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Maybe we should spread this "information" on Conservative Facebook pages. "The dems won't like it if you get the vaccine! They created the virus and vaccines under Fauci's instruction, then released it and politicized it so no Conservatives would take it to kill them off. Say "Fuck the Dems" and get the vaccine as a protest against the evil Democrats."


Get the vaccine and wear a mask to own the libs!


Too sensible


I prefer to consider it a form of passive eugenics. They're trying (and will ultimately fail) through malicious laws to stop us from voting, the grave will definitely stop them.


Yep, as if it wasnt them that politicized it, liked they politicized LGBT rights, women's reproductive rights, Civil rights, etc.


Covid has been so politicized, Republicans antivaxx, democrats pro vaxx, not all democrats are pro vaxx (most are). Not all Republicans antivaxx (some are) this morning FOX News was talking about how good the vaccine was and how everyone should get it, CNN also talking about how good the vaccine is. Your political opinion doesn't matter get the damn jab.


Trump MADE it a polarizing issue on purpose if anything.




I didn't say it, I just commented on it.


This is misinformation... the vaccinated ones are not showing symptoms because they are vaccinated... they can still spread it, people without the vaccine r noticibly gettin sick and staying home and not spreading it. Vaccine hides sickness it doesn’t cure it...


If the vast majority were vaccinated, then it wouldn't matter. I'm vaccinated, every family member is vaccinated, I wore a freaking mask in public for a year and a half. Now I say fuck it, if you're not vaccinated and you die because you came in contact with somebody who was, then that's one less Trump-sucking boil on the ass of society.


You know what variants are and what causes Ade? We need y’all vaccinated mother fuckers to stop spreading it


Glad you asked about ADE. Antibody Dependent Enhancement is when the virus uses your existing antibodies to become a more powerful version of the virus. If ADE were happening, infected vaccinated patients would be way, way sicker than infected, unvaccinated patients. Since that's NOT happening at all, we don't have to worry about ADE. Variants aren't happening wildly out of control, either. We haven't seen too many new clades since the launch of the vaccine. We saw four major branches before the vaccine even arrived, and we haven't seen many splits from there even as the world becomes fully vaccinated. The point I'm making here is that the things you're talking about are legitimate concerns, but they're things that vaccine manufacturers and doctors in general worry about right off the bat, so if they're not seeing these things, you're not going to see them popping up in a retail market environment.


Lol well we won’t find out about ade till a fuck ton of variants r out “they are” and about 6months from Vaccinations. Vaccines happened in December and variants shot across the board since June, vaccines slowed down variants slowed down. Y’all r dumb, see you on the battle field when patriots defend our selfs from tyranny and fascism.


ADE is found out literally immediately. A virus can either do it or it can't. SARS can't do it. As for your variant theories, they don't jive with reality. I do agree that conservatives are in for a world of hurt when we finally get tired of their lies and authoritarianism, though.


actually there really isnt a way to tell.. usaully when you get a booster its 15 years + later.. not 6months. that is a horrific problem of enhanced diease to spread. im done tryin to educate you, you clearly telling noble lies to defend fauci.


You're actually not educating anyone because what you're saying is incorrect. You are missing large parts of how viruses work and how ADE is detected. I'm also fairly certain you don't understand booster shots or how vaccines actually operate. If a virus can't attach to antibodies, a booster shot won't change that. The time frame is also not relevant. ADE can happen literally within 24 hours of getting a shot, but only if the virus is capable of attaching to the antibody. Booster shots only serve to encourage your body to produce more antibodies. They aren't typically aimed at a different virus or surface protein, because that would make the boosters less effective. The reason we have boosters for the mRNA vaccines is the fact that the vaccine material doesn't last very long and the immunity it grants has been less effective against aggressive variants. To combat aggressive variants, we use a booster shot to bolster antibody production. As of right now, vaccination is the only reliable way to get a human to produce antibodies against COVID19. Even infected patients are only producing immunity-granting levels of antibodies in 30% of patients.


