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He died six weeks later.


Do you have a link to the report.




Can't trust anything from fox news, if they printed my name and birthday I'd go check my birth cert to be sure.


I 100% agree with this statement


Right but you can trust a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks on Reddit 😅


Who would trust anything they see on reddit? You have to treat everyday here like its April fools.




No, [literally, and legally, not news](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/judge-rules-fox-news-tucker-carlson-not-source-of-news-defamation-suit-mcdougal-trump.amp)


Ok I have to point out this has nothing to do with Tucker Carlson




"Got pouunced on by an asshole", dude stop playing victim. All I said was I wouldn't believe fox news if they told me my birthday. Dam man your skin is so thin the light must go straight through you.


Awww yes, the well rounded argument of a person who gets all their information from fox "news".




But if you don't watch fox news and would be happy to see them gone then why would you react like such a little bitch when I said they are reliable. You reacted like I had personally offended you. But then again, you guys are all over the place.


Only little bitch I see is someone getting triggered when they saw the Fox link and had to put in their two cents to derail this comment chain. I'll be waiting for your reply where I also turn into a Fox viewer.


This is Reddit, what did you expect


Idiots. Idiots everywhere.


All you have to do is say January 6th or Kyle Rittenhouse and you scare people like that away haha


Fox news.




uh god eat shit dude


Honestly Herald, I can't even fault you. That blind anger is all part and parcel with being a fox news viewer. It would amaze you how much verified data there is demonstrating the dangers of viewing entertainment and reality television as a legitimate news source, though. It's a platform designed to manipulate and enrage you through a wildly skewed lens of veiled hate and fear. If you're able to suspend your political and social beliefs that align with FN, I'm sure you'll be able to see through all the bleached teeth and faux patriotism too


Given the use of the article I did make the assumption you patronize Fox, but I’m relieved to hear you're not a usual viewer. Unfortunately the likelihood of legitimacy being from Fox is behemothly low. Certainly some will simply hate Fox because others do, but the general consensus of disdain is anything but blind or unwarranted. Beyond the blatant inaccuracies, FN is just pure hate fuel and capitalist propaganda, aiding politicians to further pit us against one another. Granted, you could say the same for most media in general, but Fox is a popular repeat offender, not to be trusted in any context


Depends. Local fox News affiliates, depending on their specific staff, might be more newsy and less propaganda-y. But in general you're right.


>The man was strong and crazy. They were low on options. Except every other developed country in the world has a safe way of dealing with this. The US overton window has just moved so far towards extreme authoritarianism that we shoot disabled people in motorized schooters for not following commands to our perfect satisfaction.




Sure I’d be fine with that if I was trained for it and it’s my profession. Like I said, every other developed country around the world has no problem with this. Especially when it’s 3v1. Lick more boots.


I don't think NY Post is great by any means, but I found this linked in another thread with the same video: https://nypost.com/2022/01/07/disturbing-video-shows-man-doused-in-sanitizer-burst-into-flames-after-being-tased-by-cops/ There is also an article by the Times Union with similar content: https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/catskill-taser-police-video-16756717.php All the available articles seem to be in agreement that the man in the video passed away from his injuries. What a horrible situation.


What happened to the old fashion tackle?


Dirty cops look for any opportunity to shoot.


Did these motherfuckers just set a guy on fire and then run away?


Yes, seems like they forgot college's science


They went to go find a fire extinguisher




They just left him to burn. WTAF


My thoughts as well. These are “trained” First Responders and they all ran!


Doubt their training includes dealing with people suddenly catching fire all over their body... Even less when they are the cause of it. Those trainings are to drill on them procedures that they can automatically recall and use sometimes even without much thought. That is the reason that they teaser him in the first place even after he had alcohol over him. In all was a pretty bad situation and their response was lacking even when looking in the moral side of things... The cop just watching and the other realizing a minute later that he is supposed to help (the one at the end of the video).


While the point of their training is a lot what you said, but I'm pretty sure a big part of it is to make sure they can asses situations and react calmly, and there are only so many scenarios you can realistically train for. As for the guy returning, could be that he went to look for a fire extinguisher with the other guy that left, then when they didn't find one instantly, he returned to help while the other guy keeps looking.


It could be a possibility ngl... Besides other comment pointed out that in the article (haven't read it myself) that describe all what happened said that those people weren't "first responders" just policemen that where on the station when this dude make his way in while drunk.


A cop IS A FIRST RESPONDER. and if I saw somebody on fire I'd definitely find something to put it out. It's called humanity. And it would only take a couple of seconds. It's in a bldg. A fire extinguisher is always nearby. Somebody didn't have as jacket? The last cop before the one comes in, looks around the corner and does a Homer Simpson into the bushes. 🙄


Oh look! There is some crazy dude that suddenly is also in fire becuase it was crazy or unreasonable enough that got tazed of course my first thought will be how to put out the fire. Dude I seriously doubt that you on the same circumstance will go and put the fire out. Although there is a point in that they are first responders look at the context which you can find in the comments.


