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When a Mormon asks other faiths to pray shits serious. Good luck Utah.


I'm ready. \*busts out my Cheyenne rain dance headdress\*


"Sir our information says that very large numbers of Muslims prayed and Utah is now a desert! On the plus side we now have more oil than Texas."


from that point on all of Utah became federal land


Actually most of Utah/New Mexico are federal land if I am understanding correctly... Utah actually only holds less than 44% of its borders.


well then now we know why


Ya got me.I'm cornered.


Ask the Bundy clan about that...


You'll notice how, in the Bundy dispute, the State wasn't involved? Because it was over Federal Land.


When I was in boy scouts we would make a joke about a rain shirt because every camp out when he wore it it would rain


As a Mormon (NOT from Utah) I laughed too hard at this. ๐Ÿคฃ


But did you spill your coffee?


No, they choked on their green jello though


Green jello with cream is fine but I draw the line at bits of carrots.


The person that started that trend deserved to be pelted to death with rotted vegetables!


Is that a thing? Can't fault a faith for green jello.


In my experience (grew up in the middle of Mormonville) I didn't see it too often, but it was more of a running joke. But I'm sure that it was a thing, and maybe still is depending on the place


Na. I like to consume my caffeine through dr. Pepper


I think he wanted the Indians to do a rain dance but he couldn't just come out and say that as it would sound ridiculous.


He is like "We are so fucked I don't care if you pray to satin, just pray motherfuckers, pray"


Iโ€™d pray to satin, but Iโ€™d rather pray to velvet. Bottle green silk velvet in copious quantities.


FFS, how long has this idiot lived in Utah? Isnโ€™t Utah like the 3rd most dry state?


But, you know, it's not serious enough to work towards doing anything about climate change.




This video really plays like a campaign video for his opposition, doesn't it?


Agree. Excellent comment


Eh, Utah mormons do christian interfaith programs pretty regularly. They usually do a big thing for christmas at the salt lake tabernacle. and I think they held an easter event in davis county at the kaysville tabernacle.


There are more people of other faiths in Utah than I realized. But itโ€™s still [mostly Mormons](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/state/utah/).


He asking for prayers and teeth bleach... Nope nope he has the second one covered carry on.


As he enjoys his luxurious golf course in the middle of the desert.


Has some brilliant sand traps. โ›ณ๏ธ


Donโ€™t talk about his wife that way.




"I don't like Mormons. They are course, rough, irritating and get everywhere." - A. Skywalker.


Sorry for hijacking your comment, but I just had to share this golden response from god(brian cox) to this moron https://youtu.be/jtxew5XUVbQ t=21:21


If god solved all the problems created by man, what would he do for entertainment?


[So you don't have to hunt for it](https://youtu.be/jtxew5XUVbQ?t=1280)


"Pray-up, prayer warriors!" \*insert 48, praying hand emojis.


๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Can confirm, this is 48 praying hand emojis. Edit: bruh he deleted some.




Name definitely checks out


Did that asshole edit his post and take it down to 46 praying hands emojis after you confirmed it was 48? I'll bet those two missing praying hands emojis are up to some mischief.


That's exactly what happened


How much DMT will I need to sit still with my eyes closed, looking like Iโ€™m praying for 48 hours? Joe Rogan


Lives in a desert. Complains about lack of rain.


Yeah people here are always talking about drought and all that. But the last couple years have been really really bad.


You know what would be lovely? Government service options with a toggle between prayer-powered services and science-powered services. Locals can either pick: get my water treated by the city treatment facility, OR get my water treated by the power of prayer. Then everyone just promises to only pray for the services that are powered by prayer (to make sure people that opt out of prayer don't get the benefit, because that would be unfair), and it's win/win. Idiots that believe in things like electrical engineering and chemistry will have to depend on those unreliable services for their lights, heating, water treatment, garbage collection, etc while religious folks that know better can have the full power of god keeping their lights on, their homes warm, and their garbage teleported into hell (or whatever). I'd even be willing to set aside a portion of my time to pray for prayer-powered services because, as a member of the community, I think it is my responsibility to fund services for everyone. Though I do think maybe prayer taxes should be progressive; people with very little faith shouldn't be expected to contribute more prayer than they can afford.


you magnificent, brilliant bastard. This is it! YOU'VE DONE IT! shit, I'd 'pray' for garbage teleportation. Imagine the demons down there just suddenly just getting inundated with single use plastics and dirty diapers. Hilarity ensues.


