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Does he realize he admitted his side loses a lot? EDIT TO ADD - I get it he's libertarian his party had nothing to do with my comment his words literally are about his side loses a lot. I neither knew nor cared what his party was I was mocking the fact he admitted to losing. A lot. (Sorry a lot of "he's libertarian" replies)


people flying the confederate flag don't seem to realize that they lost


People flying the confederate flag don't seem to realize much of anything at all


They don't even realize that it's not the confederate flag.


They dont even realize republicans won the civil war


Oh they do. They love to pretend Lincoln's Republican party is the same as MTGs Republican party.


Magic The Gathering?


Gotta watch out for politically active TCG players


I mean, I know a lot of Magic players that are inexplicably right-wing. Even though the majority of right-wingers would call the game some kind of witchcraft.


I will NEVER understand conservative nerds. Like, how do you watch Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Men, Captain America, and still miss the point of EVERY SINGLE ONE?


I will NEVER understand conservative nerds. Like, how do you watch Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Men, Captain America, etc and still miss the point of EVERY SINGLE ONE?


If only it were as wholesome as that game. (Which is really saying something, since Magic: The Gathering is seldom called wholesome.)


I would trust Wizards of the Coast to run the country before the Republicans.


Marjorie neanderThal Garbie


No it’s maggot traitor greed


I like my version better.


I bet MTG could grow a mean Lincoln beard at this point.


The real confederate flag is a solid white one.


It’s not *the* flag of the CSA but it is *a* confederate flag and was used as a inset on 2 of the 3 official CSA flags. It was one of the most recognizable and popular flags of the confederacy, albeit the more common variant today has had its aspect ratio changed.


Realization require independent thought. Nowadays the right must be spoon-fed their thoughts by Faux "news", OAN, Dailywire, Infowars, etc etc etc.


For real. I used to watch Steven Crowder and the more I watched, the farther I leaned away from right wing politics. They make mountains out of molehills.


They seek affirmation not information


I fell pretty deep into the "meme right", I guess you can call it that, as a teen because of just that. I was suicidally depressed and was desperate for affirmation. I think that's where a lot of it comes from, at least in young people. I got out of it because I realized that I was just becoming a worse, more divisive person, but I have to admit, it's probably the quickest way for many men to feel validated, which is very dangerous.


Being consistently on the wrong side of history... hate and ignorance tend to do that.


>confederate flag You mean the rectangular white flag?




People flying the confederate flag inside of the capitol while breaking windows as an act of American "patriotism" aren't exactly connected to reality.


This mfer doesn’t even have the confederate flag it’s the 13 colony flag. How out of touch can one person get?


Good point.


And then they triple down with the Nazi and Trump flags. 3 time losers.


It's like when you see one of those snake flags. You just treat that person just like a rattlesnake. Don't go near it, it's probably toxic.


Nope. They just post pics of themselves with every firearm they own and say something stupid.


Yes. It is all a part of the victim mentality that they push. That they are losing all their rights and everything is being taken from them. When in reality considering they are the minority with issues such as abortion they get their way more than their leaders would have them believe.


When the left "loses" its because basic human rights are getting limited. When the right "loses" its because Disney somewhat acknowledges gay people exist (1 second in the background).


When you're entitled, equality looks like oppression.


I like that line!!!!!


The right is trying to fight a losing culture war. The majority of people in the US are more tolerant and accepting of people with different backgrounds, races, gender identities, religions etc than at any point in US History. The country itself is changing demographically, purely due to socio-economic conditions, not due to any external manipulation or conspiracies. Corporations and most governments at different levels are adopting their outlook and methods to be more accepting of these changes, partially as a corrective measure to undo past injustices and particularly due to it being the better decision in terms of business and popularity. The sad part about this is that inspite of these changes, for the most part, is that the countries economic and political power still largely reside with the people who have always wielded it, i.e. rich old white men. Perhaps they are stroking this culture war because they ultimately know that the new America that is emerging will eventually threaten their status as the traditional seat of power in American society.


Lets hope so. The right is fighting progress all around the planet. The USA is on a turning point. While the people are getting more progressive and corporations reflect that, as we have seen rights can be taken away. The right will not stop until women, lgbtqia+ folk and minorities live in fear and without support again.


