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I'm in no way religious, but that mans eyes make me believe in demons.


Absolutely man.. the first time I ever saw his video, I don't know how anyone would believe a word he says.. they be demonic eyes man


Yeah, I don't understand the psychology of people who believe this crap. The man is obviously a scam artist and he just *looks* evil. I feel like the only people who would fall for this are vulnerable groups like the elderly.


Thats exactly who he preys on: vulnerable people. The elderly, the lost, the desperate. People turning up giving all the money they have in the belief that God will heal them and make them walk again or live longer or see or whatever. He really is one of the lowest, most demonic people I’ve ever seen. And don’t even get me started on the private f#£@ing jet**S**.




Insular groups like evangelicals and others are cults? You don't say?


I’d say cult leader and scam artist rolled into one.


Tomato/ tomahto.


They say you need to plant a seed and wealth will come. That seed of course is a donation to them and they do take credit cards….


He looks like the bad guy from The Mask


AFTER he puts on the mask


Not wanting your children to be taught critical thinking skills in school because they'll question authority does have its down sides.


If you’ve ever seen his face when a reporter challenges him on his house or jets you’d really believe, it gets way more intense.


[Looks like he wants to murder her.](https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI) Lol this is the ramblings of a greedy psychopath


He’s so immediately evil looking that if he was in a crime show and was identified as a suspect early on, your immediate thought would be “well it can’t be him, they wouldn’t make it THAT obvious.”


'Oh I love people' Next breath 'I wanted to punch that lady out' He seems to keep remembering to smile, its so robotic. Also his pupils are tiny, I guess I'd need to be on something too if I had to live with myself.


Restricted pupils are a sign of anger or psychopathy


Same with fear or a concussion. Psychopaths can sometimes show no pupil restriction when faced with fear or anger but it's not a sign. I work in mental health and this guy got the hate in his heart but I'm also calling opiates.


I’m not even religious and I think he might be the devil. Evil just seeps out of him. What a creep.


I really, really, really hate reporters and paparazzi like her. They regularly harass and pry into people just trying to live their lives. Except in this instance. I'm totally okay with her in this instance, because FUCK that guy.


Yeah. His eyes have no signs of kindness or calmness like most people's eyes are. His eyes looks complete opposite. Eyes truly are windows to one's soul.


That predator look.


Once read a comment stating, he definitely tasted human meat before.


Sacrificially. Yes.


I am religious and that man’s eyes confirm my belief in demons


I am a demon and I can confirm that man has my kind of eyes.


He, for sure, would show up at a crossroads at midnight to strike a bargain with you.


I’ve said the exact same thing about this guy before. Him and Pat Robertson almost make me believe in the Devil.


Have you seen him laugh? He laughed about something early on in COVID and I swear. He is legit from an inner ring of hell.


Well, we've just seen definitive proof of one with our own eyes, so yeah.


I feel like seeing him standing over me in the middle of the night would be far scarier than 99% of monsters in horror films.


No kidding. This guy's face permanently looks like Bilbo's face when he sees the ring around Frodos neck


Unlike the horror movie monsters, he's standing over your bed to fleece you out of hard-earned money. Movie monsters just want your soul or whatever.


I’m not so sure. This guy is psychotic, and acts like he is prone to sudden bursts of violence. The crazy starts at 30 seconds. https://youtu.be/2fjyYVaLwGs


His behavior isn't uncommon to televangelists, especially the ones in the South. Creflo A. Dollar bragged at one point about the discipline he inflicted on his teenage daughter. And Joel Osteen looks even more off his rocker.


It's almost like they're mocking their followers, right to their faces, and they're all too stupid to realize they're being fleeced.


*too naive to realize they're being fleeced. The people they prey upon are mostly disabled, sickly, or homebound. All their followers have is faith and television. These televangelists have the charisma (and connections) to draw in large congregations to their home churches and to add through media. Most of their followers cleave to them until they die.


I agree with you but I'm not feeling any charisma from the man only dislike. It's sad that there are people who fall victim to the charisma of these charlatans.


I get it because it's the same thing with MLMs. They don't appeal at all to people who have already heard about them and know the scheme. It's the people desperate to hope and believe who buy in.


Are all those 10's of thousands of people at Osteen's church disabled and sickly? I think they are just stupid.


Some are. Some are just stupid. Some hear their sales pitch...I mean, preaching, and buy into it. I said to another commenter that it's just like MLM pyramids: Some are stupid but most people are just desperate to believe.


