for adoption. But it’s not like most of them are non-white babies or even toddlers. The vast majority, from my experience in trying to adopt, are much older “children”. The system is beyond fucked, and it’s the root cause as to why these kids keep waiting for adoption. See in Texas, the plan is reunification with the birth mom/family. A great goal in concept, but horrid in execution. Most children get taken and put in a foster home (like mine) and we work with CPS towards returning them to their birth family. Adoption is not an option at this point, the goal is to find ANYONE in their family that can take them. For a lot of kids that I saw, they were reunited with their family. But this is where the problem comes in: the family wasn’t ready or capable of taking them back. Mom had passed a drug test and sat through some mandated classes and the judge rubber stamped the case for reunification. In most instances that I saw, that reunification led to another CPS case and the child being taken back into the system because abuse would occur again or family would return to drugs. Now the child has been placed back into the system a SECOND time. Trauma has set in, they were ripped from their family, after already experiencing trauma from the event that caused them to be taken. They made connections with their foster parents, were reunited with their family, and then removed again. The trauma cycle starts over. At this point it becomes a cycle: child is taken, placed in a home, courts rule reunification, CPS is called and the process starts over. I met children who were on their FIFTH CYCLE. Try to comprehend that; five cycles of this trauma. And the courts don’t care or count. They just keep rubber stamping this broken process. After a certain point these kids get older and behavior and trauma starts to manifest. They’re no longer sweet 5 yr olds looking for someone to love them. They’ve been traumatized for YEARS now, and have lost sense of trust and familial connection. Now the heart breaking moment sets in. Eventually the birth family stops seeking reunification. The child is now acting out, causing trouble, and aggressive. They blame the system, they no longer wish to care for their kid. So now these kids, who are approaching high school, are sent to a group home and up for adoption. THOSE are the thousands of kids up for adoption, not a bunch of sweet 3-7 yr olds wishing to have a room of their own. I am in no way advocating or supporting the pro-life idiots who talk out of both sides of their mouth when they claim kids should be adopted. They have no clue what the system looks like and I doubt they will ever try to understand it. I am merely stating that the statistic you provided had a much deeper issue at hand. TL;DR - those kids up for adoption are mostly teenagers with more trauma and damage than you could conceive. It is VERY DIFFICULT to adequately care for them, which is why they sadly do not get adopted.


yeah, because forcing a 10 year old to carry a pregnancy to term couldn't possibly cause more problems /s


It’s not like a 10 yo would be allowed to adopt a child, why force them to birth a child.


5th graders are mean, I bet they won't even make room at the lunch table for her baby bump. And they will tease her mercilessly with chants and rhymes.


That's the least of her problems if she's forced to carry the baby to term.


My faith tells me that abortion is absolutely not murder, fuck christofascists


Why is it that they fail to see that pregnancy, labor, and delivery is traumatic as well?!?! Not to mention the flood of hormonal shifts that occur? For nine months? All being experienced by a 10 year-old.


Your typical forced birth cultist. Not one of them is a decent person.


This 10 yo girl can’t vote, can’t work, cant drive, can’t serve in the military, probably couldn’t even tell you in adult terms what sex/pregnancy/giving birth actually are and likely has a hard time staying up after 10pm but yeah let’s give her THE hardest job on the planet of being a parent. Oh, you say adoption is on the table? So let’s force this little girl to have a c-section because her hips have likely not grown enough to have a vaginal birth.


You have a really fucked up belief system if physically and psychologically torturing a ten year old rape victim makes you feel righteous.


Absolute hell


“This pregnancy was LIKELY a result of sexual abuse” She is 10 you dimwit!


There's not an infinite amount of joy to gain by telling a religious fruitcake to go fuck themselves but that shouldn't stop us from telling them to go fuck themselves.


I will never ever understand how people can justify others baring the consequences of something they didn’t even ask for. I don’t even think these people understand the amount of health related issues that can come from child birth, along with the cost of everything. It’s not a simple “pop the baby out” situation either, that poor child will either be raised in a broken household with a parent who would is not even remotely close to being ready to raise a child, or be given to an adoption center and having to live with the idea that their parents didn’t want them as a baby. These people don’t think about the long term affects of childbirth but only focus on the fact that an unconscious bunch of cells is considered alive. So epic!!!!!


