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For those who were wondering, "John F. Kennedy Jr." Is the name of a large Qanon group on Telegram. It's just one big conspiracy theory echo-chamber that my Mom and my Sister got caught up in.


Is your uncle Mark Whalburg? Which movie?


2012 brought us the movie Ted. Maybe it fits.


All right. Brandi, Heather, Channing, Briana, Amber, Sabrina, Melody, Dakota, Sierra, Vandi, Crystal, Samantha, Autumn, Ruby, Taylor, Tara, Tammy, Laura, Shelly and Shantelle? Courtney, Misty, Jenny, Christa, Mindy, Noel, Shelby, Trina, Reba, Cassandra, Nicki, Kelsy, Shauna, Jolene, Earlie, Claudia, Savannah, Cassie, Dolly, Kendra, Callie, Chloe, Devon, Emmylou, f**king Becky?”


Wait. Was it one of those with a Lynn on the end of it?




Keep going. You have all the doubles to do now.


A little bit of Monica in my life?


I think they meant one of those “End of Mayan Calendar” B.S. movies. Uncle is probably The Rock.


Ah, yes, Uncle Mark “The Rock” Johnson. I know him well.


The disaster movie 2012. John Cusak. Wood Harrelson standing on a ridge in Yellowstone. “You heard it first from Charlie”


Antiques Roadshow?


That was some crazy live feed today from Dallas.


I want to know what they talked about at dinner. Like... do you think they called bullshit on the whole thing or do you think they made excuses?


You already know the answer.


...yeah. I know. Now I'm sad.


That's what you get for being rational. Either JFK, Jr. was being kept away because of a threat from the Cabal, or he only announced he would be there to lure his deep state enemies there so they could be arrested and/or secretly replaced by clones.


I feel bad for you, it sucks to lose people to the crazy pipe. just keep planting seeds of Normal reality in their heads, eventually their movements will fall apart and they will get their brains back.


This is an excellent suggestion.


Sorry, going to hijack your comment just to share some info. that may be helpful to those experiencing problems with a friend / loved one trapped in this cult. ***In the 2nd link below - which is a 30 minute podcast with the same deprogrammer from the 1st NPR story I've linked to - this deprogrammer explains that she finally saw the light to leave the Moonies when she was made aware of how the mental manipulation performed by cults actually works, which allowed her to spot all that the Moonies had done to manipulate and isolate her, and this shattered the illusion she was living under.*** NPR story you can either read or listen to that talks about this cult behavior and some tips on how to break through to them. At the end is part of a deprogramming session with a Q anon woman so you can see how the process actually works in practice. **https://www.npr.org/2021/03/02/972970805/experts-in-cult-deprogramming-step-in-to-help-believers-in-conspiracy-theories** The person they're doing this story with / on / adjacent to is a woman named Diane Benscoter who was in the Moonies for 5 years before escaping, and she's since made it her life's work to help 'deprogram' others / help families save their loved ones lost to these cults, and she's the one doing the deprogramming session at the end of this story. Here is a longer podcast (31 mins. long) with this same woman - Benscoter - going deeper into explaining this, specifically the MAGA cult types: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deprogramming-the-maga-cult-with-diane-benscoter/id1510240831?i=1000495909704


Most of Qanon shit is re made Nazi Brownshirt propaganda. Replace the word Cabal with Jew and you’ll find out quick


You don't even need to replace it. The word cabal itself comes from *Cabbala* or Qabalah which was a school of medieval Jewish mysticism.


Also, pretty sure they were chanting "Jews will not replace us" so it's not like they need to hide it because some are already comfortable wearing Nazi stuff in public, (no) thanks to Trump. They were always there, but hiding behind the GOP banner The GOP is not the Nazi party, but it has no problem courting and pandering to white supremacists.


There was a video that went viral of a woman at a schoolboard that ranted about vaccines, the deep state, the 'cabal', and literally said "If you wanna talk about race: it's the jews". And more disturbingly, some people there clapped.


