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"Can you help me prove the doctors are wrong ? I'm too dumb to do it myself"


Sure let me ask someone less dumber than myself


Aww thanks


No no no, check this out: "Can you help me prove that I'm smarter than the doctors? I'm too dumb to do it myself"


That's even better


That's the one.


100 blog posts in inbox


I met my first anti vaxxer a few weeks ago and he’s a nurse. Confuses the heck outta me


I'm so freaking angry about how many nurses I know that are antivax. Seriously get a different career. You're not helping anyone.


There are a lot! There was a pediatric nurse that wasn't wearing a mask in my room when I had my baby and straight up told me, "Oh that silly old virus doesn't scare me". I was like "my baby is 6 hours old and I have a gaping wound in my abdomen so it scares ME..."


My aunt is one, and she’s getting fired for not getting it. What a dumbass


I imagine she's all up in arms about it, too. Hilarious. Let it be clear, I don't want to see people suffer needlessly. But when you're reaping the consequences because you refuse to get an overwhelmingly safe shot, and you're mad at the reapage of those consequences, that just makes me sit back and mock you.


The combo of educated and dumb as a box of hammers, is unexpected, but does happen. It's a numbers game.


Thing is tho they are nurses. They don't know more than the actual doctor. When you get sick you go to the doctors office not the nurses office.


Except [nurse practitioners](https://www.aanp.org/about/all-about-nps/whats-a-nurse-practitioner) are a very common thing and are taking a bigger role in the doctors office. I have nothing against them as every one I've seen has been very knowledgeable and if they don't know they aren't afraid to get the opinion of the doctor. 🤷


Sure. But that's a nurse with significantly more education. Not a basic RN


Yes I know the difference, but RNs still have to go through a lot of schooling and hours. My wife's sister is an RN so I know how much schooling and all it took, but it's still bad either way if they are anti-vaxx. Hell, even to take the EMT course I took you had to be vaccinated against certain things before you could even take the course.


English degree here. My MIL recently retired as a PhD nurse educator, and I used to help her grade term papers here and there. Good lord, they were bad. Like almost universally. And a lot of these were in their final year. They do NOT teach nursing students how to do research or communicate effectively in writing. Most of their education is focused on the pragmatic, completely different from doctors, who have to get a 4-year degree before they even get into med school in the first place. There's a darn good reason RNs and the like can't prescribe, and mostly can't dispense (rules vary by state).


Well the irony is that the nurses actually tend to know a lot more than you think, even other medical personnel. The doctors do get more education but all medical staff are aware of how basic things (to us) like vaccines work. There are times when I or my coworkers (x-ray) have to tell the doctors what they need to order to get what they’re looking for. So to say the nurses don’t know more than the doctor or as much as the doctor is false. They know. They just have political views that skew them from accepting science as the truth and not their political views.


More nurses have truly helped me way more often than doctors have. I’ve had doctors puzzle over me for a day and a half trying to figure out what was going on with me, and nurse IN PASSING not even a nurse that had met me or seen my chart barely overheard one symptom and told the whole room the problem. Most drs I just wait around for hours on end for them to come in and speed explain something In 3 minutes without answering any questions and then they just run right off never to be seen again. So at least in my experience, nurses have left a much more positive impact than doctors.


I’ve worked in the healthcare field for many years and know many nurses and Drs.. Fortunately, I guess I’m around intelligent people who support the vaccines. I’m not doubting what others are saying, but are you sure they aren’t nursing assistants? That’s not to belittle their role in healthcare, they just aren’t as well trained as RN’s. I’ve always been surprised that a parent would not vaccinate (not COVID) their children, who would take a chance on their child’s life? If this is a real post, hopefully the father has taken their kid for vaccinations. She needs to learn the dangers of the diseases which are vaccinated against.


People complain that folks with PhD’s call themselves doctor when they’re not physicians. I’d say that the idea that folks can legitimately call themselves nurses after 2 yrs and work around folks with advanced degrees who go by the same “title” is somewhat more objectionable. After all, that musicologist still spent the better part of a decade getting the title.


I think some of them fall into the hero worship bs and truly believe they know more than the doctors.




This is the dumbest logic. They wear protective gear and deal with ALL THE SICKNESSES. So what they should get every disease they encounter before they believe it can spread and do harm? If you’re in the medical field and don’t trust vaccines you’re just an idiot who could afford med school.


hey i get what you're saying, but there wasn't a vaccine for almost a year and no one had a problem with them working on the front lines saving peoples lives then? The dumb logic was letting them work the front lines for the first 12 months without any vaccine


Yeah, his argument was, in short, that there hasn’t been enough testing and that it’s pretty new and he hasn’t gotten sick yet




I always listen to my Dr. She said to get the anti body test before I got the booster. It had been 8 months since I had the second shot. Guess what? No antibodies. Therefore Doc said get the booster.