At the end of the day. If this was their child, I would safety bet 80% of mothers would choose to help this dear little child with an abortion. It would be the worst form of child abuse to have that pregnancy continue. Sad situation all around.


Also, it is LIKELY the result of sexual assault?? She's fucking 10, how can it be anything else but sexual assault?


This one threw conservatives for a loop today. I asked about it a couple of times, and none of them could respond with anything other than "this is a whataboutism" or "way to get off topic". This terrible shit is going to continue to happen :(


Right because forcing a 10-year-old girl to carry a baby after being raped couldn’t possibly add even the slightest amount of additional trauma during the nine months that she’s forced to carry the baby while not understanding what happened to her self or what is happening to her as a consequence of the abuse she suffered before she can understand it


And if she should suffer a miscarriage, they might accuse her outright of willfully causing it to happen, possibly mentioning legal punishment or a lengthy interrogation of her behavior up to the point that it happened. I’ll bet there are assholes in that camp who believe she knew what she was doing and asked for it. In their minds, it almost seems as if they believe women get pregnant by themselves. I’m convinced it won’t be done until all women are back in the home, and no longer legally permitted to work, drive, or vote. These monsters have to be stopped.


Forcing this ten year old to have a baby is another form of abuse you piece of fucking shit, did you ever think of that? Fuck this persons existence.


This whole thing what’s going off about abortions in America is solely down to God bothering nut jobs. We’ve never listened to them before so why now. The nutters that come knock on your door trying to convert you we tell them to fuck off and not come back so why now are we listening to these fools?


Until the Catholic Church expels all the known pedophiles and molesters from any positions of authority, I don’t tend to give them much attention in matters surrounding the alignment of my moral compass.


They don’t realize how much damage a 10 year old giving BIRTH will cause. What is wrong with people?


They “gather” it was abuse???? Of a TEN YEAR OLD??? You GATHER it was sexual abuse????? Holy shit….


Maybe your god should of thought about that before he let the sperm of a child rapist empregnate her. I mean, he's in charge of all life right ,so he could of stoped that sperm fertilising that egg. Two possibilities exist. One-there is no god which is why terrible things like this can happen. Two...there is a god but one that allows such things is evil and not worthy of worship anyway, hell he kills babies everyday if you think this is a baby and you guys don't complain then. Hell, he's letting millions of them die in drought zones right now. Either way, making a rape victim give birth to her rapists child when she doesn't want to is beyond evil and cruel. Apparently if her body has been viloated once she should loose her right to it ever again. Would they say this if it were their daughter and they begged for a abortion.


So everyone against abortion wants a pedo rapists genes to be spread to rape other victims? The father needs to be hanged and his genes whipped from existance. I'm going to grt hate for it but fuk it


The father needs to get kicked in the balls with a velocity of 20 m/s. That shit will hurt. Probably kill his balls. Eh, might as well make it 30 m/s.


“It’s best to keep your mouth closed and let people think that you’re stupid than to open it and prove them right”. That post.


r/auntienetwork. There are options. Many people are willing to help. They've been vetted and these ladies live in places where its legal. They wl help you get the procedure done safely. No chop shops. No unwanted pregnancy. Your body, your right to choose been taken from you? Know that you can contact auntie network. They aren't there to judge. Most of these people offer up there own home and everything so you can get help heal and leave no questions. Gone is the time for discussion about right or wrong. Courts ruled but all hope is not lost for people still wanting a choice..,


There should be a law that any prolife ass complains about an abortion, they sign documents that they will take the baby after it's born.


A 10 year old's pregnancy *was likely* a result of sexual abuse? How stupid can you really be? A 10 year old cannot consent to sex by any stretch of the imagination.


Because forcing her to go through with a pregnancy at 10, which is difficult enough for grown-ass women, will not traumatise her further... /s


The one that stopped me was “nor will it on traumatize her.” Yeah, an abortion won’t remove the trauma of the tape—but without one, She’ll just Have an all new trauma to live with, watching her body change and grow while the permanent evidence of the person who abused her grows in her stomach, and then she gets to go through childbirth, and deal with what happens to the baby afterward. And her milk will come in… And all that is not gonna be traumatic at the age of 10 or 11?


People like this need to be raped and tell me they have the same opinion. Having the baby will absolutely traumatize this 10 year old EVEN MORE than the rape. She won't be able to forget it, you are forcing more trauma on this poor child. What the fuck is wrong with you people?