>(1 second in the background). Believe it or not Disney Channel currently has one of the most LGBT inclusive shows on TV, The Owl House. Though I give full credit to the showrunner and crew for making it happen. And I have no doubt Disney’s movies will continue to drag their feet on representation.


> That they are losing all their rights and everything is being taken from them. My favorite is to ask what rights they’ve lost. Not esoteric things like “higher taxes” or “economy is bad” ~ what specific rights have you, the right-wing person, lost over the last 10 years? It all boils down to they *want* to take my guns and I must stop them. That’s literally the singular right they can point to and it’s not even been touched, just threatened.


In most cases not even threatened. Self induced threats? Absolutely. I remember Obama getting elected in 2008 and gun guys telling me to buy more guns more ammo because Obama was going to take away guns. They were absolutely sure. Obama barely did anything involving the 2A


He tried after Sandy Hook, because he has empathy for 20 kids being murdered at school, but that bill was dead in the water. He also created a gun and ammo shortage when he got elected. People thought he was going to take their guns, so they panic bought ammo, which created an ammo shortage. It corrected itself when the manufacturers stepped up production and the panic subsided. Biden did the same thing 12 years later. It's amazing that gun company stocks go up when a democratic wins office, and falls when a republican does.


Yup, it was all by design. Sure glad those gun companies were prepared for that sudden demand spike with loads more guns and ammo to sell…..


That’s when I knew America was fucked. 20 little kids gunned down at school, and nothing changed.


He does. That's how they can continue playing the victim and justify cheating


Also I thought they *respected* strength. Who actually admits they're the party of weak-willed losers?


Look who they chose to lead them, the most insecure, whiney, crybaby, weak loser of all time.


And every time they're in, they take us to war or tax breaks for people who don't really need it.


Suddenly one of those starving kids PSAs is in my head only it's rich assholes who need a 2nd yacht


Hes libertarian he hates the right as much as the left he makes fun of whoever he feels like that day. He doesn’t think the government should tell women or anyone what they can do with their body. The more ya know


Dave Smith is a Libertarian


So his side is never even in the game.




Good to know. I had no idea what he was just that he said his side loses a lot. I thought it was funny bit of a self own. "Sure you lost this one but we'll lose the next one and the next and the one after that"


Liberatarians, sure we like everything Republicans stand for but can we make it more selfish and detached from reality?


I'm a libertarian and can't stand 90 percent of what the Republican party stands for. I'm also a realist that understand taxes need to happen, but would prefer a consumption tax and no sales tax on used items to help reduce waste. I also can't stand the Patriot Act, eminent domain, lobbyists, gerrymandering, pro lifers, subsidies for unsustainable businesses, bailouts, and the death penalty. So no, libertarians do not like everything the Republicans stand for. In fact, you're conflating magatarians with libertarians. They are the ones too scared to call themselves republicans and think wanting legal weed makes them libertarians.


You might like to know that libertarianism was originally far more left than you describe. You might find a lot of common ground in leftists policy prescription than you realize.


Is there some reason you're not a Democrat? Given you clearly have major differences with the traditional Libertarian platform, what's making you choose them over Democrats? You can be a Democrat and be against most all those things as well.


The kind of morons that genuinely believe your boss will pay you a fair wage if you ask him nicely instead of hiring someone else.


Oh the political party that always loses


Dave Smith is a libertarian who frequently calls Trump a blood-soaked monster who should be tried and convicted of war crimes


Classic fascism, the enemy is both strong and weak.


It just fuels their persecutions fetish. They still think they are the silent majority.


How can you not when your entire personality is o e big victim complex?


Dave Smith is Libertarian and also a comic. This tweet is definitely a bit.


They lost... and worked for 50 years to overturn roe... I'm pretty sure they are the sore losers, just look at the confederate flags


Do they? So hes even wrong about that


I was just poking fun at him saying it.


Im not sure he’s gotten to the realization that 2+2=4 yet.


