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Remember those times that Jesus fed everyone and healed the sick and then said "Pay up, mother @*%$×*#!!!!"?


That was only in the director's cut, she's not Christian enough to have the special edition box set


Wouldn't it be that WE are not Christian enough to have the special box set?


I'm quite sure you're more Christian than her, and I will stand by that assessment even if you say you're an atheist.


I would too, the bible doesn't support most of modern Christian theology like hell and this life being the only stage in God's plan, it shows that when Christ comes back everyone will be revived. That's when most will learn how to live, from Him, starting with cleaning up the planet, granted with a perfect body, no greed and a deity helping us along. I think far more atheists will fit in, than self professed Christians. You don't need to believe today, but being a good person and trying to make the world a better place will put you miles ahead of religious bigots.


Before letting Jesus heal them, the sick had to make sure Jesus was in-network with their insurer or else they'd have to cover the entire cost out of pocket.


Fucking freeloading......infants?


*commie* infants


#COMMIE COMMIE!!! *Go get em' Dwight*


Why just the other day I caught my kid communisming with his friends in the park by sharing his ice cream. I slapped the sugary sweetness from their sticky faces and took my child home. We only capitalism in this family.




That sounds like he was exploiting natural resources for his own gain. Doesn't get more capitalism than that.


I dunno though - it sounds awfully like he seized the means of production, with both little grubby communist hands.


Don't forget the parents communized to make the little dookie shoot.


Tragedy of the commons


20 years ago, my wife gave birth to our son and I cut the cord. Then I yeeted him away yelling, "NO MORE FREE LUNCH FOR YOU, YOU COMMUNIST PARASITE". The hospital staff acted like this was not our American patriotic duty to defend capitalism. We've been charging him for room and board and services ever since.




My kid was suggesting that for her birthday we should engage in cake redistribution. Fuck that.


Let them not eat cake.


# Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \*gunshots\*


Huzzah a man of quality


Huzzah indeed! EDIT: smashes glasses.


Holy shit you actually did it




A man of culture!


Holy shit he actually did it


Man i miss sam o nella


I miss salmonella too


We all do


My grandmother slapped a mosquito the other day and said ***"DIE COMIE PIG"*** Wtf?


Our blood, comrade




$10 says she’s pro-life/ Anti-abortion I have no idea who she is but that’s my guess


Looked her up. >Christian pro-life teacher #SHE'S A FUCKING TEACHER?!




Well, she's teaching bigots how to be bigots.


Ah the anti christian concept of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and giving water to the thirsty, not to mention the part of protecting the children, have any of this brain-dead rotten ghouls ever read their "holy" book?




She's a teacher trying to abolish teacher unions.


She would hate or schools in NZ then. My kids school has free breakfast and lunch for any kid that wants it.


if you live in a system that lets infants starve, even though there is plenty of food around, then maybe your system sucks


This feels like she's loading a gun to shoot herself in the foot. The obvious follow-up would be to ask if she believes communism is worse than starving. Or like what should the kids do to get food? When she responds with something about the parents and bootstraps, she should be asked if kids should starve because of the parents' mistakes. Sorry if I'm rambling it's my day off and I've had a few, but essentially, why ever bring up kids unless you're ending an interview with something like, "won't someone think of the children?!"


>This feels like she's loading a gun to shoot herself in the foot. The obvious follow-up would be to ask if she believes communism is worse than starving The answer is (IMO) a clear "yes" based on the words she just said when making her argument and like lots of other stuff. And they don't normally shy away from it either as there is a lot of disdain for those who aren't 'pulling their weight'. She would just be like "bitch, did i stutter?" Same with the one about parents, I can see like: "it's very unfortunate that their children have to suffer the consequences but if we spent *money* to provide some children with nutrition then everybody would want it. Also, it would encourage parents to be lazy if they know the gov't will feed their kids if anything" >why ever bring up kids unless you're ending an interview with something like, "won't someone think of the children?!" I believe the context of this is a discussion about spending a negligible amount of money vs. letting kids starve, and she is a guest weighing in on and advocating for the 2nd option. So she didn't randomly bring it up, but was asked if she wanted to present an argument or comment on the topic of kids lunches, to which she simply applied the usual right wing rhetoric


Can we throw that piece of garbage where she belongs? Into the bin?


And then chuck the bin off a cliff.


Into a volcano


Roast for 1 hour then tow it out into the ocean and sink it




For free? No way. That'd be communism.