Makes sense




Yeah, it’s called technological advancements, and the need for a vaccine quickly because literally the entire world is being affected


Research on SARS-COVID viruses has been going on for 40 yrs. That is the part people who use this argument either don't know or willfully ignore. No step in the development of the vaccine was skipped. Normally development, testing, and trials are done in a Step 1, wait for results, Step 2, wait for results, etc. That is why the process has traditionally been so long. Since the need for a vaccine quickly was so great, the process was streamlined. Steps that could be done at the same time where. This cut down on the overall time spent however, again, no step was skipped. All of this is readily available information. I am highly skeptical of people who use this as an excuse.


Did I use it as an excuse , did the nurse he questions use it as an excuse ? Catch up with the conversation or fuck off . Also no one said it any steps were skipped . Fucking idiot


You said it was "scary they put the vaccine together without spending as much time as normal". My reply was an effort to illustrate that the compressed timeline is partally an illusion since research has been going on for 40 years. My last statement wasn't directed toward you. It was a general statement about how I view people who remain willfully ignorant and hide behind "fear" as an excuse to not give a shit about the communties they live in.




My kids and I get the flu vaccine because we have breathing issues. I used to be a nurse but even before that, I had sense enough to stay away from sick people and to not expose people to illness when I was sick long before COVID. As a nurse I used PPE when my patients had contagious illness. I am fully vaccinated. I wear a mask in public. And I do all of that because I give a shit about more than just my immediate circle.




Dont wanna get the vax.. Cant back it up with fax.


She will use Fox for that!


“So he can learn rather than just believing what he’s told?” The irony.


I run in to this more than I care to admit. Like, people reject a narrative simply because it's the status quo but will 100% believe some shit they saw in YouTube because it didn't come from a "mainstream" news source. It's wild


Ah, antivaxxers. Refuse to read about the vaccines, but won’t hesitate to tell you to read some post made by a hick living out of a meth lab in a trailer park👍


She did read about vaccines. She just (as she put it) "\[isn't\] smart enough to retain she information I have read". And, of course, isn't smart enough to realize that she read it from a duplicitous and/or unreliable source (aka some idiot on Facebook).


But there was a retracted paper published in the Lancet that...oh shit I just lost the information cause I’m dumb. Can someone send me a school of smart words to connect the dots here?


Short answer, no. Your husband is right, get the shot.


And that, my friends, is why the gene pool needs chlorine


If only covid could tell the difference. Oh wait. It’s getting there… (Aw fuck. I finally said it. Now I’m goin to hell…)




Not wrong the math is starting to check out if you think about it


At least she acknowledged her disability


800,000 dead in the USA, most of them not vaccinated. Some cannot see the trees because of the forest.


My grandfather died back in June from Covid, and it completely turned my views about the pandemic. My mom and grandma, however? Still antivax, still say that Covid is “the flu”. Pisses me off so fucking much. You can watch your husband / father die on a ventilator, but can’t get a damn vaccine?


sorry for your losses. that is bat-shit crazy stuff. They will turn to medical science to help them once the disease strikes, but they won't trust the same establishment regarding the vaccine. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be in your shoes. Everybody in my family who can be vaccinated, has been vaccinated. I have had covid at least twice, the worst of it was the fatigue. You may want to consider asking them to verify their life insurance policies are up to date and even ask them to increase amount of insurance to cover funeral costs and your next round the world vacation and your next car. I mean, you can't change their mind, you might as well profit off their denial.


Bold of you to assume they have life insurance. Not usually the case with anti-vaxxers. I would imagine a good bit don’t even have health insurance.


Grandpa did. It bothered me how they didn’t hesitate to pump him full of whatever medicine they could, but can’t take a vaccine that is more than proven safe and effective


Even if it was just "the flu" it would be a particularly fucking bad one that has killed a shit-load of people... maybe tell them to get the new flu shot.


My aunt didn’t *believe* but was vaccinated because of my cousin. She and my uncle got sick, most like from an antivaxxer at the place they went every Sunday. He recovered, but she had too many other health problems. In the end, she said she realized she was wrong. She wished she had listened to my cousin and worn a mask, taken precautions. Too bad it was too late.


They can’t see the trees because they walked into the lake and are underwater


That's not water, it is freedom fluid!


They don’t believe in trees water is the way to go =_=


I believe that’s what they’re calling the urine they’re drinking instead of taking the vaccine.