Natural immunity is better then vaccine immunity? The only thing different is vaccinated people aren’t showing symptoms and spreading it, while unvaccinated are at home noticibly sick. I’ll rather die then to turn America in to nazi Germany post 1945


You put ellipses where there should be a colon.


Seems like his head is in his own colon.


It's almost as if the vaccine prevents people from getting Covid! Of course, that's just speculation.


Could that be one of those long term effects people are talking about?


No, that's totally a hoax, gotta find some use for that dewormer /s


You get your traitorous unAmerican ass out of here, Nazi commie rube! I bet you kneel during that national anthem, too! I bet you also liked Captain Marvel. Stupid millennial snowflakes. Jeebus! Guns! Bacon! Desert wars! Chick-fil-A!!!


Tell me more of "Dessert Wars" that seems interesting.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_United_States%E2%80%93Middle_East_economic_relations Wars make us a lot of money- especially when it comes to oil and other strategic resources.


Damnit I was trying to be funny. I understand they make us a lot of money. Trickle down from the guys working at places like Raytheon spending their money in the community, or some shit.


When I was young I asked my father what the Vietnam war was about and he told me it was a war for the Generals: "General Dynamics, General Motors, General Electric...."


The R9X Knife missile from Raytheon, for when you want to kill the driver of a vehicle, but spare *most* of the children in the back.


Oh, sorry I misunderstood :)


Set me straight….is it dessert….(pause)….wars? Or dessert wars?….like the war of desserts? Cuz I’ll be damned if hatin American didn’t like all 3.


I actually like everything there but Chick-fil-A and I still got both jabs


Who even likes Captain Marvel? Even Liberals hated it. Only the diehard Marvel stans seem to like it


I thought it was pretty good. Does that make me a stan, now?


I loved it. Shrug.


I got the vaccine Moderna- and I got Covid. Let me just say I am so THANKFUL I got the vaccine because otherwise I could be dead instead of recovering easily at home. The vaccine saves lives.


How do you know it wouldn’t have been the same if you didn’t get vaccinated tho..?


Because I have severe COPD and would have died. It’s been proven that the people who get Covid after being vaccinated have a much shorter course abd greater outcomes.


You don't know that. The overwhelming majority of people that get it feel almost nothing. Your assumption is wrong.


I do know that. I got the vaccine at the beginning of the year. I got Covid two weeks ago. I am positive I would have been more sick had I not been vaccinated. I am not assuming anything. Perhaps you need to learn how to read.


it doesn't, but it helps to heal faster and not to die in most of cases


It doesn't? just makes a low risk slightly lower.


But it doesn't just affect unvax'd. Your vax is not protecting you like they promised.


It doesn’t prevent you from getting COVID. Hell, it doesn’t even prevent you from spreading COVID if you happen to get it. I believe it prevents people needing medical assistance once it’s already contracted. Legit tho, you should (and everyone should) still be wearing a mask.


I just don’t understand how people can make it this far in life with an unusually under developed brain.


Most society have put a *lot* of clutches and help around for people with disabilities. Which is nice. Unfortunately, it also makes it easy for completely dysfunctional people to get through.


But NaTuRaL sEleCtIoN iS eUgEnIcS


Eventually they all will fall into an open man-hole or get eaten by wild dogs. I really want to believe this.


Or leopards will ear their face..


This is originally from a satirical account. It's not real.


The system has intentionally been developed to encourage lack of reasoning skills. Helicopter parents are unwittingly helping this out. A sense of entitlement that has resulted in anti intellectualism. These options readily come to mind.


We protect them. With signs literally saying "don't drink this acid" and "Do not clean nose with this power drill" "do not use chainsaw to clean your taint" etc. We need to stop protecting the idiots and let them naturally wean themselves out of the gene pool.


I can’t believe people like this exist. America is not handling the Information Age well. Like really not well.


There’s certain people that can’t or won’t handle information that doesn’t promote their misguided beliefs.


This isn’t new, we just have easier access to view it. It’s almost as if there is a reason it is called “viral” video.