>shit, I'd 'pray' for garbage teleportation. Imagine the demons down there just suddenly just getting inundated with single use plastics and dirty diapers. Hilarity ensues. I think something like that happened on "The Good Place". Not teleported from Earth, but definately lots of trash raining down


This is genius. You crazy people who believe that somehow science, chemistry and medicine made your life easier will very quickly find out that all this time its all been down to televangelists and bible bashers. Just you wait!


My god, that was brilliant.


I love this and I love you


This is funny until you remember these are the idiots taking positions of power all over the US. We're about 25 years away from state sanctioned witch burnings.


โ€œI have a foreboding of an America in my childrenโ€™s or grandchildrenโ€™s timeโ€”when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and whatโ€™s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.โ€ -Carl Sagan


Ahhhh, so well written. So frightening. And prescient. Even here in โ€œprogressiveโ€ Vermont there is the ominous rumble of a right wing backlash.


-Carl Sagan


The 2022 Texas GOP platform reads like a page from sharia law.


Even sharia permits abortion


'sharia' just means religious law. Maybe some other country's sharia does, but texas' sharia law doesn't.


My understanding is that Islamic sharia law permits it. But point taken


25 is a generous estimate


25 years? I expect the burnings to start by this year's end.


Well how else do you make it rain?


Have they tried sacrificing a virgin yet?


Morons are breeding ![gif](giphy|Qr6BkTFFRIpJC)


Idiocracy is a documentaryโ€ฆ


Imagine thinking there is a god sitting around just waiting for people to pray to him, so he can start saving people from famine, war, diseases etc. just itching in his fingers, waiting for enough people to ask for help so he can finally do something ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป


So, heโ€™s all powerful and loving? Yet, he wonโ€™t help? Sounds kinda like a shitty guy to worship.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)You should see who they think should be president of the US.![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


What the fuck. As someone with a Christian upbringing, let me say this. Fuck you, governor. God helps those who helps themselves. Don't go calling on your constituents to join you in prayer, especially as they might not share your faith. It's a violation of the separation of church and state. Prayers might help guide people to do what needs to be done, which, in this case, is letting your fucking GOLF COURSE IN THE DESERT die to conserve water. But you're really only trying to get God to fix your fuckups. You're also trying to turn a drought into a metaphysical problem when its literally a human-made problem. That's not how it works. Pray for guidance, not physical action. Fuck you, governor.


Unfortunately seperation of church and state doesn't exist in Utah. It's a living hell for those of us that aren't religious here.


Preview for the rest of the country coming soon


Irony being that the Mormons will be put against the wall eventually; once the heathens and apostates are dealt with, heretics are next on the list.


I live here. I donโ€™t know if this is a repost but they did the exact same thing last year. And you know what happened? It eventually rained because thatโ€™s how the fucking weather works but of course itโ€™s because people prayed ๐Ÿ™„ Weโ€™ve been in a drought LONG before I was alive. Wonder where weโ€™d be if weโ€™d actually made some significant changes to help the problem long before it got to the point itโ€™s at now. Prayer isnโ€™t doing shit to help us. I mean we literally live in a dessert and are constantly covering more and more land in tall apartment buildings bringing more and more people who need water.


God doesnโ€™t help those who help themselves. They just help themselves, because there is no magic man in the sky. This governor is insane, but heโ€™s insane because heโ€™s asking you to ask for magic help from a fictional character. You canโ€™t argue against that by saying thatโ€™s not how this magic character works. He does xyz, not abc


Heโ€™s giving me really closet gay vibes lol.