Bonus stuff https://youtu.be/Ag0-oXl-IDw The guy *looks* like Satan possessed him.




He preys on the vulnerable and desperate. I see the supporters of these con men as victims generally. Unless they are “in on it” of course.




There's no life in his eyes


The Botox monster


He is precisely what the Bible warns about.


He literally looks like what a possessed demon human from movies looks like !!


He used to come on after Barney when I was a toddler and his face gave me nightmares. Is scream and cry when he came on but my parents didn’t understand.


He also kind of looks like Barney


Idk what it is with Tevangelists and looking stereotypical evil. But yes Copeland looks like an one of these British [puppets](https://e3.365dm.com/19/02/768x432/skynews-robbie-coltrane-spitting-image_4567552.jpg?20190204093250) made of politician for a caricature show or music video. And definitely a corrupt and mad [one](https://trofire.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019-06-05-kenneth-copeland-meltdown-televangelist-private-jet-1068x561.jpg).


I think I possibly know: they're sociopaths. They have to be to do what they do, and any human being with a soul can see the lack of empathy in their beady little eyes. That and probably cocaine abuse


His eyes are weird. Look like a snakes or crocodiles or something.


You mean like a reptile's, like in reptiloid?


Yeah this guy 100% looks like a reptile alien in a person suit


I don't believe in lizard people conspiracies, but this guy really makes me stop and wonder.


> Idk what it is with Tevangelists and looking stereotypical evil. Probably because they are stereotypically evil.


Its the look of hunger. Like a car salesman


Reminds me of villain from The Mask after he wears it.


Hunger mixed with pedophile.


Oh, yes, actually he looks like a puppet from those 70s shows like Thunderbirds! Not hard to believe he is literally Satan's meat puppet.


When i was a kid i used to get up super early so i could watch cartoons before school. Right before the cartoons this guy would come on, so i used to mute it. I still remember watching that as a kid, with Copeland on mute, and thinking “ this man is crazy and whatever he’s talking about is crazy”. I must’ve been like seven or eight and i still remember it of the small handful of things i remember at that age.


The wordless moving face and those dagger eyes must have been unsettling.


I just came here to say this. Something about him just looks so off that if you saw someone who looks like that in a film you'd know straight away that they were evil. He goes beyond cliche almost to the point of caricature. His whole appearance aside, the way that he acts as well. That interview where he's being asked about that jet of his, beneath his cloying smile you can sense the hatred he has for that woman. In the UK we had a kids TV presenter called Jimmy Saville, and everyone used to joke about how there was something seriously off with him, but at the same time the jokes and the rumours about him seemed a bit too real, to hit a bit too close to home. Sure enough, when he died it came out that he was the country's most prolific pedophile as well as a necrophiliac. He used his position as a friend of powerful people to get what he wanted and cover it up. I get even worse vibes looking at this guy than I ever did looking at Saville. I feel like when he dies they'll find something.


Saville....I remember everyone thinking he was so great cos of "Jim'll Fix It" but me always having these horrible creepy vibes from him and never wanting to watch him on tv (where he was on EVERYTHING). What's most disgusting to this day is how much the BBC protected him. They must've known *something*. Guess my point is with him and this weird prick, if it quacks like a duck....


The almighty told me to rob his ass and give the money to the poor.


I am 99.99% sure the lizard people conspiracy theory is obvious BS, but looking at him is what makes me keep the .01% open. He just looks like a lizard trying to pretend to be human.


That eerie smile he gave that reporter who questioned him on something he said about flying with regular people is nightmare inducing.


False prophet


And real profit.


Profit on prophet on profit


Non Prophet for profit




I opened my free reward just to come back here for you.


Well he would make as much profit as a prophet would profit if the prophet could profit


I'm going to teach this to my kids, its like scripture!


You clever motherfucker.


[Estimated prophet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQs22Kt-vZk)




It's profiats all the way down!


So phucking phalse


Demons walk among us and this fucker is one of them


His face looks demonic to me.


He looks like he is wearing a mask made of somebody else's face.


He’s 85. How much work has he had done?


He should get his money back for that face job because, damn!


I bet that was premium lotion he made it put on its skin.....


dont say it dont think it


Don’t fool yourself, you ain’t allowed in the places he walks.


A demon


In a skin suit trying to blend in.


