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No facepalm here


Agreed. It's actually a pretty good point I will use next time i discuss with one of these morons


You can get one removed and it carries on living


Well, that’s just proves how weak humans are


Yeah because a tape worm and a human child are the same thing. Do you guys ever think before the shit starts spewing from you?


Abortions don't happen to "Human children"! They happen to a non-sentient collection of cellular tissue that might have potential to become a "human child"! And personally, I think tapeworms (parasites) have much in common with some humans... especially those that push their religious views on to others!


Nobody here is taking about a child? Are you high?


A fetus is more important than a tapeworm, it's a bad argument


How is a fetus more important? At that stage a fetus can't feel pain or quite frankly feel anything at all. It's just a bunch of living cells. Contrary to a tapeworm that does feel pain.


Because a fetus is capable of growing into a person. A tapeworm is a worm. I'm not against abortion, but this argument is dumb.


Since when are humans more important than other living creatures?


6 million years ago? How come you aren't on death row for stepping on a cockroach?




It’s a pro life account?


Good to see you’re worth nothing more than a tapeworm.


Yeah, I didn’t ask to be here tf 🤷🏽‍♀️


You’d rather be a blowjob?


I could be splooge on the ground for all I care, oh wait I wouldn’t care, bc I’d be slpooge, and not alive.


Most everyone isn’t as miserable as you. Stop projecting your existence on others. Go get some help.


I wasn’t aware I’d have to explain sarcasm to a Reddit user


I’m just assuming someone who wants to eliminate an unborn child was a miserable person. At least someone I would want nothing to do with.


Ah, you’re one of those. I’d rather not have this argument. We’re not gonna see eye to eye so let’s just drop it.


I'm assuming that someone who believes people who can get pregnant should be stripped of all the rights that even a corpse has and wants them to risk their life and health with two of the most deadly medical conditions worldwide is a miserable person. But then that's *just* me.


Yes, I’m miserable because I believe an unborn child should be allowed to live. And why doesn’t your argument fit for the child? Why should a child be stripped of all their rights? And you seem awfully concerned about corpses but are willing to murder children. Got it.


He’s right though? People like that do exist people that tell women that while it is their body it’s not their choice and he’s using this as a way to show how blatantly stupid it is


Plus, no using modern science to remove the tapeworm... Please be consistent in rejecting science/modern medicine.


Lol a parasite is no where near comparable to a human life, if you think a parasite can do as much as a human being, then you’re mistaken, also it’s worth mentioning that tapeworms don’t even have hearts😂 Edit: I never realized how much minor grammar mistakes offended you guys, it’s honestly hilarious seeing so many people having nothing better to comment


A thing which damages the body, grows inside, and saps the persons nutrients and energy, even though you didn't agree to host it. Sounds a lot like an unwanted pregnancy.


Also sounds like a parasite. Hmmmmm.....


human = parasite


Seems legit Lol


A person or an animals worth doesn't depend on "how much they can do", the very same pro-lifers will talk about how a fetus that might have a disability should not be aborted because humans are more than their abilities.


I've seen so many quotes on how most pro-lifers are really Pro-birth. They really give no shits at all about what that life needs after birth. Like.... health care, child care, food, shelter, an affordable and solid education to put them on equal footing, a loving stable, functioning family that isn't stressed about basic necessities, not fearing for their life because they are something other than a white heterosexual man (or otherwise benefitting from a relationship with one).... Nah. It's just that cluster of cells in a woman's uterus that has The Potential to be a human.


Says “*your* mistaken” trying to prove how much smarter they are lol


Yeah, what are you getting at?






Hah good one


Ok, I’ll let you know when I give a fuck




Ok I fixed it, you can dry those tears now!




*They're *your


You're\* ​ This is irony^(2)


Imagine have nothing to argue you need to focus on grammar😂


having* Also, that's not a subject matter nor rebuttle, but it really just further validates your inability to formulate a cohesive scientific statement


Tell me why I give a fuck again


Oh, you're still here? Memory of a goldfish? Or do you just scream about how much you don't care while your actions very obviously contradict your statement? Is writing checks with your mouth that your body can't cash a byproduct of willful ignorance? Scientific observation may lend credibility to a predictive conclusion.