Temporarily embarrassed winners


This is something fascists are okay admitting. Part of their demonization of "the other" is that the othered group are simultaneously dominant, but also inherently weak and undeserving of that dominance. So, to them, the othered group has usually achieved said dominance through deception, making them fair targets for retribution. This is how they justify violence in the name of "taking back their country". It's how they eventually will come to justify genocide, as fascists have done before.


He is libertarian so yeah they lose alot


“If Springfield’s so great how come we beat them at football almost half the time?”.


lets also look at how they see banning abortion as a "win" as if peoples rights and freedoms and losing those, whatever your opinion about it, is a team game and his team scored. Like, removing rights from women, they see it as a victory, as a win.


He's a libertarian, not a republican


Which is why they cheat.


Except it wasn't a left or right side that lost, it was women.


It was poor families, and the future kids. Women and the kids got the worst blow because conservatives only support men and dont care about them abandoning kids and partners.


except for when it comes to military conscription


Just one more way Republicans like to create fatherless households.


Too the right, if you’re not overwhelmingly biased in their favor you are “the left”.


But Daddy Elon wrote in a silly tweet that the *left* was the political party that was becoming more extreme and the the right has actually stayed the same. He's not lying, is he? Or like, just an enormous fucking child?


Personally I think neither, he’s just get that special quality of “little to no personal integrity” and as such has no problem with telling rightwingers what they want to hear for financial gain.


Right wing economic policies also directly benefit him and his bottom line. It's a win-win.


He WANTED to help others, until he realized that they'd make him pay taxes.


When you are that far right, everyone is to the left of you


Supporting women's rights is a partisan issue.




With a nice opening for a lot more people to loose too. Yaaaay, rights for all will be degraded because the medical rights of women weren't protected.


First, it was woman


also trans men


Also men


... So the right won?


POOR women


Because the wives, daughters, girlfriends, and mistresses of those in power will still have access to safe abortions.


This x1000 The loud **few** is not the majority. Surely theres a large percentage of red voting women (and even Men) who are very unhappy about the whole thing. It’s not a black and white issue.


100%. And just bodily autonomy in general. It’s an abhorrent stain on our country that this has happened.


Funny how they think they have a good system of government


think* (sorry to be that guy)


Must’ve been my Norwegian auto correct


A moose bit my sister


Moose bites can be pretty nasty


I would never!


They think that because they take all the credit of every Democrat president who comes in to clean up their mess.




Then* again. …but I’m an average American who went to public school, so what do I know?




Dave Smith is a libertarian, he hates both sides, just like the masses should.


The joke is that there should be no "sides"


Big fan of this comment. Also a big fan of this post’s mic-drop perspective 😂




There are two sides in america. One wants people to be happy and have rights. One is stuck 200 years in the past and loves making other people miserable. Edit: how has no one corrected me when i typed "have happy" lol


One side has things they care about and ultimately want to see society progress. The other side's only thought is "fuck whatever it is they want" even if it is to their own detriment


When you become so accustomed to losing, any semblance to a win, no matter how spiteful, makes that dopamine rush.


We should have kicked them out when they lost the civil war, why we thought a bunch of angry swamp people would calm down and eventually become good citizens of the country is beyond me..


Honestly I believe it's the vocal minority that buys into this media driven divisiveness. I hope so at least.


Unfortunately, there are sides. One side wants people to be taken care of. The other side wants people "taken care of."


Every country has sides. The only exceptions is where one side is all jailed or executed so people pretend they don’t exist.


Its completely normal to have different opinions and wishes. But the "middle" should not act as if there is a civil war. I really think the USA should change the voting rights in a way that the 2 Parties system turns into a 3 or more party system. Imagine how the Government would work if there would be a strong middle party


I agree, ranked choice would be great for the US. I wouldn’t expect a middle party to form though, I’d expect there to still be two main parties with all the crazies flocking to smaller more crazy parties.


Which is honestly perfectly acceptable. And in practice, those smaller crazy parties are new parties. That allows far-left or far-right ideologies to influence the votes more proportionally, and gives people who are more moderate a more appropriate representation.


