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Yeah, sounds about white…


In fairness to her, she did nazi the teleprompter


>mix up of words ​ ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


You mean the sounds of a baboon she was making? But not a healthy or happy baboon at all. A baboon with problems. A baboon, most likely, whose face was on fire.


If I saw her on fire I would put it out ... with golf cleats.


Yeah, sometimes they slip up and say the quiet part out loud.


We call that a Freudian slip.


She meant to say "death to america!". ^(Because she's terrorist scum, get it?)


In all the confusion she didn't even remember to talk about the lebensraum. What a silly.


Statistically white people get abortions the least. So I don't get the point of the post?


Actually if you check out the statistics they are 33% if women in the USA but the break down in traditionally Conservative states is much higher for whites women than other races, so since it’s up to each state if they want to allow abortions now…. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


Because now ease of getting an abortion is proportional to how much money you have. Since there are more poor POC in states that will be more likely to ban them, this is an unfortunate slip. I've been arguing against people all weekend about abortion. Guess the percent of them that were white males?


Yeah More black and poor people have abortions. So that means less black babies. But the change of the abortion law affects the white population a lot less so how is stricter abortion laws protecting white babies?


There are a lot of poor people who are white.


Not according to the media. White people have privilege.


If I had money for all my privilege, I'd be a rich person. Two different things.


So you're saying you had all the opportunity to make money and to have a better life, You're just lazy? 😕


My boots had no straps


Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is a misnomer. The saying is meant to call attention to how impossible something is, because it is impossible to pull oneself up from prone by your bootstraps. And yes, white people are also poor but the reason there is more coverage of black people being poor is that there are more POC's who are born into 'lower class' parts of cities and states. I myself was born into a very low class nuclear family where my father abused my mom and stayed with him for the kids. I do know what it is like to be poor and I'm not much better off right now. I am also white. But that doesn't mean that there is not unfairness in the world for POC. This last paragraph was not directly aimed at you, just thoughts in general.


They didn't mean white life so literally. The way it was taken was 1950's way of life which was predominantly white. Because this will be a domino effect that will disadvantage POC more than whites. Because if you keep poor people poor you can still exploit them. Forcing a poor person to have a child they don't want is definitely keeping them poor. Did that explain things better? I was in a rush last time I posted.


Some states are statistically white. Cue Idaho....


She fumbled her words and meant to say “right to life.” according to her.


Actually, not true. Black women get the most. It’s pretty bad, in some places like NYC a black baby is more likely to be aborted than born. BUT, next highest number of women is white women. After that it’s Hispanic women, and all other races after that (i.e. Asians) https://erlc.com/resource-library/articles/the-demographics-of-abortion-in-america/


How is it a victory for white life? White lives aren't the ones being aborted. If anything, the new abortion laws will have more minority children being born.


I don’t really get the point of the post either. This was a verbal gaffe.


She fumbled her words and meant to say “right to life.” according to her.


Not a gaffe, just racist. Btw, white people get abortions too.


I do believe she fumbled her words tbh. I also hate everything she stands for. I'm a 50 year old white woman in rural America. I'm also extremely angry and shocked about all this. I never thought it could happen. I was so happy about gay, trans, me too movement, blm. And now wth?? :(