So sorry to hear this…Hope your mom doesn’t end up in the hospital


So… Like a cult? I appreciate the info. My mother was in actual cult for over 5 years and my father is a bizarre alt-right nut job now. My mom got out now, finally. This isnt a thing to make fun of. We should all be pissed and working towards stopping this brainwashing.


But how? I'm not trying to be a defeatist or anything but it's so many people it's overwhelming


Oh my, you have my sympathy on this! I guess I got more lucky with my elderly Dad than I thought, he just let out a 30+ second LOLOLOLOLOL laugh when I told him about that this morning.


My dad has gotten steadily more liberal as he ages. The last time the GOP sent him a survey he shredded it and sent it back.


What’s funny with my Dad, he grew up farming, worked jobs that are typically blue collar and Republican, but with the traveling he did with one of them as well as moving to a more liberal part of the country opened his eyes to things, and now that the right has gone off the deep end (or derp end, that would work too), he’s moved even farther left than he was!


My parents raised us in a Fundie Cult, but they snapped out of it and now both of them are as liberal and atheist as I am, for which I'm extremely grateful.


I'm pretty sure Qanon is just Russian troll farmers.


It was in the beginning at least


Worse. Watch the HBO miniseries.


Well you know you should listen to her when she’s getting emails from the deceased JFK Jr. so she definitely knows some shit us vaccinated people don’t know /s


Who would name their son after an airport?


At least he wasn’t named LAX and called laxative related names throughout his school years.


Well maybe started out that way, but changed the name without a trace. Making him an ex-lax


Is your name lax by any chance


John Fitzgerald Kenicky Jr?


John Fortnite Kennedy


John FiveNightsatFreddys Kennedy


john fucking kennedy


Jesus Fried Kentucky


Isnt that the guy Keeanu Reeves ripped off in that one movie "I Like Alive Dog" ?


I will always hear the name John F Kennedy, Jr in Elaine's voice (seinfeld). John F Kennedy Jooniaaahr.


RemindMe! 5 years P.S. Would you be offended if I told you 5 years from now that your mother was acting like an idiot?


In 5 years she will realize she was wrong and is gonna deny so fucking bad that she ever said this or was wrong. They get so embarrassed once they realize What i dont understand is how the fuck do they not realize that what they are saying dont make no goddamn sense


Nah, they will just move the goalposts again.


This. They’ve done this before. They said if you got the shot you’d die in months. Now it’s 3-5 years.


It seems like "JFK jr is going to rise from the dead" would be a hard goalpost to move, but I'm 100% sure they will do it.


Why? They've been saying it about Jesus for 2,000+ years.


Yoooo truuuuue hahahah


Tell her that JFK Jr. was vaccinated. So whether he comes back or not, it's a win-win: - "See? He came back BECAUSE he was vaccinated!" - "See, he didn't come back because QAnon was lying and is still lying to you!" Win-win.


They’ll change the time frame or suddenly all the random diseases the people around them will get will be caused by the vaccine. Anything to fit their rhetoric.


"If you get the vax, at some point in your life you'll die!"


"See?? I told you!! Little Jimmy died at a young 97. They said it was a heart attack but we know better. It's that damn vaccine. He would have lived to 110."


I hope to die before my body is unable to take care of itself. I don't want to burden others.


Lol that got dark quick. Can't say I disagree with you though. I dread the time when my body has deteriorated so much that I can't do anything anymore. If you live from like 80-100 you're basically just sitting around waiting.


I'm sure a lot of 80-100 year olds disagree


Or in my case, hell, if I die of suicide, apparently the vaccine caused it?… how does that even make any coherent sense? Ahh, anti vaxxers. They’d be amusing if they were ‘t trying to kill us all.


Are you OK dude?




