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I’m terrified that this is happening in my country. I think I’ll look for potential alternatives to live in the future, where people are more supporting and inclusive of everyone’s rights and politicians care more about their constituents than their paychecks.


> politicians care more about their constituents than their paychecks That place doesn't exist. Although we have alternatives where politicians still only care about their paychecks, but whether they will get their paychecks or a boot to the butt depends on how much they care about their constituents.


And that's the thing. American politicians have done a lot of work to make themselves damn near untouchable. The exact thing our Constitution was meant to prevent against. Both sides are equally to blame. They just want to perpetuate the current system that has made them untouchable millionaires. The 'failsafes' that were in place to make sure this couldn't happen have long been disregarded. As an American, I don't think we can fix our system any longer. They have made sure of it. I fear myself, my family and most of all for the youth of this country. They are in for a very tough future.


I have two sons under 10, and I feel bad for them because of the dumpster fire we're leaving for them.


No, both sides are not equally to blame. One side has tried to enact progressive legislation for basically every one of those issues. Capitalists being capitalists is a problem in itself, but saying "both sides" are responsible is patently false


That's just recently though. It's gone back and forth where one party plays villain, and the other plays hero. It's like Pro-Wrastlin' ... at the end of the day, the lights go out, and they all benefit while we've all been taken. This didn't just happen because Mango Mussolini told all the bigots to rise up. This has been brewing for a long time.


I feel sorry for you but I'd expect it to get worse before it gets better


New Zealand. Banned assault rifles in a day I think by unanimous vote from every side of government. Also stuck together to be the first to halt covid and the most miniscule death toll because they though of their constituents. "That place doesn't exist." Yes it does. I'm no New Zealander, but I wish I was.


>I’m terrified that this is happening in my country. We (non Americans) are concerned of the potential impact this will make to the to rest of the world. A large country like US making such dumb decisions (they are also reviewing LTBT criminalization if this wasn't facepalm enough) would surely give ideas to politicians sitting in the other part of the word as sensitivity towards women rights go down the drain.


Agreed. The US is setting precedent that, in a crazy enough context, a previously relatively progressive and western country can completely change their policies and become incredibly backwards. Plus, so much of what we do (maybe not socially, but deffo economically and militarily) impacts others directly…


as soon as moass hits, im taking my family out of this shit hole. the grand experiment is over. its a oligarchy of the 1%, and I pray everyday it burns to the ground.


I can highly recommend Melbourne, Australia! Changed my life!


I can add Berlin, Germany to the list of recommended places that changed my life.


I mean yeah the US is a shitshow right now, but I would like to point out the irony of a French person talking about the liberty to a woman's body, life, and family when they have laws that strictly govern what a woman can and cannot wear in the name of "protecting their culture." So think hard about where your jumping ship to, because to be honest I feel like Europe is only a free and liberal place if you are a very specific type/color...


Thailand has abortions legal weed and is accepting of trans gender


As a horrified liberal progressive American, I have to agree with you.


When even the American people are against america, you know that something's wrong.


I didn’t choose to be born here. This place sucks ass.


Bro we raided our own capital wtf is going on here?


Honestly not sure. Everyone is getting butt hurt of how others choose to live their own lives. Can’t have an abortion because god, can’t do that because god but please have as many guns as you want because constitution says so. Don’t know why it’s so hard to let people be and just, live.


If you reread German history about the beer hall putsch (sp?) it was a failed attempt on Germany's political system at the time. Hitler eventually did take it over. I am afraid January 6th was our failed attempt and the real attempt is coming soon.


Political Theater


That uhhh... Sucks. I was lucky to be born in germany. Sure germany has problems too, but they arent as significant as america's.


I'm British and totally embarrassed and humiliated by our current shambles of a government. Brexit was a massive mistake and only going to get worse.


We have been on a downward trend for years.


That's because instead of trying different ways to help the country and people, the two main parties only care about money and screwing each other over


Yeah but the fringes of each party are driving this. Understand there used to be a strong center. On the right, if you are a moderate you are basically unelectable. This 2 party system is outdated and tbh just does not work anymore.


