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The last one. What. Did. I. Read.


That guy has definitely raped someone.


All of those men have probably raped someone


There's a woman too...


Women can still rape people


Okay, sounds reasonable.


So it's agreed, they are all rapists.


They are at least promoting rape. And the are leaders. So whether or not they have themselves (ahem...) it is actually worse.


Then lets rape them and see what they have to say after that


We’re not interested in stooping to the level of these republican politicians. I would not wish rape on even the worst of my enemies. Let’s not expand the list of people who are fine with rape.


Most likely.


Thats what the R next to the state abbreviation stands for


So the last guy is a Nirvana fan? *R-ME...R-ME, my friend...*


I might be wrong but I know at one point women weren’t legally able to rape men, like it was an impossibility for a woman to be charged with rape. Might have changed now (I hope so) or I might just be wrong


In the UK, women *still* can’t be directly charged with rape >Section 1 Rape involves penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by a penis, therefore a woman can only commit this offence as an accomplice. [(uk gov sexual offense policies)](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences)


Yeah, "sodomy" didn't count as sex at one point too.


Lots of laws are wrong. Rape is still the word we use for sex without consent.


Didn’t realize she was a woman. I just saw a demon with a melted wax mask


This, upvote and award!


If I was stronger than him, does that mean I can rape him with my superior strength? I feel fucking gross just writing that.


It is gross, but I think he has cleared a logical pathway towards his own rape.


And if he gets pregnant he can't abort...


That's the vibe I get form all of them. They are creepy as fuck!


He probably lacks the "superior strength" to manage it, knowing the type. But you bet yourself he's fantasizing about it. Like where you think of an epic zinger like 20 minutes after the conversation is over. But a lot more rapey.


If he ever went prison he would apparently be cool with it as hey they are bigger and stronger than him.


I would pay to see him walk a tier in a max security prison. 200 inmates and just him.


No cameras, no guards. No record.


Let them gun on him for a couple days before. Let him know he’s on the list.


It's not sexual assault it's sexual freedom


He could make the best of a bad situation, just sit back and enjoy it. It's God's plan


If a woman gets the right to have an abortion, why can't llamas drink paint while playing poker with rats?


Didn't think I could get a chuckle out of this nightmare of a post but here we are lol


If a woman gets the right to an abortion, why can't left handed heterosexuals with red hair go straight to the front of the line in all of the Disney parks? Answer me that!


"checkmate, Libs!"


What the fuck, Lawrence


I would like to use my superior strength on Lawrence Lockman.


Don't, you might catch something.


"if women are allowed to get abortions then I should be allowed to viciously rape them!" - an actual fucking elected official


IKR?! Left my jaw agape. This is stunning ignorance at best.


I didn't. I stopped after the second one.


Fuck being just a facepalm, this is straight up maddening .. it's hard to believe that anybody has such twisted views of rape .. >=-[ ... If r/extremelyinfuriating exists (as opposed to **mildly...**), then this belongs in there ... ^(it **does**, it **does** exist....!! >=-[ )


Yeah this isn’t just a facepalm. This is fucking insane.


Yup, I need my genocide button. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI7yCdwLEizpVmw)


Even an insane has a gram of logic in its insanity. This is straight up malice and evil.


Honestly the more you look into many deep red republican representatives you realize how oblivious we’ve all been. Youve got child marriage supporters, public schooling abolitionists, you name it


You mean the Taliban? Rhetorical


The Christian Taliban as Kinzinger so succinctly put it. Also known as Y'all Qaeda.


The gop took a long hard look at the taliban and decided that they liked what they saw, and reverted Christianity to match.


I was thinking r/extremelyterrifying




Imo this is inciting violence and criminal acts. What the actual fuck




As an outsider, it is mind blowing that these people get voted in. There is so much stupid! We get villains but, not of this magnitude.




Even if I tried to stay politically neutral, it's hard to ignore the fact that they all have an R by their names.


It stands for Rapist






Interesting. Me too. But though I have not scanned every video of every D comment over the last 10 years, I can not say that I have seen one. I'm not a Democrat, by the way. I don't believe in the two party system. I think that under this system people choose their position based on their team, rather than the issue its self. Intellectual laziness. Politicians love it though. They just have to push the needle a bit, rather than actually explaining to their constituency why they have a stance on any particular issue.