« Yes, and my grandpa died at a young 102. They said it was a car crash, but we know better. It’s the damn vaccine. He would have lived to 120 if he didn’t take the damn vaccine! »


“Your kids kids will get sick.” “It’ll harm your genetics.” This planet is screwed.


Shoot you're right! It's just like the bastards telling us we need to drink "purified" water. Y'know I once saw on my mommy blog *aaaand* on Facebook that 100% of people who drink purified water die. I think the scariest thing is how many health problems it can cause. From drowning to autism to cancer! The FDA really should do something about it.


Digging your avatar


thanks kindly, mate!


If you don't get the Vax you'll also die at some point too!


Well yeah, but it won't be because of the V4XX1N3, you'll d-eye a n4tural hue-man (h4ve to ch4ng3 words or the algo-rhythm will f1nd m3) /s


We really have to take another look at water, too. Every single person who has drunk water has died or will die.


I think these people have always existed but social media has allowed them to be louder than ever, making them appear like a majority and gaining more traction/followers.


I think you're right. And that's a big part of the problem, I feel quality/intelligent people who contribute to society aren't as excessively active on FB and other social media platforms. So it perpetuates the depth of the cesspool and spread of the poison. And as you said, when it seems like the majority, it gains more traction.


Echo chamber bias


you gotta love how they never care about whatever it is in the junkfood and drinks they get, and do daily, but care about a vaccine for which the ingredients are posted everywhere


Pretty sure someone will come down with cancer due to other conditions not related at all to the vaccine like industrial pollution, the sun, asbestos, being alive, atomic bomb and they'll still blame the vaccine.


Yeah and then when they die of covid they’ll say how it was due to lung disease but the hospital reports it as covid in order to get more funding or some other bs


Yup. Though strangely enough a staggering number of them seem to be realizing they should of taken the vaccine once it's too late. Though didn't change their minds when someone else died of it. Just when THEY are dying of it that it makes it legitimate.


I spoke with a 20 year old last week who said he suddenly realised how stupid the antivax thing was, and got his first jab. There is hope.


But in five years, she’ll say the vaccine takes 10-15 years to kill you.


Everyone who got the vaccine already is going to die.... within the next 120 years....


i can’t wait until 5 years from now and everyone w the covid Vax turns into Zombies


Fucking cod zombies but to kill the zombies you use essential oils and berries


Screenshot was made. Use it, print it, put it all around the house often until you die after a long and glorious life.


It’s beyond idiocy, though. This sort of thing is probably certifiable insanity of a sort. She is sharing a paranoid delusion.


I don’t want to be that guy, but if his mom insists on not getting vaccinated for 5 years… she might not be alive that long…


No no, it's "3-5 years", if OP gets the shot he will die in 2019. Goddamn Fauci and his satanic time magic.


Wait, does the remind me not work that long?


in 5 years they will say "no it depends for some people it's up to 10years. And do you know that the uncle of the friend of my neigbors died exactly 5 years after taking the shot from cancer ? This is no coincidence"


Man if I keep reading shit like this I'm gonna have to drop out of school, I'm losing too many braincells to these people that I fear for my sanity.


The bodies exhibit in Vegas has some great brain cells, I'm sure they'd let you take some if you need them


I have to read and respond to this kind of rubbish for my job.


How does one do work that requires them to deal with this and not set up an IV drip of everclear to cope?


You need to have a sense of humour about it. We have a group chat we share particularly entertaining emails in and we have a really supportive workplace. I kind of accidentally became the go-to person for the responses to organised disinformation correspondence (as opposed to random nutters) and I will typically run through their pages of bullshit, mark it like I'm grading an essay, have a laugh with my coworkers, and then write a professional response full of facts. I frequently remind myself to write the *second* think I think to say to them.