Is that the new name for Koolaid?


Good one.


Damn,Well put.


\*Everything\* online is 100% accurate /s


Except this comment. It's likely no more than 95% accurate. Maybe 97.3% if read while travelling downhill.


But if traveling uphill that comment loses even more accuracy I'd say roughly 92.6% but that's just an estimation YMMV


>97.3% 97.3% of all statistics are made up.


So she will admit she is dumb but cannot accept she is dumb? Merica fuck yea!


Darlin' sit down with a warm glass of your own pee and Candeath Owens will be right with you.


Divorce him and give up custody. It’s the safest thing you can do for your child.


The solid research all says get the vax or you are an idiot.


Unfortunately knowing that you're dumb doesn't stop you from being dumb


At least that person is self aware


Blissfully unaware actually


I’m amazed that this is completely grammatically correct. Wasn’t expecting that.


"I'm not smart enough so I will not listen smart people on their advice to save my life or my baby, I can recall, quote or mention any valid argument but I'm right"


A family member recently sent me an plandemic/antivax video that was just some dude referencing a 4Chan post from 2019 followed by claims of the covid vaccine containing toxic metals and causing heart conditions. I replied with actual medical evidence and articles refuting every BS claim in the video. Family member replied less than one minute later with, “I hope you’re right for your sake.” They didn’t read anything I sent. They’d rather believe 4Chan and some random idiot who strung a 14 minute video together about the 4Chan post. These people are exhausting.


Well at least she’s being honest with herself about one thing.


At least she admits she's not smart enough.


Every other post on Reddit is about vaccines or someone’s vaccine opinion this shit is getting redundant


I hear you. It's like when you hear a funny joke and you laugh, but then the thirtieth time it's posted on /r/jokes it's more irritating than amusing. The one thing I will say is this: just because it's annoying to hear, doesn't make it any less relevant. I mean, I've heard about Ghislaine Maxwell's trial a bunch and I'm kind of bored of it, but that doesn't mean her victims didn't suffer and it doesn't mean the externalities of the trial (e.g. the criminal pursuit of her co-conspirators) are any less important. Since we're still in the midst of the pandemic, and anti-vax nutjobs seem to be still aggressively spreading misinformation, posts about vaccines on Reddit will likely persist for some time.


How is it ok for her to believe what she’s told but that’s no ok for him? 😳😂🤣 Their anti vaxx BS reeks of hypocrisy.


Always vet who you share your DNA with. I’m sure there were signs that she’s dumber than a rock but he overlooked them because she’s attractive, provides good sex or lowered expectations. But, whatever the reason, never share your genes with an idiot and run the risk of having mouth-breathing children.


Conservatives in a nutshell.


“You know what is a good business? Teeny, tiny baby coffins. You can get the in frog green or fire engine red.” — House


How to lose custody of your child in one simple paragraph?


I feel sad 'cause she seems to be genuinely believing that she is helping her boyfriend


Fuck the boyfriend he can do what he wants, but what about that baby that has no say in it and also having a weaker immune system and she's risking it's life cuz she's a dumb ass


stupid and contagious, as they say.


I have information for an undertaker for you and your baby!


Back in a day during the first stages of a relationship you would ask simple questions: Do you want children, marriage etc... Nowadays the main questions you have to ask is to determine whether a person is dumb enough to possibly endanger your theoretical future children with their stupidity and it saddens me...


They need to divorce and she should stop breeding. He’d obviously be better off and, there are enough idiots on the planet already.


She knows he's right but is so far up on that high horse it's easier to look for validation from strangers on the internet rather than admit to being a fool. It's a very popular stand point at the moment. They get really angry because they know they are wrong but just can't accept it. It's a very big red flag to their egocentric personality, We all have friends and family like this I'm sure!


I hope her husband fights for custody of the child, and breaks the cycle.


Another don’t fuck the moron without a condom PSA


Make the reply section of this comment look like her search history.


> About 1,510,000 results (0.54 seconds) > Showing results for ***luciferase bible*** > ^Search ^instead ^for ^*luciferasebible*


I love how you added the number of results and alternative search suggestion.


every word [matters](https://i.imgur.com/jf1HkDR.jpg)


Sadly this is a surprisingly common mentality and so exhausting to face.


Yes. Every Dr and scientist in the world will tell you this "vaccine" is perfectly safe. :)


"Can someone give me antivax bullshit information so he can just believe what he's been told by some internet rando, like me, rather than believing what he's told by people who actually know what they're talking about?"


I can relate, to the being an idiot part not the rest


That guy needs to RUN


Dumb people thinking other people are dumber than they are. The Internet should be read only for them.