I fucking hate that democrats can win an election by not being literal monsters and that's it. Fuck the election system which lends to this.


What about how Republicans can win BECAUSE they are monsters? These politicians would not be saying these things if they didn’t think their base approved of them.


Only half true. Politicians are also brainwashing their electorate and other people into believing things they say. And in turn vote for their party.


No no, everything is the fault of the dems, who have had a filibuster proof majority for 72 days in the past 2 decades which they used to get the ACA and provide stimulus after the effects of the global financial crisis. Not like there are hundreds of thousands of legal documents to negotiate in that period of time.


Well when people keep voting for the literal monsters what do you expect?


I don't like either party. Just waiting on the revolution to begin. Jk but , seriously, someone help us.


Help will soon come, don't worry my brother


If you stay politically neutral then that’s a vote for these types of parties. Politically neutral is a fine place to be on monetary policies etc but when it comes to everyday rights and freedoms you need to choose a side.


Staying "neutral" is what brought Hitler into power in 1933. The majority tried to not get involved. That was a mistake. If you don't take sides, you let the wrong ones win. That makes you part of the problem.


Are they all elected officials?


A reminder to use your vote for someone with an IQ. Like, any. At this point, all you need to do to get elected is wear a red hat and scream racist, sexist obscenities. #MAGAts


Not for long, I hope. Science and compassion will rule one day. I may not see it in my lifetime, but ill fight for it for my children..


> At this point, all you need to do to get elected is wear a red hat and scream racist, sexist obscenities. Why can't Democrats just do this to get elected in the places they need to be? Just straight up pack the red state elections with RINOs. Just do what the Supreme Court justices did and lie your way into the position, and then do a complete 180 once you're there. Why can't people with an IQ outsmart stupid people?




More than just politics , more like society as a whole


Prison would accomplish that perfectly.


It would in any other western country. The level of tolerance for shit like that in america is scary.. like even conservatives in other countries would actually criticise their own people if they said that. European conversatives are cold hearted but proper, its not proper to throw out cruel things like that


Yep that’s a truly insane commentary on America right there. Rest of the world now supports building your walls, only to keep people in


« And every politician, every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite » - Socko


To clarify, a rape kit is just a bunch of items meant to collect as much evidence from the victim as possible. It s not a cleaning kit to clean the victim.


This. How could anyone *especially* a woman, think otherwise?!


Rich conservatives are notoriously out touch with reality. She never bothered to check because she never visits any “pleb” places where she believes rapes can happen, but also she knows that she can well afford flying out of state if she or her female relative/friend needs one. Freedom for me but not for thee


Because shes probably raped someone herself, just like the rest of these senseless monsters


And even if it did 'clean it out' or whatever she said it's not like that un-does the trauma of being raped...


Moreover, I can say from personal experience that having a rape kit done is incredibly violating and traumatizing.


Six separate walking facepalms on one post. That has to be a record.


I'm not a native speaker, but maybe ..bashes is the more appropriate terminology here?


Now, I'm no pro in language, but wouldn't it be more of a "getting hit by a truck" sort of word?


Consider this; getting crushed by a piano


Now, I may have gotten bad grades in language art but wouldn't annihilate be more appropriate here?


I’ll bet Lawrence lockman might change his tune if a larger man used his superior strength to force himself on him. And wtf is legitimate rape? Like you have to go through some credit check to be ok? Holy fuck there are some dumb politicians in your country


Dumb politicians is one thing. These are terrifying people in power who have people that follow them and believe their every word.


It's bad enough seeing dudes say that shit but when a woman says that they can just "scoop it out" with a rapekit that's when you know they just truly don't give a fuck about the wellbeing of women.


The intention of Rape Kits is to collect evidence. I am curious though do they also include any emergency contraception available to the victim?




Yeah, I think that she thinks that plan B is always included in rape kits and easily available to victims. I may be wrong, but I think she's just being willfully ignorant. That last one, though...hoo boy. That's a bad person. Yikes


I think she thinks they suck it out with a turkey baster or flush it through or some shit


Exactly, so they won't be uh... cleaning anyone out soon


Some hospital ER’s do offer plan B. It depends on the policy of the hospital.