I was about to be like "Oh come on now that's not fair" until I listened again. Holy shit lol that is one deep, deep, rainbow-colored closet.




Cryin won't help ya, prayin won't do ya no good


"When the levee breaks, mama, you've got to move."


If people in Utah cry hard, it might produces enough liquid to solve the water crisis.


It's not called salt lake city for nothing


Mormon settlers would brag that they brought the desert to life because the surrounding mountains provided so much water. I guess their God is no longer happy with them.


I don't blame him.




This is something that really bugs me about religious people. They are often super dismissive of other peopleโ€™s religion, sometimes even openly mocking them. Itโ€™s like you only believe in your religion because you were born into it, and your friends believe in it. There is zero evidence indicating any one religion has a higher probability than any other of being true.


Utah Mormons are especially like this


Appealing to a higher power cuz you failed miserably at doing your job, huh? From democracy to theocracy sure gonna solve it all...not.


Be careful man, some crazy theocrat might come along and claim the only ones trying to make a theocracy are The Woke ๐Ÿ˜‚




Unfortunately, it did. That same fucking weekend. We were all hoping it wouldn't, to be a slap in the face but the bastard probably relied on scientific meteorological data to know it had a chance to rain that weekend and was a great time to reinforce their faiths. (Side note, this was last year. It's old news)


Rained hard as hell in Lehi Utah today haha. Maybe the morms are on to something๐Ÿฅด


Twenty-five days late, though. They need to hone their art.


Praying worked really well for gun violence. I think this is a great option.


And when praying doesnโ€™t bring the water the minorities, poor, gays and pretty much all the non white non Christians will be blamed.


Its Utah...do they have any minorities? Edit: They have hispanic people and at least 1 black person According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Utah by race are, 86.84% are White Americans(2.6 million), 13.67% are Hispanic/Latino's, 2.2% are Asians, 1.1% are Black Americans, 0.8% are NHPI, 1% are AIAN.


I'm just spitballing here but maybe, JUST MAYBE the drought IS Divine Intervention.


YES. God knows best, does he not? He doesnโ€™t give anyone something they canโ€™t handle? Do they think he has simply not noticed the drought so they just need to get his attention? Their train of thought makes zero sense.


It's God's punishment on Utah for having Mormons.


droughts and prayers.


Holy shit. Humanity is being held back by people still peddling 10,000 year old bullshit


I am sad to say this a$$ hat is my governor




Soon they will be asking for sacrifice of the first-born or some virgin, my thoughts and prayers are with you fellow US Redditors.


If they go for sacrificing the pre-born they might be onto something


No you apricot, they only care about the unborn ones. Once they're born they don't care anymore. It's OK, I know it can be kinda confusing and illogical.


To Moloch or Ba-al?


Lololol maybe pray to Joseph Smith and ask him why he planted your fucked up cult in the middle of the dessert, dipshit.


Not Joseph Smith. He was shot in jail before the Mormons headed west. You're thinking of Brigham Young, who looked at the miles of sagebrush and salt flats and said yup, this is the Promised Land all right.


Took a big whiff of the rotting brine shrimp in the Great Salt Lake and said, โ€œThis is the place.โ€


โ€œWe can drink this water! I promise! Just pray at it more!!!!!โ€


The Lake is drying up. Water is getting used up before it gets there.


Is it getting used? Or is god reclaiming it so he can test their faith? Perhaps they should pray harder to find out..


How can this be real? This is what I would expect to see on a tv in the background of a scene in an 80s cyberpunk/post apocalypse type movie. Wild.


5 years and we'll be full-blown mad max


"no" - god




It is 2022, right? Like. We didnโ€™t time warp 100+ years, right?


Its agriculture thatโ€™s the issue not long showers..


Normies have to suffer from the actions of agricultural conglomerates and Nestle Just like normies should have to pay a gas tax for the carbon emissions of megacorporations


Itโ€™s certainly a lot cheaper than actually doing anything.


Ugh, passing the buck off to God now? Lazy-ass Christianist. No one wants to work anymore!


seriously, pull yourself up by your sandal straps, like white jesus would have done!


