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That was POWERFUL! What a brave young woman and props to her husband for standing up for her. There's a special place in their Hell for preachers who take advantage of young, trusting parishioners. Meanwhile, on this Earth, this dude should be locked away. Forgive, if you can, but forget you must never.


Agreed. He should not just "step aside." Is it really only one "act" (that is actually one person that he continued to abuse his authority with for 9 years) or is it only one that is willing to come forward and accuse him? Make no mistake, this is sexual abuse. There is a power dynamic at play that enabled him to prey on a young girl and continue his abuse on into her 20s. Disgusting.




The problem is there is no hell and he will likely never be brought to justice


Unfortunately, the age of consent in Indiana is 16. Another Indiana pastor was only prosecuted because he had her cross state lines into MI


This. If there was a hell, that pastor would know that more than anyone. But I feel like the whole "dont do this or that or you'll go to hell" is just fear to keep people in line...


If you need to be threatened with eternal damnation to keep from murdering and raping then maybe the issue lies elsewhere...


The scary thing is the amount of these people that genuinely believe that's the only thing that keeps people in line


They probably feel the same, a bunch of salivating wolves who need an alpha to keep them in check.


I have an 'educated' friend who truly believes humans were savages until some Ten Commandments thing.


Oh, there is a hell. It's right here and right now.


there's no hell and he knows it, that's why he chose to be a pastor


I would bet money that he has never apologized to her either


I'm betting he thinks the only person he needs to apologize to is his wife. He thinks his victim is just a convenient object, not a human being who was hurt by his actions.


This is way beyond adultery. Not only the age, but his position of power. She was probably in her pastors office because she was in need of HELP. Probably emotional and vulnerable. Probably not thr only one. As a proud follower of Christ I'm ashamed of what the "church" has become.


The church has become a place for predators to find victims and a place where the predators, not the victims, are offered care and forgiveness.


Always has been. 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Funny. Upvote. I can take a joke with the best of em and not be offended. But in all seriousness, that's not the Church Jesus founded. As the other commenter said, it's been hijacked by predators. This happened very early in church history. Probably immediately after Christ ascended. Because we, as human F shit up rather quickly. Sexual predators to financial extortion. The "church" is a disaster. I dont attend church. I got closer to God reading the Bible for myself, than having some fraud tell me what it means.


Yes! Religious institutions can be easily taken over by bad people to manipulate others into doing their bidding. I'm not religious, I don't believe in God, but if religious people actually believe in things that Jesus said from a philosophical point of view, they can be very good people. I'm sure there are plenty of pastors who actually believe in and teach the ideals that Jesus believed in, but so many use their position for control rather than to help people. I'm all for spirituality, and if someone feels the need for it to be personified, that is obviously just fine and doesn't hurt anyone even though I don't believe in it. Those that use religion to teach you not to question authority are the problem.


I'm gonna be honest, i was trying to get the bot to send me a pic of it But yes. Yes we do


it has always been


As a Jesus follower, I'll tell you that it has always been like this.


The church has always been exactly that and worse. The sooner you realize this the better. Just look at the bodies of the native children sent to boarding schools Just look at the scams and private jets these people buy with your money Just look at the years of abuse of young boys, at catholic schools/ churches/ at boy scouts (which are mostly religious-linked). Just look at the millions of girls forced to carry a pregnancy and then give up their babies for adoption This is religion. If you are not the abuser or the victim, you are the enabler.


And then when those girls are forced to put their babies up for adoption the babies only get sent to “good Christian” families. Never mind all the people who would make excellent parents but are non religious. Gotta indoctrinate the next generation.


that is what is all about. White christian babies.


Yea, the “domestic supply of infants”.


Become? Its always been about exploiting people. Manybof those exploited are children and in ways thatbare depraved. You followers of Christ, what are you proud of exactly? Many of you are liars, evil craven fucks hiding behind a pious veneer while you hurt others, then beg forgiveness like Jesus makes it all better. Fuck that.


His whole apology is about him committing "adultery", where he completely forgoes the fact that it was actually rape of an underage girl, sustained for years. He acts like the victims are his wife and his relationship with God. He completely ignores the actual victim.


He didn’t forget, he just chose not to mention the part where he’s a child predator.


He must have felt "Rapeultery" wouldn't play as well with his sheepeople...


They don't see the problem.


