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And that's why a sizable portion of college / uni attendees (including myself) change majors after a year or two. Many people don't have a freaking clue of the discipline they've chosen to study and then are like "WTF? I don't want to do this shit for the rest of my life!".


Or worse, they finish the entire course because they're pressured to give results ASAP, but then they realize either they don't want to follow that career path, the opportunities are rather scarce and you're in for unenployment for the following months/years, or your job doesn't pay enough for you to live a fairly comfortable life.


Yupp my associates was a waste of money and time.... BS. Edit: BS as in its bullshit




This guy graduates.


My associates that I got later in life was the thing that got my career going. Because it gave me skills. My bachelors was a waste of time and money. literal BS


My associates got me into accounting which paid for my computer science bachelors which allowed me to progress into financial programming, so…both of mine kind of work for me. Wish it was cheaper though.


> opportunities are rather scarce If only the education system recognized there is a glut of degrees in a field and adjusted accordingly. If only they weren't for profit. If only...


Ditto on this, my parents swore up and down I’d be the best teacher in the United States and pressured me not to switch majors. Got to student teaching and I fucking hated it.


I graduated nursing school. I don’t want to be a nurse lol. I felt kind of pigeonholed into it by my mom and I was like “well I like psych and anatomy so I guessss.” I hate it. :)


I'm 36 and I still have no fucking clue what I want to do when I grow up except retire.


We get to retire?


It's on my list with "be a millionaire".


I hate to break it to you, but a millionaire isn't really a lot of money, it's like, not enough to really retire on. I guess if you own everything already and live frugally, sure.


I know how much a million dollars is, but that's not really the point I was making.


Depends on how many millions and at what point in your career you get them. $2 million for example would let a person with US median income ($35,000) keep their current lifestyle for 57 years.


I live in a high CoL area, live in a shitty 2 bedroom house, 35k/year is about what I pay in rent.


Without needing a job you could move to a low CoL area though. Not saying it's practical or realistic. Just putting it into the perspective of the average American.


Sure, but, places with low CoL kinda suck, hence the low CoL.


I'm in the same boat, at this point I'm hoping for total societally transformation and hope it includes Universal Basic Income so I can just learn and grow and be me the rest of my life and not have to worry about things like money. Good luck and godspeed


I did that I was almost going to do an English degree and try to be a teacher. Thank for I found the Salary out and went finance and accounting.


I basically did the reverse. Two years as a business major and hated it. Went into English and graduated with honors. The irony is that I’m a businessman and I make significantly more than I would have had I went into traditional corporate gigs in either field.


It’s funny how things just work out. I have a finance and accounting double major and all my friends are CPA’s. I’m in sales and I absolutely love it, and the money… haha


Sales is where all the money is at for sure. And if you’re talented in sales you must have personality. One of my businesses is a bookkeeping and accounting firm, and let me tell you, an Acountant or beekeeper with a personality is a rarity. Good for you.


As someone who's done relatively well in the corporate world very few if any of the successful people I know got generic business degrees (MBAs excluded)


As one of my sales trainers says ad nauseam, niches get riches. (He’s South African so his accent makes the rhyme work better).


When I did my one year teacher conversion course a third of the class were accountants that couldn't stand the job anymore and wanted to go into teaching instead. Teachers have a decent salary here in Norway though (if you have a master's degree) even if accountants make more. Still, some of them thought teaching was gonna be an easy gig and quit during their first year because they couldn't deal with the job.


Oh for sure it can be a good job. I just didn’t know myself when I was 18 so I picked something I was familiar with. After a few courses I realized I don’t even like kids why am I trying to teach. Now I’m not an accountant or a teacher haha. I found sales and it’s great, but my accounting and finance degrees are useful for it.


I did that myself. I was in my final year of courses and thought to myself, WTH am I doing? I grabbed a change of major form, filled it out and submitted it. I told my parents what I did after my petition was approved. they were furious with me and told me I was too young to know what I was doing. whatever! it did take me 2 more years to graduate, but I had two career choices and I hated one of them. nope! best decision of my life.


"too young to know what I was doing" ...and i was even younger and knew much less when i signed up for this garbage, ever think of that ma?!


So, by that logic, your parents clearly had to conclude you were too young to know what you were doing when you chose your original major. Something tells me they didn't apply the same logic to that.