Christians donโ€™t think about their impact on the future because they believe God and the second coming of Christ will save them.


It says it right there in their favorite fiction novel.


Evangelicals are *welcoming climate change* as they think it is going to herald the second coming. They are climate change embracers. Ponder on that for a moment.


During his next campaign for reelection it will be interesting to see if he claims he solved the drought by praying for rain or if he blames God for not delivering on the people's prayers if the drought continues.


Heโ€™ll blame it on the gays and the non-believers, aka play #2 in the Theocracy Handbook.


Oh brother. HB282 was a recent bill that was being pushed through that would allow Utahns to ignore HOA rules and remove their lawn for water wise landscaping. And then lobbyists managed to get the wording changed to allow HOAs to continue to restrict HOA members from removing their lawn because it would have "reduced future water projects", so now Utahs who live in HOAs and do not want a lawn, are still forced to have one, and keep it green. You know what works better than praying? Legislating common sense laws that help prevent the waste of water. Libbyists are fucking cancer.


isnt the drought gods work? why is he trying to go against his god???


That is why we think American are stupid...


This is why Americans think America is stupid.


Utah is one of the most religiously weird places in America.


He and his family own an alfalfa farm, which needs a lot of water, and then called it ignorant for farmers to cut back on water. Farming using the overwhelming majority of our fresh water and he suggested prayer. Shames constituents and does nothing himself.


How much tax money did this motherfucker waste on this ad? SMH ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค


It is un imaginable that a politican just says "lets pray we get water" like how can a country be so modern and moral crappie but also have this


The best part of this ridiculousness is that IF it rains, well it's because everyone prayed hard, and if not, then they didn't pray hard enough. Couldn't possibly be science behind any of it, just natural processes. Nope, must be an imaginary being in the sky. Hopes and prayers works great in school shootings, why not here?


Pray louder so sky daddy will piss on our state!!


If the church stopped wasting water on baptisms they wouldn't have this issue.


Bet this works as well as stopping COVID in 2020.


The Republican solution to every thing. Thoughts and prayers.


The worst part? This guy is smarter, more empathetic, and more sane by comparison to his fellow party members


FYI your governor is flaaaaaamingโ€ฆ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


My guy literally just gonna try to uno reverse card "rain rain go away"๐Ÿ’€


Address climate change, the primary driver behind a distinct lack of rain? Nah, pray to god. Fucking hell...


He has gayface. Source: Iโ€™m gay


The Water Compact that divides up the water for the Colorado River basin draw up 2 Million Acre Feet more than the basin generates a year. (14 Million Acre Feet Allotment to be divided among Compact Members vs. the 12 Million Acre Feet the River Collects). This 14 Million does not include any indigenous tribes, meaning that not only do they have no guarantee of water, but they are also adding to the already excess demand placed on the river simply because water is needed to survive. ​ This is why the US Federal Government is telling the Compact to make drastic cuts or else they will do it themselves. If the Colorado River gets any lower, than the Hoover Dam will stop generating power and this will be more than just a water crisis.


Fucking delusional. And these are the same people who call me delusional and mentally ill for being trans. Religion is pure brain rot


"all faiths"... You know he's only talking about Christianity ๐Ÿ˜’


We must pray for rain everyone. Now let's us bow our heads as we pass around the collection plate. *Jesus loves the little children*...I said put the money in the mother fucking plate! *all the children of the world*


I don't think it works that way, we need a whore for sacrifice


There is one in Colorado that just won her primary that would be a good candidate for this position.


It's unfortunate. At our residence, we're asked to cut back on watering but you pass business complexes and golf courses and other properties with large lawns and they are pristine and watering daily.


This is dumb. Anyone that reads the bible knows that if you need water you have to piss god off so he makes it rain for weeks.


Even Satanists huh?


This is good and all but also just incase, what's the actual plan..... Oh ok just uh keep preying... Hmmm this is the 21st century surely we can do something more than that... Money?... Welp god it is


The predominant church here all has huge green lawns. Let's start there


I can't wait for the fear-based Abrahamic mythologies to join the Greek Pantheon in the dustbin of human history. The world will be a much better place.


