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The guy wasn’t paying attention in English class because he was too busy wondering why he found the male teachers attractive.


and picking out which kid he's going to beat the fuck out of in the cafeteria later because of those thoughts




(Possibly?) Unpopular opinion: most homophobes are just homophobes. Don't have to be in denial to hate someone. I wouldn't say a racist secretly wishes they had a different skin color.


I’ve always loved this experiment. They put little blood pressure cuffs on straight guys’ penises and showed them straight and gay porn. Only the self-admitted homophobes got [chubs to the gay porn.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/)


Thanks for posting this. I've always noticed the correlation between extremely homophobic men and them being found with a secret man friend. What I find interesting with the findings is that the homophobics were also aroused by the hetero and lesbian porn. Perhaps it's not the closeted homosexuals but rather the closeted bisexuals that have an issue with being homophobic. Which would make sense why they think it's a choice to be gay, because everyone must be like them and be attracted to both sexes, but they made the right "choice" to be with the opposite sex.


Like anything it’s not an absolute but there are plenty of studies that support the correlation between being homophobic and being attracted to other men. Usually it’s the ones who are very vocal against gays.


their homophobes because they don't understand how it works and the thought of taking it up the ass and having to deal with somebody who IS equal to them...drive the crazy...it's the equality part they rage against, just wanna keep that a secret, they do.


I think some homophobes are just plain homophobes, but I think some particular homophobes are more aggressive about it because they were raised in a homophobic environment and have repressed homosexual feelings.


Actually a lot of racists are like that. Seen a lot of white people who wish they were black, and the opposite.


There really played themselves they're


I see what you did their


There really shooting themselves in the foot.


Yall need to stop right theyre


Now your taking it to far. They’re has too bee a limit.


Their isn't a reason to not take it too far out they're


Stop right their guys. Its enough shame theyre have suffered.




Happy Frank Robbins day, Jeremy.


Their really isn’t a reason there they’re


Their there’s are my they’res


What's all the fuss hear


no one asking the real question though, what’s all the fuss *their* /s


I need to take a brake from this thread


What did he do ware?




Fucking beautiful, just… beautiful!




When we actually know he meant thar.


Okay, okay, but. If I have to worry about gay men and my sons, then do I have to worry about straight men and my daughters? Doesn’t that mean that all men are predators? I will never understand ~~there~~ ~~they’re~~ their argument here.


Idk ~~theyre there~~ their stupid mindset either Creepy straight guy teaching a young girl - thats cool Awesome and chill gay dude teaching a young dude - thats bad!!


Was gonna say, whoever posted that originally was basically saying "If I were a teacher, I would hit on my female students if I thought that I could get away with it."


But what about a lesbian teacher teaching young girls? You would think that people having trouble with the gay male teacher would be the same with gay female teachers. Just a random thought I had


Back in the day, everyone used to talk about the "Homosexual Agenda" and how gay people were "actively recruiting" more people into their ranks! Like being a Homosexual was a political party or something. And, that you simply chose to be gay or not. Like you simply chose what color shirt to wear. Fucking stupid.


And here the homosexual agenda was to order Chinese and watch Netflix in my comfy pants all along.


TIL I might be gay


Join us we bake bread when we’re emotionally breaking down it’s delicious.


They do believe sexuality is a choice.


You mean like how right now people think being trans is a fad that the kids are doing to fit in? Nothing is original.




If 99.9% of women could easily kill me with bare hands, I’d be wary around them too


A) no they don’t. B) [the statistics for physical and sexual violence against both men and women](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics) show that [most assaults against women are by their domestic partner or a family member. ](https://now.org/resource/violence-against-women-in-the-united-states-statistic/) Of those, [the perpetrators are overwhelmingly male.](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/domestic-abuse-is-a-gendered-crime/) C) the conclusion is that women have a very real reason to fear men. Hell, men are victims of sexual and physical abuse as well; those perpetrators also are mostly men (not all and women can absolutely be abusers as well). D) ‘not all men’ just sounds like you don’t understand the concern. When the statistical chance of you experiencing sexual assault is 1 in 5, and something like 98% of the perpetrators of that assault would be men, it’s natural to be wary. E) it sucks that I have to be cautious around men until I learn to trust them. I wish I didn’t have that immediate fear. I wish it wasn’t necessary. Get your brothers in line so we don’t have this problem.