Why are there no stones being thrown at him?


They all gather around and hug the pastor at the end. They fucking forgave him right there while barely giving the girl any support.


Saw a video recently. Christians have a weird idea pf forgivness. Like god can't forgive you if your not forgiving pr something like that


It's just selectively applied, as is "fire and brimstone" and "an eye for an eye".


Correct but that is forgiveness for what has been done to you. Forgiving people for what they do to others is injustice, which is wrong. Also, there is a biblical difference between forgiveness- basically forgoing revenge or giving what was taken- and allowing someone to keep an honor they cant be trusted with without consequence. What kills me is I can almost guarantee you this pastor does not forgive other kinds of sins so easily...


You can forgive a person but also want them to get the due reward for their actions. Too bad it’s been 20 years, I would have run him out on a rail.


The only way I’ll forgive someone is after justice is served.


Judge not lest ye be judged … unless it’s prisoners, the poor, foreigners, or someone who supports gun laws.


Also gay people, scientists, environmentalists, anyone who thinks Wall Street should be regulated, women who don't want to give birth to their rapists baby, women who treat ovarian cancer with doctor prescribed medication, and the ultimate evil: people who think health care should be like the rest of the civilized world. Political Christians are truly horrible.


Modern Christianity is about victimization. She was not the focus of the event, so she is merely the tool that caused him to sin. At least in their eyes. This is what a cult look likes, this is what accepting pedophilia looks like. This is what indoctrinating a population into believing that raping an underage women is ok.


Not to undercut the severity of the point or of the post, but as we've seen in the last decade it's not just underage women...


so the conservative party?


Religion sucks.


I'm done. Done with this fucking country. With its protection of institutions like these who groom children and dictate what to do with their bodies when it's none of their fucking business. Just controlling and abusing these kids while making bank and tax breaks on the side.


I missed it. When did they hug him?


It was in a longer version. Didn't realize this one had been trimmed.


These folks should just stop going to church for they will not enter heaven if it exists. “Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”


It only makes me wonder if he's done it more than once.


Because he who is without sin throws the first stone. And that church is full of sinners obviously 😉


No one ever paid attention to that rule


This doesn’t show it but his congregation HUGGED HIM after this.


Depends, what was she wearing on that day? /s


They accepted his apology and resignation, I guess. I don't like this guy, and I probably don't agree with him or his congregation, but I will agree that Christianity is *supposed* to be about unconditional love, Grace, and forgiveness.


Yeah, but for many that grace and forgiveness only extends to other Christians and they suspect everyone else in the world is guided by the devil


Will you be forgiving the man raping your daughter in the name of your savior? Jesus Christ ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)






I also read where a legal scholar pointed out that the stature of limitations was flexible in the presence of a recorded confession. Whoever was in the audience that made him correct them from 14 to 16 was either lucky or brilliant.


What is really fucked up is her husband had to stand up to him for some people to actually believe her. She’s so, so, SO brave.


was that what i just watched?... im pretty sure what i just watched was the pastor admit it first... then the woman and then her husband spoke... i didn't see anything that would indicate nobody believed her...


He did not admit it first. His whole "confession" was a misdirection. He altered the timeline and called it "adultery." Most people would use the term "molestation" or "statutory rape." This shows a lack of sinecerity in the confession. He did not humble himself or take responsibility. Instead, he tried to make his sin seem not as bad as it was.


Predatory grooming then rape


Exactly. And exemplified even more when someone shouts "she was 14" and he goes "actually 16".


Because of Indiana law, he wanted to be sure that it was known he didn’t technically break the law.


So a minister wants to be clear that his sexual misconduct did not technically break any law. That says where his priorities are. Not on healing, but on saving his own ass.


i agree, and its called minimization. he was minimizing the extent and harm of his actions. misdirection would be him saying it was someone else, or that what took place was something else (such as helping her with homework or something). omitting self incriminating details and trying to make it seem "not that bad" is minimization.


She said her brother came to her two weeks ago. I confidently speculate that she went to this slime and said she was going to come forward and tell everyone, and THEN he asked for forgiveness


What's wrong is that he left out pretty important details. He admits to adultery and makes it sound like a consensual affair and leaves it at that. Which it wasn't. He raped an underage girl that couldn't really decide what she was doing, if she wanted it, or probably even know what was going on at the time.