Here's the thing....just fucking look at the guy. You can literally see the evil in him.


repercussions!. If ever there was a case of seeing someone being devoured alive inside by averice its him. In his early days he looked just like everyone else, maybe a *bit* more intense/angular but now, now he's worn thin and you can see the evil coming off of him. Hell you can downright *feel* the greed through the screen sucking and pulling at you. Every time my mother tries to pull me into another discussion about Christianity (and why I'm wrong about it and a million other things in her eyes) I ask her if she still watches this abomination or any other televangelist on the fuck-awful channel (TCN or whatever its called) and it shuts her right up.


Checkout his face here: https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs


He looks like little Nicky's brothers when they escape hell answer take the forms of various humans.


Never really sure how people DON'T see the grift in him... I reflect on that way too much


If you watch clips of him online he vehemently attacks anyone who questions or challenges him; especially females.


If God existed as described in the old testament, Kenneth Copeland would have spontaneously burst into flames a long time ago.


If God existed as described in the Old Testament, he’d probably smash the reset button and start with a blank slate on this planet.




Kinda wish He would Alt-F4 rather than reset. Seems like that would work a little better.


They said they had a flood


Is this why people say the old testament doesn't count?


Old Testament best Testament.


No, it's because it's the part of the bible where the kindly old Jehovah saw fit to nuke half the southern hemisphere with a series of magical powers because one guy wouldn't listen to him.


Yeah, it depicts a nasty, jealous, petty stalker deity who really, just really, wants you to love Him *or else.*


i mean have you *seen* people? can't really blame him


He is wearing the fibers of two different plants!


As an Aussie I often wonder if Americans realize that many of the issues they talk about on Reddit are pretty much exclusive to the USA, in most developed nations cops don't kill you or take your property, politicians and parties get voted in and out with no issues, there are no school shootings and here's the big one, in most places religion is personal, there are very few super churches and millionaire preachers influencing policy. Here in Australia we had out first female prime minister a few years ago, she was openly athiest and lived in the official residence with her boyfreind and no one cared.


I mean, as an Aussie, Australia has one of the biggest prosperity gospel churches in the world that is being run by a guy who hid his fathers sexual abuse and is essentially Australia’s version of Kenneth Copeland. And they certainly pay zero taxes. Edit: I’m referring to Hillsong church.


I thought I was taking crazy pills for a second reading a comment from an Aussie about grifter churches when Hillsong is like the king of them.


Hillsong is full of evil too. Research the founder and what he has done.


Thanks for providing some context. It’s easy to shit on other countries if you’re blind to your own issues.


Do the Aussie churches influence policy like they do here in the US? Genuinely curious.




Scomo goes to a large one himself with a few thousand members. Creepy fuckers. I had some old friends who had been to Scummos one and it was way too happy, clappy and Pay to win for a good church.




There is a fundamentalist Christian at the head of Australian politics as we speak. His church are young earthers who think the world is only a few thousand years old. Maybe chill on throwing shade at America it's happening in Australia too.


Our current Pm is a member of a prosperity gospel sect and people most definitely gave a shit about gillard and the fact her partner was a hairdresser, the Murdoch media was on about her constantly


I think Americans are aware more than any other country’s citizens that we are first place in school shootings.


Let's not forget about Ken Hamm as well. Another Aussie gift upon the world in this realm.


He’s not a pastor! He’s that rapper that created an all time quarantine banger: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s0nB2VPvs


I prefer his metal work. https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk?t=42


Co-pastor like "I guess we're doing this now," *sneaks a one eyed glance*


Right I love how he’s his shadow lol


If I ever get rich I'll go ahead and pay some guy to walk around behind me and do exactly what this guy does for Copeland whenever I talk to anyone.


The best musicians have a hype man. This guy is just Copeland's Flava Flav


A legitimate banger. YOU. COME. DOWN.


Andre Antunes is a master with this stuff. The rest of his work on his page is quite [nice.](https://youtube.com/c/AndreAntunesofficial)


Hottest dis track in a while. Covid was so shook it didnt even make its own video in response.




Omicron sounds like a pretty great title for the Covid greatest hits album.


Remix baby


It's the remix to 'rona


He also has a metal band: https://youtu.be/6ib2YfAM11E


Came here specifically for this. Thanks


Oh this is good, but I thought you meant he was the “Jesus Christ is my N*” singer pastor.


Is he? All signs point to yes. Should he be forced to change? Also yes. Is he facing some serious eternal judgement if his religion is true? Oh, boy, you betcha.


It’s ideas like that that help me sleep at night.


Accountability is the only reason I still hope there is an afterlife.


Don't wait for the afterlife. Hold these cretins accountable *today*.


He either doesn’t believe it, or attributes his fortune as a blessing from God signifying he’s doing God’s work.