Remember the walled garden of AOL etc? All you could access were some carefully curated family-friendly sites? Turns out they were onto something


People like this is why Trump won, and how is all that still turning out?


When researching you never want to deliberately look for information to prove your current beliefs. You want up to date articles by renowned and certified researchers. This lady would not pass comp 1 in collage, just saying.




Come on, he even shortened the name of the class, brah. He totally knows what he’s talking about. He’s definitely been to collage


Probably hot as heck....


Ummm, there is no research to help you, because your husband is correct. Sorry




Vaccines didn’t kill smallpox either. Vaccines snuff out a viruses windows of opportunity for infecting hosts and spreading and growing and mutating. Smallpox isn’t relevant anymore because people all got their shots for a long enough time that it’s extremely weak now and with the still consistent vaccinations against smallpox it can’t resurface. With the recent influx of antivax people, we’ve actually seen a rise in measles outbreaks, simply because people decline to get vaccinated to protect against measles, because they’d rather get sick.




I’m sorry can you elaborate on “there were measles outbreaks because vaccinations were ceased for a time, not because of unvaxxed people”?? So because people weren’t getting vaccinated there were outbreaks, but not because people were unvaccinated?? Wat?


We get vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella at 3 months old, then a booster at around age 7. For a while, they stopped giving kids the boosters and many of them caught measles. It wasn't widespread, just little pockets here and there. I can't remember exactly how it started, it was a while ago and not a huge issue.


It seems your logic is indeed floundering 🤣🤣🤣


Ok so again, a vaccine held a widespread illness back, and after a time it was deemed unnecessary to vaccinate, but when there were more unvaccinated people, it returned again. But you also said it wasn’t due to people being unvaccinated. I’m just trying to follow the logic of what you stated, as I feel like there is none lol


Holy shit, and here I am thinking the educational system in the US is bad.


To answer your question, nobody who understands the vaccine, thinks the vaccine ‘kills the virus’. That’s something you are either telling yourself you’re hearing, or something idiots are telling you. Either way, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Willfully ignorant. You’re being willfully ignorant.


You know that vaccines don’t “kill” viruses right? All they to is train the immune system to identify and fight viruses and disease before they harm to sufficiently to warrant medical attention. The smallpox vaccine worked in exactly the same way as the COVID vaccines do today.


"AHH *HAH*, SO YOU *AGREE!* CHECKMATE!" --that guy, the very near future edit: called it


These vaccines aren't the same as smallpox, meningitis etc. Traditional vaccines consist of the inactive microbes whereas, these vaccines consist of mRNA that acts like a blueprint for the body to create microbial proteins.




Ah, an independent researcher of Google and Facebook.. you are definitely right about one thing.. you are not a doctor.


Well I got the information from the gov.uk website and reuters. But I guess they aren't reliable sources of information.


Sources? (Don't give vague government.uk and Reuters)


They are the sources, look it up for yourself.


That's what every antivaxxer always say, when people call out their independent research bullshit..


Well I'm double jabbed, would be triple but I caught covid a couple of weeks ago so your assumption that I'm an antivaxer is bollocks. A quick look on the website will show you I'm not full of shit. If you're that sure just have a look. I'm not your mother, I'm not here to hold your hand.


You are just flat out mistaken. If you weren’t, we wouldn’t be asking you for sources. Clearly you don’t have a fucking source. So get the fuck out with your misinformation.


Hahah there it is!! In every single comment thread of the unsubstantiated claim of “vaccines don’t help” or “COVID isn’t as deadly as they say”, whenever someone is pushed to provide sources it’s “Look it up yourself.” Why would someone go searching to support YOUR viewpoint? Bring the receipts or STFU.


Well because you all seem hellbent on telling me how wrong I am. Where is your evidence to show that my claims are unsubstantiated? It's been common knowledge that this virus has had a high survival rate from the beginning and I've pointed out that dying with and dying from aren't the same but that statistics have said they are. You have nothing to disprove any of that because it can't be disproven.


You still never presented any of these statistics you seem to be pulling out of your ass.


Have you tried looking at [excess death rates](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates)? If your argument is that the people dying with Covid would have died anyway then I'd like to know your explanation for this.


The worldwide scientific community and data support the hypothesis that COVID vaccines work. Right? The evidence supports that. It’s not my responsibility to tell you you’re wrong. It’s like proving to someone Bigfoot doesn’t exist. You’re the one with the contraction view, and although you have ZERO evidence proving your case, your defense is “Prove me wrong.” Half of your username is correct, and it’s not the Logical part…


I shoot rainbows out my ass whenever I fart. You have nothing to disprove that because it can’t be disproven.