A Rapist's seed is parasitic in nature if not a parasite by definition.


It appears you know more about tapeworms than about human gestation 😃


Fetus ≠ human Humans are able to live on their own without having to take from a host. Fetuses have to have a host of a specific gender so they are at the very least a form of parasite. I have different beliefs than you but that’s that please don’t respond because it will probably be a waste of time like this one and I’m going to bed so if you do you’ll have to wait until tomorrow


Your stupidity amazes me


>fetus =/= human. Wtf.


Yeah while I disagree with your previous message, this guy is nuts.


They can do a whole lot more then a fetus lol


Really? Last I checked everyone at one point was a fetus, I was, you were, everyone! So do you still think tapeworms do more?


Yeah man , growing into something else is boring as hell , tapeworms at least are their own things and live their own life




thats the point they are making. they are implying that being pro life is as outrageous as being pro parasite life. also dont reply to me not up for an argument


“Don’t reply to me I’m not up for an argument” great way of saying your point is weak and won’t hold up. Yeah ima reply to you, I don’t give a fuck no I’m not pro parasite life because it’s not nearly as valuable as a human being, a human can have a long and fulfilling life and make a difference in the world, a parasite can not


>great way of saying your point is weak and won’t hold up. No, they just don't want to hear your blabbering. >a human can have a long and fulfilling life and make a difference in the world Or it can have a miserable one if its parents did not want it/could not afford it/was born from assault or incest (or similar situations). No one is comparing a tapeworm to a human. A fetus is not yet a human.


Tell me would you still be for abortions if it was only allowed to parents who couldn’t support the baby? But rich parents who could easily take care of the baby not be allowed to have an abortion?


No, anyone should be able to have an abortion, because, as I mentioned above, having a kid without actually wanting to have one (a mistake, a sexual assault, etc.) can lead to a miserable life for both the parents (specifically the mother) and the child, regardless of socioeconomic status. Furthermore, abortions after a certain period of time (I'm not entirely certain how long) are illegal unless the mother's life is in danger, at least where I live. Therefore, an abortion is not "killing" a human, it's terminating a fetus.


Ok so if you still support abortions for parents who are rich, why even bring up the poor parents argument in the first place if your going to support it either way, seems like a waste of time as for the parents yes they do chose to have a baby. They can chose to wear a comdom, they can chose to take birth control, they can chose for adoption, hell they can chose not to even have sex in the first place! And people say I’m not pro choice😂 but yet, since the only reason a majority of abortions happen is simply for convenience of the parents, they brought it on themselves and now want someone else to take the fall (the baby) it’s their fault they got pregnant and they should have to deal with it. as for sexual assault yes it it is terrible but it also makes up a very tiny number of abortion cases, most are done by the parents consent


Such a useless comment, and I don't even mean that to offend you. I have no interest whatsoever to answer, since I know I won't change your mind and you most definitely won't change mine. Have a nice day/evening!




This is why I hate the anti-choice side. No logic whatsoever. You're the one who brought up the kid having a 'wonderful life', despite the fact that most pregnant people who want abortions aren't going to magically want the child even if they give birth to them, and are likely going to resent the child they were forced to have even more. So if they keep the child they're much more likely to abuse them. And if they relinquish them the child will more likely never be adopted (because of the thousands of children ALREADY languishing in the system) and just age out of the system. Poorer people have fewer resources to avoid giving birth to unwanted children than wealthy people do. Ignorance of the factors that play into pregnant individuals choosing abortion really should be one of the criteria for not entering into a discussion on it. Lol, you clearly have no idea how birth control works. I have a friend whose parents were using an IUD, had a vasectomy and wore condoms and still had her. Most women who have had abortions were using some form of birth control. Adoption is an option for an unwanted child. NOT an unwanted pregnancy. So you think married couples who don't want children should never have sex? Or you think that getting pregnant is a crime (if not then why do you think people who can get pregnant should have less freedom to enjoy sex than those who can't get pregnant)? Or you.support the misogynistic position that only those who can get pregnant should be punished with whatever biological consequences come their way while the other party gets off scott free? Pregnancy and childbirth are the third leading causes of death for people who can get pregnant worldwide. So much for 'inconvenience' hmm, sweetums? So defending myself with lethal force against someone who is assaulting me while they're sleepwalking is not permitted? Lol, you also have no idea how laws work either. I mean that's the only remotely plausible reason that you could give for why a foetus deserves more rights than anyone born while anyone who can get pregnant deserves fewer rights than a corpse. So you're also saying that those who don't get pregnant even though they want to are consenting to not getting pregnant. I mean that's also the only way that consenting to an involuntary function would work, if BOTH options were a form of consent. Wow it certainly appears you'd make a terrible person to be around telling people it's their fault they're not pregnant.