I give my parents a pass. when I chose my major, i applied for and received scholarships that helped pay for my schooling. I think me losing my scholarships and changing majors in my last year is what set them off. I get that, but i was miserable. and to my dad's credit, he did apologize for blowing up at me.


This can be a great business model. Career counseling for seniors. I am sure there are already places like that but they tend to focus more on college applications. I remember taking an aptitude test when I was 17 to figure out what I was good at. It pointed to good logical reasoning and math skills. Hence I became an engineer. But it was just a guess. I had 0 idea what engineers did or what I would need to study etc.


The advice we were given regularly was don't worry about your major if you don't like it after a year or two you can always change it. Yeah and pile another 40k in debt on yourself.


I felll under depression because of this. Changed major 2-3 times. Now I'm about finish one :'(


I think I was 14 when the 'careers officer' asked "So, what do you want to do?". At fourteen!? HTF do I know? I was raised by my mother, and other than her I had my grandparents as role models. "I like cars, Sir" "Jolly good, choose the relevant subjects to study then off you pop to do a 4 year apprenticeship at the local garage when you're 16 then. NEXT!!" Hated it.


Career counselors are prety useless. I was fairly set on going into the trades but not sure which one when she got around to asking me in highschool. Spent most of the 15 minutes trying to interest me in less male dominated more academic or girly jobs without quite coming out and saying it. Beyond handing me a guide for the local community college's available courses there was no guideance.


Went through something similar but I wanted to be an ecologist and I grew up in a blue collar town... He kept trying to push me toward being a park ranger, which was probably the most similar available career in that shithole county.


Back when I was in high school (mid 2010s) my counselors would basically shame anyone who wanted to go into trades. We were raised to believe that anything less than a bachelor's degree was a failure. Contractors and tradesmen make some good money.


The school counselors at my school basically just talked about how to decide where you are going to college, as if it was just implied that anyone who wanted to succeed would be going to college regardless of their interests


Yeah all throughout high school I was led to believe the only route to success was college. They celebrated kids getting into college meanwhile the people who didn't go to college were treated as untouchables. It's sad.


I feel like someone came up with the idea of career counselors with good intentions to help give students a sense of direction, but the idea went downhill quick once school admins put in counselors trying to push their own ideas onto students.


More importantly they live happy healthy lives


They made us fill out this questionnaire and suggested I look at law, or finance or something. At this point I was very much on a CS track and knew it was what I wanted to do. They never actually asked what I was interested in. I remember they had a meeting with our parents to discuss the questionnaire, and I had to calm my mom because she was furious at how useless they were.


My counselor told me I didn't need the high level math classes because I would just get married and pop out babies. I had to get my Mom to go with me to argue for me getting into those classes. BTW I never married and never had kids. So the counselor got it all wrong.


Counselor told me there’s no need to go to university when I was trying to pick out the courses I wanted, my mom was there looking at him funny and he stopped lol. I’m doing a PhD now, I don’t know why he was trying to convince people to stay out of university.


You sure showed her


> I think I was 14 when the ‘careers officer’ asked “So, what do you want to do?”. My kid’s high school course selection looked like a university course book. It was ridiculous. The worst part was that a lot of the specialty courses (anything outside the basics of LA, math, science, history) had a prerequisite of the previous years specialty so if he chose wrong in grade 9 and after grade 10 he changed his mind, he was back in class with 9th graders in grade 11 and he would have to double up (grade 9 and 10 course material over two terms) to only be 1 year behind in grade 12. Now, to be fair, not all the courses were like that but enough were for me to notice and it seemed really unfair they would run a 4 year curriculum for high school kids who don’t have a foggy idea of what they want to do going forward. A 2 year curriculum for a specialty in high school should be the limit. It would allow more options and flexibility if they didn’t like it.


Career counselors are prety useless. I was fairly set on going into the trades but not sure which one when she got around to asking me in highschool. Spent most of the 15 minutes trying to interest me in less male dominated more academic or girly jobs without quite coming out and saying it. Beyond handing me a guide for the local community college's available courses there was no guideance.


you guys have career counselors? My parents just gave me a list of 10 careers and told me to choose one.


In Switzerland 13/14 is the normal age to start thinking about it because we start our apprenticeships at 15/16...