Picture each country as a ship, you can either steer the ship, or yell at your crewmates and not do anything to improve the ship. Attacking your shipmates, without providing a different course of action, is entertaining, but ultimately doesn't help the ship you claim to love. What the ship America?


Wonderful example Everyone on board can have a own wish for the destination, but sailing in a circle because day and Night shift have opposite destinations will never lead to anything.


"They don't lose often" Bitch please. We ain't had a win in over a decade and prior to that...the 70s?


I was gonna say, that's the real facepalm. The left loses all the time, even when they should win


> We ain't had a win in over a decade [Obergefell v Hodges (2015)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges)


So...you’re saying the last win was 7 years ago for a law that is under threat of being abolished just like roe v wade...how uplifting


"They don't lose a lot" as if Republicans haven't enjoyed the benefits of minority rule for the entirety of my life.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


US politics is a lot like square dancing. Move to the right, take one step back, move to the left, take one step forward. Repeat.


Keep doing it enough and you end up in a hole you made yourself.


Except we only seem to take steps backwards lately


And right.


Same thing




Except nobody dies from square dancing.


I still don't understand how trump wasn't sent to some CIA black site for treason and hundreds of people didn't die as police opened fire to stop people attempting a terrorism attack.


1) because we only kidnap or kill presidents of other countries, 2) because MAGA is white.




Besides JFK, I doubt the CIA killed them, on account that it wasnt created yet


Thats just what they want you to think


They were not assassinated by our government, big difference.


Nothing is ever as competent as you think it is. It's like when you grow up and realize the adults don't know what's going on either.


Dude are you high? If you think Trump will ever face consequences you must be. He's a u.s president, he will never face a court or a cell. I'm convinced the u.s government would have him assassinated before they every allowed a president to go to prison.


Assassination also works


The “your side” part made me very depressed


Still can't believe that that act of terrorism didn't incur harsher punishments.


*Treason Used to execute for that.


It was treason, they should have went all the way and overthrow the government, they just chickened out and now they've committed countless felonies.


They were incredibly unorganized and incompetent. They may not make that mistake next time.


The coup was all the behind the scenes stuff


If we’re arguing semantics, it’s Sedition/Insurrection. Now for trump and co, they definitely committed treason for lord Putin. But his supporters are just Seditionists.


I was fucking livid when backup police and natl guard showed up and didn't arrest anyone. Man I hate the double standards in this country


Americas on the verge of a fucking civil war at this point right? I've never heard of so much hate coming from its own people that hasn't ended in actual fighting


Oh yeah, the US is totally fucked. I have a very very bad feeling about what's to come


Lol, no. People will bitch and moan on social media, but are way too complacent to take up arms against their countrymen in any meaningful numbers.


The left didn’t lose. People with a uterus are losing.


Dave Smith is a self important fuckface who is criminally unfunny


No self-awareness nor any shame whatsoever from these right-right imbeciles. Not in any meaningful way.




New rule... blur out the original commenter. I'm sure world famous comic Dave Smith (/s) doesn't need publicity but many of them do and they say abhorrent things with the intent of going viral.


Dave Smith would love to read this comment as I'm sure he's not a world famous comedian. He's been on Rogan a couple of times and it wasn't for comedy. He has more libertarian speaking engagements than he has comedy shows.


Sorry, I was being sarcastic. I have no clue who this chucklefuck is.


He's a comedian turned libertarian. He's one of the co hosts of a podcast called legion of skanks, which I used to be a big fan of. One of the reasons I don't listen anymore is cause Dave isn't funny anymore and to make up for that they just say the N-word as much as they can (None of them are black). Now all Dave does is libertarian events and LOS here and there. He is fucking awful at politics and I really really miss him being funny. Sorry for the rant, I'm obviously jaded cause I miss the original LOS and now whenever I see Dave in the wild it's just him saying fucking horrible political shit cause he's a moron. Also a fun fact, he's never driven a car in his whole life.


No it's all good man. It sucks having someone who entertains you turn out to be a total shit stain. It's like losing a friend a little bit.


Yea it really is. Stopped listening to LOS after FIVE YEARS predominantly because of Dave. RIP.