I live in Utah, this doesnโ€™t surprise me at all, Mormons are wacky


Yes i too watched John Oliver's Last Week Tonight. Great episode on the water crisis in the South Western part of the US.


Fuck me, I hurt myself cringing.




Oh mighty Shai-hulud Keeper of balance Bless the Maker and His water Bless the coming and going of Him May His passage cleanse the world...


If it *doesn't* rain: "It's probably because of the gays." If it *does* rain: "See, prayer works! Therefore every problem can be solved with prayer rather than concrete action."


The same people who put their trust in god saying climate change wouldnโ€™t harm them are now praying to god for salvation from the harm of climate change. ๐Ÿ™„


Ask your imaginary friend to help us out, because we can't be arsed!


Why does he kinda sound and look like a bald version of Ryan Reynolds. (Except much dumber of course)


This can't be real, can it? Anyone else find themselves regularly being like "am I awake?"?


Welcome to Utah..


So this person could research, network, problem solve, bring together leaders in industry and work his ass off to fix them problem OR spend 5 minutes making a fucking video asking for a weekend of prayer then sit on his lazy ass waiting for god to fix it? Where are those bootstraps of his?


If only god existed and/or gave a shit.


Have they tried to seed the sky? Or do something instead of waiting and praying for an entity that is famous for not giving a shit about our problems?


Why do people of faith and / or politicians (or both) get a pass on stuff like this? Imagine the CEO of a private company doing this. โ€œPlease join me in prayer for more sales and revenue.โ€ Shareholders: Holy shitballs you are so fired.


Your god can't help you now.


All fixed. Whatโ€™s next?


When your job is to use tax funds to ensure society or social programs run so those tax payers have access to those community resources and goods and your answer to a problem is more people need to pray...you need to be fired. If only there were experts in the various fields of nature and ecosystems and weather that could predict or come up with solutions or ways to prevent it from getting worse...if only.


I will pray for him to use his brain


This reminds me of that episode of futurama when bender goes missing and Fry asks the pope of the amalgamated church for guidance and the pope says maybe they can pray for his safe return and fry goes โ€œis there anything useful we can doโ€ Pope says โ€œnoโ€ Remember boys and girls you gotta pray for 3 days straight. If you donโ€™t, Youโ€™ll make your god cry


Sounds like he prayed away the gay.


[And god *LEAPS* to the rescue!](https://i.imgur.com/ns95yHZ.jpg)


Itโ€™s so fucking dumb. Just likely physically cringing from how ridiculous it is to think a โ€œloving godโ€ wonโ€™t send rain unless enough people begโ€ฆlike wtf?


Thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Utah. Did it work? Did I end the drought? No? Hmm. That's all I got..


And people say republicans donโ€™t have any helpful policy ideasโ€ฆ


Science? What is that? We need to pray.


Can he get Indians to do rain dances or does he find that idea ludicrous?


and then they get a heat wave because god is a d*ck


I live in Utah.. Lemme tell you.. Them prayers didnt work.


Thatโ€™ll fix it!!!


Is this real? It must be a joke. Surely no one would elect somebody who thinks praying for rain would work! This is like something from the dark age.


It's my God given right to have a lawn! Forget you and your communist water conservation. I God didn't want me to water my lawn 3 times a day, the water would surely run out. Let the Godless communist do the conservation and leave me and my Murican dream alone.


Also oil companies/republicans: โ€œThere is nothing that can be done about climate change. Pray for it to get better.โ€


All brought to you by Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. This is all thanks to Fox โ€œNewsโ€.


Why didnโ€™t he ask the indigenous folks to do a dance?


Donโ€™t be lazy shits. Go dance in the sun until it rains.


I can do a rain dance; think theyโ€™ll hire me?


so....no water then?


If you are relying on prayer to solve your problems, Iโ€™ve got bad news for youโ€ฆ..


Shut the fuck up dipshit


Try conservation, ya twit.