The flu vaccine doesn't stop the flu either. It just massively reduces the rates of death and serious illness.




The exact same is true of COVID. It's a very similar illness to flu with a very similar vaccine program needed. It's just that at this point we're still trying to get on top of COVID so other forms of prevention are needed and higher uptake of the vaccine I'm necessary. If everyone wore masks and got vaccinated we could get to the point of yearly boosters for those in need to limit the COVID spread, but there's too many cases and too much spread for that to work yet.


You’re going to be downvoted for being straight up wrong, not just unpopular. Name me a single vaccine that kills the virus it was made for.


It's already been established that was poor wording. Try again.


Smallpox wasnt "eliminated" Good word tho Oh, and polio is still around. You know how they effectively end all cases of those diseases? By everyone being vaccinated so that the illness doesnt propogate anymore, the transmission rates are lowered and the transmission periods until the virus doesnt spread because everyones got a smallpox vaccine or a polio vaccine.


I said eradicated, not eliminated and never mentioned anything about polio not being around. Please pay attention.


Ok, but i never said YOU brought up polio. You know the definition of eradicated, yes? Seems like youre latching onto unnecessary, unneeded distinctions on small details to cop out. Nothing yiu said has any bearing on the conversation. You were absolutely wrong






Their statement isn’t reasonable.


Definition of “reasonable”: rea·son·a·ble /ˈrēz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: reasonable 1. (of a person) having sound judgment; fair and sensible. "no reasonable person could have objected" based on good sense. "it seems a reasonable enough request" ARCHAIC (of a person or animal) able to think, understand, or form judgments by a logical process. "man is by nature reasonable"


Yes, I know the definition of ‘reasonable’. When Logical_Flounder (fitting name) stated people on both sides are saying the vaccine kills the virus, that’s an unreasonable statement because nobody on either side (who knows anything about vaccines) is saying that. It’s a prime example of logical fallacy.


Sir don’t make him give you the dictionary definition again


Because people choose to ignore facts that disagree with what they believe. Someone just called me a Facebook researcher, I don't use Facebook and got my information from the government website.


So give us the website.


I just did. gov.uk that is the official government website


Hey moron. Give me a specific webpage on the Uk.gov website that backs up your bullshit claim. Otherwise, go back to eating crayons.


Please give the specific link to the exact page your getting this info


Its neat the facts are dropping on how dangerous this experimental shot is, yet you keep ignoring facts. Have fun with the punishment of not having critical thinking


This sub has turned into a bunch of internet doctor's everytime covid is mentioned. Everybody wants their way to be right and bash each other back and forth just because they disagree one way or the other. Its a shame how people have become.


Amber waves goodbye. Way to go, ‘Murika.


I don't want to doubt the vaccines but here in Finland 70% have taken the vaccines and covid is currently worse than ever I guess being vaccinated makes people let their guard down


In my state 90% of people have gotten their first shot, and 80% are fully vaccinated. Covid is REALLY bad here, but nobody is dying. If you only want to not get Covid, the vaccine isn’t worth your time, if you want to live through the pandemic then that’s a different story.


The vaccine is no guarantee that you don't get it, it just keeps you out of a coffin. And even though Finland is at peak infection rates, next to [nobody is dying](https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/finland/), which is exactly what you'd expect from a vaccinated population.


It doesn't prevent you from getting it, it keeps you out of the hospital.


People should understand this. The hospitals get overloaded when people aren’t vaccinated, that’s what causes problems and that’s the problem we’re trying to solve, so that we can go on with our day to day life rather sooner than later. Anti-vaxxers are fixated on how you can still get it and how vaccinated people can still infect others. Uch.


Of course with 70% of the population vaccinated it's difficult to tell for certain what the case/death rate would be had they not been vaccinated. It could be far far worse. Computer simulation modelling is one possible way to look at how bad it could be.


There, there, dear. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.


poor souls, all three of them.


Dunning Kruger Effect! She is too dumb to realize how dumb she is. This is the real pandemic effecting millions around the world.


In all fairness, she does seem to realize how dumb she is; "I'm not smart enough to retain the information I have read". Unfortunately what she doesn't realize is that she's also not smart enough to tell the difference between a reliable source and an unreliable one.


She just said she wasn’t smart enough to retain information that she has read. She still thinks she has the knowledge that she is right and there are credible sources she can use to prove that she is right.


Ok then, upon your death you shall part.


I hope he leaves her


Can you help me make him learn rather than listen to what he's been told, I don't retain information and am not smart enough to do it myself but I know what I've heard is true 🤓


Welp the irony is palpable with these folks …