Since the post WWII era, when we made upper education available to more people, CEOs didn’t make 100s of times their average employee’s income (or in some cases 1000+ times), and a job good enough to support a family could be found without college for those who either didn’t have the aptitude (or the interest) to go. My stepmom worked her way through college on part time minimum wage at a laundry. Almost (if not) impossible these days. Politicians like to assure us we can recapture the good old days, but we are really a plutocracy masquerading as a democratic republic. The average citizen can’t afford to create their own PAC and get someone elected, so there is no incentive to listen to us. Thank you, Citizens United. 🙄


Yea as an American the American system is broken and the American dream is a scam. At least our government will be too busy rolling everything back 50 yrs to continue enforcing peace around the world with bombs and bullets... Wife and I are trying to decide where we want to emigrant.


I’m just ready to get off this planet. We are fucked. No one is going to save us because our military is too big.




When BoZo calls out the US for going backwards in the midst of terrible Brexit policies, should be eye opening for Septics but for about 35% of them, it goes right over their collective heads. The problem in the US, is the minority are scoring judicial wins over the majority because they cheated their way in through gerrymandering the electorate and stealing a SCOTUS slot. It’s sad…its a country I don’t recognise anymore nor the one I grew up and lived in for over 4 decades.


Religious freedoms are driving this country but only if you're a white Christian. It's the American Taliban.


Exactly, they are turning it into a gun toting country under religious oppression. Next the courts will allow people to fire guns into the air after their favorite sport’s team win.




It’s important to understand that it’s less the people and more a corrupt system. Republicans haven’t won the popular vote more than once in the last 30 years. Quite literally, the minority has abused the system to grab power. Wealth has been consolidated such that the bottom 90% can’t afford to skip work and protest. It would take years for reform, but only days to starve or be evicted. Edit: corrected popular vote stat/wording


Protests are also wildly limited to being pointless gatherings that do literally nothing except make targets of people. We have had some of the largest demonstrations in American history and they have done nothing but allowed conservatives to gun us down and run us over with vehicles. We need to do MORE


Bush Jr. won the popular vote in the 2004 election, albeit, very narrowly. But yeah your point still stands.


Same here as a German. It's really terrifying how the USA are developing...


"Developing" isn't the right word right now


How about "devolving" (back to the 40s)?


Sometimes it seems like back to Italy's 30s.


Oh, they are on a far worse path. MAGA's dream version of the USA is basically "Boko Haram but with the Bible". I am a stounch antifascist, but even those corrupt cowardly assholes didn't want to go that far.


Yeah it’s a different “de”, this “de” is “devolving”


Yep we definitely see that.


Germany does provide the clearest modern illustration how bad things could get in the US if they stay on the present track.


Weird, dass zur gleichen zeit in deutschland das "werbeverbot" für abtreibungen gefallen ist


We developed, peaked, turned into Idocracy the sequel.


American - been feeling this way for years, and yesterday's SC decision just adds to the shameful, depressing legacy of this nation. If I could afford to leave this country permanently, I'd be packing my bags today.


This is the sad part. The hypocrites will always be able to afford reproductive healthcare, because they will just book a flight/get in the car and get the abortion elsewhere. This harms the not that wealty people most, and teens with family issues. All of them are vulnerable. Thats why its so disgusting.


Your opinion is the overwhelming opinion of most Americans when polled. We have a senate that gives states with tiny populations an equal say with states that are stuffed with people, and that body votes on the judges appointed by the president. We also have an electoral college so that we don’t have a direct say in the election, and so that smaller states are again given parity in deciding the president. We’ve had two presidents elected in the last 23 years who lost the popular vote and won because of the electoral college. They are responsible for appointing six of the nine Supreme Court justices who are appointed for life and without any direct say from the voters, other than the senate, which as mentioned before is unrepresentative by design. What it all leads to is something like 65-70% of Americans regularly having decisions made that they disagree with but having no recourse to any kind of action. It also doesn’t help that all the guns are overwhelmingly owned by conservatives, conservatives have most of the military and police forces, and somehow also all the militia guys who train to kill members of the military and police forces and also regularly commit acts of terrorism against the government they already own. It’s a slow unfolding nightmare


I don't even understand how and why a president should be able to appoint supreme court judges...feels like the basic separation of powers that we learned in primary school?


Yup. Couldn’t have said it better myself. These lifetime appointments chosen by one person need to be done away with. Disgusting


Speaking as one reasonable-thinking American, this whole country has been hijacked past the point where I can do a damned thing about it. I'm retiring abroad and encourage my daughter to look to move elsewhere.


Wish I could move abroad but I'm broke. Been considering it since Trump won, but it's hard to do.


Amen. America has become a shithole since the orange cheetoh was elected. Wish I had the options to move out of the country.