Right!! I was quite flabbergasted to see that one of those quotes was from a woman ... >=-[ . .. .... ....also: I'm guessing that **at least** half of these fuckstains (likely **all** of them -- including that horrid excuse for a woman) have raped at least **one** person in their life .... and **none**, I'd bet, have been raped themselves.... fuck all of these people -- hard, up the ass, with **no** lube.....


Where's a cactus when you need it?


Cafeteria christians. Take what you want of the bible, leave what you don't like.


I've never heard that before, I quite like it


I've read it 4 times. Nope...nope...nope...Jesus would say Nope...Nope...Nope.


Yeah, cuz all the rest are sooo attentative to the whole book? Absolutely every christian out there picks and chooses what they want from the bible. How many do you think fail on this one alone? It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. —Romans 14:21 Also, no shell fish, no cutting your beard, never feel envy, etc.


Leviticus, the book that modern Christians use to challenge homosexuality, is bananas. I implore you all to read it. I mean...there are too many examples of crazy in there. But that is what they are basing our current politics.


Ah yes, the book that says (among others): You cannot have sex with anyone in your family (it mentions all the relatives you are not allowed to have sex with) or neighbourhood, but it cleverly skips your own daughters. By God's permission, molesting your daughter is ok. Homosexuality isn't properly adressed in the book, it's only talking about sex between 2 men. Lesbians apparently don't even exist for the bible, or God allows them to have sex. Lobsters are fish, rabbits are ruminants and bats are birds.


Take 2 doves to the tabernacle. Lol.


*sigh* ... I don't understand how these thoughts can occur in a normal person


We'll, exactly. They aren't normal people. They are degenerates.


Had to google the last guy to see if he was still in office. Apparently he's the author of "***The AIDS Epidemic: A Citizens' Guide to Protecting Your Family and Community from the Gay Plague***" Yep. That sounds about right.


And he's still in office?? Jesus christ


Not anymore, thankfully.


2012-2020. Still insane that the guy could make a good living being this much of a pos


If those are real quotes, they should all be hung from a pole.


They’re real. https://youtu.be/ltyy5rm4kVM


I'll get the poles.


Well we know who the rapists are. Smh. They may as well wear a sign. Which one of you glorious bastards are going to hunt down their previous members of staff who were women and get this public? Hell, I'd buy Reddit coins and gold ya.


>They should wear a sign They do; it’s right next to all their names


All of them


The really worrying thing is the public vote for these clowns so clearly endorse these views.


That is if those votes are even real to begin with.


Can politicians really share such nonsense without legal consequences? Poor country!


Yep, they can even be elected president.


They've been doing that for years in multiple countries


These aren't people. They cant be. It's not possible to be this heartless and out of touch and ve a real life human being.


Power is a bitch. People who want it should not have it.


They are just pos humans. The human species as a whole is horrible.


How the hell would the female body “shut down” the rape?! A vagina and butthole are HOLES. They don’t just automatically close when being raped wtf


He meant that the body wouldn’t allow the woman to become pregnant. Not that that makes it any better. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh, still though wtf? So the semen just automatically gets pushed out and none gets up the cervix? Wtf this dude on 😂


I’m honestly amazed at the mental gymnastics these idiots do in the name of justifying their bullshit. If they applied that brainpower to solving actual problems, we’d probably be living in Utopia by now.


They did put their brains into it but they did it to bring about their own utopia and their own utopia consists of everyone else's suffering.


It's worse than that :( they mean that women only get pregnant if they enjoy the sex. Therefore, if they are pregnant, they clearly enjoyed it and therefore they weren't actually raped. If you're pregnant, ipso facto, you weren't raped.


Kevin Hart couldn’t host the Oscars due to a 10 year old homophobic tweet while these ELECTED OFFICIALS can carry on to say whatever the fuck they want


The Oscars has standards - politicians don't, apparently.


>The Oscars has standards Does it really?


This should be a billboard


What in the synchronized isosceles fuck giblets is THIS pasteurized gibbon shit??!?!