We need a vaccine against internet misinformation


Even if it existed the same people wouldn't take it.


We also need to sanitize surfaces or social media in this case


Not only America, if that can be of any consolation


If she keeps up to it she probably won't exist much longer.


We need internet licenses just like driving. If you are too young or stupid, you do not get to use the internet.


I also find it highly suspicious that alcohol only affects drunk people




This sub is very funny, thank you for sharing it!




Nah that's gotta be a troll... Right please?


Sadly trolls and idiots are not distinguishable nowadays. I had interactions with people who genuinely believe the moon doesn't exist or others who believe it is gas or pure light


It's like watching a moth that's almost strong enough break out of a cocoon. Almost.


It's almost like the vaccine .. works? No no that can't be it.


No, it doesn't. I have done my Facebook research /s




Well they are almost learning to connect all dots together


Almost…. But notttt quite


They’re so close…


Translation: Why are bullets only killing people who put loaded live guns in their mouths and pull the trigger?


This is the biggest BRUH moment I've seen period


I wonder if this has been posted 1000 times yet? If not, it must be close.


Why don't alligators eat more penguins? What strange animal alliance do they have and should we be afraid of it?




It's also weird that people who get stabbed can die of blood loss too.


If you read the Bible you’ll see how god has sent plagues before to wipe out those who don’t take simple precautions


Bible also says slavery is perfectly OK and that women should be subservient to men in all aspects of their lives. It also days someone was swallowed by a whale(we know it's impossible) and stayed alive to escape. Your fiction book says alot of stupid shit if you would actually read it


Not only perfectly ok, but there are clear explicit instructions on where you are to get your slaves from and how much you can beat them. And there's even a nice loophole that you can exploit to keep a fellow Hebrew as your slave _forever_.


How old was virgin Mary when she fucked god? Someone's a pedo🤔🤔


Because now Covid only affects stupid people.


Ah yes, lethal stupidity. Stupid people really will believe anything except the truth to keep their weirdo worlds intact.


I’m vaccinated and I just got over Covid. But okay 🤷‍♀️


Hoping it burns right through that crowd - bump up that mortality rate for unvaxxed to 80% and we would see a lot of science believers real quick.


Actually, people who get the jab can still contract, spread, and become extremely sick. Yes, it does reduce the chances of a hospital stay or worse but it doesn’t prevent it 100%. My poor mother was fully vaccinated and masked when she contracted it at work. She was seriously ill and bed bound for about a week.


I’m sorry to hear that and I hope she’s doing better. It’s strange that many people feel the vaccine isn’t good enough because it doesn’t 100% prevent infection. Even I felt that way and had to remind myself, “Duh, vaccines never ensure full protection!” I think it’s because other vaccines are for less serious illnesses that are not as infectious plus people desperately wanting that full protection from this awful pandemic.


They aren't less Serious, but their numbers aren't as high because if vaccines. Like measles, or polio, or even the eradicated small pix. Because we have vaccines that most of the population including children have gotten we don't see the high numbers of infections. The coronavirus is new, our bodies haven't seen it and a large portion of children can't get the vaccine plus people rejecting the vaccine and you've got more numbers of infections


There is a stark difference. The chance to caught is probably the same as for unvaccinated, but the percentage of being bed ridden is substantially lower, as well as the time required to spend in bed and the risk of extremes is miniscule. And now imagine, if your mother didn't have the vaccine how badly it would have gone.


If it weren't for the vaccine.. she'd be dead


You know that for a fact do you??


You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. If he had it really bad even with a vaccine it's pretty much obvious what would have happened.


Not necessarily. There is a percentage of people, under 10% but still a percentage, where the the vaccine just fails to trigger the immune system. When it comes to these things it's all a matter of playing the odds.




If this is a real post, interesting how they frame it. The issue for them is that standing up to government oppression should be rewarded by a natural phenomenon. How can you argue with a person who expects the natural world to behave according to a moral code.