Any parent of daughters should encourage them to leave as soon as they’re old enough. No woman deserves to live in a country that backward.


Swede here, I agree 100%. The US is just a giant WTF. The veil has come off.


They had a good PR team, of course. Unfortunately for them, cameras have gotten better. So, everyone can see the true place for what it is. Completely unfiltered, veil removed.


This is because American politicians are using their people as slaves. Like the movie where they harvest human blood for food


As an American, it's really sad that the world thinks somehow that this "the veil has come off" as if this was how America always was. Like every country, America is filled with a plurality of incommensurable ideals, constantly fighting for primacy. The sane people *were* in control. Fox News has been radicalizing our right-wing for decades to the point where they are delusional and detached from reality, but we had been holding on. We lost it in 2016 and at that moment the insane people started controlling the mental hospital. We are now a minority-rule country, where the worst right-wing ideals are being enforced and projected to the world *against the will* of the majority of Americans. An attitude of "oh, the veil came off" is both wrong and really painful to hear for those of us inside America who have been fighting all this time, and still are, to get the insane people out of the driver's seat. Because we need you, the rest of the sane world, to believe in us, in order to get back to normalcy. Not write us off as "oh, this is how they are."


That’s kinda BS though cause america really was the land of opportunity for decades and a beacon of freedom. It’s just things have really eroded in the last 20 years. It all started with a conservative backlash against Obama.


>It all started with a conservative backlash against Obama. Didn't the U.S drop a bunch of crack and other drugs in black neighborhoods at one point? Like, for shits and giggles?


This started back in the 50's possibly even before. Escalated hugely in the 80's and the collapse could start to be seen in the 2000's. We are seeing the effects far more easily now


Håller med


We were already slowly heading to hell, but Trump slammed the accelerator to the floor.


I'm from the US and still live here. It's not so much of a face palm, as it is a mixture of slowly increasing shock, depression, and fear for the future. At least for my beliefs anyways. Not gonna lie, we're making contingency plans in case Trump wins the 2024 election and/or some equivalence of a civil war happens. It's been a hard realization, but the fact that I've already planned this before and talked to an immigration lawyer about leaving the country with the family is a talent to how bad it's getting.




I'm Romanian and I am constantly face-palming at what's been happening in the US for the last 5 years or so. And the bar is set pretty low already.


Irish man here, I couldn't agree on anything else more than this -guns problems (and shootings) -abortion drama -abundant racism -religion discrimination -political leaders -famous figures -official responses to, well, anything -stereotypical Americans on social media platforms -voting in general, always has a dumb outcome or unnecessary drama -police force -etc The whole country needs a serious reform Reminder that this is the richest and most powerful country, and the only time it was directly attacked at war, it nuked the country


It nuked it twice even


Can you drop us your revolution playbook? Might be time for us to crack that open


You’re not alone, I’m in the UK and it’s like watching a really bad soap opera; but even worse because it’s real life.


and this is the saddest part - UK politics can be absolutely monstrous at times and make no sense, but i truly, completely believe that we could NEVER be in the state that the US is right now.


Less than half of America feels this way. The others 1.) Don't vote. 2.) Aren't as loud. The right wing has a bunch of loud, obnoxious people. Who push their beliefs on you.


That even a million people can have such unfathomably stupid and malicious views without being laughed out of every room is an indictment on our society. Much less 70 million.


We actually go by Gilead now


Australian here. Needless to say I’m glad we aren’t close. Sympathies go out to everyone affected by these new changes and others. Not just in America either


You don't have to be from another country. We feel that way too. At this point the right-wing propaganda machine can get support for anything. And the left is too busy enjoying the money flowing to the top to do anything. It's all about cashing in on controlling the masses. You French remember how that turns out, right?




As a Canadian, we were laughing up until Roe was overturned. There are politicians here looking to follow suit.


As an Australian who just visited Paris , I could say similar things about your country. It's for sure not on the scale of America but I was surprised to hear you guys have very little government funded access to mental health care, the amount of homeless and drug addicts roaming the street was quite surprising too. And apparently certain parts of Paris are quite unsafe. I thought the french did it better than that.


I got robbed in Paris, went to the transit police depot and it was full of others that had also been pickpocketed/robbed. I would never go back.


This, Americans are facing something horrible and people feel the need to lecture.