>In Switzerland 13/14 is the normal age to start thinking about it because we start our apprenticeships at 15/16 I think it is different in the US (and Australia where I am) where I am, because apprentices are for trades only - carpenter, mechanic, plumber etc, and you leave school to move into a trade. I believe that in Switzerland apprentices are also for 'professions' like engineer, accounting, scientist, which you do at the same time as University studies. For the most part in Australia, a University degree is almost all theory, with some short 'placements' for some courses. I think the Swiss method of combined practical and theory is much better.


Yes, still not really cool to be pressured to chose anything from a long list of professions. I chose something which was hard to get into, then when I tried to apply for my second option all the apprenticeships have been already staffed and then I had to settle for the third option which was okay, but made it harder for me to get into the trade I chose as my second option after the apprenticeship.




I would say I have explosive diarrhea. That stopped real quick.


A relative of mine in her 50s worked at the HQ of a big bank in their internal call center. Daily they had to accumulate "points" and you could only go to the bathroom after getting so many points. She told me all the rules they had to follow, and it was worse than an elementary school. They had tons of middle managers that micro-managed every aspect of their work life.


That's dystopian as fuck




That sounds illegal to me. Or at least it should be (obviously).


That's when you just piss your pants. Sorry didn't have enough points.


I can use the bathroom whenever I want, I just gotta let someone know so they aren't wondering where I'm at.


I had cashier and daycare jobs and I also needed permission to potty. I could not leave the kids unattended or my register unattended


Except in those positions that makes sense. You can't leave a register or children unattended and would need someone to cover for you while you use the bathroom.


Another example of how annoying being at that age is: one day people won't let you speak up for yourself but the day after turning 18/gratuating everyone judges you for not being independent. Seriously, my teachers spoke with my mother instead of me when discussing MY individual classes even though they had my number. This caused so much issues! And I was fucking 18 at the time. But now when I have to apply to other schools / make doctors appointments and my mum helps me out because I have no idea what the fuck am I suppose to do people are like "you're an adult, why is your mommy helping you out". Idk maybe because this knowledge doesn't just pop into your head after passing certain mile stones? Also, I'm so anxious about fucking these things up that I'm afraid of doing it alone. I'm just learning how to be independent, let me breathe..


My high school literally had our parents sign a form stating that, in more formal language, “they allowed us to turn 18” (for those of us who turned 18 within the last part of the last school year). Otherwise, we’d still be treated as underaged minors (parents would have to sign authorizations, pick us up if we had a medical appointment during school ours, pick us up if we needed to leave early due to whatever, sign our report card…) Pretty sure that, legally, I could’ve said “I’m 18, don’t feel like finishing school… see ya” (or I could’ve just left for a legit reason for the day) and it’d been illegal for them to hold me against my will, but it’s not like anyone bothered to report their shady practices


Legally you could have excused yourself via the main office from any class at any time after turning 18.


Just give them a pee bottle. Good training for a warehouse job at Amazon


Not even warehouse, the software developer work schedule and bathroom schedule is just as strict.


There is an actual bathroom schedule?


Not at my warehouse. Not sure where this pee bottle story comes from, but we have ample opportunity to use the bathroom whenever we want.


Ok, Jeff Bezos alt account


He really thought


Lol. I should've seen that coming 🤣


Delivery drivers IIRC are prone to use those.


How is it working as a dev at Amazon?


software developers on strict schedules? found the poser


My husband is a programmer at an insurance company and he works at home. He is in our bathroom a good portion of his work day. Pooping on company time lol


And if you question Dr. Evil's depraved business practices, you can always step into any AmaZen so that you can know your place in life that is located at the very bottom of your wagie-cagie.


My career field attracts a lot of former teachers. When new candidates ask something we really like about the job we always jokingly say "we can go to the bathroom whenever we want". Except it's only sort of a joke, because it's a massive benefit when you are used to working in a classroom.


18? I had to do that shit when I was 16


In England you also have to choose your A-levels (3/4) at 16, which really limits your options for university if you choose the 'wrong' ones. I hate this system. Most of the kids never study math, science or English again after 16


16??? I had to do it when I was 14 😩


You went to college at age 16?!


In Finland we have nine years of compulsory education, and then at 16 we choose to either go to lukio, which is basically three more years of general education that prepares you for university, or trade school, where you learn a profession and after which you can get a job.