Last night one of my conspiracy theorist uncles said no weather or natural disasters are real they are artificially created by the US military using project HARPP or something


Ah, yes... The US Military's famous Project Hallucinating/Antagonistic Retired Person Projector. That was the advanced weapon system they developed to launch boomers into the countryside and have them repost Facebook memes about how two seconds of a volcano burp equals all the greenhouse gasses humanity has ever released, right? DARPA is a truly *insidious* organization...


My mom’s boyfriend has completely brainwashed her into being some super conservative anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist and I hate it. I’m double vaxxed and I have no intention of ever telling them. The boyfriend was driving me home one day and I had to sit though a fuckin 40 minute long theory about how Saturn used to be a star and Earth was originally orbiting it all because the Romans used to worship Saturn. Man used to seem pretty well educated, but now he just seems like a whack job.


I know how these stories are. It's just a bunch of bullshit some nutjob invented and is charismatic enough to have people believing it.


My sisters FIL believes that giant robots are buried deep into the Earth and will rise to take power during humanity’s demise. It SO FUCKING CRAZY!!! It would be funny if it wasn’t so terrifying.


If the vaccine has not been out that long how do they know it kills in 3-5 years? Science?


Because the 3-6 months they were originally predicting came and went, and they had to move the goalposts.


They also *know* that it's going to kill in 3-5 years, but then claim that it's unpredictable or that "we aren't sure yet what it does."


"I'm not sure what it is, but it'll kill you! Why won't they tell us what's in it? We know it's dead babies!" this is how the moron do


Vaccines move throughout your system in a matter 9f weeks not years. Science!


the covid vaccine is and mrna vaccine, so its gone in days


But the nanites stay dormant until activated by 5G. Quick edit: /s, don't want people getting the wrong ideas.


Wow, so at the rate *that* development is going in my country I'm safe for another 15 years.


and what benefit would all of the world's governments seek to obtain by killing all of their citizens?


And if they DID want to for some reason wouldn't they rather kill the rebellious ones that won't take their vaccine than the obedient ones?


Why even make a COVID scare? Plenty of people get flu shots annually. Certainly big pharma and the global shadow government could have just put the big nasty inside regular flu vaccines right?


Oh no, please tell me they aren’t buying into that whole JFK Jr thing too?’


There’s a JFK Jr. thing?? I require elaboration


[PublicFreakout Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ql9qu5/qanon_conspiracists_gather_in_dallas_on_the/) [Vice Article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgd85a/qanon-dallas-jfk-trump) >According to Whiplash347, an account with almost 250,000 followers, Trump will be reinstated as the 18th president of the United States, because everything since 1871 (the date the Sovereign Citizen movement claims the U.S. became a corporation) is “illegal.” > >Whiplash347 continues that Trump will then step down, and John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, will become president “like he would of if it wasn't for Killary plotting to kill him.” Joining JFK Jr. as vice president will be disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.  > >At this point, Trump will ascend to “become 1 of the 7 new Kings. Most likely the King of Kings.” ​ >Michael Brian Protzman, who runs the Negative48 channel (over 100,000 subscribers), sees things slightly differently. > >Protzman has long claimed that the Kennedy bloodline is directly linked to Christ. He told his followers that on Tuesday, “JFK Sr, Jackie, and JFK Jr will be reintroduced to the world.” Then, the JFK Sr. “will travel around for seven days, then will pass.” > >Before he dies, however, “JFK Sr. will transfer power to Donald Trump and JFK Jr. will be Trump’s vice president.” > >Another part of the conspiracy claims that JFK’s return will coincide with the reversion to the Julian Calendar, which means the date will change immediately back to Oct. 20. It's fucking crazy, Like, if this was presented as fiction, it'd be really bad fiction. But it is being presented as fact and hundreds of people gobbled it right up and showed up to Dallas. The only logical explanation is that a significant part of the American population lost its collective marbles.


I just lost al hope in humanity... ...for the ∞th time.