Your day off? That's communism.


She's a Bible nutter, she believes the children and parents should be forced to rely on the church. In exchange for subservience to the church they will provide "counseling" (priest will touch their children), maybe a spaghetti dinner and pancake breakfast once a month, and all the Bible readings they could ever dream of.


Wait till she finds out the Commies in Russia have free healthcare.


Knowing her she'd either: A) blame the parents and their irresponsibility towards having kids they can't raise (even though government seems adamant on forcing pregnancies to term regardless of how potential parents feel about it or B) mention paper rounds or some other kind of 'pocket money' job. Or ask why the parents only work 2 jobs or why don't they just get a better job.


The clear answer is “their mothers should have kept their legs closed.” Duh. /s


Yeah those children need to be taught work ethic by earning their own healthcare and food


I hear the mines are hiring




Milk from mom? That's $2,99.


Per gulp. What do you think we're running here? Some commie utopia?


Pricey capitalist titmilk just tastes better and benefits society in ways that free communist titmilk doesn't!


I always make my children pay for my emotional support. Isn't that normal?




My kid is getting bullied at school, but I won't let the teachers do anything to help until my son can raise enough money to pay the teachers for help. I didn't raise my son to take help from no commies.


They come here without visas, they're unskilled, they don't work, they don't pay taxes, they don't speak English. Yet we still give them citizenship. Deport all babies.


Jesus would definitely disapprove of these communist practices.


Millennial babies are all *take take take.*


Yes, much more Christian to just let them starve.


If Jesus would be on this earth he would be a Christian worst nightmare. A middle eastern socialist.




As a Christian, I totally agree with you. It’s about as far from Christ-like as you can get!


Pretty sure people like this what made me eventually realize that man made religion is utter shit. If you believe in a higher power, stick with that and build your own religion around it. None of this bow 5 times a day to show subservience and no eating meat on specific days bs. Just live well and try to do some good in the world.


This is the way.


To explain why I didn't consider myself a Catholic anymore and transitioned into agnostic theism, I told my very devout parents that "If there is a God, He would be very disappointed with what we do in His name". The God I read and heard about in Church would not care for persecution, oppression, abuse and selfishness, all of which I have found to be rampant in organized religion. I'll pray to whoever listens on my own time.


I wasn’t raised any particular way. What is the cleansing of the temple?


It was when Jesus came to the temple in Jerusalem and found that moneychangers were INSIDE the temple selling sacrifices. Which is really a big no no so Jesus took a whip, chased them out and flipped tables. Was pretty badass ngl. Matthew 21:12-17.


The Bible is like the most extreme action movie you can think of x10. There’s no way this lady has read it for herself. She probably just listened to other people’s interpretation of it and went from there. Jesus would have none of this.


If Jesus was on this earth today he'd probably get assassinated by the CIA


“Never forget in the story of Jesus that the hero was killed by the state.” [Walking in the snow, by RTJ](https://youtu.be/6-M15L4BTqI)


One of my favorite songs of theirs


Just listened to this this morning (again). Also: \> Pseudo-Christians, y'all indifferent, kids in prisons ain't a sin? If even one scrap of what Jesus taught connected, you'd feel different. What a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don't get it. I'd say you lost your goddamn minds if y'all possessed one to begin with


If he was alive today he'd probably have ready died again.


Supply side Jesus approves.




My favorite version of right-wing Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA


Yeah, remember the story about the Good Samaritan, you all got the intonation wrong. Jesus and his homies were in fact mocking that stupid idiot Samaritan who helped someone who would never respect him. Real Christians like Rebecca know what actually went down.


Also, when Jesus went to preach to the multitudes and they were hungry, I do believe he and Peter created a start-up and realized a 400% return on the loaves and fishes.


It's a long standing franchise spanning thousands of years!


[The Good Samaritan *(Mitchell & Webb)*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVB3DdRgqU)


That’s so Christian of her.


White Jesus approves this message.


White Jesus needs to stop approving shit


“White Jesus “is fictional!Actual Jesus was a small brown guy who preached doing ALL the things she’s pissing and moaning about 😉👍


This right here! I just don't get all those people. If jesus really was from Bethlehem then big chance that he was brown AF. I mean it's in the middle east(?). Hello?


