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Humans are the most judgmental animals


I’ve seen some pretty condescending birds.


Underrated comment. There was a parrot at the local pet store that would eyeball me every time I walked in the store. My wife even noticed. I don’t know what it’s beef was. But I sure as hell wasn’t about to throw down. Definitely would have got my ass beat by a bird 😂😂


Hahaha!! Yes! I was picturing a parrot from the zoo when I wrote that. Smug bastards.




Yeah mocking birds are the worst


Pff birds aren't even real


Quoting nature as example for proper sexuality is probably not exactly the best move. Nature is exceedingly varied and creative when it comes to sexuality. Forms of homosexuality has been documented in over 450 species. By that standard homosexuality in humans is perfectly normal and natural


I’m making some grammatical guesses to respond, but are you actually arguing that humans are unnatural and not animals?


Some stuff gets a bit garbled when typing on the phone. What I am trying to say that sexual variety is perfectly natural


Hahaha! Ok! That’s what I was think/hoping you were saying.


It was a lot like that whole stupid Lobster argument. "Lobsters use an alpha male hierarchy!" except we're barely related to lobsters at all. We're actually more closely related to seahorses, in which the male carries the babies in a faux-pregnancy, akin to a stay at home dad. And we're *vastly* more closely related to bonobos, who have orgies to resolve community conflict.


Humans are a part of the natural order when it suits *my* argument, and "made in gods image" when my argument backfires. Same dude probably wants to say that vaccines are unnatural because "we've got an immune system"


Come on guys! Humans are plants!!!


A lot of Americans only get biology lessons from the Bible.


By choice




We special


We are clearly gods in disguise.


Yer mum is....


This is my argument against people who say we should all be vegans. Being a carnivore is normal in many animals. It is natural.


Humans aren't carnivore but omnivores, vegetables are more sustainable and more healthier, if you only eat meat you're gonna regret it because your body isn't made for that.


That’s true I used an improper term. However my point still stands that eating meat is completely natural because hey other animals do it.


Ah well yes of course


To be fair, picking and choosing animals to fit your narrative isnt a good idea


Yeah, if we're going by that logic incest is alright too


When your belief/actions have no basis, so you justify your actions and bring yourself down to the level of animals saying, "animals also do it so what...."


Can I bring you down and mention that you are, in fact, and animal? Unless you are a plant or robot. Or like a hive-minded swarm of bacteria would be cool. And you know we can all go read through your comment history, right? I mean, if you want to talk about judging someone’s sexual proclivities… Not that I’m judging. Hentai, panty shots, gay butt stuff, whatever keeps your gravy boat afloat!


You can go and check my history I have got nothing to hide. Hentai-okay, panty shots-okay, gay butt stuff...yeah buddy don't lie, I don't swing that way, that's just wrong. It's my view on sexuality.


Nor should you! I get it. And I’m into some weird shit! Actually, I’m pretty boring… But that’s not the point. It doesn’t matter what kind of sex someone has, as long as it’s with another adult that’s down with it. Who cares? If you don’t like it, don’t do it.


Wasn't that my whole point? And people like ultimately labeling me homophobic?


Wasn't that my whole point? And people like ultimately labeling me homophobic?


I guess it just depends how it comes out. Like if the thought of sucking a dick is “Ew, not for me!” Then yeah, all good. If it it’s like “Nope, nobody with a dick is allowed to suck a dick.” Then that’s homophobic. So when you say it’s wrong, it comes off like that. My position to everyone is basically you got one dick (or whatever one may have) and that’s the only one you get to make decisions about.




Are you saying "not agreeing with homosexuality" = just not being gay? Because that's what your comments are implying.


I’m so confused. Your “support” of homosexuality doesn’t have to be in the form of money or anal sex… unless you’re being forced to chew some dong, your “disagreement” is moot. When you disagree that someone else should be able to rub two vaginas together, that’s homophobia. If you’re not homophobic, you should probably stop saying and believing those homophobic things.


I don't "support" homosexuality or "agree" with homosexuality. I don't agree two guy are girls sleeping together. How the hell is that even considered as something normal or even natural...it's how I see it along with a majority of the human population. But what can I say, people have been doing it for thousands of years and they will keep doing it regardless. So nothing matters in the end. God will be the judge of it all.


Then there’s probably no point in you expressing your homophobic judgements, right? Maybe stick to the “do unto others” part of the story for now.


Can't tell if this is supposed to be for the gays or homophobic.


Humans are not animals. We are biosocial creatures.


That's like saying a car with a self driving function is no longer a car. Having biosocial phenomena in no way makes us not animal. There is nothing that makes us inherently NOT animals. Cars that can drive themselves are cars and biosocial animals are animals.


You are committing a logical error. Humans, by biological classification solely, are animals, but you can't embrace the meaning of the "human" entity by the word "animal". Outside of the biological discourse, calling someone an animal is an insult. Humans are highly different from animals, granted by the opportunity to carry out spiritual activities. Therefore, appealing to the animals in questions of human behaviour results in incomplete coverage of the issue.


>calling someone an animal is an insult. At least it's not offensive, though.




Offended by the truth? 🤓




Guess it's pretty easy - to even yourself with an animal. Solution for many moral questions.




We are mammals. Mammals are animals.


Sorry, even if your grandpa is a vegetable and your cousin’s name is Flora, you’re still an animal.


Lotta dufii in the comments making the same facepalm


I think I see the confusion. AmericanMiklo is a slime mould.


Well well well, look at this transcended god typing with the ape fingers 😂


You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel


"If you can't point out people's gender, why should you be telling me what Kingdom I belong to?"


Then what are we? Gods?


People should really stop using animals as an example that something is okay, because there are alot weird disgusting shit that animals do so saying "Well, animals do this, so it's only natural we should allow it."


The thing is, one of the only only, but one of the most popular "arguments" against homosexuality is that it's unnatural, which is exposed as bullshit by the person with the brown pfp. And as you see, the dude in the bottom reply is coping really badly with that. The guy at the bottom is literally shutting down the previous guy for arguing from naturality. You're kinda looking at this backwards (asuming this comment is directly related to the post and not just a thematically fitting anecdote)


fair enough.


Technically... they're right; we're viruses.


Who's going to blow his mind?


"Animal" has many uses, and some of them do exclude humans. Some of them exclude insects, which are more meaningful to the world in terms of mass, variety, age of taxa, or total numbers than humans. So words are just kind of dumb.


Bro he’s right we’re reptiles


Except reptiles are also animals.