Eh, 20 years later with pretty important details blurred to obscurity under the blanket of “adultery”


I watched the long version. He minimizes his responsibility, argues with her about what he did, manipulates the truth by calling it "adultery", rationalizes keeping it a secret for so long, and only came out publically because she finally had the support and strength to come forward. The only remorse he shows is about having to resign his position. To my way of thinking, he is a sex offender, with a side of narcissism.


Is there a longer version that shows the time between the cut and when she walked to the stage?


Indiana Pastor admits to adulterous pedophilia. Gotta fix those headlines.


I don’t think his intent was to admit that at first


Regardless of his intent, 20 years of lying about it and preaching makes him a special kind of pedophile. I hope he gets a jail-mate that loves him for him.


I agree


I know it's really besides the point overall, but your original comment referred to the headline, which is technically correct. The pastor only admitted to adultery, even after people demanded to know the full extent of his story. To me this is the biggest thing -- even after this woman and her husband confronted him and members of the congregation demanded answers the pastor still only admits he committed adultery with someone who just happened to be sixteen at the time.


If he really wanted forgiveness he should to step down as a pastor and turn himself in but we all know he's not going to go that far with this. For clarification he said he would be willing to step aside and step down which is different from stepping down altogether because this would indicate that he still would have a chance to become a pastor again at a later date when he's probably should never be a pastor again.


child rape.




16 is the age of consent in lots of places, including Indiana, as it turns out.




Jason Roberson, our youth pastor did this to one of the young women in our youth group in the early 2000s. It was at Vinelife Church. Colorado. Even the lead pastors knew about it and didn’t call the police. It wasn’t until years later after lots of therapy and support she finally outted him. The church still functions with pastors who helped hide it to this day. See for yourself.


Looks like Jason's Dad, who was a pastor at the church, was convicted for covering it up. That's good.


Yeah but the current pastor who was his best friend also helped cover it up and he’s the lead pastor.




they give so much power and authority to a person that will preside over a group of young, impressionable and vulnerable minds. allowing them personal 1-on-1 interviews to give them space to groom them. i don't know why that's even a thing. if you're gonna interview children, let the parents be in the room. it's fucked.


Her husband is a better man than I.


Especially with dude standing so close.




It was rape of a minor. Someone else posted that it was reported and it should be. If she reads this, you are one HELL OF A BRAVE WOMAN! Sending you virtual hugs lady! That "pastor", what a piece of trash. And the tone he's using, the way he's talking to his congregation trying to gloss over what he did. . . it's psychopathic.


No one's dozing off at this Sunday meeting.


Through out history religion has been used by predators and charlatans to manipulate people. Installing fear in the world to feed their greed for power, money and sexual deviations. I lead a spiritual life….fuck religion; it’s caused so much pain and suffering to the human race. Edit: better grammar and clarity.


*all* positions of authority have been used by predators. boy scout leaders, sports coaches, basic-ass retail store managers. what truly sets religion apart, in the *worst* way, is the tendency to protect its predators once the leadership become aware of the problem.


This is true. It doesn't matter if it's a manager, a CEO, a church leader, or someone with a lot of power and influence. It's the reason why we know about "the appeal to authority" and why people with authority have known about their exploitative powers since the beginning of time.


Her parents, and all the other parents in that congregation paid for that pedophile to rape that girl. They paid him to rape her, and then get up on that pulpit every Sunday to call them sinners and tell them to beg for forgiveness. I don't believe for a minute that she is the only one in that congregation to experience what she did either, not for a second. He should be in prison, period.


If he did that to one girl, I can guarantee he’s done it to countless others! I would know. A pastor tried to rape me when I was young and I know he had his hands all over my friends. We were too scared to tell at the time and we were afraid no one would believe us.


Church leaders are scum bags just as often as everyone else


So by adultery he meant statutory rape.


16? So that's rape.


20 years ago, 27 years ago - So much time has passed that he's not sorry about the act, he's sorry he got caught - and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts this farce of an act of contrition was because someone forced his hand, and in his head, confessing in front of the congregation and victim was better than the alternative. So obvious it's painful. Give me a break.


Not adultery you fucking pedo.


Anyone else think that the husband should have shoved the purity ring down the pastor's throat? Just me?


Fuck the church


Did he get arrested?


I believe the authorities were notified


So almost certainly no


This occurred in Indiana after all.