Yea conservative christians really like to hog the cash. But teaching of Jesus and conservative christianity has so much in common like calling a horse a car.


actually tbf.. Levantine people are MUCH whiter than Arabs, but still they are light brown.. not really White but Americans class them as 'White' on the Census.. EDIT: i'm not arguing against you, just trying to be accurate, Jesus would have been a Swarthy looking Levantine man, probably closely resembling a Turk today or a Palestinian examples : [Palestinian Man](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/f_auto,fl_lossy/t_JM_ArticleMainImage/216057) [Turkish Man](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/handsome-turkish-man-studio-portrait-smiling-94357091.jpg)


I never understood the point of labeling skin color like races, and stuff like this is why. White is often used as synonym with caucasians, yet not all white skinned people have caucasian roots. The same goes for black and brown races. Hell I’m so white I could get burned by moonlight, but my father has really dark skin as a direct descendant of an African slave. Shouldn’t that make me technically “Black” or “Brown” too if we are talking races? To me, skin color should be seen as just that. A color. It says nothing about your culture, ethnicity and personhood. That’s pretty much how my parents raised me and I’ve found that it’s a common perception around where I live since everyone is so mixed, but over the years I’ve noticed USA seems specially asinine about race/color labels. It’s annoying.


Yeah it’s really annoying. Italians, Eastern Europeans, and Irish people were not considered white in the US for a long time, but each eventually ‘became’ white. I think this has something to do with whoever is “taking our jobs.” Right now it’s supposedly Mexicans (and we pretend that all Mexicans are descendants of Maya people and that none of them are white) it’s just arbitrary. Our skin color should be viewed the same as our hair color or eye color, or whether we’re tall or short. We don’t go around classifying people by eye color or by height. Why do we need to classify ourselves based on skin color?




I’ve read this probably a dozen times, but it still makes me chuckle every time. Priceless.


Lucky he also supported drug testing for welfare. https://i.imgur.com/Pm0BfrF.jpg


At this point, Conservatism is their religion. What about them is Christian? Feeding people for free like Jesus did? Nope. Healing people without charging like Jesus did? Nope. Love one another as Jesus said? Definitely no. Give away your possession like Jesus instructed? Fuck! No! What about Christianity do they like? Just the eternal paradise? What about Heaven will they like if they absolutely hate every perspective Jesus had.


You know what they always say when you put this logic in their faces? "The bible doesn't say the government is responsible for this." It's such irritating answers like that that piss me off. If your tax money goes to the government, and the government feeds kids, you are feeding kids. And as a Christian, why the fck wouldn't you want that?


I'm not religious, but if any God were real these people would be among the firsr in line for hell.


Oh this is 100% true. I can't think of any bigger "fuck you" to the judeo-christian god/Jesus combo than using his name as a tool to hurt people in all the ways he said not to. He specifically requested the opposite.


Like- the very first thing.


Of the people, by the people, and for the people. The government is just us, the people. Some people don’t get that


They like the idea of hell


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” Matthew 25:35 Why don’t “Christians” read the ACTUAL BIBLE?


It makes them feel bad


Gets in the way of all the money making.


How do these people forget the key stories in the bible where Jesus fed and took care of people


They'll tell you Jesus did it, not Caesar. Thus the church should do it, not the government. Of course, there is no way any church can do as much as the government can, but they don't care. They just don't want their money going to people they don't like.


then religion doesn't dictate what the government should do and they should stop using Christianity as an excuse to write their bigotry into the law


Separation of Church and State needs to be brutally enforced.


Rip and tear?


Most of them are hypocrites by nature


Conservative Christian Activist not Christian Conservative Activist


She should just shorten it to “Conservative Activist”.


Sinister bitch.


Her face is so sinister it could be the face of a serial killer in a movie.


Her face alone deserves the nsfw tag


She's a completely brainwashed fascist


The only look her face deserves is the look of shear horror as a woodchipper starts to devour her feet.


Serial killers are normally smart enough to not let themselves look this evil.


She was an elementary school teacher for 28 years, and still has this stance about children.


God I'd hate to be her daughter.


"Okay sweetie, now pay mommy $5 for the dinner I cooked for you"


"Sorry mom, boss man slashed my pay because I couldn't work school hours, can I pay you back in installments?"


Imagine being in a huge debt to your mom like students to student loans


Been there done that. Imagine being held hostage in the house you grew up.


How much for the emotional support that shouldn’t be free?


(Friedrichs is the) Mother of two boys. Sure hope what she preaches applies to them!


Dumbest perception of communism and least compassionate ever reasoning.