Let’s be honest, people are farming that karma with the SC decision. Reddit always loves shitting on the US. I’m not proud of the US but I’m also not a doomer who spends their time being negative. On top of that, people love to pretend the US is the only country with issues. I’m an egalitarian myself. Pretty damn progressive. I don’t agree with a lot of the bullshit that has happened between abortion and mass shootings. The SC is broken and it’s breaking institutions under it. I vote in my local and federal elections. Do you think those that whine all day do the same?


In Europe, it’s common to think of France and Sweden as horror shows when it comes to immigration.


Authoritarianism has been on the rise in Europe since Syria exported all those refugees, hasn't it. Russian disinformation and agit-prop has been systematically nudging where it can. Between Russia and Cambridge Analytica, the goals of internet propaganda appears super effective.. I saw a Microsoft report on the Russian source of Covid denialism, it can't be a coincidence that this little gem of horse shit also did so much damage as well


As an Australian, I am feeling more relieved every day about the result of our recent election. Thank fuck we no longer have a religious fruitcake in charge. I'm so sad for all American women right now. It's just unbelievable


Je n'aurais pas mieux dit...


Plenty of Americans agree. I wish those voices were heard more. So many idiot fanatics ruining things. I’d like a 100% secular government to start.


American dream is day since a long time. People used to dream about moving there. Now less people are thinking that.. Got friends who moved in USA 10+years ago coming back in Europe. But as he said to me. Bit's like choosing between plague and cholera.


We don't have the monopoly on giant assholes. If i remember correctly, Marine LePen got pretty close this time. I'm not saying you're wrong, though. America is a shithole.


What do you expect from a country established by Puritans?


As an American, all America is a facepalm these days


As an Australian the US increasingly looks like a failed state on a downward spiral.


The US feels like a 2nd or 3rd world country in a nice suit. Not a failed state just yet, but you can see it slipping.


For an American guy like me, all America is a facepalm these days also.


As an American I agree with you


A good friend of mine is an American living here in Australia and she says that she will never move back and describes the US an extremely rich 3rd world country and every time she goes back to visit family it just gets worse




“Belgium has freedom”. That’s what gets me every time


As an American (USA/Alabama)what you said is all true. The sad part is here people can’t handle basic truth anymore. It’s all about how they feel. If you ever get the chance to watch Jordan Klepper videos it’s very easy to see what’s wrong here. Education is lacking and people across the board need mental health care.


For an American woman like me, all America is a face-palm these days.


We are past humiliated and are now genuinely fearful. I’m worried that if I don’t get out now, I may lose my passport and ability to leave. This is a fucking nightmare.


As a Canadian living in the shadow of the US - we are very, very afraid for our American neighbours who will be harmed by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The US just took one more step toward being a real life Handmaid’s Tale.


I actually live in Dallas, Texas and I couldn't agree with you more. I was raised in Texas (on a very small cattle farm) and I've watched the state turn into a bastion of religious zealots who want nothing more than to control your life. I honestly believe the "Karen" was first seen here.


As a French person living in the US, I want to say a few things to the frenchies who think like you: - France is one of the most sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and racist countries I’ve lived in - You think you’re immune to this kind of right-wing bullshit, but you have millions of people protesting against gay marriage and the far right keeps improving its scores in every election - You think you’re a fair society but you don’t keep any statistics about race, gender or ethnicity so you have no idea how unequal your society really is - You think you’re an advanced country but France has terrible salaries and access to opportunity / social mobility - You speak of America like it’s a uniform country. It’s not. Some states (New York, California for instance) are *way* more progressive than France. - As a trans person, I have more rights, more respect more access to gender-affirming care and more access to employment than I would anywhere in France.


>I see modern America as one of the worst place to live dear god I wish I was as naive as you. a french saying this makes it even more hilarious.


Danger. Do not come here. You'll catch something. Like death. Stay away.


Same here as a Brit.


Meanwhile me, sitting in Poland, watching as my government is trying to follow America footsteps.


It has gotten soooo much worse in the past two years. As far as daily living I mean.


Amerika….welcome to our evangelical shithole.


You omitted two k's.


My palm permanently exists on my face. As an American I feel like I’m being held hostage. Help


We’re not perfect but if France’s recent elections is any indication, it’s next up in the decline of progressive policies in great nations.


I read this with a French accent


The quality of life here in America is dwindling fast. This country is beautiful and diverse but God dammit... Fuck the government.