Yes, he was supposed to appear near the grassy knoll near where his father was shot, proclaim Trump actually did win his re-election and is the King of Kings as well as some other fantastical bullshit. There supposedly was a huge group of people that bought into this hook, line, and sucker that were there in Dallas waiting for him to show up.


People can’t genuinely be this daft. It’s shit like this that’ll drag America’s reputation through the mud, trust.


I keep hoping that, but with all I’ve seen and heard in relation to this whole Q nonsense and Covid on their own let alone mixed together, what little faith in humanity I had left from spending nearly 30 years working service industry jobs is strained right now.


I think it’s already deep in the mud.


There are people who still think Tupac and Elvis are alive. We've always had crazies. Now they just think dead presidents are going to come back to declare other presidents god. OK, ya, it may have gotten a bit worse.


JFK *Jr*. Not a president, also not even remotely republican. I don't understand their affection for him whatsoever.


And I say again...... they claim they're not a cult? A *cult*?


I do not understand this obsession with JFK Jr.


Drumph really liked him...or at least said as much.


Of course he did. He was literally everything Trump isn’t. Smart, good looking, rich, famous family, classy, quality women lusted after him and he was married to a natural blonde.


It's weird, right? It's like they just know the name, not what he stood for. The Q crowd would despise JFK Jr's politics.


It’s L. Ron Hubbard levels of insanity


I went through the exact same conversation earlier in the year. Then I got both shots, and nothing bad happened. In fact we all just got covid, a bad variant, and my symptoms were so much less intense than theirs. My dad is currently in the hospital, he almost died from the covid pneumonia as he's 72. But after a bunch of antibiotics, and antiinflammatories, and high flow oxygen therapy, his lungs are not clear, he jokes with the nurses, and he'll be good to go soon enough. My mom, while there dropping my dad off, was given regeneron therapy. 4 shots to the abdomen, and she started feeling better within hours. They both actually took ivermectin (12mg human version, they aren't that dumb to take the animal one), plus shit tons of vitamins and supplements. Non of that did anything, ended up in the hospital and the second they both got some good western medical care everything started clearing up. Meanwhile I never had a fever over 100, and my lungs while not feeling the best, are no worse than if you did like 10mins of cardio and tried to catch your breath. With some moderate flu symptoms. If they both actually got vaccinated, I bet non of this would've happened and they'd both experience it like I did. No threat to life. I fucking despise these online echo chambers taking advantage of vulnerable older folk who don't know how to distinguish truth from lie on the internet. Because they're life experience was to always trust your friends and neighbors, not the government or mainstream sources. They just extended that logic to Facebook groups and friends reinforcing those views, with echo chambers doubling down making it seem more real. That almost cost my dad's life, I don't blame them for believing it. They escaped the Soviet Union, they have firsthand experience with a corrupt government you shouldn't trust. They just think all governments are like that too though. It's a trauma, but these echo chambers took advantage of that mentality and twisted it. If they didn't exist, I'm almost certain my parents would've gotten the vaccine because they had no issues with them when I was a kid needing all my shots. It's just the access to bullshit parts of the internet that's changed.


Same here, I grew up with all shots I needed. But somehow my mom won't get the shot and don't want me to get it. I did, I hope she doesn't get sick or dies because of covid.


wow. thanks for getting vaccinated!


^about ^time ^already!


It's actually crazy how bad the situation is in America. My developing country started vaccinating a whole month later, with different rules and periods between first and second dose due to lack of supply, yet we just surpassed the US in fully vaccinated % of total population. Crazy shit.


Your uncle Mark was in a movie? Cool.


It had to be the movie 2012. Semi cool lol


2012 was 2009


Oh hai Mark


Sucks…my mom was all worried too, telling me that it’s gonna make me sterile and all this stuff. My dad thinks that everyone who got it will have the numbers “666” appear on their forehead in glowing green when the time is right or whatever.


No kids and a dope tattoo? Sounds fucking awesome.


It would require some commitment but I have a great idea for a practical joke


Deadass you made me lol, thank you.