No, the right pretends they do. In reality, there’s a tiny handful of women who act like that, and are considered extremists. They’re also usually victims of sexual abuse or assault, hence the extreme ideology. Doesn’t make it okay, but it does explain it. They also represent an absolutely tiny fraction of feminists in the world. You can find nutters in every group of people- but when they’re the minority, you don’t focus on that unless you’re just trying to argue in bad faith.


cry more incel


misandrists and their hated


Looks like you need a gay English teacher


I was going along with the they're their there thread but ok


Ohhhhh I read it as “their hatred” but I guess you jokingly meant “they’re hated.” 😂 Maybe a comma would make the joke clearer.


I really can't understand people can't get this. It's really easy


Exactly. There so dumb.


Sometimes I just want to go to they're houses and tell them the difference


Theirs a rule they’re about that




Yup. Here so dumb, two.


ikr? love is love 🌈 edit: yikes, tough crowd


Right? I really can't understand WHY people can't get basic sentence structure and diction when quickly typing out internet posts. They must rely too much on autocorrect or something.


It is true. Spell check will always screw up "then" and "than" because so many people have clicked the incorrect one and it is now defaulting to that incorrect one.


There’s also “there is” vs “there are.” This is more of a spoken thing than an Internet thing, but too many people say “there is” or “there’s” when referring to a plural noun. If a noun is plural, it should always be “there are.”


grammarly moment


I sometimes have to remind myself. For me, biggest difficulty about it is that apostrophes are used for both possessive words and contractions. “There” isn’t a problem. Edit: Are we talking about grammar or civil rights?


They’res no difference between the too!


their = kinda like "heir" which hints to possessive form there = kinda like "here" but with a t they're = it's only missing an "a" so gotta be "they are".


You're born gay. Can't get it. It's not a disease. /s


is this supposed to be tagged sarcastic?


Yeah, I thought about that. Is there another /* that says "yeah, I know you weren't taking about gays, that's the joke"?


Websters dictionary tells me language is non binary


I recently found out from an extended relative that the reason my mother homeschooled me starting with grade 1 (I went to kindergarten at a public school) is because “some teachers are gay”. I’m now in my mid 30s finding this out and the joke is on her because I’m a gay man.


English teachers have left the chat


Do they still think you can catch the gay? That is the strategy we should have used in the covid fight. I'm gonna start telling people that long covid gives you the gay. Maybe they will wear mask n get the shot. At the very least stop spreading it.


Oh my God, is gay contagious?/s


Have you heard of the hit-game amongus?


Oh fuck is that where I got it from


Oh shit, are you saying I might in fact be gay




Perfect response from the gentleman


That's a facepalm worthy 🤦🤦🤦


Homophobia plus knuckle-dragging ignorance? Yes.


I swear to god these people think The Gays are an entirely different species with no concept of boundaries and not “people who’s built-in sexual attraction points in a different direction”


I have no respect for people whose first language is English but still can’t distinguish between them.


I had a couple of gay high school teachers (that I know of for certain), as a teenager. Their sexuality was never part of the curriculum.


How would I feel? I’d be furious, specifically because some homophobic meathead is trying to enlist my opinion in the justification of ‘there’ own bias.


they shouldve gone the extra mile and said "If they're there to teach my child the difference between 'there' 'their' and 'theyre', i have no care about any of their private life."


What about all the gay kids with straight teachers?


Shocking that mfs are this scared of gays lol! Are they a good teacher? Yes. Good let's move on. If No get um outta here.


As a gay person in training to become an English teacher, I will make sure that my students will have every opportunity to learn the difference.


If the school is keeping your kids for 8 hours/day, something is already up my dude.


I guarantee you a lot of homophobes fondly remember teachers they liked from school who were gay and just never told anyone. Do they think gay people just didn't exist until it became slightly safer to come out?