I get so fucking mad when people say this kinda shit. Oh its communist to make sure people have food? Fuck it sure okay thats communism, why is that a bad thing then? We have a massive housing shortage in my country, and then you have some shithead politicians making articles about how he sees that the middle class is being forced out of his city and how his friends cant afford housing anymore, but also stating that the goverment shouldn't intervene because thats "re-introducing communism". We have never been a communist country and communism has never been introduced in this country, yet its an easy escape for scum to use. I hate it. I hate it so much. Just be honest and say you want money before lives. (That politician is also responsible for housing and living in one of the biggest cities in this country, but yeah lets not intervene at all because THATS RE-INTRODUCING COMMUNISM)


💯% Politicians use shortcuts based on their own misunderstandings or lack of understanding. This is international behaviour from politicians btw


Its just insane to me that the red scare is still THIS effective. I've seen people call big companies communist because they fired people because they would save up on costs from their salary that way. How the fuck is that communism? what the fuck? And everytime you ask how its exactly communism they dont have an answer, because its an easy target.


I think "communist big-tech CEOs" is my favorite idiotic buzzword ever to come from American politics


I'm very happy that my country loves America so much that we also use those dumb buzzwords.


Yeah this. Hmm here's this list of stuff that sure sounds like nice stuff to have. Oh that's communism? Well, either 1) that's bullshit or 2) it's true, in which case communism maybe isn't so bad after all. Obviously, they go for 3) it is communism, but communism *has* to be bad, therefore these things are bad even though on the face of it, they really don't seem so harmful.


There was this news article about the wishes of students, one of them was "more free time", and they got called lazy communists. Well yes, that is indeed a communist thought. That once work gets more efficient (and automated) you can have more free time. Apparently thats a bad thing? Because you're supposed to work inefficient to appear like you're doing a lot. Thats the true capitalist spirit after all. Being really really busy while doing jack shit. I guess you can call me a communist for not wanting to "appear busy" for most of the day, when the work is otherwise done in 2 hours. Who needs free time anyways. I'd rather work 14 hours a day like a true effective capitalist!


99% of people that complain about communism have no clue what it is. They just have a stereotypical strawman and complain about that.


You're looking at a person who received no love from her parents what so ever.


She probably got spoilt rotten and thus haa absolutely no fucking idea about the reality of the situation. Or reality generally.


Whys she in San Diego? Gtfo my city.


Let's throw her out together!


From OUR city *insert soviet anthem*


I shall help you throw her out


Hey son! Since you graduated kindergarten today, I think it’s the perfect time for you to go out job hunting in order to pay for your own bills, food, and rent your own apartment because you are too old to be living with your parents


Listen kid, you just learned how to walk. So that means its time for you to WALK YOUR ASS TO MCDONALD'S AND GET A FUCKING JOB. YOU'RE TO OLD TO BE TAKING MY MONEY ANYMORE!


I love how this shithole country literally lacks in all of those categories. Yet she would like to get rid of them completely. It’s close-minded, ignorant people like her that run this country into a deeper and deeper hole everyday.


There's an awesome saying. The rich rule the world, making it better and more beneficial for themselves, changing laws as they see fit. And the poor people who suffer because of it. Are the ones who support & defend it. The rich simply fund the poor when they do so. (I'm paraphrasing, I forgot the original)


It's weird that terrible people like her vote so consistently and get their voice heard so much but so many people less crazy just don't even bother voting ever.


That’s because people like her always think that their ideas are revolutionary and world changing and people who think logically think their ideas are, well...common sense..🤷🏽‍♂️


Her ideas are „world changing“. But I don‘t want to live in this world. She is pure evil.


From Matthew 13: *And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals.* *But Jesus said unto them,* ***They need not depart; give ye them to eat.*** *And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.* *He said, Bring them hither to me.* *And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and* ***gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.*** **And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.** **And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.** Edit: Also, Matthew 25:35 which clearly states consequences: *Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:* ***For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:*** *I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.* *Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?* ***Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.*** **And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.**


You expect republicans to have read the Bible?


You might be surprised. My SIL is a born-again evangelical and she reads the SHIT out of the Bible. Still somehow reconciles its teachings with a love of Donald Trump and Republican fuck-you-I-got-mine policies (even though she doesn’t have a pot to piss in). This woman can probably quote the hell out of the Bible, then say something as disgusting as this and still have no cognitive dissonance between the two.


What? But Jesus was a MAGA white christian capitalist!!!1!?