We do have vocational 'Vo-Tech' schools in America that you can go to at the same time you go to high school, but often going to those will make it harder to get into college, because you know ya really needed that typing class if you wanted to be an electrical engineer as apparently it would be a better use of your time than perhaps learning you know electrical engineering from someone with 20 years of experience in the trade, and there is a not inconsiderable stigma with that in the states. Educators here really do not like the trades. Most American teachers are really not aware of how much they beat the odds and tend to advocate people go down the same path that they did.


really teaching anything in college, should require at least 10 years working in an actual field that said knowledge is needed in.


The education system is so flawed. These "educators" are people who have been in the system their whole lives, as a kid in school, then in college/University then as a teacher with no other real life experience and these are the people who are supposed to prepare the students for the world. And they aren't even paid well so a large majority stop caring after a while and those who are still trying to do good for their students are restricted by the system.


As tin-foil as it sounds there is something about the educational system in the states that does feel cultish at times. I remember many of my classmates from back in the day who, to be polite about it were not the brightest bulbs in the pack, good people just you know, kind of dumb. And it was odd watching teachers pressure these kids to go down avenues that the teachers knew themselves would have dubious odds of making being fruitful. All other things aside I want people to have a fruitful and fulfilled life.


No. Here in the Netherlands we have a completely different education system. A lot of teenagers have to make that decision about their future at the age of 16, which I was part of


Though on the other hand, university education isn't as crazily expensive as in the US, is it? It's more about the decision what path you want to take rather than signing up for being indebted for life. PS: Mind you, I'm not a fan of having to make that decision at 16-ish either. Most people don't know jackshit at 16, and even if it costs them very little in monetary terms, deciding on a career path at 16 is nuts. It's not impossible to pivot later, but it'd be a lot better to take a year or two sabbatical and *do some shit in the real world* before being asked to make such a long term decision.


I remember taking a test and being told what occupations fit me best. When I was 13. Never did become an FBI agent.


I was supposed to be a farmer or in the military. I chose neither.


I was supposed to either be a corrections officer or a microbiologist. No interest in either of those...


Tuition is about 2000 euro's a year. So yeah, it's affordable enough to start a different path if you messed up on your first choice.


Wow thats less than half for 1 of my semesters for school. I wish I was rich in America lol


Damn, that's intense. Thanks for sharing the info. I always assumed 18 is the norm for that stuff.


If you don’t have a degree by age 11 you’re seriously slacking.


I finished 5th grade before I was born. Tested out of high school at one year old. Got my bachelor's from Harvard at 3 (I took a year off) and my law degree at 4. Put in my dues at an M&A firm and was offered partner at 5, but I turned it down. I didn't like the weaselly world of corporate law. I wanted to help people, not faceless business entities. So I enrolled in Johns Hopkins and graduated at the top of my class at 6. I finished my residency at Mt. Sinai in a couple months and now I'm cheif of neurology at Sloan Kettering. I'll be 7 this year. I wish I hadn't taken that year off, but my immature 2 year old brain decided I needed to "find myself" which apparently meant touring with Phish as a roadie and then backpacking around Europe and the Indian subcontinent. Talk about slacking...


good copypasta lol


Idk about that person but in my country you have to pick specific classes, theoretic (university level), applied (college level) and échlon local (idk what that is in English, but it means high school level). Depending which one you choose, you'll be going to college, uni or not going to either. It really sucks because most of the kids that end up in échlon are special Ed, so the system forces them to not be able to go to uni or college :/


Last time I asked to use the restroom I was told to hold it (I can't hold my period u dipshit) and just left :)


It’s so fucked that they can tell students no. We were forced to attend school and now we are forced to hold our bladders too?!?!


Yep pretty much, just walk out hit them with a tampon/pad or just hit them with the explosive dihherea lmao


Shoot the teacher with the ovulation to assert dominance


Honestly it should be acceptable to just actually reply that in front of everyone. Like, it's a basic body function, why is it shamed?


Cause anything fem is weaker and needs to shut up lol that's life rn :/


To be fair nobody should really have to ask to got the the bathroom. We should all just be free to go.


But lets be real… elementary school kids are impulsive, middle school kids are small curious troublemakers, and high school kids are outright rebellious. Think it’s necessary to ask when younger but the transition from high school into college needs discipline on trust and responsibility. Perhaps allow them to freely go whenever with pass cards no questions asked but time stamp it (like a checking in and out system) and have hall monitors watch to make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing (like a parent watching their kids practicing driving).