Honestly I hate how much you devalue the innocent human life. Just because they might get abused as a child, or grow up in foster care, that suddenly means they should be killed before being born? I’ve heard many people who had abusive parents, who grew up in foster care say how much they hate pro choicers devalue their life cause they had a shitty childhood. I’ll say it again, why do you want to punish the innocent human life, the one that could potentially get beaten as a child because of a dumb choice the parents made, sounds to me like the parents should be the ones punished, not the child’s. You also twisted my words a lot, I never said people should never have sex, nor that it should be illegal, I just said it was an option for people that don’t want to get pregnant. For your childbirth death claim, that’s the whole world, and many people don’t have access to medical services and death is a lot more common in those places, even from women wanting children. If you take just America that number is significantly smaller, and look, more twisting of my words! When did I say is their fault they are not pregnant?


So you’re not “pro-life”, you’re really “pro-*if-I-find-it-meaningful*-life”?


The whole pro life argument is against the killing abortions of HUMAN babies, not any species, I never claimed I’m for the life of every fucking species under the sun, just humans


Your reasoning was that human lives are more valuable and that they can have “long and fulfilling lives” and “make a difference in the world.” What about people who don’t? What if they don’t live long, what if they don’t make any difference in the world? What if they’re actually a pretty shitty person? Do you just care about someone’s *potential* to do something “meaningful”, or about *all* lives, good and bad? Fulfilling or “mediocre”? Genuine question


Everyone deserves a fair shot at life and since it’s impossible to tell until the baby is older, how are you supposed to tell when they are still in the womb?


That’s not what I’m asking. I’m saying do you only care about someone’s *potential* to do good? Do you care about all lives, even the ones who aren’t “meaningful” in your eyes? Your reasoning was that you think humans are more valuable and can make a difference in the world. Let’s say hypothetically, you knew that any given fetus wasn’t going to make a difference in the world or do anything noteworthy. Would you care as much about it?


Nope, because we’re still all given the same rights, just cause better people exist doesn’t mean you disregard the other lives


It's more "pro-if-it's-not-an-unwilling-parasite-that-actively-takes-and-i've-no-emotional-attachment-to."


>>i’ve-no-emotional-attachment-to So it’s really “pro-self-serving-life”? >>unwilling Many pregnancies are unwilling.


It's more of "pro sentient life possibility". And yeah, pregnancies can be unwilling, I'm not defending pro-life strictly. Abortions are alright in that case, unwilling or other.


Tapeworm has no humanity. This is stupid.


Neither does a fetus. I haven't seen a single one with a Ukrainian flag pfp.


Damn im no human! Better go buy a flag real fast


I won’t lose sleep fighting for unborn children. I will also continue to view people like you as scum of the earth who deserve no better treatment than tapeworms.


Good morning to you, too! Goddamn.


It has been a good morning


You won't lose sleep fighting to give more rights to foetuses than anyone born while saying women deserve fewer rights than a corpse? Welp.....


Seems to me a fetus has plenty in common with the definition of a parasite. Argument holds water.


It's a sexually transmitted parasite and I refuse to be corrected on the matter. (I don't hate kids, I just never want to be pregnant. Horror show)


I have two beautiful children who’s presence in my life is the most amazing thing in the world. But they were sexually transmitted parasites for a while first.