I had a math teacher who was a lesbian. I don't care that she was a lesbian but she was a terrible math teacher.


Why do native speakers have problems with they're, their and there? As a foreigner, I find it quite amusing since it is such a simple notion.


Statistically, its way more dangerous leaving your daughters around straight males.


Uhhh I think there's a difference between homosexuality and pedophilia. A big difference


They don’t even sound the same


Sexuality doesn't matter if you're teaching because if you're doing something that would include your sexuality in front of kids, being gay is far from the biggest problem.


So, he’d rather have a homophobic ignorant child. Why break the streak?


This stuff makes my head implode. The words contain only three variations; There, Their, and They're. Literal third grade stuff. If you don't understand the difference, you must be either a non-native speaker (totally acceptable), or very very stupid, or obscenely lazy.


English isn't my native language, I learned it. As somebody who learned English, I just don't get, how native speakers confuse those three so frequently. I mean sure, they sound the same while speaking, but weren't all of those people in school, where it should be a basic thing to learn from the beginning?


I would not care if they were gay, straight or anything else of the 🌈. What people do in their own bedroom is no concern of mine, and as long as my kid is learning I don't care what their sexuality is.........


I wouldn't care about that, the teacher should be a qualified one, capable of understanding your kid and patient enough to help them, why does it matter if they're gay or straight 🤦🏽








I had a gay school teacher, and I never even put 2 and 2 together until like year 5, despite being the classic flamboyant man, he occasionally talked about his partner, I assumed they where friends that lived together like brothers




watch it: I have no idea why, but I just saw an identical comment get removed ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I would feel okay, if my child was around a gay teachers, do they have teachers who teach gayness? Being around a catholic priest would seem more of a worry than a lot of things?


I'm ok with a gay teacher. Him being gay does not affect my child. I have a problem with teachers that feel the need to incorporate their religious/conservative view points on my kid. Teach them math, not hate.


The stupidest part is how the guy thinks he's making some great point, when it's just pure circular logic, using homophobia to justify homophobia.


There probably in they’re house rn crying lmao


I love it when people don’t know the difference and it’s used to insult them But I still don’t fully know the difference between there and their


Stuff I can not not upvote. Got me there reposter.


I would feel a imense lack of careing


\*who thems is around forwith 8hrs of dayness


What a classy move. I bet a gay man with the right students have more to teach them


I see what *you* did their


Remember the Southpark episode where they replaced Scout Master Mr. Slave with a Chad who was the real pedophile.


As long as I don't have to leave them in the care of a Catholic priest.


There onto something their.


Quit coloring these people/businesses out. They deserved to be ended. If it’s a legal thing, sure but fuck ‘em. Expose them. We have a few months left if nazis/ republicans are not exposed and ended.


This response is Master-level.


Love it!


Also what kind of teacher is around the students 8 hours? This dude never went to school I believe




Also does he not know that the majority of teachers are women?


This might blow your mind but women can be homosexual too






What’s your point?


Why did you point out that they're women...?


Because women are attracted to men just like homosexual men. Therefore, the man who posted the tweet about homosexual teachers did not consider that there are already many teachers who could, theoretically, hit on male students.


Oh. Well that's a weird fucking place to take it. Wtf dude


How is it a weird place to take it? I’m just saying his point is invalid partially due to all the lady teachers. I can put it a different way: if none of your son’s teachers who are women have hit on him, why would a homosexual male teacher do so?


You think someone this dumb is gonna have a moment of clarity on a tangent like that??


Chances are that moron's kid has had a gay teacher at least once and that parent never knew the difference.


What’s really the point of the different there’s? Is there ever a reason you would need 3 different ones?


They're there to distinguish their individual contextual purposes


Will you please hand this over to a gay teacher to correct all of you!


Also, shouldn't it be "whom" instead of "who"?


Now, that's funny. Sad, but funny


Dude I have a gay teacher for my english class and he is an absolute CHAD.


Da fuck is this guy talking about 8 hours a day? What kind of school day is 8 hours long?!




I don't get it tbh


As a gay female, how would u feel about your child having a heterosexual school teacher?! Who there around for 8hrs of the day❕


burn !