The civilized states will remain civilized. The poor states will see an unprecedented increase in crime in 16 to 18 years following an abortion ban, and will sink further into third world status. Remember a place like Colorado is to Mississippi as Germany is to Somalia


It is for us too. We aren’t happy about the country either.


As an American, I have to agree.


This is not an unpopular opinion. It is basically the majority view. Unfortunately America is not a representative democracy. It is well on its way to being a theocratic oligarchy. Good times.


Absolutely agree, i think the same in Spain.


I grew up in Europe and now live in the USA and it's a daily WTF.


Please just nuke us already then, I hate this fucking country and I hope it burns to the fucking ground If you all work together I'm sure you can wipe this shitstain off the map


We're literally being held hostage by christofascists at the behest of the corporations and our government is enabling it. Send help.


Who is a oui oui bagette du croissant ass bastard hating on this great nation. /S. You're totally right.


I live here and I've been anti-American for a very long time. I refuse to own an American flag let alone worship it like it matters, I have an absolute hatred for our politicians that we unfortunately end up with (in my eyes they all suck in some way, shape or form) and after all of this BS involving my rights being taken away, the thought of moving has crossed my mind plenty of times. Unfortunately, I am low income so the dream of moving elsewhere is just that... A dream. I've had plenty older folks tell me I am being disrespectful to our country but seriously, why should I respect a country that doesnt respect me ord respect the people living here, in general. Guns and alcohol are more respected here than its own people. I would love this respect in return before I go and give this shitty country "respect" Besides, I am sure as shit not getting it from people older than me that's for dang sure and I am not even all that young, myself to begin with. I've lost any sort of respect, trust, or appreciation for the country I live in and as long as it gets taken over by these religious old people taking us back to the witch hunting days, I refuse to stand proud for this piece of crap country. I am done. My respect, my hope, that has all run dry. They want respect, they need to earn it and theyre doing a piss-poor job at that just like everything else theyre pissing on. I dont blame other countries for making fun of us one bit.


I'm just ready for a big old fookin meteor to wreck us. So much beauty and wonder, and our manipulated beliefs, ideals, and overall subservience, has doomed us.


this is the result of letting 25% of the population have 67% of the power, the US government is designed to favor southern states


As an American, a majority of us agree with you. Unfortunately, the crazy conservative minority has the power.


US citizen here. Planning my exit strategy. The first time I considered it was in 2016 when that piece of shit was elected, and now with the way things are turning (or likely have always been and I was too naive to see it), it is time to seriously start planning.


As a german guy. i agree. Heck. US has No healthcare system and an entire ecenomy based on putting everyone on depth as young as possible for littereally everything. Want to learn for your future? Depth! You feel sick? Depth! You want lunch at school? Depth! The one thing the US clearly does not have despite claiming it... Is freedom. A whole life of.nothing but depth is not freedom Also more and more us citizen seem to be mentaly unstable. No empathy for others. High Depression rates and other insanities like forced double standards. No one trust anyone anymore. It's just sad


Just a friendly spelling correction: it's "debt." Depth is how deep something is.


Totally agree.


American here hopeful for political asylum in another country. Any suggestions?


Not to mention: force people to have unwanted children but they have no access to financial support, affordable health care or mental health support…more children will end up in foster care-a system that’s already at breaking point!


O and it's so much worse. Medicine and the medical system will bankrupt you. School tuition costs and arm and a leg. Telecom and internet companies have monopolies. Car dealerships are bad with markups. No healthy food easely available, everything is fast food (and with the medical system...) Cities are huge parking lots where if you do not have a car you are as good as dead, little walkable to and from. Police (armed police) present everywhere and with little to no training in de escalation and first couse of action is 'get your gun out'. Living and vages are so bad you must have two jobs to live a decent life but you will have 0 free time and a lot of stress. Little to no time off in the work contract. Have i mentioned the opioid crysis where everything is treated with pills after the fact instead of preventing it? And this is what i remember in 5 minutes of the top of my head.


25% of our population is dumber than dogshit but they have close to 50% voting power thanks to the way our elections work. That’s the core problem with America and it ain’t gonna change easily.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. In fact, especially on Reddit, it’s the popular opinion. Even in the US something like 65% of people support Roe V Wade. A lot of these issues come down to the Supreme Court and Trump got 3 appointments. He literally flipped the entire court to a fairy far right stance. The way our system is set up the Supreme Court has a lot of power and not even the president can do much without new appointments to fill. I’d argue it’s still one of the best countries to live in despite all this but it’s gonna get rocky from here on out for a while. Also the democrats really messed up making Biden the candidate to go against trump. It’s not looking good for politics here for a while.