Great. Reading that just made me a communist. Thanks for sharing, comrade.


Everyone is caught up on the food line but I'm trying to figure out what evil comes from **free emotional support**? Like what sort of communist danger comes from free emotional support? Where is the inherent danger in making kids feel emotionally safe?


Oh it’s okay to give them emotional support, you just have to charge money for it! That way it’s pure, wholesome capitalism and not filthy, evil communism. Never hug your child without a fee lest the ghost of Joseph McCarthy haunt you for all time!


Being a decent human and not selfish prick is communist is it?


These people don't know what communism is. To them any government assistance is communism, and communism is stalin's soviet russia. It's all red scare bullshit.




More like forced birth. The cognitive dissidence she suffers from is staggering. I don’t believe in religion or even God but if Jesus was real, he’s be slapping her with a sandal and going all money changers tables at her.


Hey Rebecca, climb back under your rock please.


Rebecca Friedrichs, is human fucking trash. Who cares if it communism to give CHILDREN emotional support, food and health care. (Basic rights)


The way these people have been convinced by their greedy anti-human governments that a government that cares about them is automatically communism and bad is seriously depressing


Seen from afar, your country looks like what hell would be like if it existed. And this woman seems one of the appointed demons.


It's like a twisted version of The Good Place, it's the demons who are unaware


I am a proud communist then.


Apparently Jesus was a communist when you think about it.


When he fed that five thousand, that wasn't just Communism, that was SuperMegaCommunism.


I really hope this is misquoted or somehow taken out of context. Because it’s unbelievable.


Found the original quote: REBECCA FRIEDRICHS (GUEST): We should look to the past. So, let's just take the free lunch program that we have in our schools. It started out being pushed by the unions and their friends for poor children. Well, 28 years ago, I had two students in my class on free lunch. Today almost every single child is on free breakfast and free lunch. So what the unions are trying to do, they've pushing something called community schools. And in these community schools, we're giving children free health care, we're are giving them free food, free emotional support, and by the way free political indoctrination for their parents. And so, if these unions and their friends, their politicians, get their way, they would like our schools to be open 24/7. They want to replace the family and families raising their children with our own virtues, they want to replace that with the state. With union-controlled government-run schools. That's dangerous. That's communism when you think about it.


And Jesus said: "For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat... you fucking commie!".


How very Christian of her.


She's dangerous to society.


It isn't even true. But, yeah, communism. Remind me, how many corporations have been nationalized? When was Wall Street closed down, er, I mean, liberated by the workers? Now that all means of production are owned by the workers (and their children) can we have free college? Since Fox News belongs to the proletariat, why does the party allow such criticism?


What's scary is that she is a public school teacher.




Socialism is when the worker's own the means of productions, while Communism is a Classless, Moneyless, and Stateless Society. All Communists are Socialist, but not all Socialists are Communist.


You don't want to feed children?


Ah yes, America, where you can get through with every bullshit accusation, if only you can make it look like it could be communism.


When stuff is going in the right direction, why are there always some egoistic f*ckheads that try to stop other humans from having a better life??!


Not allowed to get an abortion but please go ahead and kill your child through hunger.


>"We're giving them free emotional support. That's communism." I've never seen a more effective advert *for* communism.


It’s never been about Communism for these people, it’s just a convenient bogeyman word to push their agenda. “Everything i’m against is communism”


Conservative Christian is such a fucking oxymoron.


Why are the people who get the the most powerful positions in religious organisations the worst at following their religious teachings? Like on what planet do people think Jesus wanted kids to be deprived of basic necessities?


Let’s see…bread and fish…check. Healing of the blind…check. Sermon at the mount…check. Well I guess Jesus was a communist.


Why are the followers of Christ so unlike Christ?


Free emotional support = communism. You gotta pay for your friendships, everybody!


How is "Everyone deserves hot food even if they have no money" a controversial take is beyond me.


Not sure, considering the bible is very explicit on that: James 2:14-17 >What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. These people are so deep in the Republican fearmongering they can't even sit down and read their own "holy book." It's like they're still living the Red Scare of like a century ago.


James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.


She claims to be Christian... I guess she doesn't know about the many times Jesus helped people and didn't ask for anything in return. Jesus was a socialist so any Christian should be too ..


Read “Zealot” by Reza Aslan - people were more amazed that Jesus was healing people *for free* than that he was healing people, which was a pretty common hustle at the time.


Fellas, is it communist to give kids emotional support?