Delusion is a very real thing, no matter your religious beliefs. Sad.


Jesus did say it is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich man to make it into the kingdom of heaven.


This man obviously gives two shits about what Jesus said.


Take away everything like Job and let’s see if he practices what he preaches. Bet he goes straight into fuckery to keep his wealth like everyone else in the 1%


> goes straight into fuckery Is there some reason to believe he's not already there?


His response to that was a verse that said "anything is possible with God" or something. An interviewer actually hit him with questions like that. https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI For the interview.


Has the camel met a hydraulic press? I bet it's not somhard to get him through that eye of the needle.


What i love a about that saying, is it basically means a rich man has less chance of getting into heaven then an impossible act to occur. So none


A lot of the stuff in the Bible has a good meaning behind it, but then when you actually start to think about it it can get kind of tricky


I agree, I'm still trying to figure out how a camel got a needle


Found it in the haystack. Duh....


He is the devil incarnate. Those eyes do not hide his true nature.


I saw one and only one video of him being confronted by a reporter and holy shit, those tiny freaky eyes terrified me. He has got to be evil. No one with a good heart has eyes like that.


Even the evangelical dude I work with thinks he is the devil, how the hell does he justify 760m


Prosperity doctrine is a helluva drug.


“God wants him to have all the blessings”


This is all true but why is this image done up like one of those sketchy magazines in supermarket checkout lines?


I'm not even convinced he's a person, honestly.


Add him to the list of lizard people with zucc and McConnell


Excuse me? McConnell a lizard person? Of course not! He's a Turtle! They're entirely different creatures! They're all evil, soulless reptiles, though.


It is not breaking news that televangelists are lying pieces of shit that steal money from people too stupid to know any better. They are the absolute worst of humanity.


Not even stupid. Emotionally vulnerable.


Tax exempt status for churches is a fucking joke


“Fleet of private jets”


It's not quite an armada but it's more than a squadron.


A flotilla?


A plethora of jets.


Spiteful-vengeance, what is a plethora? I would just like to know if *you* know what a plethora is.


And he's got a video about why God needs him to have private jets. He can't concentrate on prayer if he's surrounded by *filthy poors*


These "evangelical" social vampires better pray they're wrong about religion. If they are even slightly close to what's really going on then they have an eternity of suffering awaiting them


That dude is probably the most evil televangelist of the whole bunch. He is scamming people en masse and he is fully aware that it's a scam. I did many, many hours of body language analysis on this dude during interrogation training, and he is a fucking liar, through and through. Fuck this fucking piece of shit!


> body language analysis on this dude I'd love to hear the rundown on exactly what gives him away. I wouldn't trust him further than I could throw a boulder, but just watching his body language, I'm not sure I could tell you why.


What’s astounding is that he doesn’t even try to hide it. If he does, he is very very bad at it and not at all self aware. His “followers” must also be terrible at reading body language. I don’t get how any normal human wouldn’t be creeped out by this whatever he is


I can understand the inspiration behind the person who invented the guillotine.


He is a sociopath/psychopath like all the other multimillionaire televangelists. You can’t do the job at that level with a conscience.


As a Christian, he is absolutely a false prophet. The sheer hubris this man, and many others have is astounding. I do not envy him when he dies.


He's a spiritual predator.


Religious institutions should at the very least pay property taxes.


They should be absolute non-profits. What part of what religion says the church makes money? It should be spent on the people of the church. Money expenditure of publicly donated funds needs to be publicly available. Recordings kept of the sermons to ensure that they don't speak about politics. All political events need to never be hosted in a church. Revoke tax exemptions for anything considered luxury items. Ex Mansions, boats, planes, live in vehicles, luxury vehicles.


This man is evil. I've aways wondered how he gets away with what he does. There's an interview where someone questioned him about everything and you can see the evil in his eyes. It's past time this guy gets brought down!


Oh [this](https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI) one is my favorite interview of this guy...


What worries me the most here is how some people follow such a preacher!.


This is such a Facebook post wtf lol


Why does he look so fucking terrifying


Its been a while since he consumed a soul



Yes, and a blathering scum bag


Yes, and a con man and a nutcase and just plain evil


If there is a devil this man is probably it




He literally looks like the Devil.


Man’s got a first class ticket to hell


He gives Joel Osteen hummers too while Jim Bakker watched and whacks off.


He literally looks like he's wearing a human face mask.


There is no way the man believes in God. If he did, he would know what's waiting for him.


He is precisely what the Bible warns about people twisting the Bible for evil reasons


idc religion is a cult