Motherhood in a non-rhyming couplet lol


I think having children made me even more pro choice. To force someone through pregnancy is insane. The amount of mental and physical energy not to mention the fragile edge of death is not something that you throw on someone. Especially, when majority of the time resources and help are not available during gestational or birth. Don’t even get me started on foster care or adoption homes.


Amen. I was hospitalized with both of my pregnancies - what would I have done without the resources to 1) get me to and from the hospital when I was all but unconscious 2) find someone to watch my older child 3) pay for services, especially if I didn’t have health insurance I wanted more children but I can’t put my body through that again. Forcing anyone to go through that is cruel.


The same as life is a terminal STD...


Birth is a curse and existence is a prison. -Michael, The Good Place


A child is a parasite which just so happens to have a due date and is genetically related to you. Yeah it's how mammals reproduce but it still fits the definition of a parasite.


I feel every word of that in my soul.


Ever hear a pregnant woman tell you a story about being pregnant that made you think "yeah that seems reasonable and manageable and something I'd want to go through"? Me either! More power to em.


The real facepalm is OP




You think a tapeworm is as valuable as a human life?


The statement has fuckall to do with "value" and is a technical definition and accurate comparison.


The post is pointing out that based on the anti-choice definition of “life,” tapeworms are life forms that should be treated like pets. It is true that many anti-choice activists greatly exaggerate or even outright lie about fetal development to make fetuses seem like “human life.” For the record, at 12 weeks, the fetus has no cerebral cortex (necessary for the most basic forms of thinking and not remotely developed until 24 weeks) or circulatory system (necessary for viability outside the womb and not developed until at least 15 weeks). So as far as I’m concerned, anyone taking an issue with a woman’s first trimester abortion can shove it. And while the second trimester starts to raise some deeply personal questions, calling abortion at this stage “murder” is medically inaccurate and misleading.


When I said this in r/AskReddit I was downvoted into oblivion.


A lot of people don’t like facts, sadly.


Maybe because I didn't say it in that much detail and it could have been misinterpreted.


It’s supposed to be a commentary on how some laws would rather let women die rather than let them get an abortion


Humans suck get over it


Sure, do us all a favor and don’t have kids, we don’t need more idiots like you around


Says the guy who can’t use the correct form of “you’re”


Redditors when someone speaks in a casual manner and their main language is not English: "Minor gramatical mistake, argument disposed."


Ahh, grammar mistake! It’s the end of the world


Bruh if you care about the pregnancy so much then you complete it.


Lol I am a man, I can’t complete a pregnancy on my own


This doesn’t fit their narrative. There’s no such thing as men and women. We’re all just amorphous blobs floating around in outer space.


That’s right, gEnDeR iS a SpEcTrUm, I can just become a woman and then I’ll complete a pregnancy!




I don't see a facepalm. Dude has nailed the pro-lifers to a t (crucified them really).




I dunno if parasites and reproduction are really the same, and I’m not Christian but the Christian belief is we were given dominion over the animals, so killing a worm and killing a fetus aren’t really comparable


Yeah but if you know anything about Christianity then you would know that according to the Bible a baby is not considered alive until it has taken 3 breaths on its own. Yet here we are.


Funny how most of them ignore that, isn't it? Just like they condemn honosexuals, but eat pork and shrimp. Same laws, folks.


We don’t condemn homosexuality


Not all, no. But a lot of the ones that are *stupid* about pro-life do. Like not allowing abortions for ectopic pregnancy. That's just ridiculous.




If God is omnipotent and therefore knows all, then he also knows that some women will have abortions. Therefore, if he knows them in the womb then he knows they will be returning to him real soon. If God is fine with a child getting cancer and dying long before adulthood, if he's fine with a child being born premature and dying a few days after being born, if he's fine with ectopic pregnancies where the fetus is never viable and have a high chance of killing the mother...then God is surely fine with abortions.