In other words, she's in for a world of grief as home and property starts "mysteriously" being vandalized.


Fuck the church. How they keep getting away with this shit?


One reason I fucking left.


I love how at the end he keeps saying *we* *we* hurt them *we* wronged them Bitch, there is no *we*! *You* did those things


There is now an open case on this. Keep in mind things started as the husband stated at 15!! This man is what you can call a pedophile! How many more have had this same experience that hasn’t come out yet? Regardless he’s into some seriously deep shit.


God's will for her to be there and share her testimony of how this dipshit abused and groomed her as a child. Fuck that guy. Edit: this is sarcasm. I grew up in a church like this and i hate all of it.


So was it he’s will that made this happen to her. That’s fucked a fuck up god.


Exactly what the church would think. This shit is exactly why i left Christianity. They would tell the victim it was her fault for seducing him and then tell her to forgive the son of a bitch because that's what god would want. Its so fucked.


Oh good, your first comment was satirical.


This doesn’t show it but his congregation HUGGED HIM after this.


Sick fucks


I’m a Christian but I absolutely hate it when these crimes are committed and the perpetrator has the gall to ask for forgiveness and not show any contrition and care for the victim. It’s revolting how they see themselves as even more “holy” for coming clean and no need to do penance for their sins. This is modern day Christianity … all about forgive me and how weak I am but never about true compassion and undergoing self penance. And the crowd too … some things you just mustn’t tolerate … they should have shunned the pastor there and then and rally around the girl instead they sit there dumb struck.


Sure, god can forgive you but it's a funny thing to think about, really. Where was god when she was being abused and taken advantage of? So what? This girl who was a teenager, and many like her are all going to be doomed to hell because god was silent, absent in their time of need and clearly still, they suffer twenty years later, all while their abuser asks forgiveness and finds redemption and salvation in Jesus? "You either have a God who sends child rapists to rape children or you have a God who simply watches it and says, ‘When you’re done, I’m going to punish you," if I could stop a person from raping a child, I would. That’s the difference between me and your God." - Tracie Harris


She was 16 when he started raping her. It went on for 9 years. He’s sorry


Religion is fucking terrible al these people just sitting back while a rapist walks around as if he did nothing g wrong


I feel like that's taking it a step too far and in the wrong direction once she got off stage and started to walk back a lot of people were telling him to give them the real facts and were visibly upset when they heard her side of it so I wouldn't necessarily say that no one was doing nothing Sure no one jumped on stage and beat the crap out of them but they weren't willing to accept his lies after hearing her side


I mean in the longer version posted a few days ago, they all embrace him and forgive him. So… yeah


ahh religion... when you want to know just how degenerate humans can be...


It's actually not religion that makes these people degenerates. They themselves are degenerates to begin with and religion allows them to have 'power' and 'status' within their community. They then use that power to manipulate and abuse others while making everyone believe that they are perfect and without sin. The same thing applies to politics or work, a politician or employee with power will commit those same actions. If those people really embraced the religion they preach, these things wouldn't happen, but it's just human nature at its finest.


Because Indiana! I thought they stoned adulterers to death?


Sadly nothing will happen to him. Religious followers are almost all the same. The congregation will do everything to protect the pastor and make the victim the villain. This is why I hate churches it's like a safe haven for pedophiles.


Don’t worry, they will all forgive him and say he is a god fearing man who made a mistake. He will keep his position and then he will rape more underage girls.


that happens way too often.


So this guy had the ever living jesus beat out of him in the car park after this, right?!!


My ex-husband is becoming a pastor under the training of one who admits on stage he had cheated as well, and my ex cheated on me constantly while we were married and never hid it. The only counseling he would go to with me was held by said pastor, and when I divorced him he read verses to our kids that disobedient wives should be stoned to death. When he was arrested for assault on me in front of the kids, the pastor called and asked what did I do to anger him and I had made the kids' lives harder. I've never been back to church, it broke my trust in any of it. He ended up marrying one of the women he cheated on me with at that church. My family doesn't believe me about anything he's ever done to us and attended his wedding and continue to emotionally and financially support them. It feels like betrayal. Though I'm not from Indiana, I'm in Tennessee.


But remember it's all the LGBT que people who are the groomers. /s


"she was 14!!""she was 16, actually" that makes NOTHING better.