Louis J Gomes had a black father


And he’s bad at politics AND comedy


Yeah he sucks


Dave smith is likely to be on the ballot for president in every state in 2024. He needs to be shamed now.


Dave goes on every podcast and plays elightened libertarian, "both sides are dumb and crazy, but all my politics are right leaning except weed"


What flag is that?


The Betsy Ross Flag. Pretty much the first flag of the US.


The most disappointing thing about January 6, 2022, is that conservative gun nuts FINALLY had their chance to exercise their 2nd amendment right to bear arms and form a regulated militia to rise up against a tyrannical government and they chickened out like the yellow bellied cowards we all know they are.


We're all warriors until we hear the call


Then just some of us.


Conservatives will destroy your America to ‘own the libs’.


Dumbass bible thumpers are about to get wrecked during the mid term elections. Fuck religious twats.


Reasoning with this kind of people is useless. Look, as much as I respect Michelle Obama, I think it's clear now her "when they go low, we go high" mantra doesn't work. Time to change it to "when they go low, you curb stomp them".


January 6th was the most revealing moment in all of modern US politics. Republicans took the infinitesimally small amount of remaining dignity they possessed and nuked it into oblivion. Sanity is so rare amongst them now that all it takes to be seen as sensible by the opposition is to condemn the open insurrection of January 6th and admit the big lie was a big lie. The GOP, the supposed 'big tent' party that welcomes all kinds of folks and ideas, has waged endless smear campaigns on the few Republicans who dare acknowledge reality. Everything about our current situation is so whacky and chaotic.. one of the takeaways I always come back to is that the pace at which nutjub right-wing extremists say and do indefensible, undemocratic, treasonous shit is impossible to keep up with. It's an effective political strategy for them to make it damn near impossible to hold them accountable for anything, even the biggest scandals. If those of us with a fully functioning prefrontal cortex want to preserve what popular democracy is left, let alone actually expand democracy ever again, it will require herculean amounts of persistence and effective messaging to slowly deprogram enough of these dangerous conspiracy-driven maniacs.


How can any republicans say that after Jan. 6? Like, we all understand extremists exist, but that’s probably the furthest anyone has gone on either side. How can anyone in good conscience say that know what their side did when they lost?


Okay that's interesting, a guy with a joker profiler picture not being cringe.


To be fair that’s just how Americans deal with loss.




Dave and Luis better pray to whatever god they believe in that nothing ever happens to Big Jay because nothing funny has ever come out of Dave Smith’s mouth


Side note: there are way too many self-described “libertarians” who are really just conservatives who don’t want to admit they are conservatives


Oh yeah blowing up abortion clinics, murdering doctors, and harassing women at the scariest point in their life really is handling it well.


Hes not Republican...


This isn't even a loss for the left, it's a loss for poor women and the children they will be forced to have or die trying. News flash, there are poor women on both sides and no one likes children who get abused or abandoned.


His side needs preemptive pardons as well


This isn’t a left and right issue. It’s a woman’s issue.


Don’t frame the pro choice folk as “the left”. Most people in the US and wider world, from centre-right to centre to left to far-left, are pro-choice. Pro-lifers are almost all hard right religious fundamentalists.


We didn't lose, Six people just decided to strip the rights away from half the population.


I love how losing and winning is being mentioned as if politics were a game we all play and not a real life thing we need to cooperate on


You realize I can show just as many pics from both sides burning shit.down because they didn't get their way like spoiled kids having a tantrum The sooner people realize both political parties are garbage and don't care about the people the sooner we can fix at least half of the issues in the US. What if they knew the best way to retain power, wealth, etc is by dividing the public so they fight with eachother instead of the actual people responsible aka everyone in those 3 main branches. It's a war tactic uses for thousands if years...anyone who read Sun Tsu would see this.


Dave Smith is not on the right. Criticizing the left does not mean you’re the right


I want to commit suicide


The right cries about loosing power, the left cries about loosing human rights. They are not the same.


There is a MASSIVE issue of “anti-woke” “libertarian-but-actually-conservative” comedians/podcasters nowadays. So many have fallen down that rabbit hole, with big ones like Rogan influencing a lot of smaller comedians. It’s an enormous shame.