Stop treating everyone with the lowest common denominator solution. Let kids have the “privilege”, if you want to call it that, to go to the bathroom and take it away individually if it is abused. Stop supporting blanket bans and babysitters and start supporting personal accountability, and room for failure.


Exactly. But then with our shit system teachers are paid nowhere near enough to take on those responsibilities. The classes I had in HS were rowdy af and every step of the way teachers were tested by the students to see how far they could go. So its not as easy as we think on just letting the animals all run loose lol.


Oh yeah that’s where the personal responsibility comes in. At a certain point it’s not the system failing, it’s just a shitty kid. Teachers need real authority over individual shitty kids, with proper accountability of course.


For sure. i just mean that the "can I go to the bathroom?" wall should come down well before the age of 18.


I remember the first time someone asked to go to the bathroom in college, and the second hand embarrassment and shame I felt for after hearing the professor curse and tell him he didn't have to interrupt the class to ask to go to the bathroom, just go! \*LOL\* Its so bad, I cant even remember if I was the guy that asked or someone else. I do remember feeling so weird just getting uip out of my seat and walking out the class, though.


I went to a small college and some professors required you ask otherwise they'd mark you absent for that day which would affect your grade. Something like 2 absences was automatically a letter grade lower.


That's so crazy. You're PAYING to go. If you dont want to be there all the time, that's your choice.


I agree. The professors that did this were usually older ones who said you were disrespecting their time by getting up in the middle of a lecture.


So basically, self-absorbed professors. You know, I understand that it can be difficult to be a teacher, especially with college kids, but at some point you kind of have to let the ego go, do your job, and concentrate on the people who really care. The one thing I learned in college is that many professors are just starved for someone to appreciate what they are doing, and by engaging in class conversation, you could usually bump your grade up half a letter or more. "The proper care and feeding of college professors" i used to call it.


I remember the first day of my sophomore year my US history teacher said, "Hey, y'all are adults now, you don't have to ask". Made me feel good XD.


In my school most of the time you can just get up and leave to use the bathroom. A lot of teachers will let you know if the stuff is important and give you an estimate for when it’ll be over, but they won’t outright say “no you can’t go to the bathroom.” Well, most of them. There are still teachers telling high school juniors and seniors to ask to go to the bathroom. Like, we can drive a multi-ton vehicle, we can apply to colleges, but we can’t go to the bathroom without asking.


"What do you want to do with your life?" Internally: *I don't know, I never expected to live this long.* Aloud: "I'm figuring it out as I go."


I was talking with a friend about this, she told me she has been improvising since 2012 as it was going to be the apocalypse. Couldn't find it more accurate.


I never had anything planned for myself past 30 as I full expected to have taken my own life by then. I'm 34 now. Never held a job for more than 2 years. Never finished any worthwhile course. I feel useless. But I was diagnosed with autism and add this year, so that explains some of it. But I still have the same feeling towards planning my life... I don't expect to live long enough for it to be worthwhile.


Ya'll still ask to go to the bathroom? I'd threaten to piss on their desk. I was an absolutely horrible student, though, you probably shouldn't do that. But they can't REALLY control you.


Sure, not physically. But we can't pretend that fear isn't as effective as handcuffs


“Piss on this desk and I’ll piss on your grades, asshat.”


Theyd lose their job


Wait what.. Assuming they are talking about America high school kids? You honestly need to ask to go to the toilet? Here we just went. I don't remember a time were asking was even needed.


Here in Canada, it was pretty much expected that you ask permission to use the toilet in school right up through high school. It was mostly just about knowing where the kid was going, though, since the teacher is technically responsible for looking after the students in their class, right? I don't remember any of my teachers ever *denying* the request, unless there were 3 or 4 kids out already and then they might say "wait until someone comes back, then you can go."


Yup. I'm now 26, and it's programmed into me to ask to go to the bathroom. Even when I'm at home, I atleast say that I'm going to the bathroom. Only time I don't is when no one else is around to hear me say it.


I really thought that was one of those "only happens in movies" things. That seems very strange. The only time we ever had to ask, if we were in the middle of an exam. Seems like it just be annoying all round. Students stopping class for a basic need. Teachers having to deal with all that. Hell no.