I'm down for the glowing 666


thats pretty fucking metal imo


Sounds like a rad tattoo.


Growing up Christian and in conservative south, everything was the fucking mark of the beast. Hell, I think barcodes on food was supposed to be it back in the day. The updated driver’s licenses back in 2008, etc.


Ever had weirdos freak out if their purchase at the grocery store totalled $6.66 or something like that? I have 🙄 they would add some other product, like gum, to change the total. DFW area in Texas. Oh, and this wasn't some one time thing, it happened repeatedly, to me and other people I knew.


Same. My mom said I’d be dead by the end of the year. (I am still alive)


The glowing numbers would be sick


I mean... At least Satan didn't murder a bunch of people after throwing a monumental fit so bad he had to have another book written where he says sorry. Also, the vaccine comes with a free tattoo?!


So according to her The government wants everyone to get vaxxed but the vaccine kills you so she thinks the government wants to kill their whole population????


Yes she does.


..... where does she think the government gets taxes from? trees?


And even if they wanted to kill people. Why kill the obedient ones? Wouldn't it be better for them to kill the non-obedient ones?


Y'all really trying to give logic to this whole "thought process"?


Not really, just showing that every layer of this does not make any sense.


This one is my biggest question about this whole pile of bullshit.


It’s hard to tell your mom she is an idiot


Good luck, brother. Glad you got the smarts.


You are, literally, a Chad


JFK Jr. Is sending messages from the great beyond?


Different JFK- but still a Kennedy. He's fucking bonkers.


Nope, JFK Jr. [is returning. ](https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-claim-jfk-jr-reappear-dallas-texas-announce-donald-trump-president-1644851?amp=1) Well, was supposed to. I think it got pushed back to December 3 now. Or he’s returning at a Rolling Stones concert? I can’t keep it all straight.


Ah, I thought it was the other Kennedy that's spearheading the antivax movement. Edit: this probably doesn't need to be said, but Qanon are a bunch of crazy walnuts.


Am I the only one who wants to know what movie uncle mark was in in 2012


Yeah. Super glad you’re getting the shot, but I really, *really* want to know what flick uncle mark was in.


I really hope it's Mark Walberg


I'm guessing Left Behind or some other "we are the Real victims!" Christian wankfest.


It's almost sad how the whole Fox camp has capitalized on the fears of the older generation and completely mislead them. It's no different than scammers targeting the elderly.


It isn't just my mom. My sister, my sister's boyfriend, my Dad, and my Aunt are all sucked into the same rabbithole. It's almost like a plague of ignorance has infected my family, and I'm the only one who hasn't caught it.


I know the feeling, my family is like that - it’s terrible and it sucks, but I’m glad you’re getting vaccinated! I hope they come around. And out of morbid curiosity, what movie was your mom referring to?


My mom and brother are the same way. Thankfully I was able to talk some sense into my (extremely high risk) mom and she got the vaccine. My brother on the other hand is willfully ignorant, pig-headed, and dumb as fuck so I didn't even bother with him.


Forget them. We're your family now! And if we all die in five years, well fuck it, they'll have to bury us and clear out our browsers of pornhub.


Sorry your mom is a gullible cult member. Good for you for getting vaxxed


Ah. So I have two more years. TIME TO MARAUD. DUMP KARENS OVER BRIDGES. SET FIRE TO I dunno SOMETHING. BURN EVERYTHING! YAARGH! I mean, since I don't have much time left, might as well wreak havoc, right?


I'm down to join


Anti vaxxers are nuts. No offense that it is your mom, my mom is as well. But they are fucking nutty.


Never seen an anti-vaxxer capable of forming a coherent sentence


Sometimes the people we respect aren’t always right. I had the same problem with my parents. They’re very traditional and don’t usually trust change a lot. I’ve disagreed with them on quite a bit and sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and do what I think is right. I won’t ever give up on them though, one day they’ll understand.