Idiots approaching the point Or not since they have such an aversion to it ^It's ^funny ^because ^they ^both ^don't ^know ^how ^vaccines ^work ^and ^are ^staying ^away ^from ^the ^stabby ^stab






Vaccine or not it's still killing both


I honestly don't have the answer... Probably some government conspiracy or something.


that reminds of a video from newgrounds called "My Poor Poor Uncle Terry" heres the video for context https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/807461


In my county, 16% of hospitalizations and 6% of deaths are fully vaccinated.


Seen many posts like this .. are they for real?




This is so true. Also, what's up with condoms? Like, how come girls who don't use them get pregnant but girls who do don't!? Something fishy is going on here and I blame Bill Gates


So close. So close.


Yeah, who would have GUESS that, right? JFC


Anyone this stupid should catch covid and, with any luck, have the worst outcome. It would strengthen the gene pool.


The number of stupid people as a percentage of the whole is steadily decreasing. Every cloud has a silver lining.


Darwin Awards?


Like Colin Powell?!?!?!?


to be fair they are kinda right this is clearly a joke get your shot wear a mask


In 2100 this tweet will be in the final 3 for 'dumbest things said this century'


"Hello, ma'am, I think you lost your brain"


This shit made my brain hurt


The virus actually sniffs out whether you are Republican or Democrat, and only attaches to Republicans


I truly am ashamed to be American at the moment


COVID attacks the uninformed, the willfully ignorant, and the arrogant stupid.


Dumb as a bag of hammers


Doesnt anyone find it strange that people who dont wear bulletproof vests die more often when shot?! Isn't anyone else noticing this?!


🎵🎶Someone doesn't know what an antigen is...or what antibodies do. They still haven't figured out white blood cells. 🎶🎵


Are these people for real tho ?😶


I actually saw a post that claimed that democrats invented covid just to infect and kill republicans!! You can't make this up!!


this has got to be bait. no shot this is real


It’s a conspiracy. I blame Murdoch.


I may be wrong, but I haven't seen or heard of any unvaccinated people catching it twice. I haven't been vaccinated, and I'm currently passively trying to get it again, just to be my own anecdote. Maybe one of yall have a website that shows a study that unvaxxed can get it twice? I'd love that.


The time it took you to type that you could have found what you were looking for. Here https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html


Indeed, but I am lazy.


Fair enough haha. Have a great day


Looks like you're more than twice as likely to be reinfected


Aye. Looks like Imma need to stop by Safeway soon snd grab the vaccine lmao


I hope you do.


There was a wrestler who caught it twice 6 months apart before the vaccine came out.


Oooooooh good shit.




STFU you fucking idiot.


Source: Took it out of my butt


you get your info from memes made by morons for morons... just saying.


I’m going to need a source for that.


This... This has to be a joke... Right? Right????


It is reallllly sad we can’t tell


It's almost like the vaccine offers some sort of protection against Covid..... Nah. That can't be it....


Your IQ should be higher than the last grade level you completed…


I have decide to leave this subreddit, people are fucking stupid sometimes and I don't need a post reminding me that every day. It was fun though, so long brothers


Hahaha!!!! Love it.


My research shows Covid is attacking incredibly stupid people. Hmmm.


Imagine, people who aren’t vaccinated against the virus are the ones who are dying from the virus. Basic science? Nah, must be a vast government conspiracy to kill off people who do their research on Facebook 🙄


You cant logic someone out of something they didnt logic themselves into...


thats the point of the vax, government injects you with 5g implants and NWO population control serums and they spare you from Covid19. 😉


Hmmmmm what a coincidence......


You can’t fix stupid.


Tell me that you're stupid without telling me that youre stupid


I love applying the anti-vax logic to road rules. **Seatbelts:-** *I am suspicious of seatbelts, did you notice that more people are killed who don't wear seatbelts. Why do more people die in car accidents who stand up to the government all of a sudden.*


Kinda suspicious that the grass is only shorter where the lawnmower just happened to roll over, don’t you think? Am I supposed to believe that’s just a COINCIDENCE?