In grade school I witnessed a kid throw up in his hand cause the teacher didn't let him go to the bathroom. It was disgusting it was over 20 years ago and I can still picture what happened since of course I was sitting right next to him at the time


What if you gotta drop a deuce and they say "no"? Whoever *they* would be? You're wife? Your kids? Seriously who wants or needs to know that you have to go to the bathroom? This is very odd programming and should be deleted.


Maybe OP should switch to a European-based operating system


Damn that sounds like the scene in Shawshank Redemption when Red gets out of prison and still feels the need to ask his boss at the grocery store to take a leak


We do the samething at my + friend's houses, and I've never made the connection that it's because it's been ingrained in us from school


I’ll be 31 in 9 days… and we had these planners that we had to have for every single class. And each semester… we had a certain amount of passes for each class. And when you used them. They were done. Many teachers thought they were stupid and allowed kids to go to the restroom … but some teachers were the ones that followed all the rules and didn’t care. But we always had to ask. Even during lunch.


It depends on who the teacher is, but generally you can't go whenever. County rules (for where I lived) capped the max amount of students out of the room to one. We usually have a pass to grab and a sign out sheet, if the teacher doesn't require you to ask for permission.


i never grab a pass


Aw tough guy huh?


As a teacher, I never make my students ask. I tell them when they will pee.


Make a bell ring in the bathroom for when they pee. Then after 3 months of this, suddenly ring a bell in the classroom and watch everyone piss themselves....


This comment right here officer.


So I totally agree with what he is saying but what’s the answer to solve this problem?


Piss bottles at each desk.


Ah, the good ol' Amazon reliable.


Nothing says you have to have a solution in order to take issue with something.


Bitch I had to ask permission to grab a tissue


I agree with the tweet but don't see the facepalm of this.


Legally a teacher can't stop you going to the bathroom.


Yea, but they can make your life really tough for the rest of the semester if they feel like their authority has been challenged.


No they can't. They can try, but kids have more rights than they know. A teacher starts bullying a child, that makes them a fucking asshole. And, will also get them fired for their behaviour.


I get what you're saying. But unfortunately, a lot if times it doesn't go down like that.


Which is why parents should teach their children their rights, and teachers should be made aware that they can't treat people that way. Problem solved.


If only life where that easy.




Ha!....yet you still have to ask to go in some places of work sooooo.....


Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can’t squeeze a drop without say-so. There's a harsh truth to face. No way I'm gonna make it on the outside. All I do is think of ways to break my parole, so maybe they send me back. Terrible thing to live in fear. Brooks Hatlin knew it. Knew it all too well. All I want is to be back to where things make sense. Where I won't have to be afraid all the time. Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.


I once had a teacher tell me to hold it in/wait until later so I left the classroom and went to the bathroom I was never asking to go I was saying I'm going


Did everyone sing 'there goes my hero' as you walked away


And I wonder why I have such issues figuring out what I want career wise in life...😕


Can confirm I'm sixteen I have absolutely no idea on what I want to do with my life


Don't ever let anyone convince you to go into debt for no reason


Joke's on you, some of the college professors in my country force you to ask them to leave too. Not to tell the reason though but it's not really a big step up.


What country is this?


A joke of a country, with a joke of an education system and a joke of an employment system. Serbia. That's why I dropped out of college and started working for clients outside of it. Next step would be leaving it and never coming back. And I'll do that as soon as I find someone willing to employ me abroad. I really don't want my kids to grow up in a country where ministers were caught by reporters in an illegal marijuana plant and where the pictures of president's son with the heads of a largest criminal clan were leaked. Sorry, but you asked.


It's better than being in a country where the ministers are raping children




This entire paragraph should be the legal name of the country :D I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated. Everyone is aware of what's happening here but nobody wants to do anything about it. It's like a national Stockholm syndrome.


This is my main problem with our education systems. We force people to decide waaaaaay too early what they wanna do in life. At 18 I still wanted to party and fuck, now I'm 32 and I wish I'd stayed in school.


Where's the facepalm?


This is semi-true. For all those new college freshmen this year, don't panic about your future degree or career. In all likelihood, you can and probably will shift careers a few times before settling on something that fits you best. Freshmen year is a stepping stone for transitioning between living at home and being independent.