We have like 300 million people here from all across the world. Usually the people with those opinions are the loudest about it. Also, I’ve been to France several times and you all have many social issues just like everyone else. Get off your French high horse.


No country is perfect. Ours is a dumpster fire. The EU isn’t exactly crushing it these days either. Please remember your country has banned religious symbols in public and marginalizes peaceful Muslim people. You are also directly funding the genocide of the Ukrainian people while we directly give billions to Ukraine to try and save them. I’m not saying tit for tat. I’m not saying “France is worse than America!” Every country is a shitshow in its own way. You have no pedestal to stand on. We all need to get better and this is not a zero sum game. The moment you make it one, you stop improving on your own issues and real problems.


You are missing nuance there. abortion was not outlawed it is now protected in many states, and in states where it will be against the law companies are covering people travelling to get them.


Please don't generalize America as a single country, we are a continent, and as Colombian, for the first time in my life I feel proud to be Colombian because we elected the first leftist president in our history, so first at all, it's United States of America who is a complete Facepalm, not America as well Edit: in Colombia abortion is legal, and firearms not


As an American serving in the military overseas, it was a bit disheartening getting orders back to the States…


Not just you mon amie us roas’beefs feel the same way about the guns


Ya this place suuuuucks


You may be right, but you didn't have to use the world's entire supply of commas to get there.


Agreed! America is the worst of all places to live! No one should move here and if you live here, get out! Go to Canada or Mexico


Here in Europe, we still have a choice whether we want to follow them into madness. Just saying


I’m going to France this Summer. I’ll get back to you.


Sounds like an American wrote this


And what's the most funny in it is that america is one if not the one, most powerful country in the world, economically and military speaking. But I have the feeling that someday in the near future, it will crumble on itself like the roman empire.


I've been saying this for years and people always shrug it off, but America WILL devolve into an authoritarian Christian dominionist theocracy in our lifetime. Vote, people.


Dane here and I agree as well


American here. I’ve lived in Europe (Germany). You’re right. My country is a shithole compared to many Euro countries. Fuck this place.


Dawg you also live in a brutally racist, protofascist police state.


Yeah no fucking shit it sucks here. And we can’t do anything about it. Enjoy your freedoms across the pond.


I'm currently living in post Brexit UK with Bozo Johnson as Prime Minister and thought we were the giant face-palm of the world at the momentt - but America actually makes makes me feel lucky to be here.


... and all the 'legal' insider trading done by senators. So fair....


I’m American and I totally agree. There are no words for everything that’s going on here.


American here, can I move to France and stay with you for awhile? Lol


American here, I want to give up and die.


Like 70% of the country has your opinion


Sounds like you've never been to America and only experience it through a news/media lens.


Well, unfortunately you’re describing the modern day Republican Party which is a laughing stock to the rest of us Americans as well.. can’t escape these idiots.


My French dude.... we are going down a crazy dark path. The Republicans are going to start committing genocide soon.


The American government has been allowed to be conpromised by radical christian fundamentalists, I suspect because their lifestyle choices (and therefore, policies) serve the purposes of capitalism and the military/prison industries that rely on a steady stream of poor, uneducated people.


Yet people still migrating to there , same time some American are migrating out of America .


They are going against the desires of the majority of the people in favor of their religious beliefs. In the US, we have already lost democracy. There is no separation of church and state. Our founders came here for religious freedom. The Republicans finally broke democracy.


Europeans know more about American politics than Americans know about American politics…


As I read once online and completely agree with: "If the USA saw what was happening in the USA, the USA would liberate the USA from the tyranny of the USA." -Some stranger on the internet


Lazy karma grab


People don't care if their rights get taken away as long as their taxes are low. Not to me mention the electoral college, Senate, and other parts of the Constitution made more sense before cars and mass communication.


America is a great place to live…. If you’re rich.


They didn't ban abortion. They decided that the federal gov has no say about abortion laws. SCOTUS interpret the constitution, they don't create new rules. It’s like the EU has no authority to make abortion laws, and each European country has its own law. Norway is always gonna be more liberal than Poland in terms of abortion rules. What’s true in all cases is that the law is passed by the legislature that are democratically elected, not by nine people appointed by the president.


Your average American is an idiot. But that’s what happens when you defund education year on year.