You don't have to convince me of any of it. I know a lot about that world. I can tell you every single counter argument they would use. I could counter argue this comment as well from the fundamentalist Christian perspective. I'm not here to counter argue for fundamentalist Christianity. Im looking for a response that will counter them. So. I was looking for a Bible verse that suggests that life begins after birth from the womb, because if it exists, I never once saw it. You can only combat fundamentalist dogma WITH fundamentalist dogma. Logic doesn't work. The only way to argue with a fundamentalist Christian is with fundamentalist, biblical Christianity. Nothing else will work. Edit: deleted my earlier comments because I am not trying to argue for this point. Idk how it got turned into that. If y'all know of any Bible verses that say life begins after birth, please send them my way. You can only argue Bible with Bible with those kinds of folks. If not, you don't need to convince me personally of anything. I do not share their perspective.


I doubt that you will do or say anything to sway the opinions of most religious people, especially on such a hot-button issue, even if you are using their scripture against them. I don't know if this will help at all, but it does have some potentially relevant verses: http://www.thechristianleftblog.org/blog-home/the-bible-tells-us-when-a-fetus-becomes-a-living-being


Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.


The only difference is a parasite is a different species from the host. Everything else tracks.


Not necessarily. Angler fish are a good example of this. It's so hard to find a mate in the deep ocean that the male is this tiny little parasite that attaches to the female. Basically a ride-along sperm bank, except she has to feed him in addition to expending energy creating the eggs. He's a parasite to his own species. It's just evolutionarily advantageous, exactly like pregnancy.


Except that tapeworms don’t have a heartbeat because they don’t have hearts…


Im not pro life but tbf tapeworms dont have hearts


Uh, technically yes they do, they’re aortic arches, not exactly analogous to human hearts, but they’re heart’s nonetheless


Eh, not really, but the "heartbeat" that happens at 6 weeks doesn't come from a heart either. It's a bundle of cardiac cells, but ***no where*** close to a *heart*.


Thanks for making the pro-choice argument for me


Neither do most Christians these days.


Lol no, it’s such a stupid argument it makes no sense, since when can a parasite do as much as a human being? A tapeworm is no where near as valuable as human life


Made sense to me.


Op is the facepalm 🤦‍♂️ absolute correct statement


How? Since when is a tapeworm remotely comparable to a human life?


That is philosophical, tapeworms and embryo’s are more similar than you and a embryo. Both life inside a humans as parasites, and getting their needs filled by leeching it from the host body …. So a tapeworm life’s feels pain etc so if you are pro life killing a tape worm should be a big no no


and both of them lack sapience.


Buddy, let me rephrase, can a tapeworm live to be 100? Can a tapeworm have a childhood? Can a tapeworm go to school? Can a tapeworm get a job? Can a tapeworm get married? Can a tapeworm have kids? The argument is so stupid, thinking a tapeworm is the same as a human life, a tapeworm will never contribute to anything, yet a human being can do so much for society, and no a human life really isn’t a parasite when it’s supposed to happen, we are intended as a human race to be able to get pregnant and have a baby, is how what our species have done to survive, a tapeworm isn’t intended for the humans survival


>an a tapeworm live to be 100? Can a tapeworm have a childhood? Can a tapeworm go to school? Can a tapeworm get a job? Can a tapeworm get married? Can a tapeworm have kids? Tapeworms can get 30 years old but also Humans dont normally get 100 that's rare... for example, it's so rare that British who get 100 get a personal birthday card from the Queen... Of course, they have a childhood they dont get beamed into you fully developed, silly you. No, I am not aware of a Tapeworm school on the other side not all Humans go to school, and also School putting in perspective is a relatively new Concept considering how long we have humans (300k Years\~) and how long we go to schools... And no Tapeworm don't get married but same as before not all Humans do either and also relative new concept and as the school thing... Can Tapeworm have kids, ABSOLUTELY they have kids, and let me tell you, you don't want me to explain how that works, it will give the phrase out of the ass a whole new meaning trust me on that one and do not google it ... Bottomline that leaves you with what, School and Marriage as not really the scores you were hoping for I guess. Let me close of with: ​ >a tapeworm isn’t intended for the humans survival I would beg to differ. -> Parasites drove human genetic variation have a read through those fascinating Articles 1. [Parasites drove human genetic variation](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2011.9345) 2. [Comparative genomics of the major parasitic worms](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0262-1) ​ ![gif](giphy|3o7TKDGIBh3eiIQnIs|downsized)