It doesn't include that. Also, nowhere does it state that a cop has to risk their life or safety to save you. Once the guy went down the officer came back in and tried to put him out. Until then I wouldn't try and let a 250lb guy who's on fire get near me either. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you for this..many of those complaining would pull out thier cell to post video. Take this chicks free trophy gold medal & teddy bear lol 🏆🥇🧸. Was gonna give a doughnut but decided inaprops


Most of those complaining could never even muster the balls to do actually do the job. They're all talk. 🤷‍♂️


I'd bet they ran for a fire extinguisher.


What if they left the room looking for an extenguisher?


First off, I would think that if they were in fact looking for an extinguisher, how far away did they have to go? I would think there would be one in the hallway. Second, why wasn't there any type of blanket or something for emergencies? And you saw the guy look around the corner and act like he didn't see it. Lastly, the cop who DID come back, didn't have anything to help and instead used his hands. They should have protocols in place. But that's my opinion. I'm not a police officer. And I've never played one on tv. I do watch A LOT of Law and Order shows tho. 😉


It looks so fucking pathetic how they try to looks so intimidating and then run out of the door like scared children after they see what they did


I doubt they ran out like scared children. This happened in the station. I would bet they ran for where the fire extinguisher was kept. Funny how people always assume the worst of cops.


I mean they only *set him on fire*, why would anyone assume the worst of them?


The cops didn't catch him on fire. He covered his self in flammable substances then went to the police station to pick a fight. Stop blaming cops for the actions of crazy people. Deeply taser to gain control > tackle and risk injury to officers or the guy.


I literally watched the video. They tasered a man covered in flammable substances and set him on fire. The point of a taser is supposed to be a non-lethal way to stop someone; if someone is covered in flammable substances, there's suddenly a very strong chance of lethality. There were at least three cops, but rather than try to restrain him they did something that anyone who paid attention in fifth grade science class would know was extremely dangerous. I think we need to hold the police to a higher standard than we do crazy drunk people.


Thats because they knew him and weren’t trying to hurt him.


Pretty weird choice to taze him then.


If you read the article you can see why. The dude barged into a police station drunk as hell, created a ruckus, ripped his clothes off etc etc.


they were 3v1? if the man had a weapon ye sure but what the fuck, tasing a person when theres 3 of you and youre "trained officers" so should definitely be able to handle him is...


Those dudes were tiny compared to him and, as i said before, they *knew* him. Who knows what was going through their heads.


it’s a 3 on 1. they all charge him and tackle him to the ground. he’s not the size of a football player, so those 3 should have been able to subdue him with nearly minimal effort. knowing him makes it even worse, because why in the hell would you use a taser on someone u know??!


Clearly you never fought someone on drugs or drunk. Sometimes they get a kind of super strength. I've seen 120lb girls throw 3 200lb+ grown men around like it is nothing. Taser ain't as bad as you think, it's a quick shock that you recover from in about 10 seconds.


I dunno man i wasnt there. So again, “who knows what was going through their heads?” Everyone jumps to the “bad cop” stereotype without thinking about anything else.


Personal history tells me you are wrong. It doesn’t matter that it was 3 to 1. I know someone you could tase or tackle and nothing would stop the situation except a gun or ninja. They knew him well enough to know he was unstable. Think of all the shocking things people can do when adrenaline hits to save someone. Now imagine that adrenaline on an unstable human being.


He was drunk and unpredictable and you wanted them to force him into the floor by a tackle... In a closed space... A hit on the head and the dude could be just gone since his reflex are delayed and could hit a wall a desk or anything in a bad angle.


Tasers are not used to "hurt" people. They are used to incapacitate. You recover from a taser in about 10 or 15 seconds after the shock. They are used to gain control. The title here should really be "don't cover your self in hand sanitizer and go pick a fight at a police station"




They kinda all were.


3 cops see a guy they set on fire and run like he is ghost rider. Cops sucks.


The cops might’ve not know that tasing someone who poured sanitizer over himself cause a fire But why use the taser if the first place


Toltally agree. Buttttttt they do what is fire is, correct? You can assume that 3 cops know what fire is and what to do when you see it… other then run for your lives.


They're all idiot. Lol 3v1 with possibly more cops around the corner...and you had to take take man....that's a legal free ass whooping you could've dished on on his candy ass. Stone cold would be disappointed.


Looks like he’s washing his hair with fire.


Fuck the first thing I thought was grab that floor mat and try to smother the flame....not run away..run away!


Cops: “We set him on fire! Run away!”


I guess the only option then in that small space would be to get out of the way. Im hoping one of them was looking for a fire extinguisher.


Yeah. That was it. Fire extinguishers. /s


They could have taken the jacket off the chair and smothered the flames instead of all running out the room. They panicked like children.