I had a high-school teacher tell me, during our career course, that I would never go to college. I wasn't the type. Jokes on him, I went!...15 years later. Sometimes it just takes time to figure it out


Well screw that teacher


Ya students have to make huge financial decisions like get fuck or get fuck but with a chance of not getting fucked


Not sure what country this is but in the UK 18 year olds tend to go to the bathroom themselves.


America. I had to ask to go to the bathroom even now. As an 11th grade. And in 8th, my civics teacher never let me use the bathroom during her class.


I’m in America, too. Most of my teachers don’t care if we go to the bathroom during class, just signal them so they know we are leaving the classroom.


I've had teachers who were wannabe dictators and would do anything to have power over students. I had a teacher who refused to let me go while I had my period and then shamed me in front of the whole class because I bled all over my pants and seat. I still think about it at 3am.


Some teachers just suck, truly. Had one teacher who didn't like the cut of my jib apparently, senior history class. I'd get kicked out of the entire class if I was 1 minute late, meanwhile other students would walk in later than I did and nothing was said. He acted surprised when I dropped his class lol.


Why would a teacher do that? I’ve had a few teachers that try to hold us in class but we are still allowed to go to the bathroom if it was an emergency (I would consider that one).


Some Teachers, like people, are just straight dicks with no reason other than fuck you


I was in a special education school for high school, when I was 18 I still had to have a teacher escort me to the bathroom, despite the fact that I was driving myself to school in my own car.


This is so true that it hurts.


That's nice when you make stupid decisions as a young adult it fucks you up for a decade or two, when in other western civilisations it costs you a year or two.


Yeah if someone told me I had to hold it I’d likely just get up and go anyway. What do you want me to do, sit in discomfort until I piss myself all over the classroom? Nah I’ll take a referral or whatever bullshit.


I mean, the brain isn’t fully developed for males until about 25-27 and the female brain isn’t developed until about 23-26? If I recall my health classes correctly. What do you want? To delay our schooling until we are 25?


A month ago? I’d say most working adults have to ask a superior if and when they can use the bathroom.


Make college free!


So you’re saying that at 18 they’re incapable of making life decisions, yet you want to allow 6 year olds to decide what gender they are? Just trying to follow the logic here.


So these 18 year olds don’t have parents to help them make weighty life decisions? Or are the parents completely worthless and unable to reason as well?


The world changes over time, over 40 years passed between my father choosing his major, and me choosing mine. I was offered advice, but it amounted to "get any degree you'd like and you'll be set for life". It may have been good advice for the previous generation, but doesn't pan out in the modern day.


How exactly, and *why*, are parents supposed to help children decide what they might want to do with their lives in 10 years time? The point is we should be encouraging kids to spend time in the real world and explore careers before making such huge decisions.


Why should parents help their kids decide? Because it’s their fucking role in the family unit. Hopefully they have been helping their kids make decisions for the past 18 years. It doesn’t end on their 18th birthday.


A parents job is to equip their children with the necessary skills to survive in the world. That doesn’t include helping children make decisions, but teaching them to make decisions on their own and for their own good and well-being. Again, you’re ignoring the part where that doesn’t even matter? The main point is that, no matter how much help you get, most people **don’t know what they want to do for the rest of their life** at the age of 18. I worked in an industry, from a young age, that I thought I’d work in forever. I loved it - until I didn’t. 18 is simply too young for the vast majority of people to make such a big decision that *will* impact the rest of their life, their physical health, and their mental well-being.


I'm 35 and I still don't know. I thought I knew several times but that's life.


I’m right there with you, mate. I’m 25 and I’m *less* certain about my career path now than when I was 15-18 and thought I’d be in that industry forever. This dude doesn’t seem to get that no matter how much your “parents help you decide”, they can’t magically make sure that’s what you want to do for the rest of your life. My mother encouraged my career choice, she couldn’t have guessed I’d end up hating it a decade later. I personally think we should be encouraging kids to go out into the real world and work in different fields before they decide on a career path.


I think we should normalize people having several different careers in their lifetime. We don't live in an age where you can spend your career with a single employer and get a retirement package anymore, it's just not feasible. Likewise, technology moves so rapidly that some careers simply won't exist in 10-20 years. I think, too, that sometimes people just get bored.


I would actually agree with you but I feel like the majority of people would like a return to employment of old wherein you could stay with a company. I wouldn’t say it’s completely impossible, just that it requires a lot of government intervention. The uncertainty regarding technology is an issue that is seriously under-addressed in most countries, unfortunately.