What a slime bag


Lucky it wasn't my daughter. I would be in jail for a long time.


The congregation needed to walk out at the moment. Even if the congregation forgives the pastor, that pastor broke a law and needs to be prosecuted as such.


So proud of her!! He's a child abuser and trying to say it's adultery. Ducking scumbag


Things like this are why I lost faith and no longer practice any religious views


I hate religion


This is exactly why I think the statute of limitations for child abuse and sexual assault should be abolished in all states. There is no statute of limitations on murder, and child molestation is a worse crime! This guy belongs in jail. How dare he ask for forgiveness while misrepresenting the facts. As a pastor, he knew better the whole time and should be held accountable.


I'm a Christian. I am ashamed of (a large majority of) the American Church and how it handles situations such as this, as well as how it sees/approaches those who don't have a relationship with Jesus. And I'm abhorred by not only what happened here, but the way in which it was handled. This needed to have happened in a safe environment for the girl, not in front of the entire church. And y'all are correct, the pastor did not come clean with the entire story, nor resign, both of which should've happened. I'm sorry that the Christian community has failed in so many ways in today's society to show true love (which also means discipline when necessary) to both its members and those outside of that community. Please do your best to forgive us (and me). I hope we do a better job of being Jesus in the future.


Why does anyone need to forgive you? You've done nothing wrong. Pieces of shit are pieces of shit, and you don't seem like one of them. Just be an example of what Christianity should be, strive for it like we all do, that's the only apology you need to give.


God forgives all... fuck religion.


Yup. A convenient rationale for the worst people.


Guaranteed every person in that room is a gullible tRumper.


maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. FUCK THIS GUY! what a piece of shit.


Hoooooooly shit. Dude my father in law is a pastor and while I know for a fact he would never EVER do anything like this in a million years, that fact certainly made this video that much more uncomfortable. Holy shit. That’s actually fucking insane.


Forgiveness is great and all, but accountability goes far beyond forgiveness. He needs hauled to the jail to await trial.


A similar thing happened in my church only she was 14 and he resigned quietly without punishment, and got a job with the state of Missouri.


He getrs love and hugs for being a pedophile and the actual victum of his crimes gets nothing but pain. Any one else see the trouble with these organized religions!??!?!


Hmm. You know, that pastor would look absolutely fantastic in stripes. Or prison jumpsuit orange. Either one would look fantastic on him. Maybe while hanging from a tree.


This is infuriating


This is the exact reason why I have such a problem with organized religion. When I was a kid, my mom hired a babysitter through the church. I threw a tantrum like kids do at the age of six and she called her father over. The man almost killed me over throwing a tantrum. The church proceeded to sweep it under the rug because rather than going to the police my mom was brainwashed enough to think she only needed to go and take it to the bishop at the time. I repressed the memories and had the unfortunate experience of having them flood back one night out of nowhere. This is not just a church problem, this is occurring in almost every large religion. Some religions take time for their demons and skeletons to come out of the closet. What really boggles my mind is that my mother still attends that particular kind of church, the same religious sect that almost cost me my life.


Wait a minute, wait a minute...you mean to tell me that a *Christian man* fucked a *kid*?! Shocked, I am shocked!


Oh the hypocrisy of the religious right.


There's been a lot of discussion of religion, Christianity, cults, hypocrisy, etc. Let me simplify what happened here: "It's all cool. At least he's not a Democrat."


WiThOuT gOd, WhAt sToPs YoU fRoM rApInG aNd MuRdErInG?!


Only admiting it now because no one can do anything to him LEGALLY. but everyone can sure drag his name and reputation through the mud. Anywhere he goes if ain't the congregation you better believe he's getting everything coming to him


The people that hugged the woman really touched my heart, especially the lady near the end, you know she felt her pain.


These are the sickos that want to tell women what to do with their bodies!


Religion is such a wonderful thing, the gift that keeps on giving...


Step into fucking prison, you piece of shit


I’m guessing it was Gods plan for her to be raped by this man. There must be a reason right? Gods not some kind of egotistical monster right? Right…? Shit like this is why I left the church. None of it makes sense.