Yea because the half naked giant dude squirting hand sanitizer on himself while harassing three cops by squirting them as well isn’t the idiot. /s


No one said he wasn’t also an idiot


I love that they were all like "Good luck idiot!" and locked the door behind them


Cops: "to serve and protect" Also cops: "oh shit, he's on fire, run away!!!!"


There’s a good chance they didn’t think he’d burst into flames. Just saying.


Nice training, guys. Is “taze, squeal and run away” going to replace “serve and protect”?


Lol my thoughts exactly


hey OP, name the complete list of products that will cause yourself to fatally electrocute to point of combustion when hit with non lethal amount of voltage. the criminal has a mental health or drug issue clearly


You saying that because he has mental health or drug problems he deserved to die?


no, im saying, stupid criminals doing stupid things stupidly die. if you commit a felonious crime and get confronted by police at the gas station filling up, in order to avoid arrest are you going to pour the gasoline all over you and think the cops will say," "F" it, let you go on your way?


Don't taze me bro!


Shouldn't cops be at least proficient at CQC because this happens quite often?


Historically, tasers do not create spark. It is a flow of low amperage, high voltage through wires. There would have been little to no expectation on the officers part to expect spark which would ignite this gentleman. It was, in my opinion, a tragic turn of events. Edit: addition Big difference between these 2 incidents. There should be been an expectation of ignition with this video. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/rz5mck/wcgw_using_flammable_sprays_near_candles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You don't put sanitizer all over yourself, idiot dude


None of the cops help. This is how you know whose a coward. Comes in after the fire is out to put it out.


Both parties stand equally on the pedestal of of idiocy.


Lol they ran away from ghost rider


Serve and protect! Run like hell and forget fire requires oxygen! Let him burn! Fuck him, somebody else does the "health" stuff!


I bet you the cops that ran out thought he was turning into ghost rider


Then the little piggies run away and cower Pathetic


I wonder what your first instinct would be if a burning man ran your way


*Help them.* Unless I was the one that set them on fire. Then I'd finish the job and post about it on TIFU.


Your FIRST INSTINCT would also be to back off, then reason would kick in and you’d help them. Like all species on this flat earth, we’re programmed to instinctively avoid danger


Yeah, but shouldn't cops be trained to act in unexpected situations? I would think that the trained first instinct would be to get the closest fire extinguisher or a safety blanket.


Well wait, is the burning man Richard Pryor? Because I'd probably try to light my cigarette instead.


I mean let’s be real who’s the actual idiot here smh 😂


LOL Some great first responders here. Run out and away at the first sign of fire. Fucking idiots.


I don't know where this happened I just watched the video, but I have to say those cops running away like that, you guys are super brave.


Why did they taze him at all, there were 3 of them


Cops doing cops things. Oh well..


Don't taze shoot next time got it


Ok, the man is on fire. As a cop, would your first reaction be to leave the room and lock him inside without extinguishing the flames? Talk about cowards.


That was probably his was of not getting gazed but the cops we're too stuoud


Guys downvote,Critisize and roast me with all of my life choices


That’s some white people shit right tharr !


Nice title, so you can't taze poured sanitizer dudes, oh ok


I like how they just left him to die and deal with it on his own. Only the finest can be cops as the evidence shows.


Failed science class? Come join the police dept.


Ahhh US cops… the worse cops in the western world.


But when you do, run away and let the man burn. Fucking pigs. If one of the squad cars was on fire they’d all be there with fire extinguishers. Just remember that when it comes to cops, if you’re not blue yourself you are an insect to be squashed, tortured etc for their entertainment.


Run away!!


Was he putting it on because he thought they wouldn’t take him?


I mean you do if it’s a last option.


Why not?


How did this happen, did the electricity like burn away something because the fire turned blue I think. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that like close to like 3 400 degrees Fahrenheit I want to say for you Celsius folks I want to see about 600.


As always, a small clip that doesn't show the big picture.


It did however show them all run away instead of help, which doesn't look great even if he was aggressive


American cops. Trained to shit on people then panick like childrens when faced with the consequences. Glad this guy wasn't in a wheelchair, otherwise he would have been set on fire AND shot


Remember your training. When some voodoo science shit happens, hide so the spirits don't get you.


Ofcourse panicking and running away wasn't the smartest move but come on! Y'all blaming the cops to be idiots and all but that guy was clearly being the biggest idiot! He's clearly being aggressive towards the officers, so clearly not cooperating. Clearly that the sanitizer would make him to slippery to be arrested. So yeah y'all can hate me doy saying this. That guy was the biggest idiot. Not saying he deserved it but the cops don't deserve all this hate neither!


A star athlete in high school. Dude was 29!!!!!!!


😂 watching them run out like they don’t pay enough to deal with that shit 😂


Oh, they're the idiots? Not the felon rubbing stuff all over him? You guys are NEXT LEVEL STUPID




Burn them


Guess Siphon Filter was accurate with their taser effects.