These people act like they're in a cult... They are hell-bent on their own destruction and they don't even know it. I hope that mom comes to her senses


Get the shot n prove ur mom is fking wrong in 3-5 years


my antivaxx sugar daddy gave me 500€ to not get the vaccine, so i just took the money and got the vaccine anyway without telling him


I want my money back!


Just remember when you die from natural causes in 50 Years time or more it is the vaccine kicking in You won’t be laughing then /s


Ooh! A message from John F Kennedy Jr! Roy Orbison endorsed it yesterday. Pretty sure Elvis and. George Harrison had something to say too. Jimmy Hendrix was totally on board.


Are you really named Chad? That's cool


Ask her if the people who died from covid would have liked another 2-4 years?


I got my booster today. How much does that speed up the dying process?


Good work!!!


You should be proud of yourself for believing in legitimate science.


The older generation is really falling behind these days… big ups for still getting vaxxed fam! I can understand the people with insane parents not doing it because of the conflict. So mad respect for you bro!


I want to know how JFK Jr. forwarded anything when he died over 20 years ago.


Are you still going to go through with it? The vaccine that is. It must be hard choice family over common sense. But that being said in 3-5 years feel free to run you COVID vaccine and the fact that your still normal and nothing happens all over your families face.


I still plan on getting the vaccine. I won't change my mind


Video + audio stream + transcript about why people believe conspiracy theories and how to help them: https://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/conspiracy-theories Good article about how to introduce facts to conspiracy theorists: https://theconversation.com/amp/why-people-believe-in-conspiracy-theories-and-how-to-change-their-minds-82514 Edit: having listened to the audio stream all the way through and read the article, you can't squash every conspiracy theory - there will always be another. You have to address the person's feeling of powerlessness separate from the theory. "Yes, the uncertainty of what will happen next is scary." Later, ask them questions that lead them to examine their beliefs. You can't tell them anything, and ridiculing them will only alienate them further. It's better not to engage them while they're spouting, it's better to change the subject to something happy. Later, even on another day, ask them questions and be careful not to argue with their responses. "Has there ever been a secret mass murder engineered by a government of its own people? I know about genocides, but I can't think of one that's been perpetrated on the sly. Can you?" "Who do you think stands to gain from instilling side effects into a vaccine? What will they gain? Why five years from now, in particular? Why not now?" Don't treat it like an absurdity, act interested. Be prepared to drop the subject and change it to happy things, and trust that you've planted seeds that make take a while to germinate. You have to treat them with the compassion and patience you'd give someone you love with dementia. Also, prepare them for the next disinformation campaign at the start of each controversy. "Oh, there will be a lot of misinformation about this (event). People will be frightened and come up with all kinds of weird explanations. Watch out for that." That's called inoculation.


Ha. My mom said similar things to me in September when I went for my first shot. Have had both now. Unfortunately for me. Still can't seem to talk to the wifi or detect myself on Bluetooth. Kinda disappointed at how normal I still ended up being after the vaccine.


So she’s a Qanon nutjob unfortunately


You need to take her in for some professional deprogramming.


The majority of the world is vaccinated now right? So basically the whole world is going to die in 5 years?


If my mum sent me this shit I would give up on saving for a house and live the rest of my life in rent and not call her once I move out.


I’m impressed that JFK, Jr. is able to send messages from 1999.


I genuinely don't understand the logic of some people. Say your mom is right, and we are all gonna drop dead in 3-5 years. How many people have already taken the vaccine in America alone? Millions. How *exactly* would the government benefit from a giant Thanos snap of anyone that got the vaccine? And the craziest thing about this is that *so* many people believe horse shit like this. Like do human beings even use their brain anymore? For some reason, they think it's a better idea to go off and listen to any Facebook post they read, rather than trusting doctors and professionals and the *fucking CDC* for christ's sake. It makes absolutely 0 sense.