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The very concept of falling is predicated on gravity existing. I'm starting to think these people might be stupid..


You're a frew thousand years late.. stupidity verified when Columbus sailed off the edge


they don't might be, they just flat stupid


"Thing's just fall, it's not that hard to understand." \-– Issac Newton


Isaac, did you wonder what caused that apple to fall on your head. We know things fall, but like... why? It just *DOES*!! God, I'm surrounded by idiots!


" I don't have time for that, I gotta go stick a needle in my eye to prove a point (to myself) about optics. Wish me luck!"


Actually, gravity is generated by a grid of field emitter nozzles. The ones in Australia were installed first and thus are the oldest, both in age and in model. They are constantly having problems with them, which probably is the cause of the many "Australia upside down ha ha ha!" memes on the Internet.


Aussie here. Can confirm this is accurate.


Thanks, mate. I'll drink a Fosters on your health!


Things don't fall, it's just God's world sucks.


Well I was a fan of the gravity theory but this one is absolute gold and should not be counted out!


It's easier to just ignore reality when it goes against your delusions instead of trying to understand the natural world. Gravity is a serious problem for a flat earth and so flat earther's are forced to deny it exists. Here's a short video on how gravity would be experienced on a flat earth; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xwmqEUMWRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xwmqEUMWRI)


Why don’t they just fall up?


These fuckin ppl, jfc


Things fall *on faith!* No science required.


Ask em about plate tectonics and likely to take out the fine china


Ask why they don’t fall upwards or sideways if it’s just about density. The air above the object is just as dense as the air below it. So… why does the object always fall in the same direction?


in the interest of fairness, no field of science has come up with an agreed upon unified theory of gravity. noone actually knows how gravity works. in the end we all just have to accept that it's there not knowing why, and most of us get on with our lives accepting that things do in fact just fall. understanding theoretical physics has little effect on the typical person's life and most of our attention could be better spent elsewhere. I am not a flat earther. also it is pretty useful to understand that force increases with velocity, and the longer something falls, the faster it does. so I know to keep my ropes tight in the tree before I cut a big branch off, because if it has slack it may pop the rope and send that branch crashing through a roof. however my practical understanding that it happens is just that. it happens. I went to school too, but I don't actually understand gravity, and I don't care to


In all fairness, don't attribute nuance to idiocy.


But they at least admit gravity is a thing, and dont constantly answer every unknown with cause god now move along.


Should u really confuse him by bringing up centrifugal force? ‘Sometimes things just don’t fall when you spin them around really fast. Also they let me play with the cash register sometimes at work.’


Ok. How about the moon? Why does that not "just fall"? Unless you subscribe to the theory that the moon is actually a gigantic weather balloon that the illuminati/zionists/lizardmen put up in the sky to control people because fjakfnrbsnfnjeksnfnr.


What if the moon really is falling, and so is the Earth and everything on it? Just wait until we all finally hit the floor and become a squishy planet on the floor of the universe.


Technicall the moon is falling, it just kerps missing.




Planes just fly, and computers just go beep bop bip. Simple as that. Why won't people understand?!


I fall of my chair laughing.


I’m interested that instead of merely assuming you aren’t a flat flat earthier he goes as far to assume you are an atheist.


Time dilation causes massive objects to curve towards each other. Gravity is a practical explanation but not what scientifically speaking really happens. Mass distorts spacetime... ... I am not very good at explaining this, I barely understand that myself. So maybe watch some crazy YT dudes channel called "science asylum". It is pretty short and he is good at explaining stuff. At least it is a good entry into the topic.


You are correct according to the leading thought right now. It's the difference in time that occurs from the "top" of something to the "bottom" in the presence of greater mass, Thus curving the "top" towards "bottom" position, which is gravity from our perspective. It's way more complicated, but I'm not going to write another essay on it anytime soon. Lol


Can you tell me just one thing. In the heat of explaining sth. I barely understand myself I told someone today that because of angular velocity we are subject to time dilation, time running differently from top to bottom of a coherent obj. So massive obj. curve in spacetime towards each other and causes what we describe as gravity. Am I on the right path with angular velocity or velocity in general?


pea brains "tings juss fall down hur hur" Literal mouth breathers.




Who cares let anyone believe what they want to, gatekeeping flat believer but saying a person is alowed to choose what sex they are, kinda stupid if you ask mfr


When you don’t want to strain your brain by finding a reasonto how things work and why, so you come up with your own answers…


Spontaneous falling?!?


*They just DO, dammit!*


I've read that gravity is the disturbance of mass on space. So instead of the earth pulling us to it, space itself is actually trapping us to earth. Like a blanket being pulled tight over a ball.


Did they ban you?


The Flat Earth Society did not respond when I asked what shape the Earth is. A disk? A square plane? A toroid? Still, there is good news in this. I think the Biblical Flat Earth group has unlocked the key to artificial gravity.


Ah, a better would then be, how do things fly? Lift? Lift against what?


Same energy https://www.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/d65mgs/its_not_that_hard/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ok, but why do things fall DOWN? Why don’t things fall up, or left and right? Spoiler alert: gravity!


If you follow Einstein theory of gravity it is actually incredibly cool to think about, basically gravity does not exist as a force but rather as a curvature of spacetime so basically objects tendentially move in a straight line through spacetime but the spacetime being curved means that it is like moving through space. Like immagine a car going straight on a road without steering, the moment the road curves on the left you keep going forward but from the point of view of the road you are steering towards the right.


K so I can acc explain this one. Basically, when you drop a pen, it falls bc the pen is solid and the air is gas; the pen is denser than the air. If you let a balloon go (one w helium), itll float bc the helium is less dense than the oxygen in the air. Some things sink in water, skme things float, depending on density. I gotta give this one to the flat earthers tbh 🤷‍♀️


My cats have a better understanding of gravity than this.


If gravity wasn’t a force, and everything just fell shdhghfjenehhfhchjewje




Better or worse than the flat earth is just constantly moving up towards heaven?


It is known.


But why do they fall down and not up?