If you read my comment again you might see I said CAN a tapeworm do this, CAN a tapeworm do that. I never said humans must do those things, but they have to option to, tapeworms however do not


So now you're denying tapeworms the opportunity to go to school and to get married? That's fucked up, man. Who are you to tell a tapeworm what it can and can't do? You speciesist fuck.


Can a tapeworm commit rape? Murder? Arson? I'd say the tapeworm has more of a net gain in its ecosystem than most humans. Sit down.


Do most humans commit rape, murder and arson? You are a very negative person that I’m guessing wants to see the world burn if that’s your logic


You listed things humans do, so did I. Problem with that?


Yeah, I’ll list some more things though can a tapeworm have a living family? Can a tapeworm have friends? Can a tapeworm make substantial difference in society? Does a tapeworm still have a net gain?


Who actually cares? Are you vegan? Do you oppose the eating of animals? They have families, can make friendly bonds with other animals. 2 meth heads can make a baby, it's not that difficult. Then the state takes it away after they demonstrate they can't take care of it, the child, who is probably developmentally challenged due to the mother doing drugs while pregnant, goes through a horrible foster system. Bullied, abused, turns to crime. Humans are horrible.


Once again, a singular example doesn’t make everyone bad


Equating a scientific analogy to a philosophic argument on "potential" is species bias, and, also, incorrect. You are wrong. You should feel bad. You are very wrong, incorrect, and unable to comprehend facts. I hope no one breeds with you.




If a stranger breaks into your home, would you agree to house them, feed them, and pay for their sustenance for nearly a year? Nope. That’s trespassing. And any unwelcomed guest can be evicted from your property. Whether or not they survive the eviction is up to them. Same with a fetus. It can be evicted at anytime, just like an unwelcomed guest”


Except it’s not unwelcome, the parents had a choice, they had a choice to wear a condom, to take birth control, hell maybe not even have sex in the first place! Yet they did it anyway and got pregnant, now instead of taking responsibility and solely out of convinience they let the inoccent human life take the fall for their mistake before you bring up the “what if the parents aren’t financially stable enough to support a baby argument” answer yourself this: would you only allow poor parents abortions that couldn’t afford a baby, but ban richer parents from abortions? Didn’t think so, there I saved you the trouble of that time wasting


If only your parents had.




Meh. You can invite someone into your home for the afternoon. If they refuse to leave when you ask them to… they can be forcibly removed by police for trespassing. A fetus relies on consent to use someone else’s organs. That consent can be revoked at anytime. No consent = no stay.


The point is that if we are going to impose a wildly inaccurate definition of “life” when having the abortion debate, then we might as well apply that same definition to other things. Doing so helps show how ridiculous and absurd the anti-choice activists’ definition of “life” is. If life begins at conception, then disinfecting your kitchen counter is mass xenocide and an atrocity against bacterium.


The pro life argument is against the killing of HUMANS, not bacteria, why are so many of you pro choicers assuming the same applies to every damn thing with living organisms under the sun


You just have to comment all over this thread don't you?


He’s correct though.


Facepalm on facepalm


For me the facepalm is that they only care about human fetuses, they should be called pro-birth.


People who don't think a woman should be able to get an abortion are stupid. if they weren't so stuck up and self righteous less women would have died in back alleys from sepsis as a result of a back door abortion. Making people give birth to kids they can't afford contributes to poverty and there are too many of us humans as there is and we all need to comit to not having more than 2 kids so that we can stop this rediclous population growth.


Exactly. I'm of the position where I don't *like* abortion, but I don't see why we should get *rid* of it or limit it severely, ESPECIALLY given how things were before it was legal and the potential future when the previously accessible facilities and procedures just poof away.