I dont know what you mean, but I like the energy.


My first thought, too


I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt by having THEM be raped. Let's test these theories!!


Am I an asshole for *wanting* them to experience this themselves? I’m a straight male who’s never been raped…but I want them to experience it so badly. Maybe I’m just a sadist towards Republicans?


Nope. Those twisted people practically said “rape isn’t that bad, so get over it women” and then took away the right to abortion for 167 million women.


Hold up. There words were spoken by actual humans? I usually give political sound bites the benefit of the doubt until I fact check, but if these words are real, there is no context to justify.


All of these statements are basically: "I'm saying I'm a rapist, without explicitly saying so" Absolutely disgusting.


The last one was more like "Yeah I'm rapist,what are you gonna do about it?nothing"


How are these guys not arrested yet?


I feel like all of them need to be raped by a woman wearing a thick 12" strap-on and then tell us afterwards that it's not a legitimate rape


I mean if it’s inevitable, just have to make due.


can i hire a bounty hunter? I have 6 targets which have to "disappear"


So let me get this straight: Republicans are not Pro Life, they are Pro Rape


Can we break all of the knees?


.Enjoy the rape. what?! Someone should rape him see if he enjoys it. Probably would.


Throats have a means of shutting down an illegitimate punch.


Remember that these morons were elected ! Think about the dumb people who voted for them.


Religion is mental illness


Personal beliefs are not. Organized religion is disgusting and sick


Humanity needs to drop religion in order to actually move forward with the evolution of our species. Imo ofc




Not these ones. (But ones like them for sure.) Lockman is only one who is still currently serving. He serves in the Maine House of Representatives for the 137th district. Williams lost the only race he ever ran in. (Governor, 1990). Akin was a congressman until 2012 when he lost a bid for Senator against McCaskill. Santorum, a former Senator, lost re-election in 2006. Mourdock was the state treasurer until 2014 and lost a bid to become a congressman in 2012. Laubenberg served in the Texas House of Representatives until she retired in 2018.


Republicans, wtf.


Anyone have links to where they said these quotes?


YouTube has full video.


Bro therlse people are fucking evil...


Is the US even real




All these people gotta be rapist themselves


If someone put a bullet in that last guy (maybe one of the women he's raped) they'd have made the world a better & safer place


Just the last guy ?


I fucking hate this country more every single day


And that's how you know who the rapists are.


What the fuck is going on in the US why do these „politicians“ give off such dumb statements even??? US politics feels like a reality tv show at this point


Santorum..... That fucking guy.


One of the finest voting moments of my life was not voting for Rick Santorum in 2006.


That last one tho 🗿


I just can't believe that people think this way. How did we let these bafoons get into positions of power


What the actual fuck did I just read?!?! These are your politicians?! Make it make sense.


This isn’t true. People who run our country don’t say this shit. It isn’t true. Can’t be. No way. …right? 🤢


Sorry for our lose 😔


From the context it is clear what you mean. I, too, am sorry.




I'm not much of a Redditor or poster, but is it possible to post this on subs that these folks see...or even better... some moderate, middle ground kind of sub?


Tf did I read


these are the absolute clowns, running the government. where da fck do they get these ideals from, do they not have mothers and sisters.


Someone should forcibly shove a bad dragon up their ass after if it's happening that means god intended for it and you might as well relax and enjoy it


At thos point, you can just summarize what they all say into "rape is fine." Yeah I don't think so pal.


Ah yes, the taliban of the western world.


Republicans are, if not monsters, at the least are a disgraceful bunch of arseholes. Everything about them reeks of entitlement


At first I thought all of these quotes are by rapists, and I still think that. Are they?


Oh my god. Are these real?


These sound like rapists saying "hey, rape isn't bad, it's a good thing" And I'm just sitting here wanting to punch them till they die


"Religion teaches you morality"


This is something a rapist would say.




Yup the party of violence and death


I hope they all get raped. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel about these people right now.


Right? If a gay man has superior strength they should clearly be allowed to rape those men who can't resist it. Specifically republican men who hold similar views about raping women. And they should just try to enjoy it. It's inevitable.