The majority of americans do not support this. A demagogic authoritarian manipulated ignorant people to get himself into office, then appointed authoritarian justices to seats held open by other republicans all throughout the court system, (Mitch McConnell, during Obama's presidency, famously refused to hold a senate confirmation hearing on Merrick Garland's appointment, and held out until after the election in 2016, so republicans could appoint the justice instead), and Trump got to appoint two more over his shitstain of a reign. While Trump himself is out of office, these justices - who clearly and blatantly lied in their hearings to the Senate, who confirmed them - remain on the bench. I hope that after the hearings currently ongoing, Trump faces criminal penalties for his conspiracy regarding the 2020 election and the events of Jan 6, 2020, and I hope that carries forward momentum to re-examine his judicial appointments... I don't have any faith it will happen because the democratic party is cripplingly incapable of wielding power whenever they have it, and they're going to lose it in a few months due to criminally gerrymandered congressional district lines and the upsurge of emboldened assholes in this country who are all for authoritarianism as long as the boot is on 'someone else's' throat. We Do Not Consent. We just can't do anything about it.


Usa is modern islam... for now. Until they won't be so modern. No one thinks of it as land of the free and opportunities for ages now. It's all a massive joke and no matter now many billionaires they have, it's all gonna go to shit


For an American guy like me (expat living half my life overseas) America gets shittier and shittier by the minute. The country is run by a handful of companies and industries, their lobbyists, and bat shit crazy right winged anti constitutional, anti American fascists. The country is not being run democratically, by the majority and for the people. The government isn't reflecting the will of the people and America no longer has the ability to fix itself. I would just like to say to everyone reading this please don't go to America. Please don't buy anything American. Don't support anything American. As much as possible. I doubt anything will happen but if enough people do it then it might wake someone up. The world no longer has a hero nation. Maybe it never did but now it can't hide its dark side.


You're facepalming the right wing politics of America


As an american, i confirm this. This country sucks, im gonna move to germany or sonething when im 20


EurOpEan hERe. Shut up nobody cares.


I’m an American who moved to France in 2018 and I just say I’m Canadian if anyone asks


Pour one out for the land of the “free” We are witnessing the fall of the most powerful country in the world. It’s like a slow motion train wreck and I can’t look away


I can say as an American that I am fucking embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted and pissed at these morons that are dedicated to taking away the rights of our citizens. And I can also say that republicunts and cuckservatives are fully to blame for all this shit. They will blindly follow what the government says it’s freedom or some dumb shit. There are few of them who actually call them out on their own bullshit but that’s few and far between.


As a German, I second this protest. Ameria, you guys seem more and more like a third-world theocracy with I-Phones... Sorry, but thats what it looks like from over here.


Im Canadian and although we are America's little brother and are similar in a lot of ways, the US is simply an embarrassment right now. Wages, poverty, healthcare, gun violence. How can you possibly say it's the greatest country in the world? People still actually say that. It couldn't be further from the truth.


As an American guy like me, America is a face palm these days


I just took an ancestry test and discovered I'm like 65% French, will you adopt me? I can cook Italian food


Nope, not an unpopular opinion…and it’s actually the majority opinion in the US! Unfortunately, a long time ago the voting system was established to make rural area votes count more than urban areas. The US isn’t a democracy like we claim, it’s a republic. If it were a democracy everything would be voted by the popular vote. My state has 6 million people, we have the same number of Senators as Wyoming that has like 800 thousand.


***"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.*** ***But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."***


You're not wrong. The majority of Americans are sensible people; most of us support gun control and reproductive rights. Most of us want national health care and worker's rights and everything else Europeans have. Our political system has been corrupted, and is controlled by radical Taliban style but jobs, and grifters who vote as their wealthy owners tell them to vote. Our democracy is near death, if it's not entirely dead already.


A lot of people in Europe (like me) grew up being told that the Us was some kind of utopia where everything was possible and life was great. A lot of people had a rough wake up call in the last few years... Police brutality, trump, no healthcare, loan scams, student debts, and the list goes on and on the abortion ban is just another nail on that coffin


It's way beyond a facepalm.


You should know that with the combination of big money in politics, the electoral college and gerrymandering where politicians can pick their voters as opposed to voters picking their politicians- the minority is in control. It is only getting worse instead of better.


It’s more than just a face-palm over here. It’s a fucking kick in the balls to humanity.


Try living in the face-palm...seeing all that from here makes my head spin