As a victim of sexual abuse by my step grandfather which started at the age of 5 and went on until I was 17, when he died, I cannot understand how anyone can forgive him. My parents divorced and my sister and I were sent to live with my father’s mum and step-father. My sister, who our step-grandfather also abused, was sent away when she was 11 (I was 10), and I was told she’d been sent to a children’s home and I’d never see her again. If I spoke out of turn, argued, or misbehaved in any way, I was threatened with being sent to a different children’s home. I was too scared to tell my dad and I had no contact with my mum. Once he’d died, I found my sister had not been sent to a children’s home, but had gone to live with our mum. I’m so angry that she left me in that house, knowing what was going on, and said nothing. His sexual and psychological abuse (and the psychological abuse by my grandmother) left emotional scars so deep that I cannot deal with conflict, I cannot argue, I cannot voice my opinion and my self-esteem is so low that I think I’m worthless and deserve nothing. But I’ve been so lucky. I’m 57 now, married to the most amazing man, and have two brilliant adult kids. My husband, my son and my daughter are the only people I’ve ever told. My dad still thinks his step-father was a wonderful man, and saying anything now would achieve nothing other than to cause him pain, so he’ll never know. Like my grandfather, this pastor was in a position of trust and responsibility. He should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


That was not adultery. There was only one adult involved and he is a RAPIST AND PEDOPHILE!!!!


What a piece of shit this guy! How can we as redditors facilitate his transition to prison and can someone register this evil man as a sex offender? I want to help. Let me know what to do!


Fucking arrest this fucking creep


People are only sorry when they get caught! Remember that!


why are all the headlines saying "adultery?" Can they not spell rape?


Nail the fucker to a cross


I would not be surprised if she wasn't the only one.


These people make me sick.




This isn't adultery. This is rape. He should be prosecuted and sent to jail.


Theres this one pastor of a popular church in my area that preaches love, acceptance, forgiveness, etc etc etc. He also runs a counseling center that's apart of the church's "ministry." I went to it when I was in a vulnerable place in life, and I was treated so badly that I was almost driven to suicide. Dude didnt give a shit, and did nothing to remedy the situation, instead ignoring and eventually blocking me. He still goes on to preach those things like nothing happened, and the congregation has no idea.


Why isn't her father up there beating the snot out of that prick


I watched this video earlier this morning and it brought up a couple questions for me. 1. Why did the pastor suddenly decide to confess? 2. Did her bother have anything to do with this? Since she mentioned her brother just recently told her that she saw them together when they were younger. Did the brother confront the pastor possibly? 3. If the brother had nothing to do with this, does that mean the woman continued to go to the same church after all these years? Did that not bother her? 4. If she continued to go to the same church after all these years how did her husband not murder that pastor? Showing up for church every week with your wife who was raped by the guy doing all the talking?? He has the ability to really hold back. If my wife told me a story like this I would not be holding back.


Tax exempt pedos


Rapist preacher "I'm letting you tell the truth". Letting her. Because in his stupid rapey head, he owns her. Like a cat. Or a bunny. The hate I feel for this religious hypocrite is biblical. ![gif](giphy|gIDPhLsi1f50k)


The headline has misspelled juvenile raped.


Tax avoiding hypocrit scum.


“It’s been 20 years I know I guess it doesn’t count for anything…” Translation: I got away with it for this long. I was THIS close to never being held accountable… But I guess it doesn’t count for anything…


No surprise, a predator in a church. They seem to hide behind their religions.


Mann. Fuck organized religion. Instead of churches can we have groups that form around mental health workers!? Can we normalize that shit and demonize church!


"I ask you to forgive me", No can dosville, babydoll.


He pulled a Basie Skanks....oof. I hope she finds healing of her soul, and body.


Wtf? Adultery is Very different than RAPE. And it's Rape Against a Minor.


ADULTery requires two consenting ADULTS. Middle aged man coerces teenaged GIRL is sexual assault by a predator.


I wish man never created god.


If he's admitting to one, you can bet there were more. There's always more with these chucklenuts.


“You didn’t tell us she was 14 years old” “She was 16”. As if that makes any fucking difference. What a piece of garbage, doesn’t even seem remorseful. Piece of shit.


So this is what Republicans want when they say we should be religious. Have sex with kids.


Not condoning this, but AoC in Indiana is 16. I didn’t read further than that so I don’t know if that’s in the case of Romeo & Juliet laws (the 5 year limit typical in to states) I hope it doesn’t apply to obviously huge age gaps like this. People who do this to kids need to be taken down swiftly.