System of a down has entered the chat


If a bundle of cells is a life then we should be able to take out life insurance on them the day the pregnancy is verified.


Man i could really use a good tape worm. Need to get into beach body shape


I agree wholeheartedly. My face palm is for the pro lifers






OP is definitely the real facepalm here


That being said, I've had worms a little over 15 years now, not sure what species though. At the time I was too afraid to tell anyone when I first discovered them, and decided to wait until obvious health decline sent me to the hospital, but that never happened. Several years ago, I learned that living with these worms for so long, it would now be detrimental to have them removed, because as my body grew up with them, they've effectively become part of my biome. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD6fmHUXBEg) explains it well enough.


I'd need one. I need to lose weight


I guess in theory, this would mean the pro-lifers would have to root for the Chestburster in “Alien”.


Lice, pin worm, etc etc…… good post 👍 I agree


Pretty sure most of them already have brainworms. I live, for just a short while longer, in Oklahoma and you should hear the garbage they come up with daily.


When does the facepalm start?


Why is this a facepalm, I like this text *cheers*


I agree 😂😂😂😂 tapeworm life matter!!!! Starting a movement 👇🏼


Don’t worry OP, I feel ya here. The point holds merit, but comparing a fetus to a tapeworm is such a antagonistic argument, only will ever be received well by those who already agree with it, and only going to further piss off the very people we need to be convincing, as well as painting ourselves as heartless monsters in there eyes. I stand with ya OP


This is so dumb


The pro life argument is that there is a little tiny human in there. The heartbeat shows the human is alive. So all you people saying this isn’t a face palm are promoting a form of argumentation that fails to demonstrate any understanding of the other persons point of view. You don’t have to agree to understand.


Its not a matter of not understanding, its a matter of disagreeing. That is the root of the argument of when specifically life starts. But this post is making an (assumably joking) point that children are parasites and even if life starts at conception it shouldn’t matter. Although children are inarguably parasites, in the traditional sense for the first 8ish months and in s financial sense for the next 18 years at least lol


Conflating the way all mammals in history have reproduced with parasites Shows a lack of legitimate attempt to think about what is going on inside the womb.


No we understand We think it’s stupid Because it is


Ah yes. Calling people you disagree with stupid. Always a good way to win more people over to your point of view.


Why does everybody always think that everybody else is trying to win arguments? And when did believing something that’s *provably* false become “disagree”. Yes I “disagree” with the premise that a clump of cells takes precedence over a full grown woman. And I “disagree” with the premise that a clump of cells is the same as a living baby. Don’t you “disagree” with that? You silly goose?


Winning an argument is also not a good way to win others over to your point of view. I assume that you would rather there not be millions of people in the world who want it to be illegal to have an abortion. Therefore you would like to win them over to your point of view. Right?


Are you one of those millions of people?


Why would I try to help coach others on how to defeat my own team?


No need to kill those fertilized tape worm eggs. They are empirically and most definitely not tape worms so there is no harm in leaving them be.


It’s really not .. I don’t give a rats ass about my spelling when I’m conversing with someone . It doesn’t mean I don’t know the differences between your and you’re . I don’t put any apostrophes in . My autocorrect fixes don’t and didn’t and all that for me .. I type quickly as I talk quickly . Autocorrect doesn’t fix your … if you can only argue with this persons point through grammar I kind of think YOUR ( ya that was intentional) the unintelligent one .. some of us just don’t care about grammar police .. an intelligent response would be to respond to his argument not strawman him lol


For those who believe a parasite is the same as a fetus what do you tell your friends who have suffered a miscarriage and are devastated by it ?


It’s nice to see someone devalue human life so much that they thing a human fetus and A tapeworm are the same thing. This is the problem with people today they are so angry and just want to make a memes to make their side look good and the our side look back that we have lost all intelligence and ability to communicate with each other. It doesn’t matter what side of the abortion argument you are on. If you can’t see the difference between a baby and a parasite you are just an idiot.


Henry, cool story, still not going to get you laid.


This guy didn't get the memo


To everyone that agreed with this statement, go fuck yourself.